"Going to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival" The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is open to traffic! 1 minute from Sichuan to Yunnan for the inter-provincial delegation year.

The villagers happily blew lusheng across the bridge.
The villagers happily blew lusheng across the bridge.
Sichuan News Network, Chengdu, January 21 ST (Reporter Dai Yuling’s photo report)On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, the sound of reeds came from the "Jiming Three Provinces" at the junction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, and the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge across the Chishui River was finally opened to traffic! "Open to traffic! Open to traffic! " Villagers in Chahe Village, Shuiliao Yi Township, xuyong county, Luzhou, used musical instruments to spread the joy to Yunnan across the bridge.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
One minute’s drive and 300 meters’ walk. The Three Provinces Bridge is open to traffic!
The "three provinces of crowing" is located between Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. It is said that there is a story that "the golden rooster crows all over the three provinces". However, although it is said that a rooster can be heard in three provinces, the traffic between the three places is a big problem. Throughout history, this place has been a geographical corner, with traffic jams and extremely difficult communication.
The local people told reporters that because the Chishui River and Weihe River meet here, in the past, if they wanted to reach Yunnan from Sichuan, they had to take a detour to Tanchang, paddy fields, Potou and other towns and villages and drive for two and a half hours. It takes one and a half hours to climb the mountain and cross the river, but there are some safety hazards, such as windy and rainy, rising water, foggy river, simple ferry structure and limited life-saving equipment.
Now, after the completion of the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge, the travel mode of people’s fishing boats crossing the river has been completely changed, and the cross-strait traffic distance has been shortened geometrically. It takes only one minute to drive across the bridge to reach the other side, and the walking distance is only 300 meters, which greatly saves travel time and will completely eliminate the safety hazards of cross-strait residents crossing the river.
"It is open to traffic before the Spring Festival, so it is convenient to visit relatives in the New Year." Wang Sicai, a villager in Tianba Village, Shuiliao Township, dressed in Miao costumes and blowing reeds onto the bridge, told reporters excitedly that the wishes of several generations have finally come true and he is happy to express it with music. "In the past, I had to transport the crispy plums to the other side for sale. I could only carry forty or fifty kilograms and walk for four or five hours. Now, it can be transported in ten minutes by truck. There is also a farmhouse in the village to entertain tourists. In the future, walnuts and crisp plums will be expanded, and more and more villagers are willing to return to their hometowns to start businesses. The bridge has passed, which has brought us many good opportunities. "
The reporter learned that the design speed of the bridge is 40 km/h, the design load is highway -I, the bridge length is 286.4 meters, the net span of the main bridge is 180 meters, and the main arch ring adopts cantilever casting construction technology. The width of the bridge deck is 11.5m (9m carriageway+1.25m sidewalks on both sides), the total length of the approach road at the bridgehead of Sichuan Bank is 637.88m, the total length of the approach road at the bridgehead of Yunnan Bank is 140.6m, and the total length of the route is 1041.3m, with two lanes in both directions.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
 Inter-provincial group year becomes simple "full of love journey" love chartered car
The reporter learned that it coincides with the Lunar New Year holiday. With the full completion of the Jiming Bridge in three provinces, at the strong request of the people on both sides of the strait, the Transportation Bureau of xuyong county, Sichuan Province and the Transportation Bureau of Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province reached a framework agreement to connect buses, and on January 21st, three "full journey" love chartered cars were launched. Next, the transportation departments of the two places will improve the relevant procedures as soon as possible, and start customized passenger transportation from Shuiliao Township, xuyong county, Sichuan Province to Potou Town, Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, so as to provide convenient, safe, warm and comfortable travel services for the people on both sides of the strait, so that the local people can truly feel the care of the transportation departments and let the people have more sense of gain, satisfaction and happiness in the transportation field.
"Dead ends" and "revitalization" of tourism resources will inject new vitality into rural revitalization.
He Xiaotao, deputy director of the Agricultural Construction Department of the Highway Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation, told reporters that in addition to facilitating the travel of ordinary people, the completion and opening of the Jiming Bridge in the three provinces is also conducive to promoting the economic development of the three provinces on both sides of the strait. The poor wumeng mountain, where the Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is located, has been a traffic corner for thousands of years, and has always been a backward and poor area in history. The xuyong county of Sichuan and Zhenxiong County of Yunnan, which it connects, are all state-level poverty-stricken counties, facing Qixingguan District of Bijie City, Guizhou Province across the river. The coal and pyrite in Yunnan can’t be delivered, and the crisp plums and tobacco in Xuyong, Sichuan are difficult to transport. The inconvenient transportation makes many scenic and ingenious tourism resources in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou unable to meet each other. The completion of the bridge will help to implement the poverty alleviation policy, which will further promote the development of coastal economy and industry and increase farmers’ income; It will further help the development of the tourism industry, and all the "dead ends" of local rich tourism resources will be "revitalized"; It will further boost wumeng mountain’s poverty alleviation and prosperity, win the battle against poverty, and inject new vitality into rural revitalization; It will further supplement and optimize the layout of inter-provincial passages between Sichuan and Yunnan, and promote the development of regional economic and social integration.
In addition, the bridge is the inheritance of the red spirit. Chishui River and Ancient Yi Holy Land. It used to be the marching place where the Central Red Army crossed Chishui, and the famous three provinces of Jiming were held. The completion of the bridge will further promote the development of local red tourism.
The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge was completed and opened to traffic today (provided by the Provincial Communications Department)
It is estimated that by the end of 2020, car crossings and passenger crossings with annual traffic volume exceeding 50,000 passengers can be basically eliminated in Sichuan.
There are many rivers in our province, and people in some economically underdeveloped areas have to travel by ferry. According to statistics, by the end of 2012, there were 1718 ferries in the province, which brought a lot of inconvenience to people living and traveling along the river and facing the water. In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of ferry transportation and improve the production and living conditions of the masses along the river and near the water, the provincial party Committee and government attach great importance to the construction of ferry bridge reconstruction project as a major livelihood project.
With the completion of a large number of ferry bridge-changing projects, the water travel conditions of the ferry in our province have been greatly improved, the potential safety hazards have been effectively rectified, and the transportation network has been further improved, which has provided a strong transportation guarantee for the county’s economic and social development and farmers’ prosperity.
It is estimated that by the end of 2020, car crossings and people crossings with annual traffic volume exceeding 50,000 passengers can be basically eliminated, effectively solving the troubles of people who are near the water for wading or long-distance detours. He Xiaotao told the reporter, "The Jiming Three Provinces Bridge is also the 36th highway passage on Chishui River, and it is also another highway outlet in our province. Its completion has provided strong road traffic support for promoting high-quality poverty alleviation in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas of Wumeng Mountain and promoting the" four-way expansion and global opening "strategy of the provincial party committee and government."
(Some pictures are provided by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation)

Financial institutions pay close attention to "electric fraud" and stop losses in time to warm people’s hearts.

