Guo Fucheng sent his own name to the car for his birthday. Girls don’t need to ask Xiong Dailin.

Guo Fucheng

Xu Haoying

[Click to watch the wonderful high definition atlas]

    On July 11,Guo Fucheng,Xu HaoyingZhou Wenqi, Wen Yongshan, He Zilun, etc. attended an exhibition held by a fashion brand in Hong Kong. On the day of the event, Guo Fucheng appeared with sunglasses and was very handsome. As soon as he appeared, the spotlights flashed non-stop on the scene.

    Recently, Guo Fucheng’s film production has been very high. After making three movies in a row, he fell ill. To console himself for his hard work, although Guo Fucheng’s birthday is still nearly three months away, he has already bought a sports car in advance for himself as a birthday present.

    When he bought a new sports car, he believed that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin would definitely become the first female passenger in Guo Fucheng’s new sports car, but Guo Fucheng said that he had many friends around him, and he was more willing to pick up girls as a boy. When the reporter asked him if he needed Xiong Dailin’s consent before picking up other girls, he immediately said no, and revealed that Xiong Dailin trusted him very much.

    In an interview, Guo Fucheng revealed to the media that his rumored girlfriend Xiong Dailin was also a good driver and praised her for her good driving skills. But when the reporter pressed again, he began to play Tai Chi and did not respond positively.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with a photographer and had an intimate chat with Feng Shaofeng on the spot

Fan Bingbing

Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing had a private chat

Director Li Yu wept with joy

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia Yiwen/Zhang Wei) On September 24, the film held a press conference in Beijing. Director Li Yu and starring Fan Bingbing, Feng Shaofeng, Huo Siyan, Kong Wei, Yao Anlian and others attended. Fan Bingbing said that she once fell in love with the photographer during filming because the other party often helped her complete the emotional scenes. The film will be released on September 29.

Feng Shaofeng

Huo Siyan

Kong Wei’s see-through outfit is particularly eye-catching.

Fan Bingbing revealed that he had fallen in love with photography, and Gao Jun was confident that the box office would charge 300 million

    Fan Bingbing said that he fell in love with the photographer Lao Lu instantly during filming, "I was too close to him during filming, and once after finishing work, I dreamed of him at night, and I wondered why I dreamed of him? There was a scene to express my fantasies. Feng Shaofeng came and went from time to time. Lao Lu was next to him carrying the machine in one hand, interacting with me in the other hand, and helping me act in emotional scenes, so in some moments I actually fell in love with him." The photographer Lao Lu’s girlfriend also came to the scene that day, and also made a cameo role as a cosmetic girl in the film.

    "Second Exposure" has never changed since September 29th. In the face of these three strong enemies of the same schedule, the chief publisher Gao Jun predicted as always that the film will be a big seller, "This National Day file is called the most tragic in history, and it is also the most changeable, but our schedule has not changed. For the box office, I think" Second Exposure "can" Baoya championship ", and I am confident to break through 200 million and march towards 300 million!"

Next page: Feng Shaofeng and Fan Bingbing chat hot, Huo Siyan claims to be "mistress"

The deputy director experiences 12 hours of delivery and earns 41 yuan: This money is too hard to earn

  On April 28, Weibo’s trending topic list "Deputy Director earns 41 yuan for 12 hours of takeaway delivery" attracted the attention of netizens.

  After Wang Lin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, experienced the video of delivering food for 12 hours and only earning 41 yuan, netizens from all over the world went viral: I hope this kind of transposition experience can be a little more!

  Then, why did the deputy director deliver takeout? What was going on? After the transposition experience, what did the deputy director Wang Lin have to experience? Let’s take a look together.

  The deputy director collapsed on the side of the road and sighed, "It’s really not easy"

  Recently, the Beijing Satellite TV documentary series "I do practical work for the masses Bureau Director follow the procedure" broadcast. In the documentary, Wang Lin, deputy director of the labor relations department of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, paid his respects to the delivery brother and experienced the feeling of a day of delivery.

  Before leaving, Wang Lin set a "small goal" of earning 100 yuan that day. After receiving the order, Wang Lin encountered "14 minutes until the delivery time, but the navigation shows that there are still 24 minutes to arrive", and the delivery electric car was caught between the motor vehicles and difficult to move forward. In the end, he only completed 5 food deliveries in 12 hours, earning 41 yuan. One of the orders ran for nearly an hour and was delivered late. According to the rule of deducting 60% for late, he finally earned only 6 yuan 6, which made Wang Lin sad. After experiencing the life of the courier brother, Wang Lin was exhausted and collapsed. He sat on the side of the road and sighed, "It’s really not easy. I feel very aggrieved.

  On the show, Wang Lin sighed: "This money is too hard to earn, it’s really too hard to earn."

  Before participating in the experience, Wang Lin was puzzled: "Why did the platform send so many orders to the courier brother?" After participating in the experience, he understood: "If our (courier) brother wants to earn money, we must grab so many orders."

  Mr. Wang, referring to his 12-hour job where he earns Rmb41, said he was a novice and had been slightly delayed because of filming assignments. "But for a veteran like my master, the income is still good."

  After the broadcast of the program, it caused a lot of heated discussions. Users left messages lamenting: "It’s very sad and true. Only after experiencing it can you know that it is not easy and know how to be wronged." The netizens praised the way cadres go deep into the grassroots to experience life: "From the people, go to the people." "I hope all leaders will go down to the grassroots to experience life and go to the mountains and villages. Now we need such a spirit!"

  Deputy Director’s experience: Policy is not sitting in the office and thinking "Don’t be one size fits all"

  After "Deputy Director earns 41 yuan for 12 hours of takeout delivery" became a hot topic on the Internet, Wang Lin told reporters that he felt that "this should be said to be unexpected and expected."

  "We didn’t expect that netizens would pay so much attention to our specific work, because for us, the activity of’the director of the bureau follows the procedure ‘is a specific practice for the implementation of the municipal party committee’s handling of complaints immediately, and it is also a specific action to do practical things for the people. This is just one of the tasks. I didn’t expect everyone to pay so much attention."

