Interview with Wu Zun: "Concubine Yang" is a literary film Fan Bingbing has great ideas


    1905 movie network news (Hereinafter referred to as "Concubine Yang") It took six years from the opening to the final release. This brought Wu Zun, who is now almost retired, back into the audience’s sight. Recently, 1905 Movie Network interviewed Wu Zun, talked with the former idol about movies, and shared the current father’s deep affection for a pair of children.


Character: From "mama’s boy" to independent tenacity


    Li Mao, the longevity king in "Concubine Yang", made his first appearance on the polo court. Despite his excellent skills, he would always be plotted by others, and he was not good at concealing his anger. He was a typical victim of internal conflicts in the dynasty. But fortunately, he had a well-planned mother.


    This role was originally played by Japanese actor Xiao Li Xun, but after the withdrawal of director Guo Zairong and the withdrawal of foreign investors, the cast of "Concubine Yang" also changed a lot, and Li Mao’s corner fell into the hands of Wu Zun. Wu Zun, who joined the endgame, really shot for a very short time, but there is still a certain span, to play the difference between a boy and a man.


    After entering the publicity period, Wu Zun’s role has not yet been completed, and he has to work with other main creators to avoid the erotic gimmicks surrounding the film and make a serious appearance to show that this is a literary film. At the same time, he also needs to keenly sniff out the side attacks of many media and carefully clarify a point: Fan Bingbing is really not a "drama bully"!


    1905 Movie Network: In "Concubine Yang", how to grasp the difference between boys and men?


    Wu Zun: In the movie, at the beginning, he was a kind of "mama’s boy", a son who was well protected by his mother. He may have been a little spoiled and had no sense of responsibility in his character. Then he was arranged to marry Concubine Yang. After that, some changes took place, and Concubine Yang also left him. At that time, he slowly learned to grow up and eventually became a man.


    1905 Movie Network: What kind of breakthrough did your performance make in the film?


    Wu Zun: This character is quite different from the costume movies I played before. The previous action scenes all had very handsome fighting moves. This one is more different. It is more literary and artistic. There are many scenes about love, some violent scenes, and some violent scenes with Bingbing.


    1905 Movie Network: Will Bingbing and Dawn Guide You to Play?


    Wu Zun: There was a scene where I misunderstood Bingbing and had a conflict with her. I walked with her for a long time in that scene, because it was a physically damaging scene, so we didn’t want to NG too many times, hoping that it could be done once or twice. Bingbing has her own ideas, because she is a senior actress and gave a lot of opinions, as well as some suggestions from the director. Working with them is actually a big harvest for me.


    1905 Movie Network: Does Fan Bingbing control a lot of things on the spot?


    Wu Zun: No, she is like an actress at the scene. She plays her own play well, and she doesn’t know how to change the script or the lines. There is no such thing at all. Maybe she will communicate with the director. Before the play starts filming, she may give a lot of advice during preparation, but not during the filming process.


    1905 Movie Network: Seeing Fan Bingbing as a producer, do you sometimes want to do some work outside of acting?


    Wu Zun: It would be nice if you were like her, but this kind of thing requires accumulating experience. It doesn’t mean that you can become it if you want. She has a lot of experience to get to where she is now, and she has put in a lot of effort. Many actors hope that one day they can become directors and producers, because they have a love for this thing, which is not yet at that stage for me.


Life: Go at your own pace


    The real Wu Zun was also full of idol drama. On the morning of his 30th birthday, he would open his notebook and write down his future life plans. Obviously, most of these plans were family, and the main place was his hometown of Brunei.


    Not long ago, Wu Zun’s son was born, and his daughter, who was quite popular in the Chinese parent-child reality show, put together a good word, which was extremely complete. Speaking of this pair of children, Wu Zun looked satisfied and happy: "Children will surprise you every day!"


    1905 Movie Network: Six years have passed since you turned 30. How much have you achieved in your life plan?


    Wu Zun: Those are all going at my pace, the dreams I have written down, and the ones I want to realize are all in progress. I am a person who tries my best to get close to my dreams every day, and I will make efforts and not live a day in vain. For example, as I said in my autobiography, I have opened a healthy restaurant, this one has also opened, and the bakery is about to open. I am also working hard to be a good father, hoping to receive a good script in the future.


    1905 Movie Network: Is the method of educating children inherited from their parents?


    Wu Zun: Of course, some parents will use what they think is good, and may not use what is not suitable. I will also read some books to absorb some good suggestions from others. My parents are quite spoiled, my father spoils me more, and my mother is occasionally more serious. I think it is up to children to watch. Some children are not cherished, and parents are spoiled. Some children can be spoiled, and some cannot be spoiled.


    1905 Movie Network: Have any methods of educating them been explored so far?


    Wu Zun: I can’t tell at the moment because they are still too young. Of course, I am giving them a lot of love at the moment. But when they become more sensible, the way of teaching them will change. Children give you a lot of surprises every day. It is not easy and hard to take care of children, but it is worth it because they grow up and absorb quickly.


    1905 Movie Network: Do you sometimes miss the brothers who fought side by side?


    Wu Zun: They were all contacted by phone, and we rarely met. Without them, I wouldn’t have the identity of a singer. What I am more grateful for is the efforts we made together. From the very beginning, we went to many places to hold concerts. That feeling, although we are not very good at singing and dancing, the sense of achievement is still there.


    1905 Movie Network: Are you afraid that fans will forget you?


    Wu Zun: I used to be in Brunei for one month and overseas for 11 months, but now I may have a different idea. You will cherish your fans more, and they will cherish you more. Of course, every generation needs new people to rise up. If not, it will be a fault. For example, we are already in our thirties, and we need people in our twenties to rise up, so I think it is a good thing.

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

Video: Fan Ming returns to the cooking class to steal noodles, Lin Zhiying becomes a camping expert, we are seventeen years old 161217

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

The second stop of the reverse time travel "Faithful Journey" once again broke the psychological bottom line of the Tianwang Guo Fucheng. The "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" was actually "sent" to an uninhabited desert island in Beihai, Guangxi. The desperate brothers conspired to "ransack" the only convenience store on the island, and the madness was hilarious. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng and "Wild Survival Expert" Lin Zhiying led the brothers to drill wood and fire on the island, and set up tents in the dark. The two people who rarely share the same frame now eat and live together, and are very close.

Enter the Blueberry Video to watch the latest full video of "We Are Seventeen" > >

Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s movements are synchronized, and intimate exchanges of sunscreen experiences

For a long time, Guo Fucheng, the king of heaven, and Lin Zhiying have rarely been in the same frame. However, this "reverse time travel" two big boys with childlike innocence are simply having fun, and the level of intimacy is constantly escalating. From the first meeting, talking and laughing, to the intimacy of eating and living together, Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s relationship is getting deeper and deeper, just like a good buddy who has been friends for many years.

On the beach, the brothers took off their sunglasses to complete the game, and Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying, who were next to each other, talked too much to stop, and exchanged their sunscreen experience intimately. Lin Zhiying pointed to the sky for a while, and whispered intimately with Guo Fucheng for a while, while the king also followed Xiaozhi’s intimate suggestion and closed his eyes to face the sun, so that his eyes could adapt to the harsh sunlight as soon as possible. The movements of the two were almost in sync, harmonious and loving.

Best partner: Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying are eager to pitch a tent

The sky on the island was getting dark, and the problem of food and housing was imminent. The brothers gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, vowing to ransack the only convenience store on the island. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng took the lead and turned into a great detective Sherlock Holmes, observing secretly from the hole, while Lin Zhiying made plans and cooperated very tacitly. In the blink of an eye, the convenience store was ransacked, and the ground was in a mess after the storm!

The hungry brothers were instantly resurrected with blood, full of energy, and they were so excited that they couldn’t stop. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying took the lead in setting up the tent in the dark, and Guo Fucheng, who was unfamiliar with everything, tried to find a clue, while Lin Zhiying patiently explained the principle of the tent bracket. At a critical moment, an emergency occurred. Lin Zhiying was negligent, and the tentage that had taken shape almost collapsed. Just as Xiaozhi was at a loss, Guo Fucheng turned the tide and came to rescue in time, and the tent successfully returned to its original shape. The cooperation between the two became more and more smooth, one holding the pole, the other pushing up hard, and they cooperated with each other to form the same person. Although there were no tools such as hammers, several people just used their hands and feet to set up the tent. The king and Lin Zhiying joined forces, which was the best partner of strength and wisdom.

On the night of camping on the desert island, it was a supermoon spectacle that only appeared once in 68 years. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying had slept next to each other before. This time, he was on the desert island, and the four brothers crowded into a small tent to warm each other again. The netizens screamed, "This situation is so loving!"

The second stop of the "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" ‘poor tour of the motherland’s great rivers and mountains has ended happily. After just two stops of the journey, the relationship between the brothers has warmed up rapidly, and how many stories and hardships will be waiting for them in the future? Every Saturday night at 20:30, Zhejiang Satellite TV Wang Laoji "We Are Seventeen", the brothers’ journey is continuing.

