Pure beauty, a "pseudo-concept" of crazy alienation?

Lead: Advanced concept or marketing gimmick?

By Jacky.

If we talk about the hottest word in the global beauty industry, it is "Clean Beauty Pure Beauty". Major beauty giants are scrambling to buy pure beauty brands, and more and more brands focusing on the concept of "purity" have emerged in China consumer circuit. However, under the new style, disputes have come one after another.

Clean Beauty is gaining popularity.

Foreign criticism has continued and even launched a boycott movement.

In 2019, Shiseido Group announced the acquisition of Drunk Elephant for $845 million. In 2021, L ‘Oré al Group announced the acquisition of the American skin care brand Youth to the People;; In the same year, Procter & Gamble launched DermaGeek, an affordable vegetarian brand, and acquired FARMACY, a high-end niche skin care brand. Not long ago, L ‘Occitane Group announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Australian pure skin care brand Grown Alchemist.

The giants have increased their acquisitions, and new brands have emerged one after another.The momentum of "Clean Beauty Pure Beauty" is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, there are more and more voices criticizing and even resisting pure beauty.

Many bloggers and dermatologists began to publicly question the concept and market value of Clean Beauty on social media.

On Ins, Shereene Idriss, a doctor of dermatology in the United States, once said, "Clean beauty has a good intention, but at present, the actual state is to use marketing, fear and insecurity to mock consumers."

Intercepted from Ins

In the foreign media Instyle, there are also comments bluntly: "At present, all Clean Beauty is defined by the chairmen according to their own products." The scale of comments by bloggers from the media is even greater. Some bloggers directly wrote the title: "Clean Beauty should die in 2020."

YouTube bloggers criticize Clean Beauty

At the same time, some brands that pay attention to the scientific and technological composition and efficacy value of raw materials stand on the periphery of "purity" and feel "offensive" in disguise. These brands believe that Clean Beauty directly refers to non-"Clean Beauty" brands as "dirty" in its external publicity, which "is actually having a negative impact on the industry".

In China, some professional researchers also pointed out that,Nature itself does not mean non-toxic and safe; Most of the products of "Clean Beauty" are not functional, and their practical significance is far less than their spiritual and cultural significance.

So, what is the "Clean Beauty" that was fired to heaven?

Back in 2000, a brand named REN (Swedish meaning "pure") was born to meet the special skin care needs of a pregnant woman, and its products still have efficacy besides removing harmful ingredients. REN is recognized as the originator of Clean Beauty.

In the following ten years, Clean Beauty was unknown, until retail giant Sephora and American e-commerce platform set up "Clean Beauty Zone" on their websites, which became famous in one fell swoop after the fermentation of social media. Coupled with the careful packaging of beauty brands who are good at marketing, it has quickly become a global beauty trend.

Sephora Clean Beauty area

By analyzing the opinions of pure beauty products such as Drunk Elephant, Tatcha, Glossier, FARMACY, MILK BEAUTY, etc., it can be seen that the standard of Clean Beauty widely recognized by the international industry includes the following three points:

1. The ingredients are safe, that is, the ingredients are non-toxic, hormone-free, hormone-free, carcinogen-free, etc.

2, the label is clear, that is, the ingredient label is clear, comprehensive and complete;

3, the environment is sustainable, that is, it is sustainable to the ecological environment without animal experiments.

However, the above three criteria are only based on the general consensus of the market on pure beauty, and there is no clear concept and legal definition in the world. It can be said,Clean Beauty is more an idea than a clear concept.

Grand View Research, an American market research organization, released a report saying that it is estimated that by 2025, the global vegetarian beauty market will reach $20.8 billion. Consumers are increasingly interested in natural products, which is the background of the rise of pure beauty products.

Yang Zhenghua, CEO of M&C Saatchi Lab. in China, told Future Beauty, "When foreign countries talk about Clean Beauty, it is actually a concept that integrates social movements." 

Drunk Elephant drunkephant

Become a marketing gimmick?

"Pure beauty" began to taste bad in China market.

In the past two years, the popularity of "pure beauty" in China market has soared, and brands focusing on the concept of purity have emerged one after another. "Pure ingredients" and "pure formula" have become high-frequency terms in brand publicity.

China’s "Pure Beauty" brand born in the past two years.

In an interview with Future Beauty, a senior e-commerce operation director said that he had previously led the positioning strategy formulation of an imported brand at the beginning of its entry into China. Between focusing on ingredient efficacy and focusing on pure concept, the brand decided to choose the latter after consideration. This is because there are too many big companies and brands with strong efficacy, and focusing on the trendy consumption concept of "pure beauty" will enjoy more market attention and traffic dividends.

In Little Red Book, there are 7100+ notes about "pure beauty", which continues to impact consumers’ cognition in fancy marketing of Chinese and foreign brands. The data shows that since 2021, more than 70 new brands of pure beauty have successively settled in Tmall International, and the sales of this category have increased by over 600% year-on-year.

Last August, Tmall International Beauty tried to define "pure beauty" in conjunction with the media and summarized it as four "zeros":Harmless ingredients, zero addition, environmental friendliness, zero harm, animal friendliness, zero cruelty, sustainable environmental protection and zero waste.

This definition resonates with the internationally recognized three criteria at the same frequency. However, the concept is full, but the market reality of landing in China is very "skinny", because there is no unified and authoritative standard, and new China brands are basically "talking to themselves".

The person in charge of the standard of a domestic pure beauty system told Future Beauty, "The purity we say can be understood from another angle, that is, what the skin needs, such as a beneficial composition, then it is pure to the body; If the skin doesn’t need it, even if it is pure, it can’t be considered pure. "

Amber, the founder of Tangyi, has also publicly stated that although there is no unified standard for pure beauty at home and abroad, "we believe that real pure beauty must be progressive, scientific and frank", and its "DCBS Tangyi Purity Standard" has eliminated more than 70 risk components in 10 categories. OnTop, another cutting-edge brand, claims to independently formulate six purity standards, and combined with international experience and expert opinions, it has identified 7412 prohibited ingredients.

Dewy Lab tongyi

In addition to some new domestic products focusing on pure beauty and self-built pure standards, some old domestic products also hope to upgrade and renovate by Clean Beauty.

At the beginning of this year, MCL Huaxikou, an old domestic product, which has been repositioned as "Oriental Pure Beauty", officially released the first Green Paper on Pure Beauty, and announced the launch of the first group standard of pure beauty in China, claiming to adopt a vegan formula of zero animal origin and upgrade 100% recyclable environmental protection packaging.

Qiu Xiaofeng, vice president of Northbell, who is in charge of research and development, believes that pure beauty in China is a mixed concept. At present, it may mainly be that raw materials are natural, contain no risk components, and pay attention to the source of raw materials and the transparency of processing. He stressed, but this does not mean that the safety of unnatural raw materials cannot be guaranteed. For example, some synthetic peptides used in cosmetics are also very safe.

The above-mentioned senior e-commerce operation director pointed out: "According to the existing domestic broad definition, I think almost all Australian brands that focus on natural positioning can be called pure beauty, and even the old Chinese products herborist and Yiyi Herbal Medicine can also be called pure skin care." In his view, the so-called "pure beauty" has completely changed its taste now, but when it comes to plant recipes and simple packaging styles, it can be transformed into a self-proclaimed "pure" school.

Apart from the composition, the consensus idea of "zero cruelty" and "vegan" is not only difficult to achieve in China, but even conflicts with the requirements of existing laws and regulations.

Qiu Xiaofeng pointed out in an interview with Future Beauty that "in the research and development of raw materials, some toxicological data are still inseparable from animal experiments for the time being".

In addition, in the article of "sustainable environmental protection and zero waste", the packaging problems of many brands are also difficult to meet the standards.

"At present, cosmetics are more or less over-packaged, because most consumers still prefer exquisite packaging." Zhang Taijun, a senior R&D engineer and R&D director of the Institute of Biotechnology for Skin Care, bluntly said, "At this point, almost no pure products meet the requirements of’ purity’."

If the industry is not self-disciplined in time

Pure beauty cosmetics may follow the footsteps of "organic" and be "one size fits all"

Although "pure beauty" is controversial, it is so popular at the brand level. What are the views of channel providers and consumers?

"the concept of Clean Beauty is very tricky, and it is a bit of a’ stealing the column’. It not only achieves some of the purposes claimed by the efficacy, but also does not have to bear legal consequences. " In an interview with Future Beauty, the head of a luxury beauty collection store in China pointed out the problems behind this marketing hotspot. In his view, in recent years, domestic beauty marketing is a bit lacking, and the concept of simple design, environmental protection and health is easy to resonate.

In fact, the slot about "the idea gimmick is greater than the actual effect" has begun to ferment on social platforms.

In the little red book, under the comment of domestic pure beauty recommended by a blogger, some consumers are outspoken. "If the product doesn’t work, it won’t work. If it doesn’t work, it will instill ideas for me to accept. It is better to emphasize the application of sensitive muscles and emphasize pure beauty, so it is better to say the effect directly. "

Comments on Pure Beauty on China Social Platform

In the comment area of a pure beauty brand Tmall flagship store, "Future Beauty" also saw a lot of spit about the product "no work, no fault" and "too gimmicky".

