Original Yang Ying was interviewed for the first time after watching Crazy Horse Show and said she was very happy! It’s ironic to cater to European and American aesthetics

On November 17th,Yang Ying was once popular in Asia for her delicate appearance and eye-catching fashion expression, but recently her career was hit harder than ever by watching the large-scale performance of the French Crazy Horse show. Although she is not proficient in film and television singing and dancing, she has always been a leader in the Asian entertainment industry with her high emotional intelligence and fashion skills. However, the Crazy Horse incident seems to have cast a shadow over her career. There are reports that she has almost disappeared, and there are even rumors in the industry that she has been subject to a "soft ban", which is as serious as some disqualified artists.

Although Yang Ying fell into the low point of her career, some netizens broke the news that she spent a lot of thought for a successful comeback. This shows that she did not give up lightly, but quietly worked hard to find opportunities to counterattack. For a star who used to be in the limelight, this kind of persistence and hard work is undoubtedly worthy of recognition.

Although unable to move in the domestic entertainment industry, Yang Ying has turned her attention to overseas. Recently, she has shot a group of fashion blockbusters. Compared with the sweet image in the domestic entertainment industry, Yang Ying in this magazine blockbuster is obviously not as arrogant as before. Perhaps because of the different aesthetic concepts, Yang Ying in the latest magazine photos is almost unbelievably thin, and the lines on her face have become very sharp, showing a high-end face that has always been favored by European and American circles.

The change has raised questions online about whether Ms. Yang is appealing to European and American aesthetic standards. She appears in magazine photos to have a sharper, sleeker temperament, a departure from her sweeter image. The shift could be an attempt at a personal image or a broader international market.

At the same time, Yang Ying’s first interview with Crazy Horse was also exposed.In the interview, she shared her understanding of happiness, which is made up of little things. For example, enjoying a bowl of hot noodles in winter makes her feel happy, and someone offers a cup of iced black tea on a hot summer day. The coolness of the heart also makes her feel extremely happy and thinks that the world is worth it.

Perhaps Yang Ying chose to deliberately maintain some mystery and not directly reveal the identity of "someone", so as to attract more attention and topics. Under the halo of the entertainment industry, the private lives of celebrities have always been in the spotlight, and this controversial statement undoubtedly added some mystery to her interview.

Although Yang Ying’s development in China has faced some setbacks and suffered some turmoil and doubts, she still shows a firm drive for her career. Through overseas attempts, active participation in various projects, and a positive attitude shared in interviews, she has shown her continued enthusiasm and unyielding spirit for the performing arts career.

Perhaps every star experiences career ups and downs, but the key is how to face adversity, maintain a positive attitude and keep breaking through. Yang Ying seems to be looking for a new breakthrough through various efforts and attempts, and this unwilling determination may open a new beginning for her.

Responsible editor:

Nicholas Tse Cecilia Cheung achieved success, singing a love song for the first time to prove true love

    On September 22, Cecilia Cheung made her first comeback to sing after giving birth.


   That day, Nicholas Tse also performed at the same venue.

    Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung took advantage of their first wedding anniversary to secretly enter the studio earlier to cover the song "Gossip". The two sang together for the first time, and the lyrics made people feel deeply.

    Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung got married in a flash last September, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. Although there were many rumors about the two during the period, it still did not damage the relationship between the husband and wife. To commemorate the first anniversary of their marriage, Cecilia, who was still resting, secretly walked into the studio with her husband Ting Feng to record songs for the first time, and will be included in Ting Feng’s Mandarin album released in March next year.

    Affectionate chorus testifies to true love

    The wind and rain made Fengzhi’s feelings deeper. As early as last year, when they got married secretly in the Philippines, they decided to sing a song as a memorial and chose the classic Mandarin love song "Gossip" by Zhou Huimin and Lin Longxuan. The lyrics describe a couple who ignore the gossip of the outside world and stick to and believe in each other’s love, which is very consistent with the experience of Ting Feng and Cecilia.

    Especially the first paragraph "… I always thought I wouldn’t care about their eyes, even if I was full of pointing around… But I saw your brilliant smile, and gradually became silent in the midst of the disturbing topics…" It is also the favorite part of Cecilia.

    Youxiling recording put on hold

    However, in October last year, Cecilia Cecilia suddenly became pregnant, which temporarily put the recording plan on hold. Now that Lucas is two months old, the two of them have secretly re-entered the recording studio, and the recording progress may not be smooth due to neglect of practice. The eye-catching Ting Feng refused to serve as the song supervisor this time, so as not to disagree with his wife and affect the relationship. This song will be included in Ting Feng’s new Mandarin album released in March next year. It is known that Cecilia’s contract with the record company has ended, and she has no problem singing with Ting Feng without an appointment.

    In addition, many advertisers are willing to spend a lot of money to invite Fengzhi to shoot ads for couples, including clothing, wedding dresses, baby products, real estate and bedding companies. Some advertisers even offer eight-digit rewards, but Fengzhi remains unmoved for the time being.

