
Fatigue and anxiety are common problems among many modern women. These fatigue and anxiety mainly come from the responsibilities and pressures in work, family and relationships. Women may feel helpless and depressed because it is difficult for them to find time and space to meet their needs. In order to solve these problems, we need to understand the situation of women and provide effective solutions.

First of all, women should pay attention to self-care and self-care. This means that they need to take time to take care of their physical and emotional health. They can keep healthy through exercise, meditation, good diet and adequate sleep. In addition, they can seek psychological counseling or communicate with friends and family to relieve stress and emotional problems. These methods can help women better cope with the challenges in life.

Secondly, society should provide better support and resources for women. This includes providing a better working environment and family treatment, as well as more support and resources to help women cope with challenges. In addition, society should also publicize the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment to help women realize their potential better.

Finally, women themselves should maintain a positive attitude and confidence. They should believe in their ability to cope with the challenges in life and seek support and resources to help themselves. They can stimulate their enthusiasm and motivation by participating in social activities, learning new skills or seeking new challenges.

In short, women’s fatigue and anxiety need to be paid attention to by society and individuals. We need to provide better support and resources to help women cope with challenges and encourage them to pay attention to self-care and self-care. Through these efforts, we can help women realize their potential and live a happier and more satisfied life.

Top 10 tourist cities in China, see if there is your hometown! ! ! !

Top Ten Must-Visit Cities in China | Come and see how many you have been to.
Shanghai, where land is precious, also has amazing natural scenery.
Popular attractions: Disneyland (Shanghai Botanical Garden-Yuyuan Garden-City God Temple Bund, etc.
I like to see the magnificent northern scenery, and I can visit Phoenix Ridge or climb the Great Wall.
If you like historical sites, you can visit the Forbidden City, Tiantan Heart and Summer Palace.
Popular attractions: Nanluoguxiang, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Ming Tombs.
Lijiang and Sichuan Langzhong, Shanxi Pingyao, Anhui Shexian are also called "four well-preserved ancient cities".
Tourist attractions: Lugu Lake, Baishui River, Yunshanping, Yulong Snow Mountain
Lijiang Mufu Meili Snow Mountain
Sanya is a coastal tourist city in southern China, a central city and a transportation and communication hub in southern Hainan Province.
Popular attractions: wuzhizhou-Paradise Forest Rainforest Seascape Glass Plank Road Guest Fishing Village Tianya Haijiao.
Speaking of Hangzhou, the place people think of is the West Lake, and they feel comfortable in the south of the Yangtze River.
Popular attractions: Xinlingyin Temple in Xixi Wetland, West Lake, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Referred to as "Chongqing", it is also known as the mountain city, the heart of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River-Dazu stone carving, a world cultural heritage, and other magnificent landscapes.
Popular attractions: Chaotianmen-Jie Fangbei Xinhongyadong ciqikou ancient town
There are many beautiful scenery, delicious food and so on
The leisurely and prosperous Chengdu attracts countless young people.
Popular attractions: Dujiangyan Scenic Area of Wuhou Temple in Kuanzhai Lane, Jinli, chengdu research base of giant panda
Mount Huangshan
It is one of the three mountains in Xiuning County, yi county and Huizhou District, huangshan district.
Hot spots: sunrise, strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.
Nanjing is one of the four ancient capitals in China, known as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, and a popular attraction in the Ten Dynasties: Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Confucius Temple, Nanjing Presidential Palace, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Observatory Yuhuatai.
Guangzhou was rated as the first-tier city in the world by —GaWC, one of the world’s authoritative research institutions on world cities.
Popular attractions: Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, one of the famous southern Guangdong mountains, is called Yangcheng.

Life is about culture, and people with culture can laugh at the end.

When it comes to culture, some people say that I went to college and studied as a graduate student, so I am a literate person. In fact, this is just a person’s education and diploma, not a real culture.

