Financial institutions pay close attention to "electric fraud" and stop losses in time to warm people’s hearts.

Zhongxin. com Shanxi News, January 10th Recently, China Bank Yuncheng Ruicheng Sub-branch received a special customer, Ms. Liu. In the process of handling business, Ms. Liu told the lobby manager that she had received a phone call from "customer service of a certain platform", saying that she had launched the service of "e-commerce live member of a certain platform". If she did not cancel the service, she would be charged 500 yuan every month for 12 consecutive months, totaling 6,000 yuan. Ms. Liu asked to cancel this service, and the other party guided her to download a new APP. After the download was completed, the other party instructed her to open credit cards, debit cards, etc. through this software, and asked the customer to transfer money to the designated bank account. At the same time, Ms. Liu also received a strange phone call from abroad. After analysis and judgment, the lobby manager helped Ms. Liu print out the recent bank card transaction flow and found that there was indeed a sum of money transferred to a strange account.
In order to reduce Ms. Liu’s economic loss, the lobby manager immediately chose to call the police and explained to the police the story of Ms. Liu’s fraud. At the same time, Ms. Liu was guided to handle the daily bank card limit business, and told that Ms. Liu must go to the relevant bank to handle credit card cancellation and other businesses to ensure the safety of her own funds. Finally, the customer thanked the lobby manager after finishing the business.
At present, telecom fraud and fraud are increasingly rampant. As the protector of customers’ property, Bank of China Yuncheng Branch will continue to devote itself to enhancing citizens’ awareness of anti-telecom network fraud through extensive publicity and in-depth education, and at the same time actively take measures to protect customers’ funds and information security, become customers’ financial partners, ensure their financial interests are fully protected, and protect their wealth and dreams! (End)

Yanjiao High-tech Zone in Langfang: On New Year’s Day, I will stick to "No Fighting"

In order to create a happy, peaceful, neat and orderly holiday atmosphere and make people’s life more convenient and comfortable during New Year’s Day, Yanjiao High-tech Zone in Langfang has been mobilized, deployed and implemented early, and in accordance with the work requirements of "precision, fineness and strictness", it has done a solid job in urban management, created a civilized and harmonious city environment for the citizens, and welcomed the arrival of 2024 with a good urban environment.
Strengthen inspection to create a clean and tidy city appearance
Yanjiao High-tech Zone implements the management mode of combining fixed-point control with mobile inspection in key areas such as large supermarkets, farmers’ markets and primary and secondary roads within its jurisdiction, and promptly corrects problems such as mobile stalls, occupying roads, and littering vehicles, so as to actively discover, dispose of and report quickly, and ensure that the streets are clean and orderly. At the same time, urge and guide the store merchants to consciously standardize the business order, and it is strictly forbidden to operate outside the store, pile things up, and publicize violations during the holiday season to ensure safe and smooth roads and clean and orderly city appearance and environment during New Year’s Day.
Intensive cultivation, dressing up the face of the city
In order to ensure the orderly progress of sanitation and cleaning work during the New Year’s Day, the district supervised the sanitation company to fully mobilize the operators and vehicles, strengthen the management of each operation unit, and earnestly ensure that all work is not relaxed, operating standards are not lowered, and inspections and assessments are uninterrupted during the holiday period. At the same time, we will focus on the cleaning and washing of street furniture, such as urban roads, and the cleaning and cleaning of urban windows, such as railway stations, so as to create a clean, tidy, beautiful and pleasant living environment for citizens to celebrate festivals.
Abide by responsibility and stick to the front line of law enforcement
The district gives full play to the leading role of leading cadres, clarifies post responsibilities, strengthens risk prevention awareness and emergency response capabilities, strictly implements the 24-hour duty and leadership shift system, and promptly handles all kinds of complaints, so that visits, letters and calls can be undertaken, handled and achieved, ensuring the normal operation of various urban management work during the holiday season.
In the next step, Yanjiao High-tech Zone will continue to maintain a high-pressure situation, carry out all kinds of special rectification with high standards and strict requirements, go all out to maintain the order of the city appearance, adhere to the management of the city with "embroidery", take "service first, Excellence" as the new concept of urban management, continuously strengthen the inspection of the city appearance, consolidate the rectification effect and maintain the cleanliness of the city appearance. (Wang Zhihua, Shi Xiaolong)

On the second day of the New Year holiday, Hunan received 8,466,300 tourists.