    Ting Feng and Cecilia Cecilia fell in love in 2002 and separated several times within five years. During this period, Ting Feng and Faye Wong got back together, while Cecilia Cecilia made a foreign boyfriend. By the end of 2005, the two had rekindled their love for the film "Promise", but they were not favored by the outside world. Even if they got married in September last year, they were not immediately accepted by Ting Feng’s mother Deborah, and it took more than three months of hard work to make it through. In August this year, Cecilia gave birth to her son Lucas for Ting Feng, and the family of three finally lived a happy and peaceful life.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

John Woo praised Guo Xiaodong’s performance in "Sword Rain", "Sexy Muse"

group photo of the main creator

The male characters’ appearance in the film was widely exposed

"Rain of Swords" female characters are exposed in the film

  It will be released on September 28. The official website launch ceremony of "Sword Rain", a martial arts suspense blockbuster directed by John Woo and starring Michelle Yeoh, Zheng Yusheng and Guo Xiaodong, will be held in Beijing on August 19. Woo, Yu Wenle, Guo Xiaodong and other main creators came to the scene to promote the film and unveil the poster of his character constellation in the film. Guo Xiaodong plays the soul character of the film, the swordsman "Zhang Renfeng" (Aquarius), and together with kung fu actress Michelle Yeoh and sexy Muse Lin Xilei and other stars, he played a heart-wrenching hatred.

"Gossip Insulator" Guo Xiaodong, "Sexy Muse" Lin Xilei talks about love and fights

  Guo Xiaodong, who has debuted with a healthy image for many years, is known as the "new good man in the entertainment industry". This time, "Gossip Insulator" Guo Xiaodong and "Sexy Muse" Lin Xilei played opposite scenes. In the film, the two not only have to learn martial arts and stage enjoyable fights and confrontations, but also have a period of time span, intertwined with complex love and hatred. The combination of cold-faced men and hot women is really exciting.

John Woo throws an olive branch, Guo Xiaodong becomes "the most favored filmmaker by Hong Kong and Taiwan directors"

  In recent years, Guo Xiaodong’s masterpieces of film and television have continued, especially favored by Hong Kong and Taiwan film directors: in the film directed by Yuan Heping, Guo Xiaodong showed his talents and shared life and death with his friend Zhao Wenzhuo; in the film directed by Cheng Xiaodong, Guo Xiaodong competed with Donnie Yen in martial arts; in the film directed by Chen Kexin, Guo Xiaodong competed with Andy Lau.

  In the first fantasy martial arts film "Sword Rain" directed by John Woo, the male lead Zhang Renfeng played by Guo Xiaodong is a maverick, innovative and freedom-seeking swordsman, and Guo Xiaodong’s ease of control, changeable image and exquisite acting skills in previous works made the director Woo Yusen immediately throw an olive branch to the "Zhang Renfeng" in his heart after accidentally seeing Guo Xiaodong’s works.

It turns out that heroes are also afraid of heights, and Guo Xiaodong "climbs the eaves and walks the wall" to overcome Weiya phobia

  Guo Xiaodong’s "walking the rivers and lakes is not easy" this time. Although Guo Xiaodong plays a swordsman in the film, he often "appears in ghosts" and "flies around", but Guo Xiaodong laughs and says: "It’s very scary to hang in the air, especially for people like me who have a fear of heights." What’s more, Guo Xiaodong often has to hold two swords, hang in the air for a long time, and make various postures. "But when I saw that I became a martial arts master who could’fly over the eaves and walk the wall ‘in the movie, I felt that the hard work I put in was finally rewarded with results." It is estimated that when the audience sees "Guo Daxia" calmly "flying over the eaves and walls" on the screen, they will not think that he is actually a person with a fear of heights.

Guo Xiaodong’s film was flooded, and he jumped into the river in the rain on a bitterly cold winter night

  The difficulties Guo Xiaodong encountered during the filming of "Sword Rain" were not limited to Weiya. The bad weather and harsh plot requirements also became an important part of the test of the actors. According to a video of the filming behind- the-scene announced by the film, you can appreciate how hard Guo Xiaodong worked to shoot this film. The scene that day was the scene where Guo Xiaodong’s "Zhang Renfeng" fell from the bridge to the riverbed and was washed away by the flood. It was a winter night, the outdoor temperature was as low as 2 or 3 degrees, and it was raining. Guo Xiaodong lay on the cold riverbed and was washed away by the flood again and again. The thick cotton-padded clothes were soaked, and the heater blew cold air. " The weather was really cold that day. I saw Guo Xiaodong trembling all over with cold, and his face turned purple. It was really hard. "Director Woo said that if the workplace of the entertainment industry is compared to a rivers and lakes, Guo Xiaodong’s professionalism is really quite a" hero "style.

  It is reported that "Sword Rain" will appear at the Venice Film Festival in early September, following the Tokyo Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival and the Busan Film Festival. Guo Xiaodong’s works will be exhibited at international film festivals again.

