Private lessons "Thousand-layer routines" prepaid tuition "no more, no less" bodybuilders are hard to get back.

  Shen Fangfang never imagined that she only wanted to find a gym to swim, but was forced to stay in the store by three personal trainers (hereinafter referred to as "private tutors") on the grounds of helping to buy 36 private lessons to complete her performance until the whole department store closed down. The private tutor even told her that if she didn’t have enough money with her, she could go home with her to get money to buy classes.

  It has been a while, but in retrospect, she still has a lingering fear. It was one night in September 2019, when the gym was closed and most shops in its shopping mall were closed. The building is empty, but three private tutors have been around to prevent her from leaving. There was only one thought in her mind at that time — — Get out of here.

  Three private tutors never let go when they saw her, suggesting that when signing the contract, the sales staff had copied the members’ ID cards and knew the home addresses of all members. Smelling the threat, considering that there are elderly parents at home, Shen Fangfang is unwilling to entangle any more.

  "I just got my salary in August, but it was still not enough. I took some money from my savings before I made up the class fee." After Shen Fangfang paid the class fee and went through the relevant formalities, it was already 22: 40, and she was allowed to leave the mall.

  Three private tutors wrote a letter of guarantee to her that night: "This month is the promotion month, and we will decide on the happy life behind. Please ask Ms. Shen Fangfang to help us again." And three people also promised that this is "the last time for Ms. Shen Fangfang to buy 12 classes each, and she will not be allowed to buy again in the future."

  However, as if she had opened Pandora’s box, Shen Fangfang would continue to be promoted by private teachers in various ways every month.

  Qi Chen, who has suffered losses in this respect, said: "We must not easily believe the verbal promises of some private education."

  Qi Chen bought a private training course at another large chain gym in Shanghai. At first, she had a good relationship with the private tutor. She often bought some food and drinks together and got along like friends.

  "That day, (private education) asked me to help them with their performance and bought 36 classes." Qi Chen said that at that time, there were 10 lessons left in her private education, but because she usually got along well with private education, Qi Chen was embarrassed to refuse the request of "friends" and paid the money.

  "I also said at that time that I didn’t go very often, and I might not finish (so many courses) at once, but they didn’t say that there was a deadline for this course at all, so they kept saying ‘ No problem ’ ‘ No problem ’ 。” Qi Chen said.

  Later, due to physical reasons, Qi Chen couldn’t go to exercise for a period of time. When she returned to the gym after recovering, she was told that the courses in her account had been frozen due to the expiration date. If she needed to activate them, she should buy the same class hours as the frozen courses at a ratio of 1: 1.

  Qi Chen thought it was forced consumption in disguised form, and rejected the course activation scheme. She also learned from other members that even if the course was activated, the validity period was very short.

  Pang Jing, who graduated from Beijing Sport University and majored in physical education, once worked part-time in the gym. He said that most of the personal education in the gym on the market has sales tasks, and consumers need to be cautious when selling classes.

  Preliminary Rights Protection of "detour"

  Yu Lin, who works in Shanghai, joined a large chain gym last year. At that time, the sales consultant told her that there was a special offer for new guests, and 12 private lessons were only 2400 yuan. Yu Lin felt that the discount was very strong and bought it directly.

  However, after that, three consecutive appointments were delayed by the coach for various reasons. Yu Lin offered a refund, and the coach told her to go to the director, but she still didn’t return it.

  Because Yu Lin didn’t attend the whole course very much, after consultation between the two sides, the original plan of the gym for Yu Lin was to deduct her 20% handling fee, and the refund would be received after half a year. Yu Lin rejected the plan and asked for only 5% deduction. The gym promised her to apply to the head office.

  After more than a month, Yu Lin got the reply that the head office did not agree to the proposal of deducting 5%. "After that, we sent any news, he didn’t reply and completely lost contact." Yu Lin said.

  Because the negotiation failed, Yu Lin decided to file a complaint with 12315. The feedback result of 12315 is, "This dispute is handled by the cultural inspection department, and our department terminates the mediation. It is suggested to report this situation to the cultural inspection department through 12318 or 12345." The staff of the Sports Bureau who was transferred by 12315 told Yu Lin that there were many similar cases. Usually, the gym would refund the customers, but it took a long time, and the epidemic situation made Yu Lin wait patiently.

  "Like a tug-of-war, it lasted for about three months. Finally, they suggested that I take judicial channels." Yu Lin said. Qi Chen also called 12315 and the Shanghai Mayor’s Hotline 12345, but did not make much progress. In the end, he also chose to take judicial channels to protect his rights.

  Take the case to court to recover the prepaid tuition.

  On December 3, 2019, Qi Chen filed a case online and sent relevant materials to the People’s Court of Pudong New Area the next day. On March 4, 2020, the court accepted the case; On April 8, the court opened.

  Qi Chen said that because he didn’t read the course contract carefully before, it did mention that the private education course has a valid period. If it is not finished within the valid period, the course will be frozen. Therefore, in the pre-trial mediation, the gym used this as a basis to show that it did not violate the contract, but the customer did not read the contract carefully.

  The gym also said that Qi Chen could be dismissed from the class, but since she had already resold her fitness card to others at that time, she was no longer a member of this store. If she wanted to continue taking these dismissed classes, it would mean that she had to spend a sum of money to get her membership card back, and it was still her own loss. Finally, the plan after discussion between the two parties is that Qi Chen can resell the private lessons to other members of the store, and the expenses from resale will be owned by her.

  "At that time, it was still during the epidemic and could not be sold at all." Qi Chen said that after a month or so, the court staff inquired about the resale progress, and when they learned that resale was difficult, they offered to help her coordinate with the gym again. In the end, the gym promised to refund about 40% of Chen Qiyuan’s course.

  "After this incident, I will read all documents such as agreements and contracts that require my signature very carefully." Qi Chen said.

  On the other hand, after Yu Lin failed to help 12315, he found the gym store on a review App, wrote his own experience and gave a bad review. Not long after, some netizens contacted her and shared their similar experiences. One of them was Shen Fangfang, and Shen Fangfang also suggested that Yu Lin directly take judicial channels to protect rights.

  Shen Fangfang said that many people who have suffered from boredom in the gym choose to endure this tone, mostly because the amount involved is around several thousand yuan, and they are in an embarrassing situation.

  Say "not much" because if you want to go to court, taking into account the lawyer’s fees, time costs, etc., and many consumers just took the purpose of fitness at first, did not pay attention to the deposit of cards, or read the contract carefully, and combined various factors, the lawsuit may not be worth the loss; Say "a lot" because most people who go to the gym to spend money are young people, office workers or college students who have just worked, and this amount is indeed a big sum for them.

  In view of this "no more, no less" situation, Shen Fangfang, who has made up her mind to carry out judicial rights protection, continues to purchase courses according to the requirements of private education and sales every month, and also saves related chats, payment records and contracts one by one.

  On April 24, 2020, Shen Fangfang v Shanghai Keyi Fitness returned the advance payment, which was heard in the Xuhui District People’s Court of Shanghai. On May 13th, Xuhui District People’s Court issued a judgment, ruling that Shen Fangfang could cancel the membership contract and private education course (supplementary agreement) with this company; The defendant company will refund Shen Fangfang RMB 112,950 within 10 days from the effective date of the judgment.

  There are very few defenders like Shen Fangfang who can basically get back the full amount of compensation. Most of them are young people like Qi Chen and Yu Lin, who choose to mediate before the court and get back the money after deducting the handling fee.

  Yu Lin said that on the day of pre-trial mediation, the operation manager of the gym told her that if she was willing to accept a 5% deduction, she could get a refund immediately. If she asked for the full amount, she would have to discuss with the company. In addition, the manager also pointed out that Yulin complained that the course was cancelled twice. One time, he made an oral appointment on the day of buying the course, and there was no record. If the court opened, he would use this as evidence, only missing the customer’s class once.

  "He also said that the private tutor who gave me classes at that time had left his post and changed his WeChat avatar. If I really handed this evidence to the court, he could apply for this evidence to be ineffective." Yu Lin told the reporter that the mediator also analyzed for her. If she continues to take legal channels, he (the operation manager) will delay the trial time because of the evidence, and the time can’t afford it. It is recommended to accept a deduction of 5% handling fee.

