What is culture? How to explain culture?

What is culture?

If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

# Culture # # Xiongnu #

What is culture? This is the best answer I have ever heard.

Bai Yansong said:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is.

People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated.

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different. "

People who are truly literate have achieved the following.


A flight attendant named Judy told an interesting story about Liu Shishi at the Weibo.

As a stewardess, Judy often meets all kinds of big coffees and stars, but these big coffees and stars didn’t leave a deep impression on her until she met Liu Shishi a few days ago.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once:"In the past, all the guests in the first class huddled their quilts, threw them under their feet and left. I didn’t expect the poems to be stacked neatly. I was so touched."

People who fly in first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts. Occasionally, a flight attendant will be moved for a long time.


On May 1 ST, I met a wandering singer on the road. The singer sang very well. After a song, many people walked by and threw the change into the singer’s hat, but then, a lady’s behavior surprised people.

She went to the hat and crouched down slowly.Gently put two coins into the hat, and smiled and nodded to the wandering singer.

Educated, I don’t care if I have read many books. But at this moment: many people lose her too much.

Comparing this matter, I am reminded of Bai Yansong’s words:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture, while those without academic qualifications do not necessarily have no culture. "

Read a lot of books, have a high diploma,And whether you have culture or not are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "Thank you, we don’t need any more dishes."

The waiter explained:"This dish is free."

The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste."

After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something.

Wu Xiao Xian was wondering when the boss stopped the car, picked up the packaged food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read another story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia. Every time you cast a net, you always get something.

But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why throw it back?"

Chinese answer:"Fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught."

His nephew said, "No one can care about you on the high seas?"

The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others!"

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely.

But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep of History", which presents a fact:The United States is both the freest country in the world and the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends to visit the Grand Canyon of America.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the Grand Canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon!" "

Linda got a fright, hurriedly stop:"This is illegal."

The freest America in the world is actually full of illiberality:

It is illegal to hold an open wine bottle in the street;

It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.


Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many restrictions. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said: "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. "

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was a man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, it’s dangerous!" "

In this way, garbage collectors won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When going to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet;

When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector;

No matter what you do, you must think of the next person;



Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died.

The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor."

Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty:"Not called, please."

Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not called, please." Xia Lao changed a word, but touched a building.

Xia Lao is a truly literate person.

A true literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.

Many times, culture is a hidden existence, and it is a rule of life. It may not be visible, but it’s important.

It will make you richer in thought, more advanced in choice, more independent in doing things and more interesting in life, all of which are good for you.

Source: WeChat WeChat official account "Classical Literature and Poetry" is integrated from the network

Editor: Yifan

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "Reading for All", and this article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. Please contact us if the source is mislabeled or suspected of infringing your legitimate rights and interests. We will correct and delete it in time, thank you. 】

What is "culture"?

Maybe you often hear this sentence: "It’s terrible to be uneducated". So what exactly is "culture"?

Recently, I saw such an explanation, which was said by the writer Liang Xiaosheng and can be summarized in four sentences:

Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others! ???

In other words, these four sentences explain what culture is.

Self-cultivation rooted in the heart means doing things properly, being calm when encountering many things, and being polite to others.

It is not that a high degree of education means cultivation, and even some people with high academic qualifications have poor cultivation quality. There are still such people in life! For example, he has a bad temper and often greets other people’s families. Such people, no matter how high their academic qualifications are, are not literate.

I don’t need to remind myself that I am talking about some details. For example, we can understand the inconvenience of pregnant women and the elderly by car and consciously give up their seats; Stand in line consciously when eating.

There are still many details. Generally speaking, pay attention to other people’s feelings, and don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. Take the initiative to care about others, instead of always relying on others to remind you.

Freedom on the premise of restraint. It is said that freedom is not what you want to do. But there must be a premise.

For example, what short video sounds are the most annoying when the phone is turned on in public? Why don’t such people consciously wear headphones, but the sound is very loud and boring. Without considering other people’s feelings at all.

