Interview with Wu Zun: "Concubine Yang" is a literary film Fan Bingbing has great ideas


    1905 movie network news (Hereinafter referred to as "Concubine Yang") It took six years from the opening to the final release. This brought Wu Zun, who is now almost retired, back into the audience’s sight. Recently, 1905 Movie Network interviewed Wu Zun, talked with the former idol about movies, and shared the current father’s deep affection for a pair of children.


Character: From "mama’s boy" to independent tenacity


    Li Mao, the longevity king in "Concubine Yang", made his first appearance on the polo court. Despite his excellent skills, he would always be plotted by others, and he was not good at concealing his anger. He was a typical victim of internal conflicts in the dynasty. But fortunately, he had a well-planned mother.


    This role was originally played by Japanese actor Xiao Li Xun, but after the withdrawal of director Guo Zairong and the withdrawal of foreign investors, the cast of "Concubine Yang" also changed a lot, and Li Mao’s corner fell into the hands of Wu Zun. Wu Zun, who joined the endgame, really shot for a very short time, but there is still a certain span, to play the difference between a boy and a man.


    After entering the publicity period, Wu Zun’s role has not yet been completed, and he has to work with other main creators to avoid the erotic gimmicks surrounding the film and make a serious appearance to show that this is a literary film. At the same time, he also needs to keenly sniff out the side attacks of many media and carefully clarify a point: Fan Bingbing is really not a "drama bully"!


    1905 Movie Network: In "Concubine Yang", how to grasp the difference between boys and men?


    Wu Zun: In the movie, at the beginning, he was a kind of "mama’s boy", a son who was well protected by his mother. He may have been a little spoiled and had no sense of responsibility in his character. Then he was arranged to marry Concubine Yang. After that, some changes took place, and Concubine Yang also left him. At that time, he slowly learned to grow up and eventually became a man.


    1905 Movie Network: What kind of breakthrough did your performance make in the film?


    Wu Zun: This character is quite different from the costume movies I played before. The previous action scenes all had very handsome fighting moves. This one is more different. It is more literary and artistic. There are many scenes about love, some violent scenes, and some violent scenes with Bingbing.


    1905 Movie Network: Will Bingbing and Dawn Guide You to Play?


    Wu Zun: There was a scene where I misunderstood Bingbing and had a conflict with her. I walked with her for a long time in that scene, because it was a physically damaging scene, so we didn’t want to NG too many times, hoping that it could be done once or twice. Bingbing has her own ideas, because she is a senior actress and gave a lot of opinions, as well as some suggestions from the director. Working with them is actually a big harvest for me.


    1905 Movie Network: Does Fan Bingbing control a lot of things on the spot?


    Wu Zun: No, she is like an actress at the scene. She plays her own play well, and she doesn’t know how to change the script or the lines. There is no such thing at all. Maybe she will communicate with the director. Before the play starts filming, she may give a lot of advice during preparation, but not during the filming process.


    1905 Movie Network: Seeing Fan Bingbing as a producer, do you sometimes want to do some work outside of acting?


    Wu Zun: It would be nice if you were like her, but this kind of thing requires accumulating experience. It doesn’t mean that you can become it if you want. She has a lot of experience to get to where she is now, and she has put in a lot of effort. Many actors hope that one day they can become directors and producers, because they have a love for this thing, which is not yet at that stage for me.


Life: Go at your own pace


    The real Wu Zun was also full of idol drama. On the morning of his 30th birthday, he would open his notebook and write down his future life plans. Obviously, most of these plans were family, and the main place was his hometown of Brunei.


    Not long ago, Wu Zun’s son was born, and his daughter, who was quite popular in the Chinese parent-child reality show, put together a good word, which was extremely complete. Speaking of this pair of children, Wu Zun looked satisfied and happy: "Children will surprise you every day!"


    1905 Movie Network: Six years have passed since you turned 30. How much have you achieved in your life plan?


    Wu Zun: Those are all going at my pace, the dreams I have written down, and the ones I want to realize are all in progress. I am a person who tries my best to get close to my dreams every day, and I will make efforts and not live a day in vain. For example, as I said in my autobiography, I have opened a healthy restaurant, this one has also opened, and the bakery is about to open. I am also working hard to be a good father, hoping to receive a good script in the future.


    1905 Movie Network: Is the method of educating children inherited from their parents?


    Wu Zun: Of course, some parents will use what they think is good, and may not use what is not suitable. I will also read some books to absorb some good suggestions from others. My parents are quite spoiled, my father spoils me more, and my mother is occasionally more serious. I think it is up to children to watch. Some children are not cherished, and parents are spoiled. Some children can be spoiled, and some cannot be spoiled.


    1905 Movie Network: Have any methods of educating them been explored so far?


    Wu Zun: I can’t tell at the moment because they are still too young. Of course, I am giving them a lot of love at the moment. But when they become more sensible, the way of teaching them will change. Children give you a lot of surprises every day. It is not easy and hard to take care of children, but it is worth it because they grow up and absorb quickly.


    1905 Movie Network: Do you sometimes miss the brothers who fought side by side?


    Wu Zun: They were all contacted by phone, and we rarely met. Without them, I wouldn’t have the identity of a singer. What I am more grateful for is the efforts we made together. From the very beginning, we went to many places to hold concerts. That feeling, although we are not very good at singing and dancing, the sense of achievement is still there.


    1905 Movie Network: Are you afraid that fans will forget you?


    Wu Zun: I used to be in Brunei for one month and overseas for 11 months, but now I may have a different idea. You will cherish your fans more, and they will cherish you more. Of course, every generation needs new people to rise up. If not, it will be a fault. For example, we are already in our thirties, and we need people in our twenties to rise up, so I think it is a good thing.

Guo Fucheng sent his own name to the car for his birthday. Girls don’t need to ask Xiong Dailin.

Guo Fucheng

Xu Haoying

[Click to watch the wonderful high definition atlas]

    On July 11,Guo Fucheng,Xu HaoyingZhou Wenqi, Wen Yongshan, He Zilun, etc. attended an exhibition held by a fashion brand in Hong Kong. On the day of the event, Guo Fucheng appeared with sunglasses and was very handsome. As soon as he appeared, the spotlights flashed non-stop on the scene.

    Recently, Guo Fucheng’s film production has been very high. After making three movies in a row, he fell ill. To console himself for his hard work, although Guo Fucheng’s birthday is still nearly three months away, he has already bought a sports car in advance for himself as a birthday present.

    When he bought a new sports car, he believed that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin would definitely become the first female passenger in Guo Fucheng’s new sports car, but Guo Fucheng said that he had many friends around him, and he was more willing to pick up girls as a boy. When the reporter asked him if he needed Xiong Dailin’s consent before picking up other girls, he immediately said no, and revealed that Xiong Dailin trusted him very much.

    In an interview, Guo Fucheng revealed to the media that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin was also a good driver and praised her for her good driving skills. But when the reporter pressed again, he began to play Tai Chi and did not respond positively.