Interview with Wu Zun: "Concubine Yang" is a literary film Fan Bingbing has great ideas


    1905 movie network news (Hereinafter referred to as "Concubine Yang") It took six years from the opening to the final release. This brought Wu Zun, who is now almost retired, back into the audience’s sight. Recently, 1905 Movie Network interviewed Wu Zun, talked with the former idol about movies, and shared the current father’s deep affection for a pair of children.


Character: From "mama’s boy" to independent tenacity


    Li Mao, the longevity king in "Concubine Yang", made his first appearance on the polo court. Despite his excellent skills, he would always be plotted by others, and he was not good at concealing his anger. He was a typical victim of internal conflicts in the dynasty. But fortunately, he had a well-planned mother.


    This role was originally played by Japanese actor Xiao Li Xun, but after the withdrawal of director Guo Zairong and the withdrawal of foreign investors, the cast of "Concubine Yang" also changed a lot, and Li Mao’s corner fell into the hands of Wu Zun. Wu Zun, who joined the endgame, really shot for a very short time, but there is still a certain span, to play the difference between a boy and a man.


    After entering the publicity period, Wu Zun’s role has not yet been completed, and he has to work with other main creators to avoid the erotic gimmicks surrounding the film and make a serious appearance to show that this is a literary film. At the same time, he also needs to keenly sniff out the side attacks of many media and carefully clarify a point: Fan Bingbing is really not a "drama bully"!


    1905 Movie Network: In "Concubine Yang", how to grasp the difference between boys and men?


    Wu Zun: In the movie, at the beginning, he was a kind of "mama’s boy", a son who was well protected by his mother. He may have been a little spoiled and had no sense of responsibility in his character. Then he was arranged to marry Concubine Yang. After that, some changes took place, and Concubine Yang also left him. At that time, he slowly learned to grow up and eventually became a man.


    1905 Movie Network: What kind of breakthrough did your performance make in the film?


    Wu Zun: This character is quite different from the costume movies I played before. The previous action scenes all had very handsome fighting moves. This one is more different. It is more literary and artistic. There are many scenes about love, some violent scenes, and some violent scenes with Bingbing.


    1905 Movie Network: Will Bingbing and Dawn Guide You to Play?


    Wu Zun: There was a scene where I misunderstood Bingbing and had a conflict with her. I walked with her for a long time in that scene, because it was a physically damaging scene, so we didn’t want to NG too many times, hoping that it could be done once or twice. Bingbing has her own ideas, because she is a senior actress and gave a lot of opinions, as well as some suggestions from the director. Working with them is actually a big harvest for me.


    1905 Movie Network: Does Fan Bingbing control a lot of things on the spot?


    Wu Zun: No, she is like an actress at the scene. She plays her own play well, and she doesn’t know how to change the script or the lines. There is no such thing at all. Maybe she will communicate with the director. Before the play starts filming, she may give a lot of advice during preparation, but not during the filming process.


    1905 Movie Network: Seeing Fan Bingbing as a producer, do you sometimes want to do some work outside of acting?


    Wu Zun: It would be nice if you were like her, but this kind of thing requires accumulating experience. It doesn’t mean that you can become it if you want. She has a lot of experience to get to where she is now, and she has put in a lot of effort. Many actors hope that one day they can become directors and producers, because they have a love for this thing, which is not yet at that stage for me.


Life: Go at your own pace


    The real Wu Zun was also full of idol drama. On the morning of his 30th birthday, he would open his notebook and write down his future life plans. Obviously, most of these plans were family, and the main place was his hometown of Brunei.


    Not long ago, Wu Zun’s son was born, and his daughter, who was quite popular in the Chinese parent-child reality show, put together a good word, which was extremely complete. Speaking of this pair of children, Wu Zun looked satisfied and happy: "Children will surprise you every day!"


    1905 Movie Network: Six years have passed since you turned 30. How much have you achieved in your life plan?


    Wu Zun: Those are all going at my pace, the dreams I have written down, and the ones I want to realize are all in progress. I am a person who tries my best to get close to my dreams every day, and I will make efforts and not live a day in vain. For example, as I said in my autobiography, I have opened a healthy restaurant, this one has also opened, and the bakery is about to open. I am also working hard to be a good father, hoping to receive a good script in the future.


    1905 Movie Network: Is the method of educating children inherited from their parents?


    Wu Zun: Of course, some parents will use what they think is good, and may not use what is not suitable. I will also read some books to absorb some good suggestions from others. My parents are quite spoiled, my father spoils me more, and my mother is occasionally more serious. I think it is up to children to watch. Some children are not cherished, and parents are spoiled. Some children can be spoiled, and some cannot be spoiled.


    1905 Movie Network: Have any methods of educating them been explored so far?


    Wu Zun: I can’t tell at the moment because they are still too young. Of course, I am giving them a lot of love at the moment. But when they become more sensible, the way of teaching them will change. Children give you a lot of surprises every day. It is not easy and hard to take care of children, but it is worth it because they grow up and absorb quickly.


