Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn’t stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It’s hard to hit.

It was only one day after the news of "Asking the M5 Smart Driving Edition to Ride BYD Dolphin". On November 14th, another video of an accident with the M5 was circulated on the Internet.

According to the image of the vehicle driving recorder circulated on the Internet, at about 9: 29 am on November 14th, an M5 car was driving normally on the two-way four-lane pavement on the left, with a speed of about 60-80 km/h.. A minute later, at 9: 30, a construction vehicle suddenly appeared in front of the road, and a truck suspected of asphalt was towed, but no warning signs were set in front of the construction vehicle.I saw the video car directly hit the trailer.

It can be seen from the live pictures circulated on the Internet that the two airbags in front of the M5 all popped up, and the engine compartment was seriously damaged. However, no obvious deformation was found in the A-pillar. According to the netizen who broke the news, the driver opened "assisted driving" and "Huawei directly towed the car away" after the accident.

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

Is it the fault of Huawei’s wisdom?


Ask M5, intelligent driver or mentally retarded?

As of press time, Weibo, the official of AITO Auto, has not made any response to this matter.

In response to this accident, netizens are also "noisy".

The questioning netizens think:

Why didn’t AEB work at that time?

Didn’t you say you were far ahead?

Didn’t Yu Dazui say that "it’s hard to hit if you want to"?

Q: The M5 driver’s assistance was turned on, but it still failed to recognize the obstacles ahead, and it was badly hit. So do you still believe in the NB boasting of car companies?

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

On the other side, netizens think:

"Look at the picture and you will know that this is not a smart version, and there is no lidar."

This is the "Bosch", which belongs to the retarded version.

It’s two different things that it’s difficult to crash and it’s impossible to crash, and this is the old M5, which has no intelligent driving ability at all.

However, according to the blogger "New Car Tribe" on the afternoon of 15th, it was revealed that:AITO automobile has paid attention to this matter.The vehicle is 22 models of M5 EV.Before the collision, the vehicle turned on the auxiliary driving, and the early warning and AEB were triggered normally, which minimized the impact caused by the collision and did not cause personal injury.

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

According to this response, the accident vehicle is a standard version, not equipped with lidar, not a smart driving version.According to netizens, this car may use Bosch’s "ACC adaptive cruise control system".

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

According to the data, the function of ACC system is developed on the basis of the traditional cruise control device. The difference is that cruise control can only limit the speed, and the steering wheel and brakes need to be controlled by the driver, while ACC can better help the driver coordinate the steering wheel and brakes.Using ACC can free the driver’s feet to a certain extent, but his hands can’t leave the steering wheel.

Judging from the video of this accident, the driver has no obvious "takeover action", and there is no obvious "braking action".

No wonder some netizens questioned that this is "opening the mentally retarded version as a smart driving version"?

Coincidentally, on November 13th, a collision accident involving the M5 version riding on BYD Dolphin caused widespread concern. At the Liaobu User Center in Dongguan, a test drive of Huawei’s M5 Smart Driving Edition suddenly accelerated when reversing, then quickly hit the BYD dolphin in the rear and finally "rode" on the dolphin.

On the evening of November 13th, Yu Chengdong made an emergency response: the customer mistakenly stepped on the accelerator as a brake when reversing, resulting in hitting the rear car. Regarding the non-intervention of AEB function, Yu Chengdong said that after communicating with the ADS team and quality, the vehicle backward emergency braking did not recognize the stationary vehicle, and it was clearly marked in the manual.Therefore, the cause of the accident is that the customer mistakenly stepped on the wrong accelerator pedal.

The accident was also wrongly rated by netizens as a "win-win", BYD has "hard strength against truth" and the world is "all-round crushing".


Why are there many questions about "smart driving"?

There have been two accidents in succession. From the comments of netizens, it can be found that some consumers have begun to question "smart driving".

For example, when Dongguan Liaobu reversed its car, many users will immediately think of the sentence that Yu Chengdong once mentioned-"It’s hard to hit it". In fact, this is for the new M7. At that time, Huawei released the "omni-directional anti-collision system", which can identify all obstacles in the rear and take the initiative to stop.At that time, Yu Chengdong even shouted the words "It’s hard to reverse and hit".

However, users only remember that "it’s hard to hit" and don’t deeply understand its limitations.

It is reported that the "omni-directional anti-collision system" supported by Huawei ADS 2.0 is not "omnipotent" and has many limitations. For example, the backward emergency braking of the vehicle does not recognize the stationary vehicle; For example, the driver is stepping on the accelerator pedal, brake pedal or turning the steering wheel sharply; There is a large vehicle behind the vehicle, which blocks the detection area of the radar or camera of the vehicle.

For example, the test drive accident of Dongguan Wenjie M5 Zhijia Edition does not belong to the scene contained in "It is difficult to hit it". In addition, many netizens don’t know that the 22 models of M5EV only have adaptive cruise function.

Huawei’s advanced intelligent assisted driving system "Huawei ADS 2.0" was released on April 16th this year. The first model is AITO Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition. After the actual measurement of many media, this system has indeed improved a lot, "comparable to the old driver." Then, on September 12th, M7 was launched, the average price was lowered by 38,000, and there was a smart driving version, which only ignited the enthusiasm of consumers.On October 6th, the circle of friends in Yu Chengdong announced that the number of new M7s would exceed 50,000, and said with emotion, "It’s not easy to come back to life!"

As the manufacturer of M5 and M7, the share price of Cyrus has also achieved a "shocking reversal". Since the bottom in June, the share price has risen as high as 280%. The increase is also "far ahead" among all automakers.

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

Therefore, at present, some consumers have too high "expectations" for Huawei’s smart driving, and once something goes wrong, they will have doubts. In practice, some drivers rely too much on assisted driving.


Intelligent driving is more prone to accidents?

L2+ is more prone to accidents?

A few days ago, at the 2023 China Automobile Software Conference hosted by China Automobile Industry Association, Zhu Xichan, a professor at Tongji University Automobile College, publicly said: What we think of as the ADAS function with low technical level is safe, because no one regards it as autonomous driving.On the contrary, L2+ intelligent driving is easier for consumers to relax their vigilance. They may be distracted, play with their mobile phones or even lie down to sleep. It is this L2+ stage of "one bottle is dissatisfied and half a bottle is swaying" that is more prone to accidents.

Take "Huawei ADS 2.0" as an example. Even though it claims to be infinitely close to L3, its essence is L2. The core feature of L2 is to release hands and feet, but not eyes.

Two car accidents in three days! Huawei asked the world, but it couldn't stop? Yu Chengdong once said: It's hard to hit.