  As expected, the film is indeed touching. Wang Lin said: "Especially in the film, the words of many little buddies and the words of the driver really moved us, such as’pay will be rewarded ‘,’ hard work can get rich ‘and so on. These are all very sincere words, which made me fully feel their fighting spirit in Beijing, and their desire to live a good and happy life is very touching."

  The actual experience of the new industry of takeout and online car-hailing also gave Wang Lin more ideas about his future work. "Through the’follow the procedure ‘experience, we have some specific feelings about the identity of practitioners in these two industries. The main feeling is that we may have some torn problems when formulating policies, such as determining the obligation relationship between them, etc. But through this’follow the procedure’ activity, I feel more like my master said, don’t be one size fits all. We should not sit in the office and daydream about it. We should fully reflect their demands, so that we can do practical things for the masses. So I think when we formulate policies in the next step, we must give them policy space and give them more choices. Use less words like’should ‘and more conditions like’yes’ or selectivity, and then let them choose. "

  Wang Lin believes that some employees in the new business model have labor relations, and some have not established labor relations. For those who have labor relations, they should be regulated in accordance with relevant labor security laws and regulations. Signing contracts, applying for insurance, and guaranteeing wages are still practiced well. For those who have not established labor relations, more consideration is given from the perspective of protecting their basic rights and interests. "I think we should make full use of some of our market-oriented means, such as the supplement of relevant commercial insurance, occupational injury protection, and so on. This is the right of choice I just mentioned. Some people can choose labor relations, and some people can choose not to have labor relations. We should have relevant policies for them to choose."

  Trigger a lot of thinking, do practical things for the masses, say less clichés and empty words, open your legs more, and measure the line with your feet

  After the program was broadcast, the three major central media outlets commented on the matter one after another.

  On the 28th, CCTV released a comment "Only by observing the truth can we tell the truth and do the real thing": A personal experience of the various problems encountered by the delivery staff will definitely bring more thinking and promotion to his work. Management decision-making departments must be problem-oriented, find real problems and solve real problems. This real experience cannot and should never be a reality "show". What specific and innovative measures will be launched after the experience is what the public is most concerned about, and it is also the responsibility of the deputy director. I hope that the leading cadres will take more such actions, say less clichés and empty words, and go to the front line to sweat and go to the difficult industry to strengthen their muscles.

  Xinhua News Agency published a commentary article "Director Wang", after going through the process, you have to be careful, and after delivering takeout, you have to deliver the policy. "The article said that for a long time, the difficulty of policy implementation has always plagued grassroots governance. Some grassroots cadres once complained that" policy makers do not understand policies ", only understand legal principles, do not understand the problem, and the seemingly good policies issued are difficult to solve the problem in the end. To do practical things for the masses, you should take more steps and measure the front line with your feet. Compared with sitting in the office to formulate policies, going to the grassroots with problems, listening to groups such as truck drivers, takeaway brothers, and retired elderly people, and investigating and verifying on the front line, the policies that come out are more down-to-earth.

  Whether such an experience will eventually be reduced to a show depends on whether it can really solve the actual problem. Solving practical problems is like giving birth once, and investigation and research is the previous October pregnancy. Research will inevitably experience "suffering", and come up with solutions to problems to make those suffering worthwhile. After seeing the hard work of "Director Wang", we should pay more attention to what specific measures will be introduced in the future? Which policies will be optimized? Which problems will be solved? I hope that the experience of "following the procedure" will not be wet on the ground, but three feet through the ground. Further research will be carried out to establish a ledger, solve problems, and form a long-term mechanism to do practical things for the masses to the end.

  The People’s Daily commented on the WeChat official account and posted a comment "Earning 41 yuan in 12 hours, why does the director sigh that" money is too hard to earn ", saying that what should be considered is that leading cadres do practical things for the masses, how can they do it well?" It is better to listen than to see, it is better to see than to do! "Leading cadres go out, sink down, and become one with the masses, which is to take the mass line of improving public services and working pragmatically for the people. Do what the people do, eat, live and work with the" people’s master "; be anxious about the people’s needs, and encounter real problems that trouble the people. Only then can they compare their hearts and turn what they have learned from the people into practical policies to help and serve them.

  Comprehensive Beijing Daily client side, People’s Daily Weibo, Xinhua News Agency, etc

Real estate developers dominate the list of China’s richest people, and Xu Jiayin’s wealth surpasses that of Pony Ma and Ma Yun

The original title: Real estate developers dominate the list of China’s richest people, Xu Jiayin’s wealth surpasses Pony Ma and Ma Yun

In recent years, China’s Internet companies have grown rapidly and have become world giants in one fell swoop. Whether it is Alibaba or Tencent, they have attracted global attention. In the past, Ma Yun and Pony Ma also came and went, and the top spot of China’s richest man took turns, which can also see the powerful power of the new economy. However, since the beginning of this year, the situation has changed. With the soaring housing prices in China, the performance of real estate giants has also risen with the tide. Leading companies in the real estate industry such as Evergrande, Country Garden, and Vanke have become the biggest winners of this "destocking" and made a lot of money.

Ma Yun

A few days ago, the 2017 Hurun Rich List released, China’s richest man by Hengda Xu Jiayin won, wealth is 290 billion yuan, leading in the second place Ma Yun 40 billion yuan; Ma Ma’s wealth is 250 billion yuan, mainly benefited from Tencent’s stock price rose; Ma Yun to 200 billion yuan worth third, Wang Jianlin is ranked fifth.

Similarly, China’s richest woman also comes from the real estate sector. She is Yang Huiyan of Country Garden. In the past year, her wealth has increased by more than 100 billion yuan, and her worth has reached 160 billion yuan. In the list of Chinese women’s wealth, she has ridden the dust and left others far behind. In terms of value, Yang Huiyan is second only to Jack Ma, ahead of Wang Jianlin, and ranks fourth on China’s rich list, up 18 places from last year. Yang Huiyan is also the only woman on the list of the top 10 richest people in China.