On the second day of New Year’s Day holiday, the province’s cultural and tourism markets are abundant, and residents’ enthusiasm for traveling is high. According to the modeling analysis of mobile phone signaling big data, the province received 8,466,300 tourists, including 1,446,800 tourists from outside the province, accounting for 17.09%. The analysis of UnionPay big data modeling shows that the per capita spending of tourists in the province is 1179.49 yuan. The 385 accommodation units included in the statistical monitoring received 62,700 tourists, up 46.75% year-on-year, and realized an operating income of 26,511,300 yuan, up 54.27% year-on-year. The room occupancy rate of the accommodation units included in the monitoring was 80.06%.

Teachers and students in the controversial school of Shandong University’s "study partner" project: for friendly exchange

  One international student with three opposite sex study partners? The "Buddy" project of Chinese and foreign students in Shandong University has caused controversy.

  It is questioned that in 2018, Shandong University’s "study partner" program was upgraded to one international student with three on-campus students, and the participating students in the school were mainly girls.

  On July 11th, the staff of the Propaganda Department of Shandong University Party Committee replied to The Paper that they were studying the matter.

  On the afternoon of 11th, a teacher from graduate department of Shandong University told The Paper that the "Learning Companion" program was first implemented in 2016, and it was generally welcomed by students after implementation. "Students registered actively and gave better feedback". Regarding the questioning of online public opinion, the teacher said that it was a malicious misinterpretation.

  Controversial "Learning Companion" Project

  Shandong University’s "Learning Companion" project, which was exposed by netizens in Weibo on July 6th, caused controversy.

  According to the blog post, an international student in Shandong University has three study partners. From one-to-one pairing in 2017, each international student in 2018 has three healthy study partners, forming a three-person study partner group, and the unsuccessful study partners are included in the study partner database.

  The registration form of the student partner and the regulations on the management of the student partner do not evade the problem of the opposite sex student partner. In the application form, the gender of the study partner is particularly emphasized, and "making foreign friends of the opposite sex" is listed as one of the options, and it is marked in red at the head: "Please fill in the details as carefully as possible so as to match your favorite study partner".

  Some netizens commented in the Weibo, "I really don’t understand, what is the intention of introducing those little girls who are not familiar with personnel or even have never talked about love to foreign male students as study companions?"

  The Paper noted that an online document "Description of Shandong University on Holding Chinese and Foreign Students’ Learning Companion Activities" stated that it was legal and proper for Shandong University to hold Chinese and foreign "Learning Companion Activities". The "study partner" activity for Chinese and foreign students is an activity held to promote the study of Chinese and foreign students. Chinese and foreign students are study partners, and all of them are free to register, not to find study partners for international students alone.

  On the morning of July 11th, The Paper asked the International Affairs Department of Shandong University for verification on this document. A staff member of the International Affairs Department told The Paper that the school had noticed the relevant public opinion and needed to contact the Propaganda Department for details.

  The "Learning Partner" project was implemented in 2016.

  The Paper found that the "study partner" program for international students in Shandong University was implemented in 2016.

  In October 2016, the International Affairs Department of Shandong University published the Interim Provisions on the Management of the Student Companion Program of Shandong University (hereinafter referred to as the Provisions), which indicated that the Student Companion Program was an activity to increase the understanding and exchange between China students and international students and promote the internationalization of Shandong University students.