L2 driver assistance represents an advanced driver assistance system, which gives the vehicle the ability to automatically perform acceleration, deceleration and steering operations. howeverCompared with fully automatic driving technology, L2 still needs the real-time driver.Ability to monitor and prepare to take over vehicles.

Take the crash on 14th as an example. According to L2′ s operation specification, the driver should be able to see the engineering work vehicle stopped in front and take over the vehicle in time, such as stepping on the brakes. Of course, it may be illegal for the engineering vehicle in the video not to put warning signs in the coming direction.

Judging from the current law, if an accident is caused by using the driver assistance function, the driver is still the subject to bear the responsibility.

Take the Regulations on the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone as an example, which stipulates: "If an intelligent networked vehicle equipped with a driver commits a traffic violation, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall punish the driver according to law; If a traffic accident occurs and one party of the intelligent networked vehicle is responsible, the driver of the vehicle shall bear the corresponding liability for damages; If a traffic accident is caused by the quality defect of the intelligent networked car, the driver can recover from the manufacturer and seller of the intelligent networked car after assuming the liability for damages according to law. "

Zhu Xichan said that L2+ intelligent driving is between L2 and L3, and the boundary is often blurred. Enterprises are only willing to bear the product responsibility of "assisted driving", but radical consumers may regard L2+ intelligent driving as L3.

Therefore, at this stage, all assisted driving and intelligent driving need the driver’s full attention to be ready to take over the car at any time. Excessive reliance on technology, on the one hand, improves the probability of accidents, and on the other hand, bears the main responsibility for accidents.

Finally, Zhu Xichan suggested that the certification of L3 high-grade autopilot needs to be promoted rapidly to solve the safety problem.

Little red book returns to "keeping duty"


Xiaohongshu wants to build an online city-state.


The reason why we say "polis" instead of "city" is because the word sounds more humanistic and ideal. Recently, Xiaohongshu officially launched the Community Business Convention. On the basis of the community values of "sincere sharing and friendly interaction" in the Community Convention last year, it added the business values of "sincere management and intentional creation", which set the tone for the direction of community operation.


Little Red Book officials are trying to convey an idea that they are creating an online city-state, and the users are all residents. They are sharing their real life online.


When anything develops to a certain scale, it will inevitably form some kind of public cognition, and Little Red Book, as the source of new consumption and online celebrity brand,Its "planting grass" attribute is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, which naturally makes people think of the scourge of "consumerism".


In Xiaohongshu COO Conan’s view, the public has a "cognitive angle" to Xiaohongshu.


Xiaohongshu COO Conan

The question that Little Red Book needs to answer is: Does it convey a "better life" or promote a "beautified life"? But this is not how the management expresses it, but will eventually land in the governance of the community.


From the official attitude, we attach great importance to this "convention".


As early as when the Community Convention was just launched, COO Conan of Xiaohongshu explained that it was called the Convention instead of the value norm because the value norm was more like a one-way request from the top down to the community residents from the perspective of community operators, while the Convention was a contract that Xiaohongshu repeatedly discussed and revised with different types of residents and finally formed.


When the content community is generally attacked by the community atmosphere and commercial realization, Xiaohongshu’s move is to return the focus to community governance.Is this "duty-keeping" a way to avoid conservatism or stick to one’s original heart? What impact will it have on its business fundamentals?

Left or right


Xiaohongshu chose to reinforce the city wall to counter the panic of commercial realization.


It seems that people in the content community are generally not good at making money. From Kelly Y Zhou in Zhihu, Rui Chen in bilibili, and Qu Fang in Xiaohongshu, they all talk about content operation, but they are all difficult in realizing business.In them, what you see is more the extension of some idealism, but less the decisive ferocity of some wars.


"In the early days of our business, we focused on content, never thought about the development path, and we were even more confused about how to realize it." Qu Fang’s words may represent the plight of all content communities.


The birth of these major content communities seems to have a sense of mission, but under the cruel survival test of business, these sense of mission now seems to be at a loss.


Data source: burning knowledge consulting, finishing by China Commercial Industry Research Institute.

Zhihu and bilibili, which have been listed, are under greater financial pressure. Take Zhihu as an example. In addition to the most traditional advertisements, members are sold, e-commerce, live broadcast and knowledge promotion are paid, but they are still struggling.


Compared with the first two,Xiaohongshu seems to be more "Buddhist" and "flat". He also does e-commerce and videos, but he feels that he has not exhausted his efforts. His local life is also in a state of "stocking" and he still earns money from advertising honestly.


However, it is obviously more and more difficult to earn money from advertising, and the traffic peaks, and the tigers are waiting around.


QuestMobile predicts that the growth rate of Internet advertising market in China will continue to decline in the next two years, and the content community platform is no exception. According to the report, the growth rate of social advertising market in 2022 and 2023 is expected to be 16.4% and 12.1%, which is significantly lower than the peak of 28.3% in 2020.


What is even more troublesome is that the business of "planting grass" itself has also been targeted by more and more people.


After Sina failed to push the oasis to stop Xiaohongshu in 2019, it quietly launched Hobby in March this year, positioning itself as a trend party for young people to create a community; Netease recently launched "Bi Ying", which is positioned as an emotional video interactive community for young people. In terms of product form and operation mode, both of them pay attention to and encourage life sharing, which is more like the video version of "Little Red Book" for the Z era.


Weibo screenshot

Not to mention Taobao and Tik Tok.


At the end of 2020, Taobao went online and became the first-level entrance of the homepage. It belongs to the grass content aggregation platform that positively marked Xiaohongshu. In less than one year, it achieved over 250 million monthly activities and over 50 million daily activities, contributing one-third of Taobao’s orders. Last year’s Double Eleven, Taobao visited more than 250 million users browsing grass content.


In Tik Tok, a team codenamed "L" was set up in the middle of last year to study Little Red Books, and the graphic function was launched in the App. There are rumors that a life-like community product is planned.


For Xiaohongshu, the diversified realization of uniform structure is still far away, advertising still supports the main revenue, and the businesses of the giants are crossing each other without borders. At this juncture, it is obviously more important to hold the basic disk of the community than commercial expansion.

What is "copy not to go"?

Little Red Book is an encyclopedia of life in the cloak of community.


In the Internet field, products are easy to copy, even at the pixel level, but at the same time, products are difficult to copy, and even the founding team can’t make a new one.


The moat of Little Red Book is actually higher than many people think, which is also its core value.


Peeling off the seemingly exquisite consumerism coat of Little Red Book, its skeleton is actually very pragmatic.


