Didi Uber driver-side rewards have shrunk across the board, and costs will be passed on to consumers

  "Whether it’s Didi or Uber, subsidies are a sales pitch to attract consumers to’look over ‘and then become users." Some analysts say the platform has been waiting for the time to end the long "money-burning war". The merger of Didi and Uber is an "opportunity", so subsidies will sooner or later be reduced or even cancelled.

  After the merger of Didi and Uber China, various questions have also arisen. Questions about the alleged monopoly of the two continue to emerge. The monopoly issue involves pricing power. At present, the combined market share of the two is greater than 90%. Passengers have questioned whether the price of online car-hailing after the merger will increase and the discount will be reduced. Online car-hailing drivers also doubt whether the rewards for drivers are getting less and less stringent. Uber employees began to consider the question of "where to go". After all, after the merger of Internet Tech Giants, the second team is often marginalized.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter’s investigation shows that the current pricing of Didi and Uber for passengers has not changed, but the corresponding discounts and incentives for drivers have indeed decreased. Although no one has left the Uber team yet, competitors have offered attractive conditions for poaching people.


  Why is the fare higher than before?

  Yesterday, the user "Astro Boy Head" posted a screenshot of "The same journey, Didi’s price increase is all recorded" on Weibo. The screenshot of the payment shows that an order "Astro Boy Head" paid only 2 yuan on July 27 and before, 5 yuan on July 30 and August 2, and 7.6 yuan from the 3rd. At the same time, there are many passengers on Weibo discussing the issue of Didi’s price increase.

  The Beiqing Daily reporter found that, in fact, in the days of the merger of Didi and Uber, the unit price of Didi and Uber has not increased. At present, the charging standard of People’s Uber is 1.5 yuan/km + 0.25 yuan/minute; the charging standard of Didi Express is 1.8 yuan/km + 0.5 yuan/minute.

  So why do passengers feel that the prices of Didi and Uber have increased? The reasons may be threefold: First, the subsidies of Didi and Uber for the passenger side have been reduced. A Beijing passenger reported that currently Didi only has the subsidy of "discount coupons", which are only for fixed models, and the discount is about 15% off, which can be said to have little impact on the price of taxis; while Uber has often launched activities such as "2 orders per day, 10 yuan off each order", or getting on/off the bus in a certain area to enjoy a 50% discount. He recalled that not long ago, the area of Beijing almost took turns to engage in this activity, which was very strong, but now it is gone.

  In addition, although not after the merger news was announced, Didi and Uber did adjust their prices recently. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that Didi has raised prices sharply in many cities, and Uber has also adjusted its price standards in some cities. Last month, Didi Express quietly increased its price in Beijing, from 1.5 yuan/kilometer + 0.35 yuan/minute in September last year to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.5 yuan/minute. According to reports from Guangzhou media, Didi’s price standard in Guangzhou rose from 1.4 yuan/kilometer + 0.45 yuan/minute to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.5 yuan/minute in June. The latest billing standard is 2 yuan/kilometer + 0.55 yuan/minute, an increase of more than 30%. Although Uber’s recent charging standards in Beijing have not increased, according to a passenger in Wuhan, Uber’s charging standards in Wuhan have recently increased from 1.5 yuan/kilometer + 0.2 yuan/minute to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.3 yuan/minute; according to local media reports in Guangzhou, Uber’s current price in Guangzhou is about 1.1 yuan/kilometer + 0.55 yuan/minute, while in March, Guangzhou Uber’s price was about 0.99 yuan/kilometer.

  In addition, both Didi and Uber have corresponding "premium systems". After Didi and Uber reduce the rewards for private cars, passengers will encounter higher premiums when taking a taxi. That is to say, Didi and Uber’s billing standards are only under "normal conditions". Once they encounter conditions such as difficulty in taking a taxi, long waiting time, and bad routes, Didi and Uber will increase a certain multiple on the basis of the above-mentioned price standards. At this time, the price cannot be calculated according to the standard pricing method, but must be multiplied by a coefficient, which can be as high as or even more than 4. For example, when it rained heavily in Beijing last month, Uber increased the price by 4.2 times, and Didi increased the price by more than 3 times. In this way, the price of Didi and Uber is much higher than the current taxi in Beijing. A senior Didi passenger told the Beijing Youth Daily that Didi’s dynamic premiums are now "very frequent". "Anyway, when I need to take a taxi, there is basically no non-premium, 1.5 times, 2 times is very common." He said that although Didi will estimate the price before starting the journey, the words "premium multiple" are very small and may be ignored by some passengers. It should be noted that the current active drivers of Didi and Uber have decreased compared with the peak, and it is not uncommon to see premiums on the passenger side.


  Didi and Uber’s rewards are gone?

  A few days ago, some Didi Express drivers in Xi’an joined forces to speak out, saying, "Didi has won 49.12 yuan for 15 orders, 16 orders, 17 orders, and 18 orders, to 40 yuan for 20 orders, and 60 yuan for 30 orders… We use our own cars, our own oil, and our own insurance to work for Didi. In the end, Didi rewards us with an insurmountable threshold." According to Xi’an media reports, since August 4, Didi has reduced the rewards for all private car franchise drivers by 80%. It is expected that all rewards for private car franchise drivers will be cancelled in the near future.

  In fact, Didi and Uber have been tightening incentives for drivers. Last winter, Didi’s subsidy policy was: a reward of 100 yuan for running 10 orders a day, a reward of 200 yuan for 20 orders, and certain requirements for the number of transactions on the previous day. After this year, the reward suddenly shrunk to 40 yuan for 10 orders a day and 90 yuan for 20 orders. At present, Didi’s end is a reward of 60 yuan for 20 orders a day, with an average reward of 3 yuan per order.

  Uber’s rewards have been on the table with Didi. The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the current reward of Uber in Beijing has also dropped from 60 yuan for running 12 orders and 120 yuan for 22 orders at the beginning of this year to 40 yuan for 12 orders and 100 yuan for 22 orders. A former Uber owner told the reporter of Beiqing Daily: "I am too tired to do it. It takes at least 12 hours to run 22 orders. And Uber’s conditions are very harsh, and the average person needs more than 14 hours." The "harsh conditions" he mentioned means that in addition to the number of orders, Didi and Uber also have requirements on transaction rate (referring to the percentage of the final completed order to the number of orders) and service star rating. According to him, Uber’s terms rose from 50 per cent of the week’s transaction rate to 65 per cent, and its service rating rose from 4.7 to 4.8 stars, "it really takes a bit of luck".

  In addition, the "newcomer award" for joining the platform is also gradually decreasing. According to the current newcomer reward policy of the Beijing Didi platform, the reward for completing 6 orders within 3 days of the activation of the new driver’s account is 58 yuan; the previous policy is to complete 2 orders within a week from the account activation. The reward is 50 yuan, and the reward for completing 5 orders is 100 yuan.

  The phasing out of incentives has led to the loss of some drivers. Earlier this year, there were multiple reports that Didi and Uber’s subsidies for drivers had dropped sharply, some part-time drivers were withdrawing from the platform, and some full-time drivers left the platform after weighing the pros and cons. This situation caused the aforementioned passenger premium to increase.

  follow up

  Didi drivers will be deducted from more than 20% of their income

  At present, the income of Didi and Uber drivers is mainly composed of the commission income of orders, the reward for completing orders, and the doubling premium during peak hours.

  Drivers of Didi Express can only take about 74% of the order fee (including the premium), and about 26% of the fee is charged by the platform, insurance and labor service companies. The approximate proportion is that the platform charges 20% of the fee including the share of each order. In addition, the driver’s insurance is 0.5 yuan per order, and the affiliated labor service company also charges 1.17% of the reward and order fee.

