Interview with Wu Zun: "Concubine Yang" is a literary film Fan Bingbing has great ideas


    1905 movie network news (Hereinafter referred to as "Concubine Yang") It took six years from the opening to the final release. This brought Wu Zun, who is now almost retired, back into the audience’s sight. Recently, 1905 Movie Network interviewed Wu Zun, talked with the former idol about movies, and shared the current father’s deep affection for a pair of children.


Character: From "mama’s boy" to independent tenacity


    Li Mao, the longevity king in "Concubine Yang", made his first appearance on the polo court. Despite his excellent skills, he would always be plotted by others, and he was not good at concealing his anger. He was a typical victim of internal conflicts in the dynasty. But fortunately, he had a well-planned mother.


    This role was originally played by Japanese actor Xiao Li Xun, but after the withdrawal of director Guo Zairong and the withdrawal of foreign investors, the cast of "Concubine Yang" also changed a lot, and Li Mao’s corner fell into the hands of Wu Zun. Wu Zun, who joined the endgame, really shot for a very short time, but there is still a certain span, to play the difference between a boy and a man.


    After entering the publicity period, Wu Zun’s role has not yet been completed, and he has to work with other main creators to avoid the erotic gimmicks surrounding the film and make a serious appearance to show that this is a literary film. At the same time, he also needs to keenly sniff out the side attacks of many media and carefully clarify a point: Fan Bingbing is really not a "drama bully"!


    1905 Movie Network: In "Concubine Yang", how to grasp the difference between boys and men?


    Wu Zun: In the movie, at the beginning, he was a kind of "mama’s boy", a son who was well protected by his mother. He may have been a little spoiled and had no sense of responsibility in his character. Then he was arranged to marry Concubine Yang. After that, some changes took place, and Concubine Yang also left him. At that time, he slowly learned to grow up and eventually became a man.


    1905 Movie Network: What kind of breakthrough did your performance make in the film?


    Wu Zun: This character is quite different from the costume movies I played before. The previous action scenes all had very handsome fighting moves. This one is more different. It is more literary and artistic. There are many scenes about love, some violent scenes, and some violent scenes with Bingbing.


    1905 Movie Network: Will Bingbing and Dawn Guide You to Play?


    Wu Zun: There was a scene where I misunderstood Bingbing and had a conflict with her. I walked with her for a long time in that scene, because it was a physically damaging scene, so we didn’t want to NG too many times, hoping that it could be done once or twice. Bingbing has her own ideas, because she is a senior actress and gave a lot of opinions, as well as some suggestions from the director. Working with them is actually a big harvest for me.


    1905 Movie Network: Does Fan Bingbing control a lot of things on the spot?


    Wu Zun: No, she is like an actress at the scene. She plays her own play well, and she doesn’t know how to change the script or the lines. There is no such thing at all. Maybe she will communicate with the director. Before the play starts filming, she may give a lot of advice during preparation, but not during the filming process.


    1905 Movie Network: Seeing Fan Bingbing as a producer, do you sometimes want to do some work outside of acting?


    Wu Zun: It would be nice if you were like her, but this kind of thing requires accumulating experience. It doesn’t mean that you can become it if you want. She has a lot of experience to get to where she is now, and she has put in a lot of effort. Many actors hope that one day they can become directors and producers, because they have a love for this thing, which is not yet at that stage for me.


Life: Go at your own pace


    The real Wu Zun was also full of idol drama. On the morning of his 30th birthday, he would open his notebook and write down his future life plans. Obviously, most of these plans were family, and the main place was his hometown of Brunei.


    Not long ago, Wu Zun’s son was born, and his daughter, who was quite popular in the Chinese parent-child reality show, put together a good word, which was extremely complete. Speaking of this pair of children, Wu Zun looked satisfied and happy: "Children will surprise you every day!"


    1905 Movie Network: Six years have passed since you turned 30. How much have you achieved in your life plan?


    Wu Zun: Those are all going at my pace, the dreams I have written down, and the ones I want to realize are all in progress. I am a person who tries my best to get close to my dreams every day, and I will make efforts and not live a day in vain. For example, as I said in my autobiography, I have opened a healthy restaurant, this one has also opened, and the bakery is about to open. I am also working hard to be a good father, hoping to receive a good script in the future.


    1905 Movie Network: Is the method of educating children inherited from their parents?


    Wu Zun: Of course, some parents will use what they think is good, and may not use what is not suitable. I will also read some books to absorb some good suggestions from others. My parents are quite spoiled, my father spoils me more, and my mother is occasionally more serious. I think it is up to children to watch. Some children are not cherished, and parents are spoiled. Some children can be spoiled, and some cannot be spoiled.


    1905 Movie Network: Have any methods of educating them been explored so far?


    Wu Zun: I can’t tell at the moment because they are still too young. Of course, I am giving them a lot of love at the moment. But when they become more sensible, the way of teaching them will change. Children give you a lot of surprises every day. It is not easy and hard to take care of children, but it is worth it because they grow up and absorb quickly.


    1905 Movie Network: Do you sometimes miss the brothers who fought side by side?


    Wu Zun: They were all contacted by phone, and we rarely met. Without them, I wouldn’t have the identity of a singer. What I am more grateful for is the efforts we made together. From the very beginning, we went to many places to hold concerts. That feeling, although we are not very good at singing and dancing, the sense of achievement is still there.


    1905 Movie Network: Are you afraid that fans will forget you?


    Wu Zun: I used to be in Brunei for one month and overseas for 11 months, but now I may have a different idea. You will cherish your fans more, and they will cherish you more. Of course, every generation needs new people to rise up. If not, it will be a fault. For example, we are already in our thirties, and we need people in our twenties to rise up, so I think it is a good thing.

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with a photographer and had an intimate chat with Feng Shaofeng on the spot

Fan Bingbing

Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing had a private chat

Director Li Yu wept with joy

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia Yiwen/Zhang Wei) On September 24, the film held a press conference in Beijing. Director Li Yu and starring Fan Bingbing, Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan, Kong Wei, Yao Anlian and others attended. Fan Bingbing said that she once fell in love with the photographer during filming because the other party often helped her complete the emotional scenes. The film will be released on September 29.

Feng Shaofeng

Huo Siyan

Kong Wei’s see-through outfit is particularly eye-catching.

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with photography, and Gao Jun was confident that the box office would charge 300 million

    Fan Bingbing said that he fell in love with the photographer Lao Lu instantly during filming, "I was too close to him during filming, and once after finishing work, I dreamed of him at night, and I wondered why I dreamed of him? There was a scene to express my fantasies. Feng Shaofeng came and went from time to time. Lao Lu was next to him carrying the machine in one hand, interacting with me in the other hand, and helping me act in emotional scenes, so in some moments I actually fell in love with him." The photographer Lao Lu’s girlfriend also came to the scene that day, and also made a cameo role as a cosmetic girl in the film.

    "Second Exposure" has never changed since September 29th. In the face of these three strong enemies of the same schedule, the chief publisher Gao Jun predicted as always that the film will be a big seller, "This National Day file is called the most tragic in history, and it is also the most changeable, but our schedule has not changed. For the box office, I think" Second Exposure "can" Baoya championship ", and I am confident to break through 200 million and march towards 300 million!"

Next page: Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing chat hot, Huo Siyan claims to be "mistress"

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

In the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Ox, Di Lizheba brought a wonderful song and dance performance to everyone. This time she was a guest, and in an exclusive interview with the Spring Festival Gala, Reba said that for the second time on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, "there is a feeling of returning home". For this year’s performance, Di Lizheba gave herself 82 points, and the remaining 18 points were lost in age.

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

When asked about the personalized mobile phone case that netizens are quite concerned about, Di Lizheba said that matching the mobile phone case according to her clothes is her joy of life, and maybe she will open an online store in the future. In the interview, the host asked her for tips on maintaining her beauty under various cameras, and she replied "born" in Versailles, and admitted that she rarely looks in the mirror.