This pragmatism is not the efficiency orientation of the business model. In fact, Xiaohongshu’s start-up team has no entrepreneurial experience or Internet experience. The earliest product of Little Red Book is a PDF of Hong Kong shopping guide, which was made by Conan. In fact, it is a very simple strategy sharing, and strategy is a collection of methodology. Later, less than a month after the PDF document was launched, it was downloaded 500,000 times.


Source: Network

The later content trend of Little Red Book also continued this route, that is, sharing practical life notes.


Before 2016, Xiaohongshu’s recommendation mode was featured by editing and centralized operation, which would affect the product efficiency, but it formed an overflow of social and cultural content value, which is actually the function of the media, with the content surplus of local culture to popular culture, realizing the spread of influence and the growth of users.


Under the greatest common denominator of "life", the content boundary of Xiaohongshu has been continuously broadened, from beauty and clothing to home improvement, emotion, workplace and self-growth, but it is always inseparable from the word "useful".


This is the root of the strong search attribute of Little Red Book as a content community.


It has precipitated a lot of practical life experiences, and the long tail effect of the content is obvious, and many notes are constantly being dug by latecomers. A strange phenomenon is that the notes of Xiaohongshu are often collected more than praised.


The strong functionality of the little red book actually makes it play the role of an online dictionary of life experience in a sense, which means that the longer the little red book is operated, the higher the value of the precipitated content and the higher the moat.


The maximization of this "usefulness" lies in encouraging users to produce UGC content.In turn, it promoted Xiaohongshu to build a set of traffic "equal rights" mechanism.

This is actually closely related to the attributes of the content.


Life experience is universal rather than authoritative, and it doesn’t need any vertical professional endorsement. For example, Weibo and Zhihu started their business by introducing public knowledge, while the latter invited Internet tycoons and elites to endorse the platform through social status and identity authority, and output high-value content to achieve the diffusion effect from the center to the periphery, attracting more users with an attitude of onlookers and learning.

Screenshot of Xiaohongshu

These big V’s are performers in the center of the stage, and users are fans who applaud, which constitutes the power structure of the platform. Once this power structure is broken, for example, Weibo is publicly criticized and Zhihu V is skinned, the authority of community content will be completely deconstructed and become a noisy and disorderly public opinion field.


The content, form and operation mechanism of Little Red Book avoid this kind of conflict, and the subjectivity of life experience makes it not have top-down power and class overlooking color.


Unless "showing off wealth", this is also the main source of the public relations crisis and negative public opinion of Xiaohongshu. Therefore, in the Community Convention, Xiaohongshu explicitly opposes showing off wealth. In the conversation between Conan and Liu Qing, she also mentioned that Xiaohongshu will blur this class and sense of gap through operation.

Life experience can be contributed by everyone, so in order to let users contribute more UGC, Xiaohongshu did not intend to guide KOL, which also formed a situation that Xiaohongshu was all over the small KOC and lacked the top KOL. Here, the content distribution of "Little Transparency" and "Big Brother" is equal in traffic, and ordinary users without fans may also produce an "explosive article".

This is also related to the content form of pictures and texts. For example, in bilibili, the aesthetic threshold of video content produced by amateurs will be very low, which will affect the content presentation quality of the whole community. Therefore, bilibili will intentionally guide the professional UP, while the production threshold of pictures and texts with little red books less than 1,000 words is much lower for ordinary people.


Bilibili and Xiaohongshu, as the two most sticky communities in the content community, are inseparable from their respect for users themselves, rather than just treating them as digital traffic.


In an exclusive interview with LatePost, Rui Chen bluntly said: "Users in China are the cutest, because too few enterprises in China regard users as equal people. As long as you treat him as an equal, he is very protective of you. "


The complexity of the multilateral relationship in the content community naturally makes it difficult to operate, which is different from the clear bilateral relationship of buying and selling in the e-commerce platform, and the nodes with balanced interests are easier to control.


Therefore, the content community will inevitably go into strong operation and realize intervention through value orientation.With the growth of users, how to find a clear and definite value of the greatest common denominator is also a challenge for every content community.Bilibili broke the circle from the secondary group and Zhihu sank from the Internet elite, both of which were and are still facing the situation of split community atmosphere.


Data source: burning knowledge consulting, finishing by China Commercial Industry Research Institute.

It was not until 2021 that Xiaohongshu explored the Community Convention, condensed the community values of "sincere sharing and friendly interaction", and extended it to the business values of "sincere management and intentional creation" in the recent Community Business Convention, and guided it through detailed provisions.


Zhang Xiaolong mentioned in the product view behind WeChat that people are the reactor of the environment, so it is necessary to create an "environment", and then this "environment" will determine what kind of reaction users will make, and users will be drawn by the "environment" you create.


This actually means that the content community can’t really be "decentralized". Conan also said when talking with Liu Qing that Xiaohongshu can’t accept all phenomena just because it is a platform. After 2016, Xiaohongshu introduced algorithm recommendation and implemented "decentralization" in traffic distribution. However, it is still exploring "central idea" in operation and value guidance, which is the hidden line of Xiaohongshu and intentionally shapes the community atmosphere through traffic mechanism.


The biggest moat of Xiaohongshu lies in the "organic environment" that it combines systematic evolution with its own value orientation.

How does the "polis" do business?


Not making money is immoral in business.


Xiaohongshu proposed to build an online city, of course, not only based on a community experiment, although the community does have a lot of room for exploration in China. The earliest pioneer of content community in this respect is Douban. As early as ten years ago, Douban built an online Alpha City, and the street names were completely decided by residents’ voting. It also built its own economic system, using virtual currency "adzuki bean" to trade, and residents can open small shops themselves. Here you can see a variety of services, even "casinos" and "cemeteries".


Alpha City is more purely experimental, and in today’s popular words, it is the earliest community meta-universe in China.


Compared with Douban’s willful "lying flat", it is not qualified not to make money because it has raised a large amount of money all the way to today, and its valuation is equivalent to 3 bilibili, 4 Weibo and 20 Zhihu.


Source: Network

When the Community Convention was launched a year ago, many business brands questioned whether Little Red Book was against business. For example, various restrictions on "planting grass". Since Xiaohongshu launched the special treatment of illegal marketing in December 2021, 81 brands with illegal marketing behaviors have been banned, and 172,600 related notes and 53,600 illegal accounts have been handled, including some well-known brands. The reasons for the attack are mainly concentrated in non-compliant marketing behaviors such as false grass planting, amateur spreading, and writing on behalf of others.


Subsequently, the brand violation sub-system was launched to further standardize and improve business rules by gradient governance.


This series of measures, from the perspective of community atmosphere governance, are radical, but from the perspective of business, they are actually pre-rules, and community atmosphere and commercial realization are not irreconcilable.