Tomorrow’s new frontier, coming across the border, Lynk & Co’s new new energy SUV Lynk & Co’s 08 debut

  On March 25th, Lynk & Co’s new new energy medium-sized SUV Lynk & Co 08 officially debuted in Shanghai. As the first full-array new energy product of the Lynk & Co brand, Lynk & Co 08 fuses technology and design perfectly, crossing the boundary of automotive intelligence and aesthetics, opening a new chapter in Lynk & Co’s design language, and expanding the brand product matrix and market layout. It is an important new energy strategy evolution for Lynk & Co.

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Lynk & Co 08 overall appearance

  Standing on the high ground of the new energy era, Lynk & Co has a new insight into the new generation of home users: they pay attention to quality and freshness, pay attention to multiple car scenarios and the travel experience of each family member, not only have high requirements for the mechanical quality of the vehicle, but also look forward to a new intelligent driving experience. In the face of user needs, Lynk & Co 08 gathers global design forces, explores the critical line between intelligent technology and aesthetic design, and creates infinite possibilities for people, cars and life with cross-border strength, opening up a new frontier of urban antagonistic aesthetics.

  Smarter the new frontier, cross the border

  Drawing on the essence of The Next Day concept car design, Lynk & Co 08 is based on the four design elements of Dare to Be Different, Proud of Technology, High-end Advanced, and Abundant Experience as the core. Taking sunrise as inspiration, it presents the urban light and shadow changes from dawn to early morning. With a new attitude ready to go, it inspires the dawn of the era. This reshapes the design concept of smart cars: crossing the boundaries of space, creating the possibility of infinite extension for the space of home; also crossing the boundaries of time, creating the possibility of infinite connection between the current experience and future life for users.

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Lynk & Co Design President Stefan Rosén explains Lynk & Co 08

  Under this concept, Lynk & Co 08 fully considers the life path of the new generation of home users, integrates aesthetic design with user application scenarios, integrates high-end technology elements, and elevates the overall technology tone of the whole car to a new height. This will not only open up the multi-form of user experience, but also bring novel evolutionary directions to Facebook-based car design.

  Intelligent innovative design, full of details

  Lynk & Co 08 integrates leading intelligent technology into the design, enabling it to bring powerful functional equipment on the basis of design beauty. In addition, thanks to the 4820/1915/1685mm body size of the vehicle and the 2848mm leapfrog wheelbase, the appearance of Lynk & Co 08 presents a delicate and atmospheric visual look, and also creates a wide interior space for family travel.

  In appearance, Lynk & Co 08 adopts the newly evolved Daybreak daylight lamp, which is more flat and graphic in shape, reflecting a stronger sense of refinement in the front face. In terms of functionality, its unilateral luminous area can reach 870mm, which not only breaks through the design boundary, but also creates a purer visual impact.

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Lynk & Co 08 Daybreak Daylight/Yuedong Unbounded Door

  In addition, the urban skyline technology belt equipped with Lynk & Co 08 integrates matrix headlights and through-type light strips, and the luminous area through the light strip reaches 940mm, making the front face design more futuristic. And when we wake up the car, it will also be accompanied by lighting effects, bringing users a highly ceremonial interactive experience.

  The side is also the most brilliant part of Lynk & Co 08. The designer boldly adopted the Flush Door process to make the side windows on the same pure plane, like a smooth lens. The addition of hidden door handles, Yuedong unbounded doors and smart unbounded exterior mirrors perfectly presents the pure and delicate details on the side.

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Lynk & Co 08 exterior side

  Following the core elements of technology pride, Lynk & Co 08 has a semaphore interactive light strip distributed on each side. In addition to displaying the breathing light effect when charging, the user will also flash to welcome the guest when approaching, showing the charm of technology between movements.

  The tail design of Lynk & Co 08 echoes the front face, and the highly recognizable tail light is upgraded to a live crystal through tail light. During the lighting process, the crystal flows and flashes, like the pulse of life at the beginning of the day, reflecting the sense of energy and not lack of technological elements. At the same time, due to the use of hidden rear wipers, the tail is also more integrated.

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Lynk & Co 08 Rear-Inneng Crystal Through Tail Light

  Scene ingenious construction, zero pressure and comfortable top grid

  Lynk & Co 08 hopes that the moment users enter the car, they can feel the light line outline and rich technical texture, not only to show the beauty of technology as far as the eye can see, but also to relax the whole body, allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the future imagination of complete pressure relief.

  Lynk & Co 08 is equipped with a "technology floating island" like a spaceship hovering on the dashboard, with an industry-first 92-inch unbounded AR-HUD and front speakers integrated above. The integrated fusion design makes the entire cockpit like a foreign technology, which is simple and at the same time reflects the beauty of technology. In the central control area, the 15.4-inch ultra-clear full-screen is particularly eye-catching, and the 2.5K clarity brings users an immersive sensory experience.

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Lynk & Co 08 front interior – 92 inch unbounded AR-HUD/15.4 inch ultra-clear full screen/technology floating island

  In order to create a sense of atmosphere in the car, Lynk & Co 08 adopts a streamer ambient light with an integrated design of the whole cabin, which can provide a variety of lighting effects such as streamer music, breathing, color change, music rhythm, etc. At the same time, it is also deeply integrated with the speaker. Whether it is commuting to get off work or long-distance self-driving trips, it gives drivers and passengers an unprecedented experience.

Tomorrow's new frontier, crossing the border, Lynk & Co's new new energy SUV Lynk & Co's 08 debut _fororder_image007

Lynk & Co 08 Interior Details – Sound and Shadow Smart Trim

  Taking into account the rich car scenes of all family members, Lynk & Co 08 has set up a wonderful and ingenious space in the car to meet the user’s needs for storage space. The front central integrated minimalist central armrest area minimizes visual redundancy and makes the car more futuristic; the magic-like hidden cup holder has passed a flexible solution for daily use. At the same time, the hidden door clasp, electronic door lock, halo-type surround ambient light and speaker mask integrated sound and shadow smart trim exude a technological design charm, while the hidden electric trend is seamlessly integrated into the cockpit, further strengthening the technological atmosphere in the car.

  Not only that, Lynk & Co 08 also set up a flash charging center in the front row, with two mobile phone support tables, which can be compatible with 60W wired charging and 50W wireless fast charging, and reserved trend at the bottom, allowing us to charge efficiently, but also further reduce the body temperature, achieving safe and sustainable high-speed charging.

  The Lynk & Co 08 provides shallow support seats, and its ingenious ergonomic design can bring the ultimate comfort to the passengers in the car, creating a zero-pressure comfort hall during the journey. At the same time, the immersive comfort main driver not only provides seat heating, ventilation and massage functions, but also has independent headrest speakers, allowing users to enjoy private navigation broadcasts and music without disturbing other family occupants in the car to rest. On the basis of heating, ventilation and massage, the zero-pressure stretch co-pilot also adds leg rest adjustment, which allows the co-pilot occupants to better rest during long-distance driving.

Tomorrow's new frontier, crossing the border, Lynk & Co's new new energy SUV Lynk & Co's 08 debut _fororder_image008

Lynk & Co 08 front seats

  Thanks to the blessing of the leapfrog wheelbase, the rear legroom of the Lynk & Co 08 has reached 935mm, and with the 2-gear adjustment of the rear seat back at 28-33 °, it unlocks more comfortable positions for the elderly and children in the back row.

  Lynk & Co 08 actively practices the concept of environmental protection and empowers users’ travel health. A large area of recyclable and renewable polyester materials are covered in important positions such as seats, center consoles, and door panels. At the same time, innovative and environmentally friendly materials are also used on carpets and ceilings to maximize the protection of the cockpit environment without pollution, and the subtleties show humanistic care.

  Since the establishment of the brand, Lynk & Co has always insisted on working with users to create products that meet the tone of the times and consumer needs. The launch of Lynk & Co 08 is a new masterpiece of Lynk & Co’s accurate insight into user requests. It undertakes the mission and responsibility of the brand’s comprehensive new energy transformation, which will help the brand deeply cultivate the new energy field and reshape the market pattern. (Geely Lynk & Co, photo provided)

The sunset and the solitude fly together, and the autumn water is the same as the long day – Insights on the Ecological Restoration Project of Wuliang Suhai Watershed, Inner Mongolia

  Editor’s Note

  An average of fifty or sixty new cars are launched every month, new energy models are gradually becoming the main theme, and the market share of Chinese brand passenger cars is stable at more than 50%… In the first half of the year, there are many bright spots in the automotive market. Among these dazzling new cars, Chinese brands have set off a tide of innovation in the automotive industry with faster technological iteration, newer technological breakthroughs, and stronger power blessings. While igniting the enthusiasm of the automotive market, they also lead the global automotive new energy era.

  Looking up at U8

  As one of the most dazzling star models in the first half of this year, it is impressive to look up to the U8’s powerful product capabilities and over a million yuan worth.

  Looking up at the front face of the U8, it adopts the design language of "the door of time and space", which is very recognizable. The overall shape is square, showing a full hardcore off-road style. The closed middle net and the "tripod "-shaped light strips on both sides are more sci-fi. The interior has been redesigned, using a flying wing cockpit profile, and the larger vertical screen in the center also enhances the overall sense of technology.

