The new policy of online car-hailing adopts market pricing to open up the trillion-dollar travel market space

  A few days ago, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the "Interim Measures") were officially issued. The "Interim Measures" became the first national-level online car-hailing regulations promulgated worldwide. The "Guiding Opinions" reform the system of cruise taxi operation rights and benefit distribution. Industry insiders said that after the online taxi is granted legal status, it will form a differentiated competition with cruise taxis, and the development will enter the fast lane. A huge travel market will gradually open up.

  Bottom line, keep it safe and fair

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services.

  "The deep-seated contradictions that the taxi industry has accumulated for a long time have not been fundamentally resolved. The rapid development of new business formats such as online car-hailing has enriched the travel experience of the people, but also brought some new situations and new problems. The old and new contradictions are superimposed, and the situation is complex. Instability incidents in the industry occur from time to time, which seriously affects the healthy and sustainable development of the taxi industry and makes it difficult to meet the personalized travel needs of the people." Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transportation, said at a news conference held by the State Information Office.

  At present, China has become the world’s largest online car-hailing market, but many problems have been exposed during the development process. For example, the main body of responsibility is not clear, the safety of passengers and the rights and interests of drivers cannot be guaranteed, and the risk of personal information security leakage is relatively high.

  The price war and subsidy war between online ride-hailing platforms have not only disrupted the cruise taxi market, but also hindered the construction of a fair and orderly market environment. "We have not banned online ride-hailing, but have introduced the world’s first online ride-hailing regulations at the national level. By tailoring the regulatory model, we have given it legal status and supported its standardized development. This is also the first time we have defined private passenger car sharing at the national level. This clearly encourages and supports the way of travel that truly reflects the sharing economy, and provides a policy foundation for the development of ride-sharing services across the country," Liu Xiaoming said.

  "In the process of formulating the development of the new business model, everyone noticed that we clearly put people first, encourage innovation, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and control the bottom line. What bottom line to control? It is the safety of passengers and fair competition in the market," Liu Xiaoming said.

  The "Interim Measures" make requirements for operating platforms, drivers, and vehicles. Online ride-hailing platform companies shall obtain the corresponding "Online Reservation Taxi Business License", online ride-hailing vehicles shall obtain the "Online Reservation Taxi Transportation License", and drivers shall obtain the "Online Reservation Taxi Driver License".

  Compared with the exposure draft released in October last year, the "Interim Measures" have made many revisions and optimizations. For example, on the nature of the registration of online car-hailing vehicles. It is clear that the registration of online car-hailing vehicles as reserved taxi passengers reflects not only the nature of taxis, but also the characteristics of new business models.

  The Interim Measures stipulate that when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car business. Previously, it was required to be scrapped for 8 years.

  The Interim Measures clarify that online car-hailing platform companies and drivers should sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with drivers according to the characteristics of working hours and service frequency, and clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. Previously, it was clear to sign an employment contract.

  New Deal, Execution Period Restrictions on Cruise Vehicle Operation Rights and Free Use

  On July 26, 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry". The "Guiding Opinions" pointed out that it is necessary to clarify the positioning of taxis in the urban comprehensive transportation system, adhere to the priority development of public transportation, the appropriate development of taxis, and the overall development of cruise cars and online car-hailing to promote the gradual integration of the two business forms.

  The Guiding Opinions add restrictions on the operating period and free use of the operating right, and the operating entity may not be changed. If the existing operating right does not specify the specific operating period or has been used for compensation, the urban people’s government shall formulate a scientific transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, gradually cancel the paid use fee, and go through the modification procedures in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not speculate or transfer without authorization.

  Encourage the integration and development of new and old business models through mergers and acquisitions. Build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and interests are reasonably distributed. "To improve the benefit distribution system, we must use Internet technology to better build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and interests are reasonably distributed, that is, there is no contract fee or quota system, but according to the operation situation, drivers and enterprises reasonably bear risks, share risks, and reasonably distribute benefits. If the contract method is still used, encourage the use of industry associations and trade unions to jointly negotiate to determine reasonable contract fees, and implement dynamic adjustments to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers," Liu Xiaoming said.

  Liu Xiaoming said that the "Guiding Opinions" straighten out the price formation mechanism, because the traditional taxi freight is the implementation of government pricing or government guidance price, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight, and give full play to the leverage of freight to adjust the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

  In addition, the "Guiding Opinions" also encourage private passenger car sharing. The plan makes it clear that in order to promote the development of the sharing economy, facilitate the travel of the people, alleviate urban traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, the urban people’s government should encourage private passenger car sharing and formulate corresponding regulations, clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, including the ride-sharing information service platform, the ride-sharing service provider and the ride-sharing person, and standardize its development.

  Prospects, the trillion-dollar travel market opens

  Although the "Interim Measures" put many restrictions on online car-hailing, the introduction of the document has received a positive response from online car-hailing platform companies. Didi Chuxing responded that the company will follow the requirements of the "Interim Measures" to standardize operations, actively apply for relevant business licenses of online car-hailing platform companies, and will also actively explore with relevant government departments and related enterprises in the travel industry to increase technological innovation, improve the utilization of transportation resources and urban traffic efficiency, improve travel experience, create more flexible employment opportunities for the society, and better provide safe, convenient and comfortable travel services for hundreds of millions of people.

  Uber responded that the introduction of the "Interim Measures" reflects the government’s recognition and support for the new business of online car-hailing, making our country the first country in the world’s major economies to promulgate such national regulations. Uber meets the relevant requirements of corporate legal persons, ICP licenses, database and server settings in the Chinese mainland, cyber security management and security protection technical measures required for the application of the "Booking Taxi Business License" in the Interim Measures. Uber will fully cooperate with cities to formulate corresponding implementation rules, and is confident that it will obtain the operation license issued by the local government as soon as possible.

  Shenzhou Special Car also expressed its welcome to the release of the document, and will continue to adhere to the B2C model of "professional vehicles and professional drivers" in strict accordance with the requirements of the online car-hailing regulatory policy, and continue to provide customers with safer and better travel services as always.

  According to a report released by Roland Berger, a well-known consulting firm, the size of China’s online car-hailing market will reach 500 billion yuan by 2020, and its addressable market demand will reach 1.10 trillion yuan. The huge market potential attracts all kinds of capital to compete in the field of online car-hailing.

  Since the beginning of this year, online car-hailing platform companies have set off a round of financing climax. At present, Didi Chuxing and Yidao are planning to go public, and Shenzhou special cars have been listed on the New Third Board, and they have been actively traded and increased significantly since their listing.

  Experts say that the net-hailing car has gained legal status, and the trillion-level travel market has been fully opened. In the future, when the four net-hailing platform companies share the super cake, the already heated market competition may further escalate.

  Reporter, Zhang Bin

The implementation of restrictions on car registration in many places involves violating the Administrative Licensing Law

  Our reporter, Wan Jing

  According to the "China Rule of Law Government Development Report (2016) " released by the Institute of Rule of Law Government of China University of Political Science and Law on April 8, as of December 28, 2016, a total of 19 localities have issued implementation measures or implementation rules for the management of online car-hailing services. However, only 3 localities have appeared in the form of government regulations, and the remaining 16 cities have issued other normative documents.