  According to the requirements of the Regulations, the group participating in the "Learning Partner Program" is open to students who are officially registered in the whole school, and undergraduates, master students and doctoral students can participate. Students can participate in the "study partner program" for a maximum of one year, and can submit a written application to continue to participate after the expiration of the validity period.

  In addition, the "Regulations" indicate that if you go out with your school partners, you must report to the relevant person in charge for approval. If you go out for more than one day, you must apply in writing and get approval before implementation.

  On October 29th, 2016, a notice about recruiting foreign students as "study companions" was publicly released at the official website of the Graduate Association of Shandong University. The notice showed that students of study companions must have "a high level of English or Japanese, Korean, Russian and other foreign languages".

  The Paper saw in an application form of Shandong University’s exchange students "study partner" downloaded from his official website that students who signed up should fill in the basic information such as name, gender and nationality, as well as dietary taboos, hobbies and specialties, and students with study partners can freely fill in the "gender of their desired study partner".

  After the announcement of recruiting international students as "study partners", The Paper inquired in official website of Shandong University and found that Qilu Hospital College of Shandong University published the first batch of "college" matching results and the notice of the first meeting of "study partners" activities in official website on December 1, 2016. Official website announced that the activity received a total of 360 application information from 28 colleges of Shandong University, and 122 pairs of friendly "study partners" were successfully selected among 122 international students and 238 China students who registered.

  Official website of Qilu Medical College issued the Notice on Announcing the Group Results of 2018 Students’ Partners and the First Meeting Party of Students’ Partners’ Activities. As of November 15th, 2018, the activities received a total of 270 registration information. Among the registered international students and China students, 141 China students and 47 international students have been successfully selected to form 47 friendly "study partner" groups.







  She said that the "study partner" project includes a get-together. She attended the 2017 school reunion. According to her description, there were many students who participated in the party that night. Everyone came from all corners of the country and the atmosphere was very good. On that night, she met her friends from France, Pakistan, South Korea and other countries.

  After getting to know each other at the party, students can keep in touch with each other. Usually, students in China will take their study partners with them. Most of the activities are to visit famous scenic spots in Jinan together, or to have dinner, drink coffee and play werewolf killing around the school.

  Xiaoyuan said that more students still maintain online communication to help international students answer questions in campus life. "After all, everyone’s cultural backgrounds are completely different, and the probability of becoming international friends immediately is still quite low."

  A 2016 boy from Shandong University said that study companions are a normal learning exchange program, which has been going on for several years.

  The question about the internet changed from "one-on-one" to "one-on-three". The boy explained that the ratio of male to female in Shanda was originally a little more than that of female students, while the number of international students was generally a little more than that of male students. In addition, female students were generally more active than male students in participating in campus activities, so there was a situation of "three companions and one" mentioned in the news.

  The boy said that the "study partner program" requires study partners to do tasks together, such as reading books and watching movies together.

Small dining table records 40 years of living standards, and people’s dining consumption has increased by 474 times.

  On April 25, 1993, Xinyuanli grocery store in Chaoyang District had a variety of goods, which fully met the shopping needs of citizens. Zhang Fengshe

  In the past, expensive white-flour steamed bread has now become a common staple food. Eating a foreign fast food has also changed from a "luxury consumption" to a daily consumption. More Chinese food companies have gone out to sea to make money, and the scale of China’s catering market has climbed 700 times … … Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, the changes on the small dining table have permeated the ups and downs of ordinary people’s lives, recorded the continuous improvement of ordinary people’s living standards, and witnessed the rapid changes in China’s economy and the improvement of China’s comprehensive national strength.

  Dining table memory

  Meng Xianqi, who lives in Chaonei Toutiao Community in Dongcheng District, is 75 years old. The old man was born in the age of material shortage. When he mentioned the changes on the dining table, what the old man wanted to share most was his story with half a bowl of noodles and a drawer of steamed bread.