In 2021, Di Lizheba’s biggest wish is to hope that the epidemic will end quickly, and look forward to seeing her new drama and audience. At the end of the interview, Di Lizheba also showed her "Versailles" New Year’s greeting method: "I hope everyone can receive more red envelopes, unlike me who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself."

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Interview transcript:

Now we would like to welcome Di Li Reba to our interview room for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Di Lizheba: Hello everyone.

: Welcome Reba. Today is very beautiful. What do we have in mind for this costume for this year’s Spring Festival Gala?

Di Lizheba: This year is actually wearing red, hoping to have a prosperous New Year.

: I hope there is a particularly good prize, right? We would like to ask, that is, everyone is very concerned about your mobile phone case. It feels that every time you travel, you have to change a different mobile phone case for each set of clothes. Everyone is very concerned. Is there any new match this time?

Di Lizheba: I used a transparent one today because you can add some words on it, or put some cards, invoices, etc.

: Invoice, and then take it home for reimbursement?

Di Lizheba: For my parents.

So it is this mobile phone case that has become a very big pleasure in your life. It has also become a very big pleasure for this netizen. Open an online store in the future.

Di Lizheba: Yes, I also think that it’s all here, I have to open a store.

It’s not the first time to go to the Spring Festival Gala, will you still be nervous?

Di Lizheba: No, I was super nervous the first time. I was already nervous when I received the notice that I was going to the Spring Festival Gala, but now I feel like I’m going home, because everyone is familiar with it, and the stage is also very familiar.

So on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala, how many points would you rate yourself?

Di Lizheba: I scored almost 82 points on the stage of this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

82 points, and what about the remaining ten points?

Di Lizheba: Lost in age.

So this is pretty good, but I think, because Reba’s beauty is known to everyone, it is like a fairy, and then all the Reuters photos, including the pixel people, are very beautiful under the lens itself.

Di Lizheba: I hope this interview is just as good, otherwise it will be a slap in the face.

So hurry up and show us all the netizens we interviewed to teach us, how can you still have such beauty under the lens of passers-by or under the lens of amateurs?

Di Lizheba: Born.

: This is a bit of Versailles. I usually practice in front of the camera or in front of the mirror at home, for example, which angle looks good and how to shoot?

Di Lizheba: I don’t like looking in the mirror very much, and I don’t like to touch up makeup very much either, unless it means that you can take a look at what’s wrong with you here, and then I’ll take a look. When I’m filming, I rarely go to the mirror to see myself in the mirror.

So this is that everyone has no choice, too Versailles, everyone can only ask for their own blessings, okay? But 2021 is the Year of the Ox, do you have any new wishes, or do you have any wishes for another New Year’s Eve, when it crosses twelve o’clock?

Di Lizheba: In fact, I think this year’s words should be the New Year’s wish of people all over the world, that is, I hope the epidemic will pass as soon as possible, everyone can get together as soon as possible, and return to normal life as soon as possible. It is normal now, but there are still some capriciousness in the epidemic, and I hope it will resume as soon as possible.

Yes, I believe this. In 2021, I believe that the works will soon meet with you, including "Long Song" and "You Are My Glory". I hope that this new role will be liked by everyone.

Di Lizheba: Especially in the case of "Long Singer", because when I was filming "Long Singer", in fact, I think I grew up with it, and I will benefit more, that is, the role I play. So I hope that when you see "Long Singer", you will see a different me, and then I also hope that my play can meet you soon. I am also very much looking forward to it, and I want to follow this drama myself.

So we’re especially looking forward to "The Long Song". Also, "You Are My Glory" is a female star, right? A female star who performs so many female stars, what kind of envy do you have for the female stars in the play?

Di Lizheba: In the play, I actually think she is quite realistic, whether it is her work status or her daily life. In fact, I think although it is very realistic, I still think there is a big difference, because the biggest difference is that I prefer to have my own life in life. I will take care of it myself later, and then she needs an assistant to deliver three meals a day. I don’t like that feeling very much. Also, maybe her personality will be more like the feeling I had five or six years ago, that is, more lively, and then more cute, a little quirky, and more extroverted, but I may be the same age as mine now, and the conditions are almost the same as mine, but I myself may be more mature than her role.

: Just now we talked about this character. We are very much looking forward to "You Are My Glory" and "Long Song". These two characters will meet you in 2021. Today we also have a small part on the scene. Do we need to invite all the artists who came to the interview room to paint an auspicious picture?

Di Lizheba: I have to paint every year. I really hate it.

Yes, we’re going to draw a stick figure. Can you show it to everyone?

Di Lizheba said that she rarely looks in the mirror, and her beauty comes from her natural beauty

Di Lizheba: Oh my God, this board slaps you in the face.

It is a calf.

Di Lizheba: Fat cow. Happy cow year, happy new year to everyone.

: I wish you all a happy new year, no one, we can ask the staff to collect it first. Then we can hold this very auspicious calf and say a Versailles-style greeting to everyone.

Di Lizheba: I see. I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope you can receive more red envelopes. Unlike me, who doesn’t need to receive red envelopes and needs to send red envelopes to others by myself, is there a lot of Versailles?

Yes, yes, others received it, but you sent it out, because we have money, which proves that we are not bad this year.

Di Lizheba: It sounds a bit pitiful, I’ll finish it myself.

On the other hand, it proves that our KPIs this year are not bad, and we also wish Reba the same wonderful 2021, Happy cow year and happy new year.

Di Lizheba: Happy New Year.

The sunset and the solitude fly together, and the autumn water is the same as the long day – Insights on the Ecological Restoration Project of Wuliang Suhai Watershed, Inner Mongolia

  Editor’s Note

  An average of fifty or sixty new cars are launched every month, new energy models are gradually becoming the main theme, and the market share of Chinese brand passenger cars is stable at more than 50%… In the first half of the year, there are many bright spots in the automotive market. Among these dazzling new cars, Chinese brands have set off a tide of innovation in the automotive industry with faster technological iteration, newer technological breakthroughs, and stronger power blessings. While igniting the enthusiasm of the automotive market, they also lead the global automotive new energy era.

  Looking up at U8

  As one of the most dazzling star models in the first half of this year, it is impressive to look up to the U8’s powerful product capabilities and over a million yuan worth.

  Looking up at the front face of the U8, it adopts the design language of "the door of time and space", which is very recognizable. The overall shape is square, showing a full hardcore off-road style. The closed middle net and the "tripod "-shaped light strips on both sides are more sci-fi. The interior has been redesigned, using a flying wing cockpit profile, and the larger vertical screen in the center also enhances the overall sense of technology.

  Benefiting from BYD’s Easy Sifang platform, looking up at the U8 can control the power output and rotation direction of the four wheels individually, not only does it take only 3 seconds to accelerate, but it can also achieve difficult actions such as turning the vehicle in place, lateral movement, flat tire continued driving, and floating mode. Under the support of the Yunchan-P system, looking up at the U8 can also effectively suppress the change of the body attitude, avoid the collision damage caused by the terrain, and allow the vehicle to pass through various road conditions in the smoothest and most comfortable manner.

  Wisdom LS7

  The Zhiji LS7 is the second model of the Zhiji brand and the first medium and large pure electric SUV. It focuses on the "big five-seat" space layout and has a cruising range of 660 kilometers under CLTC conditions.

  The interior is undoubtedly a major attraction of the LS7. The new car’s central control adopts a triple-screen design of "LCD dashboard + central control screen + passenger display", in which the LCD instrument and the central control LCD large screen are connected as one, and the narrow-framed huge screen also has a lifting function. The matching "half-spoke steering wheel" and the embedded touch LCD panel in the central channel area make the car full of technology.

  Driving quality is one aspect of the Zhiji LS7 that deserves praise. As a large five-seat model, the Zhiji LS7 has made many upgrades in terms of ride comfort in the car. It is equipped with zero-gravity floating seats, intelligent control full flat folding co-pilot seats, and super long electric slides. It allows the co-pilot to slide and fold under the dashboard, and provides two personalized functions: "zero gravity mode" and "lying flat mode".