In the recent Community Business Convention, Yin Shi, the head of community ecology in Xiaohongshu, further explained, "We hope to fully express our attitude through the publication of the Convention, and we welcome business very much. Business itself is to create value, which is completely consistent with the core of Little Red Book. Business prosperity is also a particularly important part of the community. "


In the face of Liu Qing’s doubts about consumerism, Conan explained that consumption is an objective behavior, unless the content about consumption appears in a small red book with high density, it can only rise to individualism when it reaches a certain extreme, and the anti-consumerism appearing in a small red book is used to present the diversity and inclusiveness of the community.


Dialogue between Liu Qing and Conan

In the final analysis, Xiaohongshu wants to establish a sustainable development cycle system and improve the efficiency of business with systematic ecology. Xiaohongshu chose the concept of "city" because for a city, commerce is actually an indispensable role for residents to live and work in peace and contentment, and even the prosperity of the city depends on the development of commerce.


From the perspective of community governance, from "city" to "convention", a set of self-consistency in operation logic is constructed to resolve the tense relationship between life sharing and commercial realization.


In the Convention on Community Commerce, the perfection of the two rules of "transaction" and "marketing" is also forcing the brand and KOC to standardize their business operations, and further gathering them into Xiaohongshu’s own dandelion platform for trading. However, the problem is that in the past, commercial and KOC bypassed the official transactions, in addition to maximizing the benefits, it was also because Xiaohongshu’s 10% two-way commission was much higher than the general 5% industry proportion of platforms such as Tik Tok.


After the supervision of Xiaohongshu has become stricter, it is even more necessary to answer a question. How to prove that it has higher conversion efficiency than other platforms? Especially today, when the new consumption trend is slowing down and the brand of online celebrity continues to charm.


In the "Convention" and the official public speech, Xiaohongshu particularly emphasized "truthfulness" and "sincerity", which means letting KOC recommend only the products it recognizes from the heart and letting the brand introduce its services objectively and simply. This sounds very good and has a long-term color, but it still faces many challenges in the actual landing process.


Source: rocket data

A number of insiders close to Xiaohongshu have said that Xiaohongshu’s revenue data in 2022 will triple that in 2021. In the face of this pressure,Can the action be kept unchanged during the implementation of the Convention? Moreover, if the path of advertising dependence remains unchanged, revenue growth cannot avoid the increase in the density of commercial content. How can this be balanced?


A city without business can’t work, but a city full of advertisements will make people want to escape.


Xiaohongshu has planned a utopian online city picture, but there will also be a false prosperity in the city. For example, the stalls are big and look glamorous, but the fiscal revenue is far from enough to cover the cost of public construction, the deficit is too large, and the balance is far away.


Before the massive investment and sky-high valuation, can the account of Xiaohongshu be counted?

Xiaomi car is coming, and the shape parameters are all open.

Original Wukai Time Finance APP

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Author | Wu Kai

Editor | Lin Mingming

On November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Relief (the 56th batch), and two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars were listed.

As far as the two pure electric cars declared this time are concerned, among the two models, the model BJ7000MBEVA1 is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium-ion battery, and there is no lidar. The peak power of the driving motor is 220kW or 275kW, and the motor is from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd.; The model BJ7000MBEVR2 is equipped with BYD Foday lithium iron phosphate battery, with optional laser radar. The peak power of the driving motor is 220kW, and the motor comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

In terms of body, the length, width and wheelbase of the two Xiaomi cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 3000mm respectively, and the heights are different, which are 1440mm and 1455mm respectively. In addition, both Xiaomi cars have the "Xiaomi" logo in front of them. At the rear of the car, both cars show the tail sign "Beijing Xiaomi".

According to the information, the trademarks of the two pure electric cars are Xiaomi brand, the company name is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the registered address is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

It should be noted that among the above addresses, the former is the location of Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.; The latter is Xiaomi’s new automobile factory in Yizhuang area. According to the market view, according to the application information, Xiaomi Automobile may still be looking for Beiqi off-road in terms of production qualification, but the specific manufacturing process will still be carried out in Xiaomi’s self-built factory.

According to the previously disclosed plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases, of which the first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters and has an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, which will be completed in June 2023; The second phase is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025. According to public information, the relevant factory buildings of Xiaomi Automobile Phase I Factory passed the acceptance on June 12.

It is worth noting that on November 8, some media reported that several buses of BAIC Group appeared in Xiaomi Science and Technology Park to participate in Xiaomi’s closed meeting. Participants told the media: "This closed-door meeting only invited core customers, involving Xiaomi mobile phones and automobile-related supply chain enterprises."

From the outside world, this is a key signal for the cooperation between Xiaomi and BAIC Group. At the same time, the tail mark of "Beijing Xiaomi" may mean that Xiaomi Automobile will adopt a production mode similar to Beijing Benz, that is, the two parties will jointly invest or produce it on behalf of BAIC Group.

Regarding the vehicle production and the cooperation mode between the two parties, Time Finance asked the public relations staff of Xiaomi Group for details. As of press time, the other party did not reply. Earlier, regarding the news that Xiaomi obtained the qualification of Baowo automobile production, the public relations staff of Xiaomi Group once said to Time Finance that "no comment."

In October this year, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, once said that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. In addition, according to the first financial report, Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production in December this year, and will be listed and sold around March next year.

Judging from the body size and power mode of the two new cars announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, their competitors may include Aouita 12, Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and other medium and large pure electric cars.

Time Finance asked Xiaomi Group for details about the time to market and the price of new Xiaomi cars. As of press time, the other party did not reply. At the same time, for information such as cooperation between the two parties, relevant persons of BAIC Group responded that there is no official reply at present.

Tianyancha App shows that Xiaomi’s Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. and Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. were established in 2021, and the legal representative is Lei Jun. Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. has applied for thousands of automobile-related patents, of which nearly 600 patents have been authorized, involving motor, vehicle control, battery, automobile structure, autonomous driving and other automobile software and hardware-related fields.

In addition, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has applied to register a number of "Xiaomi Automobile" trademarks, and the current trademark status is mostly registered. In 2022, the number of participants in the company was 420.

(Welcome to reprint, please add WeChat, ID: Rafe 0101).

-Produced by Guangdong Times Media Group-

Original title: "Xiaomi car is coming, the shape parameters are all open"

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Civil aviation administration of China

  I. Brief introduction of China-Arab relations

  (1) Brief introduction of Azerbaijan

  The Republic of Azerbaijan, the capital of Baku (population 2.54 million), is located in the southeast of Transcaucasia, bordering Russia in the north, Armenia and Georgia in the west and northwest, Iran in the south and the Caspian Sea in the east. Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is an enclave of Albania, surrounded by Armenia, Iran and Turkey. It covers an area of 86,600 square kilometers and has a population of 9.48 million. The ethnic groups are mainly Azerbaijanis (90.6%), Russians, Armenians, etc., and they mainly believe in Islam. The official language is Azerbaijani, and most residents are familiar with Russian.

