Knowledge post! Why is the "blizzard" mentioned in the weather forecast, and the snowfall is only a dozen millimeters?

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to release on the 3rd.Blizzard yellow warningAffected by the eastward movement of the south branch trough and the southward cold air, there will be a large-scale rain and snow weather process in most parts of central and eastern China today and tomorrow, with moderate to heavy snow in the eastern part of northwest China, southwestern part of North China, most of Huanghuai, Jianghan and Jianghuai. Among them, there are blizzards in parts of central and southern Shaanxi, western and northern Hubei, southern Henan and northern Jiangsu and Anhui (10~ 18 mm), local snowstorm.

  Seeing the weather forecast, many netizens were puzzled: didn’t they say "Blizzard"? Why is it only a few tens of millimeters? It’s not as thick as the sole. You must be mistaken! It should be in centimeters!

  Is it true that the meteorological department made a mistake in measurement? Of course not! In fact, it is like this:Snowfall and snow depth are two different concepts. Snowfall does not refer to the snow depth, but the precipitation value in winter.

  How is the snowfall level divided?

  The snowfall level is not divided according to the thickness of snow on the ground. According to the standards of the meteorological department, due to the size, shape and density of snow falling on the ground, the snowfall isAccording to the amount of water after the snow melts, divided into multiple levels from low to high.. The snowfall levels are as follows:

  Light snow: the snowfall within 12 hours is less than 1.0 mm (equivalent to the amount of melted rain, the same below).

  Medium snow: the snowfall is 1.0 ~ 3.0mm in 12 hours or 2.5 ~ 5.0mm in 24 hours.

  Heavy snow: snowfall is 3.0 ~ 6.0mm in 12 hours or 5.0 ~ 10.0mm in 24 hours.

  Blizzard: The snowfall is more than 6.0 mm in 12 hours or more than 10.0 mm in 24 hours.

  In many places, sometimes the snowfall will be much greater than 10 mm, so many places and forecasts also introduce the concepts of heavy blizzard and heavy blizzard with reference to the two levels of heavy rainstorm and heavy rainstorm.

  Blizzard: A snowfall process in which the snowfall is 20.0 ~ 30.0 mm within 24 hours.

  Heavy snowstorm: the process of snowfall with a snowfall of more than 30 mm within 24 hours.

  In addition, in life, we occasionally see snow falling, but it can’t form snow. This kind of snowfall is called "sporadic light snow".

  Now, I finally know why the snowfall of more than ten millimeters can be called blizzard ~

  Source of this article: CCTV News Synthesis, China Weather Network, China News Network.

China-Central and Eastern European SMEs’ Video Information Exchange and Fair Held in Beijing

  Cctv news(Reporter Li Yinan) On June 16th, China with the theme of "Smooth information exchange and activating enterprise cooperation" — The video information exchange and fair for SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe to resume their work and production were held at the main venue in Beijing and Cangzhou Branch. China was officially launched at the meeting — An online service platform for SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe, and a list of information and activities of SMEs from China and Central and Eastern European countries.

Speech by lu shan, Deputy Director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Speech by lu shan, Deputy Director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Lu shan, deputy director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in his speech that with the improvement of epidemic situation in various countries, both China and Central and Eastern European countries are facing new challenges in restoring their economies and ensuring people’s livelihood, and accelerating the resumption of work and production and restoring economic and social order has become the common goal of all governments. For China and Central and Eastern European countries, small and medium-sized enterprises are not only an important source for countries to maintain economic vitality, but also a "main force" to absorb employment, shouldering the livelihood needs of thousands of families in Qian Qian. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the China Municipal Government has actively taken measures to provide strong support for boosting the development momentum of small and medium-sized enterprises in China from the aspects of expanding total demand and increasing financial support to market players. At the same time, China is also willing to strengthen information exchange with Central and Eastern European countries, build more platforms for SMEs of both sides to resume work and cooperation, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on the development of SMEs in various countries. Lu shan expressed the hope that all parties will focus on strengthening cooperation in resuming work and production, cultivating new growth momentum, making good use of platforms and expanding cooperation, and actively set up a "fast track" for business people from relevant countries to resume work and production in China.

Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech by video.

Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech by video.

  Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech on the cooperation between the two sides. He said that the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Croatia is under great pressure due to the epidemic situation, and the cooperation platform between 17 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and China can play an important role, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win through complementary advantages. He believes that this exchange and dialogue is an important manifestation of cooperation and exchanges between the two sides, and hopes to further strengthen China — The economic cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Central and Eastern European countries ensures that small and medium-sized enterprises can rely on stable economic policies and a strong business environment to alleviate the economic pressure caused by the epidemic.

On-site check-in of the participating guests

On-site check-in of the participating guests

  The meeting was hosted by China — Secretariat for Cooperation of Central and Eastern European Countries, China — Sponsored by the Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism for SMEs in Central and Eastern European Countries (led by Croatia), SME Development Promotion Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cangzhou Municipal People’s Government, China — Organized by the Central and Eastern Europe (Cangzhou) SME Cooperation Zone, a total of 157 SMEs from China and 135 SMEs and institutions from Central and Eastern Europe participated in the online meeting, and conducted economic and trade negotiations in accordance with the four sections of "Industry, Industrial Manufacturing", "Trade and Investment, Agriculture", "Tourism, People-to-People Exchange" and "Health Care", and signed 29 memorandums of cooperation and reached 19 cooperation intentions.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council talks about the mainland’s new Taiwan-related measures and Taiwan’s restrictions on cross-strait exchanges

  BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) The Taiwan Province Affairs Office of the State Council held a press conference today. Spokesperson An Fengshan responded to 31 measures taken by the mainland to promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, Taiwan Province authorities may further restrict cross-strait exchanges, Taiwan’s Hualien earthquake assistance to the mainland, and trends between the United States and Taiwan.

  Mainland launches 31 measures to promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation.

  An Fengshan introduced that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission led a multi-sectoral study and promulgated the "Several Measures on Promoting Cross-Strait Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation", and introduced 31 related measures to actively promote the equal treatment of Taiwan-funded enterprises and mainland enterprises in the fields of investment and economic cooperation, and gradually provide Taiwan Province compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots in studying, starting businesses, employment and life. The introduction of these measures will bring great opportunities and a real sense of gain to Taiwan-funded enterprises and Taiwan Province compatriots.

  Is the Taiwan authorities’ cross-strait policy shrinking? Taiwan Affairs Office responded

  After the Hualien earthquake, Tsai Ing-Wen expressed his gratitude to all parties in the mainland for their condolences and donations. At the Taiwanese Spring Festival Friendship Association, Tsai Ing-Wen mentioned that the cross-strait policy attitude showed signs of "turning from hard to soft". Public opinion believes that the Taiwan authorities are releasing goodwill to the mainland, but a few days ago, teams from Taiwan Affairs Offices in mainland provinces and cities were not approved by Taiwan Province. Does this mean that the Taiwan Province authorities are further restricting cross-strait exchanges?

  An Fengshan said that the Taiwan authorities’ practice of obstructing and restricting cross-strait exchanges and cooperation runs counter to their so-called goodwill to promote the development of cross-strait relations. Whether cross-strait relations can really be improved depends not on verbal goodwill, but on taking concrete actions.

  Will the mainland pass the Law on the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Province Compatriots this year? Taiwan Affairs Office responded

  Some Taiwan Province media said that the mainland may pass the Law on the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Province Compatriots this year. An Fengshan said that he did not know the specific situation. However, it is what we have been doing to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan Province compatriots, especially Taiwanese businessmen, in the mainland, including through the use of laws.

  Never allow a few people to make money on the mainland but support "Taiwan independence."

  The Honorary President of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Business Association was interviewed in Taiwan and said that he would try his best to support the decision of the Taiwan Province authorities. Some mainland netizens pointed out that this person is a "two-faced Taiwanese businessman". The current president of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Business Association publicly stated that as long as the DPP authorities do not recognize the "1992 Consensus", mainland Taiwanese businessmen will not support it.