  Geely Galaxy L7

  Regardless of city roads, highways, provincial roads, or rural roads… The Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with the three smart electric technologies of "Aegis Battery Safety System, Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848, and the New Galaxy N OS", has shown its strength and style.

  It can be said that Geely has used its latest and strongest technology on the Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 system composed of a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid Engine and a new generation of Raytheon Electric Drive, and is matched with a 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro. The comprehensive maximum power has reached 287kw, the comprehensive maximum torque is 535N · m, and it has the fastest 6.9s 100-kilometer acceleration in the same level, and the lowest 5.23L/100km power loss fuel consumption in the same level in the WLTC. The NEDC 100-kilometer fuel consumption is 4.4 liters, and the CLTC comprehensive battery life is 1370km.

  At the same time, Geely Galaxy L7 has four driving modes: pure electric, range extension, intelligent and performance, among which the intelligent mode is the most worry-free, especially the 55-kilometer battery life version, the system will automatically determine the driver’s intention, and in just 0.2 seconds, it can quickly switch between 20 operating conditions such as series, parallel and hybrid to ensure good fuel economy and power level.

  The Galaxy L7 also showcases Geely’s "safety" genes, from batteries and intelligent architecture to vehicle safety and software intelligent control, to global integration with piles and clouds, to build a global safety protection system for new energy vehicles.

  The level of intelligence of the Galaxy L7 is also quite excellent. With the support of the Snapdragon 8155 chip, the Galaxy N OS system starts-up, response speed, and Keyword Spotting are very fast, and the communication between people and vehicles is very smooth.

  NIO’s new ES6

  The new ES6 is based on NIO’s latest NT2.0 platform and uses NIO’s second-generation design language to integrate the watchtower-style sensor layout with the roof. Compared to the previous model, the new ES6 has a longer wheelbase, wider body and lower height, showing a more dynamic body posture. The interior features an open double-layer wrapping design, renewable vine and hidden trend fusion, which is very layered, and for the first time, exclusive custom-made acoustic fabrics are used on the speakers, which have good sound transmission.


  With the support of the new platform, the new ES6 is equipped with the Banyan 2.0.0 system, which brings more than 120 new functions and experience optimization. Based on the Aquila NIO super sensor system and the ADAM NIO supercomputing platform, the new ES6 series comes standard with 23 safety and driving auxiliary features. In addition, through the self-developed ICC intelligent chassis domain controller and the onboard CDC dynamic suspension damping control system, the new ES6 can freely switch between sports and comfort.

  XPeng G6

  Xiaopeng G6 is considered by the industry to be a turnaround for XPeng Motors. It integrates XPeng Motors SEPA 2.0 global intelligent evolution architecture, integrated casting, 800V high-voltage SiC silicon carbide platform, CIB battery body integration and many other new technologies.

  The Xiaopeng G6 can be said to be a car designed for driving control. The short front/rear suspension design makes the G6 body more flexible and greatly improves the handling stability. The only front and rear aluminum die-cast body in China has a higher degree of integration and more stability. The torsional stiffness of the body is as high as 41600N · m. The stronger body rigidity greatly enhances the body support and anti-deformation ability of the vehicle when cornering, making the vehicle’s posture more stable and easier to control.

  The intelligence is what Xiaopeng G6 is most proud of. It is equipped with the high-end intelligent driver assistance system XNGP, which includes a new generation of high-speed NGP, urban NGP, VPA-L parking lot memory parking and other functions. Especially during driving, Xiaopeng G6 will also turn on the "God’s perspective". The XNet deep vision neural networks equipped with Xiaopeng’s new generation visual perception architecture can fuse the data collected by multiple cameras for multi-frame timing pre-fusion, and output the 4D information of dynamic objects and the 3D information of static objects under the bird’s eye view, such as the size, distance, position, speed, behavior prediction and lane line, road edge position of vehicles and two-wheelers, so as to achieve "six eyes and ears".

  Dark Blue S7

  The Deep Blue S7 is the second model of the Deep Blue automobile under Changan Automobile, which claims to have "the first five major industries, the first two of the same level, the first 31 of the same level, and the excellent 62 of the same level."

  Under the support of the EPA1 platform, the deep blue S7 combines the advantages of pure electricity and fuel, which not only reduces the cost of using the car, but also solves various problems such as mileage anxiety and inconvenience of replenishment of pure electric models. Among them, the deep blue S7 extended range version has a long comprehensive range of up to 1120 kilometers, which can realize long-distance travel needs. There is no need to find a charging station along the way, just refuel and go. In addition, the technical team of deep blue car also found the "password" for the battery to heat up quickly in the extreme cold environment, which effectively solves the problem of power decline caused by battery performance decay in the extreme cold environment. In terms of intelligence, the deep blue S7 supports the sound zone isolation function to create a voice interaction scene, and users can edit interesting and personalized wake-up and response. In addition, the car’s screen full scene realizes "visible and can be said", and users can replace the finger touch screen operation with only voice, making the operation more convenient.

  It is worth noting that the deep blue S7 also pays great attention to the air health issues in the car. The forest air purification system it is equipped with can monitor and display the air quality information in the car in real time, accurately obtain the surrounding air quality information, and use high-efficiency filter and ion purification technology to automatically achieve air purification in the car.

  Krypton X

  Extreme Krypton X is the third car under Extreme Krypton. The mecha design is very chic, the edges and corners are cut very sharply, and it is filled with a strong fighting atmosphere.

  The configuration of this car is very high, the entry-level model has 360-degree panoramic images, reversing side warning system, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric memory trunk, hidden door handle, AR-HUD, multi-color ambient lights and other functions. Among them, the Extreme Krypton X is currently the only model in the industry equipped with an on-board refrigerator capable of cooling at minus 15 degrees, which can realize triple temperature control mode of extreme freezing, refrigeration and heat preservation, and the temperature control range is from minus 15 degrees to plus 50 degrees.


  Thanks to the intelligent drive fully empowered, Extreme Krypton X staged a true version of "speed and passion": in the best performance of the four-wheel drive version, Extreme Krypton X is equipped with a high-performance permanent magnet synchronous electric drive system, front and rear dual motor layout for the vehicle provides a strong power guarantee, zero hundred acceleration only 3.7s, power performance comparable to V6 twin turbo engine, making Extreme Krypton X one of the fastest compact luxury cars ever.

  BYD Seagull

  The stylish and tough appearance, the leading configuration performance of the same level, the 405km battery life and the entry-level pre-sale price of 78,800 yuan make BYD Seagull quite eye-catching in the same level of models.

  BYD Seagull is a new small pure electric model launched by BYD in the first half of the year. This model has a more delicate and compact body design. Although the body length is not long, the overall sense of movement is excellent. At the same time, the interior design of the Seagull has not been weakened by size, and the interior is also equipped with a practical DiLink intelligent connection system.


  Although the main scooter market within 100,000 yuan, BYD Seagull is still equipped with a permanent magnet motor with a maximum power of 55kW (75Ps), which can provide a maximum torque of 135N · m. The battery is divided into 30.08kWh and 38.88kWh, which can fully meet the needs of daily transportation or short-distance travel.

  Thanks to the technology empowered by e-platform 3.0, BYD Seagull also has the exclusive safety body structure of pure electric vehicles. The high-strength steel of the body in white accounts for up to 61%, and thermoformed steel with tensile strength exceeding 1500 MPa is used in key parts, which can provide the most direct safety protection for the occupants in the car.

  Ideal L7

  The Ideal L7 is an upgraded model based on the Ideal ONE. This car uses a 5-seat part and still implements the design concept of Li Auto’s "second bedroom". It has a second-row space and comfort beyond that of a D-class luxury car, creating a spacious, comfortable and warm exclusive space experience for a family of three.