  Benefiting from BYD’s Easy Sifang platform, looking up at the U8 can control the power output and rotation direction of the four wheels individually, not only does it take only 3 seconds to accelerate, but it can also achieve difficult actions such as turning the vehicle in place, lateral movement, flat tire continued driving, and floating mode. Under the support of the Yunchan-P system, looking up at the U8 can also effectively suppress the change of the body attitude, avoid the collision damage caused by the terrain, and allow the vehicle to pass through various road conditions in the smoothest and most comfortable manner.

  Wisdom LS7

  The Zhiji LS7 is the second model of the Zhiji brand and the first medium and large pure electric SUV. It focuses on the "big five-seat" space layout and has a cruising range of 660 kilometers under CLTC conditions.

  The interior is undoubtedly a major attraction of the LS7. The new car’s central control adopts a triple-screen design of "LCD dashboard + central control screen + passenger display", in which the LCD instrument and the central control LCD large screen are connected as one, and the narrow-framed huge screen also has a lifting function. The matching "half-spoke steering wheel" and the embedded touch LCD panel in the central channel area make the car full of technology.

  Driving quality is one aspect of the Zhiji LS7 that deserves praise. As a large five-seat model, the Zhiji LS7 has made many upgrades in terms of ride comfort in the car. It is equipped with zero-gravity floating seats, intelligent control full flat folding co-pilot seats, and super long electric slides. It allows the co-pilot to slide and fold under the dashboard, and provides two personalized functions: "zero gravity mode" and "lying flat mode".

  Geely Galaxy L7

  Regardless of city roads, highways, provincial roads, or rural roads… The Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with the three smart electric technologies of "Aegis Battery Safety System, Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848, and the New Galaxy N OS", has shown its strength and style.

  It can be said that Geely has used its latest and strongest technology on the Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 system composed of a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid Engine and a new generation of Raytheon Electric Drive, and is matched with a 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro. The comprehensive maximum power has reached 287kw, the comprehensive maximum torque is 535N · m, and it has the fastest 6.9s 100-kilometer acceleration in the same level, and the lowest 5.23L/100km power loss fuel consumption in the same level in the WLTC. The NEDC 100-kilometer fuel consumption is 4.4 liters, and the CLTC comprehensive battery life is 1370km.

  At the same time, Geely Galaxy L7 has four driving modes: pure electric, range extension, intelligent and performance, among which the intelligent mode is the most worry-free, especially the 55-kilometer battery life version, the system will automatically determine the driver’s intention, and in just 0.2 seconds, it can quickly switch between 20 operating conditions such as series, parallel and hybrid to ensure good fuel economy and power level.

  The Galaxy L7 also showcases Geely’s "safety" genes, from batteries and intelligent architecture to vehicle safety and software intelligent control, to global integration with piles and clouds, to build a global safety protection system for new energy vehicles.

  The level of intelligence of the Galaxy L7 is also quite excellent. With the support of the Snapdragon 8155 chip, the Galaxy N OS system starts-up, response speed, and Keyword Spotting are very fast, and the communication between people and vehicles is very smooth.

  NIO’s new ES6

  The new ES6 is based on NIO’s latest NT2.0 platform and uses NIO’s second-generation design language to integrate the watchtower-style sensor layout with the roof. Compared to the previous model, the new ES6 has a longer wheelbase, wider body and lower height, showing a more dynamic body posture. The interior features an open double-layer wrapping design, renewable vine and hidden trend fusion, which is very layered, and for the first time, exclusive custom-made acoustic fabrics are used on the speakers, which have good sound transmission.


  With the support of the new platform, the new ES6 is equipped with the Banyan 2.0.0 system, which brings more than 120 new functions and experience optimization. Based on the Aquila NIO super sensor system and the ADAM NIO supercomputing platform, the new ES6 series comes standard with 23 safety and driving auxiliary features. In addition, through the self-developed ICC intelligent chassis domain controller and the onboard CDC dynamic suspension damping control system, the new ES6 can freely switch between sports and comfort.

  XPeng G6

  Xiaopeng G6 is considered by the industry to be a turnaround for XPeng Motors. It integrates XPeng Motors SEPA 2.0 global intelligent evolution architecture, integrated casting, 800V high-voltage SiC silicon carbide platform, CIB battery body integration and many other new technologies.

  The Xiaopeng G6 can be said to be a car designed for driving control. The short front/rear suspension design makes the G6 body more flexible and greatly improves the handling stability. The only front and rear aluminum die-cast body in China has a higher degree of integration and more stability. The torsional stiffness of the body is as high as 41600N · m. The stronger body rigidity greatly enhances the body support and anti-deformation ability of the vehicle when cornering, making the vehicle’s posture more stable and easier to control.

  The intelligence is what Xiaopeng G6 is most proud of. It is equipped with the high-end intelligent driver assistance system XNGP, which includes a new generation of high-speed NGP, urban NGP, VPA-L parking lot memory parking and other functions. Especially during driving, Xiaopeng G6 will also turn on the "God’s perspective". The XNet deep vision neural networks equipped with Xiaopeng’s new generation visual perception architecture can fuse the data collected by multiple cameras for multi-frame timing pre-fusion, and output the 4D information of dynamic objects and the 3D information of static objects under the bird’s eye view, such as the size, distance, position, speed, behavior prediction and lane line, road edge position of vehicles and two-wheelers, so as to achieve "six eyes and ears".

  Dark Blue S7

  The Deep Blue S7 is the second model of the Deep Blue automobile under Changan Automobile, which claims to have "the first five major industries, the first two of the same level, the first 31 of the same level, and the excellent 62 of the same level."

  Under the support of the EPA1 platform, the deep blue S7 combines the advantages of pure electricity and fuel, which not only reduces the cost of using the car, but also solves various problems such as mileage anxiety and inconvenience of replenishment of pure electric models. Among them, the deep blue S7 extended range version has a long comprehensive range of up to 1120 kilometers, which can realize long-distance travel needs. There is no need to find a charging station along the way, just refuel and go. In addition, the technical team of deep blue car also found the "password" for the battery to heat up quickly in the extreme cold environment, which effectively solves the problem of power decline caused by battery performance decay in the extreme cold environment. In terms of intelligence, the deep blue S7 supports the sound zone isolation function to create a voice interaction scene, and users can edit interesting and personalized wake-up and response. In addition, the car’s screen full scene realizes "visible and can be said", and users can replace the finger touch screen operation with only voice, making the operation more convenient.

  It is worth noting that the deep blue S7 also pays great attention to the air health issues in the car. The forest air purification system it is equipped with can monitor and display the air quality information in the car in real time, accurately obtain the surrounding air quality information, and use high-efficiency filter and ion purification technology to automatically achieve air purification in the car.

  Krypton X

  Extreme Krypton X is the third car under Extreme Krypton. The mecha design is very chic, the edges and corners are cut very sharply, and it is filled with a strong fighting atmosphere.

  The configuration of this car is very high, the entry-level model has 360-degree panoramic images, reversing side warning system, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric memory trunk, hidden door handle, AR-HUD, multi-color ambient lights and other functions. Among them, the Extreme Krypton X is currently the only model in the industry equipped with an on-board refrigerator capable of cooling at minus 15 degrees, which can realize triple temperature control mode of extreme freezing, refrigeration and heat preservation, and the temperature control range is from minus 15 degrees to plus 50 degrees.


  Thanks to the intelligent drive fully empowered, Extreme Krypton X staged a true version of "speed and passion": in the best performance of the four-wheel drive version, Extreme Krypton X is equipped with a high-performance permanent magnet synchronous electric drive system, front and rear dual motor layout for the vehicle provides a strong power guarantee, zero hundred acceleration only 3.7s, power performance comparable to V6 twin turbo engine, making Extreme Krypton X one of the fastest compact luxury cars ever.

  BYD Seagull

  The stylish and tough appearance, the leading configuration performance of the same level, the 405km battery life and the entry-level pre-sale price of 78,800 yuan make BYD Seagull quite eye-catching in the same level of models.

  BYD Seagull is a new small pure electric model launched by BYD in the first half of the year. This model has a more delicate and compact body design. Although the body length is not long, the overall sense of movement is excellent. At the same time, the interior design of the Seagull has not been weakened by size, and the interior is also equipped with a practical DiLink intelligent connection system.


  Although the main scooter market within 100,000 yuan, BYD Seagull is still equipped with a permanent magnet motor with a maximum power of 55kW (75Ps), which can provide a maximum torque of 135N · m. The battery is divided into 30.08kWh and 38.88kWh, which can fully meet the needs of daily transportation or short-distance travel.

  Thanks to the technology empowered by e-platform 3.0, BYD Seagull also has the exclusive safety body structure of pure electric vehicles. The high-strength steel of the body in white accounts for up to 61%, and thermoformed steel with tensile strength exceeding 1500 MPa is used in key parts, which can provide the most direct safety protection for the occupants in the car.

  Ideal L7

  The Ideal L7 is an upgraded model based on the Ideal ONE. This car uses a 5-seat part and still implements the design concept of Li Auto’s "second bedroom". It has a second-row space and comfort beyond that of a D-class luxury car, creating a spacious, comfortable and warm exclusive space experience for a family of three.

  In terms of configuration, the ideal L7 only has two versions, Pro and Max, and different versions vary between smart cockpit and intelligent driver assistance system. For example, in the smart cockpit, the Max version has a 15.7-inch rear roof entertainment screen more than the Pro version, and the Max version uses two 8155 car chips, which can be connected to VR glasses and Nintendo Switch, providing a more comprehensive intelligent experience.