    1905 Movie Network: Do you sometimes miss the brothers who fought side by side?


    Wu Zun: They were all contacted by phone, and we rarely met. Without them, I wouldn’t have the identity of a singer. What I am more grateful for is the efforts we made together. From the very beginning, we went to many places to hold concerts. That feeling, although we are not very good at singing and dancing, the sense of achievement is still there.


    1905 Movie Network: Are you afraid that fans will forget you?


    Wu Zun: I used to be in Brunei for one month and overseas for 11 months, but now I may have a different idea. You will cherish your fans more, and they will cherish you more. Of course, every generation needs new people to rise up. If not, it will be a fault. For example, we are already in our thirties, and we need people in our twenties to rise up, so I think it is a good thing.

Guo Fucheng sent his own name to the car for his birthday. Girls don’t need to ask Xiong Dailin.

Guo Fucheng

Xu Haoying

[Click to watch the wonderful high definition atlas]

    On July 11,Guo Fucheng,Xu HaoyingZhou Wenqi, Wen Yongshan, He Zilun, etc. attended an exhibition held by a fashion brand in Hong Kong. On the day of the event, Guo Fucheng appeared with sunglasses and was very handsome. As soon as he appeared, the spotlights flashed non-stop on the scene.

    Recently, Guo Fucheng’s film production has been very high. After making three movies in a row, he fell ill. To console himself for his hard work, although Guo Fucheng’s birthday is still nearly three months away, he has already bought a sports car in advance for himself as a birthday present.

    When he bought a new sports car, he believed that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin would definitely become the first female passenger in Guo Fucheng’s new sports car, but Guo Fucheng said that he had many friends around him, and he was more willing to pick up girls as a boy. When the reporter asked him if he needed Xiong Dailin’s consent before picking up other girls, he immediately said no, and revealed that Xiong Dailin trusted him very much.

    In an interview, Guo Fucheng revealed to the media that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin was also a good driver and praised her for her good driving skills. But when the reporter pressed again, he began to play Tai Chi and did not respond positively.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with a photographer and had an intimate chat with Feng Shaofeng on the spot

Fan Bingbing

Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing had a private chat

Director Li Yu wept with joy

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia Yiwen/Zhang Wei) On September 24, the film held a press conference in Beijing. Director Li Yu and starring Fan Bingbing, Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan, Kong Wei, Yao Anlian and others attended. Fan Bingbing said that she once fell in love with the photographer during filming because the other party often helped her complete the emotional scenes. The film will be released on September 29.

Feng Shaofeng

Huo Siyan

Kong Wei’s see-through outfit is particularly eye-catching.

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with photography, and Gao Jun was confident that the box office would charge 300 million

    Fan Bingbing said that he fell in love with the photographer Lao Lu instantly during filming, "I was too close to him during filming, and once after finishing work, I dreamed of him at night, and I wondered why I dreamed of him? There was a scene to express my fantasies. Feng Shaofeng came and went from time to time. Lao Lu was next to him carrying the machine in one hand, interacting with me in the other hand, and helping me act in emotional scenes, so in some moments I actually fell in love with him." The photographer Lao Lu’s girlfriend also came to the scene that day, and also made a cameo role as a cosmetic girl in the film.

    "Second Exposure" has never changed since September 29th. In the face of these three strong enemies of the same schedule, the chief publisher Gao Jun predicted as always that the film will be a big seller, "This National Day file is called the most tragic in history, and it is also the most changeable, but our schedule has not changed. For the box office, I think" Second Exposure "can" Baoya championship ", and I am confident to break through 200 million and march towards 300 million!"

Next page: Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing chat hot, Huo Siyan claims to be "mistress"

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

In the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Ox, Di Lizheba brought a wonderful song and dance performance to everyone. This time she was a guest, and in an exclusive interview with the Spring Festival Gala, Reba said that for the second time on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, "there is a feeling of returning home". For this year’s performance, Di Lizheba gave herself 82 points, and the remaining 18 points were lost in age.

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

When asked about the personalized mobile phone case that netizens are quite concerned about, Di Lizheba said that matching the mobile phone case according to her clothes is her joy of life, and maybe she will open an online store in the future. In the interview, the host asked her for tips on maintaining her beauty under various cameras, and she replied "born" in Versailles, and admitted that she rarely looks in the mirror.

In 2021, Di Lizheba’s biggest wish is to hope that the epidemic will end quickly, and look forward to seeing her new drama and audience. At the end of the interview, Di Lizheba also showed her "Versailles" New Year’s greeting method: "I hope everyone can receive more red envelopes, unlike me who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself."

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Interview transcript:

Now we would like to welcome Di Li Reba to our interview room for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Di Lizheba: Hello everyone.

: Welcome Reba. Today is very beautiful. What do we have in mind for this costume for this year’s Spring Festival Gala?