You are free to listen to the sound of your mobile phone, but don’t affect others.

Kindness for others. What I said is not to embarrass others, but to be good for others from the heart. But it doesn’t mean to be a good man, but to help the poor, punish the strong and help the weak, and care and trust others.

The above explanations are some of Xiaobian’s own understandings.

Of course, there are many definitions of culture. But in everyone’s heart, there will be a ruler to measure what culture is. And extracting the essence should be the culture that everyone agrees with.

Thank you for your attention, and hope to help everyone!

Today, let’s understand what is "culture" from the etymological point of view.

In the long history of China, every major social change is preceded by "cultural" change. The sacrificial culture of Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for the ritual and music civilization of Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended for cultural opening and innovation, which ushered in Qiang Qin’s Han nationality, the Han nationality was formally formed, and the Confucianism of Confucianism also promoted the unification of China. The New Culture Movement during the May 4th Movement created a new culture in China, which was a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and ancient and modern cultures, and provided a cultural foundation for today’s national independence and national prosperity. Today, we propose the creative inheritance and innovative development of China’s traditional culture, which is bound to provide the strongest cultural support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Culture is resources, culture is power, and culture is spirit. This is true for the nation, the country and the individual.

However, what is "culture" is still one of the problems that need to be discussed.

From the etymology, what is China’s so-called "culture"? Why does it have such great power? The analysis of culture from this angle can refresh us and help us understand the essence of China culture, as well as where and why it is different from western culture.

Let’s talk about the "text" of culture first.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "Wen" is a hieroglyph, and the glyph is a pattern formed by many lines and interlaces, which represents a pictorial symbol carved on rocks or animal bones to convey consciousness. It is an ancient hieroglyph. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" is a pictographic ideographic symbol carved on rock walls and Oracle bones in ancient times. To put it bluntly, it is an image and a symbol carrier carrying meaning. Therefore, speaking words is a symbol used to express events, facts and information. This is one.

Second, writing is aesthetics. It is said that one of our ancestors looked up at the sky at the beginning of the humanities, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky, as the saying goes, the wind came and the rain went, and the clouds rolled and the clouds were comfortable; Looking down at the ground, it is precisely the beautiful mountains and rivers and the beautiful land. When observing natural humanities, historical geography, personnel stories, as well as architectural costumes, body shapes and even the spirit of consciousness, he found that these things have a very interesting thing in common. Those various patterns are beautiful things in the form of beautiful lines, and their forms can bring people beautiful enjoyment. "Wen" can not only express things, but also express spirit. All kinds of expressions make us feel both practical and enjoyable. So, he drew a "text". This is the origin of writing and the beginning of culture.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" expresses beauty, mainly the kind of beauty that brings beauty to people in form. Therefore, we say that "Wen" is a pattern. Later, the poems and paintings we wrote, including our words, calligraphy, music and dance, were all patterns, and they all expressed a kind of aesthetic and formal "Wen".

If we grasp the original meaning of the beautiful pattern of the word "Wen", we can understand the characteristics of China culture. China culture pays special attention to poetry, aesthetic feeling and the comfort and comfort of secular life. China people pay attention to "life", that is, "to be born and live", and to live beautifully, healthily, abundantly, comfortably and poetically. For the beauty of life, because of the beauty of life, people in China often write poems about life.

China is a country that attaches importance to life, aesthetics and poetry. It emphasizes the free and easy mind, the cultivation of mind, the vibration of soul and the enjoyment of emotion on the basis of the unity of nature, mind and matter, and the unity of inside and outside, and pursues the aesthetic feeling in life.

There is a saying in the ancients that "poetry expresses ambition". "ambition" is "the heart of intellectuals" Poetry, as a "text" to express the feelings and emotions of the heart, is the most appropriate carrier and the best expression of beautiful "text".

Therefore, from patterns to words to poems, paintings, music, architecture and clothing, "Wen" has become an aesthetic activity for objects, a sense of beauty and beauty of people, and then it is derived from aesthetics. "Wen" is a phenomenon form, a subjective feeling, an aesthetic relationship between subject and object, an attitude of observing life and existence, and a poetic mode of life, culture and poetry.

