There is a kind of "love" that a lesson is hard to find.

  Yin Desheng, a full-time psychological teacher at the Mental Health Education and Consultation Center of Tianjin University of Technology, organized a series of group activities with students to pursue happiness.

  "Happiness" class.

  Wang Xiaoling teaches "Love Psychology".

  Cao Aihua was invited to participate in the activities of the Teacher-Student Growth Salon organized by the Academic Council.

  Yang Li teaches "Happiness Class".

  Li Jianwei, a teacher from the Psychological Counseling Health Center of Tianjin Medical University, led the students to "assimilation and self-healing therapy of Chendan poetry".

  Shi Xiaochen, director of the office of Tianjin Normal University Student Mental Health Education Center, organized a love theme salon for students. This edition of photos is provided by the interviewed universities.

  What elective courses are most concerned and welcomed by college students? Yes, it’s a course of "falling in love", "talking about love" and "finding happiness" In recent years, many colleges and universities in our city have set up courses about happiness and love, among which "love class", "love class" and "happiness class" have received the most extensive attention. The two courses of "Love Psychology" and "Happiness Studies" in Tianjin University are both "popular", and the students said that "grabbing is ‘ Great happiness ’ " ; Nankai University’s "Sociology of Love" is deeply loved by students, and every course is a "big hit" … … These "explosive" courses were "snapped up in seconds" once they were opened. From understanding love, learning to love and harvesting happiness, some college students "shouted" from a distance: "I really need it!" Why are such courses so popular? In the past few days, the reporter has visited this.

  The teacher talks about "Love Psychology"

  "This is not a ‘ Take off the single class ’ "

  Snacks and drinks are placed beside the sign-in desk for self-help, accompanied by soothing background music, students are whispering in twos and threes, which not only makes the atmosphere happy and relaxed, but also helps to expand the circle of friends and get to know him/her from different colleges and grades … … Recently, a romantic "date" was held in Datong Activity Center of Beiyangyuan Campus of Tianjin University. This is not a blind date scene, but a practical lesson in the course of "Love Psychology" which was robbed by students every second.

  "This is not a ‘ Take off the single class ’ , also won’t teach too much ‘ Love skills ’ The course mainly helps students to improve their ability to love, and more importantly, value guidance. " Wang Xiaoling, a teacher of Tianjin University’s Mental Health Education Center who teaches "Love Psychology", solemnly declares this at every class. This course of Mr. Wang focuses on helping students to cultivate higher-order thinking and establish a correct view of love, marriage and family. Not only can they learn to deal with love conflicts, but they can also learn to love themselves, others and their country. Therefore, the criterion for evaluating the learning effect of "Love Psychology" is not whether students are "detached" or not, their love status and emotional experience, but how to make love have a broader content: how to communicate with others, how to improve their love ability, including loving themselves, their family and their country, and how to sublimate from "little love" to "great love".

  Setting up "Love Psychology" is not a whim, but a response to students’ eager needs.

  For more than 10 years, Wang Xiaoling has carried out mental health education teaching, psychological consultation, crisis intervention and supervision for teachers and students of Tianda University, and found that emotional confusion is a very important part of daily consultation. A few days ago, an organization launched a questionnaire survey for 1028 college students across the country, and the results showed that 88.23% of them supported it. "Many ‘ 00 ’ Students have problems in interpersonal relationships, love, parent-child relationships and learning guidance, and their ability to cope with complex emotional problems and business relationships is insufficient. In addition to mastering professional knowledge and skills, we need stable emotional support to mature our personality and establish lofty ideals and ambitions. " After accumulating a large number of consulting cases at work, Wang Xiaoling gradually came up with the idea of opening a "love class".

  "Love courses don’t just teach students how to fall in love. Love and marriage involve psychology, ethics, sociology and other multidisciplinary knowledge, and are closely related to outlook on life and values. It is helpful for young people to clarify all kinds of problems in love. If you can’t figure out some common problems in love and can’t do them well, it will often affect life, study and many other aspects. " Wang Xiaoling said.

  As a public elective course in the first class of the school, how can "Love Psychology" be both theoretical and practical, so that young students can really benefit?

  For this reason, the curriculum group has set up a diversified teaching team composed of psychological teachers, full-time ideological and political teachers and counselors, and conducted regular teaching seminars. The teaching content reflects the interdisciplinary integration, integrates the knowledge of psychology, art, philosophy, engineering, law and other disciplines, and enhances students’ ability to love. Understanding love, attachment, conflict coping and relationship maintenance … … The content of the course is excavated from practical problems, and each problem is the love trouble that students encounter in reality.

  The popularity of love courses is inseparable from the diverse, lively and interesting curriculum. In addition to theoretical study and interpretation of examples, Wang Xiaoling and his team have also set up many interactive and practical links that make students’ sense of participation and experience "bursting". For example, they specially arrange homework after class to let students conduct psychological interviews with their parents and explore the influence of family of origin on their marriage and love; Specially arrange "simulated confession" to improve students’ ability to "express love", cultivate courage and overcome fear; Innovatively design the "simulated quarrel" link, so that students can learn to put themselves in other’s shoes, understand each other, express their feelings reasonably, and cultivate their ability to maintain love … … These dynamic courses are naturally popular. "Many students also bring their parents to attend classes together, which not only deepens mutual understanding, but also allows young people to have further thinking and cognition about marriage and family relations." Wang Xiaoling said.