  An Fengshan pointed out that our position and attitude on this issue are very clear. We welcome the vast number of Taiwanese businessmen to invest and develop in the mainland, but at the same time, we will never allow a few people to make money in the mainland while supporting "Taiwan independence" to undermine cross-strait relations.

  According to the survey, more than 50% of young people in Taiwan Province want to come to the mainland to develop the Taiwan Affairs Office.

  The 2018 Taiwan Province popular sentiment survey released by Taiwanese media recently shows that more than 50% of young people want to develop in the mainland, an increase of 10% over last year. An Fengshan said that the mainland’s achievements in reform and opening up over the past 40 years are obvious to all, and the various Taiwan policies promoted by the mainland in recent years that are conducive to the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots have long been popular among the people. Compared with the current social situation in Taiwan Province and what the Taiwan authorities are doing now, more people in Taiwan Province can make such a judgment and choice.

  Refuting that "Taiwanese actors participating in CCTV Spring Festival Evening sketch is ‘ United front ’ "

  This year’s CCTV Spring Festival Evening sketch "Going Home" starred three people from Taiwan Province, which triggered public discussion in Taiwan Province. An Fengshan said in this regard that if this kind of literary work reflecting the homesickness of wanderers is interpreted as "United front" or discrimination, it can only be said that if you wear colored glasses, the whole world will be "green".

  Some shameless people in Taiwan Province act as chess pieces for outsiders to curb China.

  An expert from a think tank in the United States claimed to make President Trump swear the Taiwan Strait as an "international high sea", and some media on the island followed suit and speculated that this move could further counter the mainland threat. An Fengshan responded that some shameless people in Taiwan Province acted as pawns for outsiders to curb the rise of China, even at the expense of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, betting on the interests and well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait. Isn’t this painful for relatives and quick for enemies?

  Advise Taiwan not to blackmail the foreign self-respect, or it will pay for itself.

  A few days ago, a delegation composed of members of the US House of Representatives and Senate committees visited Taiwan Province and held talks with Tsai Ing-Wen, who expressed the hope that the "US-Taiwan" relationship would be established in by going up one flight of stairs. An Fengshan said that we have made it clear many times that we are firmly opposed to any form of official exchanges and military ties between the United States and Taiwan, and we are also firmly opposed to the United States selling weapons to Taiwan Province under any pretext. This position and attitude is very clear. We also advise Taiwan Province not to coerce foreign self-respect, otherwise it will reap the consequences.

  After the Hualien earthquake, mainland parties have donated 23.075 million yuan.

  An Fengshan said that after the "2.6" earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, relevant parties in the mainland and all walks of life were highly concerned. Zhang Zhijun, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, immediately expressed condolences to the affected people and expressed his willingness to provide necessary assistance in all aspects. ARATS, the Red Cross Society of China, the Earthquake Association of China and other relevant parties and many provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions quickly expressed their condolences and condolences to the compatriots in the disaster area and those on both sides of the strait who died in different ways, and expressed their willingness to provide all necessary assistance and donations, including disaster relief equipment. According to incomplete statistics, relevant mainland authorities, institutions and enterprises in Taiwan, some provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and Taiwan-funded enterprises have donated a total of 23.075 million yuan.

  The mainland has taken many measures to ensure that Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan compatriots return home for the holidays.

  During the Spring Festival this year, because the Taiwan Province authorities did not approve the overtime flights of two mainland airlines, the air tickets to Taiwan were tight. An Fengshan pointed out that the mainland authorities have taken various measures to fully ensure that Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan compatriots in the mainland can return home for the holidays. During the seven days of the Spring Festival, 42,300 passengers were transported through the "mini three links" and other maritime passenger routes, an increase of 17.32% over the same period last year.

This opens the classification of domestic waste, which is creative+++!