Hurun richest list top 10

China’s real estate is entering the era of oligarchs, and the performance of large real estate companies is soaring. In the first half of 2017, Evergrande’s contract sales reached 244.10 billion yuan, an increase of 72.2% year-on-year; the turnover was 188 billion yuan, an increase of 114.8% year-on-year; and the net profit was 23.10 billion yuan, an increase of 224% year-on-year. The surge in performance has made Evergrande’s share price soar by 500% this year, and Xu Jiayin, who holds 74.2% of the shares, is worthy of becoming China’s richest man. Last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealth was only 78 billion yuan, ranking tenth.

Xu Jiayin

Country Garden’s performance is also growing at a high speed, helping Yang Huiyan to have no rival in the female rich list. Zhou Qunfei and his wife, the founder of Lansi Technology, who once topped the list of China’s richest women, have a wealth of 71.50 billion yuan, ranking 20th in China’s richest list, a big gap with Yang Huiyan.

But the dominance of real estate in China’s economy is not a blessing. With the domestic economy slowing, skyrocketing housing prices have forced most homebuyers to put up three generations of savings for a down payment. The skyrocketing housing prices have pushed up a series of costs, making it difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Real estate cannot become the core competence of a country. Too much reliance on real estate will inevitably squeeze the economy and suppress consumption. Today, families who want to buy a house have to tighten their belts and save money to buy a house, and even then they have to bear the mortgage for decades. Today, whether it is friends or colleagues, sitting together, they can’t help but talk about houses, and real estate has even become the dividing standard of social hierarchy, which is unfair.

Pony Ma

Rather than real estate dominating the Chinese economy, we would rather see a situation where a hundred flowers bloom, technology companies grow rapidly, and the real economy is booming and full of vitality. In this way, our economy is healthy, and we will not be kidnapped by real estate and lose everything. Wealth accumulated by real estate is on top of the hardships of building ordinary families. Ma Yun once said, "If Wang Jianlin wins, then the whole society loses." Today, although Wang Jianlin has dropped out of the list of the richest people, the richest people still belong to real estate developers. Three of the top five richest people in China are real estate developers. Text/Xu Shangfeng

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Ministry of Transport: In September, the order volume exceeded 300,000 single-network car-hailing platforms, a total of 16

  CCTV NewsAccording to the WeChat official account of the Ministry of Transport, according to the statistics of the national online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform, as of September 30, 2021, a total of 248 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, an increase of 3 compared with the previous month; A total of 3.595 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.418 million vehicle transportation licenses were issued in various places, an increase of 2.0% and 4.1% respectively. The national online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform received a total of 648.926 million orders in September, an increase of 0.9% compared with the previous month. From the situation this month, there are the following characteristics:

  1. Among the online car-hailing platforms with orders exceeding 300,000 orders, the highest order compliance rate is Ruqi Travel, and the lowest is with an orange. In September 2021, there were 16 online car-hailing platforms with orders exceeding 300,000 orders. Compared with August, K9 car orders fell from more than 300,000 orders in August to less than 300,000 orders. According to the order compliance rate (referring to the proportion of orders in which both the driver and the vehicle are licensed), from high to low, they are Ruqi Travel, Zhaoxiaozhuang Travel, Enjoy Road Travel, Use the car in a timely manner, Take China Travel, T3 Travel, Sunshine Travel, Shenzhou Special Car, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Wanshun Car-hailing, Didi Chuxing, Bangbangxing, Meituan Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Travel, and Banding Orange. The top 3 growth in order of order compliance this month are Sunshine Travel, Meituan Taxi, and Enjoy Road Travel; the last 3 growth are Zhaoxiaozhuang Travel (-0.2%), Hua Xiaozhu Travel (-1.1%), and Banding Orange (-4.0%).

  2. Among the major central cities, the order compliance rate is the highest in Xiamen and the lowest in Kunming. Among the major central cities, the order compliance rates ranked from high to low are Xiamen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Nanning, Guiyang, Zhengzhou, Hefei, Hohhot, Lanzhou, Qingdao, Changchun, Nanchang, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Xining, Nanjing, Xi’an, Haikou, Changsha, Jinan, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Chengdu, Harbin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Yinchuan, Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Kunming. Among them, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Nanning, Guiyang, Zhengzhou and other 8 cities have order compliance rates of more than 80%. The top three growth in order compliance this month were Xi’an, Jinan and Xiamen; the last three growth were Harbin (-3.1%), Lanzhou (-3.6%) and Yinchuan (-4.3%).

Jackie Chan has changed! "British Showdown" surpasses imagination to dominate the National Day file

1905 movie network news Directed by Martin Campbell and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao and Liang Peishi, the international action blockbuster is about to dominate the National Day file on September 30 and will land on the global screen one after another. Whether it is the cast or the behind-the-scenes team, the film has gathered the top figures in the Chinese and Western film industries. In addition, as the only Hollywood action blockbuster in this year’s National Day file, "Britain" has attracted much attention from all walks of life due to its excellent international top film texture. The following is a deep analysis of why "Britain" can arouse expectations from ten aspects.

Jackie Chan returns to Hollywood after seven years, shaking the world again after harvesting the golden statuette

Jackie Chan re-entered Hollywood in 1995 and created a Chinese legend by breaking multiple North American box office records. Over the next two decades, Jackie Chan’s films gradually became a popular global label and influenced filmmakers around the world. Many top international directors have looked to Jackie Chan’s films for inspiration. Many new generation of young actors also regard Jackie Chan as a role model and benchmark. In 2016, Jackie Chan won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement and became the first Chinese to win the award.

However, in 2010 and since then, Jackie Chan has filmed a number of Chinese-language films, but apart from the dubbing series, he has never starred in a real Hollywood international blockbuster. The movie "British Showdown" is Jackie Chan’s first international action masterpiece to return to Hollywood. At the same time, "British Showdown" is also Jackie Chan’s first Hollywood action blockbuster after winning the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Jackie Chan once said in an interview: "It’s not that I want to return to Hollywood now, it’s that Hollywood needs me." The outstanding artistic achievements and extraordinary international influence have made Jackie Chan movies synonymous with the best films in the eyes of global audiences.