  In the course, Wang Xiaoling also designed voluntary activities, such as organizing campus networking activities around May 20th or November 11th, which were completed spontaneously by students who took elective courses, so as to improve their interpersonal communication and activity organization ability, and also to increase their chances of meeting romantics on campus. The enthusiasm of students to participate in activities is very high.

  Student said

  "Through ‘ Love class ’ In our study and practice activities, we can experience different roles such as planners, volunteers and participants, and have rich thinking perspectives. Besides gaining professional knowledge and cultivating positive emotional attitudes, we can also improve our abilities in organization, coordination, communication, design, hosting and teamwork, and improve our ability to express love in various fields. " Li Junhao, a 2022 student from the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University who participated in the planning practice class, said.

  "We will improve the general course system such as" Love Psychology "according to the needs of students, and combine massive open online course resources to strengthen online and offline linkage, so that more young students can enhance their happiness through learning." Wang Xiaoling said.

  The teacher talks about "sociology of love"

  "Love needs to be learned."

  "Love needs to learn; Happiness is an ability. " Cao Aihua, an associate professor at the School of Sociology of Nankai University, put such a title on every slide of the courseware "Sociology of Love". "I want to tell students in this way why I want to open this course." Cao Aihua said.

  In 2018, Nankai University opened the undergraduate general elective course "Love Sociology". In the past five years, it has been carried out in two campuses for 12 rounds. Up to now, thousands of students have chosen courses, which has become one of the most popular courses in the school. Every time you choose a course, you must rely on "grabbing".

  Behind the popularity of the course is college students’ yearning for beautiful love. In addition, there are also many people who are attracted by the word "love" in the course title driven by curiosity. Last year, some institutions launched a questionnaire survey for college students across the country, and a total of 1296 valid questionnaires were collected from 283 colleges and universities. 75.23% of the students thought that schools and society should provide more psychological counseling for love or emotional relationships. 74.77% students expect the school to provide love education.

  "As a part of interpersonal communication, a good relationship can promote a person’s growth. The school agreed to offer courses related to love, with the aim of promoting students’ mental health development. " Cao Aihua said that the course "Sociology of Love" mainly teaches sociology, psychology and even physiology knowledge. These mature theories that have been scientifically tested can help students to establish a correct view of love and values, guide their words and deeds, and thus better handle interpersonal relationships.

  Student said

  "I yearn for a beautiful love of my own. When studying love as a course, I am curious about how different people treat love. " With this purpose in mind, Xiao Liu chose "Sociology of Love". After one semester, Xiao Liu said that "learning how to love others" is his greatest achievement. "Love goes both ways, and only by giving each other can we maintain a stable relationship."

  "Love needs to be learned, and love is an emotional education of love; Happiness is not only a subjective experience, but also an ability to manage relationships such as love, friendship and affection. When a person realizes that love is incompetent, don’t rush to establish a love relationship, because just wanting to take and not giving can only cause harm. A person must first learn to love himself. Only when his heart is full of love can he have the ability to love others and experience the sense of accomplishment and happiness of sharing love with others. " Cao Aihua said that this course especially emphasizes the integration of knowledge and practice. "Theoretical knowledge can be understood by speaking, and more importantly, it is in practice ‘ Line ’ Come out, so I want to design experiential and interactive classroom activities, so that students can practice while learning. Ability is practiced, and the ability to love can be improved. "

  Cao Aihua’s class will not only be explained from the perspectives of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and Robert Jeffrey Sternberg triangular theory of love, but also be interspersed with classroom interactive activities such as love matching games, "love bank" group discussion, and drawing a life chart. At the same time, she will also use questionnaires to understand the reasons why students choose courses and the problems that need to be solved, and let students express their ideas through experiential interactions such as sitcoms. "In class, we will also discuss the performance of lack of love, how to love ourselves, and how to make love not hurt yourself or hurt others. I want to get to know students according to their feedback, and help them strengthen intergenerational communication through my sharing. Only by understanding them can we influence them and solve their problems, and this course can be more vital. " Cao Aihua said that she recently reviewed the homework of "Sociology of Love" this semester, and saw students sharing their love stories and self-analysis. Some students said, "Thanks to the teacher, in the process of getting along, I realized what a healthy relationship is like, and learned how to maintain and manage love in the interaction between couples", and some students said that "the pairing was successful through your class".

  The teacher talks about "happiness"

  "Don’t speak ‘ Truth ’ No irrigation ‘ Chicken soup ’ "

  The teacher takes you to sing, and if you have any ideas, you can send a barrage at any time … … This is the scene that the reporter recently saw the students taking "Happiness Studies" in the Tianjin Road Campus of Tian Dawei. Zhao Jianbo, the lecturer and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Earth System Science of Tianjin University, talked about how to adjust emotions and methods of emotional training from the conclusion of psychological experiments. Students sometimes take notes and sometimes interact with teachers through barrage.