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Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

In the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Ox, Di Lizheba brought a wonderful song and dance performance to everyone. This time she was a guest, and in an exclusive interview with the Spring Festival Gala, Reba said that for the second time on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, "there is a feeling of returning home". For this year’s performance, Di Lizheba gave herself 82 points, and the remaining 18 points were lost in age.

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

When asked about the personalized mobile phone case that netizens are quite concerned about, Di Lizheba said that matching the mobile phone case according to her clothes is her joy of life, and maybe she will open an online store in the future. In the interview, the host asked her for tips on maintaining her beauty under various cameras, and she replied "born" in Versailles, and admitted that she rarely looks in the mirror.

In 2021, Di Lizheba’s biggest wish is to hope that the epidemic will end quickly, and look forward to seeing her new drama and audience. At the end of the interview, Di Lizheba also showed her "Versailles" New Year’s greeting method: "I hope everyone can receive more red envelopes, unlike me who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself."

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Interview transcript:

Now we would like to welcome Di Li Reba to our interview room for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Di Lizheba: Hello everyone.

: Welcome Reba. Today is very beautiful. What do we have in mind for this costume for this year’s Spring Festival Gala?

Di Lizheba: This year is actually wearing red, hoping to have a prosperous New Year.

: I hope there is a particularly good prize, right? We would like to ask, that is, everyone is very concerned about your mobile phone case. It feels that every time you travel, you have to change a different mobile phone case for each set of clothes. Everyone is very concerned. Is there any new match this time?

Di Lizheba: I used a transparent one today because you can add some words on it, or put some cards, invoices, etc.

: Invoice, and then take it home for reimbursement?

Di Lizheba: For my parents.

So it is this mobile phone case that has become a very big pleasure in your life. It has also become a very big pleasure for this netizen. Open an online store in the future.

Di Lizheba: Yes, I also think that it’s all here, I have to open a store.

It’s not the first time to go to the Spring Festival Gala, will you still be nervous?

Di Lizheba: No, I was super nervous the first time. I was already nervous when I received the notice that I was going to the Spring Festival Gala, but now I feel like I’m going home, because everyone is familiar with it, and the stage is also very familiar.

So on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala, how many points would you rate yourself?

Di Lizheba: I scored almost 82 points on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

82 points, and what about the remaining ten points?

Di Lizheba: Lost in age.

So this is pretty good, but I think, because Reba’s beauty is known to everyone, it is like a fairy, and then all the Reuters photos, including the pixel people, are very beautiful under the lens itself.

Di Lizheba: I hope this interview is just as good, otherwise it will be a slap in the face.

So hurry up and show us all the netizens we interviewed to teach us, how can you still have such beauty under the lens of passers-by or under the lens of amateurs?

Di Lizheba: Born.

: This is a bit of Versailles. I usually practice in front of the camera or in front of the mirror at home, for example, which angle looks good and how to shoot?

Di Lizheba: I don’t like looking in the mirror very much, and I don’t like to touch up makeup very much either, unless it means that you can take a look at what’s wrong with you here, and then I’ll take a look. When I’m filming, I rarely go to the mirror to see myself in the mirror.

So this is that everyone has no choice, too Versailles, everyone can only ask for their own blessings, okay? But 2021 is the Year of the Ox, do you have any new wishes, or do you have any wishes for another New Year’s Eve, when it crosses twelve o’clock?

Di Lizheba: In fact, I think this year’s words should be the New Year’s wish of people all over the world, that is, I hope the epidemic will pass as soon as possible, everyone can get together as soon as possible, and return to normal life as soon as possible. It is normal now, but there are still some capriciousness in the epidemic, and I hope it will resume as soon as possible.

Yes, I believe this. In 2021, I believe that the works will soon meet with you, including "Long Song" and "You Are My Glory". I hope that this new role will be liked by everyone.

Di Lizheba: Especially in the case of "Long Singer", because when I was filming "Long Singer", in fact, I think I grew up with it, and I will benefit more, that is, the role I play. So I hope that when you see "Long Singer", you will see a different me, and then I also hope that my play can meet you soon. I am also very much looking forward to it, and I want to follow this drama myself.

So we’re especially looking forward to "The Long Song". Also, "You Are My Glory" is a female star, right? A female star who performs so many female stars, what kind of envy do you have for the female stars in the play?

Di Lizheba: In the play, I actually think she is quite realistic, whether it is her work status or her daily life. In fact, I think although it is very realistic, I still think there is a big difference, because the biggest difference is that I prefer to have my own life in life. I will take care of it myself later, and then she needs an assistant to deliver three meals a day. I don’t like that feeling very much. Also, maybe her personality will be more like the feeling I had five or six years ago, that is, more lively, and then more cute, a little quirky, and more extroverted, but I may be the same age as mine now, and the conditions are almost the same as mine, but I myself may be more mature than her role.

: Just now we talked about this character. We are very much looking forward to "You Are My Glory" and "Long Song". These two characters will meet you in 2021. Today we also have a small part on the scene. Do we need to invite all the artists who came to the interview room to paint an auspicious picture?

Di Lizheba: I have to paint every year. I really hate it.

Yes, we’re going to draw a stick figure. Can you show it to everyone?

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Di Lizheba: Oh my God, this board slaps you in the face.

It is a calf.

Di Lizheba: Fat cow. Happy cow year, happy new year to everyone.

: I wish you all a happy new year, no one, we can ask the staff to collect it first. Then we can hold this very auspicious calf and say a Versailles-style greeting to everyone.

Di Lizheba: I see. I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope you can receive more red envelopes. Unlike me, who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself, is there a lot of Versailles?

Yes, yes, others received it, but you sent it out, because we have money, which proves that we are not bad this year.

Di Lizheba: It sounds a bit pitiful, I’ll finish it myself.

On the other hand, it proves that our KPIs this year are not bad, and we also wish Reba the same wonderful 2021, Happy cow year and happy new year.

Di Lizheba: Happy New Year.

The opening of the 22nd Shanghai Film Festival, Hu Ge and Liao Fan on the red carpet "Sixteen Steps Dance"

(Photo/Xiaofeng) On June 15, the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival was held at the Shanghai Grand Theater, bringing together hundreds of Chinese and foreign filmmakers and dozens of highly anticipated film crews. On the red carpet, Nury Bigg Ceylon, chairperson of the judges of the main competition unit of the Golden Goblet Award, appeared hand in hand with Zhao Tao and Wang Jingchun, as well as international filmmakers Amanda Seyfried, Yaguchi Shi Jing, Sanji Paehua, Hiroshi, Maria Garcia Gucinata, etc. came across the ocean to help out, and the scene was star-studded.

In terms of Chinese filmmakers, "The Climber" crew Wu Jing and Zhang Ziyi made a domineering appearance; "The Wild Goose Lake" crew Hu Ge, Liao Fan, Gui Lunmei, Wan Qian danced the "16-step dance" appearance, Hu Ge and Liao Fan live passion dance; "Eight Hundred" crew Zhang Yi, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu and other 18 main creators for the first time on the red carpet; "Emergency Rescue" crew Peng Yuyan exposed that filming in mid-air was very masochistic; "The Whistleblower" crew Tang Wei revealed that the film fulfilled his wish for an action film, Lei Jiayin’s show in English; "Liberated" crew Li Shaohong’s first exposure film has a touching plot of five survivors forming a family. It can be said that the red carpet scene has gathered almost half of the Chinese entertainment industry.