"At present, many China brands only fit some ideas, not completely." The above-mentioned director of e-commerce operation pointed out that the consumption concept of China consumers is becoming more and more mature, and efficacy is still the core of the brand, which is also the most valued brand value of consumers, and the purchase for added value such as concept is limited.

"The concept of pure beauty is worthy of recognition, but from the current situation, major beauty groups have not made efforts to promote it in the China market. It remains to be seen whether this concept has greater commercial value." The cosmetics purchasing manager of a department store group in central China believes that the new trend is coming, but when it comes to retail, good quality and high repurchase are the most important things for operators.

Pure beauty cosmetics brand Xiangtika

Compared with the enthusiasm of brands, the wait-and-see attitude of distributors and the spit of consumers, there are deeper concerns about the "pure beauty" industry.

Some researchers have pointed out that because there is no corresponding legal standard for "pure beauty", neither labels nor publicity claims can be followed, which invisibly gives enterprises too much room for self-promotion.

"Pure beauty without standard is a false concept!" Some people in the industry believe that under the current strict cosmetic laws and regulations, "pure beauty" is openly and boldly engaged in false propaganda and should be strictly investigated. He bluntly said that if the industry can’t exercise self-discipline, the brand’s fantastic definition of "purity" will probably attract the attention of the regulatory authorities like the previous "organic" concept, thus being "across the board".

Under the heat of the market, relevant departments, organizations and mainstream platforms are called upon to work out the domestic "pure beauty" standard and management mechanism, so that this "concept" with unique ideas and consumer cognition can form a broad consensus, and after abandoning the chaos, the real market value can be further amplified.


Experts interpret the legal problems behind the drowning incident in the boys’ swimming pool. If lifeguards leave their posts without permission, they will be involved in a major liability accident.

    ● Morally speaking, adults in the swimming pool should pay attention to whether there are children drowning around them, and from the perspective of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, if children are found drowning, they should help them in time or ask the lifeguards for help at the first time.

  ● The swimming pool has the obligation of safety guarantee. Lifeguards or other employees, such as cleaning staff, belong to the internal staff of the swimming pool. The negligence of lifeguards means that the swimming pool failed to fulfill its security obligations; Staff other than lifeguards in the museum are also obligated to help consumers if they find that they are drowning.

  ● According to the actual situation of life-saving development in China, establish relevant management regulations, improve the swimming safety education and training system, and establish strict examination and supervision institutions to strengthen the supervision of swimming safety education, so as to ensure the orderly progress of safety education.

  Recently, a video of "boy drowning in swimming pool" attracted attention on the Internet. The surveillance video showed that a boy accidentally left the swimming ring and struggled in the water and then sank to the bottom of the pool, but no one around him seemed to find anything unusual. A few minutes later, the boy was rescued and eventually died.

  On October 9, the relevant departments of the accident site issued a notice: they have quickly rushed to the scene to carry out rescue and after-care work. The swimming pool involved has been shut down, and an incident investigation team has been set up to carry out relevant verification and investigation work. The next step will be to seriously pursue accountability according to the law and regulations according to the investigation.

  After the incident, the public lamented, and more people raised questions: Where did the lifeguards go at the time of the incident? Does the boy drown, do people around him have the responsibility and obligation to help? Are the swimming pool, lifeguards and boy guardians responsible for the accident?

  The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter interviewed a number of experts to interpret the legal issues behind the incident.

  Focus one

  There was a drowning. Where did the lifeguard go?

  In this incident, the most puzzling thing is that the swimming pool is not a wild river and lake, and it must be equipped with life-saving personnel according to regulations, but why was the drowning incident not discovered and disposed of by lifeguards in time?

  The video at the time of the incident showed that although there were lifeguard seats beside the swimming pool, the lifeguards in the swimming pool were not at the scene. The staff of the swimming pool said in an interview with the media that "the lifeguard had something to leave at that time".

  When people drown in swimming pools, lifeguards leave their posts or are not on duty, even if they are on duty, which leads to drowning, there have been many incidents this year.

  In March this year, a swimming pool drowned in jiangyou city, Sichuan Province. The family members of the deceased checked the monitoring at the time of the incident and found that the deceased had a convulsion in the swimming pool and then stayed in the water until he was rescued by other swimmers, during which no lifeguards appeared in the swimming pool. The staff of the swimming pool said that the incident occurred earlier and the lifeguards had not yet arrived.

  Three months later, a man drowned in the indoor heated swimming pool of a club in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou. The lifeguard in the swimming pool bowed his head and seemed to be playing with his mobile phone. He didn’t notice the drowning situation, and it took 9 minutes to rescue him. Finally, the man drowned.

  Hu Jian (not his real name), who works as a lifeguard in Beijing, told the reporter that after drowning, the drowning person will get water into his mouth and nose, stop breathing, dilate his pupils, twitch his body and so on in about 60 seconds, and brain cells will start to be damaged and die in 4 to 6 minutes. For the lifeguards in public swimming pools, when setting up observation platforms in standard swimming places (50m×25m), at least four observation platforms, that is, four lifeguards, should be set up according to the division of lifeguards’ observation areas and the principle of leaving no blind spots and dead corners. At the same time, according to different local regulations, if the water surface area of the swimming pool is 250 square meters or less, at least 3 lifeguards should be equipped; If the water surface area is more than 250 square meters, one person shall be added for every increase of 250 square meters and less.

  "However, at present, public swimming pools, especially those in some gymnasiums, are not equipped with lifeguards or have insufficient lifeguards." Hu Jian said, "Sitting in a 1.9-meter-high lifesaving chair, you can observe everyone in the swimming pool. During work, you must keep a high degree of mental tension. If you realize that you are tired, you should take the initiative to exchange with the patrolling lifeguards, walk around the end and stay awake. The lives of dozens of people are related to you, and you can’t slack off at all. "

  But in reality, not every lifeguard can be so responsible.

  As a swimmer, Zhao Dan, a Beijing resident, told reporters that she often saw lifeguards in some swimming venues leaving their posts at will or on the job, but they were "deserting". "Last time I was in a swimming pool, five or six children were swimming in the pool, and one lifeguard was sitting in the stands, while another lifeguard was not far away playing with his mobile phone, which lasted for more than 10 minutes."

  Xiong Wei (not his real name), who has been a swimming coach for many years in Beijing, said that the number of people learning to swim in summer increased sharply, and some swimming pool operators and coaches only paid attention to the teaching progress and neglected the safety management. Even if the lifeguards are fully equipped as required, some lifeguards are not responsible enough, and they play with their mobile phones or doze off when they are on duty. "When an accident occurs, if the lifeguards are slow to respond, it is easy to rescue them in time and have an accident."

  Focus 2

  Is the lifeguard suspected of serious accident?

  For lifeguards who are not on duty, many interviewed experts believe that if lifeguards leave their posts without leave, they are suspected of committing a major liability accident.

  "There is a causal relationship between the lifeguard’s AWOL behavior and the victim’s child drowning in the sense of criminal law, which is suspected of a major liability accident." Peng Xinlin, a professor at the Law School of Beijing Normal University, believes that lifeguards should foresee that when they know that someone, especially children with limited capacity for civil conduct, is swimming in the swimming pool, the act of leaving their posts without authorization may lead to the drowning of others and the untimely rescue, which will lead to the drowning of the victim. However, credulity can be avoided, resulting in drowning accidents and subjective negligence. From an objective point of view, the rescue of swimming pool belongs to the category of "operation", and the lifeguards violated the relevant safety management regulations during the operation, which finally led to the serious consequences of children drowning.

  "The swimming pool has the obligation of security. Lifeguards or other employees are the internal staff of the swimming pool. The negligence of lifeguards means that the swimming pool has failed to fulfill its security obligations. After the swimming pool bears the liability for compensation to the victim, it can conduct internal handling or accountability according to the labor contract or employment agreement with employees such as lifeguards. " Meng Qiang, a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology Law School and director of the Civil Code Research Center, said.

  In Peng Xinlin’s view, the operators or managers of the swimming pool obviously failed to fulfill their safety guarantee obligations, and they were not equipped when they should have at least two fixed water lifeguards, and the lifeguards left their jobs without authorization and failed to perform their duties as lifeguards. The swimming pool obviously failed to fulfill its management safety guarantee obligations, so if others were injured or drowned, they should bear tort liability according to law, including compensation for rescue expenses, death compensation, funeral expenses and spiritual comfort. In addition, the swimming pool should also be given corresponding administrative penalties for violating safety management and safety production operations.

  Huang Zhong, a professor at the School of Civil and Commercial Law of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, believes that in order for lifeguards to perform their duties more seriously, they should strictly enforce the law, and let relevant units and personnel firmly establish the concept of life first and prevention first through after-the-fact accountability, and weave a good life safety net. In addition to investigating the criminal responsibility of relevant units and personnel according to law, they should also be investigated for their civil responsibility according to law.

  "There are two bases for the civil liability of venues: one is based on the contract and the other is based on the infringement. At the same time, citizens should also be encouraged to report such violations of laws and regulations that endanger life safety. Procuratorial organs should also urge sports venues to fully implement the main responsibility of safety management through public interest litigation and form a joint force. " Huang Zhong said.

  Meng Qiang added: "While the operators are liable for compensation, the relevant market supervision departments should also punish the operators and practitioners of swimming pools, and order them to perform their duties in strict accordance with the post requirements and work contents, so as to effectively protect the personal safety of consumers."