  Student said

  "This course, I started from my sophomore year, and I only grabbed it in my senior year." "In the first class of Su Tuo, everyone changed from shy to active, and many students changed from ‘ I people ’ (Internet buzzwords, referring to people who are introverted) has become ‘ E ren ’ (Internet buzzwords refer to people who are extroverted.) "Some of the methods I learned in class, such as the A4 paper working method of target management, are now being practiced and practiced in my study." "Once a week ‘ Happiness studies ’ Classroom is a rare time for me to relax. " … … During the break, in a random interview with reporters, the students said one after another.

  What’s the "life code" in this general elective course that directly writes "happiness" on the course title?

  "There is no formula for happiness, but there is experience. In classroom teaching, we not only talk about the basic concepts of psychology, but also let students practice. Each part has practical and easy-to-operate practical methods to help students gain the ability to improve their happiness and make themselves happy. We think this is the most important. " Zhao Jianbo also said that the process of preparing lessons is also a process of decompressing and feeling happy for himself. "Teaching and learning learn from each other."

  "We don’t speak ‘ Truth ’ , no irrigation ‘ Chicken soup ’ , but science and experience. The teaching purpose of this course is not to help students find happiness ‘ The only and correct answer ’ But to activate students’ feelings of happiness. " Yang Li, a professor at Tianjin University Mental Health Education Center, said. The "happiness study" led by her began in the spring semester of 2021, and now it is the sixth time, covering more than a thousand students. A series of activities related to the course of Happiness Studies, such as "Happiness Lecture Hall", "Happy Four Seasons, Happy Beiyang", have benefited more than 10,000 students.

  "Happiness study" starts with "what is happiness" and discusses the "four fulcrums" of happiness with students — — Relationship and happiness, health and happiness, money and happiness, career and happiness; Carry out "Happiness Action" together — — Emotional adjustment, living in the present, adversity growth, target management, love and gratitude; Experience a happy life, a balanced life, a persevering life, a vigorous life and a warm and abundant life together & HELIP; …

  "In the same adversity, why do some people fall and others become stronger?" In the class of "Happiness", the teacher will take the students to learn "Seven Skills of Cultivating psychological resilience", learn about themselves and make changes, and then take out the "Happiness Manual of Tianjin University" compiled by the teaching team to work together as "My Resilience Resource Circle" to find out which resources they are more willing to use to help themselves out of the predicament when encountering setbacks and pressures … … Students learn not only various psychological theories in this course, but also action exercises to make themselves happy, so that happiness can be upgraded while learning and practicing.

  "At present, scholars at home and abroad are increasingly studying happiness and its related fields, so our teaching team prepares lessons collectively before class every semester, uniformly modifies and improves slides, introduces the latest research results into the classroom, and increases the theoretical and scientific nature of the course." Yang Li introduced that when the course content was designed, it integrated the knowledge and content related to happiness in positive psychology, clinical psychology, health psychology, China traditional culture and other disciplines and fields, and considered the characteristics and needs of college students to complement the mental health course for college students; In teaching, it combines theoretical teaching, psychological training, experiential activities and quality development, so that students can "learn by doing" and create experiential teaching, interactive teaching and participatory teaching; Curriculum assessment forms pay more attention to process assessment, and curriculum scores will also strive to make students "feel happy".

  In Yang Li’s view, by learning "happiness class", young students can increase their thinking about a happy life, know how to make themselves and others happier, gain a relaxed psychological experience and life state in an increasingly fast-paced life, calmly deal with difficulties and challenges in study, scientific research and life, and bravely face the uncertain future with an elastic and resilient psychological state.

  Facing the concept of love, each school has its own magic prescription.

  Faced with the realistic problems of marriage and love in the current society, many colleges and universities in our city actively construct and improve the marriage and love education system, strengthen the education of love psychology and family ethics, improve students’ ability of expression, communication and communication, and guide students to establish correct views on love, marriage and family, which are well received by students, and also help to cultivate healthy body and mind, improve personality, and let students learn to protect themselves and respect others.

  Tianjin Normal University has arranged a special lecture on love and intimate relationship management in the compulsory course of general education, for students to choose according to their interests.

  "The lectures are basically full every time." Shi Xiaochen, director of the Office of the Mental Health Education Center for Students in Normal University, said that the main content of her talk about "going to a windy place to fall in love" is to solve students’ confusion, including the inferiority complex of those who have never talked about love, how to speak out boldly for those who have a crush on love, how to deal with those who have lost love, etc. "There is no reference answer and correct answer, and I hope that through lectures, students can learn to protect themselves, love themselves and love others based on different stages of love.

  Li Xiao (pseudonym), a student who has just set foot in love, listened to Shi Xiaochen’s lecture with the idea of making his feelings more stable. "We should first cherish ourselves and let love naturally transition to marriage" impressed him deeply. He also helped his roommate who suffered from lovelorn to divert his attention and finally "come out" through Shi Xiaochen’s method of dealing with lovelorn. "The scientific method taught by the teacher solved my confusion."

  Li Jianwei, a teacher of the Psychological Counseling Health Center of Tianjin Medical University, added "self-healing therapy of assimilation of morning Dan poems" to his college students’ mental health class, and helped students adjust their emotions and relieve their pressure by reading poems. "Nowadays, young people are under great pressure, and love is one of the problems that students are deeply confused about, which can affect their study, life and even the sound development of their personality. Let everyone read poetry together, which can not only inherit and develop Chinese excellent traditional culture, but also touch its inner nature, thus helping it to improve and change. Judging from the current student feedback, this method works well. " Li Jianwei said.