Look at "Hua" again.

"Hua" is two people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. On the left is a man standing head-up, and on the right is a man falling head-down into the ground. From left to right, it is a change from birth to death, which is also a natural life process. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s man on the right is written as a dagger in the bronze inscription, so the word "Hua" is horrible: a man on the left and a knife on the right-killing people, which means revolution, innovation, innovation and metabolism. Therefore, "transformation" is a movement, a law of nature, progress and change, that is, the old dies and the new is created, that is, "dialectics". This is the first meaning of "Hua".

It is said in the Book of History that "every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", which expresses this law of nature. This "new" is "pro" on the left and "Jin" on the right. "Dear", the top is a metal drill, which is inserted into the stake below, and then the axe on the right is used to cut the stake, and the stake is decomposed and split for firewood. Therefore, "new" is broken down, turning the whole into parts and the big into small ones. As far as philosophical methodology and behavioral practice are concerned, we usually call it "analysis" and "decomposition", or philosophically, "deconstruction". This is the second meaning of "Hua".

On the whole, "transformation" is a process of change, change or elimination, and it is also an action and a process before reorganization and innovation.

Why should people be "modern" and "new"? Whether it is new or new, it is to find out the essence and law of the object world through research, anatomy and observation of parts and small parts, and apply it to production and life to create new things and new values. By turning the big into the small and turning the whole into parts, we can grasp the essence and law of the object more conveniently, have a more accurate understanding, have a more successful guarantee and get more achievements when we act. This is research, a process of academic activities, scientific exploration and philosophical thinking. Its purpose is to analyze, dissect and then "construct", that is, to reassemble concrete, phenomenal and fragmentary things with their own thinking, express them in the form of abstract thinking and present them as theories. A whole, an abstract meaning and a universally applicable law are constructed, from which "logic" or "metaphysics" is formed, which is a "Tao" based on the study of phenomena, that is, the source of the world, the essence of the world and the law of the world, so that we can use it and serve the survival and development.

The development of philosophy led to the development of natural science, which brought about the industrial revolution, and then there was a historic translocation of eastern and western countries in the world. "Culture" is the wheel and engine of world historical progress.

[This article comes from "33 Keywords of China Traditional Culture" published by People’s Publishing House]

China beauty cosmetics market is full of vitality.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe

"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.

At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.

According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.

In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.

China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.

The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.

First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.

Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.

Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.

Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.

Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.

With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.

If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.

(Interview with Zhou Ying)

Is the beauty and skin care rolled up like this? These China ingredients are really amazing.

# Headline Creation Challenge #

China good ingredients, cured my skin care internal friction.

If you are a beauty lover or a skincare expert, you must have studied the popular "ingredients".

Are beauty and skin care ingredients safe? Is it effective? Is it suitable for your skin? Can products with the same ingredients be "leveled"? These are also topics of concern to everyone.

In fact, more and more people have become interest-oriented and research-oriented consumer groups, changing from "identifying brands" to "identifying ingredients".

A huge amount of statistical data shows that from the first quarter of 2021 to the second quarter of 2022, the number of short videos of beauty and the number of searches for beauty content in Tik Tok continued to rise. Content such as "ingredient upgrade", "efficacy skin care", "compound ingredients" and "pure beauty" have all increased in different proportions.

In order to promote the development of domestic brands and local beauty and skin care ingredients, so that domestic brands can have a reliable technical core and style construction, Bazaar Fashion and ByteDance Marketing Service Brand Huge Engine launched the second season project of "Great China Ingredients".

In the last season, Bazaar and Huge Engine joined forces with six domestic brands and thousands of talented people Tik Tok to plant grass. The second season’s "Great China Composition" will bring the public a deeper understanding of the hard work behind the composition.