Di Lizheba: This year is actually wearing red, hoping to have a prosperous New Year.

: I hope there is a particularly good prize, right? We would like to ask, that is, everyone is very concerned about your mobile phone case. It feels that every time you travel, you have to change a different mobile phone case for each set of clothes. Everyone is very concerned. Is there any new match this time?

Di Lizheba: I used a transparent one today because you can add some words on it, or put some cards, invoices, etc.

: Invoice, and then take it home for reimbursement?

Di Lizheba: For my parents.

So it is this mobile phone case that has become a very big pleasure in your life. It has also become a very big pleasure for this netizen. Open an online store in the future.

Di Lizheba: Yes, I also think that it’s all here, I have to open a store.

It’s not the first time to go to the Spring Festival Gala, will you still be nervous?

Di Lizheba: No, I was super nervous the first time. I was already nervous when I received the notice that I was going to the Spring Festival Gala, but now I feel like I’m going home, because everyone is familiar with it, and the stage is also very familiar.

So on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala, how many points would you rate yourself?

Di Lizheba: I scored almost 82 points on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

82 points, and what about the remaining ten points?

Di Lizheba: Lost in age.

So this is pretty good, but I think, because Reba’s beauty is known to everyone, it is like a fairy, and then all the Reuters photos, including the pixel people, are very beautiful under the lens itself.

Di Lizheba: I hope this interview is just as good, otherwise it will be a slap in the face.

So hurry up and show us all the netizens we interviewed to teach us, how can you still have such beauty under the lens of passers-by or under the lens of amateurs?

Di Lizheba: Born.

: This is a bit of Versailles. I usually practice in front of the camera or in front of the mirror at home, for example, which angle looks good and how to shoot?

Di Lizheba: I don’t like looking in the mirror very much, and I don’t like to touch up makeup very much either, unless it means that you can take a look at what’s wrong with you here, and then I’ll take a look. When I’m filming, I rarely go to the mirror to see myself in the mirror.

So this is that everyone has no choice, too Versailles, everyone can only ask for their own blessings, okay? But 2021 is the Year of the Ox, do you have any new wishes, or do you have any wishes for another New Year’s Eve, when it crosses twelve o’clock?

Di Lizheba: In fact, I think this year’s words should be the New Year’s wish of people all over the world, that is, I hope the epidemic will pass as soon as possible, everyone can get together as soon as possible, and return to normal life as soon as possible. It is normal now, but there are still some capriciousness in the epidemic, and I hope it will resume as soon as possible.

Yes, I believe this. In 2021, I believe that the works will soon meet with you, including "Long Song" and "You Are My Glory". I hope that this new role will be liked by everyone.

Di Lizheba: Especially in the case of "Long Singer", because when I was filming "Long Singer", in fact, I think I grew up with it, and I will benefit more, that is, the role I play. So I hope that when you see "Long Singer", you will see a different me, and then I also hope that my play can meet you soon. I am also very much looking forward to it, and I want to follow this drama myself.

So we’re especially looking forward to "The Long Song". Also, "You Are My Glory" is a female star, right? A female star who performs so many female stars, what kind of envy do you have for the female stars in the play?

Di Lizheba: In the play, I actually think she is quite realistic, whether it is her work status or her daily life. In fact, I think although it is very realistic, I still think there is a big difference, because the biggest difference is that I prefer to have my own life in life. I will take care of it myself later, and then she needs an assistant to deliver three meals a day. I don’t like that feeling very much. Also, maybe her personality will be more like the feeling I had five or six years ago, that is, more lively, and then more cute, a little quirky, and more extroverted, but I may be the same age as mine now, and the conditions are almost the same as mine, but I myself may be more mature than her role.

: Just now we talked about this character. We are very much looking forward to "You Are My Glory" and "Long Song". These two characters will meet you in 2021. Today we also have a small part on the scene. Do we need to invite all the artists who came to the interview room to paint an auspicious picture?

Di Lizheba: I have to paint every year. I really hate it.

Yes, we’re going to draw a stick figure. Can you show it to everyone?

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Di Lizheba: Oh my God, this board slaps you in the face.

It is a calf.

Di Lizheba: Fat cow. Happy cow year, happy new year to everyone.

: I wish you all a happy new year, no one, we can ask the staff to collect it first. Then we can hold this very auspicious calf and say a Versailles-style greeting to everyone.

Di Lizheba: I see. I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope you can receive more red envelopes. Unlike me, who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself, is there a lot of Versailles?

Yes, yes, others received it, but you sent it out, because we have money, which proves that we are not bad this year.

Di Lizheba: It sounds a bit pitiful, I’ll finish it myself.

On the other hand, it proves that our KPIs this year are not bad, and we also wish Reba the same wonderful 2021, Happy cow year and happy new year.

Di Lizheba: Happy New Year.