  Since 2007, Tianjin University of Technology has offered the elective course of "Happiness Psychology", which enriches the course content in various ways, such as group counseling and artistic expression, and guides students to explore the meaning of life, feel love and warmth, better enjoy college life and improve their positive psychological quality. The course content also attracts students deeply, especially in universities of science and engineering, which gives young students more opportunities for self-exploration and interactive communication. "This course needs to give full play to students’ initiative, and there are many classroom experiences and contents shared by groups. In the classroom, teachers and students discuss and promote each other and gain love and strength." Professor Jiang Kun, the first lecturer of the course and vice minister of the Department of Education of Tianjin University of Technology, said.

  "In addition, the school also passed the compulsory course of general education ‘ Mental health education for college students ’ Zhong ‘ Establishment and maintenance of intimate relationship ’ And elective course ‘ Reading and a Happy Life ’ In combination with psychological counseling and questionnaire surveys, collect students’ needs for intimate relationships such as love and redesign the course. " Yin Desheng, a full-time psychological teacher at the Mental Health Education and Counseling Center of Tianjin University of Technology, said that since this year, they have added a lot of group counseling to this course, changing the course from giving lectures to interacting with classmates, and letting every student participate in it through warm-up activities, group discussions, painting exercises, situation setting, and role-playing of psychological dramas. Judging from the effect, the satisfaction degree of students in love group counseling and the teaching evaluation level of students in compulsory courses and elective courses are all A-level.

How does love affect our lives?

Original title: How does love affect our lives?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, which has a far-reaching impact on our lives.

First of all, love can bring happiness and happiness. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, which makes us feel happy and happy. These chemicals can make us feel more relaxed and happy, so that we are full of enthusiasm and vitality for life. Secondly, love can also bring growth and change. When we fall in love with someone, we will work hard to better meet each other’s expectations, so as to promote our continuous progress and growth. At the same time, we will be inspired and influenced by each other’s advantages, so as to change our own shortcomings and deficiencies. Finally, love can also bring pain and trouble. When we lose love, we will feel heartache and loss, and even lose confidence and hope in life. In addition, love will also make us face various challenges and difficulties, such as communication, trust, mutual support and so on.

Love is a double-edged sword, with both good side and painful side. Let’s learn to face the challenges and difficulties in love while enjoying the happiness and happiness brought by love.

Editor in charge:

The true love of young people in small towns strikes back. Shanghai girls find happiness and true love in his interest

In the concept of dating, Shanghai girl Zhou Jie is indeed a bit "crazy". Under the traditional mindset of marriage equality and matching, Zhou Jie’s road to marriage seems to be getting narrower and narrower. With the increasing age and persistence in the inherent concept of mate selection, Zhou Jie has been "single". Looking at Zhou Jie, who is too high to be low, the girlfriends who are in a hurry have "pulled" her to his interest! Girlfriends think that so many people have successfully found the right partner in their own interests. How can Zhou Jie not?

To tell the truth, although Zhou Jie has always had some difficulties in making friends in marriage and love, and her personality and feelings have always been somewhat cold, she has a well-off family and a rich life working as a dance teacher, which can be called "high quality" in all aspects. No matter in his family in the same city or in his live broadcast room, Zhou Jie’s interaction with her friends will always show her high artistic talent and always attract the attention of many opposite sex. There are more and more opposite sex who take the initiative to chat up Zhou Jie in his interest, but Zhou Jie doesn’t seem to "call" them.

Including Zhou Jie herself and her girlfriends, no one expected the opportunity of true love to come. One day, a young man from Yunnan named Yang Hui finally let Zhou Jie "fall" in love. The two people were introduced to each other automatically by the system through his interesting voice speed matching function. Zhou Jie likes Yang Huifu’s magnetic voice, which is gentle and special. In the following interactive communication, Zhou Jie learned that Yang Hui came from a small town in Yunnan and worked hard in Shanghai alone for many years. She was particularly smart and motivated. Although family background, education and appearance are not as good as Zhou Jie’s, many of Yang Hui’s ideas and attitudes towards some things are surprisingly consistent. Their sense of tacit understanding and mutual understanding make them deeply attracted to each other at the same time.

Every day, there are endless topics to talk about in his interest, and there will be endless happiness when he is with him. Zhou Jie is more and more aware that marriage equality, door-to-door matching and so on are not the whole of true love. Love doesn’t have to be born in the same background, but based on the spiritual harmony and mutual understanding. In this relationship, Zhou Jie and Yang Hui changed each other and grew together. Two people choose each other, Zhou Jie has changed the traditional concept of marriage and love, and the small town guy has also achieved the counterattack of marrying a Shanghai girl.

As a dating service platform that has been committed to building efficient ice-breaking, high-frequency interaction and multi-interest links for single young people, the real high rate of single-off-order of Taqu APP is an accurate cut-in to the actual single-off demand of single groups, and on the other hand, technology empowers single groups to intelligently match the needs of the other half, which greatly reduces the time cost and energy input cost of single young people in finding the right other half, and it is easy to find the right other half in Taqu APP.