  The "Report" analysis points out that the implementation rules issued by local city governments have set high standards for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers, stifling the development of online car-hailing, not only violating the relevant provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law, but also inconsistent with the basic characteristics and development laws of the sharing economy.

  Car registration is restricted to a common "standard"

  The "Report" disclosed that in 2016, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") was issued. As of December 28, 2016, researchers at Peking University found 19 local online ride-hailing service management implementation measures. Among them, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou have issued implementation measures in the form of local government regulations, and Hefei, Tianjin, Beijing, Anyang, Xiamen, Jinhua, Dalian, Luzhou, Zhoukou, Luohe, Pingdingshan, Hangzhou, Xinxiang, Ningbo, Nanping, Longyan and other 16 cities have issued implementation measures in the form of other normative documents. The implementation measures of 19 localities, based on the content of the Interim Measures, have more stringent regulations on the licensing conditions for vehicles and drivers engaged in online car-hailing services.

  Among them, the location of the vehicle’s registration is required to be the administrative area of the city, which has become the "standard" of local restrictions. In 19 cities, without exception, the location of the vehicle’s registration is the administrative area of the city as one of the conditions for engaging in online car-hailing services.

  And electric vehicle power. Of the 19 cities, 13 have regulations on the wheelbase, displacement or power, and battery life of vehicles. Only Anyang, Zhoukou, Pingdingshan, Xinxiang, Nanping, and Longyan have not made relevant regulations. Cities that have regulations on vehicle wheelbases, displacement, etc. generally set higher standards. For example, Shanghai requires a vehicle wheelbase of more than 2,600 mm, and Beijing stipulates the wheelbase and exhaust volume of vehicles at the same time: "The wheelbase of a 5-seat seater passenger car is not less than 2,650 mm (including new energy vehicles), and the exhaust volume is not less than 1.8 liters; the exhaust volume of a 7-seat passenger car is not less than 2.0 liters, and the wheelbase is not less than 3,000 mm."

  Many places have restrictions on the location of car owners

  Among the 19 cities, 10 cities explicitly require drivers to have the city’s household registration or residence permit. Among them, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing and Tianjin clearly stipulate that online car-hailing drivers should have the city’s household registration. Guangzhou, Hefei, Anyang, Xiamen, Dalian, Luzhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo stipulate that drivers must have the city’s household registration or residence permit.

  Guangzhou, Tianjin and Dalian three cities will junior high school graduation or above as one of the conditions for online ride-hailing drivers.

  Six cities – Anyang, Dalian, Luzhou, Zhoukou, Luohe and Xinxiang – regulate the age of ride-hailing drivers. Among them, Anyang stipulates that men should be under 60 years old and women under 55 years old. Dalian, Luzhou and Zhoukou stipulate that the age of ride-hailing drivers should be under 60 years old. Luohe and Xinxiang stipulate that the age of ride-hailing drivers should not exceed the national legal retirement age.

  The low level of normative documents makes it difficult to punish

  The "report" pointed out that from the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing for two months, the traffic management department has made little effort to investigate and punish non-Beijing drivers, non-Beijing vehicles and non-compliant wheelbases, exhaust volume and other standards. On the one hand, the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing is made in the form of general normative documents. According to the provisions of the Administrative Penalty Law, it shall not set any administrative penalty measures. Therefore, even if the traffic management department finds that there is a violation of administrative regulations to provide online car-hailing services, it shall not impose any administrative penalties. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing in Beijing has not been strictly implemented, which also reflects that this regulation is too harsh. Once strictly implemented, it will definitely lead to a sharp decrease in the number of online car-hailing in Beijing. As a result, city residents will once again fall into the situation of "difficult" and "expensive" taxis, and the "black cars" that have been banned for many years but have been greatly reduced due to the emergence of online car-hailing will make a large-scale comeback.

  The "Report" pointed out in this analysis that according to the requirements of the principle of proportionality, administrative organs should adopt means that minimize damage to the interests of the parties to achieve the administrative goals pursued. At the same time, administrative organs must measure the interests before implementing administrative actions, and can only be implemented when the benefits that may be obtained are greater than the benefits that may be damaged. And the local regulations on online car-hailing in Beijing and other places place too strict restrictions on car registration, household registration, model, etc., which violate the principle of proportionality in administrative law. In addition, the legislative norms of local online car-hailing also reflect the one-size-fits-all regulations oriented on regulation, which have been widely questioned by all sectors of society.

  Multiple measures violate the Administrative Licensing Law

  According to the analysis of the "Report", according to the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law, normative documents have no right to set any kind of license. Among the 19 local regulations on online car-hailing, only Shanghai and Chongqing have issued implementation measures in the form of provincial government regulations in line with the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law. Guangzhou has issued implementation measures in the form of local government regulations and other cities divided into districts have issued implementation measures in the form of normative documents. All violate the relevant provisions of the law.

  In addition, according to Article 15 (2) of the Administrative Licensing Law, "when establishing an administrative license, individuals or enterprises from other regions shall not be restricted from engaging in production, operation and provision of services in this region, and goods from other regions shall not be restricted from entering the market in this region." Therefore, restrictions on vehicle and driver household registration in Beijing and other places violate the principles of market fairness and openness stipulated in the Administrative Licensing Law.

  However, many local regulations require that the grade of online car-hailing must be higher than that of taxis or that the price must be 1.2 or even 1.5 times higher than that of taxis, which obviously violates the principle of fairness in establishing administrative licenses stipulated in Article 5 of the Administrative Licensing Law.

  The report points out that legal regulation of the sharing economy must first correct the purpose of regulation. Many countries propose legal regulation of the sharing economy to prevent the provision of irregular services and violations of consumer rights and interests, not simply because it does not comply with the provisions of legal systems such as licensing.

  The report argues that legal regulation of the sharing economy should focus on cooperation with online ride-hailing platform companies during and after the event, and make full use of big data to collect and analyze vehicle driving and passenger evaluation information to achieve comprehensive supervision of online ride-hailing safety and services.

2024 Beijing Auto Show: Looking forward to the official launch of U7.

  [car home new car debut] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, (|) was officially unveiled. The new car is positioned as a large car, equipped with an easy four-way platform, driven by four motors, with a maximum power of 1306 HP, and its future price may reach one million.

Home of the car

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  Externally, the new car adopts a design language similar to looking up at U9, equipped with a very exaggerated C-shaped headlight group, with a far and near headlight group above it and a circle of LED strip around it. There are raised ribs on the hood of the engine, and the visual impact of the whole front is extremely strong. At first glance, it is a troublesome guy. In addition, there is a small bump on the roof, and the inside should be a laser radar.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  From the side of the car body, the new car is equipped with large-size wheels with low wind resistance. The car body lines are slender and smooth, and the overall appearance is relatively low. The front fender is equipped with a diversion groove design. The new car is designed with a hidden door handle, and a charging port can be seen at the left rear of the car body. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5265/1998/1517mm and the wheelbase is 3160mm respectively.