  In terms of power, the ideal L7 adopts an extended range power layout. The full system consists of a 1.5T range extender and front and rear motors, which can provide a maximum power of 330kW (449Ps) and a maximum torque of 620N · m. In the extended range mode, the maximum range of CLTC conditions can reach 1315km. In addition, the combination of a 42.8 kWh battery pack and a 65-liter fuel tank is equivalent to reserving more than 200 degrees of power for the whole car. With 3.5 kW external discharge, it can create an outdoor "star playground", an open "kitchen", and a "viewing restaurant" for the whole family, moving "home" to the most beautiful scenery.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  The Xiaolong MAX is regarded as a groundbreaking achievement of Haval’s new energy transformation. Its appearance is deeply loved by young people. The interior features a triple-screen design, and is equipped with a Snapdragon 8155 chip and a new generation of Coffee OS system. Its intelligent performance is excellent.


  The most important thing is that the Haval Xiaolong MAX is the first model equipped with the Great Wall’s new hybrid architecture Hi4 intelligent electric hybrid four-wheel drive system. The biggest highlight of this system is the deep integration of hybrid and four-wheel drive, equipped with a 1.5L hybrid dedicated engine, front and rear dual motors and a DHT hybrid gearbox, which can realize "three engines and nine modes", has excellent multi-scene adaptation ability, and achieves the fuel consumption of four-wheel drive models to the level of two-wheel drive hybrid models. In addition, as a plug-in hybrid system, it also supports a pure electric battery life of 105km (NEDC conditions), with a 100-kilometer acceleration of 6.8s, and the overall performance is balanced and comprehensive.

  (This version of the manuscript was collected and written by reporter Fu Yong)

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released.

  On July 9th, at the glorious moment when the total sales volume of Bo Yue family is about to reach 1.6 million vehicles, Bo Yue L conquered the summit challenge of Niubei Mountain in China at an altitude of 3,666 meters through a man-vehicle relay, and officially released a new version on the largest 360-degree scenic platform in Asia — — Bo Yue L Glory Edition, the official guide price is 128,700 yuan. Users who purchase Bo Yue L Glory Edition before July 31st can also enjoy a cash subsidy of 10,000 yuan, and the limited-time summer cool price is only 118,700 yuan. In addition, Bo Yue L Glory Edition also provides users with multiple courtesies including financial gifts and rejuvenation gifts.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image001.

  In the past June, Bo Yue L handed over the sales answer sheet of 10,028 vehicles, and has sold over 10,000 vehicles for eight consecutive months. Since its listing at the end of October last year, Bo Yue L has sold nearly 100,000 vehicles, making it one of the best-selling SUVs in the market. Above the peak, create glory again. With the official release of the Glory Edition, Bo Yue L has reached seven models for sale, including three different power systems and a variety of body and interior color schemes. Rich version selection will further meet the different needs of users and help Bo Yue L’s sales reach a new high.

  Adopt exclusive car paint and interior color matching. Bo Yue L Glory Edition is colorful, material and value-added.

  As a strategic heavy SUV developed based on CMA architecture, Bo Yue L is fully developed according to the specifications of 300,000-yuan SUV, and applies Geely’s strongest car-making technology such as GEEA2.0 electronic and electrical architecture, Raytheon intelligent hybrid and NOA high-order intelligent driving assistance system. The "smart SUV big single product" is well deserved. On the basis of inheriting the core competitiveness of Bo Yue L, the glory version of the model realizes the new value, the new interior and the new experience.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image002.

  In appearance, Bo Yue L Glory Edition is equipped with the exclusive car color "Canyon Green" and the exclusive "Piano Black" kit, including the front grille, window frame trim, door lower trim, luggage rack, tail label and other parts all using piano black color matching. At the same time, the new car also adopts the design of penetrating LED headlights and luminous LOGO, which makes the whole car more recognizable after lighting, and the whole car is full of sense of technology and sports.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image004.

  On the interior, Bo Yue L Glory Edition has added a dark interior "Summer Spring Blue" with a combination of blue and gray on the basis of two light-colored interiors: "Yuan Ye Brown in Autumn" and "Snow White in Winter", which provides users with more choices.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image006.

  In terms of intelligent cockpit and comfort configuration, Bo Yue L Glory Edition not only continues 15 hard-core standards such as Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, digital arrow LED penetrating taillights, surround emotional light curtain, 178LX digital rhythmic LED headlights, and 13.2-inch central control vertical screen, but also comes standard with penetrating LED headlights and luminous LOGO, 19-inch wheels and tires, giant screen panoramic sunroof and other configurations, further improving product cost performance and user experience.

  Going up the mountain fiercely, going down the mountain steadily, turning fast, turning to quasi-Bo Yue L to conquer Niubei Mountain in China, which is 3666 meters.

  On the day of the event, auto professional media from all over the country successfully climbed Niubei Mountain in China at an altitude of 3,666 meters by driving Bo Yue L, and finally met in glory on the largest 360-degree scenic platform in Asia. Under the blessing of CMA architecture, Bo Yue L’s mechanical quality is comparable to that of luxury brands, with both comfort and sportiness. Its superior driving and control strength, such as fierce uphill, steady downhill, fast cornering and accurate steering, has also refreshed everyone’s understanding of SUV running in the mountains and continued Bo Yue’s "good driving" gene to the end.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image008.

  Bo Yue L Glory Edition is equipped with the power combination of Jin Qing 1.5TD+7DCT, which can output the maximum power of 133kW and the maximum torque of 290 N m. The more powerful version of 2.0TD has the highest power of 160kW and the maximum torque of 325Nm. The test result of Elk can reach 78km/h, the braking distance of 100km/h~0 is only 35.8m, and the acceleration time of 0~100km/h is only 7.4s, so it can easily overtake even in plateau environment.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image010.

  In addition to the comprehensive empowerment of CMA architecture, GEEA2.0 electronic and electrical architecture and Sino-European joint professional chassis adjustment, Bo Yue L is also equipped with top-level driving and control hardware such as 190mm long-stroke SN valve system shock absorber, DP-EPS dual-pinion electric power steering system and VDDM vehicle dynamic control system, and the body meets the G-class standard design of 25% small offset collision on both sides, and the torsional stiffness is as high as 32,000 nm/deg. At the same time, it has many passive safety features, such as CMA aluminum alloy sliding aluminum block, aerospace-grade 7-series aluminum alloy front anti-collision beam, integrated thermoformed boron steel door knocker, etc. Its mechanical quality is comparable to that of high-value luxury brands, and its driving and control safety performance can be called track-level performance, which greatly improves the safety and driving pleasure of running mountains.

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image012.

  Wu Wenchang, the champion and racer of China Rally Championship, said after riding Bo Yue L to the top: "Bo Yue L has abundant power, solid chassis, strong suspension support, accurate steering, good anti-roll and tire grip ability, and overcomes the unfavorable factors such as thin oxygen on the plateau and high center of gravity of SUV. It can easily conquer Niubei Mountain and fully enjoy the fun of running the mountain."

The limited-time midsummer ice price is 118,700 yuan, and Geely Bo Yue L Glory Edition is officially released _fororder_image014

  Under the guidance of Bo Yue L, the cumulative sales of Bo Yue family will soon pass the 1.6 million mark. Standing at a new starting point, Bo Yue L will also lead the Bo Yue family to start a new glory journey, continue to bring users a higher value product experience, and accelerate the promotion of Geely brand and value. (Photo courtesy of Geely Automobile)

The 100,000-class only pure battery life of 100km and the only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition started with high allocation.

  On July 13th, Geely’s 2024 Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition was officially launched, with two versions, namely, the 100km superior version and the 100km superior version. The official guide price is 109,800 ~ 122,800 yuan, and the limited-time exclusive price after enjoying the cash call gift is 105,800-118,800 yuan. The new car is equipped at the start, and the whole system comes standard with a pure battery life of 100km. It has the same level of leading "3.8L ultra-low power consumption, 6.9s ultra-fast 100 km acceleration and 1300km long battery life", and can also enjoy green brand and free purchase tax, so that users can enjoy high-quality travel with "low fuel consumption, high performance and long battery life" in one step without compromise, and create a 100,000-class electric hybrid for users with value.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image001.

  The 100,000-class only has a pure electric battery life of 100km, and the same class has a "T" engine +3-speed electric drive.

  Compared with the mainstream plug-in products of the same level that generally adopt single-gear E-CVT and self-priming engine, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition is equipped with a unique 1.5TD high-efficiency engine +3-speed frequency conversion electric drive DHT Pro+ dual-motor power combination, which is not only powerful, smarter and more economical, but also brings users a super electric mixing experience of 150,000 yuan or more. Thanks to the multi-speed electric drive structure and the advantages of P1+P2 dual motors, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has the advantages of higher speed and no stall at high speed, and can match the first speed ratio at low speed. When driving at high speed, it can realize "downshifting and twisting" and quickly overtake in parallel; When the speed is above 20km/h, it can realize full-speed parallel connection, which can make the dual motors and the engine coordinate intelligently, always keep in the high-efficiency working range, and the strong power continues to output.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image002.