2. British ace agent Brosnan joins to recreate the king of kung fu versus the king of agents

In the movie "British Showdown", the opponent of Jackie Chan’s decisive battle must also be able to match him. For this reason, director Martin Campbell chose Pierce Brosnan. The two established a good tacit understanding when they worked together, and have worked on many films since then. This time, the old partner has been restructured again for "British Showdown". For fans around the world, Brosnan’s name can be said to be well-heard. He succeeded Timothy Dutton as the fifth 007. With "Golden Eye", "Tomorrow’s Empire", "Black Sun Crisis" and four works, he has re-created a handsome and charming and masculine 007 image, which is recognized by fans as the most handsome 007 in history.

For most Chinese movie fans, understanding the classic secret agent image of 007 begins with Pierce Brosnan. The duel between Jackie Chan and Brosnan’s two characters in "British Showdown" is also a peak showdown between the "King of Kung Fu" in the East and the "King of Agents" in the West. The collaboration between the two international action stars is bound to collide with a particularly intense spark.

3. Save 007 for the second time and create a classic again, a Hollywood commercial film

Martin Campbell’s name may not be well known to domestic audiences, but his films have been very popular and left a deep imprint on the history of world cinema. In 1995, Martin Campbell collaborated with Pierce Brosnan for the first time. With "007: Golden Eye", it revolutionized the public’s impression of Bond, the king of British agents, creating the most popular 007 film in the history of the 007 series, and when the 007 series was once in the doldrums, it was rejuvenated. It was not until 2006 that Martin Campbell directed "007: Casino Royale", and Daniel Craig took over as the sixth 007, which revived the 007 series.

As the two-time gold medal director who saved the 007 series, Martin Campbell has gradually become widely recognized as "the master of Hollywood commercial films". In addition to the 007 series, he has assembled Anthony Banderas and Anthony Hopkins, two leading actors, to create two works and redefine the classic image of Zorro as a lone hero. Martin Campbell’s directing of "British Showdown" has given the film a stronger guarantee of quality and is bound to make the film called the next Hollywood classic.

4. National Muse Liu Tao made his debut in Hollywood, breaking through the image and pretending to be elderly makeup

"British Showdown" has released the movie promotion song "Ordinary People" sung by Jackie Chan and Liu Tao, which moved thousands of netizens with moving tunes and heartfelt lyrics. At the same time, this promotion song also revealed the tearjerking warmth of Jackie Chan and Liu Tao in "British Showdown". Since his debut, Liu Tao has created many popular roles, and the ever-changing image of Liu Tao has long been recognized by countless audiences. And "British Showdown" is Liu Tao’s first entry into Hollywood, which can be said to be an important step towards a new peak in her career.

In "The Battle of England", Liu Tao changed the image of the former Muse temperament and turned the creation upside down, playing a simple and ordinary middle-aged woman, trying to dress up in old age, looking haggard. Liu Tao once revealed in an interview: "This time the character has a lot of changes in image, from makeup to the overall look, the director dyed a lot of white hair for me, a lot of wrinkles and age spots, and tried to be close to the film character." For Liu Tao, this is a great challenge, and for Chinese audiences who know Liu Tao well, it will be a novel adventure.

5. Jackie Chan’s image deliberately grows old, challenging introverted revenge drama acting to re-create the peak

Jackie Chan has said many times that he hopes to play more of his favorite roles and try to shoot different types of movies, and the change of Jackie Chan in "British Showdown" is surprising. Jackie Chan’s role in "British Showdown" is Guan Yuming, an old man in his seventies. Therefore, in order to be more in line with the character’s setting, the director specially aged Jackie Chan’s appearance, and constantly told Jackie Chan to move as slowly as possible. FilmJackie Chan, whose face was wrinkled and scarred, caused countless audiences to feel distressed and applauded his attitude towards the performance.

In addition, Jackie Chan temporarily gave up his decades-old comic image in film, and instead created a sad character who is taciturn, has a rough life, and takes up arms to avenge his daughter. In his performance, he pays more attention to forbearance and rich layers of inner drama. This kind of Jackie Chan, for every audience, seems strange and full of freshness. Jackie Chan does not want to be bound by a specific style, and his performance in "British Showdown" is the best proof. Now 63 years old, Jackie Chan is still constantly breaking through himself and challenging new roles, so that audiences have to look forward to each of his works.

6. Jackie Chan innovates action dramas to break through impressions, and never forgets his original intention with his life

Jackie Chan made a subversive change in "British Showdown", personally participated in the action design in "British Showdown", establishing a new action style label for Jackie Chan movies. Although the film still retains the elements of action, it is different from the previous dragon-style playful kung fu. "British Showdown" pays more attention to the realism of action scenes, using a lot of hand-to-hand combat to constantly stimulate the audience’s senses.

However, due to Jackie Chan’s long-term filming of highly dangerous action scenes without the use of stuntmen, he was hospitalized for surgery due to severe muscle decay during the filming of the film. But after the doctor told him to stop filming martial arts scenes, Jackie Chan still focused on the filming of the film and continued to perform high-risk human stunts himself. Such a thrilling performance with personal risk continues Jackie Chan’s most admirable film spirit, and it is also Jackie Chan’s never-changing sincerity and hard work.

7. Assemble two classic magic actors to create an epic cast

In addition to Jackie Chan and Brosnan, the two heroes of the East and West, and the strong addition of the national Muse Liu Tao, the audience can also find more familiar faces in the "British Showdown". Liang Peishi made her debut as a Chinese student Zhang Qiu in the film, and then had an affectionate kiss with Harry Potter in the film. Her appearance also attracted more Chinese fans for the "Harry Potter" series. And Michael McElhatton played Luce Bolton in the TV drama. He looks mild-mannered, but he is ruthless and calculating. He killed the "young wolf master" Robb Stark at the red wedding. His powerful acting skills have won the admiration of thousands of audiences.

Liang Peishi and Michael McElhatton, two powerful actors from the two Western magic legends, joined the "British Showdown" to gather top actors from across Asia and Europe to create an epic all-star lineup, which undoubtedly guaranteed the film’s international quality and further upgraded the audience’s expectations for the film.