  Where will the industry go after "barbaric growth"

  Pang Jing said that in the past few years, the gym market has been mixed, from initial germination to barbaric growth. Due to the imperfect industry standards and regulatory regulations, many opportunists seek improper benefits by exploiting loopholes in laws and regulations. "These individual behaviors may eventually require the entire industry to pay for it." Pang Jing said that this is the worry of him and some colleagues.

  "I also know some serious and responsible coaches in the gym." Pang Jing said, "Although some of them may not have high academic qualifications, they love this industry very much." Pang Jing pointed out that these coaches have continuously improved their professional quality through personal efforts and accumulated rich teaching experience. It is unfair to blame the whole group only for individual phenomena. In addition, some experienced and qualified fitness instructors will also start their own businesses and set up private training studios.

  Cao Meina, from Chengdu, exercised in the private education studio for about a year and lost 30 kilograms. She was very satisfied with this effect. She said that she prefers to have a professional coach with her, so that the exercise is more targeted and at the same time she can supervise herself. If she doesn’t take private lessons, she seldom goes to the gym to exercise alone. However, because the class fees of these studios are also paid in advance, Cao Meina suggested that it is safer for exercisers to buy a small number of courses at first.

  Pang Jing also mentioned that online and offline fitness brands such as "Super Orangutan" and "Music Carving Movement" developed in recent years are favored by consumers. The advantages of this kind of brand are that it charges a single time, the exercise cost is low, and consumers can freely choose the group exercise courses and exercise time.

  Some time ago, Beijing and Shanghai successively issued the policy of "7-day cooling-off period for gym cards". Pang Jing believes that this is a signal that the regulatory authorities pay more attention to the fitness industry. He believes that after the barbaric growth, the fitness industry will make waves, the inferior institutions will eventually be eliminated, and the quality service providers will get better and better. The development of new formats allows consumers to have diversified choices. After the market forms healthy competition, it will in turn promote consumers to know more about this industry and will not be deceived as easily as when they first came into contact.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Qi Chen, Yu Lin, Pang Jing and Cao Meina are pseudonyms.)

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Tian Hongwei Source: China Youth Daily

Xiaomi car is coming, and the shape parameters are all open.

Original Wukai Time Finance APP

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Author | Wu Kai

Editor | Lin Mingming

On November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

As far as the two pure electric cars declared this time are concerned, among the two models, the model BJ7000MBEVA1 is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium-ion battery, and there is no lidar. The peak power of the driving motor is 220kW or 275kW, and the motor is from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd.; The model BJ7000MBEVR2 is equipped with BYD Foday lithium iron phosphate battery, with optional laser radar. The peak power of the driving motor is 220kW, and the motor comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

In terms of body, the length, width and wheelbase of the two Xiaomi cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 3000mm respectively, and the heights are different, which are 1440mm and 1455mm respectively. In addition, both Xiaomi cars have the "Xiaomi" logo in front of them. At the rear of the car, both cars show the tail sign "Beijing Xiaomi".

According to the information, the trademarks of the two pure electric cars are Xiaomi brand, the company name is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

It should be noted that among the above addresses, the former is the location of Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.; The latter is Xiaomi’s new automobile factory in Yizhuang area. According to the market view, according to the application information, Xiaomi Automobile may still be looking for Beiqi off-road in terms of production qualification, but the specific manufacturing process will still be carried out in Xiaomi’s self-built factory.

According to the previously disclosed plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases, of which the first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters and has an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, which will be completed in June 2023; The second phase is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025. According to public information, the relevant factory buildings of Xiaomi Automobile Phase I Factory passed the acceptance on June 12.

It is worth noting that on November 8, some media reported that several buses of BAIC Group appeared in Xiaomi Science and Technology Park to participate in Xiaomi’s closed meeting. Participants told the media: "This closed-door meeting only invited core customers, involving Xiaomi mobile phones and automobile-related supply chain enterprises."

From the outside world, this is a key signal for the cooperation between Xiaomi and BAIC Group. At the same time, the tail mark of "Beijing Xiaomi" may mean that Xiaomi Automobile will adopt a production mode similar to Beijing Benz, that is, the two parties will jointly invest or produce it on behalf of BAIC Group.

Regarding the vehicle production and the cooperation mode between the two parties, Time Finance asked the public relations staff of Xiaomi Group for details. As of press time, the other party did not reply. Earlier, regarding the news that Xiaomi obtained the qualification of Baowo automobile production, the public relations staff of Xiaomi Group once said to Time Finance that "no comment."

In October this year, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, once said that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. In addition, according to the first financial report, Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production in December this year, and will be listed and sold around March next year.

Judging from the body size and power mode of the two new cars announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, their competitors may include Aouita 12, Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and other medium and large pure electric cars.

Time Finance asked Xiaomi Group for details about the time to market and the price of new Xiaomi cars. As of press time, the other party did not reply. At the same time, for information such as cooperation between the two parties, relevant persons of BAIC Group responded that there is no official reply at present.

Tianyancha App shows that Xiaomi’s Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. were established in 2021, and the legal representative is Lei Jun. Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. has applied for thousands of automobile-related patents, of which nearly 600 patents have been authorized, involving motor, vehicle control, battery, automobile structure, autonomous driving and other automobile software and hardware-related fields.

In addition, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has applied to register a number of "Xiaomi Automobile" trademarks, and the current trademark status is mostly registered. In 2022, the number of participants in the company was 420.

(Welcome to reprint, please add WeChat, ID: Rafe 0101).

-Produced by Guangdong Times Media Group-

Original title: "Xiaomi car is coming, the shape parameters are all open"

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Xiaomi Auto officially released: A-share hammer suppliers have exceeded 70.

On the afternoon of December 28th, Xiaomi Auto held a technical conference with the theme of "Technology Leaping, Man and Vehicle Integration". Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of the group, previously said, "This time, only technology will be issued, and no products will be issued."

Since 2021, the car-making business that "gambles" on Lei Jun’s lifelong reputation is about to shine from ideal to reality after 1000 days of deep cultivation. During the car-making period, Lei Jun also compared more than 150 friendly car models. Then, what black technologies will Xiaomi car be listed soon? And which suppliers jointly support the technical base? On the basis of the press conference, Xiaomi automobile suppliers listed on A-shares may bring us some answers.

There are more than 70 A-share suppliers.

In 2023, China’s automobile industry experienced ups and downs. Under the extreme price war of new energy automobile enterprises, fuel vehicles were in a dilemma of attack and defense. Not only that, some new automobile-making forces also fell behind in the competition because they could not keep up with the market pace. The industry predicts that the competition in the automobile industry will be more intense in 2024.

In this context, the market is inevitably more worried about Xiaomi, which has been officially announced for three years and has not yet launched a production car. However, Xiaomi’s past successful experience has made the market look forward to it.

On November 15th, Xiaomi SU7 Max pure electric car and SU7 pure electric car officially landed in the 377th batch of "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Xiaomi Automobile is not far from listing. According to market news, Xiaomi Automobile plans to load 300 vehicles in December, and make full preparations for batch delivery next year.

However, in addition to the information disclosed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xiaomi Automobile has not disclosed more product information at present, and the technical conference held on December 28 will undoubtedly become the closest contact between the market and Xiaomi Automobile before mass production delivery.

Lei Jun also introduced a series of leading technologies of Xiaomi SU7 at this conference. Such as ultra-high-speed motor (V8s speed reaches the highest speed of 27200rpm in the world), 871V high-voltage platform, CTB integrated battery pack (volume efficiency reaches the highest 77.8% in the world), the first battery cell inversion technology (self-built battery pack factory), high-efficiency dual-mode heat pump, three-heat source step-by-step heating technology, millet super die-casting technology (9100T: millet Titan alloy, 72-in-1 integrated die-casting floor, three-stage rear). Automatic driving (zoom BEV, super-resolution occupancy network, urban navigation NOA, valet/mechanical parking, end-to-end perception and decision-making integrated model), intelligent cockpit, platform architecture, etc.

As the saying goes, "one hero and three gangs", Xiaomi Automobile still needs the support of supply chain enterprises in the above innovative technologies. So, which suppliers have become the core base of Xiaomi Automobile’s black technology? A-share listed companies are the representatives of leading domestic enterprises. According to incomplete statistics, at present, there are more than 70 millet suppliers in A-shares. In addition to nearly 50 companies that have been disclosed before, nearly 30 concept stocks have been hammered recently.