Home of the car

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  From the rear of the car, the car uses a penetrating taillight, which looks full of technology and looks up at the LOGO in the middle. The multi-layer rear surround design below improves the layering of the rear of the car. According to the previous application information, the rear of the car will be equipped with an electric adjustable spoiler, a panoramic sunroof as standard, and a streaming rearview mirror.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the car will be equipped with an easy square platform and four motors, each with a maximum power of 326 HP and a total power of 1306 HP. Although the new car has a curb weight of 3.095 tons, its top speed can still reach 270 km/h. (Compile/car home Yan Huan)

Last year, Cyrus sold 150,000 new energy vehicles, and its subsidiary Ruichi Electric increased its capital in the second round.

On the evening of January 1st, Cyrus (601127) announced the production and sales express in December 2023. In that month, the company sold 42,141 new energy vehicles, a substantial increase of 153.21% year-on-year. Among them, for the first time, the monthly sales volume of Sailis AITO series exceeded 30,000 units, reaching 31,490 units, a record high, with a year-on-year increase of 210.03%.

From January to December this year, the sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 151,798, a year-on-year increase of 12.40%; Among them, the sales volume of "Sailis" brand car AITO series was 106,703, up 33.31% year-on-year.

Sailis also announced that its Ruichi Electric started the second round of capital increase, and seven companies including Liangjiang Fund invested 1.54 billion yuan in shares. 

A: The delivery of the new M7 exceeded 20,000 vehicles in that month.

On December 26, 2023, the flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom & mdash; — The M9 of AITO is listed, and it is also the highest specification model in AITO. Driven by this, the new M7 delivered by AITO in the same month exceeded 20,000 vehicles.

AITO asked the M9 to break through 30,000 vehicles in seven days; AITO asked the community that the new M7 has been listed for just three months, and the cumulative number has exceeded 120,000. Celestial Automobile has obtained L3 autopilot test license, becoming the only automobile enterprise that has obtained L3 autopilot test license in Chongqing and Shenzhen at the same time.

At the same time, Cyrus Smart Factory took the lead in introducing the world’s leading super-large 9000T integrated die casting machine, and used it for the first time on AITO M9. Highly integrated one-piece die casting design, 87 parts can be integrated into one part. At present, the factory has a production capacity of 30,000 vehicles per month, and a new car can be rolled off the assembly line every 30 seconds.

The capital increase price of Ruichi Electric is 10 yuan/share.

Cyrus also announced that after the first round of capital increase introduced the investment of 1 billion yuan from Ganfeng Lithium Industry, Ricci Electric, a subsidiary of Cyrus, started the second round of capital increase and share expansion.

On December 29th last year, the company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries, Sailisi Hubei and Ruichi Electric, signed agreements with Liangjiang Fund, respectively. The above-mentioned seven objects invested a total of 1.54 billion yuan to subscribe for the newly-increased registered capital of Ruichi Electric of 154 million yuan, and the capital increase price was 10 yuan per yuan of registered capital.

Liangjiang Fund subscribed for the newly-increased registered capital of Ruichi Electric with 460 million yuan, Green Fund with 450 million yuan, Xiaokang Holdings with 300 million yuan, Haichen shares with 150 million yuan, Ganzhan Hengyuan with 100 million yuan, BOE Fund with 50 million yuan and Xu Jianqiao (president of Ruichi Electric) with 30 million yuan.

Cyrus said that he would give up the relevant preemptive right. After the capital increase is completed, the share ratio of Cyrus Hubei will be reduced from 66.67% to 44.05%; The share ratio of Ganfeng Lithium Industry will drop from 33.33% to 22.03%, while Chongqing Liangjiang Fund, National Green Fund and Xiaokang Holdings will rank third, fourth and fifth largest shareholders with share ratios of 10.13%, 9.91% and 6.61% respectively.

The board of directors of Ruichi Electric is composed of five directors, of which, Celeste Hubei has the right to appoint two directors, and Ganfeng Lithium Industry, Liangjiang Fund and Xiaokang Holdings have the right to appoint one director respectively.

Ruichi electric zhuanzhu commercial vehicle

According to the data, Ruichi Electric was established in September 2003 with a registered capital of 200 million yuan. The registered place is located in Fusheng Town, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, and it has the qualification to produce commercial electric vehicles. By the end of July 2023, its total assets were 1.924 billion yuan and its net assets were 447 million yuan. From January to July in 2022 and 2023, the operating income was 2.76 billion yuan and 1.155 billion yuan respectively, and the net profit was 130 million yuan and 24.9256 million yuan respectively. The capital increase of Ruichi Electric will all be used for the operation and development of its main business.

Sailis said that Ruichi Electric focuses on the electric commercial vehicle business. The introduction of investors to provide funds for business development is conducive to enhancing its capital strength, enhancing its comprehensive strength and market competitiveness, and promoting its own business development, which is in line with the industrial layout and development strategy. There is no harm to the interests of the company and all shareholders, especially small and medium shareholders.

At the same time, Cyrus also suggested that after this capital increase and share expansion, if the audit institution confirms that Ruichi Electric is no longer included in the scope of consolidated statements, the accounting method of the company’s equity investment will be changed from cost method to equity method, which is expected to bring investment income to the company; If the scope of consolidated statements of the company does not change after confirmation by the audit institution, the introduction of investors this time will not have a significant impact on the annual performance in 2023, which shall be subject to the audit results of the audit institution.

Upstream journalist liuyong Intern Yang Hongyu


Editor: Xia Hongling Editor: Sun Qiongying, Liao Yi Audit: Feng Fei

Safety first, please check this wading guide of the Great Wall Cannon.

It’s rainy season again, and the biggest trouble for vehicles in rainy season is wading. Even vehicles with strong wading ability should not blindly wade. Remember that wading is a "no-no", which may cause various serious consequences if it is not handled properly. For the sake of everyone’s life and property safety, we have to repeat the old saying and tell the owners of the Great Wall Cannon what to pay attention to when traveling daily and wading outdoors!

Remember not to wade blindly.

Recently, I saw videos of people who were killed because of driving and wading. Most of them were caused by blind wading. You should think twice before you encounter stagnant roads, and always have a sense of risk prevention to prevent problems before they happen. At the same time, we should learn to judge the depth of water level. We can judge the approximate water level by surrounding reference objects. If there is no reference object, we can also judge the water level by throwing stones and inserting bamboo poles. It is really impossible to judge the water level. Don’t rush into the water. If you can go around, you can go around.

You should also have a full understanding of the maximum wading depth of your car. Because the original factory comes standard with a wading throat, the wading depth of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck can reach 700mm, which is far more than the maximum wading depth of 400mm for ordinary cars. Facing the low-lying water-logged sections of the city, there is generally no big problem, but it is better to be cautious when encountering floods or rushing rivers.