  Focus 3

  Do people around you have the responsibility and obligation to help?

  The surveillance video shows that at 14: 20 on October 1, a boy turned over with his hands off the swimming ring and then struggled in the water. About a minute later, the boy was still and his body sank into the water. At that time, many adults and children were also in the pool, but no abnormality was found. At about 14: 28, the boy was found and picked up by an adult man on the side; At about 14: 30, many people at the scene began to rescue the boy.

  Sadly, the focus of some netizens’ controversy is that the boy has been in the water for nearly 7 minutes. Why did the adult man next to him not find it and rescue it in time? Will the adult man bear legal responsibility for the boy’s drowning?

  Huang Zhong believes that morally speaking, adults in swimming pools should pay attention to whether there are children drowning around them, and from the perspective of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, if children are found drowning, they should help them without endangering their own safety, or they can ask lifeguards for help at the first time.

  "Relief is not a legal obligation, but the law encourages courage." Huang Zhong said that the Civil Code not only provided relief to those who were brave enough to help others for their own damage, but also exempted those who were brave enough to help others from their own damage in emergency rescue through Article 184. These two provisions have positively affirmed the righteous act of being brave in law. Therefore, through publicity and education, it is necessary for every citizen to help those in distress in time and jointly protect their lives without endangering their own safety.

  Then, do other staff in the swimming pool except lifeguards have the obligation to rescue?

  In this regard, Meng Qiang believes that the lifeguards in the museum certainly have the obligation to save lives, and other staff in the museum, such as cleaning staff, have the obligation to rescue consumers if they find drowning.

  The relevant staff of the swimming pool revealed that the boy was brought to the swimming pool by an adult. It is not known who it is. Meng Qiang believes that after children are brought into the swimming pool, guardians must always be under strict supervision, preferably close to protection. If the guardian takes the children into the swimming pool, he ignores them and lets them play in the water alone, which will eventually lead to tragedy. The guardian obviously fails to fulfill his guardianship duties and needs to bear certain responsibilities.

  Meng Qiang also reminded that if parents entrust their guardianship duties to others, and the trustee takes the children to swim, and tragedy occurs because they fail to perform their guardianship duties, then according to the provisions of the Civil Code, if the unpaid entrustment contract is caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the trustee, the principal may request compensation for the loss. Therefore, if the cause of the child’s drowning is caused by the principal’s gross negligence, he needs to bear the liability for compensation to the child’s guardian.

  Focus 4

  How to Strengthen Lifeguard Training

  Yin Peigen, a teacher from the Physical Education Institute of Hainan University, who has written "Research on the Relevant Issues of Swimming Safety and Lifesaving Education", told the reporter that at present, the composition of swimming safety lifeguards in China is complex, and most of them are from health clubs and other employees, among whom the proportion of those with professional life-saving knowledge and skills is very small, and the mobility of personnel is large. Most of them are members and coaches of health clubs, and they have not been exposed to professional swimming safety education and training, and their professional quality is not high. They rely on their own personal experience in some ways.

  "In addition, the sex ratio of lifeguards is unbalanced, with more men than women. There is no academic requirement for lifeguards, which leads to the low overall cultural level and comprehensive quality of lifeguards, which leads to laziness in behavior and habits, and the increase in risk factor during rescue, which makes swimming lifesaving work have great safety hazards. " Yin Peigen said.

  According to Yin Peigen, the lifeguards’ association, which was established in China in the early days, nominally trained and managed all domestic swimming lifeguards. However, in the actual operation, the management system was not perfect, only limited to lifeguards and lifesaving training bases, and the management of lifesaving institutions and lifesaving personnel was limited. Moreover, the training of lifeguards at this stage mainly focused on the lifesaving work in swimming pools, ignoring the training of lifeguards at sea places.

  "In the future, I hope to establish relevant management regulations based on the actual situation of the development of life-saving undertakings in China, improve the swimming safety education and training system, and establish strict examination and supervision institutions to strengthen the supervision of swimming safety education to ensure the orderly progress of safety education." Yin Peigen suggested that funds can be raised through some reasonable channels to provide sufficient material guarantee for the construction of life-saving institutions, so as to ensure the normal operation of life-saving training institutions and promote the healthy development of life-saving undertakings.

  □ Our reporter Zhao Li

  □ Our trainee reporter Ding Yi


@ "After 00": Remember these points to enrich your college life!

   With the coming of the school season, the first batch of "post-00" freshmen began to enter the university and officially started their college life. How to plan their college life? Remember that these points will enrich your college life.

   Do you know the time of these textual research?

   College English Band 4 and Band 6

   CET-4 and CET-6 are held twice a year in June and December. The perfect score of CET-4 and CET-6 is 710, and the score of 425 or above is passed.

   Computer rank examination

   The national computer grade examination is divided into four levels, and general majors are required to pass the first level examination, master the basic knowledge of computers and use common office software. Some units will also require to pass the computer level 2 exam when recruiting. Generally speaking, the examination of computer level 3 and 4 is only required for students majoring in computer science. The computer grade examination takes the form of computer test, with a perfect score of 100 and a score of 60 being qualified, among which the first and second grade examinations are held in December every year.

   Putonghua proficiency test

   The level of Putonghua is divided into three levels and six levels, that is, one, two and three levels, and each level is divided into two grades: A and B; The first grade is the highest, and the third grade is the lowest. The examination time of Putonghua test varies from place to place, and the registration time and examination time announced in that year shall prevail.

   There are many types of certificates that can be obtained during college. You can choose according to your own professional requirements and career development direction, and you can also choose according to your own hobbies, such as teacher qualification certificate, psychological consultant certificate, human resources qualification certificate, and minority language examination.

   Life | Have you ever used these dormitory "artifacts"?

   Bedside shelf

   Students who like reading and studying in bed often find it troublesome to take things, but with the bedside shelf, mobile phones and books can be placed directly in the shelf, which is convenient and beautiful.

   Folding desk on bed

   The folding desk can not only adjust the angle at will to meet your sitting or leaning posture, but also be folded back to the bed directly after use.

   Shading bed curtain

   In university dormitories, roommates have different work and rest habits. Sometimes they want to sleep, but they still have the lights on. At this time, the shading bed curtain can meet your needs well. When the bed curtain is closed, you can have your own privacy.

   Non-slip mat

   If you live in the upper bunk, then you need this anti-skid pad. Climbing up and down every day, if you put anti-slip mats on the ladder, you will not only feel at ease when you get on and off the bed, but also don’t have to worry that your feet will be frozen in winter.

   Creative storage box

   Stationery, accessories, and various gadgets are placed directly on the table, which not only looks a little messy, but also tends to be forgotten. At this time, a creative storage box can help you, easily tidy up and have a neat desk.

   Student mini electric cooker

   There are too many people in the canteen? Is the takeaway unsanitary? Then why not do it yourself in the dormitory? The mini electric cooker can cook porridge to meet daily needs. When you are interested, you can also have a small hot pot in the dormitory, but you must pay attention to the wattage of the electric cooker not to exceed the dormitory limit.

   egg cooker

   It takes a few minutes to get up every morning to cook delicious boiled eggs, which are nutritious and hygienic, so you don’t have to rush to the cafeteria to grab breakfast every day! But pay attention to the fresh preservation of eggs in the bedroom.

   Do you know these rules of interpersonal communication?

   Improve initiative

   In a strange environment, we will have a certain sense of distance to strangers. In terms of personality, introverts don’t like dealing with people very much, but extroverts are different. He will take the initiative to deal with anyone and become a leader in interpersonal communication. In dealing with people, we should keep open-minded, which will help you make more friends.

   Consider the feelings of others

   In daily communication, if everything requires others to do according to their own ideas, regardless of other people’s opinions, others will certainly not like it. If you don’t care about other people’s thoughts and feelings and don’t give others face, then others will definitely not be willing to associate with you. Therefore, in the process of communication, we should grasp a degree and consider the feelings of others.

   Don’t force your temper on others.

   Everyone has a bad mood. When we have a temper, we should learn to control our temper, learn self-control, learn self-guidance, and control our temper.

   Improve self-confidence

   Social phobia is a psychological disorder. Many people will have a kind of lonely bad mood because of their inner fear of socializing or self-distrust. In fact, people’s social skills are not innate, but need to be nurtured by the acquired environment and consciously cultivated. Therefore, we should improve our self-confidence and strive to overcome social fears.

   Upgrade | Freshmen Promotion Raiders

   Learn to "break up"

   Just entering the university, many students are easy to fall into ‘ Multi-line operation ’ I am busy every day, but I feel that my life is not full after I calm down. In the end, a person can only choose a life path, follow his heart and live the life he wants, in order to have a full life. In college, do ‘ Addition ’ It is not an endless increase, but it will be done eventually ‘ Subtraction ’ .

   Learn to turn knowledge into wisdom.

   The great difference between universities and high schools is that the evaluation system of universities is diversified. Outstanding contributions in sports, literature and art will be recognized. Many freshmen score well in the college entrance examination, but their goals are not clear. As soon as they enter the school, they will be particularly confused and don’t know where their long-term goals are. Freshmen can no longer stay at the knowledge level as before, but also keep learning to turn knowledge into wisdom and adjust themselves appropriately.

   foster a lofty ideal

   Nowadays, there is a phenomenon of "hollow disease" among college students, which means that some college students feel that life is meaningless, they are very confused about life, they don’t know what they want, they often feel tired, lonely and depressed, they feel that learning and life are meaningless, they have no hope for the future, and they are hollowed out physically and mentally. Rejecting "hollowness", students should learn to govern themselves, shoulder social responsibilities bravely, have lofty ideals, long-term planning and short-term goals, dare to dream, dare to pursue dreams and be diligent in interpreting dreams.