So, what is culture? Broadly speaking, culture refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings. Nowadays, there are many interpretations of the definition of culture, but in any case, culture can not be separated from literacy, and culture can not be separated from consciousness. A literate person is a person who can strive for goodness, progress and progress, a person who pursues personality charm, and a person who can be strictly self-disciplined. Such a person is a literate person with connotation.

Culture, culture, is to educate people. Wen is a civilization, and Wen is a literary spirit! Human society, from ignorance to civilization, this is the progress of society and the development of the times. A person with quality is a person who can arm his mind with culture. Such a person is a literate person and a civilized person.

Literature needs literature, but also needs culture. We should "create" people with literature and inspire people with literature, so as to keep pace with the times, keep pace with civilization, keep moving forward and strengthen ourselves. The Chinese nation has a long and splendid history and culture of 5,000 years, which makes us proud and glorious. The ancient sages have left us countless famous sayings that inspire people’s minds. These are the great wisdom of life, from which we can absorb spiritual nutrition, implant culture in our hearts, infiltrate into people’s bone marrow, and become a powerful spiritual driving force for life growth.

Culture and culture are precious in a word "Hua", and culture can be imperceptibly influenced; Culture can be passed down; Culture needs the unity of knowing and doing, being a man should talk less and do more, keep a low profile and do things with a high profile, which is the charm of culture. People live in reality, the commodity economy is a pluralistic society, colorful, singing and dancing, and all kinds of temptations come to us. Many people can’t stand the temptation of feasting, forget their initial heart, lose their kindness, empty spirit, impetuous mood, money first and self first; Some people make a lot of money, but they have no spiritual support, and eventually they fall down on the road of life.

There was a network anchor named Viya. In two years, she evaded taxes by 643 million yuan, and finally the tax authorities fined her a total of 1.341 billion yuan. She earns hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Some people don’t understand why she should do such a thing as tax evasion when she earns so much money a day. To put it bluntly, it is greed, which is the lack of culture. The lack of greed has been verified in her. People, if they leave morality and kindness, they will be greedy and will eventually be harmed by greed. Such examples are heard from time to time in reality.

A person can make money without money. Modern society provides everyone with a platform for self-development. As long as a person can work hard and strive for self-improvement, he can find his own life stage. If a person has no morality and culture, even if he earns a lot of money, he will eventually "spit it out". This is called settling accounts after the autumn, which is also called what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around comes around. This is the causal relationship of life, and it is also a cultural embodiment of being a man.

To be a cultured person, this culture is to be a self-disciplined person, a person who can control his own behavior, a person who can control his own mouth, and a person who can control his own behavior. Perhaps some people will say that it is really too difficult and too bitter to be a man like this. In fact, suffering is also a kind of culture. If you eat bitter, you can be a master. If you don’t be a master, you have to consciously look for bitterness. This is a self-disciplined life. If you don’t suffer hardships in life, you won’t get rewards. Take pleasure in suffering, take pleasure in suffering, and strive for a life. This is the culture of being a man and a man with literacy.

Today, let’s understand what is "culture" from the etymological point of view.

In the long history of China, every major social change is preceded by "cultural" change. The sacrificial culture of Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for the ritual and music civilization of Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended for cultural opening and innovation, which ushered in Qiang Qin’s Han nationality, the Han nationality was formally formed, and the Confucianism of Confucianism also promoted the unification of China. The New Culture Movement during the May 4th Movement created a new culture in China, which was a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and ancient and modern cultures, and provided a cultural foundation for today’s national independence and national prosperity. Today, we propose the creative inheritance and innovative development of China’s traditional culture, which is bound to provide the strongest cultural support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Culture is resources, culture is power, and culture is spirit. This is true for the nation, the country and the individual.

However, what is "culture" is still one of the problems that need to be discussed.

From the etymology, what is China’s so-called "culture"? Why does it have such great power? The analysis of culture from this angle can refresh us and help us understand the essence of China culture, as well as where and why it is different from western culture.