  In terms of configuration, the ideal L7 only has two versions, Pro and Max, and different versions vary between smart cockpit and intelligent driver assistance system. For example, in the smart cockpit, the Max version has a 15.7-inch rear roof entertainment screen more than the Pro version, and the Max version uses two 8155 car chips, which can be connected to VR glasses and Nintendo Switch, providing a more comprehensive intelligent experience.

  In terms of power, the ideal L7 adopts an extended range power layout. The full system consists of a 1.5T range extender and front and rear motors, which can provide a maximum power of 330kW (449Ps) and a maximum torque of 620N · m. In the extended range mode, the maximum range of CLTC conditions can reach 1315km. In addition, the combination of a 42.8 kWh battery pack and a 65-liter fuel tank is equivalent to reserving more than 200 degrees of power for the whole car. With 3.5 kW external discharge, it can create an outdoor "star playground", an open "kitchen", and a "viewing restaurant" for the whole family, moving "home" to the most beautiful scenery.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  The Xiaolong MAX is regarded as a groundbreaking achievement of Haval’s new energy transformation. Its appearance is deeply loved by young people. The interior features a triple-screen design, and is equipped with a Snapdragon 8155 chip and a new generation of Coffee OS system. Its intelligent performance is excellent.


  The most important thing is that the Haval Xiaolong MAX is the first model equipped with the Great Wall’s new hybrid architecture Hi4 intelligent electric hybrid four-wheel drive system. The biggest highlight of this system is the deep integration of hybrid and four-wheel drive, equipped with a 1.5L hybrid dedicated engine, front and rear dual motors and a DHT hybrid gearbox, which can realize "three engines and nine modes", has excellent multi-scene adaptation ability, and achieves the fuel consumption of four-wheel drive models to the level of two-wheel drive hybrid models. In addition, as a plug-in hybrid system, it also supports a pure electric battery life of 105km (NEDC conditions), with a 100-kilometer acceleration of 6.8s, and the overall performance is balanced and comprehensive.

  (This version of the manuscript was collected and written by reporter Fu Yong)

The 100,000-class only pure battery life of 100km and the only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition started with high allocation.

  On July 13th, Geely’s 2024 Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition was officially launched, with two versions, namely, the 100km superior version and the 100km superior version. The official guide price is 109,800 ~ 122,800 yuan, and the limited-time exclusive price after enjoying the cash call gift is 105,800-118,800 yuan. The new car is equipped at the start, and the whole system comes standard with a pure battery life of 100km. It has the same level of leading "3.8L ultra-low power consumption, 6.9s ultra-fast 100 km acceleration and 1300km long battery life", and can also enjoy green brand and free purchase tax, so that users can enjoy high-quality travel with "low fuel consumption, high performance and long battery life" in one step without compromise, and create a 100,000-class electric hybrid for users with value.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image001.

  The 100,000-class only has a pure electric battery life of 100km, and the same class has a "T" engine +3-speed electric drive.

  Compared with the mainstream plug-in products of the same level that generally adopt single-gear E-CVT and self-priming engine, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition is equipped with a unique 1.5TD high-efficiency engine +3-speed frequency conversion electric drive DHT Pro+ dual-motor power combination, which is not only powerful, smarter and more economical, but also brings users a super electric mixing experience of 150,000 yuan or more. Thanks to the multi-speed electric drive structure and the advantages of P1+P2 dual motors, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has the advantages of higher speed and no stall at high speed, and can match the first speed ratio at low speed. When driving at high speed, it can realize "downshifting and twisting" and quickly overtake in parallel; When the speed is above 20km/h, it can realize full-speed parallel connection, which can make the dual motors and the engine coordinate intelligently, always keep in the high-efficiency working range, and the strong power continues to output.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image002.

  What’s more, the Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has a pure battery life of 100km and a battery capacity of 15.5kWh, and its battery life and power are nearly twice as advanced as those of the same-level products in the market with a pure battery life of only tens of kilometers, meeting users’ more economical and lower-cost travel needs; It also has "3.8L ultra-low power consumption, 6.9s ultra-fast 100 km acceleration and 1300km ultra-long battery life", allowing users to enjoy the low-cost and high-value car experience of "low fuel consumption, strong power and long battery life" in one step. At the same time, considering the user’s demand for car convenience and low cost, the new car has also added a DC charging function and an extended-range mode that can be driven by electric vehicles in the whole process, further enhancing the user’s electric driving experience from the aspects of energy supplement and driving.

  Meet the real needs of users and pierce the ceiling of the 100,000-class electric hybrid sedan.

  In order to meet the real needs of users and actively respond to their voices, in addition to the overall leading power performance, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition also maintains a leapfrog leading level in vehicle quality, intelligence and safety. Inheriting the high-quality genes of Geely brand and Emgrand family, the interior of the whole vehicle is wrapped in 90% soft materials, and the seats and handrails are made of environmentally friendly skin-friendly materials, which has a soft and delicate touch and a high ride comfort; There are also comfortable seats certified by Rheinland, Germany, which can support the unique acupoint heating function of traditional Chinese medicine at the same level, ensure that users are not tired when driving for a long time, and create a highly humanized, comfortable and environmentally friendly high-quality driving space from the perspectives of touch, vision and body feeling.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _ for order _ IMAGE E003

  On top of quality, the new car will also be full of technology and safety. Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition comes standard with Geely Galaxy OS ecosystem, 12.3-inch color central control panel +10.25-inch LCD instrument, intelligent voice interactive system and other rich configurations, and its overall intelligence level, functionality and operation convenience are all ahead of its peers. In particular, the 100km superior model is also equipped with the unique intelligent configuration of the same level, such as the 540 transparent chassis of the Eye of God, the L2 intelligent driving assistance system, and the health and safety configuration such as the antibacterial steering wheel, AQS air quality management system and negative ion purifier, so as to ensure driving safety in all directions.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image004.

  In addition, the Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has been further optimized and upgraded in styling design, which is more simple and three-dimensional and has stronger "inductance". For example, in appearance, the new car adopts a straight and powerful horizontal banner grille and a segmented front bumper, and the two sides of the lower grille are simply layered, and the exclusive luminous logo of new energy is applied, so that the whole front face looks more harmonious and more in line with the mainstream aesthetics of the public. The details of the interior have also been upgraded and optimized, and two new interior colors, Dawn Brown and Midnight Black, have been adopted to provide diverse choices for users with different preferences.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image005.

  Generally speaking, the product strength of Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition is fully reinforced, the simple shape is more inductive, the only pure battery life of its class is 100km, and the power performance, energy saving and economy, intelligence and safety and vehicle quality are all ahead of the rest, which makes the overall value overweight. The launch of Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has further strengthened Geely’s product line layout in the A-class electric hybrid car market, helping Geely brand to move towards new and value in an all-round way. (Photo courtesy of Geely Emgrand)

NIO’s net loss widened to 6.056 billion yuan in the second quarter, and it is expected to "bottom out" in the third quarter

After experiencing a sustained sales slump in April and May, NIO’s second-quarter performance unexpectedly bottomed out again.

On August 29, NIO released the second quarter financial data show that the second quarter NIO operating income 8.77 billion yuan, less than the market expected 9.254 billion yuan, down 14.8% from last year, down nearly 20% from the first quarter of this year.

In terms of car sales, directly affected by the failure to control the rhythm of product replacement in April and May, NIO’s sales in the second quarter were 23,500 vehicles, down 6.1% year-on-year and 24.2% month-on-month. This is also the lowest quarterly sales of NIO since the second quarter of 2021.

With the decline in revenue and the continued expansion of R & D costs, NIO’s gross profit in the second quarter was only 87 million yuan, a decrease of 93.5% compared with the second quarter of 2022, and the same "halving" compared with Quarter 1 this year. In the second quarter of this year, NIO’s overall gross profit margin has declined to 1%, compared with 13% in the same period last year.

In the contrast of Li Auto has turned losses into profits for three consecutive quarters, NIO’s net loss is further expanding. Data show that NIO’s net loss in the second quarter was 6.056 billion yuan, an increase of 119.6% over last year and a month-on-month increase of 27.8%.