  The 20% of the "fare + peak reward" of the people’s Uber driver will be automatically deducted by the platform. A driver showed a reporter from Beiqing Daily a detailed list of his income for a certain week, which showed that he had collected a total of 137 yuan for sports cars for about 5 hours that week and 46 yuan for peak rewards. On this basis, the Uber platform deducted 20% of the fee, which is 36 yuan, plus a bonus fee of 32 yuan, and he finally got 180 yuan in income.

  The order completion reward is a reward given by the platform when Didi and Uber drivers complete a certain order volume every day or within a specified time. For example, Didi’s policy on Friday is: 40 yuan for 12 orders and 100 yuan for 22 orders; Uber’s weekend policy is: 60 yuan for 22 orders and 190 yuan for 45 orders on Saturday and Sunday.

  The policy of doubling the premium during peak hours is different every day. According to one Uber driver, Uber’s current doubling premium during peak hours is about 1.5 to 2 times, 1.1 to 1.3 times at peak times, and sometimes even no premium. According to his recollection, according to Uber’s peak premium policy last year, there was 1.8 times at peak times, and about 5 times at peak times. The recent peak doubling reward of Didi is even lower. According to data from Didi, at the peak on Friday morning and evening, the maximum income reward was only 1.2 times, and one Didi driver said that such a multiple was only a multiple of the previous peak.

  It is worth mentioning that when Didi launched Didi Express in May last year, it promised that the service is a non-profit ride-sharing service, and all passengers’ payments go to the owner, and the software platform does not charge any fees. However, it did not take long for the platform to start charging a 20% commission.


  When a monopoly becomes a reality, the cost will be passed on to consumers

  Analysts said the apparent removal of discounts was not surprising, with the merger marking the end of competition between the two giants that dominate China’s nascent ride-hailing industry. For more than a year, Uber and Didi offered drivers steep subsidies, sometimes several times the fare, in an effort to lure users with low prices.

  Behind the huge subsidies of Didi and Uber for more than a year is the repeated "burning of money" by investors. According to public information, Didi and Kuaidi conducted two rounds of E and F financing after the merger, raising a total of 8.642 billion yuan, and launched a new round of financing only half a year later. At present, Didi is conducting a G round of financing, and in addition to Apple’s $1 billion investment, it has also received more than $6 billion from other top gifters. The same is true for Uber, which also conducted two rounds of financing after registering a company independently in China, with a financing amount of more than 2.10 billion US dollars. Interestingly, the two mobility giants have at least four co-investors, including Tiger Fund, Hillhouse Capital, China Life and BlackRock.

  A large amount of financing is used to subsidize drivers and passengers. Uber CEO Kalanick has said that Uber loses more than $1 billion a year in China. At the same time, he also estimated Didi’s subsidies. He said that Didi’s losses are too heavy, and it needs to subsidize 70 million to 80 million US dollars a week, which is about 4 billion US dollars a year. Later, Didi announced that this figure is false and too high, but according to industry analysts, Didi’s annual subsidy fee is at least twice that of Uber, which is about 2 billion US dollars. Since the merged company of Didi and Uber China occupies the vast majority of the market share in the online car-hailing market, whether it constitutes a monopoly or not, such a large market share affects the pricing power of Didi and Uber.

  In the eyes of industry insiders, price increases are an inevitable trend. "Whether it is Didi or Uber, subsidies are a means of promotion, the purpose is to attract consumers to’look over ‘and then become users." Some analysts said that the platform has been waiting for the time to end the long "money burning war". The merger of Didi and Uber is an "opportunity", so the subsidy will be reduced or even cancelled sooner or later. Another transportation system expert said: "Why do Didi and Uber subsidize and burn money? He 10 billion and will get 20 billion yuan back from consumers. Once the monopoly comes true, the cost will definitely be passed on to consumers the fastest."


  China uses "feelings + options" to recruit Uber employees

  After Didi and Uber were merged, Shenzhou Special Car released a set of posters with the theme "Love U". The boss Lu Zhengyao personally went to WeChat Moments to "show love" to Uber, openly recruited Uber employees, and offered tempting conditions of "as long as you come, you will give 6 months salary plus options".

  In fact, when Didi and Uber announced the merger, Uber, as the "weaker" party, attracted a lot of attention to the whereabouts of its employees. Since last year, the trend of Internet Tech Giants merging has emerged, and various cases have also shown that after the merger of the boss and the second in the industry, the leader and team of the second will be marginalized, or even eventually eliminated.

  At present, the Uber team has 800 employees. After the merger of the two companies, Uber China also used the method of deferring the exchange of options to retain employees. An Uber employee told the Beijing Youth Daily that as a multinational company, Uber’s culture is almost completely different from that of Didi, and he is worried about whether it will quickly integrate into the Didi company after the merger. Similar to this employee, there has been a pessimistic mood within the Uber team in the past few days. An Uber employee said he was "very heartbroken", and some said "I don’t know if it is helpless or sad". "Didi is awesome, but I don’t care, I’m a die-hard Uber loyalist," read an article called "Born Proud: Those Young People at Uber," which was widely shared among Uber’s team.

  But an Uber employee told the Beijing Youth Daily that no one has left the Uber team yet, "everyone is still busy with their own work, doing the normal work at hand." He said that it is still in a transition period, "this stage generally will not leave, after all, I don’t know what the future will be like. If it is determined that it is not suitable, people may want to leave." Wen Jing, reporter of this newspaper

Comprehensive refactoring, Xiaodu officially launched the world’s first AI native operating system, DuerOS X

On April 16, the 2024 Baidu Create AI Developer Conference with the theme of "Creating the Future" was held in Shenzhen. Li Ying, vice president of Baidu Group and CEO of Xiaodu Technology, officially released Xiaodu’s next-generation operating system, DuerOS X, which is the world’s first AI native operating system launched by Xiaodu based on the Baidu ERNIE Bot large model. Li Ying said: "As an important and large-scale landing application scenario of the?? model,? AI intelligence helps lead AI native applications to a new height."




Li Ying, Vice President of Baidu Group and CEO of Xiaodu Technology


DuerOS X became Xiaodu’s "strongest brain"?

In the wave of unprecedented development of artificial intelligence, AI big model has become the vanguard of the trend, bringing unprecedented changes and opportunities. As a national artificial intelligence technology enterprise, Xiaodu has rich application scenarios and strong crowd stickiness. As of now, Xiaodu’s own brand equipment has been connected to more than 46 million families, and Xiaodu Assistant is mounted on 700 million smart devices, providing convenient and intelligent services for the majority of users. Xiaodu always insists on "user" as the center and continuous innovation. The strong technical hard power behind this cannot be separated from its core: Xiaodu Brain – DuerOS.



Xiaodu released the world’s firstAINative operating systemDuerOS X

Li Ying believes that Xiaodu AI intelligent assistant is an important and large-scale landing application of Baidu ERNIE Bot large model. DuerOS X, as a new AI native OS, completes a comprehensive brain change and leads AI native applications to a new height. It will bring us unprecedented intelligent experience and open a new chapter of intelligent life.

At the Create AI conference, Robin Li, founder, chairperson and CEO of Baidu, interacted with Xiaodu Tiantian AI tablet robot equipped with DuerOS X. Through multiple rounds of dialogue, Xiaodu can not only clearly arrange complex schedules, but also express more vivid language. It is not only smarter, more capable, and more understanding of users, but also able to provide users with emotional companionship value. It will truly become a more useful and soulful AI partner that everyone can have.