Let’s talk about the "text" of culture first.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "Wen" is a hieroglyph, and the glyph is a pattern formed by many lines and interlaces, which represents a pictorial symbol carved on rocks or animal bones to convey consciousness. It is an ancient hieroglyph. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" is a pictographic ideographic symbol carved on rock walls and Oracle bones in ancient times. To put it bluntly, it is an image and a symbol carrier carrying meaning. Therefore, speaking words is a symbol used to express events, facts and information. This is one.

Second, writing is aesthetics. It is said that one of our ancestors looked up at the sky at the beginning of the humanities, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky, as the saying goes, the wind came and the rain went, and the clouds rolled and the clouds were comfortable; Looking down at the ground, it is precisely the beautiful mountains and rivers and the beautiful land. When observing natural humanities, historical geography, personnel stories, as well as architectural costumes, body shapes and even the spirit of consciousness, he found that these things have a very interesting thing in common. Those various patterns are beautiful things in the form of beautiful lines, and their forms can bring people beautiful enjoyment. "Wen" can not only express things, but also express spirit. All kinds of expressions make us feel both practical and enjoyable. So, he drew a "text". This is the origin of writing and the beginning of culture.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" expresses beauty, mainly the kind of beauty that brings beauty to people in form. Therefore, we say that "Wen" is a pattern. Later, the poems and paintings we wrote, including our words, calligraphy, music and dance, were all patterns, and they all expressed a kind of aesthetic and formal "Wen".

If we grasp the original meaning of the beautiful pattern of the word "Wen", we can understand the characteristics of China culture. China culture pays special attention to poetry, aesthetic feeling and the comfort and comfort of secular life. China people pay attention to "life", that is, "to be born and live", and to live beautifully, healthily, abundantly, comfortably and poetically. For the beauty of life, because of the beauty of life, people in China often write poems about life.

China is a country that attaches importance to life, aesthetics and poetry. It emphasizes the free and easy mind, the cultivation of mind, the vibration of soul and the enjoyment of emotion on the basis of the unity of nature, mind and matter, and the unity of inside and outside, and pursues the aesthetic feeling in life.

There is a saying in the ancients that "poetry expresses ambition". "ambition" is "the heart of intellectuals" Poetry, as a "text" to express the feelings and emotions of the heart, is the most appropriate carrier and the best expression of beautiful "text".

Therefore, from patterns to words to poems, paintings, music, architecture and clothing, "Wen" has become an aesthetic activity for objects, a sense of beauty and beauty of people, and then it is derived from aesthetics. "Wen" is a phenomenon form, a subjective feeling, an aesthetic relationship between subject and object, an attitude of observing life and existence, and a poetic mode of life, culture and poetry.

Look at "Hua" again.

"Hua" is two people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. On the left is a man standing head-up, and on the right is a man falling head-down into the ground. From left to right, it is a change from birth to death, which is also a natural life process. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s man on the right is written as a dagger in the bronze inscription, so the word "Hua" is horrible: a man on the left and a knife on the right-killing people, which means revolution, innovation, innovation and metabolism. Therefore, "transformation" is a movement, a law of nature, progress and change, that is, the old dies and the new is created, that is, "dialectics". This is the first meaning of "Hua".

It is said in the Book of History that "every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", which expresses this law of nature. This "new" is "pro" on the left and "Jin" on the right. "Dear", the top is a metal drill, which is inserted into the stake below, and then the axe on the right is used to cut the stake, and the stake is decomposed and split for firewood. Therefore, "new" is broken down, turning the whole into parts and the big into small ones. As far as philosophical methodology and behavioral practice are concerned, we usually call it "analysis" and "decomposition", or philosophically, "deconstruction". This is the second meaning of "Hua".

On the whole, "transformation" is a process of change, change or elimination, and it is also an action and a process before reorganization and innovation.

