68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

Video: Fan Ming returns to the cooking class to steal noodles, Lin Zhiying becomes a camping expert, we are seventeen years old 161217

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

68 years of wonders! "We Are Seventeen" Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying ate and slept together on a desert island, and watched the moon intimately

The second stop of the reverse time travel "Faithful Journey" once again broke the psychological bottom line of the Tianwang Guo Fucheng. The "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" was actually "sent" to an uninhabited desert island in Beihai, Guangxi. The desperate brothers conspired to "ransack" the only convenience store on the island, and the madness was hilarious. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng and "Wild Survival Expert" Lin Zhiying led the brothers to drill wood and fire on the island, and set up tents in the dark. The two people who rarely share the same frame now eat and live together, and are very close.

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Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s movements are synchronized, and intimate exchanges of sunscreen experiences

For a long time, Guo Fucheng, the king of heaven, and Lin Zhiying have rarely been in the same frame. However, this "reverse time travel" two big boys with childlike innocence are simply having fun, and the level of intimacy is constantly escalating. From the first meeting, talking and laughing, to the intimacy of eating and living together, Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying’s relationship is getting deeper and deeper, just like a good buddy who has been friends for many years.

On the beach, the brothers took off their sunglasses to complete the game, and Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying, who were next to each other, talked too much to stop, and exchanged their sunscreen experience intimately. Lin Zhiying pointed to the sky for a while, and whispered intimately with Guo Fucheng for a while, while the king also followed Xiaozhi’s intimate suggestion and closed his eyes to face the sun, so that his eyes could adapt to the harsh sunlight as soon as possible. The movements of the two were almost in sync, harmonious and loving.

Best partner: Guo Fucheng and Lin Zhiying are eager to pitch a tent

The sky on the island was getting dark, and the problem of food and housing was imminent. The brothers gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, vowing to ransack the only convenience store on the island. "Big Brother" Guo Fucheng took the lead and turned into a great detective Sherlock Holmes, observing secretly from the hole, while Lin Zhiying made plans and cooperated very tacitly. In the blink of an eye, the convenience store was ransacked, and the ground was in a mess after the storm!

The hungry brothers were instantly resurrected with blood, full of energy, and they were so excited that they couldn’t stop. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying took the lead in setting up the tent in the dark, and Guo Fucheng, who was unfamiliar with everything, tried to find a clue, while Lin Zhiying patiently explained the principle of the tent bracket. At a critical moment, an emergency occurred. Lin Zhiying was negligent, and the tentage that had taken shape almost collapsed. Just as Xiaozhi was at a loss, Guo Fucheng turned the tide and came to rescue in time, and the tent successfully returned to its original shape. The cooperation between the two became more and more smooth, one holding the pole, the other pushing up hard, and they cooperated with each other to form the same person. Although there were no tools such as hammers, several people just used their hands and feet to set up the tent. The king and Lin Zhiying joined forces, which was the best partner of strength and wisdom.

On the night of camping on the desert island, it was a supermoon spectacle that only appeared once in 68 years. Guo Fucheng Lin Zhiying had slept next to each other before. This time, he was on the desert island, and the four brothers crowded into a small tent to warm each other again. The netizens screamed, "This situation is so loving!"

The second stop of the "Seventeen-Year-Old Brothers Group" ‘poor tour of the motherland’s great rivers and mountains has ended happily. After just two stops of the journey, the relationship between the brothers has warmed up rapidly, and how many stories and hardships will be waiting for them in the future? Every Saturday night at 20:30, Zhejiang Satellite TV Wang Laoji "We Are Seventeen", the brothers’ journey is continuing.

Stephen Chow and his partners (1)

In the movie world created by Stephen Chow, there was a group of actors who were not the absolute protagonists, but they had the same screen-grabbing rate. When they were combined with Stephen Chow, the movie effect was 1 + 1 > 2, just like a gleam behind Zhou’s comedy.