Chen Edison’s family background was exposed, and his strong financial resources paved the way for stardom

Like to post selfies online

Childhood Edison Chen

According to media reports, Edison Chen, who is currently in Vancouver, Canada, has received sexual treatment from the psychiatric department of the local hospital under the advice and arrangement of his mother. Because Edison Chen was affected by the divorce of his parents since childhood, his sexual concept was deviated. This treatment is mainly to get rid of abnormal sexual habits and re-establish a correct concept. According to Edison Chen’s close friends, Edison Chen likes to tie his girlfriend’s heart with a Cartier couple bracelet.

Strong financial resources pave the way for celebrities

Born in Vancouver, Canada on October 7, 1980, Edison, like Nicholas Tse, was known as the "Little King" as soon as he debuted. In addition to his handsome appearance, the strong economic strength of his family has also become a powerful "background" for Edison Chen. Edison’s father, Chen Zemin, known as Jiu Ge, is a Hong Kong businessperson with deep pockets and is active in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. He is the owner of Emperor Entertainment, Yang Shusheng and movie starJackie ChanChen Zemin owns several performing arts and record companies, is also the chairman of the listed company Junlei International Co., Ltd., and has two daughters and one son. Chen Zemin’s family has often become a gathering place for celebrities in the entertainment industry. At a young age, Chen Edison almost met all the famous artists in Hong Kong.

Chen Edison can be said to be loved by thousands. When he first debuted, the record company gave him a press conference with money to build momentum, and there were many heavyweights in the entertainment industry to "escort" him. Jackie Chan, Leslie Cheung, etc. all publicly expressed their optimism about Chen Edison.

A broken family leaves him without affection

What affected Edison Chen most deeply was the divorce of his parents, and he still felt uncomfortable until adulthood. It turned out that Edison Chen did not often see his father until he was 9 years old. Finally, when he was 14 years old, he realized what happened at home. At that time, he felt that he was being deceived and concealed, which made him no longer trustworthy of others and even wary of friends. Edison Chen was very rebellious when he was 10 to 19 years old. He ignored his parents, did not attend classes, and often returned home at 5 am. His parents kept compensating him financially. Every day, Edison Chen kept at least $1,000 in his wallet. If the money was not enough, he would steal his parents’ money.

The sexual orientation of Edison Chen’s father, Chen Zemin, has always been inconclusive. The media has taken many intimate photos of Chen Zemin and the actor, and rumors that Chen Zemin is gay have never stopped. There is no doubt that his father’s behavior has a great impact on Chen Edison.

Love trauma makes him disbelieve in love

And Edison Chen has also been emotionally traumatized. He confessed that he had five love experiences before entering the industry, of which he had a girlfriend at the age of 15. The two had been together for eight or nine months every day, but suddenly one day his girlfriend told him that she had a relationship with one of his best friends, and the double betrayal changed his perspective on sex.

In January 2003, Chen Edison and Yu Wenle (A Le) also had a physical collision at an awards ceremony in Hong Kong. And because of Cecilia Cheung, the relationship between Chen Edison and his good friend Nicholas Tse has been troublesome. After Tse got married, Chen Edison did not send blessings immediately, but said: "If you get married so early, you will regret it sooner or later."

Edison Chan has a rebellious and extreme style. He often talks boldly about sex and pursues countless women. He loves to hang out with girls on dating websites. When he entered the Hong Kong entertainment industry in 2000, he was even more fearless. When he saw one chasing another, the gossip list was updated quickly. When interviewed, Edison Chan’s remarks and actions were very bold. When asked by the media about his favorite sport in June 2006, he bluntly replied "making love". (Source of this article:Red net)

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

Video: Fan Ming returns to the cooking class to steal noodles, Lin Zhiying becomes a camping expert, we are seventeen years old 161217

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

The second stop of the reverse time travel "Faithful Journey" once again broke the psychological bottom line of the Tianwang Guo Fucheng. The "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" was actually "sent" to an uninhabited desert island in Beihai, Guangxi. The desperate brothers conspired to "ransack" the only convenience store on the island, and the madness was hilarious. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng and "Wild Survival Expert" Lin Zhiying led the brothers to drill wood and fire on the island, and set up tents in the dark. The two people who rarely share the same frame now eat and live together, and are very close.

Enter the Blueberry Video to watch the latest full video of "We Are Seventeen" > >

Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s movements are synchronized, and intimate exchanges of sunscreen experiences

For a long time, Guo Fucheng, the king of heaven, and Lin Zhiying have rarely been in the same frame. However, this "reverse time travel" two big boys with childlike innocence are simply having fun, and the level of intimacy is constantly escalating. From the first meeting, talking and laughing, to the intimacy of eating and living together, Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s relationship is getting deeper and deeper, just like a good buddy who has been friends for many years.

On the beach, the brothers took off their sunglasses to complete the game, and Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying, who were next to each other, talked too much to stop, and exchanged their sunscreen experience intimately. Lin Zhiying pointed to the sky for a while, and whispered intimately with Guo Fucheng for a while, while the king also followed Xiaozhi’s intimate suggestion and closed his eyes to face the sun, so that his eyes could adapt to the harsh sunlight as soon as possible. The movements of the two were almost in sync, harmonious and loving.