Zhongxin. com Shanxi News, January 10th Recently, China Bank Yuncheng Ruicheng Sub-branch received a special customer, Ms. Liu. In the process of handling business, Ms. Liu told the lobby manager that she had received a phone call from "customer service of a certain platform", saying that she had launched the service of "e-commerce live member of a certain platform". If she did not cancel the service, she would be charged 500 yuan every month for 12 consecutive months, totaling 6,000 yuan. Ms. Liu asked to cancel this service, and the other party guided her to download a new APP. After the download was completed, the other party instructed her to open credit cards, debit cards, etc. through this software, and asked the customer to transfer money to the designated bank account. At the same time, Ms. Liu also received a strange phone call from abroad. After analysis and judgment, the lobby manager helped Ms. Liu print out the recent bank card transaction flow and found that there was indeed a sum of money transferred to a strange account.
In order to reduce Ms. Liu’s economic loss, the lobby manager immediately chose to call the police and explained to the police the story of Ms. Liu’s fraud. At the same time, Ms. Liu was guided to handle the daily bank card limit business, and told that Ms. Liu must go to the relevant bank to handle credit card cancellation and other businesses to ensure the safety of her own funds. Finally, the customer thanked the lobby manager after finishing the business.
At present, telecom fraud and fraud are increasingly rampant. As the protector of customers’ property, Bank of China Yuncheng Branch will continue to devote itself to enhancing citizens’ awareness of anti-telecom network fraud through extensive publicity and in-depth education, and at the same time actively take measures to protect customers’ funds and information security, become customers’ financial partners, ensure their financial interests are fully protected, and protect their wealth and dreams! (End)

2017 National Peking Opera Theatre New Year’s Day performance season "Qipanshan" and other major dramas were staged.

  From January 1st to 3rd, 2017, the 2017 New Year’s Day Performance Season of the National Peking Opera Theatre will be staged in Beijing Meilanfang Grand Theatre, bringing together six classic dramas such as Feng Haichao, Qipanshan Mountain, Legend of the White Snake, Yutangchun, Taohua Village and Shiro Visiting Mother. Among them, Qipanshan, performed on New Year’s Eve, is a representative play of the Peking Opera King (Yao Qing) School, with Liu Xiurong and Zhang Chunxiao as artistic directors and outstanding young actors Guo Fanjia and Hao Shipeng as the leading roles.

  Jinghua Times reporter Tian Chao

  ■ Synopsis

  Two pairs of talented people and beautiful women get married.

  The story of Qipanshan, a Beijing opera, is very in line with the appreciation habits of China people. It is a classic play with comedy color, with a relaxed style as the keynote and a happy ending at last. This play is taken from the novel Xue Dingshan’s Expedition to the West. The story takes place during the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty. Xiliang invaded the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shimin made a personal expedition, and Xue Rengui was trapped in Suoyang City. Cheng Yaojin broke through and returned to move troops. Prince Li Zhi ordered Xue Dingshan to hang Marshal No.2, Cheng Yaojin to supervise the army, and Xue Jinlian to pledge food and go to the rescue.

  Dou Yihu and Dou Xiantong, the chieftains of Qipanshan, were originally the grandchildren of Dou Jiande, a famous soldier in the early Tang Dynasty, who were skilled in martial arts. Dou Xiantong, in particular, is both wise and brave, and has the talent of a general. When the Tang Jun Grain Escort Team passed by the mountain, Dou Yihu, the elder brother who came to rob the grain, took a fancy to Xue Jinlian. Dou Xiantong, the younger sister, fell in love with Xue Dingshan at first sight. She led Xue Dingshan to Houshan Mountain for an excuse and proposed marriage face to face. Although Xue Dingshan also had a good impression on Dou Xiantong, she didn’t dare to promise, so she was taken up the mountain. Dou Xiantong said to Xue Jinlian, "Go back and tell your mother that I have no intention of hurting your brother. Tell her to leave Cheng Chitose and make decisions with our two families. "

  Cheng Yaojin listened to Xue Jinlian’s shy and implicit return and understood that Dou Xiantong had a crush on Xue Dingshan; After listening to a more shy and implicit report, I understood that Dou Yihu had a crush on Xue Jinlian. He also knew all the ins and outs of Doushi’s brother and sister, and learned that they were descendants of Dou Jiande, so he persuaded Xue’s mother, Liu Yingchun, to agree to these two marriages, and personally went up the mountain as a matchmaker. After some near misses, Cynomorium prevailed, and two couples also tied the knot.

  ■ Highlights

  The story is humorous and full of business.

  Qipanshan is a representative play of Wang School. In the 1970s, famous Peking Opera performers Liu Xiurong and Zhang Chunxiao rearranged it. This is a traditional drama with complete travel, equal emphasis on singing and doing, both civil and military skills, and good listening and watching. The plot is humorous, the stage is fresh and bright, and it is convenient for young audiences to watch. However, it has rarely appeared on the stage in recent years.

  This year marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of Wang Yaoqing, a master of Peking Opera. Liu Xiurong, who is over 80 years old, expressed the hope that you can see the style of Wang Opera through this play. She said, "There are too many representative plays of Wang Opera, but few people can learn it now. Now, when it comes to Peking Opera, everyone knows the four famous artists, but Wang Yaoqing is their master, but few people know it. " She also hopes that all walks of life can pay more attention to the art of Peking Opera King (Yao Qing).

  The first couple in this play are Dou Xiantong and Xue Dingshan, and Xue Dingshan on the opera stage has no high martial arts. He is weak in character, but he is beautiful and handsome. Dou Xiantong, on the other hand, is just the opposite. She is strong in martial arts, strong in character, resourceful and calculating. This contrast in personality is also related to their experiences. Xue Dingshan grew up in Wangfu since childhood, and his previous experience was smooth sailing without any hardships. But Dou Xiantong grew up in a cottage, and his experience was a lot bumpy. Such young people, when they meet in a narrow way, will naturally have a lot of opponents to see. Guo Fanjia, who plays Dou Xiantong in the play, said: "This character should be not only martial arts, but also feminine and lovely. It is really difficult to play."