  The political situation in Afghanistan is generally stable. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Afghanistan formulated the development strategy of "rejuvenating the country through oil". At present, the annual output of oil is about 50 million tons, and the annual output of natural gas is about 30 billion cubic meters. The economy has maintained rapid development with the help of petrodollars. In 2015, the GDP reached 54.35 billion manat, up by 1.1% year-on-year, the foreign trade volume was 20.65 billion US dollars, down by 33.4% year-on-year, the per capita GDP was 5,600 US dollars, and the per capita monthly salary was 322 US dollars. Affected by the long-term low international oil price and other factors, in February and December of 2015, the local currency Manat depreciated sharply twice, reaching 33.5% and 47.6% respectively, with a cumulative depreciation of 97% for the whole year. In order to cope with the adverse effects caused by the drop in international oil prices, the Afghan government has actively deepened economic reforms, ensured the stability of the national financial system, further promoted the strategy of economic diversification, vigorously developed non-oil economies such as agriculture and tourism, and strived to change the economic structure that relies too much on energy exports and promote balanced development in all areas of the economy.











  1、巴库盖达尔·阿利耶夫国际机场(Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport)

  IATA code: BAK, ICAO code: UBBB.

  Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport is the hub base of Azerbaijan Airlines, the national airline of Azerbaijan, and the busiest airport in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. The airport, formerly known as Bina International Airport, is owned and operated by the Azerbaijani government. On March 10th, 2004, the airport was renamed geidar aliyev Airport, named after former Azerbaijani President geidar aliyev.

  2. Lankaran International Airport.

  IATA code: LLK, ICAO code: UBBL.

  Located in Liankelan, a city in the southeast of Azerbaijan, its main routes are the international routes between the local and CIS member countries and the domestic routes of the country. The airport is mainly engaged in regular passenger and cargo routes at home and abroad. The air transport companies it serves include Azerbaijan Airlines and UTair, and it is open to Baku, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and other places.

  3. Ganja International Airport

  IATA code: KVD, ICAO code: UBBG.

  Zhanjia International Airport is located 5 kilometers northwest of Zhanjia City. It is mainly operated by airlines such as Azerbaijan Airlines and Turkish Airlines, and travels between Zhanjia and Baku, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Istanbul.

  4. Gabala International Airport.

  Gabarra International Airport, located in Gabarra Town, northwest Azerbaijan, was founded in January 2011. On November 17th, 2011, President Aliyev attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the airport. In the same year, Gabarra Airport became an international airport.

  5. Nakhichevan Airport

  IATA code: NAJ, ICAO code: UBBN.

  Nakhichevan Airport is located in Nakhichevan, the capital of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, 4 kilometers away from the city center, and is the only airport in this closed area.

  6. Zaqatala International Airport

  IATA code: ZTU, ICAO code: UBBY.

  Za Catarre Airport is located at the foot of Nanshan Mountain in Caucasus. The airport terminal and runway were rebuilt in 2008, and then it became an international airport.

  (2) Major air transport enterprises

  1. Azerbaijan Airlines.

  IATA code: J2, ICAO code: AHY

  Azerbaijan Airlines, the flag carrier of Azerbaijan, was established on April 7, 1992 and headquartered in Baku. It mainly operates scheduled passenger and cargo flights from Baku to CIS countries, Europe, China and the Middle East, as well as domestic flights, with about 33 navigation cities.

  Address of Azerbaijan Airlines Beijing Representative Office: Room 4-05026, No.6 Chaowai Street B, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with ASADOV ILHAM as the chief representative, and the resident period is April 30, 2016.

  2. Silk Road Airlines of Azerbaijan.

  IATA code: ZP, ICAO code: AZQ.

  Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, established in 2001, is a cargo airline headquartered in Baku, Azerbaijan, based at Aliyev International Airport, operating routes covering 50 destinations in Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

  The address of the representative office of Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines in Urumqi is Room 522, Xiyu International Hotel, Building 2, No.876 Dawan North Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi. The chief representative is SAFAROV ISMAYIL, and the residence period is until December 31, 2018.

  On September 11th, 2015, Zhao Jiancai, Vice Governor of Henan Province, met with Akhundov Zaur, Chairman of Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, and his party in Zhengzhou. The two sides had a talk on strengthening air navigation. On the same day, Henan Airport Group signed a cooperation agreement with Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines, and the Zhengzhou-Baku-Hahn international freight route opened by Silk Road Airlines in Zhengzhou in 2013 will be increased from the current weekly flight to more than 6 flights per week.

  3. Silk Road West Airlines of Azerbaijan.

  IATA code: 7L, ICAO code: AZG.

  Based at Aliyev International Airport, Azerbaijan Silk Road Western Airlines cooperates closely with Azerbaijan Silk Road Airlines and Azerbaijan Airlines, using Silk Road to fly cargo holds of Il -76 and An -12 models and belly cabins of Azerbaijan.

  The address of Azerbaijan Silk Road West Airlines Shanghai Representative Office is Room 905, Building A, No.18 Taolin Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The chief representative is BAKHTIYAROV ZAUR FAXRADDIN, and the residency period is until July 31, 2018.

Online games are addictive and forced to chat naked … The safety of online use for teenagers’ holidays deserves attention.

  The safety of teenagers’ holiday internet is worthy of attention.

  Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  With good results in the senior high school entrance examination, Xiao Zhang, who lives in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, was successfully admitted to the target high school, but before long, this joy was replaced by constant quarrels between him and his mother. In the mother’s view, during the holiday, Xiao Zhang was either a computer or a mobile phone every day, and spent too much time indulging in the Internet. Xiao Zhang, on the other hand, is quite opposed to this: I finally have a holiday to relax, so why can’t I play more mobile phones and games?

  In fact, for this generation of teenagers who were born with a mouse and grew up with their mobile phones, the internet has become an indispensable part of their lives, especially when they enter the holidays, and the time spent touching the internet has increased greatly, making it easier for them to indulge in the internet and cannot extricate themselves. In addition, because teenagers generally lack social experience and don’t know how to protect personal privacy, they are more vulnerable to bad information, online fraud and even illegal acts on the Internet.

  Experts told the "Legal Daily" reporter that when children enter the holiday "mode", they can spend more time online and relax their entertainment appropriately, but they must make reasonable plans and not be "cyber slaves". Schools and parents should actively guide teenagers to surf the Internet healthily, so as to use the Internet safely, in a civilized and healthy way.