Baidu founder, chairperson and CEO Robin Li interacts with Xiaodu Tiantian AI tablet robot


DuerOS X is the world’s first AI native operating system

Unlike in the past, as the world’s first AI native operating system, DuerOS X has completely overturned the outdated model of the traditional "human adaptation system", truly achieving the intention and task of connecting users "end-to-end". This innovation has greatly expanded the boundaries of the operating system.



DuerOS X operating system

In the model layer, DuerOS X fully applies the Wenxin model. Through the model routing architecture, it can flexibly dispatch different Wenxin models to solve problems of different difficulty, which is more efficient, accurate and economical. In addition, the ability to store, extract and understand personalized long and short memories is also a new highlight. It can more clearly remember historical content and user personalized preferences, and can catch every "archaeological question" you have. The more users use it, the better Xiaodu will understand users.

In the interactive layer, the application of "multimodal perception" technology allows DuerOS X to produce richer perception. Whether the user communicates with Xiaodu through voice, text, or expression, it can accurately understand your intentions and give an appropriate response; "anthropomorphic presentation" technology makes Xiaodu’s expression image more vivid and interesting, the voice more natural and agile, and even expresses emotion and personality through action, making it more "?" temperature, so as to truly provide emotional value and long-term companionship.

In the ecological layer, in addition to Xiaodu 11,000 voice skills such as film and television, music, education, and smart home, the applications developed by Wenxin Intelligent Body can be seamlessly integrated into Xiaodu, which greatly expands the ecological width of DuerOS. These applications not only have professional knowledge and skills, but also can be personalized according to your preferences and needs, providing you with truly intimate and convenient services.

With the blessing of DuerOS X, Xiaodu will be more intelligent, capable, understand you, and achieve better company. Li Ying said that the new Xiaodu will become your family’s AI girlfriend, AI housekeeper, AI teacher, AI health consultant, AI fitness coach and other multiple roles, and truly become people’s intimate "AI partner".



Xiaodu is smart, capable, understands you, and accompanies you


DuerOS X empowers the small AI ecosystem to make AI everywhere

Whether in the field of home infotainment or AI education, Xiaodu always insists on providing users with smarter and more convenient life services through its own AI technology capabilities and innovative product concepts. In 2023, Xiaodu has gained a lot: Xiaodu smart speakers/smart screens and Xiaodu learning tablets have ranked first in shipments for many consecutive years; Xiaodu has created a new category of "girlfriend machines". In this category, Xiaodu Tiantian’s girlfriend machine sales remain first; Xiaodu fitness glasses sales and the number of smart hotel rooms also continue to rank first.

According to Li Ying, DuerOS X will be the foundation for Xiaodu’s intelligent integration of software and hardware, and the foundation for ecological prosperity. It will provide all of Xiaodu’s hardware products with strong intelligent motion, enabling Xiaodu’s human-machine voice intelligent interaction experience to achieve a qualitative change.

Xiaodu has become a close "partner" and a powerful "assistant" for hundreds of millions of developers to create the future. Xiaodu has been actively working with partners from all walks of life to create a dynamic and sustainable AI ecosystem through the innovative ecosystem of content and services, and the deep integration of hardware and scenarios, and seize the new opportunities brought by intelligence.



Small prosperity ecology

In 2024, as the first year of AI native applications, the launch of DuerOS X is not only an extreme brain change for Xiaodu, but also an innovative application of the big model. In the future, Xiaodu will break the ceiling of intelligent capabilities through continuous exploration, bring more people a convenient, comfortable and technological life experience, improve people’s quality of life, and truly let AI enter thousands of industries and households.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

[China Network, Industry]

On the other hand, after experiencing a wave of Internet car building, many technology companies have chosen a more rational cooperation situation. At this point, Avita Technology Co., Ltd. was born, aggregating the resource advantages of Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, and becoming the most talked-about new brand.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

On November 5, Avita Technology, a subsidiary of Changan Automobile, completed the first round of strategic financing and introduced three new strategic investors in the form of a consortium, with a total amount of 2.42 billion yuan. It is currently awaiting the final approval of the relevant departments of the state market supervision. If it goes well, the Ningde Times Consortium will hold 28.99% of the shares and become the second largest shareholder of Avita Technology.

 Compared with Dongfeng’s Landmap and BAIC’s Extreme Fox, despite the successful exploration of the UNI series, Changan’s high-end brand seems to have come a little late. In fact, Avita’s predecessor was Changan NIO, which was jointly established as early as 2018. The joint venture project has not made significant progress since its birth. On May 20 this year, Changan Automobile announced that Changan NIO New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. was renamed Avita Technology Co., Ltd.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

According to the plan, Changan Automobile will focus on building the technology ecosystem of technology companies in the future, and accelerate the construction of software and intelligent capabilities. And Avita Technology will become its important carrier. It is not difficult to see the importance attached to it through the new partners re-selected by Changan Automobile.

As the main body of the company, Changan Automobile has rich experience in vehicle manufacturing, and Huawei’s intelligent solutions and CATL’s advantages in the field of energy management ecology will serve as a driving force for Avita Technology to accelerate its catch-up.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

According to Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, Avita Technology will soon start a round of financing, and there will be independent listing plans in the future. And this month, the specific development strategy of the brand will be released this month, and its first high-end smart electric vehicle will also be unveiled simultaneously. In the face of today’s high-end smart new energy field melee, whether Avita can come later or talk about the product and the market.

Beware! Such a power bank can no longer be used →

First, look at the identification information

Pay attention to check the product identification information and the information on the product manual, and it has not been obtained after August 1, 2024.CCC certification and marking certification markThe power bank shall not be manufactured, sold, imported or used in other business activities.

Second, look at the rated capacity

In order to display the large capacity of the power bank, merchants usually mark the rechargeable battery capacity (such as 1000mA · h) in a conspicuous place, but during normal charging, the power bank’s output capacity cannot actually reach the battery capacity due to energy loss such as voltage conversion and heat generation.

The rated capacity is the effective discharge capacity of the power bank calibrated by the manufacturer. The higher the rated capacity, the more power the power bank can charge for the mobile phone!

III. See if the fast charging protocol matches

PD protocol refers to the USB-PD protocol. It is a fast charging protocol proposed by the USB-IF organization, which aims to provide high power transmission and faster charging speed. The fast charging protocol can be understood as a password between the mobile phone and the power bank. If both the mobile phone and the power bank support the PD protocol, it can be charged faster.

Fourth, pay attention to the rated capacity when taking the plane

According to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, the rated capacity of personal power banks does not exceed 100Wh, and the rated capacity exceeds 100Wh but does not exceed 160Wh. They can only be carried after being approved by the airline.

Ask the world’s new M7 Ultra listing 20 days to break through 30,000 units, selling from 289,800 yuan

On June 21, we learned from the official that the new M7 Ultra has been listed for 20 days and will break through 30,000 units. As of June 30, it will be able to enjoy up to 35,000 yuan in car purchase rights. According to another set of data released by the official recently, the delivery of the new M7 Ultra in 18 days has broken through 10,000 units, creating a new power model delivery record in China. At the same time, the new M7 has become the first new power model with a delivery volume of 100,000 in 2024.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a power system composed of a 1.5T four-cylinder turbocharger and a Huawei drive motor, and provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive power options. Among them, the maximum power of the range extender is 112 kilowatts, and the maximum power of the rear axle drive motor is 200 kilowatts; the four-wheel drive model adds a drive motor with a maximum power of 130 kilowatts to the front axle. The new car has a comprehensive battery life of 1300km under full oil and full power under CLTC conditions, and a pure electric battery life of 240km. Under the feeding condition, the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is 5.6L. The four-wheel drive version of the model is accelerated by 4.8s.