As of June 30, 2023, NIO cash reserves were 31.50 billion yuan, a decrease of 6.30 billion yuan from the first quarter. According to Horizontal comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors cash reserves were 73.77 billion yuan and 33.74 billion yuan respectively.

NIO CEO Li Bin said at the previous financial results meeting that in the first and second quarters of this year, new product launches affected the company’s operating cash flow. After that, some fixed asset investments and some R & D projects will be postponed, and in terms of going overseas, it will also focus on countries that have entered Europe. According to its estimates, with the rebound in sales in the third quarter, cash flow will improve.

In terms of cost expenditure, NIO R & D costs remained high, reaching 3.345 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 55.6% year-on-year and 8.7% quarter-on-quarter respectively. The financial report pointed out that the increase in R & D expenses was mainly due to the increase in R & D personnel costs, equity incentive expenses, and the design and development of new products and new technologies.

NIO is the car company that invests the most in R & D projects among the "Wei Xiaoli" three. At present, NIO is simultaneously promoting the development of three car brands, and at the same time is conducting self-research on core components such as autonomous driving chips, batteries and motors.

Also in terms of sales expenses, NIO is also the one with the highest expenditure among the three new forces. As a user-oriented enterprise, NIO invests a lot in power replacement, sales channels, user maintenance, etc., which also leads to the problem of high operating costs for a long time.

Data show that NIO sales, general and administrative expenses reached 2.857 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 25.2% and 16.8% year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter respectively. In comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors’ sales expenses were only 2.31 billion yuan and 1.54 billion yuan respectively.

NIO will further increase its sales staff to meet the need to sell seven to eight models simultaneously, Mr. Li said on a second-quarter earnings call, adding that channel sinking remains an urgent task.

"Since July, we have started to comprehensively improve our sales capacity. The goal is to lock in the sales capacity of 30,000 vehicles per month. The construction of this sales capacity will be completed by the end of September, and the results of the sales capacity building will gradually appear from October. In the lower-tier market, we hope that more experienced sales personnel can join."

Under the premise that these rigid expenses are difficult to compress, NIO needs to sell more cars and maintain a stable cash flow more urgently than other car brands. If the operating rhythm is wrong and there is a sales crisis, the cost of advance planning for forward planning may drag NIO into crisis again.

In the second quarter of this year, NIO was once in a dangerous moment. Fortunately, with the launch of ES6 and ET5T new cars, NIO returned to the "10,000-car club" in June. In July, NIO maintained its growth momentum, and the monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time, finally breaking the curse of "Wei 10,000".

According to the latest weekly report released by Li Auto, the cumulative delivery volume of NIO from August 1st to August 27th is 16,000. NIO sales in August will likely exceed 20,000 again.

However, according to NIO’s guidance for the third quarter, the number of vehicles delivered in the third quarter is between 55,000 and 57,000. This means that NIO’s average deliveries in August and September were between 17,300 and 18,300 vehicles. If NIO wants to achieve its goal of 250,000 vehicles for the whole year, it needs to sell at least 110,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter.

Li Bin pointed out that sales reached 20,000 in July, in part due to the decline in power exchange rights.Users who have rigid demand for power replacement will be released in advance. The preferential policy for power replacement ended in August, and it will take some time for orders to return to normal levels.

"The good news is that the number of test drives currently exceeds a record high, reaching about 10,000 every weekend, but it will take time from test drives to order conversion. In addition, considering the macroeconomic and external economic environment, we have comprehensively formulated this guideline target." Li Bin revealed that the next step will be to accelerate the conversion of orders through more channel coverage and sales capacity enhancement.

According to Li Bin’s estimate, NIO is selling ET5, ET5T, ES6 and EC6 will be listed in September, the sales of the four models are expected to reach 15,000 to 20,000, superimposed on the remaining models to increase sales, and monthly sales are confident to stabilize at more than 20,000.

With deliveries recovering, NIO expects third-quarter revenue to reach 18.90 billion yuan to 19.52 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% to 50.1% year-on-year, the highest revenue guidance in history. From the guidance, NIO hopes to achieve a "bottoming out" in the third quarter.

NIO CFO Feng Wei said during the earnings call that NIOThe third quarter cash flow will be significantly improved, achieving double-digit gross margins, and the fourth quarter gross margin is expected to reach 15%.

It is worth mentioning that the NIO brand will not deliver new products next year, but there will be regular modifications. Alps will release the first product in the second half of next year. The test car has been rolled off the production line, and the second car of the brand is also under development.

In addition, the NIO phone will be released in late September this year. Li Bin believes that,The launch of NIO mobile phones will help increase the competitiveness of NIO models and better match the demand for mobile devices.

In terms of external cooperation, Li Bin revealed that he is initially discussing the cooperation of next-generation power stations and battery packs with external automobile companies. "Entering the power exchange network requires the re-development and transformation of the car, which is a major decision for the car company and requires time (consideration). "

(This article has been updated.)

Mainly dark light photography, Sony IMX380 blessing, Meizu 15 series new products released

  On April 22, Wuzhen International Internet Center, Meizu held a 15-series new product launch conference with the theme of "Sculpting Time and Reshaping Classics", which is not only a classic tribute to Meizu in the past 15 years, but also a new situation for Meizu’s mobile phone future.

  The Meizu 154G + 64G released this time is 2499 yuan, 4G + 128G is 2799 yuan; Meizu 15 Plus 6G + 64G is 2999 yuan, and the top version 6G + 128G is 3299 yuan; Meizu M154G + 64G version is only 1699 yuan. The affordable price brings a leapfrog new experience. It will be available on all channels on April 29. It can be snapped up in the online Meizu official mall, Meizu Tmall official flagship store, Meizu official flagship store, Meizu Shang official flagship store and Meizu Gome flagship store and offline Meizu national specialty stores, Gome, Xiang, Dixintong, Leyu and other social channels mobile phone stores.

  This time, the meizu 15 series mobile phone released heavily, equipped with the world’s top photosensitive element Sony IMX 380, a new touch engine, and classic evolutionary technologies such as mBack and surgical-grade stainless steel body, "making the experience better" Flyme 7.0 and other advantages, breaking the middle end, bringing consumers leapfrog enjoyment, and re-establishing the mid-range mobile phone benchmark.

  At the press conference, Meizu Chief Marketing Officer and General Staff Officer Yang Zhe highlighted the dark light shooting capabilities of the Meizu 15 series. The Meizu 15 series uses the world’s top photosensitive element Sony IMX 380 to escort it. The upgrade of hardware has greatly improved its shooting capabilities in dark light environments. The Meizu 15 with better imaging and stronger picture sense allows consumers to truly feel the unique charm of night shooting. In this regard, Mike Yamashita, a gold medal photographer of National Geographic magazine in the United States and one of the world’s famous contemporary photography masters, also came to the press conference to share some experience in photography with Meizu 15 and highly affirmed the photography capabilities of Meizu 15.

  In addition to Sony’s customized IMX380 photosensitive element, the Meizu 15 series is equipped with the industry’s highest 1.55 μm single photosensitive pixel area and 1/2.3 inch 12 million pixel photosensitive element size. The larger single pixel size makes the amount of light entering the photo more, the clarity and purity of the picture are higher, and the texture of the overall picture will be significantly improved. Through the blessing of these two items, the Meizu 15 series will bring a better experience at the camera level. At the same time, the Meizu 15 series has become the best camera phone in Meizu so far.

  In addition to the photo hardware enhancement, the soft configuration of the Meizu 15 series has also been enhanced, with triple lossless zoom, AI intelligent beauty, new portrait mode, virtual + beauty, and extremely fast capture. It is worth mentioning that the 3x lossless zoom achieved by the 15 series has greatly improved the user’s shooting experience, even for distant scenes, it can still achieve clear restoration. At the same time, the four-axis optical image stabilization of the Meizu 15 series is combined with software such as multi-frame noise reduction and ArcSoft HDR algorithm, which greatly improves the overall brightness, purity and detail of the picture in low-light scenes. Compared with the same price products in the market, it can be called the camera emperor.