   Accept imperfection

   Some people say that "the post-00 generation" is a "strawberry youth holding a mobile phone", so you can’t press it or touch it, so you should take care of it. There are two main stages for college students, namely, acceptance and establishment. First of all, learn to accept, accept imperfections, accept differences, and accept constant changes. Only by accepting and acknowledging others’ differences can our differences be accepted. This is a process of growth.

   (Comprehensive China Network, People’s Network, China Youth Daily)

The iron law of "lottery iron man": the wrong lottery ticket will be yours if you win, and I will pay if you miss it.

24 hours in Zhejiang-qianjiang evening news reporter Dong Chen
Candidate for "The Most Beautiful Sports Lottery Person" in Zhejiang Province: Zhang Ting
Among the lottery players in Wenling City, Taizhou, many people know Zhang Ting, a fat boss who weighs nearly 200 pounds. His smile is as bright as a flower, which makes people unforgettable. What impressed everyone more, however, was his two iron laws, for which he was nicknamed the lottery iron man by lottery players.
Iron Law 1: Lottery shops will never open late and leave early.
The World Cup is just a few days away, but Zhang Ting can’t relax. "The month of the World Cup or European Cup is the best time for me to lose weight." Zhang Ting is not joking. According to past experience, he can lose at least ten kilograms.
Watching the ball game is not only a doorway, but also a lively one. So Zhang Ting’s sports lottery shop is the first choice for many fans and lottery players to watch the World Cup. A room full of people are chatting while watching.
Of course, they will also go to Zhang Ting to bet on the lottery before the competition starts. "It’s always a pleasure to watch a football match. It’s even more interesting to bet on a quiz." At that time, Zhang Ting did a good job in service, and the sports lottery shop was open all night, communicating with the lottery players and watching the ball with them until dawn.
However, after all, people are fleshy, and they can’t get a rest every day. Zhang Ting’s physical strength is exhausted and she has to take time to hang nutrition needles in the hospital. But even so, Zhang Ting gritted his teeth and persisted. "The store won’t close until the game is over!"
Zhang Ting started to run a sports lottery store in May 2010. For eight years, he opened at 8:30 every day and closed at 0: 00 in the evening. On Wednesdays and Thursdays when there are NBA games, he opened at 7: 30 on time, and sold it until 1: 00 in the morning every Saturday and Sunday … He is like an alarm clock and never leaves late. "Since this store is opened, it is necessary to provide lottery buyers with convenience and not delay anyone."
Zhang Ting is preparing information for the World Cup quiz.
Iron Law 2: Take your own mistakes.
When someone buys a lottery ticket, Zhang Ting will play the ticket seriously, but it is inevitable that mistakes will be made in his busy schedule, and often the list will be typed out. When he looks closely, he finds that he has entered the wrong number or bet.
"Once the ticket is issued, it can’t be changed. Unlike the invoice, I made a mistake and can be invalidated and reopened. Once the lottery ticket is bought wrong, it can never be invalidated and changed. "
However, lottery tickets are different from many other things and have their uncertainties. For example, because Zhang Ting accidentally typed a wrong number, it may cause the lottery to miss the prize, but it may also be because of this mistake that he hit the jackpot. How to calculate this? "In my here, anyway, that’s how to operate. The wrong lottery ticket, if it wins, counts as a customer. If it doesn’t win, it counts as mine. " This kind of thing has happened to Zhang Ting several times.
On one occasion, an old lottery player who chose 5 out of 11 came to play the ticket. Zhang Ting accidentally made the wrong ticket. He readily promised that the lottery would be quick anyway. If he won the lottery, he would be the lottery player. If he didn’t win, he would pay for the ticket. As a result, the ticket didn’t win the prize. Without saying anything, Zhang Ting took the ticket and returned more than 1,000 yuan in cash to the lottery player.

Transformation of Xiaoyi Dialect | Seeing the snow drifting again, they ushered in a special "Youth League Year".

See snow drifting again.

Affection is a bond that can never be abandoned; Group year is the way home for family members who are thousands of miles away. Hundreds of millions of Chinese people are looking forward to the New Year, and they are looking forward to being happy to accompany their families to have a family reunion dinner, talk about their family, and make prayers. However, there are such a group of people who are afraid of the Chinese New Year, because they miss their loved ones in the high wall more and care more during the festive season. When you see the streets decorated with lights, when you hear the laughter and laughter of the neighbors next door, they are faced with the absence of their loved ones and the year after year when they can’t "reunite".

In order to further transform the results of family support and education, the Third Ward of Yizhou Prison organized the "Spring Warming and High Wall" support and education activities, and let the relatives of criminals spend a "reunion year" with their long-lost families on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2024. This is the coldest time since winter. Relatives of criminals come from all directions regardless of the cold, just to meet their relatives in the waiting high wall. The long-awaited reunion moment was full of excited tears and gratified smiles, and also left a touching moment.

Wu Mou, a criminal, has been in prison for almost three years, but he has never met his family. The prisoner is anxious about his family, has great psychological pressure, poor sleep quality, and is often in a trance and irritable. According to the police, the prisoner’s father’s household registration is not with him, and he can’t provide proof of relationship, so he can’t come to prison to meet him. For this reason, the police contacted Wu Mou’s father many times and instructed him to issue a certificate in his community, which was included in the list of family activities. Three years later, the father and son finally met at the scene of the help and education activities, and all their thoughts were released at this moment.

The criminal Ding Mou, the youngest criminal in the prison area, is under 19 years old. In Ding’s mother’s heart, he is still a child. Ding’s mother is always worried about whether he has listened to the words of disciplining the police … When she saw the standardized, neat and clean environment in the prison area and heard the police introduce the management and education of the prison, she repeatedly said to the police: "I am relieved now, and I can sleep well when I go back."

The criminal Hu, whose wife is seriously ill. Being in a high wall, it has become his extravagant hope to accompany his wife to see a doctor and take medicine, and it has also become a heart disease when he is serving his sentence. At the scene of helping and teaching, he looked at his seriously ill wife with distress, poured hot water for her, and clung to her hand and refused to let go. They agreed to work together and wait for him to come home from prison and spend the rest of his life together.

At the activity meeting, the prison area answered the questions concerned by the family members one by one, hoping that the family members would encourage their relatives to confess their sins and repent and actively reform. At the same time, it is necessary to educate criminals to realize the difficulties of their loved ones, establish a sense of family responsibility and social responsibility, and take "not coming for nothing, not coming again" as an important goal of reform and future life.

The snow outside the window is still falling, and the multi-purpose hall in the prison area is filled with a warm reunion atmosphere. This is a long-awaited reunion, and the thoughts piled up like snow in my heart have melted into yearning for a better new life and the driving force for new life in this moment of zero-distance gathering.

A special "Year of the League" not only builds a bridge of communication and exchange between criminals and their relatives, but also enables their families to know more about prison work. On the way of education reform, Yizhou Prison has been committed to combining education reform with family responsibility and social responsibility, inspiring criminals to reform from the heart, giving full play to the ties and driving role of family ties, and inspiring the misguided souls to regain their courage and confidence in returning to society, so as to realize the transformation from the inside out.

Yizhou prison in Sichuan province

Original title: "Transformation of Xiaoyi Dialect | Seeing the snow drifting again, they ushered in a special" Youth League Year ""

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The weather in Guangxi is hot and humid, like a sauna, and there is strong convection!

