Jackie Chan has changed! "British Showdown" surpasses imagination to dominate the National Day file

1905 movie network news Directed by Martin Campbell and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao and Liang Peishi, the international action blockbuster is about to dominate the National Day file on September 30 and will land on the global screen one after another. Whether it is the cast or the behind-the-scenes team, the film has gathered the top figures in the Chinese and Western film industries. In addition, as the only Hollywood action blockbuster in this year’s National Day file, "Britain" has attracted much attention from all walks of life due to its excellent international top film texture. The following is a deep analysis of why "Britain" can arouse expectations from ten aspects.

Jackie Chan returns to Hollywood after seven years, shaking the world again after harvesting the golden statuette

Jackie Chan re-entered Hollywood in 1995 and created a Chinese legend by breaking multiple North American box office records. Over the next two decades, Jackie Chan’s films gradually became a popular global label and influenced filmmakers around the world. Many top international directors have looked to Jackie Chan’s films for inspiration. Many new generation of young actors also regard Jackie Chan as a role model and benchmark. In 2016, Jackie Chan won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement and became the first Chinese to win the award.

However, in 2010 and since then, Jackie Chan has filmed a number of Chinese-language films, but apart from the dubbing series, he has never starred in a real Hollywood international blockbuster. The movie "British Showdown" is Jackie Chan’s first international action masterpiece to return to Hollywood. At the same time, "British Showdown" is also Jackie Chan’s first Hollywood action blockbuster after winning the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Jackie Chan once said in an interview: "It’s not that I want to return to Hollywood now, it’s that Hollywood needs me." The outstanding artistic achievements and extraordinary international influence have made Jackie Chan movies synonymous with the best films in the eyes of global audiences.

2. British ace agent Brosnan joins to recreate the king of kung fu versus the king of agents

In the movie "British Showdown", the opponent of Jackie Chan’s decisive battle must also be able to match him. For this reason, director Martin Campbell chose Pierce Brosnan. The two established a good tacit understanding when they worked together, and have worked on many films since then. This time, the old partner has been restructured again for "British Showdown". For fans around the world, Brosnan’s name can be said to be well-heard. He succeeded Timothy Dutton as the fifth 007. With "Golden Eye", "Tomorrow’s Empire", "Black Sun Crisis" and four works, he has re-created a handsome and charming and masculine 007 image, which is recognized by fans as the most handsome 007 in history.

For most Chinese movie fans, understanding the classic secret agent image of 007 begins with Pierce Brosnan. The duel between Jackie Chan and Brosnan’s two characters in "British Showdown" is also a peak showdown between the "King of Kung Fu" in the East and the "King of Agents" in the West. The collaboration between the two international action stars is bound to collide with a particularly intense spark.

3. Save 007 for the second time and create a classic again, a Hollywood commercial film

Martin Campbell’s name may not be well known to domestic audiences, but his films have been very popular and left a deep imprint on the history of world cinema. In 1995, Martin Campbell collaborated with Pierce Brosnan for the first time. With "007: Golden Eye", it revolutionized the public’s impression of Bond, the king of British agents, creating the most popular 007 film in the history of the 007 series, and when the 007 series was once in the doldrums, it was rejuvenated. It was not until 2006 that Martin Campbell directed "007: Casino Royale", and Daniel Craig took over as the sixth 007, which revived the 007 series.

As the two-time gold medal director who saved the 007 series, Martin Campbell has gradually become widely recognized as "the master of Hollywood commercial films". In addition to the 007 series, he has assembled Anthony Banderas and Anthony Hopkins, two leading actors, to create two works and redefine the classic image of Zorro as a lone hero. Martin Campbell’s directing of "British Showdown" has given the film a stronger guarantee of quality and is bound to make the film called the next Hollywood classic.

4. National Muse Liu Tao made his debut in Hollywood, breaking through the image and pretending to be elderly makeup

"British Showdown" has released the movie promotion song "Ordinary People" sung by Jackie Chan and Liu Tao, which moved thousands of netizens with moving tunes and heartfelt lyrics. At the same time, this promotion song also revealed the tearjerking warmth of Jackie Chan and Liu Tao in "British Showdown". Since his debut, Liu Tao has created many popular roles, and the ever-changing image of Liu Tao has long been recognized by countless audiences. And "British Showdown" is Liu Tao’s first entry into Hollywood, which can be said to be an important step towards a new peak in her career.

In "The Battle of England", Liu Tao changed the image of the former Muse temperament and turned the creation upside down, playing a simple and ordinary middle-aged woman, trying to dress up in old age, looking haggard. Liu Tao once revealed in an interview: "This time the character has a lot of changes in image, from makeup to the overall look, the director dyed a lot of white hair for me, a lot of wrinkles and age spots, and tried to be close to the film character." For Liu Tao, this is a great challenge, and for Chinese audiences who know Liu Tao well, it will be a novel adventure.

5. Jackie Chan’s image deliberately grows old, challenging introverted revenge drama acting to re-create the peak

Jackie Chan has said many times that he hopes to play more of his favorite roles and try to shoot different types of movies, and the change of Jackie Chan in "British Showdown" is surprising. Jackie Chan’s role in "British Showdown" is Guan Yuming, an old man in his seventies. Therefore, in order to be more in line with the character’s setting, the director specially aged Jackie Chan’s appearance, and constantly told Jackie Chan to move as slowly as possible. FilmJackie Chan, whose face was wrinkled and scarred, caused countless audiences to feel distressed and applauded his attitude towards the performance.