  "Not enough noodles, vinegar to gather together"

  In 1979, Meng Xianqi was still a graduate student at Beijing Normal University. One morning, I went out shopping and sending things with my classmates. After I finished, I had to eat out after school. They searched for a long time and found a Daoxiao Noodles Pavilion in Xisi. They only had half a catty of food stamps, which was only enough to buy a bowl. What should we do? Only two people can share it, and one person has two and a half. There is not enough food for two people! Just don’t know what to do, Meng Xianqi saw the vinegar on the table, and vinegar doesn’t cost money. So the two men poured vinegar fiercely. "The noodles are not enough, and the vinegar will come together." Everyone poured a small bowl, and their eyes were so sour! The old man said that up to now, after passing through Xisi, there will still be acid reflux in his stomach.

  Yiti steamed bread quanjiarang

  In 1985, at that time, I still bought food on a monthly basis. Meng Xian started out with a weight of more than 110 kilograms. Two sons, one in the sixth grade and the other in the third grade, were able to grow up. Every month, there was not enough food at home. At the end of the month, he became worried and had to borrow it from relatives and friends.

  Meng Xianqi recalled that flour and rice, that is, white flour and rice, only accounted for 20% of the 110 kilograms, and the rest was corn flour. When cooking, my wife steamed a steamed bun and a steamed bun, and the steamed bun was divided equally between the father and the son, and I didn’t eat any. At this time, Meng Xianqi took out his own steamed bread and gave it to his wife. The children also learned from their father and took out one for their mother. And his wife always said, "Your father has a bad stomach, and eating coarse grains is uncomfortable;" You are growing up and need nutrition. Mom has a good stomach and good health. It doesn’t matter if she eats more coarse grains. " Say that finish and then return the steamed bread, so that you can push me for a while. Every time I think about these old people, I feel uncomfortable.

  Dining table change

  Not only should we eat enough, but we should also eat healthily and well.

  With the development of economy, food and non-staple food are constantly enriched, and food stamps can also be used to buy steamed bread and cakes in the street and in the canteen of the unit; Later, the food ration and food stamps were cancelled, and all kinds of pasta were available in the market. Originally, the steamed bread that had to be let go at the dinner table became the most common staple food, but the food made of coarse grains was more expensive. This expensive and cheap change is the great enrichment of the material life of ordinary people for decades. People no longer just pursue full food, but also eat healthily and well.

  Not only staple food, but also various vegetables and aquatic products are now extremely rich. If 40 years ago, vegetables were "what you eat", it was nothing more than cabbage, radish and potato. Today, 40 years later, there are so many kinds of vegetables that you can’t name them, and you can have whatever you want. In the past 40 years, with the area of cultivated land reduced by nearly 60%, the output of major agricultural products has increased dozens of times. While the number of agricultural products is extremely rich, the variety of agricultural products in Beijing has also achieved diversified and high-end development, especially the promotion and planting of special dishes and out-of-season vegetables, which not only enriched the "rice bag" and "vegetable basket" of the capital, but also made the citizens feel a real sense of gain and happiness.

  Dining table "import"

  The influx of foreign catering brings new tastes and changes.

  On November 12, 1987, the first restaurant in China of KFC opened at No.1 Zhengyang Market, Qianmen West Street, which was also the first foreign-funded restaurant to enter China. On the opening day, it attracted countless customers who came to try early adopters. "All of them were discharged from the door to the other side of Qianmen Street." According to an old employee of KFC, "People are curious about what fried chicken sold by KFC looks like. Many people hold pots to hold it, and some people think that eating chicken is just about buying it, so they will say: ‘ Give me two KFC … … ’”

  At that time, a piece of original chicken from KFC cost 2.5 yuan and a set meal from 7.8 yuan. In 1987, the monthly income of ordinary cadres in China was only about 100 yuan. Therefore, in those days, eating KFC was considered a high consumption. The average family would order a set meal for their children, and the parents would have to eat a little bone left after eating. Some couples chose KFC as the wedding venue. It is reported that the highest single-day turnover of the former store was as high as 160,000 yuan, setting a world record for KFC at that time.