Andy Lau emphasizes that he is still single and avoids talking about his marriage to Zhu Liqian [Photos]

Andy Lau played games with his fans and pressed the media about his marriage. He was also clearly well-prepared to fight.

Andy Lau refused to respond to rumors of marriage, saying only that he was not married or had children.

Andy Lau held an autograph signing, attracting thousands of people.

For Zhu Liqian, these three words are obviously Andy’s "dead end".

   Andy Lau (Andy) and Zhu Liqian’s affair has been rumored for many years. Recently, it was said that the two had tea with the woman’s family in Malaysia, and it was also said that they would get married locally on April 6, Zhu Liqian’s 43rd birthday. Which is true or false, Andy firmly refused to disclose, only emphasizing that he is not married and has no children.

  Andy held a singing signing on March 1. Although there were only 500 places, it attracted thousands of people to watch. On the wedding rumors, Andy obviously came prepared. When asked by the reporter if he wanted to congratulate him, he replied politely with a smile: "I have said it many times. In short, if someone believes me, I will continue to believe it. I am now saying no. What makes me most uncomfortable is seeing people on the Internet accusing me of using this for publicity, which I would never do."

  Mentioning the photo as if he was negotiating a happy event, Andy shook his head and waved his hand and said: "I will not respond to other things, I can only say that I am not married and have no children. (How to describe my relationship with Zhu Liqian?) This cannot be answered. (Will it be close soon?) Or that sentence, the marriage will be notified to everyone." Just straight to ask him if he will show up in Malaysia on April 6? Andy said no first! But then changed his mind: "Basically, I will tour the mainland in March or April, but I don’t know where it will be on which day. The itinerary is in the company, so I won’t talk about it or not." As for whether the tea-drinking photos were taken of Zhu Liqian’s family? And may the people around him be affected by the news? Andy also said that he would not answer, and asked everyone to ignore him so much, only that his mood was not affected.

  The victim actress is not waiting for an apology

  In addition, referring to the "philatelic actress" that Wu Junru was referring to, Andy clarified that Jun Ru did not tell him who the other party was at all, and he mocked himself for being old-fashioned, serious and upright, so no actress had ever seduced him. As for Cecilia Cheung’s interview report, Andy also read it bluntly, and praised the other party for being brave and strong. When Cecilia was mentioned, she angrily scolded Edison Chen for owing the victim an apology, and he believed that they had their own solutions in private, but believed that the victim actress was not waiting for this (apology), but should wait for the wound to heal and happily return to life.

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

After the completion of the satellite super factory, Geely made a big move again, purchasing multiple Long March series carrier rockets

Geely’s commercial aerospace programme is set to fall further after the launch of the Geely Satellite Super Factory on September 27. On September 29, Spacetime Daoyu and China Great Wall Industry Group Co., Ltd. signed a launch service contract at the 13th Zhuhai Air Show. According to the contract, Spacetime Daoyu will purchase multiple Long March series launch vehicles to complete the networking of the world’s first low-orbit future travel constellation.

Space-time Daoyu signed a contract with China Great Wall Industry Group Co., Ltd

It is reported that the formation of a whole industrial chain layout integrating satellite design, development, manufacturing, operation and maintenance services with Spacetime Daoyu as the core is an important part of Geely’s commercial aerospace business. It is also the main direction for Spacetime Daoyu to continue to deepen aerospace information and communication (AICT), intelligent manufacturing, autonomous driving and other fields to serve human future travel. The signing of this contract means that Geely’s commercial aerospace plan has come to reality.

The sword points to the future travel

"AICT reshapes future travel". At the roundtable on the 9th and 29th, Ding Sheng, senior vice president of Spacetime Daoyu, delivered a special report, saying that establishing a business structure centered on satellite development and aerospace applications is Geely Group’s interpretation of the new situation of future travel and smart ecological applications led by aerospace technology. The layout of the entire industrial chain of commercial aerospace, the creation of the world’s first low-orbit future travel constellation, and the construction of a high-precision space-time information system integrated with heaven and earth are Geely’s specific measures to promote the deep integration of China’s commercial aerospace and intelligent manufacturing, future travel, and big data industries, and realize the commercial application of aerospace.

Ding Sheng, Senior Vice President of Time and Space Daoyu, delivered a speech

It is reported that the heaven and earth integrated high-precision space-time information network built by Space-Time Road Yu, with the low-orbit satellite constellation system as the core and the ground PPP-RTK monitoring network as a supplement, deeply integrates the integrity and functional safety requirements of the smart travel industry, provides low-latency, high-precision, high-reliability centimeter-level precision location information services, allows travel carriers to achieve comprehensive perception of space-time information, and performs autonomous driving decision-making and execution under centimeter-level high-precision positioning services and real-time high-precision map services, providing a safe and reliable intelligent driving experience, empowering vehicle cloud management, vehicle-road collaboration, autonomous driving, low-altitude travel and other smart travel applications to upgrade and develop.

According to Ding Sheng, in addition to the satellite business, Spacetime Daoyu will also create a "future travel" ecosystem with full coverage, with satellite routing technology, combined with multi-dimensional carriers such as cars, mobile phones, and smart wearable devices to comprehensively enhance the user travel experience. For future travel, Spacetime Daoyu will provide in-vehicle satellite Internet application services. Vehicles and mobile phones can realize data links at any location on the earth’s surface, providing ubiquitous services for users to travel and creating the ultimate travel experience. In the low-altitude field, Spacetime Daoyu, with its high-precision positioning service capabilities with seamless global coverage, can not only plan accurate "infrastructure-free roads" at low altitudes, but also provide lane-level high-precision positioning services for flying cars, empowering the diversification and transformation of future travel methods.

In addition, Space-Time Daoyu will also deeply integrate satellite Internet and 5G, leveraging the significant advantages of low-orbit satellites such as global coverage, low cost, and no geographical restrictions, as well as the core advantages of 5G high-speed rate and low latency, to provide high-speed ubiquitous, heaven and earth integrated, integrated Internet, safe and efficient vehicle-mounted satellite applications. Connect the mobile end point, vehicle to everything, and satellite Internet to form a new business format of mobile phone + car + satellite.

Building a commercial aerospace industry chain

In March this year, our country’s 14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035 clearly stated that it is necessary to "build a global coverage and efficient operation of communication, navigation and remote sensing space infrastructure system." Mass production of satellites is the key to building a space infrastructure system. Through mass rapid manufacturing, constellation formation, and provision of communication, navigation, remote sensing and other services, it will promote the construction of satellite Internet and industrial development in our country, and comprehensively improve the modernization level of China’s aerospace industry.

Spacetime Daoyu Binary

As the first enterprise to eat crabs, Geely Group has long started to lay out the commercial application of aerospace. As early as the 14th Five-Year Plan was announced, Geely had obtained the approval of the commercial satellite manufacturing project approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. On September 27, Geely Satellite Super Factory went offline in Taizhou, Zhejiang.

In this regard, Wang Yang, CEO of Geely Science and Technology Group’s aerospace sector, said that the commercial aerospace business is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment, not only providing infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also providing support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields. Open cooperation with ecological partners to build a technological ecological chain advantage.

As an important part, the whole industrial chain layout of satellite design, development, manufacturing, operation and maintenance services is formed with Space-Time Daoyu as the core, which is Geely’s layout for commercial aerospace. It is reported that this layout will be based on Space-Time Daoyu Shanghai Aerospace Research Institute as the core, supported by the business units of Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Nanjing and Qingdao, and relying on the production and manufacturing of Taizhou Xingkong Zhilian satellites, covering the whole industrial chain system from satellite research and development, manufacturing, measurement and control, to industrial applications.