Best partner: Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying are eager to pitch a tent

The sky on the island was getting dark, and the problem of food and housing was imminent. The brothers gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, vowing to ransack the only convenience store on the island. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng took the lead and turned into a great detective Sherlock Holmes, observing secretly from the hole, while Lin Zhiying made plans and cooperated very tacitly. In the blink of an eye, the convenience store was ransacked, and the ground was in a mess after the storm!

The hungry brothers were instantly resurrected with blood, full of energy, and they were so excited that they couldn’t stop. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying took the lead in setting up the tent in the dark, and Guo Fucheng, who was unfamiliar with everything, tried to find a clue, while Lin Zhiying patiently explained the principle of the tent bracket. At a critical moment, an emergency occurred. Lin Zhiying was negligent, and the tentage that had taken shape almost collapsed. Just as Xiaozhi was at a loss, Guo Fucheng turned the tide and came to rescue in time, and the tent successfully returned to its original shape. The cooperation between the two became more and more smooth, one holding the pole, the other pushing up hard, and they cooperated with each other to form the same person. Although there were no tools such as hammers, several people just used their hands and feet to set up the tent. The king and Lin Zhiying joined forces, which was the best partner of strength and wisdom.

On the night of camping on the desert island, it was a supermoon spectacle that only appeared once in 68 years. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying had slept next to each other before. This time, he was on the desert island, and the four brothers crowded into a small tent to warm each other again. The netizens screamed, "This situation is so loving!"

The second stop of the "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" ‘poor tour of the motherland’s great rivers and mountains has ended happily. After just two stops of the journey, the relationship between the brothers has warmed up rapidly, and how many stories and hardships will be waiting for them in the future? Every Saturday night at 20:30, Zhejiang Satellite TV Wang Laoji "We Are Seventeen", the brothers’ journey is continuing.

Tomorrow’s new frontier, coming across the border, Lynk & Co’s new new energy SUV Lynk & Co’s 08 debut

  On March 25th, Lynk & Co’s new new energy medium-sized SUV Lynk & Co 08 officially debuted in Shanghai. As the first full-array new energy product of the Lynk & Co brand, Lynk & Co 08 fuses technology and design perfectly, crossing the boundary of automotive intelligence and aesthetics, opening a new chapter in Lynk & Co’s design language, and expanding the brand product matrix and market layout. It is an important new energy strategy evolution for Lynk & Co.

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Lynk & Co 08 overall appearance

  Standing on the high ground of the new energy era, Lynk & Co has a new insight into the new generation of home users: they pay attention to quality and freshness, pay attention to multiple car scenarios and the travel experience of each family member, not only have high requirements for the mechanical quality of the vehicle, but also look forward to a new intelligent driving experience. In the face of user needs, Lynk & Co 08 gathers global design forces, explores the critical line between intelligent technology and aesthetic design, and creates infinite possibilities for people, cars and life with cross-border strength, opening up a new frontier of urban antagonistic aesthetics.

  Smarter the new frontier, cross the border

  Drawing on the essence of The Next Day concept car design, Lynk & Co 08 is based on the four design elements of Dare to Be Different, Proud of Technology, High-end Advanced, and Abundant Experience as the core. Taking sunrise as inspiration, it presents the urban light and shadow changes from dawn to early morning. With a new attitude ready to go, it inspires the dawn of the era. This reshapes the design concept of smart cars: crossing the boundaries of space, creating the possibility of infinite extension for the space of home; also crossing the boundaries of time, creating the possibility of infinite connection between the current experience and future life for users.

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Lynk & Co Design President Stefan Rosén explains Lynk & Co 08

  Under this concept, Lynk & Co 08 fully considers the life path of the new generation of home users, integrates aesthetic design with user application scenarios, integrates high-end technology elements, and elevates the overall technology tone of the whole car to a new height. This will not only open up the multi-form of user experience, but also bring novel evolutionary directions to Facebook-based car design.

  Intelligent innovative design, full of details

  Lynk & Co 08 integrates leading intelligent technology into the design, enabling it to bring powerful functional equipment on the basis of design beauty. In addition, thanks to the 4820/1915/1685mm body size of the vehicle and the 2848mm leapfrog wheelbase, the appearance of Lynk & Co 08 presents a delicate and atmospheric visual look, and also creates a wide interior space for family travel.

  In appearance, Lynk & Co 08 adopts the newly evolved Daybreak daylight lamp, which is more flat and graphic in shape, reflecting a stronger sense of refinement in the front face. In terms of functionality, its unilateral luminous area can reach 870mm, which not only breaks through the design boundary, but also creates a purer visual impact.

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Lynk & Co 08 Daybreak Daylight/Yuedong Unbounded Door

  In addition, the urban skyline technology belt equipped with Lynk & Co 08 integrates matrix headlights and through-type light strips, and the luminous area through the light strip reaches 940mm, making the front face design more futuristic. And when we wake up the car, it will also be accompanied by lighting effects, bringing users a highly ceremonial interactive experience.