  In the era of consumers paying more attention to selfies, Meizu 15 series can completely dispel users’ knots: front 20 million pixels, AI intelligent beauty, new portrait mode, etc., let you love selfies and become your exclusive portrait photography expert. The innovation and upgrade of its selfies will also become a revolutionary experience in the history of Meizu.

  At the press conference, Meizu also brought a new experience of human-machine interaction. Since the development of full-screen mobile phones, the tactile feedback of physical buttons has been difficult to be felt. In front of the cold machine, it seems that there is a lack of human-machine feedback. Just when everyone weakens the tactile feedback, Meizu 15 has built a horizontal linear motor mEngine from the same supplier as the iPhone. Let users retrieve the pleasure of pressing physical buttons.

  From the actual scene application point of view, the "global haptic feedback system" brought by the Meizu 15 series once again adds new achievements to the Android camp, and users can get different haptic feedback in 45 scenarios. For a simple example, when you turn on the flashlight with the Meizu 15, you will feel the shock caused by the touch of your fingertips on the screen. Its three-level shock real simulation restores the realistic touch of the switch flashlight, allowing you to feel the new life of the mobile phone. In addition, even in the most ordinary typing, taking pictures, and answering phone scenes, the real haptic restoration experience is still very exciting. This is undoubtedly a new revolution in human-machine interaction in the full-screen era

  Charm classic innovative design, improve the mobile phone industrial design system

  In the past 15 years, Meizu has accumulated a complete mobile phone industrial design system and has a huge technical precipitation. Like the Meizu 15 series, the return of the classic small circle, the evolution of the one-size-fits-all antenna, and the continuation of the extremely narrow bezel design of the MX series are all manifestations of the classic design of the Meizu 15 series. The Meizu 15 series is equipped with a front fingerprint recognition function. While inheriting the classic, it also gave birth to a product that may be the smallest and fastest fingerprint recognition module in the world. Its unlocking speed reaches an astonishing 0.08S and the correct recognition rate reaches 99%. At the same time, the classic return of mBack’s interactive experience has also made countless Meizu friends call it enjoyable.

  The details are in the real chapter. This time, Meizu 15 reduced the number of openings in the whole machine and made the top earpiece a hidden design, which not only ensured the simplicity of the front panel, but also ensured the aesthetics of the whole machine. In addition, the hidden earpiece was also placed with breathing light, so that the integrated design aesthetics could present the perfect "handicraft".

  In addition, the Meizu 15 series stainless steel composite body is coated with an ultra-thin layer of stainless steel material on the basis of the high-strength aluminum alloy back shell, and makes it integrally formed, ultimately maintaining an excellent stainless steel metal touch. Because of the use of special materials, the Meizu 15 series also adopts a new "physical vapor deposition" coloring process, which ultimately brings four noble color expressions to consumers, Yakin, Ink, Dailan and 15Plus, Wu Grey.

  It is worth mentioning that Meizu is also equipped with an exclusive white fuselage for the 15 – Ru Kiln White, which is still an all-metal body. The surface layer adopts a high-precision piano paint baking process, and the paint from Kaxiu, one of the world’s top six paint factories, is selected. After seven times of baking, seven times of baking, and five times of polishing, it finally achieves a luster and texture close to ceramic-like warmth and jade.

  The classic design inheritance and evolution, the new metal texture material upgrade, the return of the classic small circle, and the change of the one-size-fits-all antenna only show Meizu’s reshaping of the classic and the sublimation of the classic. The 2499 yuan Meizu 15 is sold to the mid-range market, and its product quality will make Meizu 15 a mid-range game breaker, and will bring consumers at the economic level to surpass the mid-range experience.

  Flyme 7 makes the experience even better

  As one of the best customized systems in China, Flyme has played an indispensable role in shaping the Meizu brand. The Flyme 7 released with Meizu 15 this time can be said to have earned enough attention. The UI interface that continues the usual simple and beautiful design style and many new practical functions are all eye-catching. It is commendable that with the upgrade of One Mind’s intelligent thinking engine, the Meizu 15 equipped with Flyme 7 has significantly improved in terms of performance, safety, and operation efficiency, further narrowing the distance between consumers and smart phone systems.

  In 2016, Meizu took the lead in launching its self-developed artificial intelligence engine, One Mind, to bring a new experience to users. Today, Flyme 7 has taken it a step further and launched an open artificial intelligence exploration program, the "One Mind Connected Program", which integrates the most advanced intelligent algorithms into the One Mind AI engine through cooperation with the world’s top companies in the field of artificial intelligence. Now Flyme7 has platform-level AI empowerment capabilities. It not only has the special service functions of personal assistant and smart screen recognition, but also the beauty scheme that accurately matches the characteristics of characters makes your beauty more natural. From a security perspective, Flyme 7 has partnered with Tencent Security, relying on its technical support, to become the world’s first system with a built-in AI anti-virus engine. AI security makes malicious applications nowhere to hide. At the same time, the face unlocking pattern recognition process brought by Flyme 7 to users only takes 0.1s. Meizu 15’s powerful functions save power and are smoother under the blessing of Flyme 7.

  At the same time, Flyme has reached a cooperation with the most popular mobile game "Honor of Kings" in the current market, and has realized multi-core multi-threading technology on the 15 series, which can effectively improve the frame rate of team battles. Whether it is single brush, team battle or dragon fight, it enjoys a more stable picture and touch, providing everyone with a more enjoyable gaming experience.

  From the perspective of convenience, the addition of bubble notification + small window reply, desktop application index, and character album also brings users a more efficient and intelligent interactive experience, which greatly improves the convenience and accuracy of operation. At the same time, in order to truly consider users from the user, Flyme 7 is the first to propose a system-level global night mode in Android, which is more comfortable to use mobile phones at night. The addition of photo backtracking, children’s anti-addiction, data rescue, intelligent light sensing, real-time earphone monitoring, and intelligent ear protection mode also shows that Flyme 7 considers the comprehensiveness of users. Starting with heart, it is in response to Flyme 7’s slogan this time, "Make the experience better".

  In addition, the Meizu 15 series uses super-linear stereo, symmetrical stereo speakers up and down, which have been technically optimized to bring users a perfect auditory feast, thus creating a leapfrog experience of sound. Not only that, the application of Bluetooth 5.0 will greatly improve the transmission speed and bring more stable transmission performance. The mCharge flash charging technology can quickly help users get out of the predicament of no power. In terms of performance, the Meizu 15 is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 660, and the 15Plus is equipped with the first full Netcom Samsung 8895 processor. Better performance and the performance of the flagship can bring consumers a more perfect experience.

  In addition to the highlight of Meizu 15, Meizu officially released two highly representative cutting-edge products at the press conference, the Meizu HALO laser Bluetooth headset, which focuses on "avant-garde technology trends", and the Meizu POP true wireless Bluetooth headset, which focuses on "light sports, light business".

How to adjust the Xiaomi air conditioner mode, Xiaomi air conditioner mode adjustment guide [detailed explanation]

  Xiaomi air conditioner is a smart home product with a variety of modes to choose from to meet the needs of different users. This article will introduce the common modes of Xiaomi air conditioner and its adjustment methods to help users better use Xiaomi air conditioner.

  cooling mode

  The cooling mode is suitable for hot summer weather and can quickly reduce the indoor temperature. On the remote control of the Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select the "Cooling" mode after pressing it. The desired indoor temperature can be set by adjusting the temperature button. For example, set the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor temperature around 25 degrees Celsius.