"When it rains and awns are planted, all the fields are planted." On June 6th, China entered the third solar term in summer-Mangzhong. At this time, the weather in most parts of China is getting hotter and hotter, and the rain is increasing. Many places in the south have entered the period with the most rain in a year. The awn seed is in the busy season of three summers. As the saying goes, "Wheat with awn is harvested quickly, and rice with awn can be planted."
Rice grows in the sun.
Ear planting is also called "busy planting". In the north, wheat harvest is stepped up to grab agricultural time, while in the south, rice and other crops in summer sowing are started. The "three summers" busy season for summer harvest, summer sowing and Xiaguan has arrived. During the perennial awning period, wheat in Huanghuai, North China, Xinjiang and other places has matured one after another, so it is necessary to seize the harvest. After the completion of awning, the summer harvest in China will be basically completed.
According to the national summer harvest map released by China Weather Network, the summer harvest has been completed in the area south of the Yangtze River basin before the solar term of awning this year, and will be completed in North China, Huanghuai and Northwest China. From June 11 to 15, with the subtropical high moving eastward and southward, the rain belt in the south will shrink rapidly, and the weather in most summer harvest areas will turn fine, so summer harvest operations can be actively carried out.
During the awning season, the subtropical high is carried northward to the north of the Yangtze River, and the warm and humid airflow is strong and transported northward, bringing abundant rain. South China is in the dragon boat water period, and Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places will have the most rainfall in the whole year during the solar term of Mang, and the rainfall often pours down like water, which is very easy to cause disasters.
It’s hot in mango.
When the weather is hot and the humidity increases, the diet should be light and add more water. At this time, the day is getting longer, so you can take a proper lunch break to ensure adequate sleep and avoid physical and mental fatigue. The temperature in the rainy south often fluctuates, and the coolness will come from time to time. It is necessary to add clothes in time to prevent cold.
In hot weather, you need to do a good job of sun protection and heatstroke prevention when you travel.
What are the climatic characteristics of Guangxi weather during the perennial solar term? It is understood that the temperature has risen significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high.
Among them, the rainfall is abundant, the water levels of rivers and reservoirs skyrocket, and the flood control work is severe. (In June of 1994, 1998, 2005 and 2008, there was a great flood in Xijiang River, and it was selected as a case of major flood disaster in history).
The temperature is high in summer, and thunderstorms often attack in the afternoon, which is characterized by "a fever" and is called "sauna day".
Before and after the solar term, there will be afternoon thunderstorms.
Strong convective weather is frequent. Before and after the solar term, there is not only frontal precipitation, but also afternoon thunderstorm activity. In addition, in abnormal years, the initial typhoon began to affect Guangxi, bringing stormy weather to southeast Guangxi.
Guangxi Meteorological Observatory predicts that the high temperature will ease in the next three days, but it will feel sultry. Among them, during the day on the 6th, there were moderate rain, local heavy rain and heavy rain in most parts of western Guangxi and parts of Fangchenggang and Yulin, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and strong winds.
Due to the lack of precipitation in the early stage, local short-term heavy rainfall may cause urban and rural waterlogging, mountain torrents, landslides, mudslides and other disasters, especially in western Guangxi. Please pay attention to prevent the disaster risks caused by the sudden change of drought and waterlogging. The college entrance examination is approaching, please pay attention to the adverse effects of local heavy precipitation and strong convective weather on candidates’ travel and exam preparation.

In 2022, the national real estate development investment decreased by 10.0%.

I. Completion of investment in real estate development

In 2022, the national real estate development investment was 13,289.5 billion yuan, down 10.0% from the previous year; Among them, residential investment was 10,064.6 billion yuan, down 9.5%.

In 2022, the housing construction area of real estate development enterprises was 9,049.99 million square meters, down 7.2% from the previous year. Among them, the residential construction area was 6,396.96 million square meters, down by 7.3%. The newly started housing area was 1,205.87 million square meters, down by 39.4%. Among them, the newly started residential area was 881.35 million square meters, down 39.8%. The completed housing area was 862.22 million square meters, down by 15.0%. Among them, the completed residential area was 625.39 million square meters, down by 14.3%.

Second, the sale and sale of commercial housing

In 2022, the sales area of commercial housing was 1,358.37 million square meters, a decrease of 24.3% over the previous year, of which the sales area of residential housing decreased by 26.8%. The sales of commercial housing was 13,330.8 billion yuan, down by 26.7%, of which residential sales fell by 28.3%.

By the end of 2022, the area of commercial housing for sale was 563.66 million square meters, an increase of 10.5% over the previous year. Among them, the residential area for sale increased by 18.4%.

Three, the real estate development enterprise funds in place

In 2022, real estate development enterprises received 14,897.9 billion yuan, down 25.9% from the previous year. Among them, domestic loans were 1,738.8 billion yuan, down by 25.4%; Foreign capital utilization was 7.8 billion yuan, down by 27.4%; Self-raised funds were 5,294 billion yuan, down by 19.1%; Deposits and advance receipts were 4,928.9 billion yuan, down 33.3%; Personal mortgage loans reached 2,381.5 billion yuan, down 26.5%.

Fourth, the real estate development boom index

In December 2022, the real estate development boom index (referred to as "national housing boom index") was 94.35.

Table 1 National Real Estate Development and Sales from January to December, 2022

Click to download:Related data table

Table 2 Investment in real estate development in the eastern, central and western regions and northeast regions from January to December, 2022

Table 3 Real estate sales in the eastern, central and western regions and northeast regions from January to December, 2022


1. Interpretation of indicators

Investment completed by real estate development enterprises this year: refers to all the investment completed during the reporting period for housing construction projects, land development projects, public welfare buildings and land purchase fees. This indicator is cumulative data.

Sales area of commercial housing: refers to the total contracted area of newly-built commercial housing sold during the reporting period (i.e. the construction area confirmed in the formal sales contract signed by both parties). This indicator is cumulative data.

Sales of commercial housing: refers to the total contract price of selling new commercial housing during the reporting period (i.e. the total contract price confirmed in the formal sales contract signed by both parties). This indicator is the same caliber as the sales area of commercial housing, and it is also cumulative data.

Sale area of commercial housing: refers to the construction area of commercial housing that has been completed for sale or lease at the end of the reporting period, but has not been sold or leased, including the housing areas completed in previous years and completed in this period, but excluding the housing areas that have been completed in the reporting period, such as demolition and reconstruction, unified construction and agent construction, public supporting buildings, real estate companies’ own use and revolving houses, which cannot be sold or leased.

Funds paid by real estate development enterprises this year: refers to all kinds of monetary funds and source channels actually used by real estate development enterprises for real estate development during the reporting period. It is subdivided into domestic loans, utilization of foreign capital, self-raised funds, deposits and advance receipts, personal mortgage loans and other funds. This indicator is cumulative data.

Housing construction area: refers to the total housing construction area constructed by real estate development enterprises during the reporting period. Including the area newly started in this period, the area of houses that entered this period in the previous period and continued to be constructed, the area of houses that were suspended in the previous period and resumed construction in this period, the area of houses completed in this period and the area of houses that were suspended after construction in this period. The construction area of multi-storey buildings refers to the sum of the construction areas of each floor.

Newly started housing area: refers to the newly started housing area of real estate development enterprises during the reporting period, with unit projects as the accounting object. It does not include the construction area of houses that started construction in the last period and continued construction in the reporting period, and the construction area that stopped construction in the last period and resumed work in this period. The construction of the house shall be based on the date when the house officially begins to break ground and dig trenches (foundation treatment or permanent piling). The newly started building area refers to the total building area of the whole building and cannot be calculated separately.

Completed building area: refers to the total building area of all buildings that have been completed according to the design requirements, reached the living and use conditions, passed the acceptance inspection or reached the completion acceptance standard, and can be officially handed over for use during the reporting period.

Land purchase area: refers to the land area where real estate development enterprises have obtained land use rights through various means this year.

Land transaction price: refers to the final amount of land use right trading activities of real estate development enterprises. In the primary land market, it refers to the final allocation of land, the "bidding, auction and auction" price and the transfer price; In the secondary market of land, it refers to the final contract price of land transfer, lease and mortgage. The land transaction price is the same as the land purchase area, and the average purchase price of land can be calculated.

2. Statistical scope

All real estate development and operation legal entities with development and operation activities.

3. Investigation methods

Conduct a comprehensive survey on a monthly basis (except January).

4. Brief description of the national real estate development boom index.

The national real estate development boom index (hereinafter referred to as "national housing boom index") follows the theory of economic cycle fluctuation, is based on the boom cycle theory and boom cycle analysis method, uses time series, multivariate statistics and econometric analysis methods, takes real estate development investment as the benchmark index, selects relevant indicators of real estate investment, capital, area and sales, and excludes the influence of seasonal factors, including random factors. It is compiled by the growth rate cycle method, and is compiled monthly according to the newly added data. The national housing boom index chooses 2012 as the base year and sets its growth level at 100. Under normal circumstances, the national housing boom index is 100 points, which is the most suitable boom level, with a moderate boom level between 95 and 105 points, a low boom level below 95 and a high boom level above 105.

5. Division of East, Central, West and Northeast China

The eastern region includes 10 provinces (cities) including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan; The central region includes six provinces of Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan. The western region includes 12 provinces (cities and autonomous regions) including Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang. Northeast China includes Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces.

Real estate is to incite domestic demand fulcrum to save the economy, is it necessary to save housing prices?

  Ten years ago, one of the fulcrums to incite domestic demand was real estate, and it will still be ten years later. However, the previous reliance was on the commercial housing market, and this time the foothold will be affordable housing.

  "After buying a house for two years, business tax will no longer be levied, and the strength of the policy exceeds market expectations." On the evening of 17th, a real estate agent manager in Shanghai couldn’t hide his surprise on the phone. Stunned. On that day, the the State Council executive meeting just studied and determined three measures to promote the healthy development of the property market.

  The central government has also reserved a lot of space for local governments to "rescue the market": all regions should adjust measures to local conditions and "further adopt policies and measures to promote the healthy development of the real estate market".

  Looking back on 2008, from the intensive control object of macro policy to being positioned as "an important pillar industry of national economy" again; From trying every means to stabilize the soaring price and cool down the investment speculation, to using credit and tax policies to stimulate demand by all means; From queuing up all night to freezing sales. The real estate industry has gone through this year. How to treat the adjustment of building administration? Do we have to save the property market to save the economy? Must the house price be guaranteed to save the property market?

  Do we have to save the property market to save the economy?

  Some people even doubt the "justice" of saving the property market. In this regard, financial columnist Wu Xiaobo said, "The government has its moral justice to save the market at this moment."

  On December 10th, Morgan Stanley Research Department released the latest economic research report on China, and held that the typical feature of China’s economy in 2009 was "deterioration followed by improvement", but real estate investment was the biggest uncertain factor to judge the growth expectation in 2009.