  The side is also the most brilliant part of Lynk & Co 08. The designer boldly adopted the Flush Door process to make the side windows on the same pure plane, like a smooth lens. The addition of hidden door handles, Yuedong unbounded doors and smart unbounded exterior mirrors perfectly presents the pure and delicate details on the side.

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Lynk & Co 08 exterior side

  Following the core elements of technology pride, Lynk & Co 08 has a semaphore interactive light strip distributed on each side. In addition to displaying the breathing light effect when charging, the user will also flash to welcome the guest when approaching, showing the charm of technology between movements.

  The tail design of Lynk & Co 08 echoes the front face, and the highly recognizable tail light is upgraded to a live crystal through tail light. During the lighting process, the crystal flows and flashes, like the pulse of life at the beginning of the day, reflecting the sense of energy and not lack of technological elements. At the same time, due to the use of hidden rear wipers, the tail is also more integrated.

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Lynk & Co 08 Rear-Inneng Crystal Through Tail Light

  Scene ingenious construction, zero pressure and comfortable top grid

  Lynk & Co 08 hopes that the moment users enter the car, they can feel the light line outline and rich technical texture, not only to show the beauty of technology as far as the eye can see, but also to relax the whole body, allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the future imagination of complete pressure relief.

  Lynk & Co 08 is equipped with a "technology floating island" like a spaceship hovering on the dashboard, with an industry-first 92-inch unbounded AR-HUD and front speakers integrated above. The integrated fusion design makes the entire cockpit like a foreign technology, which is simple and at the same time reflects the beauty of technology. In the central control area, the 15.4-inch ultra-clear full-screen is particularly eye-catching, and the 2.5K clarity brings users an immersive sensory experience.

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Lynk & Co 08 front interior – 92 inch unbounded AR-HUD/15.4 inch ultra-clear full screen/technology floating island

  In order to create a sense of atmosphere in the car, Lynk & Co 08 adopts a streamer ambient light with an integrated design of the whole cabin, which can provide a variety of lighting effects such as streamer music, breathing, color change, music rhythm, etc. At the same time, it is also deeply integrated with the speaker. Whether it is commuting to get off work or long-distance self-driving trips, it gives drivers and passengers an unprecedented experience.

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Lynk & Co 08 Interior Details – Sound and Shadow Smart Trim

  Taking into account the rich car scenes of all family members, Lynk & Co 08 has set up a wonderful and ingenious space in the car to meet the user’s needs for storage space. The front central integrated minimalist central armrest area minimizes visual redundancy and makes the car more futuristic; the magic-like hidden cup holder has passed a flexible solution for daily use. At the same time, the hidden door clasp, electronic door lock, halo-type surround ambient light and speaker mask integrated sound and shadow smart trim exude a technological design charm, while the hidden electric trend is seamlessly integrated into the cockpit, further strengthening the technological atmosphere in the car.

  Not only that, Lynk & Co 08 also set up a flash charging center in the front row, with two mobile phone support tables, which can be compatible with 60W wired charging and 50W wireless fast charging, and reserved trend at the bottom, allowing us to charge efficiently, but also further reduce the body temperature, achieving safe and sustainable high-speed charging.

  The Lynk & Co 08 provides shallow support seats, and its ingenious ergonomic design can bring the ultimate comfort to the passengers in the car, creating a zero-pressure comfort hall during the journey. At the same time, the immersive comfort main driver not only provides seat heating, ventilation and massage functions, but also has independent headrest speakers, allowing users to enjoy private navigation broadcasts and music without disturbing other family occupants in the car to rest. On the basis of heating, ventilation and massage, the zero-pressure stretch co-pilot also adds leg rest adjustment, which allows the co-pilot occupants to better rest during long-distance driving.

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Lynk & Co 08 front seats

  Thanks to the blessing of the leapfrog wheelbase, the rear legroom of the Lynk & Co 08 has reached 935mm, and with the 2-gear adjustment of the rear seat back at 28-33 °, it unlocks more comfortable positions for the elderly and children in the back row.

  Lynk & Co 08 actively practices the concept of environmental protection and empowers users’ travel health. A large area of recyclable and renewable polyester materials are covered in important positions such as seats, center consoles, and door panels. At the same time, innovative and environmentally friendly materials are also used on carpets and ceilings to maximize the protection of the cockpit environment without pollution, and the subtleties show humanistic care.

  Since the establishment of the brand, Lynk & Co has always insisted on working with users to create products that meet the tone of the times and consumer needs. The launch of Lynk & Co 08 is a new masterpiece of Lynk & Co’s accurate insight into user requests. It undertakes the mission and responsibility of the brand’s comprehensive new energy transformation, which will help the brand deeply cultivate the new energy field and reshape the market pattern. (Geely Lynk & Co, photo provided)