  Heating mode

  The heating mode is suitable for the cold winter and can provide a warm indoor environment. Similarly, on the remote control of the Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "mode" button and select the "heating" mode after pressing it. Set the desired indoor temperature by adjusting the temperature button. For example, set the temperature to 20 degrees Celsius and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor temperature around 20 degrees Celsius.

  dehumidification mode

  The dehumidification mode is suitable for humid environments and can reduce indoor humidity. On the remote control of Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select the "Dehumidification" mode after pressing it. The desired humidity level can be set by adjusting the humidity button. For example, set the humidity to 50% and the air conditioner will work to keep the indoor humidity around 50%.

  automatic mode

  Automatic mode is the intelligent mode of Xiaomi air conditioner, which automatically adjusts the working mode according to the indoor temperature and humidity. On the remote control of Xiaomi air conditioner, find the "Mode" button and select "Automatic" mode after pressing it. The air conditioner will automatically switch the cooling, heating or dehumidification mode according to the indoor environment to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

  Overall, Xiaomi air conditioner has a variety of modes to choose from, and users can adjust them according to their actual needs. Through the mode button and temperature/humidity button on the remote control, users can easily switch and adjust the working mode and parameters of the air conditioner to obtain a comfortable indoor environment.

From "afraid of not making a deal" to "afraid of not making a deal", Geely Galaxy offers a 5-day free test drive experience. Where is the confidence?

  In September, Geely brand new energy sales increased by 13% month-on-month, and Geely Galaxy series sales reached a new high of 13,080 units, becoming the strongest boost for Geely’s new energy sales to hit record highs in the past two months. The sales data that continue to exceed 10,000 tells the strength of Galaxy, and the sales trend that has been rising along the way shows the speed of Galaxy. It is hard to imagine that this is a dazzling report card handed over by a "new player" who has just entered the mid-to-high-end new energy market in the second quarter of this year.

  Behind the explosion is a detailed and profound insight into consumer needs and a precise and fast response. In order to better and faster meet the experience needs of a wider range of users, on October 9, Geely Galaxy expanded its approach and fully launched the "Geely Galaxy Super Electric Hybrid Experience Season" activity, launching "5-day long free test drive", "80,000 24 periods of 0 interest or 48 periods of low interest rates up to 6,300 yuan discount" and "4,000 yuan super replacement subsidy" three super rights, strength pet fans. This not only shows Geely Galaxy’s innovative user experience ecology and sincere rights and benefits, but also fully guarantees the rights and interests of users to buy cars; it also reflects Geely Galaxy’s absolute confidence in product technology, and truly puts the concept of "making everyone’s smart boutique car" into action, while accelerating the faster popularization of smart boutique electric hybrid products.

  Popular Galaxy CP launches super long free test drive and two super financial rights

  Break through the upper limit of user experience and comprehensively accelerate the popularization of intelligent boutique electric mixing

  This time, the first major benefit of the "Geely Galaxy Super Hybrid Experience Season" breaks through the traditional user test drive experience form and launches the "5-day long free test drive experience". Users can enjoy a 5-day free test drive experience by registering and booking at the Galaxy APP or offline Galaxy stores across the country. Let users experience Geely Galaxy’s product performance more deeply and fully, and then decide whether to place an order, and find a car that suits them perfectly in full comparison and rational decision-making.

  This kind of national large-scale user test drive activity is rare in the industry. On the one hand, it is an innovative breakthrough in user experience and user thinking, fully taking into account the user’s doubts before purchasing a car and the psychological state of vacillation in purchasing a car, and providing a humanized solution, "think what the user thinks". On the other hand, it also shows Geely Galaxy’s absolute confidence in its own products. According to the comparison of the parameters of the same price model, users who have tested Geely Galaxy will definitely experience a different sense of quality.

  It is understood that users who are satisfied with the test drive experience, if they place an order for Geely Galaxy L6 or L7 and complete the pickup between October 9 and 31, can also enjoy two major car purchase rights – 80,000 24 periods of 0 interest or 48 periods of low interest rates up to 6,300 yuan of discount super limited-time financial plan and 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy super limited-time replacement policy.

  For specific participation details of these three rights and interests, please check Geely Galaxy’s official WeChat, APP or call your local store. Geely Galaxy uses real money and full sincerity to pet powder, and at the same time further accelerates the popularity of smart boutique electrical hybrid products.

  Geely Galaxy CP practices "Building Everyone’s Smart Boutique Car" with high-value products

  Based on its strong product strength, Geely Galaxy uses real money to boost "Galaxy Speed" and then accelerate

  As a brand-new new energy series that has been in existence for less than a year, it is no accident that Geely Galaxy L6 and L7 can emerge and break through quickly in the fiercely competitive new energy market. It is the result of Geely Automobile’s practice of "longevity" and long-term accumulation of energy for the Galaxy series. It is also a sincere work under the concept of "building a smart boutique car for everyone".

  With industry-leading technologies such as "SHIELD Battery Safety System, Galaxy N OS, Raytheon 8848 Power System, and Xingrui Smart Computing Center", Geely Galaxy L7 solves the pain points that traditional plug-in SUVs bring users "energy saving and performance incompatibility", "comfort and intelligence incompatibility", and "battery safety hazards", so that consumers can buy high-value electric hybrid SUVs with less money. Geely Galaxy L7 has become the "most preferred 200,000 plug-in hybrid SUV" with monthly sales continuously breaking 10,000 and breaking 10,000 "triple connection", and has also laid a solid foundation for the Galaxy sequence.

  If L7 is the high value of popularity, then L6 is the high value of up the ante. Although Geely Galaxy L6 has been on the market for less than a month, the market heat continues to rise. Its standard four "firsts" – acupuncture is only the entry standard, the proportion of thermoformed steel in the whole vehicle far exceeds the same level, and safety is the first; 1.5TD Raytheon electric hybrid engine, the world’s first in mass production thermal efficiency; 247 km/h The fastest sedan is far ahead, and the performance is the first; Xingrui Intelligent Computing Center, the first in China’s manufacturing computing power, has set a "new generation of intelligent electric hybrid new benchmark" for the A-class sedan market in terms of safety, performance, energy saving and intelligence, and has become the "annual closed-eye entry" sedan with the best quality and cost ratio of 150,000 yuan.

  Based on such a strong product strength and absolute confidence in its own products, Geely Galaxy CP has launched the "Geely Galaxy Super Hybrid Experience Season" combination under the soaring popularity, word-of-mouth and sales momentum, bringing users real gold and silver full sincerity and deep and long-term experience trust blessing.

  It is Geely Galaxy’s sincerity to enter the market by providing users with a "extended version" of the user’s full life cycle high-value experience from car selection, to test drive, to car purchase, to car use, and to car change. It is also in line with the consumer demand that cars give users high-value experiences as bulk consumption. It is understood that the Geely Galaxy Super Electric Hybrid Experience Season activities will release more rights and interests for new and old users in the future. Interested friends can continue to pay attention, or go to the nearby core business district or Galaxy stores in the life circle for a test drive experience.

Evergrande, Huawei, Baidu, and Xiaomi are moving frequently, and the giants are "building cars" one after another. What are the odds?

  On April 19, Hengda, Huawei, Baidu and other "new car-making forces" moved frequently, or released new cars or announced intelligent solutions for automobiles. On the same day, the class A share auto index sector rose by more than 6%, of which driverless concept stocks and automotive electronics concept stocks set off a daily limit.

  Wen, Table/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporters Ni Ming, Zhang Lu, Chen Lili?, Xu Xiaofang

  Mobile phone end point business declines in 2020

  Huawei switches to car racing

  On April 19, all media reporters learned from an internal Huawei employee that on April 20, "Huawei’s flagship store will have huge new partners." At the same time, the video released clearly shows the outline of a car, with the caption "On April 20, Huawei’s flagship store welcomes new partners, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu." The reporter noticed that the Sailis Huawei Smart Selection SF5 had appeared on Huawei’s official website that day, but as of press time, Huawei had not provided the purchase entrance.

  Regarding cross-border vehicle manufacturing, Huawei has stated many times before that it will not enter the field of vehicle manufacturing. At the recent Huawei 2020 annual report, rotating chairperson Hu Houjun reiterated that Huawei’s positioning in the field of smart cars is that the parts supplier has not changed.