Paint the wonderful world of garbage sorting with brushes, make beautiful and practical creative objects with garbage, and design auxiliary applications of garbage sorting with technical software …

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the general public to participate in garbage sorting, we will continue to guide the public to establish the awareness of saving resources and turning waste into treasure, and create a strong social atmosphere for garbage sorting. Recently, Chengdu qingbaijiang district Classification Office (Chengdu qingbaijiang district Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau) organized the collection of creative works for domestic waste classification.

Since the launch of the activity, the citizens have actively participated in making creative works of domestic waste classification. Through all kinds of orderly publicity and collection, the activity successfully gathered more than 230 creative works from all walks of life, including more than 180 garbage classified pictures, more than 40 handmade works and 2 software works.

Let’s enjoy some excellent works together ~

Healthy and low-carbon I go first

Garbage classification, national action

Garbage classification starts with me

Master of Recyclable Resources-Little Music Color

Chengdu qingbaijiang district Classification Office (Chengdu qingbaijiang district Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau) will continue to enhance the participation of citizens in the classification of domestic waste, so that the concept of green and low-carbon environmental protection will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and build a green home together. (Chengdu qingbaijiang district Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau)

Cross-Strait Neighborhood Fuzhou Community Celebrates Life, Fujian-Taiwan Integration, Revival and Revitalization

  Zhongxin. com, Fuzhou, December 19 (Ye Qiuyun) "Lifelong education is related to the old and the young. It is more meaningful for compatriots on both sides of the strait who live in Jianhua community to promote the construction of a cross-strait integrated lifelong education model demonstration community." On the 19th, Chen Xiurong, honorary president of Fuzhou Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association and chairman of Fuzhou Xianshi Enterprise Co., Ltd., said in Fuzhou.

The picture shows young people in Taiwan Province performing guzheng in Jianhua Community. Ye Qiuyun

  On the same day, a cross-strait community celebration was held in Jianhua Community, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. On the stage, performers from both sides of the strait gave wonderful performances; Under the stage, the old "birthday stars" applauded constantly.

  In recent years, with the deepening of social aging in China, the demand for aging education and lifelong education has increased rapidly. In September, 2017, Fujian Provincial Department of Education established Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center based on Fujian Open University, and carried out lifelong education research, management and service for the whole province of Fujian.

  "We found that the elderly have a strong willingness to accept new things, and their enthusiasm for learning is also very high." Chen Cheng, the teaching affairs department of Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center, said that from February to November, 2023, the project of "Helping the Elderly into Communities with Wisdom" had entered 31 communities in Fuzhou, delivered 108 classes and served more than 3,000 elderly students offline.

  Cross-strait lifelong education exchanges and cooperation began with adult education, and now it has extended to continuing education, lifelong education, learning city, community education, education for the elderly (old age, old age) and so on. At present, the sub-district office of the Ministry of Water Affairs, Jianhua Community and Fujian Lifelong Education Center are jointly building a cross-strait integrated lifelong education model.

  "In the future, we will send seven teachers from Taiwan Province to teach in Jianhua Community, including handicrafts, psychological counseling, family education, guzheng and pipa." Tan Jiaming, director of the Cross-Strait Youth Research Center of the Committee for the Care of the Next Generation in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, one of the organizers of the event, said.

  At present, the cross-strait integration lifelong education center is under construction. As the head of the Preparatory Committee of the Cross-Strait Integration Lifelong Education Center, Yu Jianfeng said that under the guidance of Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center, in the first three months, they had carried out normalized cross-strait integration style training and exchange in Jianhua Community, and students from both sides of the strait studied calligraphy, Ba Duan Jin, yoga and other courses together. "Today’s activity is just one of the links. It has organized cross-strait community residents to celebrate their birthdays together, bringing closer ties between the neighbors on both sides of the strait."

  Chen Xiurong also believes that sending young people from Taiwan Province to the community can make cross-strait integration more active, closer to people’s daily life, and more acceptable to compatriots on both sides of the strait for cross-strait exchanges and integration. (End)

Feminism, do you have to "force" women to become queens?

Text/Jin Cuodao Channel

"Riding the wind and breaking the waves" entered the 3.0 era.

The rising path of the term "Sister Lang" is very similar to that of women in this era.