Why should people be "modern" and "new"? Whether it is new or new, it is to find out the essence and law of the object world through research, anatomy and observation of parts and small parts, and apply it to production and life to create new things and new values. By turning the big into the small and turning the whole into parts, we can grasp the essence and law of the object more conveniently, have a more accurate understanding, have a more successful guarantee and get more achievements when we act. This is research, a process of academic activities, scientific exploration and philosophical thinking. Its purpose is to analyze, dissect and then "construct", that is, to reassemble concrete, phenomenal and fragmentary things with their own thinking, express them in the form of abstract thinking and present them as theories. A whole, an abstract meaning and a universally applicable law are constructed, from which "logic" or "metaphysics" is formed, which is a "Tao" based on the study of phenomena, that is, the source of the world, the essence of the world and the law of the world, so that we can use it and serve the survival and development.

The development of philosophy led to the development of natural science, which brought about the industrial revolution, and then there was a historic translocation of eastern and western countries in the world. "Culture" is the wheel and engine of world historical progress.

[This article comes from "33 Keywords of China Traditional Culture" published by People’s Publishing House]

What is "culture"

In an era, it not only updated our understanding of culture, but also refreshed our ideas again.

Just as knowledge is not equal to culture, it subverts our rational knowledge and perceptual habits all the time.

In fact, in our thinking logic, people often regard culture as the code of conduct of civilization.

For example, benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and trust, gentleness, courtesy and frugality are all concrete manifestations of behavior culture.

Therefore, when a person walks under a tree or an obstacle below his height, there is no doubt that he will bend down.

It should be said that few people even think about how to change it. This is a kind of culture.

Especially when the elevator door is opened, some people stand aside and wait for others to get off the elevator, and some people are eager to squeeze in.

These actions are the intersection of behavior and culture, and have nothing to do with education and knowledge. This is also a kind of culture.

[1] What is culture

Now that we have talked about "culture", how should we understand and recognize these two words? Of course, in other words: "What is" culture "?

Generally speaking, what we call "culture" in a broad sense refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings.

In a narrow sense, it refers to spiritual products including language, literature, art and all ideologies.

Here, we emphasize that as a kind of "culture", it must have six characteristics:

(1) universality. The universality of culture is manifested in the common cultural forms in social practice activities, even though different national consciousness and behavior are manifested, they have the same forms of expression.

(2) Diversity. Under different natural, historical and social conditions, different cultural types and cultural models have been formed, which makes the world culture present the characteristics of diversity as a whole.

(3) nationality. The traditional culture rooted in the nation is complementary to the development of the nation. So different nationalities have different national cultures.

(4) Inheritance. The inheritance of culture is the basis of carrying forward and developing culture. If there is no inheritance, of course, there will be no culture.

(5) Developmental. The essence of a national culture lies in its continuous development and change. A series of cultural products, including today’s automation and informatization, are the results of cultural development.

(6) the times. In the historical process of human development, each era has its own typical cultural type.

[2] Cultural background

I remember that Mr. Li Yanjie, the former professor of Beijing Normal University and vice president of the World Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education, once gave an open class entitled "Virtue, knowledge, talent, truth, goodness and beauty" at the lecture tour in Peking University.

He said; What is culture? The sum of truth, goodness and beauty is culture.

It can be seen that what we call "culture" is the product of all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional intersection of fields.

It not only covers a person’s cultivation, temper and disposition, but also includes family environment, living space, and even genetics and so on.

My neighbor, Aunt Song, once said, "Without culture, you are illiterate.". This statement is very incisive and hits the nail on the head.

You can imagine, living in the present, if you don’t even know a big word, this is not a scene, and it has nothing to do with the bridge, but it is incredible.

[3] It’s terrible to have no culture

Once upon a time, there was a saying circulating in the society: "It’s terrible to be uneducated", although it was just a network language. But it is a culture in itself.

Do you know that the cultural content contained in this sentence is far and near, false and real, true and false?

Perhaps, it may be trying to explain a thing or an action. But I hope it’s just a humorous remark with no practical significance.