In the second season, we will gain insight into the market trend with the 2022 Beauty White Paper with a huge number of engines, with many platform leaders such as Zhu Zixiao, Cui Jianan, Zhu Xiaohan and Rika_ Huahua as the endorsements of China, and communicate with the public through interactive challenges, e-commerce live broadcasts and other multidimensional activities to help the public see more great China brands.

What exactly is the great China component? Let’s follow the people to find out.

Peer Zhu

Functional skin care ingredients can solve skin problems. When a domestic brand can create an exclusive "core ingredient", this brand can really make China skin care to a higher level in the world.

Cui jianan

If our brand can absorb the essence from the traditional skin care culture and combine modern scientific research technology to meet the needs of segmented consumers and provide good products that everyone really needs, it will be great.

Zhu xiaohan

Despite the fierce competition in the beauty industry, there are still domestic brands that insist on pursuing the details of ingredient research and development and constantly innovate and upgrade in the field of skin care. Their ingredients are excellent, safe and reliable, and their prices are close to the people. They have explained what is the "great China ingredient" with practical actions.

Rika_ huahua

A title with "great China ingredients" must be able to understand and study the needs of local people, research and develop ingredients and technologies, and then constantly research, upgrade and interact, and can accept and be willing to accept the public feedback after the innovation. This is the attitude that brands should maintain in making products.

In the past, people’s understanding of ingredients mostly came from advertisements of international brands and endorsements of foreign raw materials companies.

Now, the rising domestic products are driving the development of China’s characteristic ingredients in their own way.


China scientific research system innovation × raw material and formula technology innovation.

Explore and draw inspiration from global raw materials, transform China’s cutting-edge scientific research achievements, and drive technological innovation of raw materials and formulas with China’s scientific research innovation.

mentionPMPMMany people will think of exploring the Piedmont forest white truffle series. This series contains two core components: PMPM and Ashland, a global TOP10 raw material supplier, jointly developed.TruDiamond? white truffle precise positioning extract, can promote skin metabolism; Co-developed with Cosmetic Innovation Center of Jiangnan University.EquilYeast? yeast lysate extractIt can effectively resist sugar and suppress black. The research and development of the two exclusive ingredients is PMPM.Raw material innovationA solid step forward.

In 2022,PMPMWelcome three authoritative scientists in the industry with more than 70 years of scientific research experience.The scientific research system has been comprehensively upgraded., driveProduct innovation. PMPM focuses on the pain points of essence products and adopts water-oil dual-phase formula to innovate."Supramolecular self-osmosis technology"Control the separation speed of water and oil, and form a stable water-in-oil (micro-water droplets) state by shaking the product, so that the product can reachBetter penetrationandStronger efficacy.

Eventually bornPMPM white truffle oil essenceIt is an innovative creation based on the needs of consumers in China, which is deeply reflected."Multi-dimensional efficacy", "streamlining skin care" and "nourishing skin with oil"Three major trends, while at the same timeMeet the needs of various skin types.

Doing difficult and correct things is a brave exploration and breakthrough innovation of China’s original skin care brand.

Lifelong research

Quantitative efficacy nursing scheme × accurate repair sensitivity

Divide sensitive types into different categories, and research products for different sensitive types to achieve precise repair.

There is no best product, only the product that suits you best. The lifelong research on skin problems holds that sensitivity is a complex skin problem with multiple mechanisms and manifestations, and different users have different mechanisms of sensitivity. To this end, the lifelong research has developed a problem skin test to help users care more scientifically and rationally. Users can learn about their skin condition from here, find a suitable solution to their skin problems, and then choose targeted products.

Among them, designed forOil sensitive muscleDevelopedFive rings essence 2.0, but also achieved a leap forward. It is also a popular ingredient olive leaf extract, and the five-ring essence 2.0 is based onSupramolecular oliveInstead of the traditional olive leaf extract, the original reddish soothing raw material group was upgraded to saffron and citrus fruit extract.Bilishu plusThe addition concentration is further improved. However, the overall concept of the product remains unchanged: the five links are coordinated, and the problem oil-sensitive muscles are carried out at the same time.Root cause improvement. No matter whether it is ingredient upgrading or synergistic compounding, the lifelong research never goes with the flow and constantly explores more possibilities of innovation.