This part of the new enterprises mainly include:, Sinomach, Hausen,Wait.

Among the new concept stocks, there are smart cockpit suppliers such as Desai Siwei, and chassis supporting enterprises such as Jinrong Tianyu. However, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi SU7 is currently in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to be officially listed. Affected by this, Xiaomi automobile suppliers are still in the stage of small batch supply as a whole. Jingwei Hengrun said that it is expected to achieve mass production as early as 2023.

"The whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is officially closed.

In addition to the 73 A-share listed companies and 2 Hong Kong-stock listed companies that have been hammered as above, according to incomplete statistics,、TCL、35 A-share concept stocks may have also entered the supply chain of Xiaomi Automobile, and the supply situation remains to be further disclosed by enterprises.

but, Xinsong(rights protection),Although the concept stocks that have attracted much attention have not participated in the supply of Xiaomi cars at present, there may be some variables in the future as the mass production of Xiaomi cars approaches.

In addition, Xiaomi also made a lot of investment layout before the official announcement of building a car. Among them, in the weakest automobile chip field in China, Xiaomi has participated in the creation of shares, Shanghai Xuanjie Technology, Jieping Semiconductor, Feikun Semiconductor, Shenzhen Core Energy, Microcapacity Technology, Kangzhi Integrated Circuit, Qixin Micro Semiconductor, Jingwei Qi Li, Zhanxin Electronics, Shanghai Hangxin,Intelligent, Yuntu Semiconductor, Core Bitmicro,, Mingqi Sensing, Weizhao Semiconductor, Huajing Sensing, Sirui Technology, Changjing Technology, Jingshi Intelligent,, core technology,Semi-conductive, must be easy to micro, Angruiwei, smart micro,, Nanxin Semiconductor, Huaying Microelectronics, Voda Semiconductor,A large number of enterprises, such as Zhuhai Core Test.

In the field of power battery materials, Xiaomi is also Ruilong Technology, Xinchen New Materials, Tianmu Pioneer, Sodium Energy, Farnlet, Weilan New Energy, Honeycomb Energy,, Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines,Shareholders of companies such as Weilan New Energy are expected to become new suppliers in the future with the maturity of solid-state battery technology, although the new cars to be listed soon do not use the products of investment companies.

In addition, with the gradual realization of the electric layout of the car, intelligence has been accelerated. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp in 2024, and the market is also full of interest in the intelligent driving ability of Xiaomi’s new car. It is understood that the intelligent driving multi-sensor fusion scheme of Xiaomi Automobile is provided by Continental Core Intelligent Driving, a subsidiary of Continental Group, and its geometric partners are also equipped with intelligent driving schemes. In addition, Xiaomi also invested in industrial chain companies such as sagitar Juchuang, Zhuifeng Automobile, Sain Leading, Aitek, Lice Technology, Zejing Electronics, Zongmu Technology, Botai Car Network, Beixing Photon, Momenta Magic Gate Tower, and Zhixing.

In view of the demand for automotive electrification and intelligent incremental devices, Xiaomi has also invested in industrial chain enterprises such as Yingzhi Thermal Management Company, Tongyu Automobile, Jiong Yi Electronics, Kelbo, Zhilv Technology, Haizhibo Electronics, Linding Optics, Weimar Automobile, Energy Chain Group, Aoyix, Xpeng Motors, Xinan Digital, Konghui Automobile and Shendong Technology, covering thermal management, intelligent braking system, charging service and so on.

It is not difficult to see from the above introduction that the layout of Xiaomi Automobile has covered the fields of vehicle manufacturing, automobile chips, materials and autonomous driving. On December 27, Lei Jun issued a document saying that the R&D team of Xiaomi Automobile has reached more than 3,400 people. Intelligent electric vehicles are the integration of automobile industry and consumer electronics, and the technical accumulation and experience in consumer electronics also help the strength of Xiaomi Automobile. With the upcoming release of Xiaomi Automobile, Xiaomi’s "all-ecological environment of people and cars" is officially closed.


Civil aviation administration of China

  I. Brief introduction of China-Arab relations

  (1) Brief introduction of Azerbaijan

  The Republic of Azerbaijan, the capital of Baku (population 2.54 million), is located in the southeast of Transcaucasia, bordering Russia in the north, Armenia and Georgia in the west and northwest, Iran in the south and the Caspian Sea in the east. Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is an enclave of Albania, surrounded by Armenia, Iran and Turkey. It covers an area of 86,600 square kilometers and has a population of 9.48 million. The ethnic groups are mainly Azerbaijanis (90.6%), Russians, Armenians, etc., and they mainly believe in Islam. The official language is Azerbaijani, and most residents are familiar with Russian.

  The political situation in Afghanistan is generally stable. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Afghanistan formulated the development strategy of "rejuvenating the country through oil". At present, the annual output of oil is about 50 million tons, and the annual output of natural gas is about 30 billion cubic meters. The economy has maintained rapid development with the help of petrodollars. In 2015, the GDP reached 54.35 billion manat, up by 1.1% year-on-year, the foreign trade volume was 20.65 billion US dollars, down by 33.4% year-on-year, the per capita GDP was 5,600 US dollars, and the per capita monthly salary was 322 US dollars. Affected by the long-term low international oil price and other factors, in February and December of 2015, the local currency Manat depreciated sharply twice, reaching 33.5% and 47.6% respectively, with a cumulative depreciation of 97% for the whole year. In order to cope with the adverse effects caused by the drop in international oil prices, the Afghan government has actively deepened economic reforms, ensured the stability of the national financial system, further promoted the strategy of economic diversification, vigorously developed non-oil economies such as agriculture and tourism, and strived to change the economic structure that relies too much on energy exports and promote balanced development in all areas of the economy.











  1、巴库盖达尔·阿利耶夫国际机场(Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport)

  IATA code: BAK, ICAO code: UBBB.

  Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport is the hub base of Azerbaijan Airlines, the national airline of Azerbaijan, and the busiest airport in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. The airport, formerly known as Bina International Airport, is owned and operated by the Azerbaijani government. On March 10th, 2004, the airport was renamed geidar aliyev Airport, named after former Azerbaijani President geidar aliyev.

  2. Lankaran International Airport.

  IATA code: LLK, ICAO code: UBBL.

  Located in Liankelan, a city in the southeast of Azerbaijan, its main routes are the international routes between the local and CIS member countries and the domestic routes of the country. The airport is mainly engaged in regular passenger and cargo routes at home and abroad. The air transport companies it serves include Azerbaijan Airlines and UTair, and it is open to Baku, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and other places.

  3. Ganja International Airport

  IATA code: KVD, ICAO code: UBBG.

  Zhanjia International Airport is located 5 kilometers northwest of Zhanjia City. It is mainly operated by airlines such as Azerbaijan Airlines and Turkish Airlines, and travels between Zhanjia and Baku, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Istanbul.

  4. Gabala International Airport.

  Gabarra International Airport, located in Gabarra Town, northwest Azerbaijan, was founded in January 2011. On November 17th, 2011, President Aliyev attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the airport. In the same year, Gabarra Airport became an international airport.

  5. Nakhichevan Airport

  IATA code: NAJ, ICAO code: UBBN.

  Nakhichevan Airport is located in Nakhichevan, the capital of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, 4 kilometers away from the city center, and is the only airport in this closed area.

  6. Zaqatala International Airport

  IATA code: ZTU, ICAO code: UBBY.

  Za Catarre Airport is located at the foot of Nanshan Mountain in Caucasus. The airport terminal and runway were rebuilt in 2008, and then it became an international airport.

  (2) Major air transport enterprises

  1. Azerbaijan Airlines.

  IATA code: J2, ICAO code: AHY

  Azerbaijan Airlines, the flag carrier of Azerbaijan, was established on April 7, 1992 and headquartered in Baku. It mainly operates scheduled passenger and cargo flights from Baku to CIS countries, Europe, China and the Middle East, as well as domestic flights, with about 33 navigation cities.

  Address of Azerbaijan Airlines Beijing Representative Office: Room 4-05026, No.6 Chaowai Street B, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with ASADOV ILHAM as the chief representative, and the resident period is April 30, 2016.

  2. Silk Road Airlines of Azerbaijan.

  IATA code: ZP, ICAO code: AZQ.

  Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, established in 2001, is a cargo airline headquartered in Baku, Azerbaijan, based at Aliyev International Airport, operating routes covering 50 destinations in Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

  The address of the representative office of Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines in Urumqi is Room 522, Xiyu International Hotel, Building 2, No.876 Dawan North Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi. The chief representative is SAFAROV ISMAYIL, and the residence period is until December 31, 2018.

  On September 11th, 2015, Zhao Jiancai, Vice Governor of Henan Province, met with Akhundov Zaur, Chairman of Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, and his party in Zhengzhou. The two sides had a talk on strengthening air navigation. On the same day, Henan Airport Group signed a cooperation agreement with Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, and the Zhengzhou-Baku-Hahn international freight route opened by Silk Road Airlines in Zhengzhou in 2013 will be increased from the current weekly flight to more than 6 flights per week.

  3. Silk Road West Airlines of Azerbaijan.

  IATA code: 7L, ICAO code: AZG.

  Based at Aliyev International Airport, Azerbaijan Silk Road Western Airlines cooperates closely with Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines and Azerbaijan Airlines, using Silk Road to fly cargo holds of Il -76 and An -12 models and belly cabins of Azerbaijan.

  The address of Azerbaijan Silk Road West Airlines Shanghai Representative Office is Room 905, Building A, No.18 Taolin Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The chief representative is BAKHTIYAROV ZAUR FAXRADDIN, and the residency period is until July 31, 2018.

Domestic games blow the horn to the sea

  In recent years, actively promoting game products to the sea has become a key strategy for the development of many game companies. It is understood that traditional game companies such as FunPlus, IGG and Zhixingtong, whose game products are popular all over the world, have been deeply cultivated overseas for many years, and have rich strategic experience and performed well. For example, IGG’s popular game "Kingdom Era" has won the best-selling list in the App Store in 85 countries and regions for more than two years, and its global revenue has exceeded 825 million US dollars. Not only big manufacturers have the ability to open overseas markets, but also some small domestic manufacturers focus on deepening the segmentation field and occupy a good market share in overseas markets.

  Domestic games going to sea is the development trend of the industry.

  The effect of game companies going out to sea is gradually emerging. According to the App Annie report, from July 2012 to June 2018, the comprehensive downloads of China mobile games in the App Store outside China exceeded 14 billion times. In the first half of 2018, the comprehensive revenue of iOS and Google Play increased by more than 40% year-on-year; Comprehensive user expenditure exceeds $16 billion; There are more than 4,400 games on APP Store and Google Play in markets outside China, among which nearly 900 games are released by publishers in China whose users spend more than US$ 1 million.

  Compared with literature, film and television, animation and so on, games have more universal entertainment functions, and the cultural differences they need to cross are relatively small. In the past six years, domestic games have been frequently put out to sea, which also reflects the vigorous development of the export market of China’s cultural industry.

  The game is hot in the sea, which is no longer limited to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other areas with similar user attributes, but also expands the mature game market in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. In fact, the number of overseas high-quality paying users is even larger, and the game grading system is more perfect. Therefore, in order to avoid large-scale domestic games and strong competition, many game manufacturers have actively deployed to overseas markets, forming a trend of all-round industrial development.

  Global game downloads, user spending and participation continue to rise.

  According to App Annie’s data report, from the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2018, the global game download volume of iOS and Google Play increased by 30%, the global game user expenditure increased by 55%, and the global game usage time increased by 30% only for Android phones.

  According to the China Game Industry Report from January to June 2018, the overseas sales revenue of online games independently developed by China in the first half of the year was US$ 4.63 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16%. The overseas market has grown nearly 15 times in five years.

  The double income of China’s game industry in overseas markets depends on the change of its world status. Since its development for more than 20 years, the game production has been upgraded from "Made in China" as an early supplier to "Created in China" now, from focusing on the rough expansion in quantity to paying more attention to independent innovation, focusing on building the leading edge in brand and technology, and bringing the China brand to the global stage with more international ideas and methods.

  In the strategy of going to sea, China has gained full cultural self-confidence in terms of technology accumulation, talent training, capital supply, creative ideas and cultural details, and the gap between it and the global game industry is getting smaller and smaller, even exceeding the average level of global games in some aspects. At the same time, under the environment of "China culture fever", the game went out to sea to show the richness of Chinese culture to users around the world more closely.

  China’s game publishers have made outstanding achievements in the Asia-Pacific market.

  According to App Annie’s data report, the Asia-Pacific region plays a leading role in the overseas expansion of China’s game publishers. First of all, the game payment mode in overseas countries is very mature, especially the payment base of high-quality users is relatively stable, and this payment habit of players also makes the cash flow of game companies tend to be stable. The average payment rate of Japanese players in the Asia-Pacific region is over 60%, and the average annual cost is $312.97; American users’ payment habits have long been developed, and they can get high income under a certain market accumulation; Russia and the Middle East also have a lot of room for growth.

  Secondly, India, the second most populous country in the world, has made great contributions to the overseas downloads of China’s game publishers. Compared with Europe and America, China and South Korea, which have profound game culture, are more likely to accept the export of’s cultural industry, and their own game industry is mature, the rules are transparent, and the per capita consumption level is high, so it is easier to input games with the help of cultural resonance. At the same time, many factors, such as the increase in the export volume of smart phones in China, have helped more mobile game applications to enter overseas markets through pre-installation.

  Heavy games lead global game participation.

  In the first half of 2018, according to the data of domestic games in the global gamer participation, the data proportion of game categories varies greatly among countries. In some Asia-Pacific regions, such as Thailand and the Philippines, 98% of players prefer to play heavy games, while Indonesia’s players also have as high as 96% participation. The market of light and moderate games is very weak, but only Japan has a 58% share in the field of moderate games, which greatly exceeds that of other countries in the same period.

  Looking at the feedback from users in the global market, moderate and heavy games are the main direction for China game manufacturers to push overseas markets. The reasons are as follows: First, compared with the light game playing system, moderate and heavy games are more complicated, and the theme types are more diversified, emphasizing antagonism and sociality among players, and it is easier to obtain user retention rate. Second, light games are easier to use and have wide user coverage, but the player’s viscosity is low. Moderate and heavy game users have deeper content, higher player loyalty and stickiness, and are more likely to form a specific user target group. Third, moderate and heavy game development costs are higher, profitability is stronger, and the life cycle of the market is longer. Therefore, domestic game manufacturers are more willing to invest in medium and heavy game products that can make long-term profits.

  It is understood that heavy games are mainly action games, role-playing games and strategy games; Moderate games are mainly arcade games, card games and racing games; Light games are mainly leisure games, educational games and music games.

  According to the above data of App Annie, in the first half of 2018, the top four overseas users of domestic games were heavy games. The traditional game companies in China, represented by IGG’s Age of Kingdom, FunPlus’s Age of Firearms, King of Avalon: Battle of the Dragon, and Zhi Xingtong’s Disputes over Kings, have been committed to the global research and development, global market and global operation of games for many years, and accumulated valuable and profound.

  The overseas distribution of domestic games has also put forward higher requirements for the game industry itself. Not only need to have super-high technical support, exquisite image quality display, localized intimate service, but also need to have novel creative self-research ability and fine product operation ability. Through the research and analysis of user groups’ big data, it has become the core element of the game market to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness and prolong the game life for product distribution. Domestic games are bound to bear rich fruits in a high-quality and demanding environment. (Reporter Wu Min)

Network Ethics and Game Culture Branch held a game in Shanghai to become a "new position" for the inheritance of traditional culture.

  China Youth Network Shanghaisevenmoon28Nidian(Reporter Fan Huiqin, Xu Yizhen, correspondent Sun Jiaoshu) On July 27th, the 15th ChinaJoy Network Ethics and Game Culture Branch was held in Shanghai. As an important branch of the 15th China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (ChinaJoy), the theme of this conference is "Game Development and Online Inheritance of Chinese Excellent Culture", aiming at implementing the "Opinions on Implementing the Inheritance and Development Project of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture", promoting the implementation of the "China Good Netizen" project in the field of online games, creating a healthy and harmonious network ethics and game culture, realizing the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and promoting the construction of online spiritual homes.