In addition to judging the depth of accumulated water and understanding the vehicle’s wading situation, it is necessary to have certain wading driving skills. First, it is best to choose a route with higher terrain to enter the water. During the driving process in the water, you should keep driving at a low speed and at a constant speed, keep the engine at 1500-2000 rpm, keep the throttle, don’t step deeply, and don’t collect oil. In this way, water will not enter the engine room and cockpit because of the excessive speed and splash, and water will not enter the engine because of the backward suction of the exhaust pipe. Finally, don’t forget to put on life jackets for all the people in the car, and open the windows and skylights at the same time to escape quickly in case of emergency.

If the car turns off accidentally, don’t start it again. The second start will lead to serious mechanical failure of the engine, causing irreversible damage, and the insurance will not pay for it. At this time, we can only cut off the power and ask for rescue, and the subsequent maintenance will be handed over to the 4S shop for processing.

Check the vehicle in time and eliminate the problem.

After successfully crossing the water, don’t forget to check the vehicle. Even if the vehicle doesn’t break down suddenly during the wading process, it doesn’t mean that it is foolproof, because there may be various "dark diseases" in the vehicle after wading. Many parts of the Great Wall Cannon can be inspected by itself, such as 360 Panorama, radar control module, horn, compressor assembly, winch assembly, lighting, glass lifter assembly, windshield washer assembly, 220V inverter and starter. The method is also very simple. Start the vehicle first. If the engine can start normally, it means that the starter is normal, and then check other parts one by one.

Among them, the fault of the radar control module of the Great Wall Gun can be displayed in the form of fault code. When checking the headlights, pay attention to whether there is water or silt in the headlights. When checking the glass lifter assembly, press it several times to see if it is normal. When checking the 220V inverter, just turn on the switch and see if the indicator light is on.

If the vehicle is seriously waded, besides self-inspection, the owner is advised to go to the 4S shop or service station, where the staff will inspect more core components, such as battery+generator, electric steering gear, crankshaft position sensor, engine accessory gear train, turbocharger, transmission breather pipe, transmission assembly, radiator, intercooler, oil cooler, fan, drive shaft/transmission shaft sheath, fuel vent valve pipe and transfer case assembly.

Driving in water is not a child’s play. It is necessary to understand that stepping on a puddle and wading are two different things. Everything is safety-oriented. I hope the above wading precautions can help everyone!

From the cloud to the deep cloud, Huawei Cloud Stack further releases the value of cloud computing.

The economic theorem that "circulation creates wealth" is applicable to commodities and currencies, and it is also applicable to the digital economy era with data as the means of production. During this period, the development of cloud computing gives enterprises and social institutions the opportunity to quantify their own production and operation processes through digital transformation and save them in the form of data in the "cloud". These data in the "cloud" help these social organizations to adapt to the development of informatization with more agile and efficient actions, and also lay the foundation for them to cope with market and social changes in the digital economy era.

In the early years, the significance of "going to the cloud" was to avoid the problem of insufficient utilization of resources in self-built data centers (general enterprises can only use 30% of the computing power provided by self-built data centers). Driven by profits, this is the "obvious value" of Chinese enterprises and institutions’ willingness to participate in the cloud. According to the data of Gartner, an international IT research and consulting organization, in 2021, the scale of IaaS in China’s cloud infrastructure and platform services market was $22.1 billion, accounting for 65.8%.

After completing the business on the cloud, more and more enterprises find that the data lying in the server that is not mobilized is like "overstocked goods", which is not of much value to this digital economic cycle system composed of data, computing power and algorithm. How to make the data in the cloud pass through the algorithm in the cloud platform and collide with new value. The "hidden value" of data is really applied to production and operation, which is especially true for large government and enterprises that want to realize "elephants can dance".

On December 22nd, a press conference was held online with the theme of "Deep use of cloud by government and enterprises, releasing digital productivity". Shang Haifeng, president of Huawei Cloud Stack, put forward three key measures around "making technology not difficult to use, making scenes simple and making experiences replicable" at the meeting to empower government and enterprises to move towards deep use of cloud, and released a new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2.

"With the continuous development of innovative technologies such as big data, AI and blockchain, industry pioneers are not satisfied with just migrating their business to the cloud, but actively embrace new technologies on the cloud and carry out various innovations on the cloud. The road to cloudization of government and enterprises is gradually moving towards’ deep use of the cloud’. " Shang Haifeng, president of Huawei Cloud Stack, said in an interview after the meeting.

In his view, "deep use of the cloud" is to help government and enterprises, open up the data flow and information flow between application systems, and upgrade the existing business systems by using new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and Internet of Things to realize the intelligent evolution of business. All future innovations will be carried out based on the cloud, and the depth of using the cloud will determine whether the government and enterprises can maximize the release of digital productivity.

"Deep use of the cloud" further releases the value of cloud computing

Although it is said that realizing the concept of "deep use of the cloud" in the cloud is the only way for the digital development of government and enterprises. However, in the process of real practice, the difficulties often make cloud platform companies and government enterprises "flinch" together. Specifically, the deep use of cloud by government and enterprises mainly faces three major challenges:

First of all, technology is difficult to use. Deep use of the cloud often includes infrastructure, applications, data, AI, IoT and other technology stack. Single technology stack or multi-technology stack combination often has a high threshold. Due to lack of manpower and capacity, government and enterprises often fail to use technology;

Secondly, the scene is complex. The deeper the digitization, the richer the cloud-based scenarios involved, and the requirements of each scenario are quite different, which is not standard and difficult to copy, which becomes an obstacle to innovation;

Finally, excellent experience is hard to obtain. The existing excellent practices and innovative models in the industry are often bound with personal abilities, and there is no good platform to precipitate and then replicate.

Faced with such a test, it will take time for many cloud platforms on the market to realize deep use of the cloud. For the prepared cloud platform, "deep cloud" is not an insurmountable mountain, and Huawei Cloud Stack belongs to this kind of prepared cloud platform.

Huawei Cloud Stack is Huawei Cloud’s cloud solution for large-scale government and enterprise customers, and it is also an important starting point for Huawei Cloud to promote the deep cloud strategy of government and enterprises. In order to help government and enterprise customers cope with the common challenges of using the cloud in depth, Huawei Cloud Stack has made three major measures: "making the technology not difficult to use, making the scene simple, and making the experience reproducible".

First of all, build the best digital base of the industry and make the technology easy to use. By strengthening technical adaptation, we will continue to cooperate with Huawei Cloud Stack and ICT products, recommend the best product combination for government and enterprise customers, and reduce the difficulty of selection. At the same time, continue to enhance the key capabilities of cloud native disaster tolerance, security and application modernization, so that users no longer pay attention to the underlying technology and lower the development threshold. In addition, by transforming the methodology and tools of AI development, application integration and data governance into production lines, the complex processes are standardized and visualized, and at the same time, the industry experience is transformed into API through aPaaS, which can be directly called by other industries.