"Going to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival" The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is open to traffic! 1 minute from Sichuan to Yunnan for the inter-provincial delegation year.

The villagers happily blew lusheng across the bridge.
The villagers happily blew lusheng across the bridge.
Sichuan News Network, Chengdu, January 21 ST (Reporter Dai Yuling’s photo report)On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, the sound of reeds came from the "Jiming Three Provinces" at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, and the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge across the Chishui River was finally opened to traffic! "Open to traffic! Open to traffic! " Villagers in Chahe Village, Shuiliao Yi Township, xuyong county, Luzhou, used musical instruments to spread the joy to Yunnan across the bridge.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
One minute’s drive and 300 meters’ walk. The Three Provinces Bridge is open to traffic!
The "three provinces of crowing" is located between Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. It is said that there is a story that "the golden rooster crows all over the three provinces". However, although it is said that a rooster can be heard in three provinces, the traffic between the three places is a big problem. Throughout history, this place has been a geographical corner, with traffic jams and extremely difficult communication.
The local people told reporters that because the Chishui River and Weihe River meet here, in the past, if they wanted to reach Yunnan from Sichuan, they had to take a detour to Tanchang, paddy fields, Potou and other towns and villages and drive for two and a half hours. It takes one and a half hours to climb the mountain and cross the river, but there are some safety hazards, such as windy and rainy, rising water, foggy river, simple ferry structure and limited life-saving equipment.
Now, after the completion of the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge, the travel mode of people’s fishing boats crossing the river has been completely changed, and the cross-strait traffic distance has been shortened geometrically. It takes only one minute to drive across the bridge to reach the other side, and the walking distance is only 300 meters, which greatly saves travel time and will completely eliminate the safety hazards of cross-strait residents crossing the river.
"It is open to traffic before the Spring Festival, so it is convenient to visit relatives in the New Year." Wang Sicai, a villager in Tianba Village, Shuiliao Township, dressed in Miao costumes and blowing reeds onto the bridge, told reporters excitedly that the wishes of several generations have finally come true and he is happy to express it with music. "In the past, I had to transport the crispy plums to the other side for sale. I could only carry forty or fifty kilograms and walk for four or five hours. Now, it can be transported in ten minutes by truck. There is also a farmhouse in the village to entertain tourists. In the future, walnuts and crisp plums will be expanded, and more and more villagers are willing to return to their hometowns to start businesses. The bridge has passed, which has brought us many good opportunities. "
The reporter learned that the design speed of the bridge is 40 km/h, the design load is highway -I, the bridge length is 286.4 meters, the net span of the main bridge is 180 meters, and the main arch ring adopts cantilever casting construction technology. The width of the bridge deck is 11.5m (9m carriageway+1.25m sidewalks on both sides), the total length of the approach road at the bridgehead of Sichuan Bank is 637.88m, the total length of the approach road at the bridgehead of Yunnan Bank is 140.6m, and the total length of the route is 1041.3m, with two lanes in both directions.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
 Inter-provincial group year becomes simple "full of love journey" love chartered car
The reporter learned that it coincides with the Lunar New Year holiday. With the full completion of the Jiming Bridge in three provinces, at the strong request of the people on both sides of the strait, the Transportation Bureau of xuyong county, Sichuan Province and the Transportation Bureau of Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province reached a framework agreement to connect buses, and on January 21st, three "full journey" love chartered cars were launched. Next, the transportation departments of the two places will improve the relevant procedures as soon as possible, and start customized passenger transportation from Shuiliao Township, xuyong county, Sichuan Province to Potou Town, Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, so as to provide convenient, safe, warm and comfortable travel services for the people on both sides of the strait, so that the local people can truly feel the care of the transportation departments and let the people have more sense of gain, satisfaction and happiness in the transportation field.
"Dead ends" and "revitalization" of tourism resources will inject new vitality into rural revitalization.
He Xiaotao, deputy director of the Agricultural Construction Department of the Highway Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation, told reporters that in addition to facilitating the travel of ordinary people, the completion and opening of the Jiming Bridge in the three provinces is also conducive to promoting the economic development of the three provinces on both sides of the strait. The poor wumeng mountain, where the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is located, has been a traffic corner for thousands of years, and has always been a backward and poor area in history. The xuyong county of Sichuan and Zhenxiong County of Yunnan, which it connects, are all state-level poverty-stricken counties, facing Qixingguan District of Bijie City, Guizhou Province across the river. The coal and pyrite in Yunnan can’t be delivered, and the crisp plums and tobacco in Xuyong, Sichuan are difficult to transport. The inconvenient transportation makes many scenic and ingenious tourism resources in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou unable to meet each other. The completion of the bridge will help to implement the poverty alleviation policy, which will further promote the development of coastal economy and industry and increase farmers’ income; It will further help the development of the tourism industry, and all the "dead ends" of local rich tourism resources will be "revitalized"; It will further boost wumeng mountain’s poverty alleviation and prosperity, win the battle against poverty, and inject new vitality into rural revitalization; It will further supplement and optimize the layout of inter-provincial passages between Sichuan and Yunnan, and promote the development of regional economic and social integration.
In addition, the bridge is the inheritance of the red spirit. Chishui River and Ancient Yi Holy Land. It used to be the marching place where the Central Red Army crossed Chishui, and the famous three provinces of Jiming were held. The completion of the bridge will further promote the development of local red tourism.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
It is estimated that by the end of 2020, car crossings and passenger crossings with annual traffic volume exceeding 50,000 passengers can be basically eliminated in Sichuan.
There are many rivers in our province, and people in some economically underdeveloped areas have to travel by ferry. According to statistics, by the end of 2012, there were 1718 ferries in the province, which brought a lot of inconvenience to people living and traveling along the river and facing the water. In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of ferry transportation and improve the production and living conditions of the masses along the river and near the water, the provincial party Committee and government attach great importance to the construction of ferry bridge reconstruction project as a major livelihood project.
With the completion of a large number of ferry bridge-changing projects, the water travel conditions of the ferry in our province have been greatly improved, the potential safety hazards have been effectively rectified, and the transportation network has been further improved, which has provided a strong transportation guarantee for the county’s economic and social development and farmers’ prosperity.
It is estimated that by the end of 2020, car crossings and people crossings with annual traffic volume exceeding 50,000 passengers can be basically eliminated, effectively solving the troubles of people who are near the water for wading or long-distance detours. He Xiaotao told the reporter, "The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is also the 36th highway passage on Chishui River, and it is also another highway outlet in our province. Its completion has provided strong road traffic support for promoting high-quality poverty alleviation in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas of Wumeng Mountain and promoting the" four-way expansion and global opening "strategy of the provincial party committee and government."
(Some pictures are provided by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation)