  In the composition of fixed assets investment in the whole society, real estate investment, which is closely related to more than 50 industries, ranks first in the world. As of July 2008, the sum of electric power, heat energy, transportation and water conservancy environment accounted for less than 25% of fixed assets investment, manufacturing investment exceeded 30%, and real estate investment accounted for more than 33%. This determines that infrastructure investment alone is not enough to prop up economic growth, and pure government investment is also difficult to make up for the decline in real estate and manufacturing investment.

  Not to mention the dependence of local finance on real estate. Taking a district of a city in the east as an example, the fiscal revenue in 2005 was 12.4 billion yuan, of which 6.4 billion yuan was turned over to the city and the central government, and the local disposable fiscal revenue was 6 billion yuan; Among them, 2 billion yuan must be "rewarded" to industrial enterprises according to the investment agreement, and the local actual disposable tax revenue is 4 billion yuan. The tax revenue contributed by the real estate industry in that year (including central tax and local tax) reached 2.8 billion yuan, as well as 1.2 billion yuan of supporting fees for large real estate municipalities collected by hitchhiking and about 2 billion yuan of land transfer fees in that year, which were not included in the fiscal account and were used outside the system. In this way, among the 7.2 billion yuan of government funds actually available at the district and street (township) levels, the real estate industry has created more than 5 billion yuan.

  In this case, re-boosting the real estate industry has become an important choice to promote investment and protect the economy. Real estate has been promoted to "an important pillar industry of the national economy" and "affordable housing project" has been listed as the first of the "Ten National Articles", so the policy mix clearly conveys the orientation that "saving the economy must save the real estate first" and "promoting investment cannot be separated from stabilizing the property market".

  "I wonder, what are the similarities and differences between starting domestic demand under the financial tsunami in 2008 and stimulating domestic demand under the Asian financial storm in 1998?" Hu Yijian, a professor at the School of Public Economics and Management of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said, "Ten years ago, one of the fulcrums to incite domestic demand was real estate, and it will still be ten years later. However, the previous time relied on the commercial housing market, and this time the foothold was affordable housing. "

  Must the house price be guaranteed to save the property market?

  As the year draws near, developers are even more hungry for funds, and discount promotion patterns are constantly being refurbished. In Changsha, Hunan Province, there is even a developer’s activity of "buying facial cleanser and sending it to the house". A real estate agency negotiated with the developer to launch a sales model: citizens buy facial cleanser, liquor and other consumer goods through the company, and every time they spend more than 1,500 yuan, they will give a 1 square meter house, buy more and send more. After making up a house area, you can exchange it for a house from the developer.

  How to fully release the normal housing consumption demand? The fundamental point is to improve purchasing power. There are two ways to improve purchasing power. One is to increase income, which is almost impossible when the economy enters the downward cycle. The second is to reduce housing prices, which is the most practical way at present.

  Different from the expectations of a few wealthy people when they invest in housing, a large number of working-class people consume housing based on reality. As long as the house price is adjusted back to its purchasing power range, or even "within reach", they will enter the market. When the real estate market is a consumer market, the most important issue for housing buyers is their ability to pay rather than their confidence. Recently, some properties of Country Garden, a real estate tycoon, are selling well in a weak market. One of the important reasons is that they are low in total price and high in cost performance. In recent years, the prices of some high-quality properties developed by Country Garden are close to the prices of affordable housing. The example of Country Garden shows that only standing on the basis of consumers’ purchasing power can bring lasting demand for the property market.

  Professor Yin Bocheng, an economist, believes that since the Central Economic Work Conference clearly stated that "reducing the burden of residents’ reasonable purchase of self-occupied ordinary commercial housing and giving full play to the positive role of real estate in expanding domestic demand", it is time to return to the origin of purchasing power to observe the property market problem.

  As for the tax rebate for buying houses, which is widely circulated in the market at present, it is only attractive to high-income people. Our reporter once asked two high-income earners whether they would consider buying a house if the principal and interest paid by the purchaser to the bank were deducted from the personal income tax base. A professor from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics replied: It depends on the deduction time. If the deduction time is long, you will consider investing in real estate; If there is no tax rebate incentive, I will not consider buying a house now. Because he already has three houses, he just sold one in early 2008. A president of a securities company who began to be laid off in the second quarter of 2008 replied: If the tax is refunded, I will not be in a hurry to receive my salary and bonus in the first quarter of this year, and I will receive it after deducting the purchase of a house. Obviously, the tax rebate policy for purchasing houses that has been introduced in Chongqing and other places is effective in stimulating real estate investment, but the side effect is that it may continue to blow up the bubble and bring new injustice.

  "Stable transaction volume" or "stable house price"?

  The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that one of the key tasks of economic work next year is to "maintain the stable and healthy development of the real estate market". Is the key to stabilizing the property market to "stabilize the transaction volume" or "stabilize the house price"?

  This must be clear about the real estate market, what is the first need of the current government? It is real estate investment that drives economic growth and the jobs it creates, followed by taxes and land transfer fees from the real estate industry. In other words, for the government, it is more important to maintain high real estate turnover than to maintain high housing prices. Only by appropriately lowering the price in exchange for the transaction volume can the real estate investment continue, because the inventory is counterproductive to the investment. The more vacant stock houses, the smaller the prosperity of future investment, and the terminal sales volume is the first factor to ensure the investment to run. If the sky-high price is low (as has happened in some cities since the third quarter of this year), the so-called price has no market and the sales freeze will force the investment to drop sharply. In the end, the government can neither get taxes from real estate nor even guarantee jobs.

  In a word, the root of stimulating domestic demand with real estate consumption is to reduce prices, run volume and pull investment to drive employment and protect the overall situation.

  From this perspective, we can correctly understand why the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "the desire of residents to improve their living conditions reasonably should be combined with the role of real estate as a pillar industry", that "the supply of affordable housing should be increased, the burden of residents’ reasonable purchase of self-occupied ordinary commercial housing should be reduced, and that real estate should play an active role in expanding domestic demand", and that the the State Council executive meeting on the 17th called for "guiding real estate development enterprises to actively respond to market changes and promote the sale of commercial housing" in studying and deploying policies and measures to promote the healthy development of the property market. (Reporter: Xu Shousong)

The State Council issued several opinions on promoting the healthy development of the real estate market.

  On the 21st, the General Office of the State Council published "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market" on the Chinese government website. The opinion puts forward that the construction of affordable housing should be strengthened to further improve the living conditions of the people and promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

  The State Council executive meeting deployed measures to promote the healthy development of real estate market.

  Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of the State Council, presided over the the State Council executive meeting on 17th to study and deploy policies and measures to promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

  The central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued measures: the interest rate of low-rent housing construction loans will drop by 10%

  On the 17th, the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Measures for the Administration of Low-rent Housing Construction Loans, which stipulated that the interest rate of low-rent housing construction loans should be lowered by 10% according to the benchmark interest rate of loans of the same grade in the same period published by the People’s Bank of China.

  The National Development and Reform Commission issued a central subsidy of 10 billion yuan for the construction of affordable housing.

  According to the introduction of the National Development and Reform Commission on the 17th, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued a 10 billion yuan central subsidy investment plan to speed up the construction of low-rent housing and the renovation of shanty towns in state-owned forest areas, reclamation areas and coal mines, as well as to expand the pilot renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas.

  Supporting the bottom, activating and working together-interpretation of three key words of the new policy of the property market

  "At present, we must adhere to the basic direction of housing marketization and the principle of implementing the housing security system for low-income people with housing difficulties …"

  The two "Persistences" clearly put forward by the the State Council executive meeting on 17th not only show the government’s determination to increase the construction of affordable housing, but also show the attitude of adopting more active economic policies to activate the ordinary commodity housing market.

  Xinhua Viewpoint: Communication on Policy Adjustment of Current Real Estate Market

  "Everything is available, and the policy is strong, exceeding market expectations." On the evening of 17th, an account manager of Daning Store of Zhongyuan Real Estate could not conceal his surprise on the phone. "Business tax will not be levied after buying a house for two years, but we thought it would take at least three years."

  The government has made all-round moves to stimulate the property market experts to interpret the four new policies in detail

  Yesterday (17th), Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council presided over the the State Council executive meeting to study and deploy policies and measures to promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

  The transfer of houses over two years will be exempted from business tax, and the urban real estate tax will be cancelled.

  The Central Economic Work Conference, which ended on the 10th of this month, proposed that "the supply of affordable housing should be increased, the burden of reasonable housing purchase should be reduced, and the role of real estate in expanding domestic demand should be brought into play". Yesterday (December 17th), the the State Council executive meeting determined three measures to speed up the construction of affordable housing, encourage housing consumption and maintain a reasonable investment scale in real estate development.

  Year-end feature: three key words outline the confidence curve of the property market in 2008

  2008 is destined to be an extraordinary year for both the world and China.

  At the beginning of the year, Wang Shi first threw out the "inflection point theory"; As the tide of price reduction began to sweep across the national property market, in some cities with large bubbles, the phenomenon of supply interruption began to appear; What makes developers more stressed is the unprecedented calm wait-and-see attitude of home buyers. The continued downturn in the transaction means that the real estate market has fallen into a period of deep adjustment.