Red carpet observation: Tan Zhuo changed clothes 3 times on the red carpet, "Party" and "Liberated" revealed the intention schedule

The opening red carpet of the Shanghai Film Festival every year is a star-studded event. This year is no exception. Dozens of blockbuster Chinese-language film crews have come here one after another, and many female actors have also changed their clothes several times, making the red carpet feel good. Among them, Tan Zhuo, who starred in "The Man Taken Away by Light" and appeared as a judge of the Yaxin Awards, stepped on the red carpet three times in succession, and experienced the whole audience. On the red carpet, she and Su Youpeng took pictures of the CP version of the "Concubine Gao Guifei and the Fifth Brother", which also set off a small climax on the scene. In addition, Shu Qi, Zhang Jingchu, and Zhong Chuxi also changed their clothes twice and stepped on the red carpet to promote the new film.

On the opening red carpet, the creator of "The Wild Goose Lake" danced the "16-step dance", which was the most unique appearance of the night. The film was just screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May, and this time it came to the Shanghai Film Festival. Director Diao Yinan revealed that if nothing else, the audience will see the "16-step dance" of the stars in the cinema again in the summer. In addition, director Li Shaohong also appeared with the new film "Liberated" starring Zhou Yiwei, Zhong Hanliang and Zhong Chuxi. Zhong Hanliang picked up the microphone and directly said the news that the film will be released on the National Day, triggering continuous laughter. Another star-studded film, "Emergency Rescue", was also announced yesterday to be released on the first day of the new year in 2020.

Infield Live: Chairperson of the Jury Ceylon sends a message to Chinese films, Shu Qi Luhan Tang Wei introduces the finalists

This year’s Shanghai Film Festival received 3,964 entries from 112 countries and regions around the world. In the end, 15 films were shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award, which will compete for important awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress.

Before the official judging of the Golden Goblet Awards, the chairperson of the judges, Nuri Bigg Ceylon, also took to the stage to address the Chinese film. In his eyes, Shanghai is a city full of charm, and he smells the film when he steps on this land. Speaking of his new identity, he said that there is nothing more enjoyable than evaluating the film. "The story in the film is fictional, but every filmmaker is real, and I am willing to present this truth to everyone."

Then, Shu Qi, Lu Han, Tang Wei and Lei Jiayin also took the stage to introduce the 15 shortlisted films for the Golden Goblet Awards of this Shanghai Film Festival. They are: "Brotherhood", "Castle of Dreams", "Escape from Town", "Heaven Help My Friend", "Between Breaths", "Fourth Lane", "A Serenade", "Birthday", "Dream Ballet", "Bringing the Country Heart", "Rosa", "Guardian of Light and Shadow", "Spring Tide", "Wusheng Sunlight", "Take the Risk".

Special recommendation: Zhang Ziyi and Wu Jing take the stage with "The Climber" to talk about the climbing spirit of filmmakers

The scene specially recommended the film "The Climber", director Li Rengang, producer Xu Hark, starring Zhang Ziyi, Wu Jing, Zhang Yi, Jing Boran, Hu Ge, Wang Jingchun and others have come to the stage to talk about the climbing spirit of the filmmakers.

The film tells the story of the 1960 Chinese mountaineering team of Wang Fuzhou, Kampot (Tibetan) and Qu Yinhua who completed the first Chinese ascent of Mount Everest. Producer Tsui Hark said that on the road to the future, everyone must have the spirit of a climber if they want to overcome all difficulties. The star Zhang Ziyi said that in his 20 years of film, he has witnessed the vigorous development of Chinese films, and believes that "The Climber" will be another new climb for Chinese filmmakers.

Wu Jing, the lead actor, recalled the filming experience, saying that he thought he was fine at first, but ended up on the set and experienced the hardships of mountaineering heroes. He lamented that they used their flesh and blood to prove the spirit of China’s height at the highest peak in the world. Zhang Yi also revealed that before finishing, he specially went to the foot of Mount Everest to build two mani piles for the heroes who dedicated their lives to the Chinese mountaineering cause, hoping that this climbing spirit will always grow in him.

Opening film: Hu Ge Gui Lunmei takes the stage to introduce "The Call Through Time and Space"

Near the end of the opening ceremony, Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei took the stage to introduce the opening film "The Call Through Time and Space." The film, directed by Zhang Jiarui and starring Yao Di and Song Ningfeng, tells the story of a female writer who comes to the Yangtze River waterway to find her life and gradually understands the poignant love of her parents’ generation.

Director Zhang Jiarui said that during the preparation of the film, the actors’ schedules were very tight. But he insisted that the actors go to the shooting site to experience life, read the script around, conduct physical interviews, and gain a deeper understanding of local life. "Only in this way can our film be real and delicate, and the shooting is down-to-earth."

It is reported that the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival will hold an awards ceremony on the evening of June 23. At that time, the major awards of the Golden Goblet Awards will be announced one by one.

NIO’s net loss widened to 6.056 billion yuan in the second quarter, and it is expected to "bottom out" in the third quarter

After experiencing a sustained sales slump in April and May, NIO’s second-quarter performance unexpectedly bottomed out again.

On August 29, NIO released the second quarter financial data show that the second quarter NIO operating income 8.77 billion yuan, less than the market expected 9.254 billion yuan, down 14.8% from last year, down nearly 20% from the first quarter of this year.

In terms of car sales, directly affected by the failure to control the rhythm of product replacement in April and May, NIO’s sales in the second quarter were 23,500 vehicles, down 6.1% year-on-year and 24.2% month-on-month. This is also the lowest quarterly sales of NIO since the second quarter of 2021.

With the decline in revenue and the continued expansion of R & D costs, NIO’s gross profit in the second quarter was only 87 million yuan, a decrease of 93.5% compared with the second quarter of 2022, and the same "halving" compared with Quarter 1 this year. In the second quarter of this year, NIO’s overall gross profit margin has declined to 1%, compared with 13% in the same period last year.

In the contrast of Li Auto has turned losses into profits for three consecutive quarters, NIO’s net loss is further expanding. Data show that NIO’s net loss in the second quarter was 6.056 billion yuan, an increase of 119.6% over last year and a month-on-month increase of 27.8%.

As of June 30, 2023, NIO cash reserves were 31.50 billion yuan, a decrease of 6.30 billion yuan from the first quarter. According to Horizontal comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors cash reserves were 73.77 billion yuan and 33.74 billion yuan respectively.

NIO CEO Li Bin said at the previous financial results meeting that in the first and second quarters of this year, new product launches affected the company’s operating cash flow. After that, some fixed asset investments and some R & D projects will be postponed, and in terms of going overseas, it will also focus on countries that have entered Europe. According to its estimates, with the rebound in sales in the third quarter, cash flow will improve.