  After KFC settled in Beijing, McDonald’s opened a shop in Shenzhen in 1990, and Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Yoshinoya, etc. also poured into the China market. These international brands of foreign catering not only enrich the catering market, but also bring more diversified catering culture to China consumers. Their advanced management mode has also given a vivid lesson to a number of domestic catering enterprises.

  Dining table "exit"

  Chinese food goes to sea to become the representative of China traditional culture.

  At the same time, as a gourmet country, Chinese food, which represents China’s traditional culture, has been trying to go abroad. In recent years, China Cuisine Association has continuously organized catering enterprises to actively participate in overseas exchanges, skill competitions and exhibition activities, etc., to promote Chinese food culture to the world. According to incomplete statistics, Chinese restaurants have settled in 188 countries and regions in the world during the 40 years of reform and opening up, and the number of restaurants is as high as 200,000. Leading catering enterprises such as Quanjude, Meizhou Dongpo, Haidilao, Huajia Yiyuan and Dadong have successfully expanded overseas markets. According to a survey in new york in 2018, Chinese food has become the most representative element of China traditional culture in the eyes of overseas respondents.

  Near the Harvard campus, Chinese restaurants such as "baobao" steamed stuffed bun shop, Hong Kong House, flame, and Nanbei Jiayuan all have considerable influence. Chinese food is a popular form of catering for local students.

  In new york, known as the capital of the world, Chinese restaurants can be found everywhere. Especially in Manhattan, there have been some restaurants that are very suitable for China’s local tastes. However, considering the acceptance, most Chinese restaurants in the United States will make adjustments to the tastes of local people, such as frying more, being sweeter, being less spicy, etc., and American Chinese food like Zuo Zongtang chicken has also appeared.

  The popularity of Chinese food is inseparable from the prosperity of the motherland, the improvement of Chinese social status and the improvement of Chinese food environment and service.

  Our reporter Sun Wenwen

Fukuhara Ai retired, but the story of table tennis between China and Japan continues.

  CCTV News:If one day any foreign table tennis player can win a medal in the Olympic Games, I hope it is Fukuhara Ai;

  If one day I can only support one foreign table tennis player, I think it will be Fukuhara Ai.

  There are less than 100 days before 2019 and less than two years before the Tokyo Olympic Games, so without warning or a trace of preparedness, Fukuhara Ai told us that he had retired.

  Fukuhara Ai Weibo announced his retirement.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who received a blessing from netizens in China because of his retirement. As of press time, the Weibo that she announced her retirement has received more than 70,000 reposts, more than 70,000 comments and more than 620,000 likes. I wish her a happy life.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who "alarmed" the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China because of his retirement. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd, Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Fukuhara Ai was "loved not only by the Japanese people, but also by many people in China" and was "very cute, and also had outstanding performance in the field of table tennis".

  As of press time, Fukuhara Ai announced his retirement from Weibo’s comment 7w+, forwarded 7w+ and liked 62w+

  Fukuhara Ai, who has a round face and a crisp smile, can be said to be a Japanese athlete "watched and grown up" by netizens from China and Japan. Fukuhara Ai has been training under the guidance of coach China since he was five years old. In the long run, Fukuhara Ai has also forged a deep friendship with China players and even China. In addition to being beaten and crying in the game, Xiao Ai also shed tears in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. She has always been a lively wave and she is quite depressed in front of the reporter’s camera. "Japan went to 60 people (rescue), so xx is not enough. I am going, at least 61 people." It is this lovely appearance that left a deep impression on China fans, and Fukuhara Ai also had a nickname "porcelain doll". Familiar fans can know a little about her.