  The Blue Book looks forward to the real estate market in 2009: it will enter a long adjustment period.

  China Academy of Social Sciences pointed out in the 2009 Blue Book of Economy published in Beijing on the 2nd that the real estate market will enter a long adjustment period in 2009 under the influence of international and domestic economic situation and national macro-control policies.

  Year-end feature: The era of high housing prices is drifting away.

  Similar to the trend of the securities market, the real estate market in China has also cooled rapidly from the "boiling point" at the beginning of this year. Up to now, the market depression is still continuing. Although since the fourth quarter, the government has stepped up efforts to rescue the market, and the real estate market in major first-tier cities is slightly warming up, there are indications that some leading indicators of the real estate market are still not very optimistic.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

There is a kind of "love" that a lesson is hard to find.

  Yin Desheng, a full-time psychological teacher at the Mental Health Education and Consultation Center of Tianjin University of Technology, organized a series of group activities with students to pursue happiness.

  "Happiness" class.

  Wang Xiaoling teaches "Love Psychology".

  Cao Aihua was invited to participate in the activities of the Teacher-Student Growth Salon organized by the Academic Council.

  Yang Li teaches "Happiness Class".

  Li Jianwei, a teacher from the Psychological Counseling Health Center of Tianjin Medical University, led the students to "assimilation and self-healing therapy of Chendan poetry".

  Shi Xiaochen, director of the office of Tianjin Normal University Student Mental Health Education Center, organized a love theme salon for students. This edition of photos is provided by the interviewed universities.

  What elective courses are most concerned and welcomed by college students? Yes, it’s a course of "falling in love", "talking about love" and "finding happiness" In recent years, many colleges and universities in our city have set up courses about happiness and love, among which "love class", "love class" and "happiness class" have received the most extensive attention. The two courses of "Love Psychology" and "Happiness Studies" in Tianjin University are both "popular", and the students said that "grabbing is ‘ Great happiness ’ " ; Nankai University’s "Sociology of Love" is deeply loved by students, and every course is a "big hit" … … These "explosive" courses were "snapped up in seconds" once they were opened. From understanding love, learning to love and harvesting happiness, some college students "shouted" from a distance: "I really need it!" Why are such courses so popular? In the past few days, the reporter has visited this.

  The teacher talks about "Love Psychology"

  "This is not a ‘ Take off the single class ’ "

  Snacks and drinks are placed beside the sign-in desk for self-help, accompanied by soothing background music, students are whispering in twos and threes, which not only makes the atmosphere happy and relaxed, but also helps to expand the circle of friends and get to know him/her from different colleges and grades … … Recently, a romantic "date" was held in Datong Activity Center of Beiyangyuan Campus of Tianjin University. This is not a blind date scene, but a practical lesson in the course of "Love Psychology" which was robbed by students every second.

  "This is not a ‘ Take off the single class ’ , also won’t teach too much ‘ Love skills ’ The course mainly helps students to improve their ability to love, and more importantly, value guidance. " Wang Xiaoling, a teacher of Tianjin University’s Mental Health Education Center who teaches "Love Psychology", solemnly declares this at every class. This course of Mr. Wang focuses on helping students to cultivate higher-order thinking and establish a correct view of love, marriage and family. Not only can they learn to deal with love conflicts, but they can also learn to love themselves, others and their country. Therefore, the criterion for evaluating the learning effect of "Love Psychology" is not whether students are "detached" or not, their love status and emotional experience, but how to make love have a broader content: how to communicate with others, how to improve their love ability, including loving themselves, their family and their country, and how to sublimate from "little love" to "great love".

  Setting up "Love Psychology" is not a whim, but a response to students’ eager needs.

  For more than 10 years, Wang Xiaoling has carried out mental health education teaching, psychological consultation, crisis intervention and supervision for teachers and students of Tianda University, and found that emotional confusion is a very important part of daily consultation. A few days ago, an organization launched a questionnaire survey for 1028 college students across the country, and the results showed that 88.23% of them supported it. "Many ‘ 00 ’ Students have problems in interpersonal relationships, love, parent-child relationships and learning guidance, and their ability to cope with complex emotional problems and business relationships is insufficient. In addition to mastering professional knowledge and skills, we need stable emotional support to mature our personality and establish lofty ideals and ambitions. " After accumulating a large number of consulting cases at work, Wang Xiaoling gradually came up with the idea of opening a "love class".

  "Love courses don’t just teach students how to fall in love. Love and marriage involve psychology, ethics, sociology and other multidisciplinary knowledge, and are closely related to outlook on life and values. It is helpful for young people to clarify all kinds of problems in love. If you can’t figure out some common problems in love and can’t do them well, it will often affect life, study and many other aspects. " Wang Xiaoling said.

  As a public elective course in the first class of the school, how can "Love Psychology" be both theoretical and practical, so that young students can really benefit?

  For this reason, the curriculum group has set up a diversified teaching team composed of psychological teachers, full-time ideological and political teachers and counselors, and conducted regular teaching seminars. The teaching content reflects the interdisciplinary integration, integrates the knowledge of psychology, art, philosophy, engineering, law and other disciplines, and enhances students’ ability to love. Understanding love, attachment, conflict coping and relationship maintenance … … The content of the course is excavated from practical problems, and each problem is the love trouble that students encounter in reality.

  The popularity of love courses is inseparable from the diverse, lively and interesting curriculum. In addition to theoretical study and interpretation of examples, Wang Xiaoling and his team have also set up many interactive and practical links that make students’ sense of participation and experience "bursting". For example, they specially arrange homework after class to let students conduct psychological interviews with their parents and explore the influence of family of origin on their marriage and love; Specially arrange "simulated confession" to improve students’ ability to "express love", cultivate courage and overcome fear; Innovatively design the "simulated quarrel" link, so that students can learn to put themselves in other’s shoes, understand each other, express their feelings reasonably, and cultivate their ability to maintain love … … These dynamic courses are naturally popular. "Many students also bring their parents to attend classes together, which not only deepens mutual understanding, but also allows young people to have further thinking and cognition about marriage and family relations." Wang Xiaoling said.

  In the course, Wang Xiaoling also designed voluntary activities, such as organizing campus networking activities around May 20th or November 11th, which were completed spontaneously by students who took elective courses, so as to improve their interpersonal communication and activity organization ability, and also to increase their chances of meeting romantics on campus. The enthusiasm of students to participate in activities is very high.

  Student said

  "Through ‘ Love class ’ In our study and practice activities, we can experience different roles such as planners, volunteers and participants, and have rich thinking perspectives. Besides gaining professional knowledge and cultivating positive emotional attitudes, we can also improve our abilities in organization, coordination, communication, design, hosting and teamwork, and improve our ability to express love in various fields. " Li Junhao, a 2022 student from the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University who participated in the planning practice class, said.

  "We will improve the general course system such as" Love Psychology "according to the needs of students, and combine massive open online course resources to strengthen online and offline linkage, so that more young students can enhance their happiness through learning." Wang Xiaoling said.

  The teacher talks about "sociology of love"

  "Love needs to be learned."

  "Love needs to learn; Happiness is an ability. " Cao Aihua, an associate professor at the School of Sociology of Nankai University, put such a title on every slide of the courseware "Sociology of Love". "I want to tell students in this way why I want to open this course." Cao Aihua said.

  In 2018, Nankai University opened the undergraduate general elective course "Love Sociology". In the past five years, it has been carried out in two campuses for 12 rounds. Up to now, thousands of students have chosen courses, which has become one of the most popular courses in the school. Every time you choose a course, you must rely on "grabbing".

  Behind the popularity of the course is college students’ yearning for beautiful love. In addition, there are also many people who are attracted by the word "love" in the course title driven by curiosity. Last year, some institutions launched a questionnaire survey for college students across the country, and a total of 1296 valid questionnaires were collected from 283 colleges and universities. 75.23% of the students thought that schools and society should provide more psychological counseling for love or emotional relationships. 74.77% students expect the school to provide love education.

  "As a part of interpersonal communication, a good relationship can promote a person’s growth. The school agreed to offer courses related to love, with the aim of promoting students’ mental health development. " Cao Aihua said that the course "Sociology of Love" mainly teaches sociology, psychology and even physiology knowledge. These mature theories that have been scientifically tested can help students to establish a correct view of love and values, guide their words and deeds, and thus better handle interpersonal relationships.

  Student said

  "I yearn for a beautiful love of my own. When studying love as a course, I am curious about how different people treat love. " With this purpose in mind, Xiao Liu chose "Sociology of Love". After one semester, Xiao Liu said that "learning how to love others" is his greatest achievement. "Love goes both ways, and only by giving each other can we maintain a stable relationship."

