
Fatigue and anxiety are common problems among many modern women. These fatigue and anxiety mainly come from the responsibilities and pressures in work, family and relationships. Women may feel helpless and depressed because it is difficult for them to find time and space to meet their needs. In order to solve these problems, we need to understand the situation of women and provide effective solutions.

First of all, women should pay attention to self-care and self-care. This means that they need to take time to take care of their physical and emotional health. They can keep healthy through exercise, meditation, good diet and adequate sleep. In addition, they can seek psychological counseling or communicate with friends and family to relieve stress and emotional problems. These methods can help women better cope with the challenges in life.

Secondly, society should provide better support and resources for women. This includes providing a better working environment and family treatment, as well as more support and resources to help women cope with challenges. In addition, society should also publicize the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment to help women realize their potential better.

Finally, women themselves should maintain a positive attitude and confidence. They should believe in their ability to cope with the challenges in life and seek support and resources to help themselves. They can stimulate their enthusiasm and motivation by participating in social activities, learning new skills or seeking new challenges.

In short, women’s fatigue and anxiety need to be paid attention to by society and individuals. We need to provide better support and resources to help women cope with challenges and encourage them to pay attention to self-care and self-care. Through these efforts, we can help women realize their potential and live a happier and more satisfied life.


An automobile is a four-wheeled motor vehicle, usually driven by an internal combustion engine. It is an important part of transportation in modern society and is widely used in personal travel, cargo transportation and public transportation.

Cars have many advantages, including convenience, high speed, high flexibility, and being able to drive on different terrains and roads. It can take people to their destination and save time and energy. With the continuous development of automobile technology, the performance and safety of automobiles are constantly improved, such as adding airbags, anti-lock braking systems and other facilities, making driving safer and more comfortable.

However, cars also have some problems and challenges. Automobile emissions will cause environmental pollution, especially air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, automobile traffic may lead to traffic jams and accidents, which will have a negative impact on public space and personal health. Therefore, some countries and regions advocate reducing dependence on cars and encouraging green modes of travel, such as walking, cycling and public transportation.

In the future, the automobile industry is also constantly developing and innovating. Autopilot technology has been applied to automobiles, and electric vehicles are gradually becoming popular to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, the sharing economy model is gradually applied to the automobile field to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. With the progress of technology and the change of society, cars may have more changes and developments in the future.

What is culture? How to explain culture?

What is culture?

If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

# Culture # # Xiongnu #

China beauty cosmetics market is full of vitality.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe

"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.

At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.

According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.

In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.

China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.

The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.

First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.

Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.

Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.

Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.

Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.

With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.

If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.

(Interview with Zhou Ying)