  The conference was guided by the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, co-sponsored by the Central Network Film and Television Center of the Communist Youth League, China Culture and Entertainment Industry Association and China Culture Network Communication Research Association, and hosted by Zhongqing Video, Mobile TV and China Youth Network. Relevant persons in charge of the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, cultural experts and scholars, and representatives of game companies gave wonderful speeches and in-depth discussions on the core theme of "game development and online inheritance of Chinese excellent traditional culture", and put forward views and suggestions with great reference value.

  (A) representatives of game enterprises: actively spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture with games as the carrier.

  Ji Zefeng, vice president of Tencent Interactive Entertainment Group and Tianmei Studio Group, believes that the popular online games are one of the entertainment forms that teenagers love to see and hear, and can be used as an entry point for learning history and culture. For example, Li Shuai, a teaching teacher in Luoyang, Henan Province, used the derivative program "History of Kings" of the the glory of the king game to inspire students in the history class. This innovative teaching method that keeps pace with the times can achieve better teaching results, and also brings beneficial enlightenment to game companies and cultural educators. Games are endowed with certain social responsibilities because of their broad mass base and large market scale. At the same time, they also bear the advantages of "participation, interactivity, emotional resonance and motivation for learning", so games can stimulate the vitality of traditional culture in an innovative way. At the same time, Ji Zefeng also took the glory of the king, which has attracted much attention and heated discussion, as an example to explain how to implant excellent traditional cultural elements into the game, and then build a game worldview that integrates Chinese virtues and humanistic spirit.

  Wu Xinxin, general manager of Netease Game Market, thinks that game enterprises should adhere to the spirit of "keeping, breaking and leaving" of artisans, make breakthroughs on inheritance, innovate on breakthrough, and continue the cultural essence in the game from the perspective of "cultural inheritance and innovation in the digital age". One of the important reasons why Netease games can continuously refresh the game industry’s perception of product life is to use the explosive IP of traditional culture to recreate traditional classics.

  Edie, vice president of global brand and strategic cooperation of Perfect World, believes that Chinese culture is welcoming the opportunity of global communication, traditional cultural heritage can achieve China’s cultural self-confidence, and cultural self-confidence can help China’s culture go out to sea, and online games play a vital role as a communication carrier in the process of cultural exchange. Online games can break through geographical restrictions and truly realize communication without time difference. "Quality innovation, localization integration, open interaction, global integration and transcendence development" is the global communication strategy of the game industry at present and in the future.

  Huang Wei, vice president of Sohu Changyou, analyzed the current situation of traditional culture in the game industry with the game "Eight Dragons". Martial arts culture is one of the important contents of Chinese traditional culture exported overseas, and the most representative martial arts novels of Jin Yong are one of them. In the game works adapted from the classic martial arts novels, China’s traditional poems and songs, supplemented by calligraphy, set off the ancient artistic conception, which can effectively promote and spread Chinese traditional culture.

  (2) Representatives of experts and scholars: The combination of games and education calls for the development of "China style" online games.

  Liu Zhejun, associate professor, master tutor and assistant dean of Tongji University, gave a keynote speech. China Youth Network reporter Fan Huiqin photo

  In addition to bringing happiness to everyone, game technology has also played an increasingly important role in higher education. Liu Zhejun, an associate professor at Tongji University’s College of Art and Media, combined with his own teaching experience and research results, expounded the mode and prospect of cooperative development between higher education and game industry: on the one hand, colleges and universities cultivate talents for the game industry; On the other hand, games are intervening and changing the educational model of colleges and universities. In addition, game technology has shown exciting and infinite potential in interdisciplinary research, and traditional culture will glow with vigorous vitality in the organic integration of the two.

  Ming Zongfeng, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Youth green grid Construction Communication Alliance, delivered a keynote speech. China Youth Network reporter Fan Huiqin photo

  Ming Zongfeng, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Youth green grid Construction Communication Alliance, introduced the gamification education incentive system, which takes the concept of cultivating education and information technology as a means to highlight the process and realism of gamification education incentive, so that students can arouse their interest in learning, develop their personality potential and form good behavior habits and study habits in this process, which will be beneficial to the communication needs of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

  Jiang Guangxue, director of Peking University Youth Research Center and special researcher of National Network Information Office, gave a keynote speech. China Youth Network reporter Fan Huiqin photo

  The influence of online game industry on teenagers’ culture, education, entertainment and aesthetics can not be ignored. Jiang Guangxue, director of Peking University Youth Research Center and special researcher of the National Network Information Office, emphasized the educational and aesthetic functions of games in the process of cultural inheritance. He believes that the combination of online games and traditional culture should "respect the truth of history, respect the goodness of culture and build the beauty of games".

  Tian Shu, deputy secretary general of China Online Game Guild Alliance, founder of CGG China Guild and president of KOK Guild, gave a keynote speech. China Youth Network reporter Fan Huiqin photo

  For a long time in the past, most of the game types or themes that domestic gamers came into contact with were mainly western mainstream cultural backgrounds. At present, there is no shortage of game products with Chinese traditional cultural elements, but these games have not got rid of the western game mode of doing tasks, fighting monsters, upgrading, strengthening equipment and downloading copies indefinitely. Tianshu, deputy secretary-general of China Online Game Guild Alliance, founder of CGG China Guild Club and president of KOK Guild, believes that the world outlook, infrastructure and charging mode of games should truly conform to traditional culture, and should not only pursue external forms, but also highlight the personalized characteristics and symbols of game culture. Tianshu calls on game companies to develop and launch online games with "China style" based on games, so that teenagers can understand and inherit the splendid Chinese history and culture through games and grow into pillars of the country in the future.

  (3) Representatives of government departments attending the meeting: integrate China wisdom, inherit Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of China.

  As of December 2016, the number of netizens in China reached 731 million, and the Internet penetration rate reached 53.2%. With the popularity of the Internet, online culture plays an increasingly important role in the daily life of netizens. As an important part of online culture, online games cover two-thirds of netizens and are deeply loved by the majority of players and netizens. The Central Network Information Office has always attached great importance to the healthy development of online games. At the beginning of 2016, it launched the project of striving to be a good netizen in China, aiming at promoting the socialist core values, cultivating and bringing up a new generation of good netizens in China, and actively promoting the dissemination of China’s concept of good netizens in online games and other online cultural fields, and successively guiding the activities such as the exhibition of positive energy deeds of the president of the "Qingye Cup" online game association and the training of online culture. Zhang Guangyao, director of the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, said that online games play an important role in the construction of network culture and are also an effective carrier for inheriting and carrying forward Chinese excellent culture. And put forward four suggestions. First, consciously spread the concept of China’s good netizens in the field of online games, strengthen the recognition of cultural self-confidence of netizens, especially young netizens, and cultivate and bring up a new generation of good netizens in China; The second is to further popularize network literacy education, and guide the majority of gamers, especially teenagers, to form a civilized and healthy online lifestyle and a network behavior norm of respecting morality and being kind; Third, further strengthen the social responsibility of online game enterprises, and insist on paying equal attention to economic and social benefits.Set an example in fulfilling social responsibilities and strengthening youth’s online protection, promote the healthy development of online game industry, and make important contributions to the construction of network culture with China characteristics; Fourth, we should further use online games to inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture and actively explore its treasures. On the one hand, we should attract netizens to pay attention to, understand, love and inherit traditional culture; on the other hand, we should make good use of the Internet platform to strengthen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and promote Chinese culture to "go global".

  Jin Haifeng, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Cultural Network Communication Research Association and Dean of Network State College of Changchun University, delivered a keynote speech. China Youth Network reporter Fan Huiqin photo

  Facing the vast ocean of network information, every netizen has the responsibility and mission to promote truth, goodness and beauty, socialist core values and the positive energy of social civilization to more people in the position of online public opinion. Jin Haifeng, vice-president and secretary-general of China Culture Network Communication Research Association and dean of Network State College of Changchun University, mentioned in his speech that spreading Chinese excellent traditional culture to teenagers in a simple and enjoyable way through the Internet and games is one of the ways to practice "positive energy of network communication".

  The Opinions on Implementing the Inheritance and Development Project of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture points out that "culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force. " Kong Ming, Secretary-General of China Culture and Entertainment Industry Association, pointed out that in the development, production, operation and promotion of games, game enterprises should integrate China’s wisdom, promote China’s culture, spread China’s value, lead the positive energy of the network with Chinese excellent traditional culture, and create a clear and rich space for online entertainment and cultural communication.