In terms of cost expenditure, NIO R & D costs remained high, reaching 3.345 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 55.6% year-on-year and 8.7% quarter-on-quarter respectively. The financial report pointed out that the increase in R & D expenses was mainly due to the increase in R & D personnel costs, equity incentive expenses, and the design and development of new products and new technologies.

NIO is the car company that invests the most in R & D projects among the "Wei Xiaoli" three. At present, NIO is simultaneously promoting the development of three car brands, and at the same time is conducting self-research on core components such as autonomous driving chips, batteries and motors.

Also in terms of sales expenses, NIO is also the one with the highest expenditure among the three new forces. As a user-oriented enterprise, NIO invests a lot in power replacement, sales channels, user maintenance, etc., which also leads to the problem of high operating costs for a long time.

Data show that NIO sales, general and administrative expenses reached 2.857 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 25.2% and 16.8% year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter respectively. In comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors’ sales expenses were only 2.31 billion yuan and 1.54 billion yuan respectively.

NIO will further increase its sales staff to meet the need to sell seven to eight models simultaneously, Mr. Li said on a second-quarter earnings call, adding that channel sinking remains an urgent task.

"Since July, we have started to comprehensively improve our sales capacity. The goal is to lock in the sales capacity of 30,000 vehicles per month. The construction of this sales capacity will be completed by the end of September, and the results of the sales capacity building will gradually appear from October. In the lower-tier market, we hope that more experienced sales personnel can join."

Under the premise that these rigid expenses are difficult to compress, NIO needs to sell more cars and maintain a stable cash flow more urgently than other car brands. If the operating rhythm is wrong and there is a sales crisis, the cost of advance planning for forward planning may drag NIO into crisis again.

In the second quarter of this year, NIO was once in a dangerous moment. Fortunately, with the launch of ES6 and ET5T new cars, NIO returned to the "10,000-car club" in June. In July, NIO maintained its growth momentum, and the monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time, finally breaking the curse of "Wei 10,000".

According to the latest weekly report released by Li Auto, the cumulative delivery volume of NIO from August 1st to August 27th is 16,000. NIO sales in August will likely exceed 20,000 again.

However, according to NIO’s guidance for the third quarter, the number of vehicles delivered in the third quarter is between 55,000 and 57,000. This means that NIO’s average deliveries in August and September were between 17,300 and 18,300 vehicles. If NIO wants to achieve its goal of 250,000 vehicles for the whole year, it needs to sell at least 110,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter.

Li Bin pointed out that sales reached 20,000 in July, in part due to the decline in power exchange rights.Users who have rigid demand for power replacement will be released in advance. The preferential policy for power replacement ended in August, and it will take some time for orders to return to normal levels.

"The good news is that the number of test drives currently exceeds a record high, reaching about 10,000 every weekend, but it will take time from test drives to order conversion. In addition, considering the macroeconomic and external economic environment, we have comprehensively formulated this guideline target." Li Bin revealed that the next step will be to accelerate the conversion of orders through more channel coverage and sales capacity enhancement.

According to Li Bin’s estimate, NIO is selling ET5, ET5T, ES6 and EC6 will be listed in September, the sales of the four models are expected to reach 15,000 to 20,000, superimposed on the remaining models to increase sales, and monthly sales are confident to stabilize at more than 20,000.

With deliveries recovering, NIO expects third-quarter revenue to reach 18.90 billion yuan to 19.52 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% to 50.1% year-on-year, the highest revenue guidance in history. From the guidance, NIO hopes to achieve a "bottoming out" in the third quarter.

NIO CFO Feng Wei said during the earnings call that NIOThe third quarter cash flow will be significantly improved, achieving double-digit gross margins, and the fourth quarter gross margin is expected to reach 15%.

It is worth mentioning that the NIO brand will not deliver new products next year, but there will be regular modifications. Alps will release the first product in the second half of next year. The test car has been rolled off the production line, and the second car of the brand is also under development.

In addition, the NIO phone will be released in late September this year. Li Bin believes that,The launch of NIO mobile phones will help increase the competitiveness of NIO models and better match the demand for mobile devices.

In terms of external cooperation, Li Bin revealed that he is initially discussing the cooperation of next-generation power stations and battery packs with external automobile companies. "Entering the power exchange network requires the re-development and transformation of the car, which is a major decision for the car company and requires time (consideration). "

(This article has been updated.)

Li Bin slapped in the face! NIO’s entire system has reduced prices, and charging rights have also shrunk | First-line

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  Source: New Consumer Daily

  NIO, which has always claimed not to reduce prices, still failed to hold on.

  Recently, NIO announced that it will untie the lifetime power exchange rights from the vehicle price: the original 4 times a month /6 power exchange given to users is no longer the basic car rights, and the price of all NIO models is also reduced by 30,000 yuan.

  For consumers, due to the different areas where the NIO power station is located, the electricity and service fees charged will also vary. At the same time, according to the different car habits of the owner, the discounted 30,000 yuan of the lifetime power exchange rights will also reflect different practical values.

  New Consumer Daily reporters found through interviews that NIO is not the only brand, and other brands of new energy vehicles have also shrunk in their rights to charge and replace electricity. Some industry insiders believe that these changes in strategy are in response to the increasingly fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market.

  Lifetime free power exchange rights can be "discounted"

  Does not affect current car owners

  NIO cars ushered in the first price reduction this year, up to 30,000 yuan. Corresponding to the price reduction, the first owner’s car purchase rights also "depreciated".

  Li Bin, Founder, Chairperson and CEO of NIO

  After the news was announced, it triggered a heated discussion. Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, responded to the adjustment on the NIO community: This adjustment has been discussed internally for a long time, and the opinions and suggestions of some users have been listened to. There are too many aspects to consider, and it is still being deliberated at three o’clock today. Now is the most appropriate time to release, and there must be some thoughtless aspects, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

  Li Bin calculated an account, NIO’s current number of car owners exceeds 330,000, if these owners change cars in the next three years, the price reduction of 30,000 yuan means more than Ten Billion Subsidy.

  Previously, in order to cultivate users’ power exchange habits, NIO had promoted unlimited free power exchange rights, which were adjusted to 6 free power exchanges per month after August 2021.

  In April this year, NIO further reduced the rights and interests of the first owner: it involved canceling the free home charging pile, further reducing the number of free power changes to four times, and upgrading the previous NOP + to the official version, with a monthly subscription price of 380 yuan.

  In June this year, the adjustment directly throws two choices to the owner: to 30,000 yuan car purchase discount, or to enjoy up to 4 times a month of lifelong free electricity exchange, lifetime monthly 8GB free vehicle to everything service, and 10 years of vehicle quality assurance.

  "If you pay the deposit to buy the new ES6 and ES8 before July 31 this year, you can still enjoy free home charging piles. Before August 1 this year, you can decide whether to choose the 30,000 yuan discount or the’rights upgrade package ‘. Even if you choose the 30,000 yuan discount, NIO will still provide 10 years of unlimited mileage quality assurance for the Sandian system."