Secondly, the industry scenario scheme is standardized to make the scenario simple. In view of the diverse application scenarios of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack adheres to the strategy of taking industry scenarios as the core, continuous operation and ecological two-wheel drive. Cooperate with eco-partners, make the hardware, cloud service combination, networking, configuration and application into standardized solutions, simplify the scene, and continuously precipitate the processes and tools such as migration, optimization and operation and maintenance, so as to standardize the continuous operation process.

Finally, continue to precipitate excellent practices so that experience can be replicated. Huawei has precipitated its own digital transformation experience and best practices of cloudization in various industries into professional services, so that more industries can benefit from it. At present, more than 70 professional services in 8 categories have been launched, which run through all stages of cloud construction, cloud access, cloud use and cloud management. At the same time, more than 500 high-frequency government and enterprise applications have been deposited in the Huawei Cloud Stack area of the cloud store, and an application distribution platform more suitable for government and enterprises has been continuously built.

Up to now, Huawei Cloud Stack has served 4800+ customers in more than 150 countries and regions around the world, covering government and public utilities, finance, energy, transportation, manufacturing, medical care and other industries. The concept of "deep use of the cloud" has also entered these industries with the pace of Huawei’s cloud business. Whether it is the construction of "smart city" concerned by government functional departments or the coal mining in the underground kilometers, with its unique understanding and practice of cloud computing, Huawei Cloud is practicing the goal of empowering thousands of industries.

"Deep use of the cloud" enables government and enterprises to achieve efficient operation

For government functional departments, the application essence of "smart city" lies in "reducing costs and increasing efficiency". With the development of society, the extension of urban functions is constantly expanding, and more and more new formats and new scenes are brought into urban governance. Relying only on the expansion of functional organs will not only get twice the result with half the effort in urban governance, but also increase the financial burden. Therefore, under the framework of government functional organizations, smart cities should act as the "intelligent hub" of cities, so that more people and things can communicate and connect, and they can quickly learn and accommodate new urban change scenarios, instead of just acting as the "telephone line" for administrative orders.

In the field of smart cities, Huawei Cloud Stack provides urban intelligent hub solutions, realizing intelligent perception, intelligent disposal and intelligent distribution of urban events based on AI, and improving the efficiency of urban governance. Facing the future, it will also provide urban digital twin solutions, fully empower innovations in water conservancy, environmental protection, transportation and other industries, and stimulate new vitality of the city. In Futian District, Shenzhen, manual distribution has been replaced by intelligent distribution, and the processing efficiency of each order has been accelerated from the original average of 4 minutes to 50 seconds, with an accuracy rate of over 90%.

In April this year, Futian District’s "One Network Unified Management of Public Opinions and Quick Handling" mass appeal solution platform supported by Huawei Cloud Stack Intelligent Hub was officially put into operation, realizing one code communication area and one network communication; Explore the sharing mechanism of government credit information, sort out credit commitment items and mobile second batch items, optimize government service items, and realize digital management of the whole chain of credit approval and monitoring and reminding of the whole process; We will promote active and accurate services in government affairs, so that citizens and enterprises can do things with less tossing, less running errands and more comfort.

Huawei Cloud Stack is not limited to the smart city field. In the smart mine field, Huawei Cloud Stack provides industrial Internet solutions, realizes massive equipment access, and improves production efficiency through the integration analysis of industrial big data platforms. At the same time, through the Pangu mine model, a large number of samples and mining industry knowledge are pre-trained, and artificial experience is transformed into industry intelligence. Hongliulin Mining Industry of Shaanxi Coal Group realized the "holographic perception" of fully mechanized mining face by building the industry’s first mining industry Internet, which increased the intelligent mining rate to 97.7%, reduced the number of underground workers by 47% and improved the maintenance efficiency by 30%.

In the field of smart finance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides a new core solution for financial distribution, which helps financial customers realize the distributed transformation of core business through super-large-scale cloud native infrastructure, GaussDB distributed database, and integrated deployment of IaaS and PaaS. The new-generation distributed core system of Postal Savings Bank provides an average daily processing capacity of 2 billion transactions for more than 600 million individual customers of the whole bank, doubling the online transaction processing efficiency and increasing the batch processing efficiency by 33%.

Nowadays, whether it is the construction of smart cities or the market operation between enterprises, the sooner we understand the value of data and understand that "all future innovations will be carried out based on the cloud, and the depth of using the cloud will determine whether the government and enterprises can maximize the release of digital productivity", which will determine whether these institutions and enterprises can achieve the real "digital blue ocean" instead of being overwhelmed by data and bidding farewell to the new era.

As a pioneer in the digital field, Huawei Cloud has always defined itself as the "black land" of the digital world. In the new stage of digital economy, with the deepening of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack is working with customers to explore a new path from "cloud in business" to "deep use of cloud" to help Chinese government and enterprises keep up with the development of the times and share digital intelligence dividends.

Wuxi Volvo XC60 is on sale! The reserve price is 283,900, so don’t miss it.

Car home Wuxi preferential promotion channel brings you the latest preferential information! At present, the price reduction promotion is being carried out in Wuxi area, with the highest discount reaching 132,400 yuan. The starting price is 283,900 yuan. You can click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount. Come and buy it quickly!

Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV with luxury and sporty style, and its design is simple and atmospheric, full of Nordic style. The front face of the car adopts the iconic Volvo design elements, including the straight waterfall air intake grille and the sharp LED headlight group, creating a strong visual impact. The body lines are smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic body posture. The side of the car body adopts double waistline design, which echoes the roof line and looks more dynamic and fashionable. The overall style is elegant and elegant, yet youthful and energetic, which is the consistent style of Volvo brand. At the same time, Volvo XC60 also provides a variety of personalized options, allowing consumers to customize their cars according to their own preferences. Whether on urban roads or rugged mountain roads, Volvo XC60 performs well, and it is a rare medium-sized SUV.

Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV with a body length, width and height of 4708*1902*1660mm, a wheelbase of 2865mm, a front track of 1653mm and a rear track of 1657mm. The body lines are smooth, and the side contour lines are simple and smooth. With the tires with tyre size of 235/60 R18 in front and rear, it presents a beautiful curve and dynamic design style. The distance between the front wheel and the rear wheel is moderate, which makes the car body more stable and provides more spacious interior space. This model has a large body size, but the overall proportion is coordinated, highlighting the perfect combination of luxury and sportiness.

The interior design of Volvo XC60 is simple and generous, made of high-quality materials, and the overall style is fashionable and luxurious. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that the driver can find the best driving posture. The size of the central control screen is 9 inches, which supports the speech recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions, and is easy to operate. The front and rear rows are equipped with two USB/Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main and co-pilot seats support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats also have heating function, and the co-pilot seats also support electric seat memory function. The rear seats support proportional tilting, providing more storage space.

The Volvo XC60 is powered by a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. This car uses an 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shift experience and efficient fuel economy. This engine not only provides excellent power performance, but also has excellent fuel economy and reliability.

Conclusion: Thanks to car home car owners for their high evaluation of the appearance of Volvo XC60. As he said, the appearance of XC60 is really impressive, giving people a sense of domineering. Volvo has always paid attention to design and details, and the design of XC60 continues this tradition. The appearance of XC60 is very attractive both in whole and in part. I hope readers will have a deeper understanding of the appearance of XC60 after reading this article. Thank you for reading. See you next time!