Source: The Internet

A Que, a post-90s science fiction writer: Write a touching "space opera"

  A Que, a post-90s science fiction writer: Write a touching "space opera"  

  The Northern Literature Creation Center, as a special invited unit of this year’s Galaxy Awards, conducted an exclusive interview with writer A Que at the event site. The following is to organize the whole article according to the interview record for readers. 


  1 "The golden age of a writer should be between the ages of 40 and 55" 

  I did well in the college entrance examination, and when I applied for college, there were only a few schools in the country that could not apply. Because science fiction culture has developed particularly well in Chengdu, "Science Fiction World" magazine is in Chengdu, and Sichuan University has the largest science fiction club in the country. For science fiction, I chose Chengdu and Sichuan University. At Sichuan University, I joined the Science Fiction Association and met a lot of interesting people. In the past two years, with the continuous development of science fiction culture, the science fiction association has developed better and better. In the past, an event was held with more than a dozen organizers and two or three on-site audiences. Now, there are more than a dozen organizers, and usually hundreds of spectators can be attracted to watch. Science fiction has gradually become a "hot term" in colleges and universities, providing a space for campus authors who like science fiction and want to engage in science fiction literary creation to grow and communicate. 

  When I was in college, I started writing science fiction literature, which was relatively early among young people. I asked Mr. Liu Cixin a long time ago, and he mentioned a suggestion not to write full-time. Because at that time, the writing ecology was not very good, and it was difficult to make a living by writing. However, some changes have now taken place, also thanks to the influence and appeal of Mr. Liu’s "Three-Body Problem". This ecology has allowed the bottom writers to slowly feel some benefits. So I now feel that this trend has already appeared when I first wrote science fiction literature, but I still dare not write full-time. 

  I’m a three-time Galaxy Award winner, and the Galaxy Awards hold a special place in my writing of science fiction, and it even changed my life. If it weren’t for science fiction and the Galaxy Awards, I would be a hydroelectric engineer. Because of the Galaxy Awards, I quit my job, abandoned my original profession to pursue science fiction, and the entire trajectory of my life changed. 

  When I was able to write commercially, it became possible for my work to be turned into film and television, and film and television companies came to me for commissioned creation, then the income situation would be much better, and I began to consider my own status. "Famous as soon as possible" is correct. If one’s ability allows, becoming famous at a young age can indeed enjoy some of the benefits or benefits of fame in advance. However, in all professions, writers are different from other professions. The golden age of a writer should be between the ages of 40 and 55, and there are very few examples of young people achieving success. From a personal experience, I certainly hope to become famous through a work, but at the same time, I am prepared to start writing good things after the age of 40. Science fiction literature is a benchmark that requires a lifetime to pursue. 

  A Que, a post-90s science fiction writer: Write a touching "space opera" 


  2 "Hurry up and write, don’t let science fiction literature become non-fiction literature" 

  The charm of a novel is the most important thing is emotion. Writers try to find the emotion and shining points of the story before writing each story. In literary and artistic works, what a writer should do most is to move people, that is, to move readers. There are many kinds of moving people, which can make people cry or make people laugh. I want to make people laugh. I have been writing for nearly 10 years without changing, and I will persevere in the future. 

  Some readers have said that my science fiction world is humorous and warm. Regarding the creation of YFJ49 and LW31, they are all robots with flesh and blood, and even have human feelings to a certain extent. At first, it was accidental, I just wanted to write like this, not deliberately. I referred to the voice assistant Siri that had appeared at that time. There are cases of artificial intelligence and artificial manufacturing, which will make everyone feel close. I don’t really want to portray a cold image. Moreover, there have been such images before, and good works already have mountains, which are difficult to climb. If I write now, I will write according to this image. 

  In the earliest days, for example, when I first started writing science fiction, I didn’t have much reserves, so I could only go from the classic themes, such as the three classic categories, aliens, robots, and clones. Among them, robots are the first science and technology that I think entered our lives. I want to hurry up and write, otherwise it will become non-fiction in 20 years, and it will not be science fiction. But this kind of warm, cute and cheap little robot image, in my opinion at that time, its reading threshold will be a little lower, and the public will accept it better. A good science fiction will actually make the threshold lower and lower. A science fiction writer should not be obsessed with posting all kinds of obscure terms in a novel. The newly constructed concept is indeed fascinating and surprising, but the writer has many skills to bring the concept to the reader and make them understand. 

  I very much reject this kind of beginning. I introduce the whole world view or unique concept first, and then let the reader see the conceptual behavior of the character. A good practice is to tell the story first, first let the reader see the life of the character’s image, that is, the reader’s life, and then accept this concept step by step. Not to make a threshold alone, it should be the basic quality of a writer. I personally prefer street stall literature. If there are some theories in my novels, I will try to reduce the appearance of these theories in the article. Because theory will break the reading rhythm of the article, the reader may see 1/3 of the story, and suddenly there is a theoretical introduction of one or two thousand words. This is not good, like eating a stone when eating. Therefore, I will try my best to lower the threshold, and the effect is OK for now, but there is still room for further improvement. 

  A Que, a post-90s science fiction writer: Write a touching "space opera" 


  3 "The charm of science fiction literature is the integration of space opera and the future" 

  Science fiction literature should be a good story first, and science fiction ideas should take second place. 

  There are many kinds of good stories, such as setting up suspense, making people unable to stop reading, or setting up a very good core character, everyone cares about the person, no matter the plot twists or turns, this character will touch the reader’s heart. The story and characters should be well matched. In my opinion, these two points are actually more important than science fiction concept. If I think of good stories and characters, but it is not science fiction, then I will not write it as science fiction. I will write it as a mystery or romance novel and publish it in other genres of literature. 

  Science fiction literature is very strange. Science fiction is the only one that doesn’t tell stories, doesn’t write characters, and doesn’t even have to be very good at writing. As long as you come up with a science fiction idea and everyone understands the core image, you can feel the charm of science fiction. Recently, I published a new book "Star Traveler". Why is it called "Star Traveler"? Because I have written a lot of machines before, such as "Walking with Robots", "Robots", and "Wet Metal". Strictly speaking, they are all robot integration. In fact, what I really want to embody the charm of science fiction is space opera, which is the integration of the future. 

  For example, nowadays, most people would pick up a mobile phone, meet a person, and add a contact information, and you could never lose some way to contact them for the rest of your life. However, in the future, if you go to another planet, you will never see this person, and time and space will play their role again. This is the romance that only happened in that era, and this is gone forever. Therefore, in "Star Traveler", I wanted to create this image, and I finally named it according to this image. 

  For the future, I hope that more fresh blood will pour in and make the "sci-fi" plate bigger together, so that the cake will be bigger. If you really like sci-fi, sci-fi is something that can be persisted in, and even said, it is worth the author to sacrifice or give up something. The premise is that it does affect the author’s life. From now on, sci-fi is able to do this. Maybe I didn’t have the confidence to say this 10 years ago, but what I see so far is that this industry can support and even drive a group of people. 



  LW31: "Living with a Robot", a male robot with human emotions to a certain extent. 

  Siri: Apple’s intelligent voice assistant. 

  "Star Traveler": A new work by science fiction writer Ah Que, this book tells the story of the young Jin Chuan and the territory company. It is a legend and adventure that travels through the stars, a deep affection and nostalgia that drifts through the sea of stars. 

Ali, JD.com, and ByteDance are pouring in one after another. Is "Internet + Healthcare" the next community group buying?

Text | AgeClub

Editor | Chen Miao


In March 2021, JD.com Health Geriatric Medical Center was officially launched, and Ali Health launched a gold nurse at the same time.