  Prevent online game addiction

  Looking up at the computer, looking down at the mobile phone, regardless, playing games all night, this is a true portrayal of many teenagers’ holiday life. In June 2018, online game addiction was officially declared as a mental illness by UNESCO. Statistics show that teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 are high-risk groups of Internet addiction. The proportion of global teenagers who are over-reliant on the Internet is 6%, and the proportion in China is close to 10%.

  When he noticed this data, Zhang Rucai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, was really shocked. "The bad content of online games is imperceptibly affecting teenagers." Zhang Rucai told reporters that the development and operators of online games only seek to maximize economic benefits, which has caused unhealthy online games to become a public hazard that destroys the physical and mental health of young people.

  In 2018, Zhang Qingbin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, received a petition signed by many parents on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, calling for legislation to save many children, which made him systematically pay attention to the problem of teenagers indulging in online games. Zhang Qingbin said that he really felt the seriousness of this problem in his hometown in rural areas. "Many teenagers drop out of school early because they are addicted to online games and become idlers. There are also many teenagers who have all kinds of psychological problems and even make some excessive behaviors because they are addicted to online games." As a result, Zhang Qingbin launched research, went deep into schools and communities to listen to the voices of the masses, and consulted with departments such as culture and online information to understand the situation. "Many online games design various links according to people’s psychological needs, and induce players to fall into addiction layer by layer, which is difficult to resist the temptation for teenagers’ immature psychology." Zhang Qingbin said.

  In medicine, internet addiction is a clear concept, which usually refers to indulging in online games. When online games are stopped, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness appear. Lose interest in other hobbies before, even if you understand the impact of the game on yourself, you still focus on the game; Use online games to escape or relieve negative mood.

  In the view of Xiao Zhang’s mother, Xiao Zhang has already had some symptoms of Internet addiction. "The child’s addiction to the Internet not only leads to the damage of the parent-child relationship, but also aggravates the parent-child conflict. More seriously, his daily life rules are completely broken, and he is afraid that a holiday will cause him various psychological obstacles." Xiao Zhang’s mother said.

  Beware of illegal network infringement

  "Can you send me a nude photo of your bust? I promise to treasure it myself and not let others see it." Last winter vacation, Xiaomei (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old junior high school student, met a small town (a pseudonym) who claimed to be 15 years old on a short video App. After the two sides closed each other, the exchange was transferred to QQ. Just after half a month of understanding, the town made such a request to Xiaomei for the first time.

  Although she was worried, Xiaomei agreed to the other party’s request, and this became the beginning of a nightmare. Since then, the town has been making unreasonable demands, from naked photos to naked videos, and the original pleading has also become a threat.

  Xiaomei’s reticence and trance made her mother discover the clue. After repeated questioning by her mother, she confessed everything, and Xiaomei’s parents immediately called the police. The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaoxi Public Security Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who was in charge of the case, launched an investigation through the QQ number of the suspect and quickly locked the suspect Yang and arrested him.

  The police found out that Xiaomei’s so-called friend town was completely fictional by Yang, and the school, information and photos were all false. Yang’s real identity was from Tianjin, born in 1978, married and had a criminal record of theft. Yang often chats through various online social software and chooses a minor like Xiaomei to cajole and threaten, and Xiaomei is not his only chat object. At the end of March this year, Yang was prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of qiaoxi district, Zhangjiakou City for allegedly molesting minors.

  "It is best for minors not to make friends online." In the preliminary investigation, faced with the interrogation of the prosecutor of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, who was in charge of the case, Yang confessed his illegal behavior, and also said that minors should take warning. On June 12, the court made a first-instance judgment, and the defendant Yang was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

  Not only that, because teenagers’ physical and mental development is not fully mature, their vigilance is low, and they are easy to trust others, so they can easily become "things in the bag" of cyber criminals. In addition to browsing unhealthy web pages and contacting bad information on the Internet, all kinds of fraud such as false enrollment, part-time job, recruitment, etc. often target at the student group. For example, defrauding the client’s funds in the name of online billing is a common online fraud method used by scammers during the summer vacation. In fact, these fraudulent means are not novel, but they have long appeared in holidays, and students are deceived every year.

  "Don’t click on pop-ups and unknown links that appear in the process of surfing the Internet at will. You should be vigilant when making friends online, don’t expose your own and others’ private information, don’t threaten, insult or slander others on social platforms, don’t make or spread unconfirmed information, and stay calm and confident when encountering cyber bullying, and communicate with teachers or parents in time … … These should be common sense when teenagers touch the net. " Zhang Qingbin said.

  Guide children to use the net safely.

  Wu Guiping, chief of juvenile criminal prosecution department of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, said that Internet social interaction is widely used now. As parents, they should pay more attention to their children’s mental state and make friends, and make timely safety education, let them know the uncertainty of online friends through equal communication, and tell their children the principles of making friends in the virtual world. If you don’t tell each other your real identity information easily, you can’t send photos and videos involving privacy to each other.

  "Parents should also consider the psychology of adolescents. They are no longer satisfied with their parents’ care and love, but have more needs to communicate with others. I hope that friends with similar aspirations and interests can’t blindly suppress this desire to make friends. We must guide and help them correctly and inform them of the bottom line and principles of communication." Wu Guiping said frankly.

  In fact, the network security literacy level of minors is closely related to personal personality factors, family factors and school environment. In addition to preventing internet addiction and using the internet scientifically and rationally, protecting personal information, spreading positive values, not believing in rumors and not spreading rumors should also become the proper meaning of safety education for minors using the internet. In this regard, both family education and school education should actively make up a lesson.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education, minors have realized the convenience of the Internet early, but they have no independent ability, which is the main reason for Internet addiction. "For parents, it is necessary to give their children a sense of rhythm in regulating the use of the Internet, such as giving them a fixed time to browse the Internet every day and giving guidance to what they browse, so that they can form their own ability to plan their lives as soon as possible." Chu Zhaohui said.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that at present, in most primary and secondary schools, mobile phones are forbidden to be brought into the campus. How to spend their spare time and holidays is a test for students and parents. "Some parents will regard mobile games as a reward for their children. I think this is a misunderstanding. It is very important to enhance children’s autonomy and enrich their lives. "

  At this year’s National People’s Congress, Zhang Rucai and Zhang Qingbin both put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, and suggested that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) should introduce the online game management system to protect teenagers’ physical and mental health, the network protection law for minors and other relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.

  "It is necessary to strengthen government supervision, improve the online game real-name authentication system, and purify the online game content and network environment." Zhang Qingbin said that we can learn from the examination and approval system for film and television works, strictly examine and approve online games, and at the same time introduce functions such as "face-brushing camera" to prevent registered users who do not match their actual identities from logging in.