  Liu Yang also added: "For users who have already picked up the car, the first owner’s rights and interests remain unchanged, but they can choose to give up the original free power exchange rights and deduct the purchase price for the new car according to their own needs."

  NIO used to stick to the bottom line of "no price reduction"

  But it can’t stop the sales decline

  NIO founder and president Qin Lihong said at the Shanghai auto show that NIO would not engage in price wars, but pursue one-step pricing. He admitted that NIO’s gross profit margin is not high, and companies with gross profit margins of 30% to 40% may be able to reduce prices appropriately, but NIO will not do so.

  "No price reduction" used to be one of the two principles Li Bin set for NIO, but the financial data and sales volume made Li Bin’s anxiety palpable.

  The Q1 financial report of 2023 shows that NIO’s revenue is 10.68 billion yuan, an increase of 7.7% year-on-year., of which the main business revenue of automobile sales is 9.224 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.2% year-on-year.

  Data show that in the first quarter of this year, NIO deliveries were 31,000 units, an increase of 20.5% year-on-year and a decrease of 22.5% month-on-month. In April this year, NIO new car deliveries were 6,658 units, an increase year-on-year but a decrease of 35.8% month-on-month.

  Among them, the delivery volume in April and May was only 6,658 and 6,155, less than 7,000 for two consecutive months. In contrast, Li Auto delivered a total of 106,500 new cars from January to May this year, achieving quarterly profit again.

  In this regard, Li Bin responded positively: "NIO has indeed gone against the tide recently, but it is also expected, because the products are being switched, and the new models ES6 and ES8 have been delivered. The delivery volume will definitely increase gradually. Don’t worry, as for the rumors, don’t pay attention."

  NIO’s goal for 2023 is to sell 250,000 vehicles and break even in the fourth quarter. So far, the company has delivered 43,900 new vehicles, only 17.6% of the annual task, far from meeting expectations.

  In order to sell, NIO can only reduce prices in exchange for services.

  Zhang Yazhi, marketing/Chief Sales Officer at Guangzhou Honda Motor First Sales Co., Ltd., commented: "The price reduction of all NIO models and the separate sale of’lifetime replacement rights’ is a controversial decision, but it is undeniable that due to the large price reduction, it is attractive to those’potential consumers’."

  Is the NIO owner’s rights upgrade package worth 30,000 yuan?

  Other brand equities are also shrinking

  This also raises a question: is it more cost-effective to choose a discount, or is it more cost-effective to choose a "rights upgrade package"?

  "It all depends on your car habits," Mr. Liu told the New Consumer Daily. "If you use your car more frequently and have a lot of mileage, then the power exchange rights are more suitable for you."

  NIO staff member Liu Yang explains the issue of electricity replacement charges

  Meng Wei (a pseudonym), a Beijing-based owner of NIO, told the New Consumer Daily: "I use the car more frequently. I change it about 10 times a month, and I need to pay for it six times a month. It costs about 11,000 yuan a year to change the electricity."

  According to Meng Wei’s way of using the car, 30,000 yuan can be used for him for about 2.7 years.

  He added: "The charging method of the NIO power station is based on the difference between the current remaining power and the full power, but I will not change the power every time I run out of power. For example, my ES8 is fully charged at 100 kWh, and when I use only 20 kWh, I need to be charged 80 kWh for electricity and service."

  New Consumption Daily reporter learned that the NIO power station is located in different areas, and the electricity and service fees charged will also vary. Taking Beijing as an example, the power station in the Shangdian service area in Changping District has an electricity price of 0.73 yuan/kWh and a service fee of 0.53 yuan/kWh; while the power station in Chaoyang District is 1.31 yuan/kWh and a service fee of 0.8 yuan/kWh.

  According to the calculation, if the battery with a capacity of 100 degrees is exhausted every time, the owner will spend 6,048 yuan and 10,128 yuan per year at the above two charging stations according to the four power changes per month. The time it takes to spend 30,000 yuan is 4.96 years and 2.96 years respectively.

  The reporter who visited China-Singapore Consumer Daily found that not only NIO, but also the rights and interests of new car users of other brands are shrinking. In fact, in addition to NIO, other new energy vehicle companies are also charging and replacing electricity, more or less shrinking the rights and interests of some owners.

  XPeng Motors has always insisted that the first owner enjoys a lifetime free charging service, with an annual charging limit of 3,000 kWh. After 2022, the charging limit will be reduced to 1,000 kWh.

  FAW-Volkswagen has removed the 0 down payment battery rental policy for owners of ID new energy models, and the option rights have also shrunk accordingly.

  Tesla updated its permissions for Model S/X supercharging service in May. Previously, older Model S/X models enjoyed lifetime free supercharging rights.

  Only the first owner of the new Model S/X on sale today can enjoy a 3-year free supercharge benefit, and if the old model is replaced with a new model, the lifetime overcharge benefit will be replaced by the 6-year free overcharge benefit for the first owner.

  Zhang Yazhi told the New Consumer Daily reporter: "From a corporate perspective, the price reduction of all NIO models and the separate sale of’lifetime power exchange rights’ may be to cope with competitive pressure and increase sales and market share. As the competition in the new energy vehicle market becomes increasingly fierce, various companies are adopting different strategies to compete for market share."

In "The Wild Goose Lake", we saw the best Hu Ge!

1905 movie network news What exactly is an actor’s face? Is it because the character finds it? Or is it because of this face that a character doesn’t exist?


In 2018, Cai Mingliang shot a 78-minute film with 14 shots aimed at 13 faces. The faces of these ordinary people were quietly scrutinized by Cai Mingliang’s camera, with wrinkles and pores, telling the plain and dusty past. "Can we just gaze at the most subtle changes in life?" Cai Mingliang said about the film that only shot faces.

Diao Yinan felt the same way about the actor’s face. He wrote a story about a fugitive, about which he also imagined: "Animals at night, like in the jungle on the edge of the city, lurking or attacking at night, or evading hunters."Finally, the face became Hu Ge, and the character was called Zhou Zenong.


Before Zhou Zenong, Hu Ge didA handsome guy for over 20 years.When he was a child, he was a member of the Shanghai TV Station Xiaoying Star Art Troupe, and the middle school was the head of the Xuhui District Student Repertory Theatre Troupe. After that, he was admitted to the Shanghai Drama Academy naturally.His senior sister, Wan Qian, who was in the play, remembered when Hu Ge first started school:"When I first met him, he was a young man who was very handsome. He was also one of the most handsome guys in our school."Because he was handsome, Hu Ge got the chance to play Li Xiaoyao, the protagonist of "Legend of Immortals and Swords" in his junior year.

Hu was then classified as one of the earliest beneficiaries of typing among the young actors who startled him with China’s first Xianxia drama– – At that time, there were not many actors suitable for male leads in domestic costume dramas.

During that time, he played a lot of young heroes in ancient costumes who flew around, giggling and carefree. In "Legend of Immortal Sword and Flying Immortal" and "Flying Immortal Outside Heaven", he had similar hairstyles and played similar roles.