After the epidemic, almost all major Internet companies are actively deploying medical and health care. The huge demand for health care exposed by the epidemic has accelerated the layout and entry of Internet Tech Giants into the medical and health field. Recently, from the latest trends of Internet companies such as Alibaba and JD.com in the field of health services, their determination to implement Internet thinking into elderly health services has been landed.

It is undeniable that the Internet has changed the world, and its influence continues to permeate the life scenes covering food, clothing, housing and transportation. For traditional industries, every influx of Internet Tech Giants will inevitably bring a shock to the industry. Therefore, the dynamics of Internet Tech Giants in the field of elderly care services have also been paid attention to and even given expectations. This article will start from the dynamics of Internet Tech Giants in the field of medical and health care, and then explore where the development of the Internet health industry will go.

Internet Tech Giants Deepen Digital Penetration in Health Services

As early as in the community group buying war, there was speculation that since Internet Tech Giants have entered the community business, will any of them see the rich elderly care services in the community? It has been proved that Internet Tech Giants cut into medical health, and then from medical health into elderly care services, has been gradually carried out.

1. ByteDance: A Preliminary Study in the Field of Healthcare

According to public information, as of February 1, 2021, ByteDance has made a total of 37 foreign investments in the past 13 months. In addition to continuing to increase investment in education, Enterprise Services, and gaming, it has continued to build up the ante technology and started a new layout in medical, consumer, and other fields.

Figure: Xiaohe APP under ByteDance

In November 2020, ByteDance launched its first business brand "Xiaohe Medical" in the medical and health field, and also released the Xiaohe Doctor App for doctors and the Xiaohe App for consumers. This is a comprehensive medical app that includes online consultation, medical consultation, medical records, health assessment and other functions to benchmark Ali Health, Ping An Good Doctor.

2. Baidu: Betting on "AI" – the "reputation" battle of the old Internet giants

In the early days, Baidu entered the medical and health track with medical knowledge sharing and medical information retrieval, but its health services were widely criticized, especially in the field of medical search. Baidu was strongly criticized by the public for the "Wei Zexi incident", and medical bidding advertising accidents occurred frequently. Baidu was also under tremendous pressure from public opinion.

Picture: Lingyi Zhihui, a subsidiary of Baidu

According to public information, with the help of AI technology, Baidu has created an AI medical smart medical platform – Lingyi Zhihui, and provided medical institutions with five technical solutions: Clinical Assisted Decision System (CDSS), Fundus Image Analysis System, Medical Big Data Solution, Intelligent Pre-diagnosis Assistant, and Chronic Disease Management.

At present, this part of the business is mainly for the B-end market, providing technical support for hospitals. This also shows that in the future, user traffic in the Internet medical industry will come more from the hospital and the health end, and will also give birth to more B-end cooperation. The coordinated development of government and enterprises has become the mainstream.

3. Tencent: Investment + cooperation, cutting into the field of big health

Tencent’s current layout in the field of big health includes the layout based on Tencent’s product WeChat, the construction of service platforms, the release of AI + medical products, and the establishment of offline clinics. In addition, Tencent has also made a lot of investment in other big health industries. Tencent has successively raised $170 million for Lilac Garden and Registered Network (later renamed WeDoctor Group).

Picture: Tencent Medical Code, a subsidiary of Tencent

At present, Tencent’s own medical products include: WeChat smart hospital, smart hardware product sugar doctor, insurance platform micro insurance, medical science platform Tencent medical code, medical artificial intelligence platform Tencent Miying.

4. Ali/JD.com: From pharmaceutical retail to health services

JD.com and Ali, as Internet manufacturers that started as e-commerce companies, have natural advantages in engaging in medical and health care: that is, through Taobao, Tmall, Alipay, JD.com and other traffic entrances, consumer medical services can reach users in an all-round way.

Picture: Ali Health and JD.com Health are both in

Alipay, Taobao and JD.com interface to open independent sections

In addition to their common drainage advantages, their layouts in the medical and health field are similar, with their businesses mainly focusing on pharmaceutical e-commerce, Internet hospitals, smart elderly care, and consumer healthcare.

In terms of medical health, after years of layout, Ali Health and JD.com Health have developed relatively mature. In the field of smart medical care, they mainly rely on artificial intelligence. Ali and JD.com currently have a number of smart products. Its "Internet medical" business is mainly to cooperate with a number of hospitals to provide patients with one-stop services from registration, consultation to drug purchase. Of course, there are health codes, cloud consultation, consumer medical and other businesses.

In several major sectors, they have great advantages in the Internet pharmaceutical retail track and are also the most mature. But at present, they are obviously not satisfied with the existing status quo, but have chosen to withdraw from the comfort zone of drug sales and circulation, gradually focus on health services, and try to gnaw this hard bone.

In the health service section, the Alipay [Medical Health] channel has recently launched the "door-to-door care" section. Alipay users can conveniently book nurse door-to-door care services provided by gold nurses through the App, including door-to-door injections, door-to-door dressing changes, after-hospital care, post-operative rehabilitation, medical assistance, and so on.

Summary: Internet giants entering the health service market have obvious advantages in terms of capital, technology, traffic, brand influence, etc., and their layout in the medical and health field is very similar, which shows that the business model of "Internet + medical and health" has been relatively mature.

Policy support, market and epidemic catalysis, Internet + medical health ushered in new development

Internet companies have entered the medical and health track one after another, which is inseparable from the dual drive of policy and market.

1. Favorable policy support

The "Internet + medical and health" model has been apparent in the industry for many years, and the national policy level has also listed informatization and standardization as the focus of national medical and health work.

At the policy level, the relevant provisions of "Internet + Drug Circulation" have been greatly relaxed. On November 12, 2020, the State Drug Administration officially released the "Drug Network Sales Supervision and Administration Measures (exposure draft) ". Compared with the previous round of exposure draft, the striking breakthrough of this draft is to "conditionally liberalize" online prescription drug sales, and clearly define some vague areas.

Many industry insiders said that if this management method is implemented, it will help to standardize the Internet drug sales behavior, and also help brand pharmaceutical retail enterprises to develop drug Internet sales. "The sales pattern of online prescription drugs may be re-divided."

At the same time, "Internet +" is also gradually included in the coverage of medical insurance. In August 2019, the National Medical Insurance Administration issued the "Guiding Opinions on Improving the Price of" Internet + "Medical Services and Medical Insurance Payment Policies", proposing unified guidelines on the project management and pricing mechanism of "Internet + Medical Services" and incorporating them into the coverage of medical insurance.

This move is also a key link in the development of Internet medical care. The promotion of electronic medical insurance cards across the country is conducive to the implementation of medical insurance card-free payment and the development of Internet medical care.

2, our country’s pension health industry has huge growth space

The current status of China’s elderly care industry, whether it is real-estate institutional elderly care or home-based community elderly care, the common problem they face is the lack of high-quality medical services. Although there are currently elderly care products and services for the disabled and semi-disabled elderly, it is difficult to meet the needs of China’s huge number of elderly people who lack the ability to live by themselves in both quantity and quality.

Through the intervention of Internet technology, social resources and medical resources can be efficiently allocated, and resource utilization can be maximized. Implant "Internet +" into the medical and elderly care system, starting from the diversified needs of the elderly, re-examine the relationship between elderly care and medical services, alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of elderly care services, and efficiently allocate medical resources.

3, the epidemic gave birth to Internet + health services

Previously, we have analyzed that the epidemic has spawned a community group buying market, which has caused Internet Tech Giants to flood into the community group buying war, bringing new business opportunities to community pension projects. In fact, in addition to community group buying, during the epidemic, the Internet medical industry has also shown explosive growth.