  Knowing that four-year-old Xiao Ai participated in the national competition for the first time, she lost her shoes happily when winning, and cried in her mother’s arms after losing; Knowing Xiao Ai’s stubbornness with tears in her eyes and insisting on finishing the training task; Knowing that Xiaoai can say "dry ha" with an authentic northeast accent, knowing that Xiaoai and table tennis players have close feelings, he brings him Japanese cookies every time he meets ZhangJike; I also know that Xiao Ai fought against the three generations of big devils of China table tennis women’s team from Zhang Yining to Li Xiaoxia and then to Ding Ning … …

  The great devil of running water, Fukuhara Ai made of iron. Fukuhara Ai rarely wins against China athletes in international competitions, and his career has been shrouded in the shadow of the "big devil" of table tennis, which is helpless. The advantage of China table tennis team, especially the women’s team, over other players is hellish.

  Fukuhara Ai made his first sound after he announced his retirement, thanking the fans in China and China.

  It’s really distressing that Fukuhara Ai tried her best but couldn’t win, but that doesn’t prevent her from making great contributions to the rapid development of Japanese table tennis. He was selected to the national team at the age of 12 and made his Olympic debut at the age of 15. From 2003 to 2016, Xiao Ai gradually became the absolute core and leader of Japanese women’s table tennis. The younger generation regards her as an idol. Japanese table tennis player Ito Meicheng once said: "Looking at Captain Fukuhara, I know very well that it is not easy for her to bear the name of Japan. If I can become a captain in the future, I also want to be a player like her."

  Under her leadership and influence, a new generation of Japanese players also became attached to China. These players, who were trained in China since childhood, or developed under the training of China coaches and sparring partners, helped Japanese table tennis to make rapid progress, but also laid a deep "China brand". With Fukuhara Ai, a beloved predecessor, as an example, they also gained a lot of "audience affinity" in China.

  More importantly, with Fukuhara Ai’s great concern and the continuous improvement of Japanese table tennis level represented by her, the Japan Table Tennis Association is also making great efforts to develop this sport. Since 2003, the Japan Table Tennis Association has established a national team for primary school students, adjusted the training mechanism of age groups, conducted regular closed training and overseas competitions, and strengthened the training of grassroots coaches. In 2008, the Japan Table Tennis Association built a national training center in Tokyo, and absorbed some professionals including coaches from China and other places, which became the training base of the Japanese table tennis team. Moreover, the Japanese table tennis team has established a system of substituting competition for training, and specially trained a group of players to participate in the world series of adult groups from the age of fifteen or sixteen, which made them feel the atmosphere of the competition ahead of the players of the same age in our country and increased their competition experience.

  In the past two or three years, we can see that although the national table tennis still has absolute advantages, Japanese table tennis has made rapid progress. On the men’s team, Zhang Benzhihe, whose parents are both from China, has defeated Malone, ZhangJike and Fan Zhendong successively. On the women’s team, Meicheng Ito defeated the world champion Liu Shiwen in this year’s team table tennis World Cup finals. It can be seen that Japan’s challenge model to China has taken shape.

  As we all know, from the ITTF to the national associations, from the constant changes in table tennis materials to the changes in the points system and the addition of mixed doubles, it is a "clear thing" to try to limit the absolute advantage of China, and the China table tennis team is also happy in this "encirclement and suppression". Because in the long run, it will do more good than harm to table tennis and the China team. After all, for sports, only more intense competition and stronger suspense can attract more audiences and promote the technical level to a higher level.

  Next, Tokyo, Japan, in 2020 is the focus of preparation and competition between China and Japan in the past four years.

  Wait and see!

  (Text/Liu Chang Zhu Xinyu)

The theme song "Burning" of the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games was released.

Source: WeChat WeChat official account, 19th Asian Games.





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    Click and hold to drag the video.

    On September 10th, the theme song "Burning" and its MV of the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games were officially released.