8. Hollywood’s top production, dedicated to creating the only international giant of the National Day file

In addition to the powerful epic cast of Jackie Chan, Brosnan, Liu Tao, Liang Peishi, etc., the behind-the-scenes team of Hollywood’s top configuration is also a major highlight of the film. There are both Hollywood gold director Martin Campbell and Hollywood photographer David Tattersall. He has shown superb photography standards in many Hollywood classics such as "David Tattersall".

In addition, "British Showdown" also brought together Peter Buchman and David Marconi, two of Hollywood’s top screenwriters, to jointly complete the screenwriting of the film. Peter Buchman served as the screenwriter, which brought this classic series of Hollywood commercial films that are well-known in the world to a perfect conclusion; David Marconi wrote the screenplay starring Will Smith, which earned more than 100 million dollars in global box office, and was also recognized by fans as a masterpiece. The collaboration of the two super writers makes "British Showdown" more guaranteed under the packaging of dazzling Hollywood commercial elements. The deep core of the story is even more guaranteed.

9. The panorama shows the British style, and the real scene blasting is shocked

In terms of filmmaking, "Britain" also shows the quality of top international blockbusters. The film was filmed in many places in London, and at the "Return to Hollywood" conference, it also showed a number of film shooting locations. The director once revealed that in order to truly show the British style, the crew had paid for London residents to temporarily move to hotels, and once again requisitioned civilian housing as a filming location.

For a large number of explosive scenes in the film, the director insisted on using real explosions to achieve the effect of shocking and magnificent scenes. For example, in the film, a double-decker bus suddenly exploded on the Rambeth Bridge next to the British Parliament Building, burning into the skyBlack smoke strewn across the Thames, and the visual effects of the grand scene were awe-inspiring. The crew submitted an application to the relevant authorities in advance to complete the shooting of the live blasting at the landmark London site, and the filming permission was not received until two months later. The director also broke the news: "The staff responsible for pressing the blasting button was on the bus at that time."

10. A perfect reproduction of the best-selling British novel, with a political conspiracy full of suspense

Adapted from the best-selling novel "The Chinaman" by British author Stephen Leather, "The British Showdown" tells the story of Guan Yuming (Jackie Chan, played), a small restaurant owner living in Chinatown, England, who is desperate because his daughter (Liang Peishi, played) is tragically killed in a terrorist attack, and the inaction of the relevant departments makes him even more angry. In order to get justice for his daughter, he refuses Lin Baoyi (Liu Tao, played) to keep him and embarks on a road of revenge against the terrorist organization. At this time, the appearance of the point person Hannes (Pierce Brosnan, played) uncovers a complex conspiracy…

This suspense-filled and gripping story has the support of a wide audience in itself, and it integrates rich elements such as politics, counter-terrorism, action, family love, and revenge. The movie "British Showdown" is also enough to feast the eyes of a wider audience.

It is reported that the film "The British Showdown" was produced by Beijing Yaolai Film and Culture Media Co., Ltd., STX Entertainment Company of the United States, and Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., directed by Martin Campbell, and starring Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Liu Tao, and Liang Peishi. As the only international action blockbuster during the National Day, on September 30, the movie "The British Showdown" will be fully launched and gradually land on the global screen for a shocking opening, so stay tuned!

From "afraid of not making a deal" to "afraid of not making a deal", Geely Galaxy offers a 5-day free test drive experience. Where is the confidence?

  In September, Geely brand new energy sales increased by 13% month-on-month, and Geely Galaxy series sales reached a new high of 13,080 units, becoming the strongest boost for Geely’s new energy sales to hit record highs in the past two months. The sales data that continue to exceed 10,000 tells the strength of Galaxy, and the sales trend that has been rising along the way shows the speed of Galaxy. It is hard to imagine that this is a dazzling report card handed over by a "new player" who has just entered the mid-to-high-end new energy market in the second quarter of this year.

  Behind the explosion is a detailed and profound insight into consumer needs and a precise and fast response. In order to better and faster meet the experience needs of a wider range of users, on October 9, Geely Galaxy expanded its approach and fully launched the "Geely Galaxy Super Electric Hybrid Experience Season" activity, launching "5-day long free test drive", "80,000 24 periods of 0 interest or 48 periods of low interest rates up to 6,300 yuan discount" and "4,000 yuan super replacement subsidy" three super rights, strength pet fans. This not only shows Geely Galaxy’s innovative user experience ecology and sincere rights and benefits, but also fully guarantees the rights and interests of users to buy cars; it also reflects Geely Galaxy’s absolute confidence in product technology, and truly puts the concept of "making everyone’s smart boutique car" into action, while accelerating the faster popularization of smart boutique electric hybrid products.

  Popular Galaxy CP launches super long free test drive and two super financial rights

  Break through the upper limit of user experience and comprehensively accelerate the popularization of intelligent boutique electric mixing

  This time, the first major benefit of the "Geely Galaxy Super Hybrid Experience Season" breaks through the traditional user test drive experience form and launches the "5-day long free test drive experience". Users can enjoy a 5-day free test drive experience by registering and booking at the Galaxy APP or offline Galaxy stores across the country. Let users experience Geely Galaxy’s product performance more deeply and fully, and then decide whether to place an order, and find a car that suits them perfectly in full comparison and rational decision-making.

  This kind of national large-scale user test drive activity is rare in the industry. On the one hand, it is an innovative breakthrough in user experience and user thinking, fully taking into account the user’s doubts before purchasing a car and the psychological state of vacillation in purchasing a car, and providing a humanized solution, "think what the user thinks". On the other hand, it also shows Geely Galaxy’s absolute confidence in its own products. According to the comparison of the parameters of the same price model, users who have tested Geely Galaxy will definitely experience a different sense of quality.

  It is understood that users who are satisfied with the test drive experience, if they place an order for Geely Galaxy L6 or L7 and complete the pickup between October 9 and 31, can also enjoy two major car purchase rights – 80,000 24 periods of 0 interest or 48 periods of low interest rates up to 6,300 yuan of discount super limited-time financial plan and 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy super limited-time replacement policy.

