World Cup: Samba dance, Brazil defeats the United States 4-0 to advance to the final

  Hua’ao Starry Sky, at 20:00 on September 27, Beijing time, the Women’s World Cup kicked off the second semi-final competition at the Huanglong Sports Center in Hangzhou, with the US team facing Brazil. In the end, Marta scored twice, Christian Anne added the icing on the cake, and the US team Osborne made an own oolong. Brazil broke 4-0 and the US team advanced to the Women’s World Cup final for the first time in history. They will play against the defending champion Germany in the final.

  In the previous World Cup journey, the Brazilian women’s football team has never reached the final. Now, the morale-filled Brazil team also hopes to make history. The United States is an established world powerhouse. It has won the World Cup twice in the past four World Cups, making it the most glorious team in the history of the Women’s World Cup. At the same time, Brazil’s Marta scored five goals and ranked first in the scorer list. Another Brazilian scorer, Christianne, and the American player Warmbach, also scored four goals before. This game is also a direct conversation between goalscorers.

  In less than a minute of the game, the US team Lily took the lead in testing the Brazilian goalkeeper with a long-range shot. In the second minute, the US team’s free kick went into the penalty area and was cleared by the Brazilian team. In the fourth minute, the Brazilian team Cristianne brought the ball all the way into the US team’s penalty area and fell, but the referee did not award the Brazilian team a penalty kick. In the sixth minute, the US team headed the goal from Wambach, which was saved by the Brazilian goalkeeper. In the seventh minute, the Brazilian team Vermega headed the goal in the penalty area, and the US goalkeeper Scurry actually let go during the receiving process! In the 12th minute, the US team issued a free kick, and the Brazilian goalkeeper quickly hit to dissolve the ball. In the 13th minute, the US team Daniella fouled the Brazilian player in midfield and received the first yellow card of the game. The Brazilian team took a free kick and was saved by the US goalkeeper Scurry. In the 13th minute, the Brazilian team Elaine suddenly collapsed on the field while fighting with the American players, which surprised people.

  In the 17th minute, the Brazilian team got another free kick opportunity. The Brazilian team Daniella drove the ball into the penalty area, but the bottom line was destroyed by the American team. The American team took a corner kick, and six Brazilian team members competed for the top in the penalty area, but all missed the ball. In the 20th minute, the Brazilian team took a corner kick, and the American team Osborne made a mistake in defense and even headed the ball into his own door! Brazil took a 1-0 lead. In the 25th minute, the American team Charupni fouled again in defense and received a yellow card. In the 27th minute of the game, Brazil’s Marta dribbled the ball and forced a goal in the middle of the penalty area. The American goalkeeper Scurry made a mistake, causing Brazil to expand the score to 2-0.

  In the 33rd minute, the Brazilian team Estelle missed from a long distance outside the penalty area. In the 34th minute, the American team Charupney hoisted the ball in front of the penalty area, but kicked the ball high. In the 36th minute, the Brazilian team Cristianne hoisted the ball directly to the goal outside the penalty area, but missed again. In the 40th minute, the Brazilian team Cristianne was put down by the American team while passing, and the Brazilian team got a free kick. Marta hoisted the ball into the penalty area and was cleared by the American team. In the 41st minute, Marta passed the ball to Daniella, who hit the goal directly on the arc of the penalty area, and the ball was slightly higher. In the 45th minute, the American team Lily took a free kick, but the American team missed the ball. In stoppage time, the United States received another yellow card, and a total of two yellow cards were sent off, making the American team even worse.

  In the 48th minute, after the Brazilian team Marta passed the ball, it formed a situation of playing more and less, and McCann dribbled the ball into the penalty area and hit the goal wide. In the 50th minute, the Brazilian team McCann passed the ball, and after Daniela dribbled the ball, there was another opportunity to play more and play less, but the opportunity was wasted again. In the 52nd minute, the Brazilian team McCann entered the penalty area after getting the ball again and shot wide. In the 53rd minute, the American team Lloyd suddenly shot from a long distance after getting the ball, but it came out wide again. Then the Brazilian team quickly counterattacked, Marta passed the ball cross, and Christian shot wide after scoring the ball in the middle. In the 55th minute, Brazil’s Marta broke through with the ball, attracting the defense of the US team, and then pushed the ball horizontally to the unguarded Christine Anne. Christine Anne faced the Brazilian goalkeeper and succeeded, expanding the score to 3-0.

  In the 62nd minute, the American team Lili missed the ball unguarded and lost the opportunity to recover the goal. In the 67th minute, Brazil made a forward move, but Marta was a step slower when starting, and the ball was obtained by the Brazilian goalkeeper. In the 68th minute, the American team Lili hit again, but slightly higher. In the 72nd minute, the German team Christianne hit the goal directly after entering the penalty area. In the 74th minute, Lili opened a corner, but the first point was not grabbed, and Osborne missed the goal at the back. In the 77th minute, the Brazilian team Marta passed the ball after consecutive passes in the front court, and Christianne missed the ball. In the 78th minute, after a series of dazzling moves at the front of the US team’s penalty area, Marta dribbled the ball into the penalty area to expand the score to 4-0. In the 82nd minute, Brazil once again brought the ball into the penalty area and was defused by the US goalkeeper. In the 87th minute, Brazil’s Daniella crossed the ball, and Christianne shot the ball in the post during the 1-on-1 with the US goalkeeper.

  Brazil squad: 1 – Andrea; 2 – Eilani, 3 – Irene, 4 – Tanya; 5 – Costa, 7 – Daniella, 9 – McCann, 20 – Estelle; 8 – Fermiga, 10 – Marta 11 – Christiane

  U.S. women’s team lineup: 1-Scurry; 3-Rampen, 4-Whitehill, 14-Lopez (45 ’11-Lloyd), 15-Marc Graf (73′ 2-Dalmy); 7-Box, 12-Osborne, 17-Chalupney; 13-Lily, 20-Wambach, 9-O’Reilly (59 ‘8-Ellertson) 

Editor in charge: Xu Guimei