Until 2010’s "Myth", when he played the role of a general, he suddenly felt that if there were bangs, the role would not be valid. At Hu Ge’s own initiative, Qin Dynasty general Meng Yi became the first character of Hu Ge to show his whole face in ancient costumes.

A colleague of Hu Ge’s company once recalled this incident to the media:"Since he has already adjusted his mentality, why can’t I adjust my mentality, so I agreed to him."

After "Myth," Hu Ge deliberately avoided his familiar costume idol dramas. He got Chen Cong from "Bitter Coffee," then the Kangba man Tashi Pingtso from "Shangri-La," and then Xie Feifan, the head of the fashion group of "Modern New Humans."

Do everything, but don’t act in costume idol dramas.This was probably Hu Ge’s first attempt to step outside his comfort zone. But his most successful TV drama in those years was the ancient costume idol drama "Xuanyuan Sword" created by the Tang Dynasty.

Transformation sounds like a simple word.9 pinyin letters, 17 strokes. But achieving these two words has never been easy.

At an event, he met fellow actor Yan Ni, who then recommended him to the crew. In Yan Ni’s intuition, Hu Ge would not resist playing a sister-brother relationship with herself.

This time, by chance, Hu Ge found a door to knock again after shrinking back to "Xuanyuan Sword". This play he finally received that he wanted to play, the three satellite TV broadcasts once included the top three ratings at the same time, and the final audience ratings were all brokenOne percent.

And then, yeah.In 2015, "The Pretender", "Langya Bang" and "Good Times" were broadcast in three parts, including spy warfare in the Republic of China, ancient costumes, and urban idol emotions.

Hu Ge became the absolute brightest actor in the TV drama circle.But for actors, there is always a dream of starring in a movie of their own. Hu Ge has made many cameos, but he always seems to miss the lead role.Until, until Diao Yinan.


 Diao Yinan hesitated about choosing Hu Ge as the lead in her first film, but the producer Shen Qian persuaded him to meet Hu Ge. In Shen’s eyes, Hu Ge is like Abe Kuan and a bit like Zhongdai Daya. She sent a photo of Zhongdai Daya to Hu Ge and said that the older he gets, the more he looks like you.


At Shen Yan’s suggestion, Diao Yinan went to watch "Langya Ranking" and suddenly found the face of the fugitive from Hu Ge. In 2017, Diao Yinan met Hu Ge in Shanghai. The next day, Hu Ge rode his motorcycle to find Shen Yan to get the script. After reading it that day, he called Shen Yan and said:


"I’m very willing to join this movie."

What kind of movie is this? The first scene of the opening scene, in a cold rain, dim and ambiguous colors, Hu Ge appeared. His first scene was a close-up of that face.


With a snap, it was projected on the delicate and clear screen of the Lumière Hall of the Cannes Film Palace.


This face was thin and dark. It was completely different from those optimistic young heroes before.


Mr. Diao said he would not tell Mr. Hu that he had been given extensive close-ups during the shoot. He took pictures of Mr. Hu’s face because of its linear and expressive contours: "His face reminds me of an animal at night, especially his gaze and eyes."

Wan Qian remembered seeing Hu Ge in the crew once. There was no opposite scene between the two. That was when she left work and he finished work. Wan Qian found that Hu Ge had become completely different from "Hunting Ground". "Very thin. Black and thin, the whole person is very decadent."


This slump is the state Hu Ge found for Zhou Zenong. After joining the cast, he deliberately kept a certain distance from the other actors in the crew. "Maybe in my past personality life, I would quickly integrate with everyone and become one with each other. But in this drama, I made myself isolated," Hu Ge said.

He is indeed someone who is easy to make friends with others. Shen Qian talks about Hu Ge in life, and he is a person who gets along very well with non-professional actors.


The actors also met three weeks ago when the film was remastered at the film’s late-stage company on South Station Road. "It’s very interesting, it seems that the South Station has been moved to Shanghai again."


In addition to maintaining this isolation, he watched a large number of movies and books before filming began. Ryan Gosling’s "Drive to Death," Alain Delon’s. Diao Yinan let him watch Camus’s novel "The Outsider," and a large number of Antonioni movies.


The reason for watching these movies and books came from Hu Ge’s uncertainty about his performance. "I have a lot of concerns, because I may have acted in TV dramas before, and there will be more commercial ones. I’m very nervous, and I don’t know how to quickly adjust my state from the performance state of TV dramas to the state of movies."

Before filming, he went to Wuhan to experience life. In addition to learning Wuhan dialect, he also walked around the streets with his language teacher to observe the lives of the locals. The language teacher took him to the most ordinary streets. But this face, which used to appear on the screen for three quarters a year, and was broadcast on three TV stations at the same time, always had the possibility of being recognized.


Hu Ge thought of a way, he customized a few sets of cleaning workers’ clothes online, and printed four words on the back: Zenong Cleaning. As soon as the clothes were worn and the hat was worn, no one recognized it. "It’s very good, no one will pay attention to us." When talking about this matter, Hu Ge smiled.


These were all preparations for the character’s external image. But for the character’s heart, Hu Ge felt that he had never found a way.


After a month and a half of joining the group, he had been using his usual experience to build up his confidence, but suddenly realized that he was wrong. Diao Yinan saw the change in Hu Ge’s state, and when chatting with him, Hu Ge said that he felt that he was not fully integrated.


This chat made Hu Ge think about what kind of state he should be in in this movie where he starred for the first time. He thought that maybe he should keep both the good and the bad. This idea was approved by Diao Yinan. So Hu Ge slowly linked his true mentality to Zhou Zenong.

Hu Ge began to try not to sleep, trying to look a little tired and more haggard. For Zhou Zenong, he imagined the changes in his facial muscles caused by the haggard feeling when the fugitive had no food or water. This change, in Hu Ge’s view, was the effect of makeup.


85% of the scenes in "The Wild Goose Lake" are night scenes. The movie is a smooth shot, which helps the actors step into the character’s heart, but is a willful choice for the director.


Shooting in order, there will be a period of time without Hu Ge’s role. During this time, in addition to resting, Hu Ge relies on fitness to keep himself thin and at the same time maintain fatigue.


It’s not the first time he’s added a lot of design to his character. Before "The Wild Goose Lake," he had a cameo role as director Shunji Iwai.

For the role that didn’t have many scenes, he imagined the feeling of many characters and the rhythm of the performance. But when he came to the scene, he found that the director’s requirements were far from his own.


Speaking of this role again, Hu Ge said that making a movie made him realize that he needed to find a way to satisfy the director and return to expressing his role.


But "The Wild Goose Lake" is different. Hu describes the director’s torment as "boiling a frog in warm water." Television directors rarely demand that an actor’s breathing rise and fall or how often he blinks, but Diao asks him not to blink twice after turning the camera on Hu Ge.


"Did I think it was that much different at the time? But it’s really a different feeling! We sound like this subtlety is impossible for the audience to detect, but when the big screen amplifies the performance, that’s it." Hu Ge said that the TV series gave the audience 40 episodes, and the audience can slowly believe in the character. But the movie is only 2 hours long. How can the audience still resonate with the character’s experience on the blank screen after the end is really a challenge.