  For specific participation details of these three rights and interests, please check Geely Galaxy’s official WeChat, APP or call your local store. Geely Galaxy uses real money and full sincerity to pet powder, and at the same time further accelerates the popularity of smart boutique electrical hybrid products.

  Geely Galaxy CP practices "Building Everyone’s Smart Boutique Car" with high-value products

  Based on its strong product strength, Geely Galaxy uses real money to boost "Galaxy Speed" and then accelerate

  As a brand-new new energy series that has been in existence for less than a year, it is no accident that Geely Galaxy L6 and L7 can emerge and break through quickly in the fiercely competitive new energy market. It is the result of Geely Automobile’s practice of "longevity" and long-term accumulation of energy for the Galaxy series. It is also a sincere work under the concept of "building a smart boutique car for everyone".

  With industry-leading technologies such as "SHIELD Battery Safety System, Galaxy N OS, Raytheon 8848 Power System, and Xingrui Smart Computing Center", Geely Galaxy L7 solves the pain points that traditional plug-in SUVs bring users "energy saving and performance incompatibility", "comfort and intelligence incompatibility", and "battery safety hazards", so that consumers can buy high-value electric hybrid SUVs with less money. Geely Galaxy L7 has become the "most preferred 200,000 plug-in hybrid SUV" with monthly sales continuously breaking 10,000 and breaking 10,000 "triple connection", and has also laid a solid foundation for the Galaxy sequence.

  If L7 is the high value of popularity, then L6 is the high value of up the ante. Although Geely Galaxy L6 has been on the market for less than a month, the market heat continues to rise. Its standard four "firsts" – acupuncture is only the entry standard, the proportion of thermoformed steel in the whole vehicle far exceeds the same level, and safety is the first; 1.5TD Raytheon electric hybrid engine, the world’s first in mass production thermal efficiency; 247 km/h The fastest sedan is far ahead, and the performance is the first; Xingrui Intelligent Computing Center, the first in China’s manufacturing computing power, has set a "new generation of intelligent electric hybrid new benchmark" for the A-class sedan market in terms of safety, performance, energy saving and intelligence, and has become the "annual closed-eye entry" sedan with the best quality and cost ratio of 150,000 yuan.

  Based on such a strong product strength and absolute confidence in its own products, Geely Galaxy CP has launched the "Geely Galaxy Super Hybrid Experience Season" combination under the soaring popularity, word-of-mouth and sales momentum, bringing users real gold and silver full sincerity and deep and long-term experience trust blessing.

  It is Geely Galaxy’s sincerity to enter the market by providing users with a "extended version" of the user’s full life cycle high-value experience from car selection, to test drive, to car purchase, to car use, and to car change. It is also in line with the consumer demand that cars give users high-value experiences as bulk consumption. It is understood that the Geely Galaxy Super Electric Hybrid Experience Season activities will release more rights and interests for new and old users in the future. Interested friends can continue to pay attention, or go to the nearby core business district or Galaxy stores in the life circle for a test drive experience.

Andy Lau emphasizes that he is still single and avoids talking about his marriage to Zhu Liqian [Photos]

Andy Lau played games with his fans and pressed the media about his marriage. He was also clearly well-prepared to fight.

Andy Lau refused to respond to rumors of marriage, saying only that he was not married or had children.

Andy Lau held an autograph signing, attracting thousands of people.

For Zhu Liqian, these three words are obviously Andy’s "dead end".

   Andy Lau (Andy) and Zhu Liqian’s affair has been rumored for many years. Recently, it was said that the two had tea with the woman’s family in Malaysia, and it was also said that they would get married locally on April 6, Zhu Liqian’s 43rd birthday. Which is true or false, Andy firmly refused to disclose, only emphasizing that he is not married and has no children.

  Andy held a singing signing on March 1. Although there were only 500 places, it attracted thousands of people to watch. On the wedding rumors, Andy obviously came prepared. When asked by the reporter if he wanted to congratulate him, he replied politely with a smile: "I have said it many times. In short, if someone believes me, I will continue to believe it. I am now saying no. What makes me most uncomfortable is seeing people on the Internet accusing me of using this for publicity, which I would never do."

  Mentioning the photo as if he was negotiating a happy event, Andy shook his head and waved his hand and said: "I will not respond to other things, I can only say that I am not married and have no children. (How to describe my relationship with Zhu Liqian?) This cannot be answered. (Will it be close soon?) Or that sentence, the marriage will be notified to everyone." Just straight to ask him if he will show up in Malaysia on April 6? Andy said no first! But then changed his mind: "Basically, I will tour the mainland in March or April, but I don’t know where it will be on which day. The itinerary is in the company, so I won’t talk about it or not." As for whether the tea-drinking photos were taken of Zhu Liqian’s family? And may the people around him be affected by the news? Andy also said that he would not answer, and asked everyone to ignore him so much, only that his mood was not affected.

  The victim actress is not waiting for an apology

  In addition, referring to the "philatelic actress" that Wu Junru was referring to, Andy clarified that Jun Ru did not tell him who the other party was at all, and he mocked himself for being old-fashioned, serious and upright, so no actress had ever seduced him. As for Cecilia Cheung’s interview report, Andy also read it bluntly, and praised the other party for being brave and strong. When Cecilia was mentioned, she angrily scolded Edison Chen for owing the victim an apology, and he believed that they had their own solutions in private, but believed that the victim actress was not waiting for this (apology), but should wait for the wound to heal and happily return to life.

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

After the completion of the satellite super factory, Geely made a big move again, purchasing multiple Long March series carrier rockets

Geely’s commercial aerospace programme is set to fall further after the launch of the Geely Satellite Super Factory on September 27. On September 29, Spacetime Daoyu and China Great Wall Industry Group Co., Ltd. signed a launch service contract at the 13th Zhuhai Air Show. According to the contract, Spacetime Daoyu will purchase multiple Long March series launch vehicles to complete the networking of the world’s first low-orbit future travel constellation.