In addition, Jackie Chan temporarily gave up his decades-old comic image in film, and instead created a sad character who is taciturn, has a rough life, and takes up arms to avenge his daughter. In his performance, he pays more attention to forbearance and rich layers of inner drama. This kind of Jackie Chan, for every audience, seems strange and full of freshness. Jackie Chan does not want to be bound by a specific style, and his performance in "British Showdown" is the best proof. Now 63 years old, Jackie Chan is still constantly breaking through himself and challenging new roles, so that audiences have to look forward to each of his works.

6. Jackie Chan innovates action dramas to break through impressions, and never forgets his original intention with his life

Jackie Chan made a subversive change in "British Showdown", personally participated in the action design in "British Showdown", establishing a new action style label for Jackie Chan movies. Although the film still retains the elements of action, it is different from the previous dragon-style playful kung fu. "British Showdown" pays more attention to the realism of action scenes, using a lot of hand-to-hand combat to constantly stimulate the audience’s senses.

However, due to Jackie Chan’s long-term filming of highly dangerous action scenes without the use of stuntmen, he was hospitalized for surgery due to severe muscle decay during the filming of the film. But after the doctor told him to stop filming martial arts scenes, Jackie Chan still focused on the filming of the film and continued to perform high-risk human stunts himself. Such a thrilling performance with personal risk continues Jackie Chan’s most admirable film spirit, and it is also Jackie Chan’s never-changing sincerity and hard work.

7. Assemble two classic magic actors to create an epic cast

In addition to Jackie Chan and Brosnan, the two heroes of the East and West, and the strong addition of the national Muse Liu Tao, the audience can also find more familiar faces in the "British Showdown". Liang Peishi made her debut as a Chinese student Zhang Qiu in the film, and then had an affectionate kiss with Harry Potter in the film. Her appearance also attracted more Chinese fans for the "Harry Potter" series. And Michael McElhatton played Luce Bolton in the TV drama. He looks mild-mannered, but he is ruthless and calculating. He killed the "young wolf master" Robb Stark at the red wedding. His powerful acting skills have won the admiration of thousands of audiences.

Liang Peishi and Michael McElhatton, two powerful actors from the two Western magic legends, joined the "British Showdown" to gather top actors from across Asia and Europe to create an epic all-star lineup, which undoubtedly guaranteed the film’s international quality and further upgraded the audience’s expectations for the film.

8. Hollywood’s top production, dedicated to creating the only international giant of the National Day file

In addition to the powerful epic cast of Jackie Chan, Brosnan, Liu Tao, Liang Peishi, etc., the behind-the-scenes team of Hollywood’s top configuration is also a major highlight of the film. There are both Hollywood gold director Martin Campbell and Hollywood photographer David Tattersall. He has shown superb photography standards in many Hollywood classics such as "David Tattersall".

In addition, "British Showdown" also brought together Peter Buchman and David Marconi, two of Hollywood’s top screenwriters, to jointly complete the screenwriting of the film. Peter Buchman served as the screenwriter, which brought this classic series of Hollywood commercial films that are well-known in the world to a perfect conclusion; David Marconi wrote the screenplay starring Will Smith, which earned more than 100 million dollars in global box office, and was also recognized by fans as a masterpiece. The collaboration of the two super writers makes "British Showdown" more guaranteed under the packaging of dazzling Hollywood commercial elements. The deep core of the story is even more guaranteed.

9. The panorama shows the British style, and the real scene blasting is shocked

In terms of filmmaking, "Britain" also shows the quality of top international blockbusters. The film was filmed in many places in London, and at the "Return to Hollywood" conference, it also showed a number of film shooting locations. The director once revealed that in order to truly show the British style, the crew had paid for London residents to temporarily move to hotels, and once again requisitioned civilian housing as a filming location.

For a large number of explosive scenes in the film, the director insisted on using real explosions to achieve the effect of shocking and magnificent scenes. For example, in the film, a double-decker bus suddenly exploded on the Rambeth Bridge next to the British Parliament Building, burning into the skyBlack smoke strewn across the Thames, and the visual effects of the grand scene were awe-inspiring. The crew submitted an application to the relevant authorities in advance to complete the shooting of the live blasting at the landmark London site, and the filming permission was not received until two months later. The director also broke the news: "The staff responsible for pressing the blasting button was on the bus at that time."

10. A perfect reproduction of the best-selling British novel, with a political conspiracy full of suspense

Adapted from the best-selling novel "The Chinaman" by British author Stephen Leather, "The British Showdown" tells the story of Guan Yuming (Jackie Chan, played), a small restaurant owner living in Chinatown, England, who is desperate because his daughter (Liang Peishi, played) is tragically killed in a terrorist attack, and the inaction of the relevant departments makes him even more angry. In order to get justice for his daughter, he refuses Lin Baoyi (Liu Tao, played) to keep him and embarks on a road of revenge against the terrorist organization. At this time, the appearance of the point person Hannes (Pierce Brosnan, played) uncovers a complex conspiracy…

This suspense-filled and gripping story has the support of a wide audience in itself, and it integrates rich elements such as politics, counter-terrorism, action, family love, and revenge. The movie "British Showdown" is also enough to feast the eyes of a wider audience.

It is reported that the film "The British Showdown" was produced by Beijing Yaolai Film and Culture Media Co., Ltd., STX Entertainment Company of the United States, and Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., directed by Martin Campbell, and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao, and Liang Peishi. As the only international action blockbuster during the National Day, on September 30, the movie "The British Showdown" will be fully launched and gradually land on the global screen for a shocking opening, so stay tuned!