  Another couple in the play are Dou Yihu and Xue Jinlian. Xue Jinlian is quiet, shy and introverted, and handsome. Dou Yihu is humorous, cheerful, strong and reckless, and full of masculinity. At first, when robbing grain, Dou Yihu met Xue Jinlian. When he was defeated and returned to the mountain to report to his sister, he was not ashamed and was very cute. When such two people meet together, they are also full of jokes.

  Another highlight of the play is Cheng Yaojin’s marriage proposal. Although Cheng Yaojin has ordinary martial arts, he is lucky and a lucky general. Personality is loyalty-oriented, easy-going, Wagangzhai, was elected king. His personality is crude and refined, witty and humorous. It will naturally be interesting for him to deal with marriage events with Dou Xiantong and Xue Jinlian. It is understood that in order to celebrate the New Year’s Day, this series of performances are all public welfare performances with low fares, and the lowest fare is 50 yuan.

  ■ Other wonderful plays

  Repertoire: Feng Haichao.

  Performance time: 2 pm on January 1st.

  Starring: Young Mei Pai Tsing Yi Jia Pengfei, young niche actor Hao Shipeng led the performance, while Lu Kunshan, Yan Shiqi and Gu Qian helped out.

  Introduction: Feng Haichao, a Peking Opera, was adapted by Mei Lanfang from the Qing Palace’s Collection "Circular Preface", originally named "The Tree of Yin and Yang", also known as "Ugly Match", which premiered in Beijing in 1929. The plot is ingenious and full of trades, which is similar to the legendary script Kite Mistake in Qing Dynasty. Xue ‘e’s several passages are gorgeous and unique, lively and ups and downs, and they are like songs, which are well-known aria widely circulated in Mei school.

  Repertoire: Legend of the White Snake

  Performance time: 2: 00 pm on January 2.

  Starring: Outstanding young actors Zhu Hong, Chen Xuzhi, Dai Zhongyu, Dennies Hu, etc. lead the performance, while Chen Guosen, Liu Kuikui, Wang Haoqiang, etc.

  Introduction: The story of White Snake and Xu Xian has been circulated among the people in China for a long time. Now the Peking Opera Legend of White Snake, which is often performed, is performed according to Mr. Tian Han’s version. From the time when White Snake and Green Snake went down the mountain to swim around the lake, to the time when Green Snake destroyed the tower and reunited with Bai Xu, there were plots such as getting married, changing wine, stealing grass, going up the mountain, fighting with water, breaking the bridge and closing bowls. Among them, the "Broken Bridge" is particularly exciting.

  Repertoire: Yu Tang Chun

  Performance time: 7: 30pm on January 2nd.

  Starring: Xunpai Hua Dan actor Song Yixuan, Mei Pai Tsing Yi Zhu Hong, Zhang Pai Tsing Yi Liu Mengjiao and Cheng Pai Tsing Yi Lv Yaoyao starred.

  Highlights: This drama tells the story of Wang Jinlong, a son of a government official, and Su San, a famous prostitute. The drama "Su San Qi Jie" and "Three Trials" are classic passbook dramas, which have been performed by various schools. This time, the young inheritors of the four schools of the National Peking Opera Theatre gathered together to perform the complex and beautiful role of Su San with the characteristics of their respective schools.

  Repertoire: Peach Blossom Village

  Performance time: 2 pm on January 3rd.

  Starring: Outstanding young actors such as Zhang Yixin, Bai Yang, Yang Wei, Pi Rui and Zhang Yandong.

  Aspect introduction: outside the Taohua Village

  Yu Yan, the daughter of Liu Deming, and Chunlan, the maid, went to the flower field to have a spring outing and choose a husband. Bian Ji, a scholar from Lu Yu, fell in love at first sight. Unexpectedly, after some twists and turns, through the mediation of Lu Zhishen, Biansheng and Yuyan finally got married.

  Repertoire: "Shiro Visiting Mother"

  Performance time: 7: 30pm on January 3rd.

  Starring: The play brings together national first-class actors Tian Lei, Bi Xiaoyang and Xu Mengke, and outstanding young actors Li Bo, Guo Xiao, Liu Qi, Sina Zha, Bai Yang and Jin Xing.

  Highlights: The play is based on Yang Jiajiang’s story. The whole play has a deep description of the characters’ feelings, and has done enough articles on the word "human feelings". Against the background of the confrontation between the two armies and the tense situation, Yang Silang, who was trapped in a foreign country, risked his life and sneaked out to visit his mother. Endless feelings of parting, hating and missing bring us together and apart.