  What’s more, the Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has a pure battery life of 100km and a battery capacity of 15.5kWh, and its battery life and power are nearly twice as advanced as those of the same-level products in the market with a pure battery life of only tens of kilometers, meeting users’ more economical and lower-cost travel needs; It also has "3.8L ultra-low power consumption, 6.9s ultra-fast 100 km acceleration and 1300km ultra-long battery life", allowing users to enjoy the low-cost and high-value car experience of "low fuel consumption, strong power and long battery life" in one step. At the same time, considering the user’s demand for car convenience and low cost, the new car has also added a DC charging function and an extended-range mode that can be driven by electric vehicles in the whole process, further enhancing the user’s electric driving experience from the aspects of energy supplement and driving.

  Meet the real needs of users and pierce the ceiling of the 100,000-class electric hybrid sedan.

  In order to meet the real needs of users and actively respond to their voices, in addition to the overall leading power performance, Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition also maintains a leapfrog leading level in vehicle quality, intelligence and safety. Inheriting the high-quality genes of Geely brand and Emgrand family, the interior of the whole vehicle is wrapped in 90% soft materials, and the seats and handrails are made of environmentally friendly skin-friendly materials, which has a soft and delicate touch and a high ride comfort; There are also comfortable seats certified by Rheinland, Germany, which can support the unique acupoint heating function of traditional Chinese medicine at the same level, ensure that users are not tired when driving for a long time, and create a highly humanized, comfortable and environmentally friendly high-quality driving space from the perspectives of touch, vision and body feeling.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _ for order _ IMAGE E003

  On top of quality, the new car will also be full of technology and safety. Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition comes standard with Geely Galaxy OS ecosystem, 12.3-inch color central control panel +10.25-inch LCD instrument, intelligent voice interactive system and other rich configurations, and its overall intelligence level, functionality and operation convenience are all ahead of its peers. In particular, the 100km superior model is also equipped with the unique intelligent configuration of the same level, such as the 540 transparent chassis of the Eye of God, the L2 intelligent driving assistance system, and the health and safety configuration such as the antibacterial steering wheel, AQS air quality management system and negative ion purifier, so as to ensure driving safety in all directions.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image004.

  In addition, the Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has been further optimized and upgraded in styling design, which is more simple and three-dimensional and has stronger "inductance". For example, in appearance, the new car adopts a straight and powerful horizontal banner grille and a segmented front bumper, and the two sides of the lower grille are simply layered, and the exclusive luminous logo of new energy is applied, so that the whole front face looks more harmonious and more in line with the mainstream aesthetics of the public. The details of the interior have also been upgraded and optimized, and two new interior colors, Dawn Brown and Midnight Black, have been adopted to provide diverse choices for users with different preferences.

100,000-class only pure battery life 100km only power belt "T" Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition starts with high allocation _fororder_image005.

  Generally speaking, the product strength of Geely Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition is fully reinforced, the simple shape is more inductive, the only pure battery life of its class is 100km, and the power performance, energy saving and economy, intelligence and safety and vehicle quality are all ahead of the rest, which makes the overall value overweight. The launch of Emgrand L HiP Champion Edition has further strengthened Geely’s product line layout in the A-class electric hybrid car market, helping Geely brand to move towards new and value in an all-round way. (Photo courtesy of Geely Emgrand)

Li Bin slapped in the face! NIO’s entire system has reduced prices, and charging rights have also shrunk | First-line

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  Source: New Consumer Daily

  NIO, which has always claimed not to reduce prices, still failed to hold on.

  Recently, NIO announced that it will untie the lifetime power exchange rights from the vehicle price: the original 4 times a month /6 power exchange given to users is no longer the basic car rights, and the price of all NIO models is also reduced by 30,000 yuan.

  For consumers, due to the different areas where the NIO power station is located, the electricity and service fees charged will also vary. At the same time, according to the different car habits of the owner, the discounted 30,000 yuan of the lifetime power exchange rights will also reflect different practical values.

  New Consumer Daily reporters found through interviews that NIO is not the only brand, and other brands of new energy vehicles have also shrunk in their rights to charge and replace electricity. Some industry insiders believe that these changes in strategy are in response to the increasingly fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market.

  Lifetime free power exchange rights can be "discounted"

  Does not affect current car owners

  NIO cars ushered in the first price reduction this year, up to 30,000 yuan. Corresponding to the price reduction, the first owner’s car purchase rights also "depreciated".

  Li Bin, Founder, Chairperson and CEO of NIO

  After the news was announced, it triggered a heated discussion. Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, responded to the adjustment on the NIO community: This adjustment has been discussed internally for a long time, and the opinions and suggestions of some users have been listened to. There are too many aspects to consider, and it is still being deliberated at three o’clock today. Now is the most appropriate time to release, and there must be some thoughtless aspects, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

  Li Bin calculated an account, NIO’s current number of car owners exceeds 330,000, if these owners change cars in the next three years, the price reduction of 30,000 yuan means more than Ten Billion Subsidy.

  Previously, in order to cultivate users’ power exchange habits, NIO had promoted unlimited free power exchange rights, which were adjusted to 6 free power exchanges per month after August 2021.

  In April this year, NIO further reduced the rights and interests of the first owner: it involved canceling the free home charging pile, further reducing the number of free power changes to four times, and upgrading the previous NOP + to the official version, with a monthly subscription price of 380 yuan.

  In June this year, the adjustment directly throws two choices to the owner: to 30,000 yuan car purchase discount, or to enjoy up to 4 times a month of lifelong free electricity exchange, lifetime monthly 8GB free vehicle to everything service, and 10 years of vehicle quality assurance.

  "If you pay the deposit to buy the new ES6 and ES8 before July 31 this year, you can still enjoy free home charging piles. Before August 1 this year, you can decide whether to choose the 30,000 yuan discount or the’rights upgrade package ‘. Even if you choose the 30,000 yuan discount, NIO will still provide 10 years of unlimited mileage quality assurance for the Sandian system."

  Liu Yang also added: "For users who have already picked up the car, the first owner’s rights and interests remain unchanged, but they can choose to give up the original free power exchange rights and deduct the purchase price for the new car according to their own needs."

  NIO used to stick to the bottom line of "no price reduction"

  But it can’t stop the sales decline

  NIO founder and president Qin Lihong said at the Shanghai auto show that NIO would not engage in price wars, but pursue one-step pricing. He admitted that NIO’s gross profit margin is not high, and companies with gross profit margins of 30% to 40% may be able to reduce prices appropriately, but NIO will not do so.

  "No price reduction" used to be one of the two principles Li Bin set for NIO, but the financial data and sales volume made Li Bin’s anxiety palpable.

  The Q1 financial report of 2023 shows that NIO’s revenue is 10.68 billion yuan, an increase of 7.7% year-on-year., of which the main business revenue of automobile sales is 9.224 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.2% year-on-year.

  Data show that in the first quarter of this year, NIO deliveries were 31,000 units, an increase of 20.5% year-on-year and a decrease of 22.5% month-on-month. In April this year, NIO new car deliveries were 6,658 units, an increase year-on-year but a decrease of 35.8% month-on-month.

  Among them, the delivery volume in April and May was only 6,658 and 6,155, less than 7,000 for two consecutive months. In contrast, Li Auto delivered a total of 106,500 new cars from January to May this year, achieving quarterly profit again.

  In this regard, Li Bin responded positively: "NIO has indeed gone against the tide recently, but it is also expected, because the products are being switched, and the new models ES6 and ES8 have been delivered. The delivery volume will definitely increase gradually. Don’t worry, as for the rumors, don’t pay attention."

  NIO’s goal for 2023 is to sell 250,000 vehicles and break even in the fourth quarter. So far, the company has delivered 43,900 new vehicles, only 17.6% of the annual task, far from meeting expectations.

  In order to sell, NIO can only reduce prices in exchange for services.

  Zhang Yazhi, marketing/Chief Sales Officer at Guangzhou Honda Motor First Sales Co., Ltd., commented: "The price reduction of all NIO models and the separate sale of’lifetime replacement rights’ is a controversial decision, but it is undeniable that due to the large price reduction, it is attractive to those’potential consumers’."

  Is the NIO owner’s rights upgrade package worth 30,000 yuan?

  Other brand equities are also shrinking

  This also raises a question: is it more cost-effective to choose a discount, or is it more cost-effective to choose a "rights upgrade package"?

  "It all depends on your car habits," Mr. Liu told the New Consumer Daily. "If you use your car more frequently and have a lot of mileage, then the power exchange rights are more suitable for you."

  NIO staff member Liu Yang explains the issue of electricity replacement charges

  Meng Wei (a pseudonym), a Beijing-based owner of NIO, told the New Consumer Daily: "I use the car more frequently. I change it about 10 times a month, and I need to pay for it six times a month. It costs about 11,000 yuan a year to change the electricity."

  According to Meng Wei’s way of using the car, 30,000 yuan can be used for him for about 2.7 years.

  He added: "The charging method of the NIO power station is based on the difference between the current remaining power and the full power, but I will not change the power every time I run out of power. For example, my ES8 is fully charged at 100 kWh, and when I use only 20 kWh, I need to be charged 80 kWh for electricity and service."