BYD Super Hybrid Qin PLUS launches "Four Musketeers" to launch the year-end market.

Following the release of the blade battery in March this year, at the end of the year, BYD launched the DM-i super hybrid technology again.

On November 20th, the first day of the 18th Guangzhou Auto Show, Qin PLUS Super Hybrid made its world debut at BYD booth in Hall 5.2, 2E01. Also unveiled with Qin PLUS are Han, 2021 Tang and Song PLUS fuel and other heavy vehicles, as well as technologies such as blade batteries and DM-I.

Qin PLUS launches "Four Musketeers" to launch the year-end market.

At this Guangzhou Auto Show, BYD released the first car Qin PLUS equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology. Compared with the same class, it has three outstanding advantages: fuel consumption of less than 4L per 100 kilometers, excellent driving comfort and super aesthetic design. It is expected that after listing, it will rebuild the brand-new standard of family sedan with strong product strength and brand-new use experience, and launch a "dimension reduction attack" on fuel vehicles.

Qin PLUS is the fourth heavy-duty model newly listed by BYD this year after Han, 2021 Tang and Song PLUS. At present, Han, Tang and Song PLUS have been listed for just a few months, with excellent performance and frequent good news. The dual flagships of Han and Tang New Energy sold a total of 11,266 vehicles in October, ranking first in the sales of high-end new energy China brand cars. Up to now, Han has ordered 50,000 vehicles and delivered 25,000 vehicles, and its monthly production capacity has exceeded 10,000 vehicles. The order for the 2021 Tang released in August has also exceeded 10,000, and the order for Song PLUS listed in September exceeded 10,000 in the first month. It is expected that after the listing of Qin PLUS, the "Four Musketeers" will make concerted efforts, which will help BYD achieve new heights in the year-end market.

This year, although an epidemic has had a huge impact on the automobile industry, BYD is still moving forward at a steady pace. The launch of new technologies, new service standards and a number of heavy-duty models all highlight the achievements of BYD’s "brand forward and product upward".

Blade battery +DM-i super hybrid presents two core technologies in one year

Since its establishment, BYD has always been committed to the research and development of cutting-edge technologies, insisting on self-reliance and self-improvement of key core technologies. At present, all core components of the supply chain are self-produced and self-researched. This year, BYD made another major breakthrough in the field of technological innovation, presenting two core technologies, namely blade battery and DM-i super hybrid, to consumers within one year.

On March 29th, BYD released the blade battery. In the acupuncture test, the blade battery outperforms ternary lithium battery and Ferrous lithium phosphate block battery, which has an overwhelming advantage in safety, and will completely solve the safety pain point of "battery spontaneous combustion" that has plagued the industry for more than ten years.

As a core technology, "blade battery" will also be included in the sequence of global opening and sharing, and many automobile brands are discussing cooperation based on blade battery technology with BYD. In order to increase sales, BYD has decided to build eight new production lines in Foday Chongqing factory, which produces blade batteries, before the end of this year, so as to achieve the annual production capacity of more than 20GWh. At present, the production capacity of blade batteries has steadily increased, and the first China SUV equipped with blade batteries & mdash; — The 2021 Tang EV will also be delivered soon.

In November, BYD announced the groundbreaking DM-i super hybrid technology. DM-i’s brand-new power architecture and energy system will enable products equipped with this technology to fully surpass fuel vehicles in terms of economy, power and comfort. In mid-November, one of the core components of DM-i super hybrid technology — — Xiaoyun-plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine was officially unveiled. The thermal efficiency of this engine is as high as 43%, which is the highest thermal efficiency of mass-produced gasoline engines in the world and has excellent NVH performance.

It is worth mentioning that BYD not only keeps innovating in the research and development technology of automobile products, but also tilts its focus to the sales end. At the Beijing Auto Show on September 26th, BYD officially issued the Service Convention, which put forward two propositions and four commitments — — First, advocate freedom of consumption, respect customers’ willingness to consume, and refuse to bundle sales; Second, advocate the purity of spare parts and follow the homologous production of spare parts and original car parts. At the same time, solemnly promise — — 1, integrity management, commitment to cash; 2, professional service, considerate; 3. Transparent price and free consumption; 4, delivery standards, worry-free car purchase.

"Service Convention" meets consumers’ demand for "high-performance products and high-quality services" for new energy vehicles with comprehensive upgraded service content and quality, and will also promote the overall service level of the industry, thus promoting the popularization of new energy vehicles.

Text/Beiqing-Beijing Headline Zhang Yuhao

Editor/Zhang Yuhao

"Smart luxury flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris highlights listed

[Global Network Automobile Comprehensive Report] On February 21st, the "Smart and Light Luxury Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris was listed in the global highlight of Shanghai Bund E-sports International Cultural Center, which started the first shot of the high-end SUV market in China in 2023. There are six models of 400T TGDI two-wheel drive and 400T TGDI four-wheel drive in the new car, and the price range is 15.28-20.28 million yuan. Judging from the previous professional media evaluation, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has the leapfrog strength to comprehensively benchmark the 400,000 joint venture luxury SUV. Combined with the people-friendly price and rich configuration level announced this time, it is believed that after listing, it will quickly set off a "luxury equal rights" movement in the 200,000-yuan SUV market, leading the Starway brand to establish a new pattern of independent high-end market.

What’s even more surprising is that on the basis of high-value purchasing power, the listed Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris has also brought six star enjoyment rights to users, effectively achieving "understanding what users think and pampering what users need":

  1. Hui Xingli: You can enjoy a discount of 10,000 yuan when you buy a car with a loan.
  2. Huanxingli: enjoy a subsidy of 10,000 yuan for replacement to the highest level.
  3. Provincial Star Gift: Free basic maintenance for the first owner for 3 years or 6 times (including the first insurance)
  4. Yuexingli: Free basic traffic for life (first car owner) and free entertainment traffic for 3 years (10G/ month).
  5. An Xingli: the first owner’s lifetime warranty for the whole vehicle
  6. Star ceremony: the first car owner’s life-long free road rescue

Yin Tongyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, said at the press conference that "Starway is the crown jewel of Chery Group, and the global model Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the representative work of Chery Group’s latest technical concept and latest user concept". Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is not only the first strategic model in Xingtu brand 2.0 era, but also the first model of Chery Group’s "Eta Ursae Majoris 202.5 billion science and technology strategy", which is the best embodiment of the innovative spirit of "Technical Chery" in the new era. It is such a model born with its own star aura that has won professional recognition in the automobile industry. Since the blind booking was started on December 27th and the pre-sale was started on January 30th last year, Eta Ursae Majoris has received a high degree of attention-12,900 units were blindly ordered and 5,118 units were fixed. On the eve of listing, with the arrival of the existing cars of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris, new cars have become the "hot cakes" of the local automobile market in the first-and second-tier important markets such as Chengdu, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Chongqing, and the hot market value continues to be full.