It seems that since the first two years, a kind of feminism against traditional people has reached its climax."Feminism" and "mistress" have repeatedly become marketing terms with their own topics.

Under this momentum, women seem to have to meet the new expectations of society in order to be worthy of the title of "women of the new era" and deserve praise; In some marketing tones, women seem to be great enough only if they are independent and powerful.

As time goes on, we can see that the marketing that can make women "buy" gradually decreases, and her consumption seems to have entered a "weak period".

The reason is that the over-hyped "female gaze" and the "overcorrection" in order to seize the feminist slogan are revealing more and more problems. Many marketing slogans that seem to advocate women’s interests have imposed more shackles on women.

Female marketing is becoming more and more difficult, and many enterprises that want to seize the dividend of the times seem to be in a dilemma.

In this slightly embarrassing state, how can brands better solve the problem if they want to enter women?Euler, a car brand that loves women more, launched a special "confession" in the past 520 and handed in a high score answer sheet.

Looking back at the general marketing ideas when women’s topics just emerged, most of them are "independent you are the most whispering", "confident you are the most beautiful" and "free you are the most noble" and so on.

Although it is true, independence, self-confidence, freedom, etc., these words should imply sincere yearning for beauty, but when they become empty "please" that only exists in slogans and floats on the surface, they are not tying new burdens to women.

The frenzied marketing trend went down, and even the word "woman" on Women’s Day was once kept secret, and instead it was called "goddess" and "queen".

Since the beginning of this year, the marketing campaign with crazy momentum in the previous two years seems to have begun to be less intense, and the topic is far less sharp than before. The female theme that once "exploded per capita" no longer appears in the screen.

It is not so much that people are getting tired of women’s topics as that the society hates the routine marketing campaign.

of course,There are still some "heart-wandering" marketing cases quietly out of the circle.

Polaiya said: "Gender is not a boundary, but prejudice is"; Zhiben said: "I want to be what I want to be"; JD.COM said: "Her unknown side, every side is amazing"; Hua Xizi asked: "How do we reach the balance?" … Brands no longer praise women blindly in order to attract people’s attention, but dig, discover and affirm their unique qualities in a gentle way, and finally land on women’s actual pain points and growth demands.

Just past May 20th, the pre-sale conference of Euler Ballet Cat "Come for Love" also confirmed this trend.

Are women and cars inherently lacking in tacit understanding? I’m afraid not. By 2021, the number of female drivers in China has reached 162 million, accounting for 33.68%. With the rise of women’s demand for car purchase, her voice is eager to occupy a place in the automobile field, but unfortunately, such rights are still relatively lacking.

This is the pain point that Euler is facing directly.It is under the dedicated determination to "love women more" that Euler’s first female-only car, the ballet cat, arrived.

What kind of car do women need? Let women say:

The exclusive female research team of ballet cats unveiled at the pre-sale conference is the first in the industry. They come from various fields related to women’s life, such as fashion, jewelry, home, mother and baby, and make comprehensive suggestions for the design of ballet cats.

Is there a tacit understanding between women and cars? Let her feel for herself:

Ballet Cat sincerely invites AoDingwen, a national first-class actor and young dancer, to interact with the ballet cat at the pre-sale conference as a representative of elegant women, so as to fully show the elegance, fashion and thoughtfulness of the ballet cat to women.

As Wang Weiwei, CMO of Euler Auto, said at the pre-sale conference of ballet cats: "Euler makes cars for women, and the origin of thinking is not narrow feminism, not encouraging women to live, but making women better become women, gentle and firm, romantic and beautiful, and harvesting the softness and happiness they deserve."

In other words,Women don’t need to be taught how to be women.

We must admit that the natural differences between men and women in physiology and psychology, including vision, body feeling and emotion, are the best solutions to help women find themselves. It is precisely because Euler had such an understanding a long time ago that the ballet cat is what it is today.