Beijing Ski Open, the first mass event held by National Alpine Ski Center, was held.

On January 21st, Yanqing National Alpine Ski Center ushered in the first mass skiing competition of the venue. The second Beijing Ski Open was held here, attracting nearly 200 skiers from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Sichuan.

Hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center and Yanqing District Sports Bureau, and undertaken by Beijing Skiing Association, Beijing National Alpine Skiing Co., Ltd. and Beijing Kaihong Sports Culture Co., Ltd., this competition is the largest national fitness skiing event in Beijing at present. There are two events in the competition: alpine skiing giant slalom and snowboarding giant slalom, which are divided into two groups: teenagers and adults, and 12 groups are set according to gender and age. The competition is open to the public, and all snow friends under 60 can participate.

The success of the Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the rapid development of mass ice and snow sports in this city, and more and more teenagers and adults have participated in skiing. This open competition makes full use of the legacy of the Winter Olympics, aiming at creating a model of high-level national fitness events and boosting the sustained and high-quality development of Beijing’s ice and snow sports with brand events.

In terms of competition organization, the referee team of this competition has presided over the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics, fully ensuring the professionalism, safety and fairness of the competition; The competition venue is the alpine skiing field of Beijing Winter Olympics, and it is also the only venue in China with a standard track for the Winter Olympics. It not only provides the contestants with the opportunity to experience the Winter Olympics track, but also vividly reflects the good management and good use of Beijing’s Winter Olympics heritage in the post-Winter Olympics era. As for the service guarantee of the competition, the organizing committee has formulated a scientific and perfect scheme, and comprehensively improved the participation experience in medical care, logistics supply and live broadcast of the competition. At the same time, the organizing Committee also set up a "warm-hearted viewing area" to provide escort certificates for parents of minors, so that relatives and friends of small players can also feel the charm of alpine skiing at close range and share the glorious moment.

This year’s competition settled in Yanqing, which is also the perfect integration of alpine skiing events and "beautiful Yanqing, the summer capital of ice and snow". The success of the Games further consolidated and expanded the achievement of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", and promoted the construction of Yanqing District as an "outdoor sports city" and the most beautiful winter Olympic city with ecological civilization. Next, the National Alpine Ski Center will hold the 14th National Winter Games Alpine Ski Competition, and the "Snow Swallow" is flying with wings to welcome visitors from all directions.


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Knowledge post! Why is the "blizzard" mentioned in the weather forecast, and the snowfall is only a dozen millimeters?

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to release on the 3rd.Blizzard yellow warningAffected by the eastward movement of the south branch trough and the southward cold air, there will be a large-scale rain and snow weather process in most parts of central and eastern China today and tomorrow, with moderate to heavy snow in the eastern part of northwest China, southwestern part of North China, most of Huanghuai, Jianghan and Jianghuai. Among them, there are blizzards in parts of central and southern Shaanxi, western and northern Hubei, southern Henan and northern Jiangsu and Anhui (10~ 18 mm), local snowstorm.

  Seeing the weather forecast, many netizens were puzzled: didn’t they say "Blizzard"? Why is it only a few tens of millimeters? It’s not as thick as the sole. You must be mistaken! It should be in centimeters!

  Is it true that the meteorological department made a mistake in measurement? Of course not! In fact, it is like this:Snowfall and snow depth are two different concepts. Snowfall does not refer to the snow depth, but the precipitation value in winter.

  How is the snowfall level divided?