Judging from the market results of "hot before listing", the product positioning of Xingtu brand for Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris’s "400,000-class smart and light luxury flagship SUV" is not an armchair strategist, and the key lies in the precise product strategy of "breaking through the purchasing power of doubling the car price". Today, the automobile market in China is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Joint-venture luxury brands have shown signs of fatigue in terms of product change, market demand and user concept. China brand has started to rise strongly through independent innovation technology, and gradually mastered the discourse power and pricing power of the mainstream family car market. At present, there is an urgent need for a product that can show national pride and has the value of high-end cars in China, and Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is such a model with a product value of 400,000, which is comparable to the joint venture luxury SUV brand.

Light up the "light" in users’ hearts and achieve the "light" of the national tide in the new era.

"Although the blind booking and pre-sale orders of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris have created a new speed, what is even more surprising is that we have also seen new changes in the portraits of brand users, and a large number of intellectual users and urban light and middle-class car buyers have emerged, which is also the target group of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris", shared by Huang Zhaogen, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of EXEED Starway Marketing Center.

According to the data, there are 350 million light and middle-class cities in China that are becoming the backbone of consumption. They are well-educated and in the initial stage of their families and careers. They attach great importance to the comfort and quality of life, and self-pleasing consumption is their belief, and they are willing to spend more on hobbies and self-improvement. But at the same time, they are also rational consumers, who know how to be moderate in consumption and pursue a more rational brand. The gratifying market results of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris in the early stage undoubtedly fully verified the accurate positioning of Starway brand to the user population and its forward-looking insight into the future market.

"They are not only the real users of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, but also the brand genes of Starway," said Huang Zhaogen. Users have always been the best product managers in Starway, in order to practice the brand promise of "understanding what users think and pampering what users need" on the spot. Up to now, Starway has set up user co-creation activities such as Starlight Club and Starlight Friends. Starting from Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, Star Road will continue to make progress, and join hands with the vast number of users, partners, media, social elites and other industry representatives to create a new user ecosystem in Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, deeply cultivate the middle-class user population, realize content co-creation, brand co-creation, and users and brands grow together.

At the event site, representatives from various industries, such as Zhang Zhijing, a senior jewelry designer, Qiu Yudong, president of What’s Worth Buying, Li Jing, a teacher from Peking University, and Qiu Yun, an entrepreneur, gathered together to talk about their vision, share their strong recognition of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s product strength comparable to that of 400,000-class joint venture luxury SUV, and ardent expectations of Starway brand as "the light of high-end domestic products", which once pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

400,000-level luxury value, for "enjoyment and better"

At the listing meeting, Dr. Gao Xinhua, Executive Deputy General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute, once again emphasized the "gold content" of the products of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris. He said, "Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is a brand-new three-good SUV model of Chery Group with the best Chery system, better brand and better market segment". Behind Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris, three firsts were realized: the first product and birth of scientific research achievements in Eta Ursae Majoris 2025 laboratory. It is precisely because of the strong technical background of Chery Group that as a "leading generation" global product, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris can perfectly match the life and spiritual taste of the urban light and middle class.

With its advanced, luxurious and technologically perceptive design language of "Aesthetics of Light", Starway Eta Ursae Majoris won the 2022 IDA International Design Gold Award in the United States, becoming the first fuel SUV of a local brand in China to win this award. On the front face, the borderless middle net of Star Window is matched with X-type starship daytime running lights on both sides, which makes the front face very avant-garde. The car side design subverts the inherent impression of the traditional SUV. With the maximum width-height ratio of 1.149, the design of the cockpit sliding roof and the spoiler of the fighter tail, it has created a fighting atmosphere and dynamic style that is as shocking as a sports car. The design of Xinghe taillight contains mystery, and it has an intelligent light system that can rhythm with the music played in the car. Coupled with the design of the star ring welcome lamp blanket with a full sense of ceremony, it creates a sense of honor and ceremony when getting on and off.

The length, width and height of the new car are 4781 mm *1920 mm *1671mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2815mm. The size of the leapfrog body gives all the staff a wide and comfortable seating space. In a spacious space, the NAPPA leather interstellar travel seat has a delicate texture and comfortable sitting feeling comparable to that of a high-end sofa. The front seat integrates functions such as ventilation/heating, electrically adjustable leg rest, headrest sound, etc., and the co-driver position is additionally provided with an electric foot rest and five modes of back pneumatic massage. The electric stepless adjustable backrest angle of 7 and independent fresh air system make every occupant find the most comfortable place to belong.

As the first model of "Lion Eco-2023", Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is an example of its peers in four dimensions: architecture, hardware, audio-visual and intelligent driving. With the support of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip+Xiongshi Zhiyun 5.0 gold combination, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris can easily realize operations such as quick start of the vehicle in 3 seconds, identification in 2 seconds, and continuous processing of more than 20 instructions in 30 seconds, and its ultra-fast computing and processing ability eliminates waiting. 24.6-inch curved screen design, brand-new HMI 5.0 UI visual interaction, super ID and Xunfei voice engine and other configurations bring more caring. The 50-inch imaging AR-HUD function further enhances the user’s driving experience. In terms of intelligent driving configuration, the new car will also be equipped with high-heat functions such as AVP autonomous parking service and NOC high-speed pilot intelligent driving.

The new flying fish super-sensing chassis with CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, all-terrain technology system, all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, intelligent brake-by-wire system and other advanced functions as the core will bring the new car a "flying fish"-like free leap and elegant sliding posture in all road conditions and all-scene environment, and at the same time achieve the ultimate balance of comfort, control and safety in dynamic performance. The new car is equipped with a high-efficiency power system with a 2.0TGDI turbocharged engine and a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. Among them, the 2.0TGDI turbocharged engine has won the title of "Top Ten Engines of China Heart", which can produce a super power output with a maximum power of 192kW and a maximum torque of 400N·m, and the fuel consumption under WLTC condition is 7.5L/100km.

The safety protection capability of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is also very eye-catching. The new car is built according to the global N-CAP five-star safety standard, equipped with 32 ADAS driving assistance functions, and the car body adopts the new cage-type energy-absorbing space capsule technology, accounting for 85% of the ultra-high-strength steel of the whole car, which can withstand the compression of the 10-ton car body. The unique design of "six energy-absorbing boxes and three-layer force transmission paths" can better absorb and distribute the impact and energy generated by the collision.

It is worth mentioning that the Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, which is built with the highest five-star standard in the world, has been polished by three rigorous test standards: 1.37 million km+ ultra-long user simulation test, 260,000 km+ durability test and misuse test of 12 working conditions including pits, bumps, braking and squeezing in Eta Ursae Majoris Laboratory, and its reliability can be called the "king of volume" at the same level.

Born to the light, shining to the world, lighting up the next distance.

