What is "culture"?

Maybe you often hear this sentence: "It’s terrible to be uneducated". So what exactly is "culture"?

Recently, I saw such an explanation, which was said by the writer Liang Xiaosheng and can be summarized in four sentences:

Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others! ???

In other words, these four sentences explain what culture is.

Self-cultivation rooted in the heart means doing things properly, being calm when encountering many things, and being polite to others.

It is not that a high degree of education means cultivation, and even some people with high academic qualifications have poor cultivation quality. There are still such people in life! For example, he has a bad temper and often greets other people’s families. Such people, no matter how high their academic qualifications are, are not literate.

I don’t need to remind myself that I am talking about some details. For example, we can understand the inconvenience of pregnant women and the elderly by car and consciously give up their seats; Stand in line consciously when eating.

There are still many details. Generally speaking, pay attention to other people’s feelings, and don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. Take the initiative to care about others, instead of always relying on others to remind you.

Freedom on the premise of restraint. It is said that freedom is not what you want to do. But there must be a premise.

For example, what short video sounds are the most annoying when the phone is turned on in public? Why don’t such people consciously wear headphones, but the sound is very loud and boring. Without considering other people’s feelings at all.

You are free to listen to the sound of your mobile phone, but don’t affect others.

Kindness for others. What I said is not to embarrass others, but to be good for others from the heart. But it doesn’t mean to be a good man, but to help the poor, punish the strong and help the weak, and care and trust others.

The above explanations are some of Xiaobian’s own understandings.

Of course, there are many definitions of culture. But in everyone’s heart, there will be a ruler to measure what culture is. And extracting the essence should be the culture that everyone agrees with.

Thank you for your attention, and hope to help everyone!

What is "culture"

In an era, it not only updated our understanding of culture, but also refreshed our ideas again.

Just as knowledge is not equal to culture, it subverts our rational knowledge and perceptual habits all the time.

In fact, in our thinking logic, people often regard culture as the code of conduct of civilization.

For example, benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and trust, gentleness, courtesy and frugality are all concrete manifestations of behavior culture.

Therefore, when a person walks under a tree or an obstacle below his height, there is no doubt that he will bend down.

It should be said that few people even think about how to change it. This is a kind of culture.

Especially when the elevator door is opened, some people stand aside and wait for others to get off the elevator, and some people are eager to squeeze in.

These actions are the intersection of behavior and culture, and have nothing to do with education and knowledge. This is also a kind of culture.

[1] What is culture

Now that we have talked about "culture", how should we understand and recognize these two words? Of course, in other words: "What is" culture "?

Generally speaking, what we call "culture" in a broad sense refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings.

In a narrow sense, it refers to spiritual products including language, literature, art and all ideologies.

Here, we emphasize that as a kind of "culture", it must have six characteristics:

(1) universality. The universality of culture is manifested in the common cultural forms in social practice activities, even though different national consciousness and behavior are manifested, they have the same forms of expression.

(2) Diversity. Under different natural, historical and social conditions, different cultural types and cultural models have been formed, which makes the world culture present the characteristics of diversity as a whole.

(3) nationality. The traditional culture rooted in the nation is complementary to the development of the nation. So different nationalities have different national cultures.

(4) Inheritance. The inheritance of culture is the basis of carrying forward and developing culture. If there is no inheritance, of course, there will be no culture.

(5) Developmental. The essence of a national culture lies in its continuous development and change. A series of cultural products, including today’s automation and informatization, are the results of cultural development.

(6) the times. In the historical process of human development, each era has its own typical cultural type.

[2] Cultural background

I remember that Mr. Li Yanjie, the former professor of Beijing Normal University and vice president of the World Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education, once gave an open class entitled "Virtue, knowledge, talent, truth, goodness and beauty" at the lecture tour in Peking University.

He said; What is culture? The sum of truth, goodness and beauty is culture.

It can be seen that what we call "culture" is the product of all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional intersection of fields.

It not only covers a person’s cultivation, temper and disposition, but also includes family environment, living space, and even genetics and so on.

My neighbor, Aunt Song, once said, "Without culture, you are illiterate.". This statement is very incisive and hits the nail on the head.

You can imagine, living in the present, if you don’t even know a big word, this is not a scene, and it has nothing to do with the bridge, but it is incredible.

[3] It’s terrible to have no culture

Once upon a time, there was a saying circulating in the society: "It’s terrible to be uneducated", although it was just a network language. But it is a culture in itself.

Do you know that the cultural content contained in this sentence is far and near, false and real, true and false?

Perhaps, it may be trying to explain a thing or an action. But I hope it’s just a humorous remark with no practical significance.