Japanese people’s rally: the Japanese government can’t arbitrarily advocate nuclear pollution water treatment.

  Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, April 13th: Feature: "The treatment of nuclear polluted water cannot be arbitrarily advocated by the Japanese government" — — Japanese people gathered to protest against the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Guang Yue Chenxing

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, people held slogans to participate in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

  Two years ago today, the Japanese government decided to discharge millions of tons of nuclear polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, ignoring opposition at home and abroad. Since the announcement of this decision, the Japanese people have held many rallies and protests. On the 13th, some Japanese people held a rally near the Japanese parliament to protest against the Japanese government’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  According to reports, about 120 people attended the rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives that day. The reporter saw at the scene that the protesters covered all ages, and they held slogans such as "Don’t let nuclear pollution pollute the sea" and "Don’t poison the sea". Around the live speaker, the crowd echoed loudly from time to time.

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, people held slogans to participate in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

  Miyoko Kumamoto, who attended the rally at the scene, is 80 years old. She moved to Fukushima Prefecture after retirement, but after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, she was forced to take refuge in Tokyo. People with the same experience set up the "refuge coordination center" to support each other, and Ms. Kumamoto is also a member of the center.

  She said that she wanted to enjoy an idyllic life in Fukushima Prefecture after retirement. The nuclear accident not only destroyed the lives of local residents, but also endangered people who depend on the sea for a living. We should not remain silent about the Japanese government’s decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea, but should actively speak out against it. "The treatment of nuclear polluted water cannot be arbitrarily advocated by the Japanese government."

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, people held slogans to participate in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

  Yoshiko Furukawa, who gave a speech at the scene, could not hide his excitement, and his trembling voice was constantly amplified. She said that she used to live in Tomokamachi, Fukushima Prefecture, near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. "Although discharging the nuclear polluted water accumulated in Fukushima into the sea may enable us to return home earlier, I don’t want others to point at me and say, ‘ The nuclear polluted water was discharged from her neighborhood ’ 。”

  The organizer of that day’s rally, Inoue Nihiro, said that people who came here today are near Tokyo. Now, similar rallies and protests are being held all over Japan, some initiated by individuals and some organized by groups. In the past two years, we have launched various signature, assembly, demonstration and protest activities, and held a study meeting on nuclear polluted water on the Internet to popularize the knowledge about the dangers of nuclear polluted water.

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, people held slogans to participate in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

  Inoue said that nuclear contaminated water must be stored first to minimize its radioactivity, and then discuss how to deal with it with countries around the world. "If nuclear polluted water is easily allowed to be discharged into the sea this time, it will be thrown into the sea as long as nuclear pollution occurs in the future."

  On April 13, 2021, the Japanese government officially decided to filter and dilute millions of tons of nuclear polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and then discharge it into the sea. In January 2023, the Japanese government set the discharge time of Fukushima nuclear polluted water as "this spring and summer".

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, people held slogans to participate in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

  On April 13, in Tokyo, Japan, a man took part in a rally in front of the Second House of Representatives of the Japanese House of Representatives with a slogan. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Chenxing photo

Economic Daily and JD.COM released data: seasonal fruits are more popular.

Data source: JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development.
"Fresh home" is a big business opportunity.
With the increase of per capita consumption expenditure and the upgrading of diet consumption, consumers’ demand for high-quality fruits is increasing. At the same time, the fruit retail business model tends to be diversified, consumers have more choices, and the fruit consumption market is becoming broader. But no matter how the market changes, freshness is still a big business opportunity.
From the sales trend, the fruits of origin continue to realize the vertical expansion of the region and the horizontal innovation of the species. In early summer, loquat, blueberry, cherry, litchi and other fruits come in droves, and seasonality and freshness become the most important labels. Taking cherries as an example, Dalian Meizao cherries continue to sell well all over the country, and the proportion of consumption in Guangdong, Beijing, Sichuan and other places continues to increase. In terms of species, in addition to Feizixiao litchi, white sugar poppy, glutinous rice paste and other litchi varieties have also received high attention from consumers.
From the perspective of channel development, online and offline sales of fruits are constantly integrating with each other. Consumers can choose offline supermarkets to buy, or they can choose online orders to buy. They can also receive goods faster through the instant consumption platform, link online and offline, and open up an omni-channel model to continuously enrich shopping scenes. On the whole, the scale of instant consumption in the fruit consumption market has grown steadily, which has become an important driving force for consumers to upgrade their fruit plates in China.
It is worth noting that the main consumer groups of online fruits are mainly young people, who pay more attention to physical health and nutritional collocation. High-quality fruits represented by cherries, durians and lychees are more likely to be favored by this consumer group.
From the perspective of quality assurance, the continuous extension and deepening of the supply chain of fruit industry is very important. At present, consumers are demanding higher and higher fruit quality. When buying fruit, the primary concern is whether the fruit is fresh, followed by the sweetness and maturity of the fruit, and whether the water is sufficient. Enterprises should try their best to let high-quality fresh fruits enter the consumer market at a faster speed and lower price. Therefore, from the quality control of direct harvesting of origin, to the professional cold chain logistics and distribution, and then to the omni-channel sales model, enterprises need to constantly improve all aspects of the industrial supply chain, and strive to make every fruit "fresh".
(Author: Dong Fei, Senior Research Fellow, JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development)

Case sharing of the regular meeting of the General Administration | Henan Spring Festival Evening and Lantern Festival Wonderful Night: The more confident the culture, the deeper the communication.

Editor’s note:From a graceful and vivid girl in the Tang Dynasty to a martial arts tough guy with flowing moves, from "shuttling" between famous landscapes and paintings to being wrapped by visual effects such as the universe, starry sky, rockets and stargazing platforms … The 2021 Henan Spring Festival Evening and the wonderful night of Yuanxiao left a deep impression on the national audience. How were these programs full of China traditional cultural elements created in the two parties?

At the regular meeting of the General Administration on March 12th, Wang Chunyang, head of the All-Media Marketing Planning Center of Henan Radio and Television Station, shared his creative experience and understanding of the 2021 Henan Spring Festival Evening and the wonderful night of Lantern Festival. After the meeting, the Radio and Television Review interviewed Wang Chunyang, and combined with the contents of the speech at the regular meeting, explained in detail the way of "going out of the circle" for the two parties.

 micro interview 

Interviewee:Wang Chunyang, head of Henan Radio and Television All Media Marketing Planning Center.

Wang Chunyang

Radio and TV Review: What inspiration does the Spring Festival Evening in Henan and the Fantastic Night of Lantern Festival bring to the team creation?


Wang Chunyang: "The Spring Festival Evening and the Fantastic Night of Lantern Festival in Henan are rooted in the traditional culture of China, which is empowered with innovative forms, giving it new vitality and creating a circle-breaking effect with the cultural core. Through the creation of these two programs, we once again deeply feel that the mainstream values and aesthetics of netizens who are mainly young people are sound and rational. On the Internet, the traditional culture of the Central Plains in the program was praised, and the barrage and messages paying tribute to the border guards made many people burst into tears. It further shows that excellent traditional culture and Yellow River culture are deeply loved by netizens. In the comments and messages that interact with netizens, we can really feel four words-"cultural self-confidence". This has strengthened our confidence in spreading and promoting traditional culture and Yellow River culture as our future creative path.


Radio and TV Review: Will this series of actions be continued and new works be released?


Wang ChunyangAs an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Henan is a demonstration area of Chinese cultural inheritance and innovation, and there are countless contents available for a party. This year, Henan Radio and Television Station will take "Fantastic Night" as the main line of the annual program, take Chinese civilization, Yellow River culture and brilliant Henan as the core strategy, and rely on traditional festivals (such as Qingming Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) to continue to tell the story of the Yellow River, promote the construction of a strong cultural province, and dedicate the most dazzling elements of Henan’s history and culture to everyone again in innovative ways.


Expanding and highlighting the element of "Miss Tang Gong" is an important means to ensure the continuity of the two programs’ popularity and concerns. It is a principle that we have always grasped to ask them to bring wider perspectives and more content to the audience. Will Miss Tang Gong lead us through the history of Henan again? Please stay tuned.