People have an eternal pursuit of beauty, and the aesthetic concept of elegant renewal of ballet cats explains the aesthetic that is more in line with women’s pursuit. The use of arcs conveys a soft and elegant aesthetic feeling, and with a retro attitude, it interprets the fashion trend that is out of date; Dingbai, Azure, Rice Glaze, Junxia, Morning White, Golden Wind and Jade Dew, the official six colors condensed the glaze essence of Song Dynasty porcelain.

From the east to the west, from the classic to the trend, the ballet cat subverts the traditional masculinity in terms of automobile design, and from the perspective of women, this temperament complements each other.

At the same time,Ballet Cat has also reconstructed a deeper concept of "female friendliness" for cars, and we can see the "connotation" tailored to the needs of female segmentation in it.Workplace beauties, omnipotent mothers, beautiful girlfriends … What inconveniences do women face in different roles and different life scenes?

When commuting or dating, the ballet cat can be a mobile dressing room. The oversized cosmetic mirror with LED light source and the cosmetic box at hand are very convenient. You can also take a selfie in the car when you are in a good mood.

Driving with cold hands and physical discomfort during the physiological period, the ballet cat can be a warm man with intimate companionship, and the seat, steering wheel and air conditioner can be activated by voice control or one button to be surrounded by warmth;

When taking care of children, the ballet cat with children’s mode turned on can be a good helper, so that mothers can check the children’s situation in the car in real time while driving, reducing potential safety hazards;

There are also functional systems designed for actual scenes, such as braving the wind and waves mode and goddess mode …

The exclusive seat designed based on women’s ergonomics, the steering wheel size set for women’s shoulder width and palm size data, and even the angles of the seat, steering wheel and dashboard are precisely adjusted for women’s physiological data …

These are the answers that ballet cats give to women—Exclusive preference.

Undoubtedly,The current female consumption is still in the dividend period.So can this dividend period last for a long time? The answer is actually yes.

Since the beginning of this year, the battle of brand marketing seems to be much milder, but the consumption trend of her economy is still strong. The "Tik Tok 38 Festival" data report shows that the number of female consumers increased by 115.6% year-on-year.

In the automobile circle, with the increasing demand for women to use cars, the "female-only" tailored for them has just ushered in the ballet cat, a real new force.

At the pre-sale conference of ballet cats on May 20, Euler officially announced that the pre-sale price range of ballet cats was 193,000-223,000 yuan. Once the pre-sale was opened, it achieved good results. It is conceivable that the volume of women in the field of automobile consumption still has a huge room for explosion.

However, if you want to really reach the heart of women, you need the brand to focus on exerting force;About the female theme of marketing, it is a "long-term doctrine" that needs the brand to dig deep.

Euler’s determination can be seen from the moment when the official announced "a car brand that loves women more". Euler’s first female-only car, the ballet cat, is a key step for Euler to enter a new era of female marketing, and it is also a new starting point for Euler’s brand to rejuvenate and improve.

"Today’s consumer market, not win in the big and complete, but win in the small and specialized.The more focused you are, the more you will win.Dong Yudong, CEO of Euler Auto, said this.


Although the current female theme is sensitive, "her power" is still a trump card. In order to really break the so-called "weak period" of marketing, marketing ideas must first be put in a correct position.

Slogan-style touting may make people "go to the top" for a while, but rhetoric divorced from reality will never really reach people’s hearts, and the dream bubble away from reality is doomed to burst with a poke.

Because women are kidnapped by these slogans, it’s hard to tell whether they should follow their own heart to realize themselves or adapt to the new expectations of society. What brand marketing can do is not to draw a big "cake" for women, but to think about what it can do for women.

"Love her" is not to forcibly shape her into what society expects.

But let her have more room to turn around in this world and find her own light with her.

Top 10 tourist cities in China, see if there is your hometown! ! ! !