    The torch relay is an important part of the cultural activities of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and it is also an important way to spread the Olympic spirit, publicize and promote the Asian Games, and promote the host city and the co-host city.

    On September 8, the launching ceremony of the torch relay for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in Yongjin Park Square, Hangzhou, and it is currently being carried out in 11 cities in Zhejiang Province. As an important medium of the torch relay, the theme songs of the torch relay play an important role in enhancing the influence of the torch relay and promoting the torch relay activities.

    The theme song "Burning" released this time is composed by Pang Long and Kong Fandong, and written by Pang Long. The melody of the whole song is passionate and catchy, and the lyrics are exciting and inspiring, showing the fighting spirit in the competition; The arrangement combines light electronic music and heavy rock music, giving people a passionate feeling.

    Also released with the theme song "Burning" is the MV of this song. The performance was performed by YiBo, a young singer, actor and skateboarding promotion ambassador of China. Through the interpretation of the men’s 4× 100m relay teams in YiBo and China, the whole MV, combined with the related scenes of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games, embodies the goal of "China’s characteristics, Asian style and splendor", highlights the charm and achievements of poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River and the wisdom of Hangzhou, conveys the expectation of not being afraid of challenges, welcoming beauty and forging ahead together, and expresses praise for peace, unity, dream, inheritance, courage and strength, which inspires all sectors of society to be full of enthusiasm.


    Fatigue and anxiety are common problems among many modern women. These fatigue and anxiety mainly come from the responsibilities and pressures in work, family and relationships. Women may feel helpless and depressed because it is difficult for them to find time and space to meet their needs. In order to solve these problems, we need to understand the situation of women and provide effective solutions.

    First of all, women should pay attention to self-care and self-care. This means that they need to take time to take care of their physical and emotional health. They can keep healthy through exercise, meditation, good diet and adequate sleep. In addition, they can seek psychological counseling or communicate with friends and family to relieve stress and emotional problems. These methods can help women better cope with the challenges in life.

    Secondly, society should provide better support and resources for women. This includes providing a better working environment and family treatment, as well as more support and resources to help women cope with challenges. In addition, society should also publicize the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment to help women realize their potential better.

    Finally, women themselves should maintain a positive attitude and confidence. They should believe in their ability to cope with the challenges in life and seek support and resources to help themselves. They can stimulate their enthusiasm and motivation by participating in social activities, learning new skills or seeking new challenges.

    In short, women’s fatigue and anxiety need to be paid attention to by society and individuals. We need to provide better support and resources to help women cope with challenges and encourage them to pay attention to self-care and self-care. Through these efforts, we can help women realize their potential and live a happier and more satisfied life.

    The price has soared and some of them have been sold out! Those who want to travel quickly prepare.

    Near New Year’s Day, Spring Festival and Winter Holiday.

    Is the desire of many friends to travel far away more and more intense?

    However, those who want to go out should pay attention!

    During the Spring Festival of 2024, the number of air ticket bookings has begun.

    Economy class air tickets for some popular domestic destinations have been

    Spring Festival travel rush in 2024

    From January 26th to March 5th.

    A total of 40 days

    The price situation inquired by a travel client on December 12 th. The reporter of News Square inquired about the travel APP and found that in December and January,

    The price inquired by a travel client on December 12 will last until February 7 and 8, that is,

    The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.

    The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.

    The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.


    If there are citizens who plan to travel during the Spring Festival holiday,

    Is it appropriate to start buying air tickets now?

    Insiders say this is also necessary.

    With the recovery of outbound demand

    Passengers’ willingness to travel internationally has improved significantly.

    Recently, international flights are also continuing to "get new"

    China Southern Airlines plans to

    From December 12th.

    Resume the Zhengzhou-London direct flight route

    A new Guangzhou-Zhengzhou-Luxembourg route will be opened on December 21st.

    December to January next year

    China Eastern Airlines plans to add recovery.