  "Love needs to be learned, and love is an emotional education of love; Happiness is not only a subjective experience, but also an ability to manage relationships such as love, friendship and affection. When a person realizes that love is incompetent, don’t rush to establish a love relationship, because just wanting to take and not giving can only cause harm. A person must first learn to love himself. Only when his heart is full of love can he have the ability to love others and experience the sense of accomplishment and happiness of sharing love with others. " Cao Aihua said that this course especially emphasizes the integration of knowledge and practice. "Theoretical knowledge can be understood by speaking, and more importantly, it is in practice ‘ Line ’ Come out, so I want to design experiential and interactive classroom activities, so that students can practice while learning. Ability is practiced, and the ability to love can be improved. "

  Cao Aihua’s class will not only be explained from the perspectives of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and Robert Jeffrey Sternberg triangular theory of love, but also be interspersed with classroom interactive activities such as love matching games, "love bank" group discussion, and drawing a life chart. At the same time, she will also use questionnaires to understand the reasons why students choose courses and the problems that need to be solved, and let students express their ideas through experiential interactions such as sitcoms. "In class, we will also discuss the performance of lack of love, how to love ourselves, and how to make love not hurt yourself or hurt others. I want to get to know students according to their feedback, and help them strengthen intergenerational communication through my sharing. Only by understanding them can we influence them and solve their problems, and this course can be more vital. " Cao Aihua said that she recently reviewed the homework of "Sociology of Love" this semester, and saw students sharing their love stories and self-analysis. Some students said, "Thanks to the teacher, in the process of getting along, I realized what a healthy relationship is like, and learned how to maintain and manage love in the interaction between couples", and some students said that "the pairing was successful through your class".

  The teacher talks about "happiness"

  "Don’t speak ‘ Truth ’ No irrigation ‘ Chicken soup ’ "

  The teacher takes you to sing, and if you have any ideas, you can send a barrage at any time … … This is the scene that the reporter recently saw the students taking "Happiness Studies" in the Tianjin Road Campus of Tian Dawei. Zhao Jianbo, the lecturer and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Earth System Science of Tianjin University, talked about how to adjust emotions and methods of emotional training from the conclusion of psychological experiments. Students sometimes take notes and sometimes interact with teachers through barrage.

  Student said

  "This course, I started from my sophomore year, and I only grabbed it in my senior year." "In the first class of Su Tuo, everyone changed from shy to active, and many students changed from ‘ I people ’ (Internet buzzwords, referring to people who are introverted) has become ‘ E ren ’ (Internet buzzwords refer to people who are extroverted.) "Some of the methods I learned in class, such as the A4 paper working method of target management, are now being practiced and practiced in my study." "Once a week ‘ Happiness studies ’ Classroom is a rare time for me to relax. " … … During the break, in a random interview with reporters, the students said one after another.

  What’s the "life code" in this general elective course that directly writes "happiness" on the course title?

  "There is no formula for happiness, but there is experience. In classroom teaching, we not only talk about the basic concepts of psychology, but also let students practice. Each part has practical and easy-to-operate practical methods to help students gain the ability to improve their happiness and make themselves happy. We think this is the most important. " Zhao Jianbo also said that the process of preparing lessons is also a process of decompressing and feeling happy for himself. "Teaching and learning learn from each other."

  "We don’t speak ‘ Truth ’ , no irrigation ‘ Chicken soup ’ , but science and experience. The teaching purpose of this course is not to help students find happiness ‘ The only and correct answer ’ But to activate students’ feelings of happiness. " Yang Li, a professor at Tianjin University Mental Health Education Center, said. The "happiness study" led by her began in the spring semester of 2021, and now it is the sixth time, covering more than a thousand students. A series of activities related to the course of Happiness Studies, such as "Happiness Lecture Hall", "Happy Four Seasons, Happy Beiyang", have benefited more than 10,000 students.

  "Happiness study" starts with "what is happiness" and discusses the "four fulcrums" of happiness with students — — Relationship and happiness, health and happiness, money and happiness, career and happiness; Carry out "Happiness Action" together — — Emotional adjustment, living in the present, adversity growth, target management, love and gratitude; Experience a happy life, a balanced life, a persevering life, a vigorous life and a warm and abundant life together & HELIP; …

  "In the same adversity, why do some people fall and others become stronger?" In the class of "Happiness", the teacher will take the students to learn "Seven Skills of Cultivating psychological resilience", learn about themselves and make changes, and then take out the "Happiness Manual of Tianjin University" compiled by the teaching team to work together as "My Resilience Resource Circle" to find out which resources they are more willing to use to help themselves out of the predicament when encountering setbacks and pressures … … Students learn not only various psychological theories in this course, but also action exercises to make themselves happy, so that happiness can be upgraded while learning and practicing.

  "At present, scholars at home and abroad are increasingly studying happiness and its related fields, so our teaching team prepares lessons collectively before class every semester, uniformly modifies and improves slides, introduces the latest research results into the classroom, and increases the theoretical and scientific nature of the course." Yang Li introduced that when the course content was designed, it integrated the knowledge and content related to happiness in positive psychology, clinical psychology, health psychology, China traditional culture and other disciplines and fields, and considered the characteristics and needs of college students to complement the mental health course for college students; In teaching, it combines theoretical teaching, psychological training, experiential activities and quality development, so that students can "learn by doing" and create experiential teaching, interactive teaching and participatory teaching; Curriculum assessment forms pay more attention to process assessment, and curriculum scores will also strive to make students "feel happy".

  In Yang Li’s view, by learning "happiness class", young students can increase their thinking about a happy life, know how to make themselves and others happier, gain a relaxed psychological experience and life state in an increasingly fast-paced life, calmly deal with difficulties and challenges in study, scientific research and life, and bravely face the uncertain future with an elastic and resilient psychological state.

  Facing the concept of love, each school has its own magic prescription.

  Faced with the realistic problems of marriage and love in the current society, many colleges and universities in our city actively construct and improve the marriage and love education system, strengthen the education of love psychology and family ethics, improve students’ ability of expression, communication and communication, and guide students to establish correct views on love, marriage and family, which are well received by students, and also help to cultivate healthy body and mind, improve personality, and let students learn to protect themselves and respect others.

  Tianjin Normal University has arranged a special lecture on love and intimate relationship management in the compulsory course of general education, for students to choose according to their interests.

  "The lectures are basically full every time." Shi Xiaochen, director of the Office of the Mental Health Education Center for Students in Normal University, said that the main content of her talk about "going to a windy place to fall in love" is to solve students’ confusion, including the inferiority complex of those who have never talked about love, how to speak out boldly for those who have a crush on love, how to deal with those who have lost love, etc. "There is no reference answer and correct answer, and I hope that through lectures, students can learn to protect themselves, love themselves and love others based on different stages of love.

  Li Xiao (pseudonym), a student who has just set foot in love, listened to Shi Xiaochen’s lecture with the idea of making his feelings more stable. "We should first cherish ourselves and let love naturally transition to marriage" impressed him deeply. He also helped his roommate who suffered from lovelorn to divert his attention and finally "come out" through Shi Xiaochen’s method of dealing with lovelorn. "The scientific method taught by the teacher solved my confusion."

  Li Jianwei, a teacher of the Psychological Counseling Health Center of Tianjin Medical University, added "self-healing therapy of assimilation of morning Dan poems" to his college students’ mental health class, and helped students adjust their emotions and relieve their pressure by reading poems. "Nowadays, young people are under great pressure, and love is one of the problems that students are deeply confused about, which can affect their study, life and even the sound development of their personality. Let everyone read poetry together, which can not only inherit and develop Chinese excellent traditional culture, but also touch its inner nature, thus helping it to improve and change. Judging from the current student feedback, this method works well. " Li Jianwei said.

  Since 2007, Tianjin University of Technology has offered the elective course of "Happiness Psychology", which enriches the course content in various ways, such as group counseling and artistic expression, and guides students to explore the meaning of life, feel love and warmth, better enjoy college life and improve their positive psychological quality. The course content also attracts students deeply, especially in universities of science and engineering, which gives young students more opportunities for self-exploration and interactive communication. "This course needs to give full play to students’ initiative, and there are many classroom experiences and contents shared by groups. In the classroom, teachers and students discuss and promote each other and gain love and strength." Professor Jiang Kun, the first lecturer of the course and vice minister of the Department of Education of Tianjin University of Technology, said.

  "In addition, the school also passed the compulsory course of general education ‘ Mental health education for college students ’ Zhong ‘ Establishment and maintenance of intimate relationship ’ And elective course ‘ Reading and a Happy Life ’ In combination with psychological counseling and questionnaire surveys, collect students’ needs for intimate relationships such as love and redesign the course. " Yin Desheng, a full-time psychological teacher at the Mental Health Education and Counseling Center of Tianjin University of Technology, said that since this year, they have added a lot of group counseling to this course, changing the course from giving lectures to interacting with classmates, and letting every student participate in it through warm-up activities, group discussions, painting exercises, situation setting, and role-playing of psychological dramas. Judging from the effect, the satisfaction degree of students in love group counseling and the teaching evaluation level of students in compulsory courses and elective courses are all A-level.

How does love affect our lives?

Original title: How does love affect our lives?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, which has a far-reaching impact on our lives.

First of all, love can bring happiness and happiness. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, which makes us feel happy and happy. These chemicals can make us feel more relaxed and happy, so that we are full of enthusiasm and vitality for life. Secondly, love can also bring growth and change. When we fall in love with someone, we will work hard to better meet each other’s expectations, so as to promote our continuous progress and growth. At the same time, we will be inspired and influenced by each other’s advantages, so as to change our own shortcomings and deficiencies. Finally, love can also bring pain and trouble. When we lose love, we will feel heartache and loss, and even lose confidence and hope in life. In addition, love will also make us face various challenges and difficulties, such as communication, trust, mutual support and so on.

Love is a double-edged sword, with both good side and painful side. Let’s learn to face the challenges and difficulties in love while enjoying the happiness and happiness brought by love.

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