Top Ten Must-Visit Cities in China | Come and see how many you have been to.
Shanghai, where land is precious, also has amazing natural scenery.
Popular attractions: Disneyland (Shanghai Botanical Garden-Yuyuan Garden-City God Temple Bund, etc.
I like to see the magnificent northern scenery, and I can visit Phoenix Ridge or climb the Great Wall.
If you like historical sites, you can visit the Forbidden City, Tiantan Heart and Summer Palace.
Popular attractions: Nanluoguxiang, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Ming Tombs.
Lijiang and Sichuan Langzhong, Shanxi Pingyao, Anhui Shexian are also called "four well-preserved ancient cities".
Tourist attractions: Lugu Lake, Baishui River, Yunshanping, Yulong Snow Mountain
Lijiang Mufu Meili Snow Mountain
Sanya is a coastal tourist city in southern China, a central city and a transportation and communication hub in southern Hainan Province.
Popular attractions: wuzhizhou-Paradise Forest Rainforest Seascape Glass Plank Road Guest Fishing Village Tianya Haijiao.
Speaking of Hangzhou, the place people think of is the West Lake, and they feel comfortable in the south of the Yangtze River.
Popular attractions: Xinlingyin Temple in Xixi Wetland, West Lake, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Referred to as "Chongqing", it is also known as the mountain city, the heart of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River-Dazu stone carving, a world cultural heritage, and other magnificent landscapes.
Popular attractions: Chaotianmen-Jie Fangbei Xinhongyadong ciqikou ancient town
There are many beautiful scenery, delicious food and so on
The leisurely and prosperous Chengdu attracts countless young people.
Popular attractions: Dujiangyan Scenic Area of Wuhou Temple in Kuanzhai Lane, Jinli, chengdu research base of giant panda
Mount Huangshan
It is one of the three mountains in Xiuning County, yi county and Huizhou District, huangshan district.
Hot spots: sunrise, strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.
Nanjing is one of the four ancient capitals in China, known as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, and a popular attraction in the Ten Dynasties: Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Confucius Temple, Nanjing Presidential Palace, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Observatory Yuhuatai.
Guangzhou was rated as the first-tier city in the world by —GaWC, one of the world’s authoritative research institutions on world cities.
Popular attractions: Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain, one of the famous southern Guangdong mountains, is called Yangcheng.

Today, let’s understand what is "culture" from the etymological point of view.

In the long history of China, every major social change is preceded by "cultural" change. The sacrificial culture of Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for the ritual and music civilization of Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended for cultural opening and innovation, which ushered in Qiang Qin’s Han nationality, the Han nationality was formally formed, and the Confucianism of Confucianism also promoted the unification of China. The New Culture Movement during the May 4th Movement created a new culture in China, which was a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and ancient and modern cultures, and provided a cultural foundation for today’s national independence and national prosperity. Today, we propose the creative inheritance and innovative development of China’s traditional culture, which is bound to provide the strongest cultural support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Culture is resources, culture is power, and culture is spirit. This is true for the nation, the country and the individual.

However, what is "culture" is still one of the problems that need to be discussed.

From the etymology, what is China’s so-called "culture"? Why does it have such great power? The analysis of culture from this angle can refresh us and help us understand the essence of China culture, as well as where and why it is different from western culture.

Let’s talk about the "text" of culture first.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "Wen" is a hieroglyph, and the glyph is a pattern formed by many lines and interlaces, which represents a pictorial symbol carved on rocks or animal bones to convey consciousness. It is an ancient hieroglyph. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" is a pictographic ideographic symbol carved on rock walls and Oracle bones in ancient times. To put it bluntly, it is an image and a symbol carrier carrying meaning. Therefore, speaking words is a symbol used to express events, facts and information. This is one.

Second, writing is aesthetics. It is said that one of our ancestors looked up at the sky at the beginning of the humanities, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky, as the saying goes, the wind came and the rain went, and the clouds rolled and the clouds were comfortable; Looking down at the ground, it is precisely the beautiful mountains and rivers and the beautiful land. When observing natural humanities, historical geography, personnel stories, as well as architectural costumes, body shapes and even the spirit of consciousness, he found that these things have a very interesting thing in common. Those various patterns are beautiful things in the form of beautiful lines, and their forms can bring people beautiful enjoyment. "Wen" can not only express things, but also express spirit. All kinds of expressions make us feel both practical and enjoyable. So, he drew a "text". This is the origin of writing and the beginning of culture.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" expresses beauty, mainly the kind of beauty that brings beauty to people in form. Therefore, we say that "Wen" is a pattern. Later, the poems and paintings we wrote, including our words, calligraphy, music and dance, were all patterns, and they all expressed a kind of aesthetic and formal "Wen".