  New Consumption Daily reporter learned that the NIO power station is located in different areas, and the electricity and service fees charged will also vary. Taking Beijing as an example, the power station in the Shangdian service area in Changping District has an electricity price of 0.73 yuan/kWh and a service fee of 0.53 yuan/kWh; while the power station in Chaoyang District is 1.31 yuan/kWh and a service fee of 0.8 yuan/kWh.

  According to the calculation, if the battery with a capacity of 100 degrees is exhausted every time, the owner will spend 6,048 yuan and 10,128 yuan per year at the above two charging stations according to the four power changes per month. The time it takes to spend 30,000 yuan is 4.96 years and 2.96 years respectively.

  The reporter who visited China-Singapore Consumer Daily found that not only NIO, but also the rights and interests of new car users of other brands are shrinking. In fact, in addition to NIO, other new energy vehicle companies are also charging and replacing electricity, more or less shrinking the rights and interests of some owners.

  XPeng Motors has always insisted that the first owner enjoys a lifetime free charging service, with an annual charging limit of 3,000 kWh. After 2022, the charging limit will be reduced to 1,000 kWh.

  FAW-Volkswagen has removed the 0 down payment battery rental policy for owners of ID new energy models, and the option rights have also shrunk accordingly.

  Tesla updated its permissions for Model S/X supercharging service in May. Previously, older Model S/X models enjoyed lifetime free supercharging rights.

  Only the first owner of the new Model S/X on sale today can enjoy a 3-year free supercharge benefit, and if the old model is replaced with a new model, the lifetime overcharge benefit will be replaced by the 6-year free overcharge benefit for the first owner.

  Zhang Yazhi told the New Consumer Daily reporter: "From a corporate perspective, the price reduction of all NIO models and the separate sale of’lifetime power exchange rights’ may be to cope with competitive pressure and increase sales and market share. As the competition in the new energy vehicle market becomes increasingly fierce, various companies are adopting different strategies to compete for market share."

Jackie Chan has changed! "British Showdown" surpasses imagination to dominate the National Day file

1905 movie network news Directed by Martin Campbell and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao and Liang Peishi, the international action blockbuster is about to dominate the National Day file on September 30 and will land on the global screen one after another. Whether it is the cast or the behind-the-scenes team, the film has gathered the top figures in the Chinese and Western film industries. In addition, as the only Hollywood action blockbuster in this year’s National Day file, "Britain" has attracted much attention from all walks of life due to its excellent international top film texture. The following is a deep analysis of why "Britain" can arouse expectations from ten aspects.

Jackie Chan returns to Hollywood after seven years, shaking the world again after harvesting the golden statuette

Jackie Chan re-entered Hollywood in 1995 and created a Chinese legend by breaking multiple North American box office records. Over the next two decades, Jackie Chan’s films gradually became a popular global label and influenced filmmakers around the world. Many top international directors have looked to Jackie Chan’s films for inspiration. Many new generation of young actors also regard Jackie Chan as a role model and benchmark. In 2016, Jackie Chan won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement and became the first Chinese to win the award.

However, in 2010 and since then, Jackie Chan has filmed a number of Chinese-language films, but apart from the dubbing series, he has never starred in a real Hollywood international blockbuster. The movie "British Showdown" is Jackie Chan’s first international action masterpiece to return to Hollywood. At the same time, "British Showdown" is also Jackie Chan’s first Hollywood action blockbuster after winning the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Jackie Chan once said in an interview: "It’s not that I want to return to Hollywood now, it’s that Hollywood needs me." The outstanding artistic achievements and extraordinary international influence have made Jackie Chan movies synonymous with the best films in the eyes of global audiences.

2. British ace agent Brosnan joins to recreate the king of kung fu versus the king of agents

In the movie "British Showdown", the opponent of Jackie Chan’s decisive battle must also be able to match him. For this reason, director Martin Campbell chose Pierce Brosnan. The two established a good tacit understanding when they worked together, and have worked on many films since then. This time, the old partner has been restructured again for "British Showdown". For fans around the world, Brosnan’s name can be said to be well-heard. He succeeded Timothy Dutton as the fifth 007. With "Golden Eye", "Tomorrow’s Empire", "Black Sun Crisis" and four works, he has re-created a handsome and charming and masculine 007 image, which is recognized by fans as the most handsome 007 in history.

For most Chinese movie fans, understanding the classic secret agent image of 007 begins with Pierce Brosnan. The duel between Jackie Chan and Brosnan’s two characters in "British Showdown" is also a peak showdown between the "King of Kung Fu" in the East and the "King of Agents" in the West. The collaboration between the two international action stars is bound to collide with a particularly intense spark.

3. Save 007 for the second time and create a classic again, a Hollywood commercial film

Martin Campbell’s name may not be well known to domestic audiences, but his films have been very popular and left a deep imprint on the history of world cinema. In 1995, Martin Campbell collaborated with Pierce Brosnan for the first time. With "007: Golden Eye", it revolutionized the public’s impression of Bond, the king of British agents, creating the most popular 007 film in the history of the 007 series, and when the 007 series was once in the doldrums, it was rejuvenated. It was not until 2006 that Martin Campbell directed "007: Casino Royale", and Daniel Craig took over as the sixth 007, which revived the 007 series.

As the two-time gold medal director who saved the 007 series, Martin Campbell has gradually become widely recognized as "the master of Hollywood commercial films". In addition to the 007 series, he has assembled Anthony Banderas and Anthony Hopkins, two leading actors, to create two works and redefine the classic image of Zorro as a lone hero. Martin Campbell’s directing of "British Showdown" has given the film a stronger guarantee of quality and is bound to make the film called the next Hollywood classic.

4. National Muse Liu Tao made his debut in Hollywood, breaking through the image and pretending to be elderly makeup

"British Showdown" has released the movie promotion song "Ordinary People" sung by Jackie Chan and Liu Tao, which moved thousands of netizens with moving tunes and heartfelt lyrics. At the same time, this promotion song also revealed the tearjerking warmth of Jackie Chan and Liu Tao in "British Showdown". Since his debut, Liu Tao has created many popular roles, and the ever-changing image of Liu Tao has long been recognized by countless audiences. And "British Showdown" is Liu Tao’s first entry into Hollywood, which can be said to be an important step towards a new peak in her career.

In "The Battle of England", Liu Tao changed the image of the former Muse temperament and turned the creation upside down, playing a simple and ordinary middle-aged woman, trying to dress up in old age, looking haggard. Liu Tao once revealed in an interview: "This time the character has a lot of changes in image, from makeup to the overall look, the director dyed a lot of white hair for me, a lot of wrinkles and age spots, and tried to be close to the film character." For Liu Tao, this is a great challenge, and for Chinese audiences who know Liu Tao well, it will be a novel adventure.

5. Jackie Chan’s image deliberately grows old, challenging introverted revenge drama acting to re-create the peak

Jackie Chan has said many times that he hopes to play more of his favorite roles and try to shoot different types of movies, and the change of Jackie Chan in "British Showdown" is surprising. Jackie Chan’s role in "British Showdown" is Guan Yuming, an old man in his seventies. Therefore, in order to be more in line with the character’s setting, the director specially aged Jackie Chan’s appearance, and constantly told Jackie Chan to move as slowly as possible. FilmJackie Chan, whose face was wrinkled and scarred, caused countless audiences to feel distressed and applauded his attitude towards the performance.

In addition, Jackie Chan temporarily gave up his decades-old comic image in film, and instead created a sad character who is taciturn, has a rough life, and takes up arms to avenge his daughter. In his performance, he pays more attention to forbearance and rich layers of inner drama. This kind of Jackie Chan, for every audience, seems strange and full of freshness. Jackie Chan does not want to be bound by a specific style, and his performance in "British Showdown" is the best proof. Now 63 years old, Jackie Chan is still constantly breaking through himself and challenging new roles, so that audiences have to look forward to each of his works.

6. Jackie Chan innovates action dramas to break through impressions, and never forgets his original intention with his life

Jackie Chan made a subversive change in "British Showdown", personally participated in the action design in "British Showdown", establishing a new action style label for Jackie Chan movies. Although the film still retains the elements of action, it is different from the previous dragon-style playful kung fu. "British Showdown" pays more attention to the realism of action scenes, using a lot of hand-to-hand combat to constantly stimulate the audience’s senses.

However, due to Jackie Chan’s long-term filming of highly dangerous action scenes without the use of stuntmen, he was hospitalized for surgery due to severe muscle decay during the filming of the film. But after the doctor told him to stop filming martial arts scenes, Jackie Chan still focused on the filming of the film and continued to perform high-risk human stunts himself. Such a thrilling performance with personal risk continues Jackie Chan’s most admirable film spirit, and it is also Jackie Chan’s never-changing sincerity and hard work.

7. Assemble two classic magic actors to create an epic cast

In addition to Jackie Chan and Brosnan, the two heroes of the East and West, and the strong addition of the national Muse Liu Tao, the audience can also find more familiar faces in the "British Showdown". Liang Peishi made her debut as a Chinese student Zhang Qiu in the film, and then had an affectionate kiss with Harry Potter in the film. Her appearance also attracted more Chinese fans for the "Harry Potter" series. And Michael McElhatton played Luce Bolton in the TV drama. He looks mild-mannered, but he is ruthless and calculating. He killed the "young wolf master" Robb Stark at the red wedding. His powerful acting skills have won the admiration of thousands of audiences.