In the golden age of cinema in Hong Kong, China, there is a pair of golden partners – Stephen Chow and Wu Mengda. They have collaborated on more than 20 films in 12 years, such as the "Gambling Saint" series, "Truant Dragon" series, "Journey to the West" series, etc., which are all familiar to mainland audiences. In fact, Chow’s comedy film can not be officially promoted without Wu Mengda’s contribution. In 1990, Liu Zhenwei directed "Gambling Saint", which was the first film between Chow and Wu Mengda, and it was also the film that really made Chow out of the circle. The full display of Chow’s nonsense humor in the film is closely related to Wu Mengda’s seamless cooperation. The tacit understanding between them not only set a box office record in Hong Kong, China, but also won nominations for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

This ushered in a golden period of collaboration between the two. In 1992, the media dubbed it the "Year of Stephen Chow". Of the top 10 films in the Hong Kong film rankings in China that year, Chow made the list of five films, and Wu Mengda starred in three of them. Although the golden pair missed out on works such as "Kung Fu" and "Mermaid" for various reasons since then, their screen classic memories have been deeply imprinted in the minds of fans. As the most photographed and well-known Xingye partner, Wu Mengda is an indispensable Zhou-style comedy golden supporting actor.

If the partnership between Stephen Chow and Wu Mengda is a mutual achievement, then the partnership between Stephen Chow and his middle school classmate Li Jianren is undoubtedly a support. In 1992, Xing Ye, who was roaming freely in the "Year of Stephen Chow", saw that Li Jianren’s life seemed to be going into a low ebb. At that time, he was filming "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier" in Beijing and decided to find an old classmate to cooperate. It is said that Li Jianren was not satisfied with the role he played at that time, but he still played it out of affection. Unexpectedly, it was this "Ruhua" who appeared for less than a minute that changed his acting life.

"Ruhua" with stubble on his face, heavy makeup on his face, and fingers picking his nostrils has almost become the only name for Li Jianren’s anti-string, appearing in Chow Xingchi’s works such as "Wu Bohu Dian Qiuxiang", "Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang", "God of Cookery", and "Onei Agent Zero Lingfa", which made the audience laugh. It is worth mentioning that due to the amazing influence of "Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang" in the mainland, Ruhua’s "classic looking back scene" became Li Jianren’s famous work, and is still widely circulated on the Internet emoji. Chow Xingchi pushed Ruhua’s "ugly" to the extreme and became one of the iconic characters of his film; and Li Jianren also became one of the most successful symbols of Hong Kong’s comedy output because of Chow Xingchi.

After an initial period of hyperbole and nonsense, Stephen Chow entered a period of low tide. In 1994, he went to the mainland to shoot the "Journey to the West" series. Due to the great contrast with the original, the box office was dismal, but there was one person who left a deep impression on the audience – Luo Jiaying. Luo Jiaying’s relationship with Zhou Xingchi is neither as deep as Wu Mengda, nor as close as Li Jianren’s classmates, but they have quite a tacit understanding on the set, including the well-known "Only You" sequence. Through the "Journey to the West" series, Luo Jiaying almost changed the inherent image of Tang Seng, became a long-winded synonym, and became one of the classic film symbols created by Zhou Xingchi. There is no doubt that Luo Jiaying’s Tang Seng is one of the classic characters in film history, and this cannot be separated from the help of Xingye.

Of course, Zhou Xingchi’s screen partners are far more than the above…

Real estate developers dominate the list of China’s richest people, and Xu Jiayin’s wealth surpasses that of Pony Ma and Ma Yun

The original title: Real estate developers dominate the list of China’s richest people, Xu Jiayin’s wealth surpasses Pony Ma and Ma Yun

In recent years, China’s Internet companies have grown rapidly and have become world giants in one fell swoop. Whether it is Alibaba or Tencent, they have attracted global attention. In the past, Ma Yun and Pony Ma also came and went, and the top spot of China’s richest man took turns, which can also see the powerful power of the new economy. However, since the beginning of this year, the situation has changed. With the soaring housing prices in China, the performance of real estate giants has also risen with the tide. Leading companies in the real estate industry such as Evergrande, Country Garden, and Vanke have become the biggest winners of this "destocking" and made a lot of money.