Xia Yan: Simple and Pure Personality and Style of Writing

Since the 1930s, when people evaluate and discuss Xia Yan’s literary and artistic creation and its individual characteristics, they tend to be associated with key words such as realism, refinement, dilution and significance. Just as in July 1943, Ye Shengtao wrote a poem for Xia Yan’s play "Fascist Bacteria", which was well received by all walks of life in Chengdu: "Xia Yan’s style is simple and clear, and Chinese drama art is well-known. I am glad to hear that today’s two difficulties are combined, and I will see the glory moving to Jincheng. " It has to be said that simplicity and elegance are not only the artistic style of Xia Yan’s masterpiece Fascist Bacteria, but also the consistent and beautiful experience brought to readers and audiences by a large number of well-known chapters left by Xia Yan’s various creative practices for more than 60 years.
Xia Yan
Beyond written expression, stage performance, screen projection and other media forms.
The historical situation of the modern world and modern China, especially the development trend of "left-wing" culture and revolutionary literature and art since the May 4th New Culture Movement, together with the integration of China and foreign countries, the intellectual literacy and the literary talent with pure nature and flourishing heart, not only prompted Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and other outstanding ideological enlighteners to give up their own "scientific" ambitions and embark on the road of soul salvation, but also "abandoned their jobs and joined the literature" for young Xia Yan and became China.
According to incomplete statistics, in the whole 20th century, during his revolutionary career and writing practice of more than 60 years, Xia Yan occasionally dabbled in or intensively worked on investigation reports, translated works, current affairs reviews, movie scripts (original or adapted), drama scripts (original or adapted), reportage, short stories, poems, radio plays, news interviews, close-up editorials, newspaper supplements, essays and essays. He has also published or published far-reaching works in the fields of film, drama and literature theory and criticism, wandering freely between creation and theory and criticism, and galloping between originality and translation and adaptation. His carrier spans many different media forms such as written expression, stage performance, broadcast transmission and screen projection. Although in the history of modern culture, many intellectuals have intentionally or unintentionally devoted themselves to this rich and diverse cross-media writing, it is rare to see such extensive, in-depth writing practice as Xia Yan’s, which has made great achievements.
It is particularly noteworthy that Xia Yan’s cross-media writing always meets the needs of the times and reality, and has been developed and gradually completed in his social activities and revolutionary practice. In this process, Xia Yan always turned to many teachers, worked diligently and quietly, and integrated his unique social experience, personality characteristics and spiritual temperament into different genres, themes and media, forming a simple and elegant personality and style of writing. During the "Left-wing League" period, Xia Yan was deeply influenced by Qu Qiubai, and changed and rewritten the seemingly ordinary news report in the newspaper to make it a literary work with ideological significance, artistic appeal and stronger "accusation", so as to freely switch between news style and literary style. Tian Han also made it clear in the preface to "A Story of Sorrow for the City" that Xia Yan’s accomplishment as a journalist is also very helpful to the playwright. In his view, without the sensitivity of the times and familiarity with and insight into social events, Xia Yan might not have written such excellent modern dramas as One Year, Heart Prevention, and A Story of Sorrow for the City. At the same time, Xia Yan’s theory of time or plays made people feel "consistent and sincere thoughts of worrying about the time".
Because of this, Xia Yan will constantly change his professional identity and try to write across the media according to the situation and needs, at least in the fields of reportage (Bonded Worker), drama script (Under the Roof of Shanghai), film script (Spring Silkworm, Blessing, Lin Jiapu) and film theory criticism (Several Problems in Writing Film Script).
Xia Yan (middle) is with Ba Jin (left) and Bing Xin. Information picture
Explore the different characteristics of reportage, stage performance and screen projection
Xia Yan’s great achievements in the field of cross-media writing not only depend on his extraordinary diligence and talent, but also benefit from his mastery of unique media characteristics.
In fact, although the writing of reportage, drama script, film script and even film theory criticism is ostensibly a literal grasp or literary expression, he knows better than anyone that the real audience of these different genres of writing is not "readers" in the general sense, but readers, listeners and audiences who want to gain different insights and inspirations through various media.
Due to specific historical reasons and his important position in modern literature and drama film movement, when Xia Yan entered reportage, drama script and film script creation, he basically had a relatively direct dialogue with the corresponding social groups, stages and cinemas. Therefore, the literariness of writing is always intertwined with the publicity of social concern, the drama of stage performance and the cinematic nature of screen projection. Because of this, this unique cross-media writing must be based on accurately grasping the media characteristics of reportage, stage performance and screen projection, that is, "writing for society", "writing for stage" and "writing for screen".
As far as writing for the screen is concerned. Film is an imported art form. When the "Party’s Film Group" led by Xia Yan was ordered to work as a screenwriter and write film reviews in Shanghai Star Film Company, he should have no personal experience of film as a media characteristic different from literature. However, the great achievements of China’s "Left-wing" film movement can’t be separated from Xia Yan and others’ recognition of the media characteristics of film as a new audio-visual carrier, and their extraordinary efforts in watching one film after another, learning over and over again, and analyzing one frame at a time. Only by truly understanding the characteristics of the narrative, picture, editing, rhythm and genre of movies that are different from those of literature and drama, can Xia Yan win the trust of film directors and production companies more smoothly, and lead the times with a number of excellent plays such as Wild Flow and Spring Silkworm, and create classics in film history. Until 1958, Xia Yan still regarded film plays as a special "business" and a special "learning" with its own special laws and similarities and differences with drama and literature.
It is precisely because we always attach importance to the special laws and media characteristics of film plays that Xia Yan’s "Blessing" and "Lin Jiapu" adapted from Lu Xun’s and Mao Dun’s novels will conquer audiences at home and abroad with their cinematic viewing experience and screen charm, and become simple, elegant and meaningful model works in film history.
The picture of the film "Lin Jiapu" written by Xia Yan.
Expect creators and actors to "have more real life in the play and less drama in the real life"
From beginning to end, Xia Yan kept his dual mission of revolution and literature and art in his heart and shouldered it. What is even more commendable is that Xia Yan did not easily devalue the aesthetic function of literary and artistic creation because of his revolutionary cause, or put aside his spiritual appeal of directly attacking the human soul. On the contrary, a revolutionary’s affinity and intellectual’s bookish spirit always lingered between Xia Yan’s lines, showing a clear track of increasingly profound realism and charming charm in his simple and elegant style of writing.
Xia Yan’s pursuit of realism is not only related to his "engineering" experience in his youth, but also related to his social mission as a professional revolutionary. Similarly, the pursuit of realism is not only a broad road for the May 4th Movement to forge ahead for modern literature, but also inseparable from Xia Yan’s personal temperament of being good at facing reality, always caring for the people and loving the world.
In an article, Wu Zuguang once pointed out that reading Xia Yan’s works, whether scripts, essays or political sketches, will make people think of Chekhov’s "conciseness" and "significance"; Even in appearance, Xia Yan and Chekhov, holding a cane and holding a pipe, look like "quietly observing the world", which is the realistic feature of Xia Yan’s creation. In the screenplay Spring Silkworm, the silkworm breeding nest and rural life are almost recorded, and the colorful metropolis features and all kinds of people in the screenplay Spring Silkworm, the drama screenplay A Corner of the City and Under the Roof of Shanghai, as well as the "realistic description of the characters as much as possible" in the large historical drama Sai Jinhua, have all made important contributions to the development of China’s realistic movies and dramas. The drama One Year is also called "calm and promising realism" by literary historians.
Of course, in the "quiet observation" of the world, Xia Yan showed his calmness in facing the reality and his kindness in caring for the common people. However, he also emphasized more enthusiasm and abundance in going deep into life and discussing the "inner revelation" and "spiritual world" of the characters, and asked the creators and actors to "have more real life in the play and less drama in the real life". From the inside out, we should respect the inevitability and rationality of facts, environment and characters’ words and deeds, and master the accurate proper limit based on reality and the original appearance of human nature, without making useless cries or malicious concealment. This creative practice and literary concept saturated with Marxist humanitarianism can not only appreciate its elegance in Blessing and Lin Jiapu, but also give endless influence and inspiration to later generations.
Indeed, Xia Yan’s simple and elegant writing style, his successful cross-media writing, his unique grasp of media characteristics and his profound pursuit of realism complement each other, making outstanding contributions to China’s culture and art in the 20th century, and leaving a valuable cultural and artistic heritage for future generations. (Li Daoxin, Vice President of Peking University Art Institute, "Changjiang Scholar" distinguished professor)

CCTV exposed a number of unqualified household paper and waste paper as raw materials, and the bacteria exceeded the standard by four times.