Liang Peishi and Michael McElhatton, two powerful actors from the two Western magic legends, joined the "British Showdown" to gather top actors from across Asia and Europe to create an epic all-star lineup, which undoubtedly guaranteed the film’s international quality and further upgraded the audience’s expectations for the film.

8. Hollywood’s top production, dedicated to creating the only international giant of the National Day file

In addition to the powerful epic cast of Jackie Chan, Brosnan, Liu Tao, Liang Peishi, etc., the behind-the-scenes team of Hollywood’s top configuration is also a major highlight of the film. There are both Hollywood gold director Martin Campbell and Hollywood photographer David Tattersall. He has shown superb photography standards in many Hollywood classics such as "David Tattersall".

In addition, "British Showdown" also brought together Peter Buchman and David Marconi, two of Hollywood’s top screenwriters, to jointly complete the screenwriting of the film. Peter Buchman served as the screenwriter, which brought this classic series of Hollywood commercial films that are well-known in the world to a perfect conclusion; David Marconi wrote the screenplay starring Will Smith, which earned more than 100 million dollars in global box office, and was also recognized by fans as a masterpiece. The collaboration of the two super writers makes "British Showdown" more guaranteed under the packaging of dazzling Hollywood commercial elements. The deep core of the story is even more guaranteed.

9. The panorama shows the British style, and the real scene blasting is shocked

In terms of filmmaking, "Britain" also shows the quality of top international blockbusters. The film was filmed in many places in London, and at the "Return to Hollywood" conference, it also showed a number of film shooting locations. The director once revealed that in order to truly show the British style, the crew had paid for London residents to temporarily move to hotels, and once again requisitioned civilian housing as a filming location.

For a large number of explosive scenes in the film, the director insisted on using real explosions to achieve the effect of shocking and magnificent scenes. For example, in the film, a double-decker bus suddenly exploded on the Rambeth Bridge next to the British Parliament Building, burning into the skyBlack smoke strewn across the Thames, and the visual effects of the grand scene were awe-inspiring. The crew submitted an application to the relevant authorities in advance to complete the shooting of the live blasting at the landmark London site, and the filming permission was not received until two months later. The director also broke the news: "The staff responsible for pressing the blasting button was on the bus at that time."

10. A perfect reproduction of the best-selling British novel, with a political conspiracy full of suspense

Adapted from the best-selling novel "The Chinaman" by British author Stephen Leather, "The British Showdown" tells the story of Guan Yuming (Jackie Chan, played), a small restaurant owner living in Chinatown, England, who is desperate because his daughter (Liang Peishi, played) is tragically killed in a terrorist attack, and the inaction of the relevant departments makes him even more angry. In order to get justice for his daughter, he refuses Lin Baoyi (Liu Tao, played) to keep him and embarks on a road of revenge against the terrorist organization. At this time, the appearance of the point person Hannes (Pierce Brosnan, played) uncovers a complex conspiracy…

This suspense-filled and gripping story has the support of a wide audience in itself, and it integrates rich elements such as politics, counter-terrorism, action, family love, and revenge. The movie "British Showdown" is also enough to feast the eyes of a wider audience.

It is reported that the film "The British Showdown" was produced by Beijing Yaolai Film and Culture Media Co., Ltd., STX Entertainment Company of the United States, and Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., directed by Martin Campbell, and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao, and Liang Peishi. As the only international action blockbuster during the National Day, on September 30, the movie "The British Showdown" will be fully launched and gradually land on the global screen for a shocking opening, so stay tuned!

Hengchi 5: The power SUV of choice for young people

On August 3, Hengda contributed a high-profile press conference to the world.

(The first six models of Hengchi were released globally)

At the press conference, accompanied by long-lasting cheers and applause, the first six pure electric vehicles of Hengchi were finally unveiled. It is understood that in order to ensure that Hengchi would surprise four people as soon as it appeared, Xu Jiayin visited Europe, America and Japan many times last year, and finally promoted the strategic cooperation between Evergrande and 15 top styling masters around the world, injecting the strongest "value gene" into Hengchi.

Sure enough, the Hengchi 1-6, which was personally designed by international design masters such as Anders Warming, Michael Robinson, and Maruyama Gonggu, not only quickly triggered intense discussions on the spot with its appearance, but also exploded the headlines of major media. Among them, the Hengchi 5, built by Maruyama Gonggu, is a representative of the pure electric A-class SUV in the series. Its sporty and powerful design can be predicted to become the first choice for young people.

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

(Heng chi 5)

From the appearance point of view, the front headlights of Hengchi 5 use the H-shaped elements of the Hengchi series. The headlights on both sides are dart-shaped, which is domineering and fierce. The middle is connected by a long and narrow light strip. From a distance, it is a capital letter H, which is very recognizable. Under the light strip, a unique high definition display screen design is used, and the parametric texture formed by the LED light strip is arranged above, which lights up the effect such as the angel wings that are about to unfold, making the style of the whole car more intense.

From a practical perspective, the class-leading oversized body and super-long wheelbase give the Hengchi 5, a compact SUV, a complete sense of space. It is worth mentioning that the roof is also equipped with searchlight equipment, which can effectively avoid potential crises when off-road. The multi-faceted protection is truly intimate, and the oversized panoramic sunroof also creates a perfect visual experience for the owner.

To have good looks and strength, Hengchi 5 will surely hit the hearts of young people with a dark horse trend and impact the power SUV market.

Didi Uber driver-side rewards have shrunk across the board, and costs will be passed on to consumers

  "Whether it’s Didi or Uber, subsidies are a sales pitch to attract consumers to’look over ‘and then become users." Some analysts say the platform has been waiting for the time to end the long "money-burning war". The merger of Didi and Uber is an "opportunity", so subsidies will sooner or later be reduced or even cancelled.

  After the merger of Didi and Uber China, various questions have also arisen. Questions about the alleged monopoly of the two continue to emerge. The monopoly issue involves pricing power. At present, the combined market share of the two is greater than 90%. Passengers have questioned whether the price of online car-hailing after the merger will increase and the discount will be reduced. Online car-hailing drivers also doubt whether the rewards for drivers are getting less and less stringent. Uber employees began to consider the question of "where to go". After all, after the merger of Internet Tech Giants, the second team is often marginalized.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter’s investigation shows that the current pricing of Didi and Uber for passengers has not changed, but the corresponding discounts and incentives for drivers have indeed decreased. Although no one has left the Uber team yet, competitors have offered attractive conditions for poaching people.


  Why is the fare higher than before?

  Yesterday, the user "Astro Boy Head" posted a screenshot of "The same journey, Didi’s price increase is all recorded" on Weibo. The screenshot of the payment shows that an order "Astro Boy Head" paid only 2 yuan on July 27 and before, 5 yuan on July 30 and August 2, and 7.6 yuan from the 3rd. At the same time, there are many passengers on Weibo discussing the issue of Didi’s price increase.

  The Beiqing Daily reporter found that, in fact, in the days of the merger of Didi and Uber, the unit price of Didi and Uber has not increased. At present, the charging standard of People’s Uber is 1.5 yuan/km + 0.25 yuan/minute; the charging standard of Didi Express is 1.8 yuan/km + 0.5 yuan/minute.

  So why do passengers feel that the prices of Didi and Uber have increased? The reasons may be threefold: First, the subsidies of Didi and Uber for the passenger side have been reduced. A Beijing passenger reported that currently Didi only has the subsidy of "discount coupons", which are only for fixed models, and the discount is about 15% off, which can be said to have little impact on the price of taxis; while Uber has often launched activities such as "2 orders per day, 10 yuan off each order", or getting on/off the bus in a certain area to enjoy a 50% discount. He recalled that not long ago, the area of Beijing almost took turns to engage in this activity, which was very strong, but now it is gone.

  In addition, although not after the merger news was announced, Didi and Uber did adjust their prices recently. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that Didi has raised prices sharply in many cities, and Uber has also adjusted its price standards in some cities. Last month, Didi Express quietly increased its price in Beijing, from 1.5 yuan/kilometer + 0.35 yuan/minute in September last year to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.5 yuan/minute. According to reports from Guangzhou media, Didi’s price standard in Guangzhou rose from 1.4 yuan/kilometer + 0.45 yuan/minute to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.5 yuan/minute in June. The latest billing standard is 2 yuan/kilometer + 0.55 yuan/minute, an increase of more than 30%. Although Uber’s recent charging standards in Beijing have not increased, according to a passenger in Wuhan, Uber’s charging standards in Wuhan have recently increased from 1.5 yuan/kilometer + 0.2 yuan/minute to 1.8 yuan/kilometer + 0.3 yuan/minute; according to local media reports in Guangzhou, Uber’s current price in Guangzhou is about 1.1 yuan/kilometer + 0.55 yuan/minute, while in March, Guangzhou Uber’s price was about 0.99 yuan/kilometer.