Space-time Daoyu signed a contract with China Great Wall Industry Group Co., Ltd

It is reported that the formation of a whole industrial chain layout integrating satellite design, development, manufacturing, operation and maintenance services with Spacetime Daoyu as the core is an important part of Geely’s commercial aerospace business. It is also the main direction for Spacetime Daoyu to continue to deepen aerospace information and communication (AICT), intelligent manufacturing, autonomous driving and other fields to serve human future travel. The signing of this contract means that Geely’s commercial aerospace plan has come to reality.

The sword points to the future travel

"AICT reshapes future travel". At the roundtable on the 9th and 29th, Ding Sheng, senior vice president of Spacetime Daoyu, delivered a special report, saying that establishing a business structure centered on satellite development and aerospace applications is Geely Group’s interpretation of the new situation of future travel and smart ecological applications led by aerospace technology. The layout of the entire industrial chain of commercial aerospace, the creation of the world’s first low-orbit future travel constellation, and the construction of a high-precision space-time information system integrated with heaven and earth are Geely’s specific measures to promote the deep integration of China’s commercial aerospace and intelligent manufacturing, future travel, and big data industries, and realize the commercial application of aerospace.

Ding Sheng, Senior Vice President of Time and Space Daoyu, delivered a speech

It is reported that the heaven and earth integrated high-precision space-time information network built by Space-Time Road Yu, with the low-orbit satellite constellation system as the core and the ground PPP-RTK monitoring network as a supplement, deeply integrates the integrity and functional safety requirements of the smart travel industry, provides low-latency, high-precision, high-reliability centimeter-level precision location information services, allows travel carriers to achieve comprehensive perception of space-time information, and performs autonomous driving decision-making and execution under centimeter-level high-precision positioning services and real-time high-precision map services, providing a safe and reliable intelligent driving experience, empowering vehicle cloud management, vehicle-road collaboration, autonomous driving, low-altitude travel and other smart travel applications to upgrade and develop.

According to Ding Sheng, in addition to the satellite business, Spacetime Daoyu will also create a "future travel" ecosystem with full coverage, with satellite routing technology, combined with multi-dimensional carriers such as cars, mobile phones, and smart wearable devices to comprehensively enhance the user travel experience. For future travel, Spacetime Daoyu will provide in-vehicle satellite Internet application services. Vehicles and mobile phones can realize data links at any location on the earth’s surface, providing ubiquitous services for users to travel and creating the ultimate travel experience. In the low-altitude field, Spacetime Daoyu, with its high-precision positioning service capabilities with seamless global coverage, can not only plan accurate "infrastructure-free roads" at low altitudes, but also provide lane-level high-precision positioning services for flying cars, empowering the diversification and transformation of future travel methods.

In addition, Space-Time Daoyu will also deeply integrate satellite Internet and 5G, leveraging the significant advantages of low-orbit satellites such as global coverage, low cost, and no geographical restrictions, as well as the core advantages of 5G high-speed rate and low latency, to provide high-speed ubiquitous, heaven and earth integrated, integrated Internet, safe and efficient vehicle-mounted satellite applications. Connect the mobile end point, vehicle to everything, and satellite Internet to form a new business format of mobile phone + car + satellite.

Building a commercial aerospace industry chain

In March this year, our country’s 14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035 clearly stated that it is necessary to "build a global coverage and efficient operation of communication, navigation and remote sensing space infrastructure system." Mass production of satellites is the key to building a space infrastructure system. Through mass rapid manufacturing, constellation formation, and provision of communication, navigation, remote sensing and other services, it will promote the construction of satellite Internet and industrial development in our country, and comprehensively improve the modernization level of China’s aerospace industry.

Spacetime Daoyu Binary

As the first enterprise to eat crabs, Geely Group has long started to lay out the commercial application of aerospace. As early as the 14th Five-Year Plan was announced, Geely had obtained the approval of the commercial satellite manufacturing project approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. On September 27, Geely Satellite Super Factory went offline in Taizhou, Zhejiang.

In this regard, Wang Yang, CEO of Geely Science and Technology Group’s aerospace sector, said that the commercial aerospace business is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment, not only providing infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also providing support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields. Open cooperation with ecological partners to build a technological ecological chain advantage.

As an important part, the whole industrial chain layout of satellite design, development, manufacturing, operation and maintenance services is formed with Space-Time Daoyu as the core, which is Geely’s layout for commercial aerospace. It is reported that this layout will be based on Space-Time Daoyu Shanghai Aerospace Research Institute as the core, supported by the business units of Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Nanjing and Qingdao, and relying on the production and manufacturing of Taizhou Xingkong Zhilian satellites, covering the whole industrial chain system from satellite research and development, manufacturing, measurement and control, to industrial applications.

Source: The Internet

2023 Beijing RV Camping Cultural and Creative Competition ended successfully

  The 2023 Beijing RV Camping Cultural and Creative Competition with the theme of "Fashion RV, Merchandise Camping", as one of the theme areas of the 7th Beijing Cultural and Creative Competition, has attracted active participation from relevant units and individuals such as RVs, camping, and self-driving tourism across the country since its launch. A total of 179 works were collected in this competition, 44 of which were shortlisted in the preliminary review. After expert review, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 4 excellence prizes were finally selected.

The 2023 Beijing RV Camping Cultural and Creative Competition ended successfully

  Winning entries

  First Prize

  Yi bucket rivers and lakes: resource-saving and environment-friendly ton barrel ecological art theme camp planning plan

  Participating Organization: Orion (Beijing) Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd

  Design: Wang Wanyu

  Yi Bucket Jianghu – The Ton Bucket Ecological Art Theme Camp flexibly uses various structures of Ton Bucket to design the existing space forms. The overall camp functional block covers six major plate business spaces such as food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, and entertainment. Create a night art light show, light up the Ton Bucket installation art, and create a charming night scene.

  With huge Ton Barrel sculptures, Ton Barrel trails, and Ton Barrel waterfalls, innovative art installations inspire young people’s willingness to clock in Internet celebrities. Diverse and colorful scenes and activities make Ton Barrel Art Camp a holiday product unlike other camps.