  Industry insiders told reporters that Huawei’s active rush to the automotive industry is not unrelated to the current decline in its mobile phone end point business. The reporter observed Huawei’s recent financial reports and found that in 2020, Huawei’s revenue growth slowed to 3.8%, the lowest in the past ten years. For the annual report data, Hu Houqian, chairperson of Huawei, said that the growth rate of consumer business did not meet expectations last year, and admitted that last year due to supply problems, mobile phone sales were affected. In this case, industry insiders told reporters that the decline in Huawei’s mobile phone sales is not only related to the separation of Honor mobile phones, but more importantly, the current Huawei mobile phone production capacity is restricted by the lack of "core" factors.

  As for when Huawei’s intelligent driving department will be profitable, Su Qing, chief architect of Huawei ADS and president of intelligent driving product line, said that autonomous driving does not have to worry about profitability. It is reported that Wang Jun, president of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU, said that this year’s investment in research and development will reach 1 billion US dollars (about 6.50 billion yuan).

  But according to the financial report, Huawei’s cash flow has shrunk at present. According to the financial report, Huawei’s cash flow from operating activities in 2020 was 35.20 billion yuan, down 61.5% year-on-year. In this regard, Huawei said that this is due to increased investment in supply, research and development, material reserves and other aspects.

  Compared with Xiaomi, which announced at the end of March to join the ranks of car manufacturing, its cash reserves in 2020 are as high as 108 billion yuan. Industry insiders told reporters that with Huawei’s capital, such as investing in the vehicle manufacturing industry with a long manufacturing cycle and high capital occupation, the pressure is obvious. At present, Huawei chooses to layout the intelligent driving industry or as a stopgap measure.

  Class A share auto index sector rose more than 6%

  On the same day, the 19th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition in 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show) opened, which is also the first A-level auto show held as scheduled in the world this year. At this Shanghai Auto Show, on the one hand, the independent brand product brands continue to rise and rise in the process of change; on the other hand, the joint venture foreign investment up the ante electric, under the entry of new and old forces and tech giants, the rise of electric intelligence.

  Among them, Baidu’s Apollo Lego-style automotive intelligent solution was fully unveiled, and the two products of Smart Driving and Zhiyun ushered in a heavy upgrade. Its Zhiyun products can support car companies to quickly build intelligent capabilities, shortening the autonomous driving research and development cycle that originally took at least 7 years to complete to 6 months. After 100 days of official announcement of car building, Baidu CEO Robin Li and Geely CEO Li Shufu gathered. According to people familiar with the matter, the meeting between the two was not at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Jidu Automobile will announce a big cooperation. In addition, Wuling New Energy’s first convertible, Hongguang MINIEV CABRIO, made its world debut. Hengda Motor made its debut with nine models of Hengchi, covering all grades from A to D, as well as a full range of models such as sedans, coupes, SUVs, MPVs, and crossovers.

  On April 19, the class A share auto index sector rose more than 6%, Dongfeng Motor, GAC Group, Changan Automobile and other stocks rose by the limit. In the Hong Kong stock market, as of the close, Wuling Automobile rose 27.53%, and the intraday increase was over 30%; Geely Automobile rose 4.82%; BYD shares rose 4.77%, Beijing Automobile rose 4.14%.

  The reporter also noticed that the automotive industry chain has strengthened, including driverless, complete vehicles, automotive electronics, automotive parts, lithium batteries and other branches, among which driverless concept stocks and automotive electronics concept stocks have set off a rise in the limit.

  New forces should overcome capital barriers, production capacity barriers and market barriers as soon as possible

  The reporter observed that at the end of March and the beginning of April, China’s "new car-making forces" continued to move: on March 30, Xiaomi, a cross-border car manufacturer, announced "the first investment of 10 billion yuan, and the investment amount in the next 10 years will reach 10 billion US dollars"; on April 7, the 100,000 production car of NIO was mass-produced in Jianghuai NIO Hefei Advanced Manufacturing Base; on April 8, the Management Committee of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone and XPeng Motors officially signed an investment agreement for the intelligent networked car manufacturing base and R & D center project…

  The "14th Five-Year Plan" clearly focuses on strategic emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, and organizes future industry incubation and acceleration plans in hydrogen energy and other industries. The market believes that this is a strong support for the development of the new energy vehicle industry; not only that, peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality targets have become national strategic goals, which has also injected strong impetus into the development of the new energy vehicle market.

  Not only that, in terms of smart cars, the "14th Five-Year Plan" also makes it clear that vehicle to everything will be actively and steadily developed. The three departments have issued the "National Vehicle to Everything Industry Standard System Suggestions Guide (Intelligent Transportation Related) ", and the construction and development of vehicle to everything related systems continue to accelerate. The reporter observed that the cooperation between car companies and high-tech enterprises is also accelerating. For example, Huawei and BAIC’s new energy brand JIHU have cooperated to launch intelligent luxury pure electric sedan BAIC α coefficient S, and Hengda Automobile has established a joint venture with Tencent’s companies. In this regard, Bohai Securities released a research report and believes that it is optimistic about the trend of intelligent automobile networking, and smart cars are expected to appear "explosive" mass-produced models this year.

  Zhong Shi, an auto industry analyst, believes that now Chinese and foreign automakers have seen the big trend of industry transformation and entered the new energy automobile industry, which will bring new survival challenges to the "new car-making forces". They must survive capital barriers, production capacity barriers and market barriers as soon as possible. He also said that in the end, to achieve the growth of China’s new energy automobile industry, it depends on the comprehensive competition of car companies in terms of advanced technology, cost control, supply chain improvement, excellent quality, safety and reliability. "Objectively speaking, the technical challenges faced by the’new car-making forces’ are still huge, and domestic car companies in our country need to redouble their efforts to seize the opportunities brought by this industry transformation."

  Fu Yuwu, honorary chairperson of the China Society of Automotive Engineers, also emphasized in an interview that "new car companies should respect the objective laws of technological development, and maintain respect for the automotive industry while making efforts on the new track of intelligence and electrification."

  Sales of new energy vehicles are expected to grow rapidly in 2021

  In the face of joint venture car companies up the ante and our country’s own brand car companies expanding production capacity, is the supply of new energy vehicles oversupplied? On the production side, the industrial added value of the automobile manufacturing industry in the first quarter of 2021 increased by more than 50% year-on-year; while the data of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers shows that Quarter 1, China’s new energy vehicle production was 533,000, and sales were 515,000, an increase of 3.2 times and 2.8 times year-on-year respectively. For the future market, some car companies told reporters that they are currently expanding their plants to increase production capacity. Among them, Guangzhou Automobile Aian is expected to invest about 500 million yuan and plans to double production capacity in early 2022.

  On the sales side, the retail volume of narrow passenger cars in the first quarter of this year totaled 5.092 million, an increase of 68.8% year-on-year, a record high growth rate. For the sharp increase in retail volume of passenger cars in the first quarter of this year, the Passenger Association explained that in addition to being affected by the low sales base in the same period last year, another major driving factor is the increasing contribution of new energy vehicles. According to the data of the Passenger Association, in the first quarter, the retail volume of new energy vehicles was 437,000, an increase of 302.9% year-on-year. The retail penetration rate of domestic new energy vehicles in the first quarter was 8.6%, which was significantly higher than the 5.8% in the same period last year. Among them, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles among independent brands in March was 20.5%.

  Some industry analysts believe that production capacity does not mean actual supply. In the face of changes in fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles in the market, in addition to adjusting the product structure of automobile companies, they will also re-target the marketization goal of new energy vehicles according to their own advantages, and create a marketing method for electric vehicles, which will affect the sales strategy and consumers are expected to benefit.

  Huaxi Securities believes that with the continuous improvement of the sales structure and quality of new energy vehicles, as well as the continuous launch of high-quality new models such as the Model Y series, supply will drive demand changes, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is expected to accelerate. It is expected that sales will grow rapidly in 2021.