Radio and TV Review: Will new content products be developed in response to the image of "Miss Tang Gong"?


Wang Chunyang:“"Miss Tang Palace" has become one of the IP in Henan culture. For the use of "Miss Tang Palace" element, we have the consideration of using hot spots to expand the heat, and also have a calm balance. At present, we have produced cultural and creative products such as WeChat emoticons, mobile phone cases and blind boxes of "Tang Gong Night Banquet". The cultural types and manifestations carried by "Miss Tang Palace" have spread rapidly and been widely recognized. Next, we will follow the law to pay attention to the historical and cultural ontology, so as to make the cultural communication last longer and more vital.

Content of Wang Chunyang’s speech

When the tide does not let the fusion shine.

-Creation and sharing of "Henan Spring Festival Evening" and "Fantastic Night of Lantern Festival"

In 2021, the Spring Festival Evening in Henan Province and the wonderful night of Lantern Festival won the heated discussion of the national audience and the praise of netizens. At present, the number of hits on the whole network of Henan Spring Festival Evening exceeds 3 billion, and the number of related topics read and watched on the whole network of Yuanxiao Wonderful Night exceeds 900 million. The "Miss Tang Gong" derived from the program was widely spread. The People’s Daily, Xinhuanet, Global Times and other media published praises, and many Internet "Big V" also pushed on Weibo. The Spring Festival Gala in Henan produced a circle-breaking effect with the cultural core.

Why Henan? Why Henan Radio and Television Station? Why Henan Spring Festival Gala? In fact, behind this, the development ideas of Henan Taiwan and the ingenuity and experience of the entire creative team are also condensed.

Integration adds vitality and reforms birth opportunities.

In order to accelerate the pace of deep media integration and realize the main force advancing into the main battlefield. Henan Radio and Television Station has innovated the system and mechanism, put forward the development concept and direction of "integrating communication transformation and development is useful and effective", and constructed a modern communication pattern of "one end, one center, one cloud and one platform". The all-media marketing planning center of Henan TV was established under this circumstance.

Henan Taili integrates the former TV Literature and Art Department, Documentary Studio, Studio No.8 and Henan Elephant Media Technology Co., Ltd., and forms a program production camp with the ability to adapt to the new era with a fast pace and high position, such as performing venues, director teams, beautiful lighting, 4K HD broadcast vehicles, post-production, brand promotion and many other resources.

In order to realize the beautiful blooming of Henan Spring Festival Gala, the team earnestly studied the requirements of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on "small, positive and big" program production, and strived to create new vitality with the new mechanism of generate. A team of directors with the post-80s generation as the main body, after nearly 100 brainstorming sessions, has formed a creative scheme with a youthful voice. They cheered for themselves in a lovely and naughty way and said, I want to finish the Spring Festival Evening quietly and then surprise everyone.

To tell the truth, I couldn’t help smiling when I heard this sentence. In order to make the Spring Festival Evening in Henan truly "meet happily" with all of you, the team made use of wisdom and comprehensive suggestions from all parties, and took "Chinese civilization, Yellow River culture and brilliant Henan" as the hard core content, and took art and technology, form and content, production and communication as the key objectives to creatively transform and develop traditional culture. Therefore, the "Miss Tang Gong", who traveled through ancient and modern times and showed cultural self-confidence, danced in front of everyone; With both civil and military skills, Taiji Wushu, which shows the culture of the Yellow River, is powerfully interpreted in the world. The Henan Opera chorus, which is full of sound and emotion and shows the spirit of fighting the epidemic, resonates with us.

Innovation to express, technology empowers new energy.

With a certain knowledge reserve, the relationship between form and content has always puzzled the team’s choice. As a brand-new structure, the all-media marketing planning center of Henan Radio and Television Station also has the problem of how technology can serve the content. As an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Henan is a demonstration area of Chinese cultural inheritance and innovation, and there are countless contents available for a party. The key is how to show and present. How to make technology empower content? To this end, the team enriched the connotation and extension of the program through mobile priority, interconnection and 5G+AR technology, expanded the level and spatial changes of the stage theater beauty layout in the Spring Festival Evening, and realized the perfect integration of virtual scenes and real beauty.

Studio No.8 of Henan Radio and TV Station, the venue of the Spring Festival Evening in Henan Province, is a comprehensive performing venue with relatively complete functions. In order to improve the utilization rate of the venue, the director group and the dancers, according to the characteristics of the studio’s space advantages and equipment performance, adopted the representative form of China traditional culture-red lanterns as the main element, and divided the space through mechanical devices and hoisting techniques to meet the multi-space changes, and cooperated with lighting, high-definition screens and other elements to make the whole stage present. At the same time, through Weiya means, it is presented in a spatially separated scene, which brings rich appreciation experience to the audience and netizens. In the overall packaging, combined with AR technology, using the coherence of pre-and post-technology combination, the program is virtualized and brand-new. In addition, new technologies such as 4K high-definition ob vans, flying machines, Eye of the Sky and Steadicam have also contributed a lot to this visual feast.

The Banquet in Tang Palace and In Heaven and Earth, which are of great concern to everyone, are a graceful girl with light singing and dancing, and a martial arts tough guy with flowing water. "The Banquet in Tang Palace" did not make a big change to the dance, but used the technology of 5G+AR, adjusted the duration, added VR special effects such as ink painting, combined the virtual scene with the real stage, and put the song and dance into the museum scene, creating a feeling of "a wonderful night in the museum". The Tai Chi performance of "In Heaven and Earth" not only attracts the attention of the actors who beat Tai Ji Chuan in spacesuits, but also the visual special effects wrapped in the universe, starry sky, rockets and stargazing platforms. In the later stage of the program, AR packaging technology was used to implant a variety of cultural symbols into the program with visual technology. It is this cool multi-expression and artistic pursuit that upgrades the traditional stage composed of a floor and a space into a cosmic space with unlimited possibilities.

From top to bottom: The Banquet in Tang Palace and In Heaven and Earth.

Embrace new media, culture is more confident.

Embracing new media requires a tight hug and a long arm hug. The Spring Festival Gala and the Fantastic Night of Lantern Festival in Henan are rooted in the traditional culture of China, which is empowered with innovative forms to make it glow with new vitality. The two programs did not stick to a single, traditional form of TV evening performance, but closely followed the Yellow River culture for innovative expression. By polishing the writing carefully and rooting in local culture according to local conditions, the program does not follow the old road of traffic artists driving cultural traffic, but makes culture the protagonist, makes great efforts in creativity and details, and puts energy into innovative program expression, which may also be the reason why the program can be popular with the audience.

The two programs are based on the vast land of the Central Plains and dig deep into the cultural treasures of Henan. The Spring Festival Evening of Henan Satellite TV is based on "antique" and "modern music", and takes the shape of "massiness" and "fashion" to bridge the dialogue between ancient and modern for the audience. Musical instruments with a long history, such as bone flute and hammer, have been put on the stage, so that ancient musical instruments and music familiar to young people can spark a different spark. The wonderful night of Lantern Festival takes the audience to see the cultural landmarks of the Central Plains from Henan Museum to Luoyang yingtianmen, from Dengfeng Stargazing Observatory to Kaifeng Qingming Shanghe Garden. From the Banquet at the Tang Palace to the Lotus Pond, and from The Stars Move to The Lantern Festival, the programs full of cultural attractions complement each other with the real-life shooting of cultural landmarks, bringing new vitality to generate, the ancient capital of the Central Plains.

From top to bottom: Lotus Pond and Lantern Festival.

The whole network of Henan Spring Festival Evening and Lantern Festival wonderful night also benefited from the change of communication mode. At the time of the first broadcast, the new media platform was broadcast 30 minutes earlier than Henan Satellite TV. Through high-density and high-frequency broadcast on the big screen, the small screen and the Aauto Quicker platform reached in-depth cooperation, and the party was edited and refined, and distributed on multiple platforms such as Weibo, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok, bilibili, Today Headlines and Elephant News Client. The new media platform allows everyone to see the program, realizing the three-dimensional and maximum communication.

Through the creation of these two programs, the team once again deeply felt that the mainstream values and aesthetics of netizens who are mainly young people are sound and rational. On the Internet, the traditional culture of the Central Plains in the program was praised, and the barrage and messages paying tribute to the border guards moved many people to tears, further demonstrating that excellent traditional culture and Yellow River culture are deeply loved by netizens. In the comments and messages interacting with netizens, we can really feel four words-"cultural confidence". This has strengthened our confidence in spreading and promoting traditional culture and Yellow River culture as our future creative path.