  CCTV News: Tissue paper and toilet paper, collectively referred to as household paper, are one of the just-needed products for living at home now. In fact, just 30 or 40 years ago, these professional household papers, especially tissue papers, were still high-end goods and rare goods in our lives. Of course, now that everyone has a good life, professional household paper has become a necessity of life, but a supervision and spot check by the relevant departments found that some household paper actually has a low level of hygiene.

  Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision recently conducted supervision and spot checks on tissue paper and toilet paper products. The results show that some tissue paper is produced with recycled raw materials, and some toilet paper is "unsanitary" and many other unqualified problems.

  Li Xiaotong, inspector of Jiangsu Paper Printing Products Quality Inspection Station, said that there were 162 batches of samples of tissue paper and toilet paper in this supervision and spot check, including 99 batches sampled by production enterprises, 18 batches purchased by physical stores and 45 batches purchased by e-commerce platforms. All samples involved 112 brands of 101 production enterprises.

  In this supervision and spot check, Jiangsu Quality Supervision Bureau entrusted Jiangsu Paper Printing Product Quality Inspection Station and Huai ‘an Quality Inspection Institute to conduct testing. Among the 162 batches of samples, there were 88 batches of tissue paper and 74 batches of toilet paper.

  In the interview, the reporter noticed that in this supervision and spot check, the unqualified rate of tissue paper was much higher than that of toilet paper. Among the 35 batches of unqualified samples, 28 batches of tissue paper were used.

  The content of tissue paper is a quantitative information that the manufacturer clearly shows consumers how many sheets of paper are contained in this package of tissue paper on the outer packaging of the enterprise. However, in this supervision and spot check, it was found that 13 batches of tissue paper were unqualified, which is what we usually call short weight and short weight. As you can see, there are 500 sheets of tissue paper labeled as Yiran brand in my hand, but after testing, there are only 132 sheets of tissue paper in this package, which is only about a quarter of the express value.

  After testing, among 28 batches of unqualified tissue paper samples, there are 13 batches with insufficient internal capacity, which is the biggest problem found in this supervision and spot check.

  Of the 13 batches of unqualified samples, 8 batches were sampled from production enterprises, including:Named "Meijiaxin" extraction embossed napkin produced by Nanjing Bairun Paper Co., Ltd.; Named as "Weiyi (Cocoa Elephant Series)" extraction paper towel produced by Nanjing Yuankuo Technology Industry Co., Ltd.; Known as "Yinsijie" natural bamboo pulp paper produced by Zhenjiang Minzhen Paper Co., Ltd.; Known as "Shunan" removable facial tissue produced by Zhenjiang Sunan Trading Co., Ltd.; Known as "Haoxiang" bamboo fiber tissue produced by Zhenjiang Haoxiang Paper Co., Ltd.; Known as "Qianfeng" handkerchief paper produced by Changzhou Yudi Paper Co., Ltd.; Named as "Jieshilian" removable facial tissue produced by Baofuda Sanitary Products Factory in Shang Hu Town, Changshu City; Known as Xuzhou Tianqiang Paper Co., Ltd. produced "Xuanzhu" removable facial tissue.

  4 batches are purchased from physical stores, including nominal sentences."Merlot" extracted facial tissue produced by Rongshi Jingwang Paper Factory; Known as "Yiran" removable facial tissue produced by Jiangsu Yangzhou Yiran Paper Co., Ltd.; Named "Fang Yaxin" produced by Jinsheng Sanitary Paper Factory in Jiangning District, Nanjing, with 420 pieces of removable facial tissues in gold; Named "Yufeng" removable tissue paper produced by Nanjing Yufeng Paper Processing Factory.

  1 batch purchased from e-commerce, nominallyExtractable facial tissue produced by Senli Paper Group Co., Ltd..

  In addition to the lack of internal capacity, this test found that the second major problem of tissue paper is that manufacturers illegally use recycled fibers as raw materials.

  According to the inspectors, the national standard for tissue paper stipulates that recycled fibers are not allowed, and native wood fibers or non-wood fibers must be used. The national standard of toilet paper allows the use of native wood fiber, non-wood fiber and waste paper fiber. Wood fiber refers to primary wood pulp, non-wood fiber includes rice straw, straw, bamboo and sugarcane pulp, and recycled fiber is waste paper pulp.

  The inspector told the reporter that the color of tissue paper produced by primary wood pulp is white, while the color of tissue paper produced by recycled fiber is gray and dark. At the same time, there are usually residual ink spots on its surface.

  After testing, it is called a sentence"Merlot" extracted facial tissue produced by Rongshi Jingwang Paper Factory; Named "Yufeng" extraction tissue paper produced by Nanjing Yufeng Paper Processing Factory; Named as "Jielian" removable tissue paper produced by Suzhou Weirou Paper Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu Province.All three batches of tissue paper samples were found to contain migrating fluorescent whitening agents, and their dust levels were also unqualified. Consumer use

  Such a tissue paper wipes the mouth, and the mobile fluorescent whitening agent may be absorbed by the human body, causing hidden dangers to the health of consumers.

  NominallyThe "Pinrui" luxury handkerchief paper produced by Chengdu Jinxiangcheng Paper Co., Ltd. is marked with product grades outside the national standard at will. At the same time, some samples, such as "Yinsijie" paper handkerchiefs produced by Zhenjiang Minzhen Paper Co., Ltd., have the phenomenon that manufacturers falsely mark product grades.

  During the inspection of toilet paper in this supervision and spot check, it was found that the total number of bacterial colonies in 5 batches exceeded the standard, and the samples with the worst hygiene index exceeded the national standard by more than 4 times. According to the inspectors, the total number of bacterial colonies is unqualified, which means that the toilet paper is "unsanitary".

  The unqualified samples of this index include: nominal"Friends of the Skin Wrinkled Toilet Paper" and "Jinbaide Advanced Wrinkled Toilet Paper" produced by Hongze Jinbaide Paper Co., Ltd.; Marked as "Nantong Haian Baihui Paper Factory", it is called "Shuang Dian Gao Jian Toilet Paper"; "Double Panda brand toilet paper" produced by Quzhou Double Panda Paper Co., Ltd.; Flat toilet paper produced by Shanghai Jiedu Paper Co., Ltd. Wait.

  The test found that these five batches of samples with unqualified hygiene indicators were all flat-cut toilet paper produced from recycled raw materials.

"China Table Tennis Jedi Counterattack" reveals that the five tigers of table tennis are stunted.