Picture: "Medical Museum" on the homepage of the Pinduoduo APP

According to public data, as of June 2020, there are nearly 600 Internet hospitals listed nationwide. As of now, Internet companies such as ByteDance, Alibaba, JD.com, Tencent, Pinduoduo, and Ele.me have medical and health tracks. For the huge medical and health market inspired by the epidemic, the "rich and powerful" Internet platform now sees a stage where it can show its skills.

4. It is the general trend for Internet companies to enter the medical and health track

Picture: Meituan "Internet celebrity" small medicine cabinet

The huge pharmaceutical market has allowed Meituan takeaway, Ele.me and other takeaway platforms with huge traffic advantages to also enter the pharmaceutical e-commerce market and enter the pharmaceutical O2O market. As early as 2015, Meituan takeaway had a comprehensive cooperation with the pharmaceutical O2O platform Jingle Kuaiyao, adding a "medicine" entrance, providing users with a "28-minute home delivery" service, and jointly building the country’s largest pharmaceutical O2O platform. In terms of operation, Meituan launched the "0.01 yuan to buy a small medicine cabinet" activity some time ago, which has also attracted a large number of users.

Alibaba, JD.com and other Internet giants have turned from pharmaceutical retailers to elderly care service providers, and the current entry into elderly health services has also caused a lot of shock in the elderly care circle. The actions of Internet Tech Giants, which are industry vane, also seem to suggest that health services promoted by the Internet medical ecosystem are one of the important trends in the future development of the health care industry.

Internet companies are entering medical and health services

Key features and trends

1. Pharmaceutical e-commerce is the starting point of Internet Tech Giants’ cross-border medical and health care, and it is also its main source of revenue

Whether it is a traditional Internet medical platform such as Ping An Good Doctor, WeDoctor or a rookie in the industry such as Ali Health and JD.com Health, medicine is the main source of its revenue. According to Ali’s 2020 financial report, Ali Health’s revenue in fiscal 2020 was 9.60 billion yuan, of which, the revenue of the pharmaceutical self-operated business reached 8.13 billion yuan, accounting for 84.8%, and the pharmaceutical e-commerce platform business was 1.17 billion yuan, accounting for 12.2%. The two together accounted for 97%. The pharmaceutical e-commerce business provoked the "big beam" of Ali Health’s revenue.

Similarly, according to public information, JD.com Health’s total revenue in the first half of 2020 8.80 billion, and the revenue of pharmaceutical e-commerce was about 7.70 billion, accounting for about 87.6%.

As an established Internet medical enterprise platform, Ping An Good Doctor and WeDoctor are similar to Ali Health and JD.com Health in that their main sources of revenue are pharmaceutical e-commerce. However, compared with Internet Tech Giants, which has an inherent traffic advantage, its pharmaceutical retail does not have much advantage.

According to public information, Ping An Good Doctor’s annual revenue in 2020 was 6.866 billion yuan, and the revenue of the pharmaceutical e-commerce business "Health Mall" was 3.713 billion yuan, accounting for about 54.07%. At present, it is trying to generate revenue through health insurance.

2. Shifting from pharmaceutical e-commerce to health services, more cautious

From the current dynamic of Internet companies in the field of elderly care services, they have adopted a more cautious attitude when entering elderly care services, choosing to enter this track through investment and cooperation.

For the in-hospital scenario of health services, choose to cooperate with hospitals, for example: as of the end of March 2020, Alipay has signed more than 15,000 medical institutions, including more than 3,900 secondary and tertiary hospitals, and in 17 provinces across the country, nearly 400 tertiary hospitals are connected to medical insurance payment.

For home medical care outside the hospital, it is to choose mature enterprises in the elderly care industry to cooperate. For example, JD.com and Ali have successively cooperated with gold nurses to solve the rigid demand for nursing services in the home care group. Therefore, for home care, Internet companies will not directly enter this market, but choose to enter through cooperation.

3. From online to offline, strive to create a closed loop of health management online and offline

In recent years, in order to advance the layout of health services, Ali, Tencent, JD.com and other players have already transformed the layout of the offline health industry and seized the track. In the field of pharmaceutical retail, in order to deepen the layout in the field of big health, Ali and Zhang Zhongjing Pharmacy jointly reformed the first future pharmacy in the country. At the same time, it also injected about 454 million yuan into Sushu civilian pharmacy. After that, it officially signed a strategic investment and cooperation agreement with Chinese Health, which mainly formed a deep interest bundle with physical retail pharmacies through the form of capital.

Tencent has followed the same path, investing about $500 million in the "largest" pharmacy chain in China – the pharmacy of Hillhouse Capital Group, which has nearly 12,000 stores across four platforms and stores in North China, Southwest China, Guangdong and Henan.

Picture: JD.com Group Launches "Home Doctor Guardian Star" Smart Speaker

The offline service scene mainly promotes intelligent elderly care in a technical way, and opens the door of the elderly care industry through the key of artificial intelligence offline. For the elderly at home, JD.com Group has launched "Home Doctor Guardian Star" smart speakers, "Elder Smartphones", and smart hardware products such as wearable devices for intelligent health management.

Picture: Tmall Genie

Alibaba uses the smart speaker "Tmall Genie" as the central control hub to build a "smart networked nursing home" to control high definition wireless cameras, various sensors, smart switches, LED smart light bulbs and other equipment. Tmall Genie cooperates with nursing homes in Beijing and other places to launch smart networked elderly care projects, providing advanced AI elderly care solutions for more nursing homes.

At the same time, they will also choose to cooperate with offline hospitals, offline health care communities, nursing homes and other institutions, and use their own advantages to empower health care institutions with digital intelligence technology to achieve online and offline integration, full-scene medical health and health care services, forming a closed loop for users from online consultation to in-hospital diagnosis to post-consultation health management.

4. The battle for talent could become the next point of competition

At present, in addition to relying too much on "selling drugs" for Internet + medical health revenue, its biggest disadvantage with traditional medical institutions lies in the training of doctor teams, especially in the Internet hospital sector, which has been opened by major Internet companies. The training of doctors is very weak.

Picture: The majority of physical hospitals are actively joining the construction wave of Internet hospitals

We can clearly see that Internet companies are playing more of the role of platform providers in Internet hospitals, consultations and other service links. This implies a problem, that is, when many Internet companies are starting to build "Internet hospitals" and "conquer cities and territories", whoever has the talent resources will have the advantage. Therefore, how to deeply bundle hospitals so that they can establish long-term cooperation with platforms? This is also the problem that Internet companies face when they smoothly enter from medical retail to health services.

The worst situation is that if there is a vicious competition, it may bring the dilemma of "choosing one of the two" to traditional hospitals. It will also cause chaos in Internet + health services and affect the market order. Of course, some Internet companies have also seen this problem, such as: JD.com Health and Geriatrics Center will cultivate geriatric medical talents through the establishment of geriatric medical schools, and promote the integrated development of medical services and health care services. And these self-trained professionals will also be transformed into talent reserves and enhance their competitiveness in the field of health services.


Internet Tech Giants have unique advantages in terms of human, material and financial resources. Their competition in the field of health services will promote the upgrading of elderly health services, and will also bring more changes and innovations to the slightly dull elderly care industry. In the battle for medical and health care, whether it is a "hegemon" like Ali and JD.com or an "expert" like WeDoctor, Good Doctor, and Lilac Garden who win the final victory, it will bring a profound change to the elderly care service industry.

30 net big cumulative box office 528 million, online movies into a new era?

1905 movie network news In the first half of 2020, cinema movie viewing hit the pause button, but the online movie market was on the move.