  Relevant experts pointed out that during holidays, parents should guide their children to establish correct network values and teach them to learn the behavior of using the internet safely. Parents and children can discuss and formulate mutually acceptable online time, which will not affect their daily life and rest, so as to establish a good time concept; Parents should pay more attention to their children’s online process, listen more and admonish less, avoid damaging the parent-child relationship with critical words, spend time with their children, and cultivate their interest in the real world, instead of focusing on the virtual online world.

Outbreaks, burning warships, dropping planes … This summer, the US military is really annoying!

  A collective COVID-19 infection broke out at the US military base in Okinawa, and the US Navy’s "Good Richard" amphibious assault ship burst into flames, and the US Air Force crashed an F-16C… …

  This summer, American troops deployed in many parts of the world have frequent accidents and troubles!

  This is the Futenma base of the US military stationed in Japan in Okinawa, Japan, which was photographed on January 27, 2018. Xinhua News Agency/Midland

  Make people angry! Aggregative COVID-19 outbreak broke out at the US military base in Japan.

  Recently, a collective COVID-19 infection suddenly appeared in the US military base in Okinawa. Only from July 7th to 11th, there were 61 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. military base in Okinawa, and on the 13th, the U.S. military base in Okinawa notified 32 confirmed cases to the local area. On the 15th, the Okinawa prefectural government of Japan confirmed that there were 36 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in several local US military bases in Japan.

  A large number of confirmed cases appeared in a short period of time. Danny Yucheng, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture, was "shocked" and "extremely sorry" about the news, and said that he "had to have strong doubts about the epidemic prevention countermeasures".

  It is reported that more than half of the 50,000 US troops stationed in Japan and the United States are stationed in Okinawa, and they are not subject to Japanese Covid-19 inspection, and the US military’s epidemic prevention measures are not controlled by the Japanese side.

  It is even more reported that the US was initially reluctant to disclose information such as the number of confirmed cases of US troops stationed in Japan and the whereabouts of confirmed cases. Later, at the repeated request of the Japanese side, it had to publish relevant information.

  American soldiers who enjoy "special status" are "free to come and go" and "go their own way" in Okinawa. Some Okinawa residents said that during the epidemic, they were really worried when they saw American soldiers without masks on the street.

  For a long time, Okinawa residents have complained about the noise and pollution caused by the US military base, the crash of US military aircraft, and crimes committed by US military personnel. The outbreak of the cluster epidemic has intensified their dissatisfaction.

  Too bad! The US Navy’s "quasi-aircraft carrier" is in full swing

  Something happened to the US military base in Japan on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the US naval base on the east coast was not "peaceful".

  On July 12th, local time, the "Good Richard" of amphibious assault ship, moored at the naval base in San Diego, USA, exploded and burst into flames. For a time, the pungent smoke produced by the burning of plastics, cables and other materials floated all over the center of San Diego, and many sailors who escaped from the ship also lost all their property, "only a suit of clothes."

  On July 12, the naval base in San Diego, California, USA caught fire and emitted smoke. A fire broke out on the 12th in amphibious assault ship, a US military vessel moored at the San Diego Naval Base in California. Xinhua News Agency/Midland

  According to the US Navy, as of the afternoon of the 13th, 36 sailors and 23 civilians had been treated for high temperature burns and smoke inhalation.

  Good Richard is one of the American Navy’s wasp-class amphibious assault ship ships, with a displacement of over 40,000 tons. It has a spacious flight deck and hangar deck, which can accommodate helicopters, tilt-rotor aircraft and short-range take-off and landing aircraft, and is equivalent to a quasi-aircraft carrier.

  Although the name is very special, many people will not be unfamiliar with the ship. In the popular sci-fi movie Super Battleship a few years ago, people have experienced the elegance of this big ship.

  Before the fire, the ship was under medium-term maintenance, mainly upgrading the flight deck. After the upgrade, it will be able to carry at most 16 F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing fighters or 22 MV-22B Osprey transport planes.

  This fire, which lasted for dozens of hours, may make it difficult for this huge ship with a ship age of more than 20 years to regain its glory. Some analysts pointed out that although the damage degree of the ship is still unclear, the intensity of the fire is enough to deform the structural steel of the hull. Considering the damage degree, the ship will stop using for at least several years, and it is likely to be identified as completely scrapped. Once the ship is scrapped, it will be "the most serious safety accident of the US Navy in the past 20 years" with heavy losses.

  What a jam! The U.S. Air Force recently destroyed another plane.

  It rained all night, and the fire on the "Good Richard" has not been extinguished, and the Air Force has "added a wall" to the US military.

  On July 13th, local time, an F-16C fighter plane crashed at holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.

  Data Map: US Air Force F-16C Fighter

  However, this plane crash is not the only one this year. Since May, there have been many crashes in the US Air Force, including the tragedy of "the plane crashed and people died".

  On May 15th, an F-22 fighter plane of the US Air Force crashed near Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, and the pilot ejected to escape.

  On May 20th, Eglin Air Force Base confirmed that an F-35A fighter plane crashed while trying to land at the base on the evening of 19th, and the pilot also ejected to escape.

  On June 15th, an F-15C fighter plane crashed during a training mission at the US military base in Britain.

  On June 30, an F-16 fighter jet crashed while performing daily training tasks at Shaw Air Force Base in Southern California, USA. The pilot on board was taken to the hospital and was later declared brain dead.

  In less than two months, several "Hawk" aircraft with high cost and outstanding performance "lost their wings" in training, and the loss was not insignificant.

Ten thousand mu of cherry blossoms in Weining are open.

Zhongxin. com, Guizhou News, March 3 (Shen Guangyong) On March 2, 2024, in Longhe Village, Longjie Town, Weining Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, 10,000 mu of cherry flowers were in full bloom, one after another and clusters were covered with branches, emitting a faint fragrance. Looking at it, the rolling hillsides and beautiful villages were hidden in the sea of snow-white cherry flowers. Layers of cherry flowers are not only pleasing to the eye, but also open up the hope of a bumper harvest and become the "rich flowers" for local people to increase their income.
The spring breeze blows, everything recovers and the spring is full. Among the cherry flowers, industrious bees are buzzing to collect honey and pollinate. Under the cherry trees, fruit farmers are busy weeding, pruning branches and thinning flowers to ensure the normal growth and development of cherries and increase production and harvest. The surrounding Miao tourists are dressed in costumes and come here to enjoy the flowers.
In recent years, Longjie Town has taken cherry planting as the breakthrough point of rural revitalization, built cherry sightseeing picking agriculture and native bee breeding industry, and guided the masses to make use of cherry flowering period to keep bees, which has achieved a double harvest of cherry industry and bee breeding industry, showing a win-win situation of economic and ecological benefits, and built a cherry planting pattern combining point, line and slice, so that the cherry industry can stimulate rural vitality and create an industrial belt integrating cherry farming and tourism. Sweet little cherries have become a strong promoter of rural revitalization.
The village actively combines the actual situation of the village and the development advantages of characteristic agricultural industry, and relies on innovative exploration and development mode to plant 11,000 mu of cherries. The cherry industry can drive the average household income to increase by more than 20,000 yuan every year. Rural revitalization depends on industry, and industrial development depends on characteristics. It takes about 40 to 60 days from flowering to fruiting in Longhe Village. At present, cherry blossoms in the base are flourishing, and it is expected to enter the picking period in mid-April. (End)

Economic Daily and JD.COM released data: seasonal fruits are more popular.

