The deputy director experiences 12 hours of delivery and earns 41 yuan: This money is too hard to earn

  On April 28, Weibo’s trending topic list "Deputy Director earns 41 yuan for 12 hours of takeaway delivery" attracted the attention of netizens.

  After Wang Lin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, experienced the video of delivering food for 12 hours and only earning 41 yuan, netizens from all over the world went viral: I hope this kind of transposition experience can be a little more!

  Then, why did the deputy director deliver takeout? What was going on? After the transposition experience, what did the deputy director Wang Lin have to experience? Let’s take a look together.

  The deputy director collapsed on the side of the road and sighed, "It’s really not easy"

  Recently, the Beijing Satellite TV documentary series "I do practical work for the masses Bureau Director follow the procedure" broadcast. In the documentary, Wang Lin, deputy director of the labor relations department of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, paid his respects to the delivery brother and experienced the feeling of a day of delivery.

  Before leaving, Wang Lin set a "small goal" of earning 100 yuan that day. After receiving the order, Wang Lin encountered "14 minutes until the delivery time, but the navigation shows that there are still 24 minutes to arrive", and the delivery electric car was caught between the motor vehicles and difficult to move forward. In the end, he only completed 5 food deliveries in 12 hours, earning 41 yuan. One of the orders ran for nearly an hour and was delivered late. According to the rule of deducting 60% for late, he finally earned only 6 yuan 6, which made Wang Lin sad. After experiencing the life of the courier brother, Wang Lin was exhausted and collapsed. He sat on the side of the road and sighed, "It’s really not easy. I feel very aggrieved.

  On the show, Wang Lin sighed: "This money is too hard to earn, it’s really too hard to earn."

  Before participating in the experience, Wang Lin was puzzled: "Why did the platform send so many orders to the courier brother?" After participating in the experience, he understood: "If our (courier) brother wants to earn money, we must grab so many orders."

  Mr. Wang, referring to his 12-hour job where he earns Rmb41, said he was a novice and had been slightly delayed because of filming assignments. "But for a veteran like my master, the income is still good."

  After the broadcast of the program, it caused a lot of heated discussions. Users left messages lamenting: "It’s very sad and true. Only after experiencing it can you know that it is not easy and know how to be wronged." The netizens praised the way cadres go deep into the grassroots to experience life: "From the people, go to the people." "I hope all leaders will go down to the grassroots to experience life and go to the mountains and villages. Now we need such a spirit!"

  Deputy Director’s experience: Policy is not sitting in the office and thinking "Don’t be one size fits all"

  After "Deputy Director earns 41 yuan for 12 hours of takeout delivery" became a hot topic on the Internet, Wang Lin told reporters that he felt that "this should be said to be unexpected and expected."

  "We didn’t expect that netizens would pay so much attention to our specific work, because for us, the activity of’the director of the bureau follows the procedure ‘is a specific practice for the implementation of the municipal party committee’s handling of complaints immediately, and it is also a specific action to do practical things for the people. This is just one of the tasks. I didn’t expect everyone to pay so much attention."

  As expected, the film is indeed touching. Wang Lin said: "Especially in the film, the words of many little buddies and the words of the driver really moved us, such as’pay will be rewarded ‘,’ hard work can get rich ‘and so on. These are all very sincere words, which made me fully feel their fighting spirit in Beijing, and their desire to live a good and happy life is very touching."

  The actual experience of the new industry of takeout and online car-hailing also gave Wang Lin more ideas about his future work. "Through the’follow the procedure ‘experience, we have some specific feelings about the identity of practitioners in these two industries. The main feeling is that we may have some torn problems when formulating policies, such as determining the obligation relationship between them, etc. But through this’follow the procedure’ activity, I feel more like my master said, don’t be one size fits all. We should not sit in the office and daydream about it. We should fully reflect their demands, so that we can do practical things for the masses. So I think when we formulate policies in the next step, we must give them policy space and give them more choices. Use less words like’should ‘and more conditions like’yes’ or selectivity, and then let them choose. "

  Wang Lin believes that some employees in the new business model have labor relations, and some have not established labor relations. For those who have labor relations, they should be regulated in accordance with relevant labor security laws and regulations. Signing contracts, applying for insurance, and guaranteeing wages are still practiced well. For those who have not established labor relations, more consideration is given from the perspective of protecting their basic rights and interests. "I think we should make full use of some of our market-oriented means, such as the supplement of relevant commercial insurance, occupational injury protection, and so on. This is the right of choice I just mentioned. Some people can choose labor relations, and some people can choose not to have labor relations. We should have relevant policies for them to choose."

  Trigger a lot of thinking, do practical things for the masses, say less clichés and empty words, open your legs more, and measure the line with your feet

  After the program was broadcast, the three major central media outlets commented on the matter one after another.

  On the 28th, CCTV released a comment "Only by observing the truth can we tell the truth and do the real thing": A personal experience of the various problems encountered by the delivery staff will definitely bring more thinking and promotion to his work. Management decision-making departments must be problem-oriented, find real problems and solve real problems. This real experience cannot and should never be a reality "show". What specific and innovative measures will be launched after the experience is what the public is most concerned about, and it is also the responsibility of the deputy director. I hope that the leading cadres will take more such actions, say less clichés and empty words, and go to the front line to sweat and go to the difficult industry to strengthen their muscles.

  Xinhua News Agency published a commentary article "Director Wang", after going through the process, you have to be careful, and after delivering takeout, you have to deliver the policy. "The article said that for a long time, the difficulty of policy implementation has always plagued grassroots governance. Some grassroots cadres once complained that" policy makers do not understand policies ", only understand legal principles, do not understand the problem, and the seemingly good policies issued are difficult to solve the problem in the end. To do practical things for the masses, you should take more steps and measure the front line with your feet. Compared with sitting in the office to formulate policies, going to the grassroots with problems, listening to groups such as truck drivers, takeaway brothers, and retired elderly people, and investigating and verifying on the front line, the policies that come out are more down-to-earth.

  Whether such an experience will eventually be reduced to a show depends on whether it can really solve the actual problem. Solving practical problems is like giving birth once, and investigation and research is the previous October pregnancy. Research will inevitably experience "suffering", and come up with solutions to problems to make those suffering worthwhile. After seeing the hard work of "Director Wang", we should pay more attention to what specific measures will be introduced in the future? Which policies will be optimized? Which problems will be solved? I hope that the experience of "following the procedure" will not be wet on the ground, but three feet through the ground. Further research will be carried out to establish a ledger, solve problems, and form a long-term mechanism to do practical things for the masses to the end.

  The People’s Daily commented on the WeChat official account and posted a comment "Earning 41 yuan in 12 hours, why does the director sigh that" money is too hard to earn ", saying that what should be considered is that leading cadres do practical things for the masses, how can they do it well?" It is better to listen than to see, it is better to see than to do! "Leading cadres go out, sink down, and become one with the masses, which is to take the mass line of improving public services and working pragmatically for the people. Do what the people do, eat, live and work with the" people’s master "; be anxious about the people’s needs, and encounter real problems that trouble the people. Only then can they compare their hearts and turn what they have learned from the people into practical policies to help and serve them.

  Comprehensive Beijing Daily client side, People’s Daily Weibo, Xinhua News Agency, etc