1905 movie network news On February 6th, a movie starring Deng Chao, director, and others released a "skill card" version of the preview and a "role card" version of the poster. The "devil coach" in the film led the male table tennis "General Five Tigers" to fight back, and the youthful feeling of high blood overflowed the picture. The film will be passionately screened on February 14th and officially released on February 17th.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. The loneliness and invincibility of men’s table tennis played an overture on that legendary night. On February 5th, the film held a Lantern Festival meeting in China Film Archive. Yu Baimei, one of the film directors, appeared with actors Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen and Wang Xi, as well as Li Lizi, the director of table tennis on the film scene.

Men’s table tennis "Five Tiger Generals" have their own magical powers, and they have assembled "opposing" world masters.

The "Skill Card" version of the preview released on February 6th changed the description of the ups and downs of the story in the previous preview, and more showed the unique personal charm and blood burning point of the male table tennis "General Five Tigers" led by the head coach. The hard work and young soul of the "Five Tigers" were unobstructed in the preview — — In the passionate voice of Amway, Bai Min, who has comprehensive skills and outstanding personal ability, Huang Zhao, who plays a stable role and is also the big brother in the team, Gong Feng, a "secret weapon" who appeared as a surprise soldier at a critical moment after four years of snow hiding, Dong Shuai, a "girl killer" with a broken face and elegant ball style, and, who showed the general style at a young age. The youthful vitality of the "Five Tigers" has added a unique feeling of blood and excitement to the exciting competition, and the young souls of a generation of national table tennis athletes are vividly portrayed.

The simultaneous release of the "role card" poster has brought this burning feeling into full play — — The whole set of posters takes China Red as the main color, and the head coach and the "Five Tigers" jerseys blend into this unique passion and enthusiasm of China people. It seems that the superhero is about to set out to "fight monsters", and the film’s slogan "Before becoming a big devil, you are a Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed" tells more about the juvenile strength of male table tennis athletes. The "five tigers" immediately formed a group, and the high-burning assembled the world’s masters of "being intercepted". When people saw the poster, they couldn’t help shouting "Sa"!

"Let’s start again and be more reunited" is supported by the audience, and "the soul of a childlike heart" is burning to welcome the spring.

On February 5th, at the Lantern Festival meeting, the creative people present spoke freely with the guests and audience, and had a unique Lantern Festival. Yu Baimei, the director of the film, first expressed his gratitude to the audience. He said, "I think there are countless people who have helped us. Many predecessors and colleagues in the film industry behind us have made efforts beyond my imagination to make this film meet with you today. I am very grateful and very moved. I also thank all the partners and predecessors present today." At the same time, Yu Baimei also thanked the audience for their praise and support in the early stage: "This film has experienced many interesting stories, but today this film can finally meet the audience." The director’s heartfelt speech won the support of the audience: "China Ping-Pong is burning and bloody, so it’s good to cry and laugh." "A good movie will definitely have a good market return!" It is worth mentioning that the audience gave a higher evaluation to the men’s table tennis "Five Tigers" with different styles in China Table Tennis "The Jedi Strikes Back", and they became "Five Tigers" in succession, looking forward to welcoming the coming spring together with "The Jedi Strikes Back of China Table Tennis".

At the meeting, there were also many well-known cultural and sports café s who brought their families to watch the movie, and they also gave high praise to the film. Hu Zhifeng, deputy secretary and vice president of the Party Committee of the Film Academy, said, "This film has aroused unforgettable memories of our generation, at least our generation, and it is indeed an unforgettable historical moment. It is also the very deep and irreplaceable spiritual motivation that table tennis, as a national sport, has left for each of us in China. This film has made this kind of spirit! " Yin Li, a famous director, said, "It is not only a sports movie, but also records the mental journey of China people at that time, and each step is so difficult. Today, I saw the inspiration of "China Table Tennis Jedi Counterattack". Let me say thank you to all the creators and directors. You let us feel the hope of China movies! " Zhang Zequn, a famous host, said, "I was particularly moved after watching it, because this film has a special texture, not only the image and temperament of the actors, but also the accuracy. Today is the film’s re-departure. I hope all audience friends will support our "China Table Tennis Jedi Counterattack" for a conscience work of China’s film. " The wonderful comments of the guests won applause from the audience. On the same day, "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Fight Back" also opened a national screening of "Small Round, Love a lot", and the audience was absorbed and laughed constantly during the movie.After the screening, many people said: "It’s very cool to watch. The film is not only about the athletes’ struggle, but also tells us how powerful the power of’ believing in yourself’ is!" On this reunion day, the film laughs, cries and whispers with everyone!

The film "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun and Aruna. The film will be passionately screened on February 14th and officially released on February 17th.

I have traveled to so many places, and these 11 places make me feel worthy of the name and glad you came.

I have traveled to so many places, some places will only be visited once, and some places will be unforgettable.

I put all the things I have been to in recent yearsGlad you came’s travel destinations that feel most worthy of the name are listed and summarized into the following list.

Let’s see if it’s the same as what you think ~

Interested friends can also collect them as a reference for future travel destinations.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Forbidden City, Great Wall, various museums.

Beijing is no stranger to all domestic travelers, but it is a place where even after many visits, I feel that I have not stayed enough.

Although you may have been to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City countless times, you can’t help but stop and enjoy it quietly because there is too much history here.

I counted the beautiful scenery of Beijing that I still want to collect (for example, the four seasons of the Forbidden City), and I will go there four times by visual inspection.

Dialogue between the Son of Heaven and God-Hall of Praying for the New Year

The Modern Pulse of the Ancient Capital —— China Zunhe CCTV Building

China’s International Business Card-The Great Wall

Attached here is a travel guide to Beijing made by Xiaocao, both in video and text versions. Please help yourself:

Travel guide | How many of the eight scenic spots you must visit in Beijing for the first time?

Recommended by travelers! The most classic Beijing tourist route, covering all the must-see attractions.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Potala Palace, Everest Base Camp, Gangrenboqi, Linzhi, Yangzhuo Yongcuo, etc.

Tibet is praised by many people as the destination of the soul, and grass also feels this way when traveling to Tibet.

Facing the mountains and rivers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we will strongly feel the smallness of human beings; Seeing the piety and simplicity of the Tibetans who worship the Buddha, we can appreciate the boundless spiritual world. There is a feeling that the mind has been soaked and washed.

Potala Palace, a Temple under Heaven

The height of the earth-Everest

The Reflection of Mount Sumi in the Present World —— Gangren Boqi

Tibet is also one of Xiaocao’s favorite travel destinations. Here is a travel plan for Lhasa:

Diary of Lhasa Travel | First Sight of Potala Palace in Lhasa | Jokhang Temple | Travel Guide of Barkhor Street

Lhasa Travel Diary | Take a look at these delicious travel food strategies in Lhasa.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Urumqi, Turpan, Tianshan, Bayinbuluke, Kashgar, Kanas, etc.