  The snowfall level is not divided according to the thickness of snow on the ground. According to the standards of the meteorological department, due to the size, shape and density of snow falling on the ground, the snowfall isAccording to the amount of water after the snow melts, divided into multiple levels from low to high.. The snowfall levels are as follows:

  Light snow: the snowfall within 12 hours is less than 1.0 mm (equivalent to the amount of melted rain, the same below).

  Medium snow: the snowfall is 1.0 ~ 3.0mm in 12 hours or 2.5 ~ 5.0mm in 24 hours.

  Heavy snow: snowfall is 3.0 ~ 6.0mm in 12 hours or 5.0 ~ 10.0mm in 24 hours.

  Blizzard: The snowfall is more than 6.0 mm in 12 hours or more than 10.0 mm in 24 hours.

  In many places, sometimes the snowfall will be much greater than 10 mm, so many places and forecasts also introduce the concepts of heavy blizzard and heavy blizzard with reference to the two levels of heavy rainstorm and heavy rainstorm.

  Blizzard: A snowfall process in which the snowfall is 20.0 ~ 30.0 mm within 24 hours.

  Heavy snowstorm: the process of snowfall with a snowfall of more than 30 mm within 24 hours.

  In addition, in life, we occasionally see snow falling, but it can’t form snow. This kind of snowfall is called "sporadic light snow".

  Now, I finally know why the snowfall of more than ten millimeters can be called blizzard ~

  Source of this article: CCTV News Synthesis, China Weather Network, China News Network.

Financial institutions pay close attention to "electric fraud" and stop losses in time to warm people’s hearts.

Zhongxin. com Shanxi News, January 10th Recently, China Bank Yuncheng Ruicheng Sub-branch received a special customer, Ms. Liu. In the process of handling business, Ms. Liu told the lobby manager that she had received a phone call from "customer service of a certain platform", saying that she had launched the service of "e-commerce live member of a certain platform". If she did not cancel the service, she would be charged 500 yuan every month for 12 consecutive months, totaling 6,000 yuan. Ms. Liu asked to cancel this service, and the other party guided her to download a new APP. After the download was completed, the other party instructed her to open credit cards, debit cards, etc. through this software, and asked the customer to transfer money to the designated bank account. At the same time, Ms. Liu also received a strange phone call from abroad. After analysis and judgment, the lobby manager helped Ms. Liu print out the recent bank card transaction flow and found that there was indeed a sum of money transferred to a strange account.
In order to reduce Ms. Liu’s economic loss, the lobby manager immediately chose to call the police and explained to the police the story of Ms. Liu’s fraud. At the same time, Ms. Liu was guided to handle the daily bank card limit business, and told that Ms. Liu must go to the relevant bank to handle credit card cancellation and other businesses to ensure the safety of her own funds. Finally, the customer thanked the lobby manager after finishing the business.
At present, telecom fraud and fraud are increasingly rampant. As the protector of customers’ property, Bank of China Yuncheng Branch will continue to devote itself to enhancing citizens’ awareness of anti-telecom network fraud through extensive publicity and in-depth education, and at the same time actively take measures to protect customers’ funds and information security, become customers’ financial partners, ensure their financial interests are fully protected, and protect their wealth and dreams! (End)

The weather is new to the future! Various places have launched colorful New Year’s Eve activities to welcome New Year’s Day.

CCTV News: On the first day of the New Year holiday, colorful lanterns and folk performances in many places will fill the atmosphere of welcoming the New Year. Citizens and tourists enjoy lanterns and special food in the garden and enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Nanchang, Jiangxi: New Year’s atmosphere of picking new year’s goods and hanging lanterns

Near the New Year, the festive atmosphere in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province is strong, and the red lanterns decorate the neighborhood. In the new year’s goods market next to Wanshou Palace, calendars, window grilles, Chinese knots and other new year’s goods have been put on the shelves, filled with festive atmosphere everywhere, attracting many citizens to come and buy.

Citizen Yuan Wei: The new year has a new atmosphere, just having time to buy new year’s goods with my sisters, such as desk calendars and window grilles, to dress up the family and add a festive atmosphere to the family.

Shaoxing, Zhejiang: The temple fair is lively and has rich folk activities.

Buy new year’s goods and visit temple fairs. At the site of the first Shanyin traditional temple fair in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the people in Fuheng Street, with a total length of more than 300 meters, were surging, and various booths were dizzying. There are more than 50 kinds of Shaoxing specialty foods, non-legacy products, etc., as well as a variety of Shaoxing local folk cultural activities.

Tourist Wu Lulu: It’s my first time to travel to Shaoxing, and I experienced the taste of old Shaoxing, which was very interesting.

Nanchong, Sichuan: Bright lights along Jialing River welcome the New Year.

On the banks of Jialing River in Nanchong, Sichuan, the Shangzhongba Bridge and landmark buildings are lit by bright lights, creating a strong festive atmosphere to welcome the arrival of 2024.

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia: The urban landscape is full of brilliance.

Various lanterns are also hung in the streets and alleys of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The city under the night is colorful, and the main streets, squares and traffic nodes in the city have set up different lighting landscapes.

Wang Zhandong, squadron leader of the Mobile Squadron of Huimin District Urban Management Bureau, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia: In Tongdao Street, we mainly use red and yellow lotus leaf lights and flexible light strips, which mainly reflects the theme of "lights for thousands of families".