  In addition, both Didi and Uber have corresponding "premium systems". After Didi and Uber reduce the rewards for private cars, passengers will encounter higher premiums when taking a taxi. That is to say, Didi and Uber’s billing standards are only under "normal conditions". Once they encounter conditions such as difficulty in taking a taxi, long waiting time, and bad routes, Didi and Uber will increase a certain multiple on the basis of the above-mentioned price standards. At this time, the price cannot be calculated according to the standard pricing method, but must be multiplied by a coefficient, which can be as high as or even more than 4. For example, when it rained heavily in Beijing last month, Uber increased the price by 4.2 times, and Didi increased the price by more than 3 times. In this way, the price of Didi and Uber is much higher than the current taxi in Beijing. A senior Didi passenger told the Beijing Youth Daily that Didi’s dynamic premiums are now "very frequent". "Anyway, when I need to take a taxi, there is basically no non-premium, 1.5 times, 2 times is very common." He said that although Didi will estimate the price before starting the journey, the words "premium multiple" are very small and may be ignored by some passengers. It should be noted that the current active drivers of Didi and Uber have decreased compared with the peak, and it is not uncommon to see premiums on the passenger side.


  Didi and Uber’s rewards are gone?

  A few days ago, some Didi Express drivers in Xi’an joined forces to speak out, saying, "Didi has won 49.12 yuan for 15 orders, 16 orders, 17 orders, and 18 orders, to 40 yuan for 20 orders, and 60 yuan for 30 orders… We use our own cars, our own oil, and our own insurance to work for Didi. In the end, Didi rewards us with an insurmountable threshold." According to Xi’an media reports, since August 4, Didi has reduced the rewards for all private car franchise drivers by 80%. It is expected that all rewards for private car franchise drivers will be cancelled in the near future.

  In fact, Didi and Uber have been tightening incentives for drivers. Last winter, Didi’s subsidy policy was: a reward of 100 yuan for running 10 orders a day, a reward of 200 yuan for 20 orders, and certain requirements for the number of transactions on the previous day. After this year, the reward suddenly shrunk to 40 yuan for 10 orders a day and 90 yuan for 20 orders. At present, Didi’s end is a reward of 60 yuan for 20 orders a day, with an average reward of 3 yuan per order.

  Uber’s rewards have been on the table with Didi. The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the current reward of Uber in Beijing has also dropped from 60 yuan for running 12 orders and 120 yuan for 22 orders at the beginning of this year to 40 yuan for 12 orders and 100 yuan for 22 orders. A former Uber owner told the reporter of Beiqing Daily: "I am too tired to do it. It takes at least 12 hours to run 22 orders. And Uber’s conditions are very harsh, and the average person needs more than 14 hours." The "harsh conditions" he mentioned means that in addition to the number of orders, Didi and Uber also have requirements on transaction rate (referring to the percentage of the final completed order to the number of orders) and service star rating. According to him, Uber’s terms rose from 50 per cent of the week’s transaction rate to 65 per cent, and its service rating rose from 4.7 to 4.8 stars, "it really takes a bit of luck".

  In addition, the "newcomer award" for joining the platform is also gradually decreasing. According to the current newcomer reward policy of the Beijing Didi platform, the reward for completing 6 orders within 3 days of the activation of the new driver’s account is 58 yuan; the previous policy is to complete 2 orders within a week from the account activation. The reward is 50 yuan, and the reward for completing 5 orders is 100 yuan.

  The phasing out of incentives has led to the loss of some drivers. Earlier this year, there were multiple reports that Didi and Uber’s subsidies for drivers had dropped sharply, some part-time drivers were withdrawing from the platform, and some full-time drivers left the platform after weighing the pros and cons. This situation caused the aforementioned passenger premium to increase.

  follow up

  Didi drivers will be deducted from more than 20% of their income

  At present, the income of Didi and Uber drivers is mainly composed of the commission income of orders, the reward for completing orders, and the doubling premium during peak hours.

  Drivers of Didi Express can only take about 74% of the order fee (including the premium), and about 26% of the fee is charged by the platform, insurance and labor service companies. The approximate proportion is that the platform charges 20% of the fee including the share of each order. In addition, the driver’s insurance is 0.5 yuan per order, and the affiliated labor service company also charges 1.17% of the reward and order fee.

  The 20% of the "fare + peak reward" of the people’s Uber driver will be automatically deducted by the platform. A driver showed a reporter from Beiqing Daily a detailed list of his income for a certain week, which showed that he had collected a total of 137 yuan for sports cars for about 5 hours that week and 46 yuan for peak rewards. On this basis, the Uber platform deducted 20% of the fee, which is 36 yuan, plus a bonus fee of 32 yuan, and he finally got 180 yuan in income.

  The order completion reward is a reward given by the platform when Didi and Uber drivers complete a certain order volume every day or within a specified time. For example, Didi’s policy on Friday is: 40 yuan for 12 orders and 100 yuan for 22 orders; Uber’s weekend policy is: 60 yuan for 22 orders and 190 yuan for 45 orders on Saturday and Sunday.

  The policy of doubling the premium during peak hours is different every day. According to one Uber driver, Uber’s current doubling premium during peak hours is about 1.5 to 2 times, 1.1 to 1.3 times at peak times, and sometimes even no premium. According to his recollection, according to Uber’s peak premium policy last year, there was 1.8 times at peak times, and about 5 times at peak times. The recent peak doubling reward of Didi is even lower. According to data from Didi, at the peak on Friday morning and evening, the maximum income reward was only 1.2 times, and one Didi driver said that such a multiple was only a multiple of the previous peak.

  It is worth mentioning that when Didi launched Didi Express in May last year, it promised that the service is a non-profit ride-sharing service, and all passengers’ payments go to the owner, and the software platform does not charge any fees. However, it did not take long for the platform to start charging a 20% commission.


  When a monopoly becomes a reality, the cost will be passed on to consumers

  Analysts said the apparent removal of discounts was not surprising, with the merger marking the end of competition between the two giants that dominate China’s nascent ride-hailing industry. For more than a year, Uber and Didi offered drivers steep subsidies, sometimes several times the fare, in an effort to lure users with low prices.

  Behind the huge subsidies of Didi and Uber for more than a year is the repeated "burning of money" by investors. According to public information, Didi and Kuaidi conducted two rounds of E and F financing after the merger, raising a total of 8.642 billion yuan, and launched a new round of financing only half a year later. At present, Didi is conducting a G round of financing, and in addition to Apple’s $1 billion investment, it has also received more than $6 billion from other top gifters. The same is true for Uber, which also conducted two rounds of financing after registering a company independently in China, with a financing amount of more than 2.10 billion US dollars. Interestingly, the two mobility giants have at least four co-investors, including Tiger Fund, Hillhouse Capital, China Life and BlackRock.

  A large amount of financing is used to subsidize drivers and passengers. Uber CEO Kalanick has said that Uber loses more than $1 billion a year in China. At the same time, he also estimated Didi’s subsidies. He said that Didi’s losses are too heavy, and it needs to subsidize 70 million to 80 million US dollars a week, which is about 4 billion US dollars a year. Later, Didi announced that this figure is false and too high, but according to industry analysts, Didi’s annual subsidy fee is at least twice that of Uber, which is about 2 billion US dollars. Since the merged company of Didi and Uber China occupies the vast majority of the market share in the online car-hailing market, whether it constitutes a monopoly or not, such a large market share affects the pricing power of Didi and Uber.

  In the eyes of industry insiders, price increases are an inevitable trend. "Whether it is Didi or Uber, subsidies are a means of promotion, the purpose is to attract consumers to’look over ‘and then become users." Some analysts said that the platform has been waiting for the time to end the long "money burning war". The merger of Didi and Uber is an "opportunity", so the subsidy will be reduced or even cancelled sooner or later. Another transportation system expert said: "Why do Didi and Uber subsidize and burn money? He 10 billion and will get 20 billion yuan back from consumers. Once the monopoly comes true, the cost will definitely be passed on to consumers the fastest."


  China uses "feelings + options" to recruit Uber employees

  After Didi and Uber were merged, Shenzhou Special Car released a set of posters with the theme "Love U". The boss Lu Zhengyao personally went to WeChat Moments to "show love" to Uber, openly recruited Uber employees, and offered tempting conditions of "as long as you come, you will give 6 months salary plus options".

  In fact, when Didi and Uber announced the merger, Uber, as the "weaker" party, attracted a lot of attention to the whereabouts of its employees. Since last year, the trend of Internet Tech Giants merging has emerged, and various cases have also shown that after the merger of the boss and the second in the industry, the leader and team of the second will be marginalized, or even eventually eliminated.

  At present, the Uber team has 800 employees. After the merger of the two companies, Uber China also used the method of deferring the exchange of options to retain employees. An Uber employee told the Beijing Youth Daily that as a multinational company, Uber’s culture is almost completely different from that of Didi, and he is worried about whether it will quickly integrate into the Didi company after the merger. Similar to this employee, there has been a pessimistic mood within the Uber team in the past few days. An Uber employee said he was "very heartbroken", and some said "I don’t know if it is helpless or sad". "Didi is awesome, but I don’t care, I’m a die-hard Uber loyalist," read an article called "Born Proud: Those Young People at Uber," which was widely shared among Uber’s team.

  But an Uber employee told the Beijing Youth Daily that no one has left the Uber team yet, "everyone is still busy with their own work, doing the normal work at hand." He said that it is still in a transition period, "this stage generally will not leave, after all, I don’t know what the future will be like. If it is determined that it is not suitable, people may want to leave." Wen Jing, reporter of this newspaper