Gui Lunmei, who has worked with director Diao Yinan, also feels uneasy. But she thinks Hu Ge is a quiet and composed presence. "I’m lucky to have such an opponent, because sometimes when you meet some actors, he will interfere with your performance. But in addition to interpreting his own role, Hu Ge also gives us a lot of space, and the chemistry between the two of us is very comfortable." Of Hu Ge, Gui Lunmei said.


Recalling their collaboration with Hu Ge, Gui Lunmei felt that their rivalry scenes were slowly brewing. Speaking of being on the set, she suddenly realized that there was not much verbal discussion during filming, "But during the process, even I sometimes had some feelings that he was supporting me."


The most important scene between the two took place in a boat on the lake. That scene was difficult to shoot because there were too many uncontrollable factors on the lake. There needed to be waves, but the wind was fast and the waves were big, so the movie couldn’t be shot. Later, the wave boat was used, but as soon as the first shot started, the wave boat went too fast, and a big wave hit Hu Ge’s face. "I thought it was too absurd at the time," Hu Ge said.

Is jumping out of his familiar circle telling the audience that Hu Ge is also changing? When we threw this question to him, Hu Ge said that he was naturally hypocritical, or liked to toss.


He said that his toss is to see if he has more room. Because until now, he has not seen his end.

How to adjust the Xiaomi air conditioner mode, Xiaomi air conditioner mode adjustment guide [detailed explanation]

  Xiaomi air conditioner is a smart home product with a variety of modes to choose from to meet the needs of different users. This article will introduce the common modes of Xiaomi air conditioner and its adjustment methods to help users better use Xiaomi air conditioner.

  cooling mode

  The cooling mode is suitable for hot summer weather and can quickly reduce the indoor temperature. On the remote control of the Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select the "Cooling" mode after pressing it. The desired indoor temperature can be set by adjusting the temperature button. For example, set the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor temperature around 25 degrees Celsius.

  Heating mode

  The heating mode is suitable for the cold winter and can provide a warm indoor environment. Similarly, on the remote control of the Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "mode" button and select the "heating" mode after pressing it. Set the desired indoor temperature by adjusting the temperature button. For example, set the temperature to 20 degrees Celsius and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor temperature around 20 degrees Celsius.

  dehumidification mode

  The dehumidification mode is suitable for humid environments and can reduce indoor humidity. On the remote control of Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select the "Dehumidification" mode after pressing it. The desired humidity level can be set by adjusting the humidity button. For example, set the humidity to 50% and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor humidity around 50%.

  automatic mode

  Automatic mode is the intelligent mode of Xiaomi air conditioner, which automatically adjusts the working mode according to the indoor temperature and humidity. On the remote control of Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select "Automatic" mode after pressing it. The air conditioner will automatically switch the cooling, heating or dehumidification mode according to the indoor environment to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

  Overall, Xiaomi air conditioner has a variety of modes to choose from, and users can adjust them according to their actual needs. Through the mode button and temperature/humidity button on the remote control, users can easily switch and adjust the working mode and parameters of the air conditioner to obtain a comfortable indoor environment.

Hengchi 5: The power SUV of choice for young people

On August 3, Hengda contributed a high-profile press conference to the world.

(The first six models of Hengchi were released globally)

At the press conference, accompanied by long-lasting cheers and applause, the first six pure electric vehicles of Hengchi were finally unveiled. It is understood that in order to ensure that Hengchi would surprise four people as soon as it appeared, Xu Jiayin visited Europe, America and Japan many times last year, and finally promoted the strategic cooperation between Evergrande and 15 top styling masters around the world, injecting the strongest "value gene" into Hengchi.

Sure enough, the Hengchi 1-6, which was personally designed by international design masters such as Anders Warming, Michael Robinson, and Maruyama Gonggu, not only quickly triggered intense discussions on the spot with its appearance, but also exploded the headlines of major media. Among them, the Hengchi 5, built by Maruyama Gonggu, is a representative of the pure electric A-class SUV in the series. Its sporty and powerful design can be predicted to become the first choice for young people.

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

From the appearance point of view, the front headlights of Hengchi 5 use the H-shaped elements of the Hengchi series. The headlights on both sides are dart-shaped, which is domineering and fierce. The middle is connected by a long and narrow light strip. From a distance, it is a capital letter H, which is very recognizable. Under the light strip, a unique high definition display screen design is used, and the parametric texture formed by the LED light strip is arranged above, which lights up the effect such as the angel wings that are about to unfold, making the style of the whole car more intense.

From a practical perspective, the class-leading oversized body and super-long wheelbase give the Hengchi 5, a compact SUV, a complete sense of space. It is worth mentioning that the roof is also equipped with searchlight equipment, which can effectively avoid potential crises when off-road. The multi-faceted protection is truly intimate, and the oversized panoramic sunroof also creates a perfect visual experience for the owner.

To have good looks and strength, Hengchi 5 will surely hit the hearts of young people with a dark horse trend and impact the power SUV market.

Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Pavilion is listed globally.

  International Online auto channel News: On July 20th, China Star flagship SUV— — Xingyue L is listed globally in Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium. The new car has launched two power combinations, 2.0TD-7DCT EVO and 2.0TD Hi-Tech -8AT, with a market guidance price of 137,200-185,200 yuan. Among them, the price of Cuiyu Magic Color Set is 5000 yuan, including Cuiyu Magic Color Special Car Paint+Cuiyu Double Suede Interior, Double Five-spoke Pulse Exclusive Wheels+Magic Color Exclusive Car Keys. As a brand-new flagship SUV born in CMA architecture, Xingyue L matches smart technologies such as Geely Galaxy OS system and HWA high-speed driver assistance system, and at the same time supports global FOTA cloud upgrade. With a product value of 300,000, it completely surpasses the strong joint venture brand without users spending a penny, setting a new benchmark for the high-end value of China Star flagship SUV.

[auto channel focus carousel+news list] Price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image001.

Xingyue l market guidance price

[auto channel focus carousel+news list] The price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image003.

Xingyue l

  This time, Xingyue L was listed as "China Star Flagship SUV", and assembled with Xingyue S "China High Performance SUV" and Xingrui "China Family Car Subverter" to form the "China Flagship" lineup. Taking this opportunity, Geely Automobile officially released the "Geely Brand CMA High-end Series" — — Named "China Star", it entered a new stage of Geely 4.0 in science and technology, and issued a brand-new brand value proposition of Geely brand "great because of happiness", aiming at popularizing high-end products and conveying the golden rule of "choosing a world-class car and looking for CMA" to the market. On the road of practicing the vision of "making the world full of Geely", Geely Automobile has opened up a world-class high-end new track, deepened the global market, and determined to fight for the value of China Automobile and make China Automobile bigger and stronger.