Xiangyang, Hubei Province: Walking through the ancient streets and feeling the characteristic folk culture.

Visit ancient streets and enjoy folk customs. On the morning of the 30th, Guanjiaxiang Cultural Leisure Street in Xiangyang, Hubei officially opened. The Millennium Old Street is located in the ancient city wall of Xiangyang, and it reappears the fireworks of the city after repair. The block covers different types of formats, such as the display of intangible cultural heritage with local characteristics, cultural and creative shopping, the exhibition of special agricultural products, homestay hotels, etc. The lingering charm of ancient style is integrated with modern commerce, allowing citizens and tourists to truly enter history and feel folk customs.

Citizen Huang Jun: In 2024, with the carp lamp behind us, I wish our life prosperous, carp yue longmen.

Editor: Jassamyn Liu Editor: Liu Liang


The 2023 Shanghai Nightlife Festival kicked off, and 100 good places for nightlife were launched.

The fourth "May 5 th Shopping Festival" is more than halfway through, and the heat is not retreating, the intensity is not decreasing, and the highlights are constant. On the evening of June 3rd, as one of the benchmarking activities, the 2023 Shanghai Nightlife Festival officially kicked off, and a series of wonderful activities reflecting international norms, Shanghai flavor, fashion trends and fireworks will appear one after another.
In order to enrich new nightlife scenes and landmarks, this year’s Nightlife Festival has released 100 nightlife spots, selected by various districts. Good places for waterfront nightlife include 35 characteristic landmarks along the coast of "One River and One River", such as Shiboyuan, BFC Bund Financial Center, Putuo 88 Tribe, Suhewan Vientiane World and Fengchao on the West Bank. A good place for nightlife in Chaoliu District includes 35 characteristic commercial district landmarks such as Zhangyuan-Maoming North Road Time-limited Pedestrian Street, Daxue Road Time-limited Pedestrian Street, Panlong Tiandi, Hengshan Square, Jinchao Lane 8 and Wupintian. Good nightlife places in the neighborhood include Yangpu Youmai Life Plaza, Chongming Haishanghua Island, Bailian Century Nightclub and a number of 15-minute convenient living circle landmarks, which provide citizens with more choices for night consumption. In addition, the "Shanghai Trend Nightlife Guide" was released to provide consumers with diversified and accurate consumption strategies.
After three years’ development, Shanghai Nightlife Festival has become a unique and dynamic brand project among many benchmark projects of the "Fifth Five-Year Shopping Festival", which not only promotes the growth of night consumption and stimulates the economic vitality at night, but also fully demonstrates the unique charm of Shanghai as a 24-hour dynamic city.
As a local science and technology retail enterprise deeply involved in Shanghai, Meituan released the "24-hour Shanghai" night consumption vitality guide for the first time, and launched a number of trendy night consumption destinations in Shanghai featuring trendy gameplay, unique experience and 24-hour business around four sections.
According to the data of Meituan, since the beginning of this year, Shanghai’s night service consumption has generally shown the characteristics of strong overall consumption recovery momentum, great potential for late-night consumption and active development of new formats. From January to May this year, the scale of online consumer orders for night service in Shanghai increased by nearly 40% compared with 2021. After 22 o’clock in Shanghai, the night life service consumption accounts for 22% of the late-night consumption period.
Rich new consumption formats are an important embodiment of Shanghai’s "night economy" prosperity. Not only BFC Bund Maple Trail, Anyi Night Lane, Daxue Road and other theme markets or blocks have become good places for late-night consumption, but also new formats represented by 24-hour gym, 24-hour study room, 24-hour e-sports hall, 24-hour bathing hall and 24-hour pet house are booming.
According to the data of the US Mission, Nanjing West Road-Jing ‘an Temple, Nanjing East Road-People’s Square, Disney, Lujiazui-Yaohan and Wujiaochang-University Road are the top five business districts in Shanghai’s night life service consumption scale index. By the end of May, the consumption orders of 24-hour gyms in Shanghai increased by 179% compared with 2021, and the consumption orders of 24-hour study rooms increased by 118% compared with 2021.
During this year’s nightlife festival, the city’s activities are wonderful and rich. For example, the credit card of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank launched the "Pudong 66 Nightlife Voucher" for the first time, covering nearly 20 shopping malls such as BFC Bund Financial Center, Taikooli in Qiantan and Lujiazui Center, covering more than 500 merchants; Bailian Group invested 100 million yuan in marketing resources, launched "Bailian Night", linked 100 stores in business districts, 20 trend activities, and more than 200 new products in online celebrity to light up "one river and one river", radiating the core business districts and five new cities; Meituan will carry out a variety of theme activities. Meituan Group will issue food coupons full of 150 yuan minus 30 yuan, and link high-quality restaurants to bring group purchase packages on the six-fold line; Meituan Hotel will launch a million subsidy activities, and a single order can be reduced by up to 140 yuan; The public comment will launch the "Yeyeyeyeye" series of activities, and open the "Nightlife" column regularly every day to recommend colorful nightlife ways to users. More business districts and enterprises will also launch unique theme activities to enrich citizens’ nightlife choices.
Zhang Shihuan