If we grasp the original meaning of the beautiful pattern of the word "Wen", we can understand the characteristics of China culture. China culture pays special attention to poetry, aesthetic feeling and the comfort and comfort of secular life. China people pay attention to "life", that is, "to be born and live", and to live beautifully, healthily, abundantly, comfortably and poetically. For the beauty of life, because of the beauty of life, people in China often write poems about life.

China is a country that attaches importance to life, aesthetics and poetry. It emphasizes the free and easy mind, the cultivation of mind, the vibration of soul and the enjoyment of emotion on the basis of the unity of nature, mind and matter, and the unity of inside and outside, and pursues the aesthetic feeling in life.

There is a saying in the ancients that "poetry expresses ambition". "ambition" is "the heart of intellectuals" Poetry, as a "text" to express the feelings and emotions of the heart, is the most appropriate carrier and the best expression of beautiful "text".

Therefore, from patterns to words to poems, paintings, music, architecture and clothing, "Wen" has become an aesthetic activity for objects, a sense of beauty and beauty of people, and then it is derived from aesthetics. "Wen" is a phenomenon form, a subjective feeling, an aesthetic relationship between subject and object, an attitude of observing life and existence, and a poetic mode of life, culture and poetry.

Look at "Hua" again.

"Hua" is two people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. On the left is a man standing head-up, and on the right is a man falling head-down into the ground. From left to right, it is a change from birth to death, which is also a natural life process. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s man on the right is written as a dagger in the bronze inscription, so the word "Hua" is horrible: a man on the left and a knife on the right-killing people, which means revolution, innovation, innovation and metabolism. Therefore, "transformation" is a movement, a law of nature, progress and change, that is, the old dies and the new is created, that is, "dialectics". This is the first meaning of "Hua".

It is said in the Book of History that "every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", which expresses this law of nature. This "new" is "pro" on the left and "Jin" on the right. "Dear", the top is a metal drill, which is inserted into the stake below, and then the axe on the right is used to cut the stake, and the stake is decomposed and split for firewood. Therefore, "new" is broken down, turning the whole into parts and the big into small ones. As far as philosophical methodology and behavioral practice are concerned, we usually call it "analysis" and "decomposition", or philosophically, "deconstruction". This is the second meaning of "Hua".

On the whole, "transformation" is a process of change, change or elimination, and it is also an action and a process before reorganization and innovation.

Why should people be "modern" and "new"? Whether it is new or new, it is to find out the essence and law of the object world through research, anatomy and observation of parts and small parts, and apply it to production and life to create new things and new values. By turning the big into the small and turning the whole into parts, we can grasp the essence and law of the object more conveniently, have a more accurate understanding, have a more successful guarantee and get more achievements when we act. This is research, a process of academic activities, scientific exploration and philosophical thinking. Its purpose is to analyze, dissect and then "construct", that is, to reassemble concrete, phenomenal and fragmentary things with their own thinking, express them in the form of abstract thinking and present them as theories. A whole, an abstract meaning and a universally applicable law are constructed, from which "logic" or "metaphysics" is formed, which is a "Tao" based on the study of phenomena, that is, the source of the world, the essence of the world and the law of the world, so that we can use it and serve the survival and development.

The development of philosophy led to the development of natural science, which brought about the industrial revolution, and then there was a historic translocation of eastern and western countries in the world. "Culture" is the wheel and engine of world historical progress.

[This article comes from "33 Keywords of China Traditional Culture" published by People’s Publishing House]

China beauty cosmetics market is full of vitality.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe

"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.

At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.

According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.

In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.

China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.

The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.

First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.

Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.

Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.

Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.

Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.

With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.

If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.

(Interview with Zhou Ying)