  Challenge the three flagship standards of intelligence, safety and luxury. This is what China Star’s flagship SUV should look like

  In the advanced era of CMA, Xingyue L has gathered Geely’s strongest energy, and has become one of the best choices for a 200,000-class five-seat SUV with three flagship standards: intelligence beyond time, safety beyond imagination and luxury beyond expectation, and it is a well-deserved flagship SUV of China Star.

  The new car is first equipped with Geely Galaxy OS system, and adopts one of the strongest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chips, which can realize the three-screen linkage of IMAX and the four-screen linkage of 25.6-inch AR-HUD — Created a smart cockpit with a larger "screen ratio", and the co-pilot can also play smoothly; HWA Expressway can actively monitor the surrounding environment, automatically control horizontally and vertically, and stay away from large vehicles. When the lane change conditions are met, the driver can pull the steering lever to complete the lane change.

  Inheriting CMA’s new intelligent and evolvable electronic and electrical architecture, cross-domain integration and high-speed transmission capability make L4 autonomous driving possible, and at the same time, it has the ability to integrate global updates and stronger technologies, so that Xingyue L has the potential for intelligent expansion in the next 5 to 10 years. In addition, the global FOTA capability of Xingyue L is the first engine power OTA, which enables fuel vehicles to achieve multi-dimensional upgrades like pure trams. Xingyue L pioneered the definition of all vehicle interfaces and standards by China automobile manufacturers to the whole world, symbolizing that Geely, on behalf of China, has truly mastered the right to speak in the field of global automobile intelligence, which is also a milestone in the development of China automobile industry.

[auto channel focus carousel+news list] Price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image005.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the safety of imagination, Xingyue L is born and powerful, inheriting the world’s top safety genes of CMA supermatrix. Thanks to the 24 sensing components with the largest number of mass-produced fuel vehicles, Xingyue L has nine large-area safety, which meets the global five-star safety in China, Europe and America and creates a new safety standard in the digital age. It is worth mentioning that the EMA emergency steering assistance system carried by Xingyue L can help the driver to make emergency avoidance when danger comes, and minimize the possibility of injury; Elk passed the test with a score of 79km/h, and its body posture is close to perfection, giving users stronger protection with safety.

[auto channel focus carousel+news list] Price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image007.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the expected luxury, Xingyue L is in line with the value of 300,000-level products. Cuiyu Blue, which draws on oriental classical elegance, perfectly blends with Xingyue L, and the 2845mm long wheelbase highlights the broad mind and pattern of Xingyue L; The fineness of pearl stitching and the delicacy of suede complement each other. In order to let users enjoy the quiet experience of "baby-level sleep", Xingyue L has made great efforts in the aspects of acoustic materials, sound insulation materials, sealing strips and double-layer laminated sound insulation glass, and applied ANC active noise reduction technology of high-end headphones, and the quiet effect in all working conditions has reached the level of millions of luxury cars.

  CMA Super Matrix has created a "good foundation" for Xingyue L. The whole system comes standard with the Drive-E series 2.0TD engine. The high-power version has a maximum power of 175kW and a maximum torque of 350N·m, and the Aisin 8AT gearbox with high matching reliability and smooth gear shifting, as well as the sixth generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system of Borgwarner, which is the first in China, with an acceleration of 7.7 seconds per 100 kilometers and a braking of 37.37 meters per 100 kilometers. The comprehensive mechanical quality far exceeds the same level.

  Popularization of High-end Products China Star Launches World-class High-end New Track

  Two years ago, Xingyue, the first model of Geely brand CMA architecture, broke the inherent cognition of users’ distrust of the three major parts of China car; In 2020, Xingrui, the "subversive of China family car", broke the long-term compromise of users on the standard of family car for joint venture brands; Now, China Star’s flagship SUV has surpassed L, redefining the new standard of SUV, and will take the "Blue Geely Action Plan I" as the program, practice the new energy road of intelligent energy saving, and link it with intelligent travel to satisfy users’ beautiful imagination of future car life.

[auto channel focus carousel+news list] Price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image009.

Xingyue l

  At the press conference, Geely Automobile officially released the "Geely Brand CMA High-end Series" — — Name it "China Star". In the new era of building a modern and powerful country in China, with the changes brought about by innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and industrial Internet, China Automobile has seized the great opportunity of global automobile industry transformation and upgrading. "China Star" represents the highest level of China automobile brand, challenges the high-end market, provides users with high-value products and realizes the popularization of high-end products.

  It is worth mentioning that adhering to the principle of "customer-centered" to build products and services, China Star adheres to the innovative user experience of "no better than not trying and not selling", bringing users high value beyond the strong joint venture brands, giving users more power to define products and services, and forming a sense of pride of users "choose a world-class car and look for CMA".

  Fighting for "China Automobile Value" Geely is the global leader of China Automobile.

  At present, the upgrading of automobile consumption has led to a large increase in the market share of high-end models, and it has become a trend for China automobile brands to go up. Focusing on user needs and relying on technological innovation, Geely actively embraces change and responds to market changes with high-quality development. In the new era of all-round development of China automobile brand, China Star’s mission is to constantly use high-end products to fight for "China automobile value" in the global automobile industry and set a new benchmark of "China automobile value" with three high values.

[auto channel Focus Carousel+Highlights List] The price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image011.

Xingyue l

  The release of "China Star" is a brand-new advance of Geely’s architecture. At present, Volvo, Link and Geely CMA architecture products have been recognized by more than 1 million users around the world, which proves the value brought by CMA architecture. By 2024, all products of Geely brand will fully realize the construction of cars. Geely will continue to implement the "Blue Geely Action Plan" and lead the world in intelligent energy-saving and new energy technologies. In September, 2021, Geely Automobile will launch a global power brand, and build a Geely GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, achieving 43.32% of the world’s highest thermal efficiency and more than 40% fuel saving rate. GHS2.0 dual-engine intelligent hybrid system will be first carried on China Satellite. Geely has made forward-looking layout in the fields of LEO synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination and high-level autonomous driving, and has the ability to link smart city traffic. By 2022, Geely Automobile with L4 unmanned driving and intelligent digital cockpit will serve the Hangzhou Asian Games and show the world the elegance and value of "Intelligent Travel in China".

[auto channel Focus Carousel+Highlights List] The price is 137,200-185,200 yuan. Geely Xingyue L Hangzhou Asian Games Hall is listed globally _fororder_image013.

Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group

  Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "The high value of China Star Three leading the world is that China Automobile will go global, become bigger and stronger ‘ China Geely ’ One of the plans. As the global leader of China automobile, Geely will be ‘ China automobile value ’ And the war, look for the right direction, firm belief, unfocused efforts to run upward, so that China cars can travel all over the world. While achieving sustainable development, Geely has already possessed sufficient ability to focus on creating happiness, achieving greatness and making people happy for every Geely user, employee and partner ‘ Great because of happiness ’ . In the future, we will uphold ‘ Make the world full of Geely ’ Brand vision, let users experience ‘ Good driving, good safety and good luck ’ With the unique value of its products, Geely Automobile is bound to provide users with products and services that are more valuable and exceed demand. " (Source: Geely Automobile)