I want to go to the northwest and enjoy different scenery. In the northwest, the most important place to go is Xinjiang.

Unforgettable Xinjiang prairie and its warm and lovely herdsmen; The soul-stirring Tianshan Snow Peak and the steep mountain shape; Curious ethnic customs and beautiful fairyland.

Xinjiang, how can it not appear in your travel plan?

Oil Painting in Gobi —— Bayinbuluke

Four Seasons at a Glance-Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang

The Arabic Color of the Western Regions —— Mosque

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Qinghai Lake, Chaka Salt Lake and Emerald Lake.

Qinghai has a similar landform to Tibet, which is better integrated with the Central Plains in culture and life. It is very suitable as a destination for the first time to appreciate the plateau customs.

There are no very famous historical sites in Qinghai, but only beautiful scenery carved by nature, among which Shenhu Lake is especially famous, such as Qinghai Lake, Chaka Salt Lake and Emerald Lake.

The Sea on the Plateau-Qinghai Lake

The Mirror of Heaven-Chaka Salt Lake

The Bronze Mirror Made by Salt Pond —— Dachaidan Emerald Lake

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Chunxi Road & Taikooli, Dujiangyan and Panda Base.

Chengdu is the only metropolis with a population of ten million in China where you can see the snow-capped mountains with naked eyes, and it is also the starting point for many travelers to travel westward to Tibet and go on road trip.

Chengdu not only has rich city life and beautiful surrounding scenery, but also is a gourmet capital.

In terms of cost performance, Chengdu can be regarded as a unique position.

Cities and snow-capped mountains

Chengdu’s Business Card-Giant Panda

Activate every Taste Bud-Chengdu Chuanchuanxiang

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Bund, Disney.

Although Shanghai, a ten-mile foreign exchange and a colorful magic capital, is a rising star in China’s thousand-year history, it is a good travel destination.

Shanghai, like Beijing, has an amazing number of flights. No matter where you start from, there are plenty of round-trip trips and air tickets, and you can often buy surprisingly cheap special air tickets.

In Shanghai, you have to go to the Bund. Wandering between Puxi Wanguo Building Complex and Pudong Lujiazui three-piece suite, it seems that you can see the vicissitudes of a hundred years.

As the only Disneyland in the Mainland, this is another reason to attract Shanghai. Disneyland is really suitable for young people to travel, and the childlike experience here will make everyone who is still childlike linger.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Hongyadong, Yangtze River Cableway, Dazu Stone Carving, Wulong.

Chongqing, as the hub of southwest China, has always been a major traffic artery, leaving many interesting historical stories, such as the entrust an orphan to Baidicheng.

Chongqing and Chengdu are very similar, with not only good scenery, good people, but also a list of delicious food.

The Dream of Encountering Spirited Away —— Hongyadong

Dazu Stone Carving, an artistic treasure house from the prosperous Tang Dynasty

Because of work reasons, Xiaocao often goes to Chongqing. Here I wrote a travel guide for Chongqing:

Travel guide | How to play in Chongqing? 3-5 days free travel in Chongqing with itinerary and food recommendation.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Terracotta Warriors, Datang City that Never Sleeps, Shaanxi Provincial History Museum, Wild Goose Pagoda, Huashan Mountain, etc.

Xi ‘an has a history of more than 3,100 years, which is an inexhaustible treasure for travelers.

Visiting the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, traveling around the ancient city walls, enjoying the Wild Goose Pagoda, honoring the film without words, and cherishing the Huaqing Palace are all must-see items in Xi ‘an, but once again, they are not enough for you to experience repeatedly.

The eighth wonder of the world-Terracotta Warriors and Horses

A Thousand-year-old Zen Spirit-Big Wild Goose Pagoda

The Witness of Shame and Fading Flowers —— Huaqing Palace

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Mogao Grottoes, Crescent Spring in Mingsha Mountain, Yumenguan and ghost city.

I want to go to Dunhuang once in my life, which is completely different from the Central Plains.

There are countless scenic spots worth seeing, such as Mogao Grottoes, Crescent Moon Spring in Mingsha Mountain, Yadan in Dunhuang, Yumenguan, ancient city walls and so on.

Pearl bred in desert-Crescent Spring in Mingsha Mountain

Museum of Grottoes and Murals-Mogao Grottoes

Yadan in Dunhuang-ghost city

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Qinhuai River, Nanjing Museum, Qixia Mountain.

Nanjing is a city with both imperial demeanor and graceful manners in the south of the Yangtze River, and its beautiful scenery has made countless people linger for ever.

Whether it’s the blossoming of flowers in ming tomb, the change of times in the presidential palace, or the sparkling waves of Qinhuai River, it can make people daydream leisurely.

The cradle of Jinling’s ancient culture-Qinhuai River

Nanjing Museum, One of the Three Major Museums in China

The first Xiushan in Jinling-Qixia Mountain

Here’s a guide to Nanjing for friends who are going to Nanjing for the first time.

Nanjing travel guide in autumn is very detailed. Many autumn places are recommended.

  • Travel destinations/attractions: Leshan Giant Buddha, Emei Mountain.

Leshan is worthy of its name, not only because of its scenery, but also because of its food. The so-called "eat in Sichuan, eat in Leshan", Leshan’s food is even admired by Chengdu people.

In addition to the Giant Buddha and Emei Mountain, Leshan is also home to the well-known dervish chicken and spicy chicken, all of which originated from here.

Leshan Giant Buddha, one of the highest statues in the world

Jinding on the Cloud-Emei Mountain

Do these 11 travel destinations make you feel worthy of the name?

If there are other cities or regions that you have been to and particularly like, please leave a message in the comment area ~

Thank you for seeing this. Remember to like it before you leave!

I am @ Grass Roaming, who loves to travel. I focus on sharing travel experiences and travel strategies, and will continue to produce high-quality content about travel.

If you want to know what interesting travel destinations there are, or want to know the travel strategy of a city, you can pay attention to me!

