Hua Chenyu’s Chengdu concert is coming, and it has been hot for three days to occupy the May 1st gear

In the midst of the May Day holiday, the Mars team gathered in Chengdu as scheduled, and the grand and gorgeous light of Mars shone on one side, opening another journey of the ten-year homecoming pact! On April 30, the premiere of the 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert in Chengdu ended successfully. The three-day long standby carnival of the Mars family was unlocked for only one day, which has aroused countless topics and heat. Whether you once belonged to Mars or not, it is difficult not to be infected by this music kingdom full of romance and joy. A total area of 592 acres, 370,000 square meters of Chengdu open-air music park is full of "Mars red", smiling Martians occupy 55 standard football fields, equivalent to the total area of 3 small eggs, many fans shouted: Holiday This does not want to feel everyone, but for Hua Chenyu, I am willing to roll! At the same time, as the first "amusement park" concert in China, everyone also fully enjoyed the high degree of freedom of "Mars Paradise", changing into sunflowers, ghosts, immortals, aliens and other personalized clothing, fancy clocks in huge posters, Mars food trucks, welcome home LOGO, graffiti wall and other scenes, tracking the "happy code" that Huahua buried for them one by one, and feeling the dreamlike Martian heat wave in the pleasant afternoon field of "eating, drinking and playing" and the evening field of "dancing and dancing".

The first day of Mars Utopia arrived in Chengdu, completely igniting the Chengdu open-air music park. Tens of thousands of glow sticks were in unison, like stars converging in the sky to leave a unique symbol belonging to Mars. Some fans who failed to return outside the venue gathered outside the open-air music park to experience the joy of Martians from the air; some funny fans tried to catch a glimpse of Mars through the cracks of the protective net, and were ridiculed for "looking at flowers in the cracks". Fans who entered the city of Mars as they wished covered all ages, with fathers and daughters riding on their shoulders; silver-haired old couples and wives working together to feel the charm of Mars; little boys and old men shooting the same "across the bank" Mars concert pose made netizens play the stick as "Mars old and young love", and successfully came out of the circle! Once again proved that Hua Chenyu fans regardless of age, status, Mars infects everyone equally. This power has also completely awakened everyone’s imagination. 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert · Chengdu Station launched the "Mars Bombing Street Fashion Week" event. The fans’ "fancy robes" have repeatedly subverted everyone’s imagination, and the "outrageous with a hint of reasonable" high freedom atmosphere has also become one of the reasons why people repeatedly fall into Mars. Hua Chenyu still intimately arranges birthday gifts for fans in the afternoon, plays online games, and chats like family to catch up with old times, showcasing the "home temperature" of Mars. He also confessed warmly: The tenth anniversary of my debut is also the tenth anniversary of your debut! In addition, the landing of Chengdu Hua Chenyu also inexplicably with the giant panda came to the wave of dream linkage, Internet celebrity giant panda Huahua and Hua Chenyu collided with fame, guest Zuo Li shouted "Guo Lai" in Chengdu dialect, causing Martians to collectively shout "Guo Lai", really, no "Huahua" can escape "Guo Lai".

Chengdu Station dance beauty modeling romantic pull full Hua Chenyu May Day singing full output surprises continue

The sun is slowly setting, and the premiere of the 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert · Chengdu Station is officially on! Hua Chenyu’s All blue 3D printing shape is matched with the "Tree of God" stage opening, which instantly seals the audience in the dream land of Mars Ideal City. There are also many fans who compare its first set to "melting candles", which fully burn while illuminating more people. The whole evening was intertwined with a variety of emotions such as warm telling, explosive release, tears in the eyes, and reunion after a long absence. Each song implied the exclusive memory of Huahua and Martians: a domineering singing of "Seventh Personality" in a red dress, which pulled many fans back to the night of the king of singers in "Singer Dang’s Year"; "Meeting When Flowers" was full of snow, and staged the ultimate romance in the last "April Day on Earth" in 2023, once again shaking and dreaming for Martian residents; singing an adapted version of "Shanhai" in a real sea of tens of thousands of Martians, the grand dance design was perfectly integrated with the song, and even turned every Martian who went to the scene into a romantic part of the whole performance. At the same time, Huahua’s extremely high music control ability and stable on-site output also added a lot to the whole performance. The fans who came to the scene couldn’t help but shout: It’s not a waste of thousands of miles to go to Mars, and take a trip for the ideal! Every journey of "Huahua Encounter", with the concerted efforts of everyone, blooms the best radiance. This reunion may seem particularly short-lived because of the extreme, but it is only in the moment of collision and blooming, which is enough to make people enjoy it infinitely. I believe that in the next two performances in Chengdu from May 1st to May 2nd, Hua Chenyu can lead everyone to encounter more romance!