Ma Yun

A few days ago, the 2017 Hurun Rich List released, China’s richest man by Hengda Xu Jiayin won, wealth is 290 billion yuan, leading in the second place Ma Yun 40 billion yuan; Ma Ma’s wealth is 250 billion yuan, mainly benefited from Tencent’s stock price rose; Ma Yun to 200 billion yuan worth third, Wang Jianlin is ranked fifth.

Similarly, China’s richest woman also comes from the real estate sector. She is Yang Huiyan of Country Garden. In the past year, her wealth has increased by more than 100 billion yuan, and her worth has reached 160 billion yuan. In the list of Chinese women’s wealth, she has ridden the dust and left others far behind. In terms of value, Yang Huiyan is second only to Jack Ma, ahead of Wang Jianlin, and ranks fourth on China’s rich list, up 18 places from last year. Yang Huiyan is also the only woman on the list of the top 10 richest people in China.

Hurun richest list top 10

China’s real estate is entering the era of oligarchs, and the performance of large real estate companies is soaring. In the first half of 2017, Evergrande’s contract sales reached 244.10 billion yuan, an increase of 72.2% year-on-year; the turnover was 188 billion yuan, an increase of 114.8% year-on-year; and the net profit was 23.10 billion yuan, an increase of 224% year-on-year. The surge in performance has made Evergrande’s share price soar by 500% this year, and Xu Jiayin, who holds 74.2% of the shares, is worthy of becoming China’s richest man. Last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealth was only 78 billion yuan, ranking tenth.

Xu Jiayin

Country Garden’s performance is also growing at a high speed, helping Yang Huiyan to have no rival in the female rich list. Zhou Qunfei and his wife, the founder of Lansi Technology, who once topped the list of China’s richest women, have a wealth of 71.50 billion yuan, ranking 20th in China’s richest list, a big gap with Yang Huiyan.

But the dominance of real estate in China’s economy is not a blessing. With the domestic economy slowing, skyrocketing housing prices have forced most homebuyers to put up three generations of savings for a down payment. The skyrocketing housing prices have pushed up a series of costs, making it difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Real estate cannot become the core competence of a country. Too much reliance on real estate will inevitably squeeze the economy and suppress consumption. Today, families who want to buy a house have to tighten their belts and save money to buy a house, and even then they have to bear the mortgage for decades. Today, whether it is friends or colleagues, sitting together, they can’t help but talk about houses, and real estate has even become the dividing standard of social hierarchy, which is unfair.

Pony Ma

Rather than real estate dominating the Chinese economy, we would rather see a situation where a hundred flowers bloom, technology companies grow rapidly, and the real economy is booming and full of vitality. In this way, our economy is healthy, and we will not be kidnapped by real estate and lose everything. Wealth accumulated by real estate is on top of the hardships of building ordinary families. Ma Yun once said, "If Wang Jianlin wins, then the whole society loses." Today, although Wang Jianlin has dropped out of the list of the richest people, the richest people still belong to real estate developers. Three of the top five richest people in China are real estate developers. Text/Xu Shangfeng

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NIO’s net loss widened to 6.056 billion yuan in the second quarter, and it is expected to "bottom out" in the third quarter

After experiencing a sustained sales slump in April and May, NIO’s second-quarter performance unexpectedly bottomed out again.

On August 29, NIO released the second quarter financial data show that the second quarter NIO operating income 8.77 billion yuan, less than the market expected 9.254 billion yuan, down 14.8% from last year, down nearly 20% from the first quarter of this year.

In terms of car sales, directly affected by the failure to control the rhythm of product replacement in April and May, NIO’s sales in the second quarter were 23,500 vehicles, down 6.1% year-on-year and 24.2% month-on-month. This is also the lowest quarterly sales of NIO since the second quarter of 2021.

With the decline in revenue and the continued expansion of R & D costs, NIO’s gross profit in the second quarter was only 87 million yuan, a decrease of 93.5% compared with the second quarter of 2022, and the same "halving" compared with Quarter 1 this year. In the second quarter of this year, NIO’s overall gross profit margin has declined to 1%, compared with 13% in the same period last year.