    Shanghai flies directly to Cairo, Fukuoka and Dubai.

    Brisbane and many other routes.

    International and regional routes are expected before the end of the year.

    Reach 80% in 2019

    According to the data of many online travel booking platforms in China, with

    The increase in demand will also speed up the resumption of flights. At present, many cities in China have opened direct flights to Malaysia and other places. In response to the growth of travel demand, airlines have also begun to make capacity adjustment and deployment.

    New Year’s Day and Spring Festival holidays

    Do you have any travel plans?

    Have you bought the plane ticket?

    If the time has been arranged,

    We must seize the last chance to find out!

    Life is about culture, and people with culture can laugh at the end.

    When it comes to culture, some people say that I went to college and studied as a graduate student, so I am a literate person. In fact, this is just a person’s education and diploma, not a real culture.

    So, what is culture? Broadly speaking, culture refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings. Nowadays, there are many interpretations of the definition of culture, but in any case, culture can not be separated from literacy, and culture can not be separated from consciousness. A literate person is a person who can strive for goodness, progress and progress, a person who pursues personality charm, and a person who can be strictly self-disciplined. Such a person is a literate person with connotation.

    Culture, culture, is to educate people. Wen is a civilization, and Wen is a literary spirit! Human society, from ignorance to civilization, this is the progress of society and the development of the times. A person with quality is a person who can arm his mind with culture. Such a person is a literate person and a civilized person.

    Literature needs literature, but also needs culture. We should "create" people with literature and inspire people with literature, so as to keep pace with the times, keep pace with civilization, keep moving forward and strengthen ourselves. The Chinese nation has a long and splendid history and culture of 5,000 years, which makes us proud and glorious. The ancient sages have left us countless famous sayings that inspire people’s minds. These are the great wisdom of life, from which we can absorb spiritual nutrition, implant culture in our hearts, infiltrate into people’s bone marrow, and become a powerful spiritual driving force for life growth.

    Culture and culture are precious in a word "Hua", and culture can be imperceptibly influenced; Culture can be passed down; Culture needs the unity of knowing and doing, being a man should talk less and do more, keep a low profile and do things with a high profile, which is the charm of culture. People live in reality, the commodity economy is a pluralistic society, colorful, singing and dancing, and all kinds of temptations come to us. Many people can’t stand the temptation of feasting, forget their initial heart, lose their kindness, empty spirit, impetuous mood, money first and self first; Some people make a lot of money, but they have no spiritual support, and eventually they fall down on the road of life.

    There was a network anchor named Viya. In two years, she evaded taxes by 643 million yuan, and finally the tax authorities fined her a total of 1.341 billion yuan. She earns hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Some people don’t understand why she should do such a thing as tax evasion when she earns so much money a day. To put it bluntly, it is greed, which is the lack of culture. The lack of greed has been verified in her. People, if they leave morality and kindness, they will be greedy and will eventually be harmed by greed. Such examples are heard from time to time in reality.

    A person can make money without money. Modern society provides everyone with a platform for self-development. As long as a person can work hard and strive for self-improvement, he can find his own life stage. If a person has no morality and culture, even if he earns a lot of money, he will eventually "spit it out". This is called settling accounts after the autumn, which is also called what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around comes around. This is the causal relationship of life, and it is also a cultural embodiment of being a man.

    To be a cultured person, this culture is to be a self-disciplined person, a person who can control his own behavior, a person who can control his own mouth, and a person who can control his own behavior. Perhaps some people will say that it is really too difficult and too bitter to be a man like this. In fact, suffering is also a kind of culture. If you eat bitter, you can be a master. If you don’t be a master, you have to consciously look for bitterness. This is a self-disciplined life. If you don’t suffer hardships in life, you won’t get rewards. Take pleasure in suffering, take pleasure in suffering, and strive for a life. This is the culture of being a man and a man with literacy.