In addition, the lifelong research also takes into account the problem of dry and sensitive skin, and creates a brand-new five-ring oil, which focuses on barrier repair and moisturizing and anti-wrinkle, so that sensitive skin in different States can achieve a more comprehensive repair with five rings.

Go straight to the root of the problem and get it all around.This is the precise repair answer given by China.

Letter from spring

China Original × Three-body Double-position Double-throw VC

Challenge international technical problems and find original solutions across borders.

In 2006, the founder of Chunri Letter, Mr. Bian Qianjin, graduated from Jiangnan University with a major in fine chemical engineering, and began to practice in the skin care industry. After discovering that VC is easy to be oxidized and inactivated, it tries to challenge the internationally recognized technical problem of "VC stability".

The common way to solve the stability of VC in the world is to sacrifice efficacy and choose vitamin C derivatives with poor efficacy. Either sacrifice the price advantage and adopt the high-cost "gouache" separation method. It is necessary to achieve VC stability and high efficiency, but also to make the price affordable to the public. In spring, I wrote to create three major schemes of "water, oil and powder" with three bodies and two warehouses, ensuring thatHigh activity and stability of vitamin C.. This method requires not only the ability of the formulator, but also special VC powder.

The beauty industry could not find a solution, so it went to the medical industry to find it. In cooperation with the global VC supplier (Unacon, China), Chunri wrote to customize micron-sized ultrafine VC powder, and developed the world’s first water-oil powder separation.Three-body and two-bin throwing VC essence. While ensuring the stability and high efficiency of each prototype VC, the refreshing skin feeling and high cost performance also make more people choose the spring letter. The founder of the brand said that he enjoyed it, because the mission of technicians to start a business is to challenge technical problems.

This is China’s element transcending imitation and pursuing originality.

Ou shiman

China Pearl ×SCI International Recognition

Specializing in pearl research for 55 years, self-developed innovative whitening ingredient Zhenbaiyin ?Pro.

There has always been a controversy about the whitening of pearls.

Ou shimanMr. Shen Lao, the founder of the company, has been cultivating pearls since the 1960s. He has always believed that pearl whitening will be recognized. 55 years of pearl research, letOu shimanFrom small pearls, 1437 species were successfully identified.Pearl active polypeptide component. Therefore, pearl whitening is no longer an "ancient" and "false white" component in the "legend".

Ou shimanPublished a paper in the international SCI journal, which verified the extraction from pearls.Zhenbaiyin ?ProMechanism of whitening. The verification method is completely in accordance with internationally recognized standards. The paper proves that: Zhenbaiyin ?ProThe mechanism of action is different from the common whitening component of focused tyrosinase, but it directly acts on the upstream of tyrosinase-endothelin-1, cutting off the melanin signal, thus inhibiting the formation of melanin earlier.

Ou shimanIn order to better improve.Zhenbaiyin ?ProThe purity of raw materials and preserved whitening activity were further purified by vacuum freeze-drying method, which was successfully improved.Zhenbaiyin ?ProComposition purity and raw material utilization rate.

Ou shiman55 years of specialized research on pearls, through four core technologies, self-research and innovation of whitening ingredients.Zhenbaiyin(zhenbaiyin refers to pearl extract), which can inhibit tyrosinase activity up to.58.64%2(Data from Osman Pearl Research Institute, based on the experiment of inhibiting tyrosinase activity in vitro by raw materials), upgraded version.Zhenbaiyin ?Pro(Zhenbaiyin ?Pro means: hydrolyzed conchiolin), and the source can be suppressed by black.99.37%3(The data comes from the third-party Boxi Bio "Active substance whitening detection based on ET-1 stimulated melanin model"). Suitable for Chinese skin,Efficient whitening is not irritating.

This is China’s component proving itself by international standards.