  The resort products that established the ton barrel ecological art theme camp use the innovative technology of the camping industry, and light intervention has little damage to nature.

  Second Prize

  "Hydrogen and Oxygen Theme" Zero Carbon Light Luxury Space Capsule Camp Building Plan

  Participating institutions: Bosi (Beijing) Tourism Culture and Creative Co., Ltd.

  Design: Li Huaming

  The project takes "carbon neutrality, new life" as the main design idea; with the theme of "zero carbon and water cycle", "hydrogen and oxygen" popular science, and hydrogen and oxygen landscape; empowered by new energy and new technology: breeze maglev power generation, photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen energy storage/battery energy storage and waste-free ecological camp construction plan (no waste drainage system, no waste functional lawn); with high-quality "constant temperature and humidity and static" space capsule as the core living unit, to create a high-end holiday camp for "zero carbon light luxury" space capsule.

  Dobb Carriage Tent

  Participating Organization: Dobu Outdoor (Beijing) Cultural Tourism Management

  Co., Ltd.

  Design: Wang Jisheng Pictures

  Carriage tent is the originator of the tent, its unique shape and romantic atmosphere to attract countless people clock in and patronize.

  There are a total of 14 carriages in the Dobu Carriage Tent Project area, which is planned and designed as a horseshoe-shaped parking array. There is a public entertainment area in the middle, where visitors can sing and dance in the evening and enjoy the fun of socializing.

  The carriage tent has a separate bathroom, air conditioning and other facilities, and can accommodate two large and two small, which is very suitable for family travelers. Come to Dobu Camp and live in a carriage tent to experience the purest North American style campground.

  Third Prize

  Planning and Design of Yellow River RV Camp at North Latitude 37

  Participating organization: Inspur Intelligent IoT Technology Co., Ltd.

  Design: Zhang Ziwei

  The planning and design of the camp integrates the unique local Yellow River culture in Gaoqing, Zibo into the planning, with the "Yellow River Avenue" as the design highlight, and arranges each unique theme RV area according to the different landscapes along the Yellow River, and supports the Yellow River Collection, Straw Labyrinth, Cultural Square, Zibo BBQ Area, Happy Ranch Area, Popular Science Exhibition Hall, etc., echoing the completed Yellow River Building Museum, it is an "outdoor museum experience camp" that can be played.

  Among them, the theme RV area uses Inspur smart RV, the body uses innovative PET materials, and the interior is equipped with a full set of intelligent end point equipment, and tourists can control the RV equipment independently at the mobile end. The exterior of the RV is matched with a very stylish independent small courtyard, and the camp as a whole combines artificial intelligence equipment and big data application platforms, such as virtual digital people, intelligent distribution vehicles, intelligent drug vending machines, etc. There are few homogeneous products in the industry, bringing smart life and cultural experience into the mountains and fields, bringing tourists a new and high-quality holiday experience.

  Sing it Ding Ding Bus Mini Karaoke Speaker L2

  Participating institutions: Beijing sing bar technology joint stock company

  Design: Chen Hua

  This mini retro Karaoke speaker is inspired by the classic bus, cleverly using elements such as windows, swimming rings and license plates to reflect creativity and individuality, redefining the retro style; using ergonomically designed shuttle microphones and high-quality sound effects to bring a true KTV experience; compact, lightweight and multi-functional, allowing people to enjoy the fun of singing anytime, anywhere, making it the perfect choice for the target market for the pursuit of relaxed music moments.

  Based on an accurate insight into the current pace of life and people’s psychological needs, a deep understanding of consumer groups who pursue individuality and high-quality life, and the brand’s own persistent pursuit of innovation, sustainable concepts and humanistic care. The design team cleverly integrates the interaction of music experience and singing into the product, using retro and classic design language to interpret people’s constant yearning for a better life, so as to achieve a novel, fashionable and spiritual product design.

  The product received a microphone design patent on May 12, 2023, and a speaker design patent on May 16, 2023.

  APANDA (I am a panda tent) integrated self-developed air column tent

  Participating organization: Beijing Mengsheng All Things Tourism Management Co., Ltd.

  Design: Li Haiyang

  "STAY NATURAL STAY YOU (keep nature, keep yourself) ", APANDA is a tent and a panda, it takes nature as its home and goes wild.

  APANDA brand, with panda tent as the core and zero carbon and wisdom as the concept, focuses on providing one-stop ecological camp solutions from design, product to operation for urban parks and campgrounds.

  The APANDA panda tent comes from the independent design and research and development of the motorcycle box product team for a year, and the product has been patented by the state. The distinctive panda appearance is unforgettable, with a large space of 15.6 square meters, which can easily accommodate 4-6 people. Open the light luxury, family of four, and multi-person mode of two families; double-layer doors and windows, outer screen is breathable and mosquito-proof, panoramic view, and inner curtain is rainproof and windproof, privacy is worry-free; self-developed integrated air column structure, regardless of men, women and children, easy and fast to build. The overall air column structure is safe and wind-resistant, and is equipped with an automatic deflation valve to maintain inflation balance.

  Excellence Award

  Zhongneng Situo Storcube Portable Energy Storage Power S2500

  Participating institutions: Beijing Zhongneng Situo Technology Co., Ltd.

  Design: Yang Guang

  Guanye sales car (cold brewed tea, easy cup tea, coffee, matcha, portable tea)

  Participating institutions: Beijing Lanxi Xuan Tea Culture Exchange Co., Ltd.

  Design: Wang Sisi

  Solid wood tenon and mortise RV model

  Participating institutions: Beijing Handmade Future Culture Development Co., Ltd.

  Design: Yu Wanchao

  ZIMMOFREE Wireless Split Intelligent Foot Therapy Instrument

  Participating institutions: Beijing Zhimo Technology Co., Ltd.

  The outstanding projects selected in this competition will be promoted to the finals of the 7th Beijing Cultural and Creative Competition.

(Contributed by the Organizing Committee of the 7th Beijing Cultural and Creative Competition)