# Headline Creation Challenge #

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

BEIJING, Beijing, March 25 (Reporter Yan Xiaohong) The reporter learned on the 25th that the opening ceremony of China International Fashion Week 2023 autumn and winter and the world premiere festival of 2023 were held in Beijing 751D·PARK, thus opening the curtain of China International Fashion Week.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

This season, China International Fashion Week is guided by the Beijing Municipal People’s Government, China Textile Industry Federation and sponsored by China Fashion Designers Association. AW23 China International Fashion Week, with the theme of "extreme creation and roaming", will stage nearly 100 heavy fashion activities, focusing on China’s aesthetics, intangible innovation, trends, sustainable fashion, fashion meta-universe, cross-border commerce and trade, and intellectual property rights, and strive to promote the overall recovery of China’s fashion industry.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

Chen Dapeng, vice president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, said that China International Fashion Week has always been adhering to the mission and vision of helping China design and promoting industrial development, focusing on the cultivation of "masters, big names and big events" in the fashion industry, creating a mainstream authoritative platform for local fashion release in China, showing fashion creativity, advocating design innovation, promoting brand image, and holding high the banner of "China Aesthetics" with a compatible mind, which has played an important role in the progress of original design in China, the promotion of fashion discourse power and international exchanges and cooperation.

2023 is a crucial year for the construction of Beijing as an international consumption center city. China International Fashion Week, as one of the landmark key activities of Beijing’s consumption season in 2023, is also a pre-heating activity of the world premiere festival in 2023. This season, China International Fashion Week continues to build the first landmark of China’s fashion business, and realizes consumption linkage by designing new products, new works and new talents for the global "first launch".

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

At the opening ceremony, the launching ceremony of Yunshang Town 2023 China Fashion Technology Award and Hongxing Erke Youth Co-creation Design Competition was held, aiming at excavating and commending outstanding technical talents in the fields of fashion modeling and technology, creating China fashion artists and promoting the high-quality development of China’s fashion industry.

The China Fashion Designers Association, China Textile Information Center, National Textile Product Development Center, sponsored the release of China textile fabric fashion trends in autumn and winter of 2023/24. Guided by the core concept of "harmony", it made a dynamic release of seven categories of fashion trends, providing a clear idea for the fashion upgrade of China textile industry, from technical innovation, design innovation to fabric innovation.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

China International Fashion Week’s "China Aesthetics" has refreshed its creativity this season. Many brands have turned their attention to ancient myths, Shan Hai Jing, Sanxingdui Culture, Romance of Gods, Dunhuang Art, China Color, Five Elements Culture, Oriental Philosophy, Historical Heroes, Literary Allusions, Ink Painting and Calligraphy, China Gardens, Classical Architecture, Classical Opera, Song Dynasty Aesthetics, Ceramic Culture, Zhuang Brocade Art, Chinese Danxia, Mongolian Culture, etc., and have compared China Aesthetics with. (End)


An automobile is a four-wheeled motor vehicle, usually driven by an internal combustion engine. It is an important part of transportation in modern society and is widely used in personal travel, cargo transportation and public transportation.

Cars have many advantages, including convenience, high speed, high flexibility, and being able to drive on different terrains and roads. It can take people to their destination and save time and energy. With the continuous development of automobile technology, the performance and safety of automobiles are constantly improved, such as adding airbags, anti-lock braking systems and other facilities, making driving safer and more comfortable.

However, cars also have some problems and challenges. Automobile emissions will cause environmental pollution, especially air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, automobile traffic may lead to traffic jams and accidents, which will have a negative impact on public space and personal health. Therefore, some countries and regions advocate reducing dependence on cars and encouraging green modes of travel, such as walking, cycling and public transportation.

In the future, the automobile industry is also constantly developing and innovating. Autopilot technology has been applied to automobiles, and electric vehicles are gradually becoming popular to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, the sharing economy model is gradually applied to the automobile field to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. With the progress of technology and the change of society, cars may have more changes and developments in the future.

What is culture? This is the best answer I have ever heard (good article).

Reading a lot of books, having a lot of knowledge, and having a high degree of education … are completely different from having a culture.

People who are truly literate have achieved the following.


A flight attendant named Judy told an interesting story about Liu Shishi at the Weibo.

As a stewardess, Judy often meets all kinds of big coffees and stars, but these big coffees and stars didn’t leave a deep impression on her until she met Liu Shishi a few days ago.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. After the plane landed, Judy went to tidy up the first class, and suddenly found:The quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once:"In the past, all the guests in the first class huddled their quilts, threw them under their feet and left. I didn’t expect the poems to be stacked neatly. I was so touched."

People who fly first class are usually people of great status.But you see, there are so few people who fold quilts. Once in a while, the stewardess will be moved for a long time.


On May 1 ST, I met a wandering singer on the road. The singer sang very well. After a song, many people walked by and threw the change into the singer’s hat, but then, a lady’s behavior surprised people.

She went to the hat and crouched down slowly.Gently put two coins into the hat, and smiled and nodded to the wandering singer.

Educated, I don’t care if I have read many books. But at this moment: many people lose her too much.

Comparing this matter, I am reminded of Bai Yansong’s words:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture, while those without academic qualifications do not necessarily have no culture. "

Read a lot of books, have a high diploma,And whether you have culture or not are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely:"Thank you, we don’t need food."

The waiter explained:"This dish is free."

Boss still answer with a smile:"We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste."

After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company,The boss drove the car slowly, as if looking at something.

Wu Xiao Xian was wondering when the boss stopped the car.Picked up the packed food, got off the bus, walked up to a beggar and handed it over with both hands.

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read another story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia. Every time you cast a net, you always get something.

But every time the net comes up, the Chinese always pick and choose.Then throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why throw it back?"

Chinese answer:"Fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught."

His nephew said, "No one can care about you on the high seas?"

Chinese smile:"Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others!"

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is:Freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely.

But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep of History", which presents a fact:The United States is both the freest country in the world and the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends to visit the Grand Canyon of America.

My friend picked up a coke can and wanted to throw it into the Grand Canyon:"What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon!"

Linda got a fright, hurriedly stop:"This is illegal."

The freest America in the world is actually full of illiberality:

It is illegal to hold an open wine bottle in the street;It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.It is illegal to even talk about pornographic jokes in the office;……

Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many restrictions.In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said:"Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. "

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was a man who taught his disciples to break glass products, put the fragments into garbage bags and wrote on them with a pen:"There are glass fragments inside, dangerous!"

In this way, garbage collectors won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened.This facilitates the collection of waste recyclers.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When going to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet;When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector;No matter what you do, you must think of the next person;……


Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died.

The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor."

Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty:"Not called, please."

Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not called, please." Xia Lao changed a word, but touched a building.

Do you know how Liang Qichao died?

He died in a medical accident at Union Medical College Hospital;The doctor cut the left kidney that should have been removed into the right kidney.

Before he died, Liang Qichao did not curse the doctor, but told his family:

"Don’t tell the media, don’t publish. The people have just begun to believe in western medicine. If they know about me, they will inevitably retreat. "

Xia Lao Liang Lao is the truly literate person.

A true literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.

Reprinted from WeChat official account: Poetry World