On the Significance of "Great China Composition"

Peer Zhu"Great China Ingredients" popularizes the excellent domestic skin care ingredients to more consumers, so that consumers can know their choices more clearly, not blindly buying, and the growing strength of our domestic products. At the same time, it also saves a lot of publicity costs for merchants and brands, so that some high-quality domestic brands can quickly get out of the circle.

Cui Jianan:Paying attention to ingredients is actually the embodiment of rational consumption. A huge number of engines find trends, make wind-makers, brands study good ingredients, content creators publish good content, and try to make the research results of brands interesting so that everyone can be interested and love to watch and use them. I hope we can work together to make our domestic products go steadily and further. Maybe in the future, people all over the world can see the China brand on their dressing tables; China can be found in skin care products all over the world.

Zhu Xiaotong:Domestic products are not only sentimental, cost-effective, but also have many original leading ingredients. I hope more people can understand the core competitiveness of domestic products and the ingredients of China! It is also the "Great China Component" that gives these down-to-earth domestic brands a chance to be recognized and loved by the public, and makes domestic products go global.

Rika_ huahua:The "Great China Component" enables consumers to make rational judgments on products. In fact, it is a good thing that the ingredients are open and popular. After consumers judge and choose domestic brands and really experience the use, they can build a trust in products and brands, so that domestic brands can be further truly passed on from mouth to mouth.

Integrate the rapid development of domestic and foreign resources, tailor-made for Chinese people, go beyond imitation and pursue originality, and prove yourself by international standards … More and more China ingredients are being born. More and more national brands began to invest in the development of exclusive ingredients. Whether it’s customizing to the cutting-edge raw material companies, cooperating with universities, or more actively breaking down the barriers of food, medicine and cosmetics, and taking greater steps by combining the industrial chain advantages of various industries …

Great China brands are no longer substitutes for foreign brands, but are on the road of rising.

The great China ingredients will not be imitators of imported ingredients, but will surely be a key step in the brand building of domestic products.

People’s Network Review: Strengthening Cultural Self-confidence and Promoting the Rejuvenation of Chinese Civilization

Source: People’s Network-Viewpoint Channel

Visit Xuanyuan Temple of Huangdi Mausoleum, and pay tribute to the vigor and uprightness of cypress planted by Huangdi in 5000 years. At Lushan Mao site and Shiyan Mao site, feel the grand scenery of the capital city of "Wanbang came to Korea" 4000 years ago; In Baoji Bronze Museum, I realized the pre-Qin civilization of the Western Zhou Dynasty 3,000 years ago … With the launch of the online theme of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age", an interview group composed of Chinese and foreign journalists, experts and scholars set off from Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, and started a wonderful journey of exploring the source. The magnificent treasures and voluminous documents help us decipher the code of civilization and strengthen our cultural self-confidence.

Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence and a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. The Chinese nation is an ancient and great nation in the world. It has created a splendid civilization that has lasted for more than 5,000 years and made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. Through cultural relics, heritages and texts, the online theme propaganda of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age in China" makes people more and more amazed at the profoundness and long history of Chinese civilization. Numerous cultural creations have strengthened our cultural confidence, from a subset of classics and history with rich knowledge, to the four books and five classics, six towers and three strategies that show profound wisdom, from jade carving and bronze wares and ceramic silk weaving that show superb skills, to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs with elegant interests.

How to treat one’s excellent traditional culture is an important criterion to judge whether a country or a nation has cultural self-confidence. In the new era, the Chinese civilization tracing project has made important progress, the national cultural digitalization strategy has been rapidly promoted, and the national cultural park has been built in an orderly way … A major project has blossomed with more dazzling light of civilization, helping the people of China to glow with stronger historical consciousness and initiative.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence means sticking to your own path. The road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics came out under the guidance of Marxism, and it also came out from the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. For example, the people’s congress system is deeply related to the people-oriented thought of Chinese civilization and the idea of ruling the world together. The system of regional ethnic autonomy inherits the tradition of China’s cultural unification, which is based on Kyushu, Liuhe and the four seas. If we continue to explore our own roads and methods on the land of China, we should base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, seek the source of living water from traditional culture, provide enlightenment for understanding and transforming the world, provide inspiration for governing the country and opening up a new road without forgetting the way we came.