Data source: JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development.
"Fresh home" is a big business opportunity.
With the increase of per capita consumption expenditure and the upgrading of diet consumption, consumers’ demand for high-quality fruits is increasing. At the same time, the fruit retail business model tends to be diversified, consumers have more choices, and the fruit consumption market is becoming broader. But no matter how the market changes, freshness is still a big business opportunity.
From the sales trend, the fruits of origin continue to realize the vertical expansion of the region and the horizontal innovation of the species. In early summer, loquat, blueberry, cherry, litchi and other fruits come in droves, and seasonality and freshness become the most important labels. Taking cherries as an example, Dalian Meizao cherries continue to sell well all over the country, and the proportion of consumption in Guangdong, Beijing, Sichuan and other places continues to increase. In terms of species, in addition to Feizixiao litchi, white sugar poppy, glutinous rice paste and other litchi varieties have also received high attention from consumers.
From the perspective of channel development, online and offline sales of fruits are constantly integrating with each other. Consumers can choose offline supermarkets to buy, or they can choose online orders to buy. They can also receive goods faster through the instant consumption platform, link online and offline, and open up an omni-channel model to continuously enrich shopping scenes. On the whole, the scale of instant consumption in the fruit consumption market has grown steadily, which has become an important driving force for consumers to upgrade their fruit plates in China.
It is worth noting that the main consumer groups of online fruits are mainly young people, who pay more attention to physical health and nutritional collocation. High-quality fruits represented by cherries, durians and lychees are more likely to be favored by this consumer group.
From the perspective of quality assurance, the continuous extension and deepening of the supply chain of fruit industry is very important. At present, consumers are demanding higher and higher fruit quality. When buying fruit, the primary concern is whether the fruit is fresh, followed by the sweetness and maturity of the fruit, and whether the water is sufficient. Enterprises should try their best to let high-quality fresh fruits enter the consumer market at a faster speed and lower price. Therefore, from the quality control of direct harvesting of origin, to the professional cold chain logistics and distribution, and then to the omni-channel sales model, enterprises need to constantly improve all aspects of the industrial supply chain, and strive to make every fruit "fresh".
(Author: Dong Fei, Senior Research Fellow, JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development)

Snooker Scottish Open: Ding Junhui advanced to the top 64 with 12 China players.

  China news agency, Beijing, December 12-On the morning of the 12th, Beijing time, the first day of the Scottish Open in 2023 ended, and four China players who participated in the postponed qualifying round were 3 wins and 1 loss. Among them, China billiards star Ding Junhui swept his opponent 4-0, and 19-year-old China teenager Liu Hongyu once again knocked out world champion shaun murphy. So far, the number of China players among the top 64 in the race has increased to 12.

  A total of 21 players from China participated in this season’s Scottish Open, of which 17 played in the qualifying match a month ago and 9 took the lead in advancing to the race. Ding Junhui, ranked in TOP16 (the TOP16 in the world), and three other players from China, whose opponents are Top 16 players, participated in the postponed qualifying round during the main race.

  On that day, Ding Junhui’s opponent was English player David Grace. In the English Open two months ago, Ding Junhui defeated Grace 4-1 and advanced to the top 32. Now that we meet again, Ding Junhui, who just won the runner-up in the British Championship, is even stronger, sweeping his opponent 4-0 and progressing smoothly.

  What’s even more surprising is that the other three China players who met their rivals in the postponed qualifying match were strong or weak, and they were even unpopular.

  As a professional newcomer this season, Liu Hongyu, ranked 81st in the world, once again encountered shaun murphy, ranked 7th in the world. Liu Hongyu beat Murphy 4-3 in this season’s English Open Deferred Qualifiers. This time, the 19-year-old China teenager reappeared as a "dark horse" and won by 4-1, winning two consecutive victories over the first world champion born after 1980s.

  Another China "post-00" player, Pang Junxu, challenged barry hawkins, ranked 15th in the world. In the first six games, the two sides fought to a 3-3 draw. In the tug-of-war of the deciding game, Pang Junxu seized the last chance and defeated his opponent 4-3.

  Another "professional newcomer" of China Legion, Long Zehuang’s defeat is regrettable. In the face of Ali Carter, the 11th captain in the world, Long Zehuang fell short when he took the lead in winning the match point by 3-2, and lost by 3-4. Despite this, Long Zehuang, who ranks one hundred places in the world, once gained the upper hand in this seemingly disparate competition, which can be called a glorious defeat.

  On that day, except Murphy and Hawkins were eliminated by two China teenagers, mark allen, mark williams, robert milkins and other TOP16 players also stopped postponing the qualifying round. O ‘Sullivan, the "rocket" ranking first in the world, once again retired for "medical reasons".

  On the next match day, the Scottish Open will be contested in 64 rounds and 32 rounds, and many players from China will play. Among them, Ding Junhui will play against English player Jenson kendrick, who eliminated world champion Bingham 4-1 in the qualifying round. China’s Zhang Anda, who has reached the TOP16, will have a strong dialogue with judd trump, ranked second in the world, while Pang Junxu and Xu Si will bring a "Chinese Derby". (End) [Editor: Zhang Yanling]


Tatum: I also told a joke in the third quarter. Mazula’s joke is not funny.

Live on February 10 th, today’s NBA regular season, the Celtics beat the Wizards 133-129 at home. After the game, Tatum was interviewed by reporters.

Talking about the jokes told by coach Mazula in the third quarter, Tatum said: "I told a joke in the third quarter, and Mazula also told a joke, but his joke was not funny, but it made us relax a little at that time."

Tatum made a comprehensive performance in this game. He played for 38 minutes, made 12 of 22 shots, made 3 of 10 of 3 points, made 8 of 9 free throws, scored 35 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists, plus 1 steal and 2 blocks. In the third quarter, the Celtics led 36-16.