According to public data statistics, in the first half of 2020, the number of online movies with box office share exceeding 10 million reached 30, double the number of 15 in the same period of 2019; the cumulative box office 528 million increased by 157.56% compared with the same period last year 205 million. Among them, the dual-platform broadcast of "Qimen Escape" created a new high for the single-piece box office of online movies.

As a yardstick for measuring the development of the industry, the breakthrough in the number of online movies with a box office share exceeding 10 million and the cumulative box office is not only an objective factor, but also related to the subjective factor of the collective improvement of the quality of the top works. More diverse themes, and the intersection of audiences and cinema films have become the keywords for the development of online movies in the first half of 2020.


30 works exceeded 10 million, and the number doubled year-on-year

After six years of precipitation, the development of online movies has passed the barbaric era of slash-and-burn cultivation and begun to move towards the era of high-quality industrial civilization. In the first half of 2020, the online movie market handed over a fairly good answer, dispelling the haze that the overall development of last year was less than expected.


It is understood that in the first half of 2019, 438 online movies were launched on major video platforms. Among them, there are 15 works with a share of tens of millions that can be checked. According to the latest public statistics, in the first half of 2020, 30 online movies with a share of tens of millions of box office reached 30. Among them, 20 works were broadcast on the iQIYI platform, 6 on Youku, and 5 on Tencent.

In terms of playback, except for the joint broadcast of "Qimen Escape" by iQiyi and Tencent Video, the remaining 29 works are all solo broadcasts. After 53 days of release, the cumulative box office share reached 53.034 million, setting a new record for the highest box office of a single online movie. This timeline is more than a year later than previously expected in the industry.


"Previously, there were simulcasts at the waist and tail, and the simulcast of the head work’Qimen Escape Armor ‘should be regarded as the first one." An online film practitioner said so. In her opinion, the dual-platform simulcast has too many accidental factors and is not representative. There may be no follow-up in the short term.


Although from the perspective of the film side, simulcast on different head platforms can maximize the box office revenue. But if there is no cooperation premise of independent broadcast, it is really difficult for the platform to give the optimal promotion resources and profit sharing in the station. In the future, the status quo of single-** broadcast of head works will continue.


Overall, the number of online movies released on major video platforms in the first half of 2020 was around 400, a significant decrease compared to 438 in the same period last year. For the industry, all this seems to be expected.

At China’s first online movie week held in October last year, iQIYI member and overseas business president Yang Xianghua revealed to the media that in the future, the platform will continue to reduce the number of online films and invest the budget in a smaller number of better films. It can be seen that reducing production has become the theme of online film development in 2020.



According to statistics, in 2019, there were nearly 40 online movies with a box office of 10 million. In the first half of 2020, this data has reached 30. On this basis, it is a foregone conclusion that the number of online movies with a box office of 10 million will exceed last year. In March this year, Tencent Video made public the rules and box office of online movies for the first time, which also made market data statistics more accurate.


Overall, the lack of cinema films in the first half of the year has played a certain role in boosting the market performance of online films. Coupled with the service and quality of the leading works themselves, the number of online films has increased sharply. Whether there will be more excellent works in the second half of the year still needs to be proved by the quality of the content.

Classic IP has strong ability to attract money, and the military and police themes perform well

In order to get a better return on investment, it has become the norm for online movies to be remade or adapted from classic IP. The innate audience base and emotional blessing can often make such movies get a lot of hidden dividends.


In the first half of 2020, online movies ranked among the top three at the box office, and the market popularity of "Qimen Escaping Jia", "A Thousand Women’s Ghost: Human Love", and "Ghost Blowing Lights in the Dragon Ridge Maze" all had IP effects. However, classic IP is also a double-edged sword. Many audiences will compare the original with the new work, and often criticize the latter more.

In the film genre, online movie audiences still prefer fantasy elements. At least ten of the 30 online movies with box office receipts exceeding 10 million contain this style.


In addition, the military and police themes that have performed well in theaters in recent years have also been sought after by online movie audiences. The four films of "Sniper", "Wolf Extermination Operation", "Wolf Eagle" and "SWAT Mission of the City Crisis" have obtained 2590.5 million, 18.932 million, 12.871 million and 10.147 million box office respectively.


Among them, "Sniper" was released on 3 days to break through 6 million box office, and the number of viewers exceeded 2.70 million. The iQIYI online movie March list shows that the film achieved 2445.7 million box office in 27 days, becoming the platform’s online movie box office champion in one fell swoop.


The addition of a professional production team guarantees the quality of such content. In the list of producers of "Sniper" and "Wolf Extermination Operation", Golden Shield Film and Television Center ranks among them. Before this, Golden Shield Film and Television Center has produced "In the Name of the People", "Sparrow", "King of Special Soldiers" and other film and television dramas. In 2016, "King of Special Soldiers" created a precedent for military-themed online movies.


Under the dual role of policy support and market demand, the theme of military and police has become the "new blue ocean" of online film creation. In the future, there may be more such excellent works in the market.


Audiences intersect, revenue channels increase

In the first half of 2020, among the leading online movies, "A Thousand Ghosts: Human Love" was undoubtedly one of the most discussed works by audiences.

Previously, the distinct cinema film and online film audience groups began to intersect. During the epidemic, the cinema film promotion company that changed the track upgraded the marketing methods brought by the online film, and also enhanced the market awareness of the film.


At present, 23,000 netizens have given this film an average score of 4.9 points on Douban. This reflects to a certain extent that Douban users, who are mainly audiences of cinema movies, have begun to pay attention to online movies with young people in small towns as the main audience.

In an interview, Liu Zhaohui, the film’s producer, said that "an online movie is finally facing everyone’s comments by cinema standards."



Without a doubt, good content is the best tool to break through the audience barrier between cinema movies and online movies.

An online movie "Pisces Meteorite" that did not perform well at the box office has attracted the attention of many theater audiences, precisely because the quality of the content it provides exceeds audience expectations. In a state of near naked publicity, relying on the tap water of the audience, 13,000 people gave a good score of 6.9 on the average of Douban.

"Facts have proved that even if a good story is based on a 50-cent special effect, it will still immerse people in it." One netizens’ evaluation was highly praised. Some viewers even suggested that the film could be remade into a cinema movie in the future.

"The new audience may not be the audience of online movies at ordinary times, and their requirements for online movies may be higher, so it is a good thing for the industry, but for practitioners, it will not have much impact. They all need to make solid content, and joining the top content competition is the last word for development," Long Jian, the head of Chongqing’s small bench film industry and the producer of the online movie "Please God Lamp 1", said in an interview.


In addition to the intersection of users, the profit channels of online movies have begun to converge with cinema movies. Liu Zhaohui said in an interview with 1905 Film Network that more than a dozen teams have come to negotiate overseas copyright matters for movies. In addition, the sale of derivatives around leading online movies will also be possible in the future.


It should be noted that obtaining the Dragon Label is a prerequisite for online movies to go overseas. In the first half of 2020, only 5 of the 30 online movies with a box office of over 10 million won the Dragon Label. This requires the producer to have relevant layout plans when they start to code the disc.


"In April and May, we saw that users were reducing their viewing time. Maybe they spent too much time watching videos during the epidemic and were a little tired, so this is a natural decline. Coupled with the resumption of work, production, school, etc., these factors will also reduce this consumption." On May 19, in a conference call after the earnings release, Gong Yu, founder and CEO of iQIYI, explained the reasons for the recent decline in online movie data.


According to statistics, only two online movies broke the 10 million mark in May 2020. After achieving excellent results in the first half of the year, the overall trend of online movies in the second half is still full of variables. The only constant is that the audience and the market will not live up to good content.