In 2022, in the extremely ups and downs of the market environment, Xingtu brand achieved a cumulative breakthrough of 100,000 users and a few independent high-end brands achieved positive growth. The annual sales volume increased by 37.6% year-on-year, demonstrating the promising "post-wave" potential and brand resilience. Standing at the starting point of the next 100,000 yuan, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, a "star model", is bound to lead Starway to achieve brand breakthrough, user breakthrough and market breakthrough, lead Starway to a better future and contribute more brand added value to the global development of Chery Group.

Be steady and far-reaching, and then create an intelligent driving decision control system.

In recent years, driven by policies, technology, market demand and capital, the process of automobile intelligence has been further accelerated, and autonomous driving technology has also ushered in a new stage of development. IDC’s "China Self-driving Vehicle Market Data Tracking Report" shows that in the first quarter of 2022, the penetration rate of L2-class self-driving cars in the passenger car market reached 23.2%, and L2-class ADAS is the core of the commercial landing of self-driving cars at this stage.  

At present, overseas giants occupy a high market share. However, with the rapid increase of the penetration rate of ADAS, China automobile enterprises have a great opportunity to break the monopoly of overseas giants, and major automakers, suppliers, Internet companies and other enterprises have come to the end, hoping to compete for victory in the uncertain domestic market. Under the general trend of the rise of independent brands, with the advantages of localization, high cost performance, coordinated chassis control and timely service response, Lianchuang Automotive Electronic Intelligent Driving Team has grown steadily in a down-to-earth manner through cooperative development with OEMs such as SAIC, Jianghuai, Datong and Aichi, and polished the differentiated user experience to the extreme. The products cover all application scenarios of L1-L4+, and it has the ability to compete with the world’s first-class suppliers.

Be steady and far-reaching, and then create an intelligent driving decision control system.

Figure 1 Lianchuang Automotive Electronic Intelligent Driving Product Roadmap

Consolidate the cornerstone and maintain the ingenuity.

The product solution of Lianchuang Zhijia ADAS is mainly a lightweight controller with medium and low computing power of 1V/1R1V/3R1V/5R1V.

Be steady and far-reaching, and then create an intelligent driving decision control system.

Figure 2 Lianchuang Automotive Electronic Intelligent Driving Product Planning

The main challenge of developing this kind of products is how to achieve the ultimate performance with limited computing power and cost; And how to create differentiated functions and establish technical highs to reflect publicity and brand power. Lianchuang Zhijia ADAS products adopt international and domestic SOC differentiation dual schemes, which greatly meet the diversified needs of customers, and the modular design can flexibly adapt to the full range of L1-L2+ vehicle architectures.

From the realization of basic functions to continuous optimization, Lianchuang Zhijia team constantly solved various Corner case in the test, accumulated a total of more than 200,000 kilometers of road tests, and realized closed-loop solutions to many problems found in the road tests.

Be steady and far-reaching, and then create an intelligent driving decision control system.

Figure 3 Lianchuang Automotive Electronics ADAS National Road Test Starts

Compared with the practice of "patching" a single problem by some enterprises, Lianchuang Zhijia starts from the root of the problem, thinks systematically, constantly upgrades the core algorithm framework and underlying architecture of each function, improves the performance of the real vehicle ADAS function under various complex working conditions, and calmly responds to various extreme scenarios. For example, multi-layer safety check is carried out on vehicles, sensor measurements and environmental signals to ensure the safety of vehicle functions when signals are abnormal, and the expected trajectory is generated by using structured road and traffic flow information to improve the robustness of lateral functions.

In order to solve the problems of large dead zone of EPS actuator, uncomfortable experience brought by high steering wheel speed in the dead zone, and braking stagnation and second start caused by abnormal drag of ESC actuator calipers, the intelligent driving team gave full play to the collaborative advantages of Lianchuang drive-by-wire chassis development team, introduced EPS lower control into intelligent driving upper control, and proposed a four-level closed-loop control algorithm, so that the lateral function can obtain a better control experience without demanding steering system. In order to optimize the driver’s comfort experience in cut-in scene, an adaptive adjustment strategy based on cut-in distance and time is proposed. In order to reduce the false triggering of AEB-related functions, the confidence level of AEB and FCW functions is judged in different scenarios by accessing the relevant security signals provided by the perception suppliers, thus improving the accuracy of AEB and FCW functions. There are countless similar technical optimizations. These measures have greatly improved the driving experience under the premise of ensuring safety, making safety and comfort a significant label for Lianchuang Intelligent Driving products. At the same time, the collaborative development and cooperation between the intelligent driving and the drive-by-wire chassis team in Lianchuang packaging scheme creates the effect of "1+1>2", providing customers with more safe and intelligent driving experiences.

Under the continuous optimization of Lianchuang Intelligent Driving Team, the performance of Lianchuang automotive electronic ADAS products is not inferior to that of Global Tier1. Among them, Lianchuang’s regulatory test results of AEB function of automotive electronics ranked first among various benchmark models, and reached a very low false trigger rate in daily public roads.             

Be steady and far-reaching, and then create an intelligent driving decision control system.

Figure 4 Lianchuang Innovative Functional Features of Automotive Electronic Intelligent Driving

Customer first, continuous pursuit of Excellence

Lianchuang Zhijia team has successively cooperated with SAIC passenger cars, Jianghuai and Aichi to develop and fully realize the mass production of ADAS products. For all kinds of problems in the process of project cooperation, Lianchuang Zhijia team has given a joint creation plan, which has won unanimous praise from customers.

Lianchuang Zhijia is committed to meeting the differentiated needs of the OEM. For the parts not mentioned in the customer function specification at the initial stage of the project, Lianchuang Zhijia will focus on customer experience and continuously optimize and realize the high-quality subjective feeling of driving. Lianchuang Zhijia has an efficient project development process, which can realize the closed loop from requirements input to defects and rapid iteration of software development, ensuring the accurate realization of project nodes and high-quality delivery standards.

In order to solve the problem of tight time nodes in some projects, Lianchuang Zhijia also has corresponding special processes to achieve faster communication and ensure the achievement of node goals.

Steady and far-reaching, then promising

Lianchuang Zhijia is also laying out and planning the future while improving and maturing ADAS products. By recruiting talents, setting up relevant attack teams, and strengthening technical exchanges with peers, we will promote the independent development of functions such as AEB, full environment integration and DNP, and realize the iterative research and development of autopilot functions from L2 level to L3-L5 level in stages to meet the needs of customers and consumers. Lianchuang Zhijia is committed to creating independent products suitable for its own national conditions and breaking the monopoly of foreign giants. The goal is to realize the mass production of autonomous AEB, all-environment integration and interactive lane change by the end of this year, and complete the mass production of DNP by the middle of next year.

Lianchuang Zhijia is based in China, facing the world, working closely with domestic mainstream car companies and actively participating in global competition. Bring safer and more comfortable driving experience to consumers and provide better products and value-added services to the main engine factory. In the starry sea of intelligent driving, Lianchuang Intelligent Driving Team will continue to move in the right direction, be steady and far-reaching, and then be promising. At the same time, Lianchuang Zhijia will also provide a bigger development platform and attract more like-minded talents who are dedicated to the industry and serve the country!