The revival of a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture; The progress of an era is always marked by cultural prosperity. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew a grand blueprint for building a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese modernization. On the new journey, we should further strengthen our cultural self-confidence, work together to create a new culture belonging to our times, build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and provide a strong value guiding force, cultural cohesion and spiritual impetus for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Great China, magnificent mountains and rivers. Looking back at the depths of history, one of the important reasons why the Chinese nation has survived from countless difficulties and hardships is that Chinese culture has provided strong spiritual support to overcome difficulties. Looking into the future, there are calm, stormy waves, rushing rivers and flying clouds. Standing on the land of China infiltrated with excellent traditional culture, we have the majestic power of more than 1.4 billion China people, our historical background is extremely profound, and our determination to advance is extremely strong. Illuminate the way forward with the light of thought, and eliminate all difficulties and dangers with the power of spirit, and we will surely build a towering spiritual building and promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization.

What is "culture"

In an era, it not only updated our understanding of culture, but also refreshed our ideas again.

Just as knowledge is not equal to culture, it subverts our rational knowledge and perceptual habits all the time.

In fact, in our thinking logic, people often regard culture as the code of conduct of civilization.

For example, benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and trust, gentleness, courtesy and frugality are all concrete manifestations of behavior culture.

Therefore, when a person walks under a tree or an obstacle below his height, there is no doubt that he will bend down.

It should be said that few people even think about how to change it. This is a kind of culture.

Especially when the elevator door is opened, some people stand aside and wait for others to get off the elevator, and some people are eager to squeeze in.

These actions are the intersection of behavior and culture, and have nothing to do with education and knowledge. This is also a kind of culture.

[1] What is culture

Now that we have talked about "culture", how should we understand and recognize these two words? Of course, in other words: "What is" culture "?

Generally speaking, what we call "culture" in a broad sense refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings.

In a narrow sense, it refers to spiritual products including language, literature, art and all ideologies.

Here, we emphasize that as a kind of "culture", it must have six characteristics:

(1) universality. The universality of culture is manifested in the common cultural forms in social practice activities, even though different national consciousness and behavior are manifested, they have the same forms of expression.

(2) Diversity. Under different natural, historical and social conditions, different cultural types and cultural models have been formed, which makes the world culture present the characteristics of diversity as a whole.

(3) nationality. The traditional culture rooted in the nation is complementary to the development of the nation. So different nationalities have different national cultures.

(4) Inheritance. The inheritance of culture is the basis of carrying forward and developing culture. If there is no inheritance, of course, there will be no culture.

(5) Developmental. The essence of a national culture lies in its continuous development and change. A series of cultural products, including today’s automation and informatization, are the results of cultural development.

(6) the times. In the historical process of human development, each era has its own typical cultural type.

[2] Cultural background

I remember that Mr. Li Yanjie, the former professor of Beijing Normal University and vice president of the World Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education, once gave an open class entitled "Virtue, knowledge, talent, truth, goodness and beauty" at the lecture tour in Peking University.

He said; What is culture? The sum of truth, goodness and beauty is culture.

It can be seen that what we call "culture" is the product of all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional intersection of fields.

It not only covers a person’s cultivation, temper and disposition, but also includes family environment, living space, and even genetics and so on.

My neighbor, Aunt Song, once said, "Without culture, you are illiterate.". This statement is very incisive and hits the nail on the head.

You can imagine, living in the present, if you don’t even know a big word, this is not a scene, and it has nothing to do with the bridge, but it is incredible.

[3] It’s terrible to have no culture

Once upon a time, there was a saying circulating in the society: "It’s terrible to be uneducated", although it was just a network language. But it is a culture in itself.

Do you know that the cultural content contained in this sentence is far and near, false and real, true and false?

Perhaps, it may be trying to explain a thing or an action. But I hope it’s just a humorous remark with no practical significance.