Next, the team will continue to focus on culture, deeply cultivate radio and television, hand in hand with the times, face to face with culture and heart to heart with the people, and tell the story of the Yellow River and China with heart, affection and hard work.

Editor | Zhu Xiaole Rao Wenyuan

Delicious and healthy! Come to Liyang this autumn, have a taste of fresh agricultural products, and go on a wonderful and mellow journey!

  Liyang, located at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui in southern Jiangsu.

  Known as "three provinces crow"

  The special geographical location has created the particularity of Liyang cuisine

  In addition to Liyang’s most famous cuisine,

  You can also taste green and healthy original ecological agricultural and fresh products.

  Now, let’s take a look with Xiaobian.

  What special agricultural products are there in Liyang?

  First, Daibu

  Daibu, a thousand-year-old ancient town with a long history, is located at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, with unique geographical location, rich natural resources and convenient transportation conditions.

  The ancient town of Daibu contains the fresh poetry of green mountains and green waters, the infinite charm of Nanshan bamboo sea, the fragrance of fruits and vegetables all year round, and the farm food on the tip of the tongue … … The low mountains are winding, the thousand acres of tea gardens are green, cicadas are singing birds, the breeze is Xu Lai, and the bamboo rhyme is long.

  The ecological beauty of Daibu is not only hidden in Nanshan Bamboo Sea, but also meanders from Highway 1. This "rainbow highway" shuttles between hills and lakes, and under the shadow of dense forests and rice fields, it is imbued with the unique flavor of Jiangnan pastoral.

  On both sides of Highway 1, autumn flowers bloom and tea fragrance floats far away. Driving on this highway, enjoying the scattered houses in the south of the Yangtze River, listening to the sounds from the countryside, one step at a time, bridges flowing, as if you were in a beautiful picture scroll.

  When you arrive in Daibu, you must experience different styles of resort hotels, such as Yushui Hot Spring Resort, Meixiu Shan Ye Hot Spring Resort, an yun Yuenan Mountain Resort, Nanshan Bamboo Sea Inn … There are lakes embedded in the mountains, bamboos planted by the lake and butterflies among the bamboos.

Yushui Hot Spring Resort Hotel

Meixiu Shan Ye Hot Spring Resort

An yun Yuenan Mountain Resort Hotel

Nanshan Zhuhai Inn

Qingu Nanshan

  With its unique geographical location and convenient traffic conditions, Daibu produces a large number of agricultural fresh products with rich natural resources. "Taiwan Province Huazhen Fruit Corn" in leisurely Nanshan, it is eaten raw as fruit and cooked as coarse grains. Take a bite, don’t use too much force, chew it gently, your ears can clearly hear the sound of epidermis bursting, and the juice instantly overflows your lips and teeth, leaving fresh and crisp corn pulp.

  Nanjing 46 japonica rice, the "God-given food fate" of leisurely Nanshan, is located in the Nanshan scenic area with unparalleled natural endowment, rich in selenium, covered with traditional artificial weeding and primitive duck-rice co-cultivation, and the rice grows healthier and more nutritious.

  Daibu is a veritable "hometown of chestnuts". The scientific name of Nanshan chestnut is Pearl Chestnut, which is famous for its thin shell, large fruit, bright brown color and sweet taste. The skin color is light yellow, raw food is crisp and tender, and cooking with ingredients is more fragrant, soft and palatable, and tastes like osmanthus fragrance, so it is also called osmanthus chestnut.

  Bamboo shoots are a specialty of Daibu, and they are delicious given to Nanshan by nature. Bamboo shoots here are made into various flavors, such as hand-peeled bamboo shoots, roasted bamboo shoots, braised bamboo shoots in oil, and dried bamboo shoots … … If you go to Nanshan Bamboo Sea, remember to bring some bamboo shoots home.

  Daibu produces wild goose mushroom, and boarded the "China on the tip of the tongue". When you arrive in Daibu in autumn, don’t forget to taste the most delicious taste of this season. When you leave, don’t forget to bring a bottle of "wild goose mushroom sauce", which is salty, slightly sweet, mellow and delicious.


  Caoshan Tourism Resort in Shangxing Town, liyang city, relying on excellent natural ecological environment, profound cultural accumulation, rich modern agricultural resources and superior location conditions, has built three levels of leisure and holiday tourism products with the theme of "Colorful Caoshan", which has made "Caoshan Model" famous.

  Located in Caoshan Eco-tourism Resort, Qiwei Okra Ecological Park has beautiful scenery, rich products, a natural environment and a refreshing climate suitable for the growth of various herbs. The natural geographical environment of the plantation is superior, and the soil is fertile and pollution-free. It is a rare treasure for planting high-quality okra. The quality of the planted okra is very good, the meat is delicate and the taste is smooth.

  Third, don’t bridge

  Golden Mountain Village in Bieqiao Town is located in Gaoxiang, north of Liyang, and sweet potato has a long history as a local excellent variety. The environment and ecology of Golden Mountain Village are pollution-free, the soil color is like gold, the water quality is clear, and it is rich in minerals. The unique natural environment such as soil, water quality and climate makes Huang Jinshan’s selenium-enriched sweet potato taste soft, soft, sweet and fragrant, golden and attractive, and it has the evaluation of "color is like jade, sweet as honey, fragrant as cinnamon, and delicious as millet".

  Bieqiao Tangma Lily Planting Base is adjacent to Tangma Reservoir, where the water quality is good, the land is fertile, and it is far away from harmful substances such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The cultivated Tangma Lily is plump, delicious, white as jade, overflowing with faint lily fragrance, large in size, pleasant in fragrance and delicious in taste.

  Fourth, Nandu

  The ancient poem "A bumper harvest is said in the fragrance of rice" It is also a kind of wild interest to look at the rice waves and smell the fragrant rice! At present, the rice fields in Qingfeng Village, Nandu Town are full of vitality, and it is time to watch!

  Superior climatic conditions and geographical environment have created fertile fields in Nandu, and cultivated Qingfeng rice with fragrance, sticky and soft elasticity — — Nanjing 46. Autumn will usher in a wave of Qingfeng new rice in the middle and late October, with excellent taste. You can’t miss it if you eat food.

Qingfeng rice

  Qingfeng rapeseed oil with high value, using non-transgenic flower seeds, is healthy, natural and delicious, and is the "best assistant" for cooking delicious food.

  Qingfeng rice wine, with its own literature and poetry — — From a grain to a drop of wine, it is the persistence and waiting of the villagers’ winemakers. Among them, Qingfeng rice wine with osmanthus flavor is sweet in fragrance, and it is full of happiness to taste a cup of joy, which is really intoxicating.

  The characteristic agricultural innovation brand created by Qingfeng villagers — — "Master Ba’s paw" is made of healthy and fresh raw materials and marinated with an exclusive secret recipe. It is mellow and delicious, and is suitable for all ages.

  Beibei pumpkin in Nandu Vegetable Orchard has both the sweetness of pumpkin and the glutinous powder of chestnuts. The texture is dry enough, the moisture is not too much, and the taste is full, not crisp. The green skin is dark green with light green stripes. Even if it is stored for ten days and a half months, the skin appearance remains the same.

  V. Bamboo Shoe

  Lu Yu Village, Zhuze Town, sees that there are trees, flowers and flowing water. With the ingenuity of the builders of characteristic rural areas, the village roads are neat and the rivers are refreshing, which is like a beautiful paradise.

  Luzhu Village in Zhuze Town is located near Wawu Mountain. The produced finger sweet potato is rich in selenium and has high nutritional value, so it is called the "king of anti-cancer" among trace elements in human body.

  Zhuze Town, liyang city is the only town of animal husbandry in Changzhou. The local farm geese have the characteristics of high lean meat and low fat, and the meat is delicious. Zhuze Wind Goose, which is made of local farm geese, has four characteristics of "color, fragrance, taste and shape".

  of course

  Liyang’s agricultural and fresh specialties are far more than these.

  There are also Tianmu Lake white tea, fairy eggs, and liver sticks.

  Special food, wait for one by one.

  Why don’t you come soon