In the contrast of Li Auto has turned losses into profits for three consecutive quarters, NIO’s net loss is further expanding. Data show that NIO’s net loss in the second quarter was 6.056 billion yuan, an increase of 119.6% over last year and a month-on-month increase of 27.8%.

As of June 30, 2023, NIO cash reserves were 31.50 billion yuan, a decrease of 6.30 billion yuan from the first quarter. According to Horizontal comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors cash reserves were 73.77 billion yuan and 33.74 billion yuan respectively.

NIO CEO Li Bin said at the previous financial results meeting that in the first and second quarters of this year, new product launches affected the company’s operating cash flow. After that, some fixed asset investments and some R & D projects will be postponed, and in terms of going overseas, it will also focus on countries that have entered Europe. According to its estimates, with the rebound in sales in the third quarter, cash flow will improve.

In terms of cost expenditure, NIO R & D costs remained high, reaching 3.345 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 55.6% year-on-year and 8.7% quarter-on-quarter respectively. The financial report pointed out that the increase in R & D expenses was mainly due to the increase in R & D personnel costs, equity incentive expenses, and the design and development of new products and new technologies.

NIO is the car company that invests the most in R & D projects among the "Wei Xiaoli" three. At present, NIO is simultaneously promoting the development of three car brands, and at the same time is conducting self-research on core components such as autonomous driving chips, batteries and motors.

Also in terms of sales expenses, NIO is also the one with the highest expenditure among the three new forces. As a user-oriented enterprise, NIO invests a lot in power replacement, sales channels, user maintenance, etc., which also leads to the problem of high operating costs for a long time.

Data show that NIO sales, general and administrative expenses reached 2.857 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 25.2% and 16.8% year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter respectively. In comparison, Li Auto and XPeng Motors’ sales expenses were only 2.31 billion yuan and 1.54 billion yuan respectively.

NIO will further increase its sales staff to meet the need to sell seven to eight models simultaneously, Mr. Li said on a second-quarter earnings call, adding that channel sinking remains an urgent task.

"Since July, we have started to comprehensively improve our sales capacity. The goal is to lock in the sales capacity of 30,000 vehicles per month. The construction of this sales capacity will be completed by the end of September, and the results of the sales capacity building will gradually appear from October. In the lower-tier market, we hope that more experienced sales personnel can join."

Under the premise that these rigid expenses are difficult to compress, NIO needs to sell more cars and maintain a stable cash flow more urgently than other car brands. If the operating rhythm is wrong and there is a sales crisis, the cost of advance planning for forward planning may drag NIO into crisis again.

In the second quarter of this year, NIO was once in a dangerous moment. Fortunately, with the launch of ES6 and ET5T new cars, NIO returned to the "10,000-car club" in June. In July, NIO maintained its growth momentum, and the monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time, finally breaking the curse of "Wei 10,000".

According to the latest weekly report released by Li Auto, the cumulative delivery volume of NIO from August 1st to August 27th is 16,000. NIO sales in August will likely exceed 20,000 again.

However, according to NIO’s guidance for the third quarter, the number of vehicles delivered in the third quarter is between 55,000 and 57,000. This means that NIO’s average deliveries in August and September were between 17,300 and 18,300 vehicles. If NIO wants to achieve its goal of 250,000 vehicles for the whole year, it needs to sell at least 110,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter.

Li Bin pointed out that sales reached 20,000 in July, in part due to the decline in power exchange rights.Users who have rigid demand for power replacement will be released in advance. The preferential policy for power replacement ended in August, and it will take some time for orders to return to normal levels.

"The good news is that the number of test drives currently exceeds a record high, reaching about 10,000 every weekend, but it will take time from test drives to order conversion. In addition, considering the macroeconomic and external economic environment, we have comprehensively formulated this guideline target." Li Bin revealed that the next step will be to accelerate the conversion of orders through more channel coverage and sales capacity enhancement.

According to Li Bin’s estimate, NIO is selling ET5, ET5T, ES6 and EC6 will be listed in September, the sales of the four models are expected to reach 15,000 to 20,000, superimposed on the remaining models to increase sales, and monthly sales are confident to stabilize at more than 20,000.

With deliveries recovering, NIO expects third-quarter revenue to reach 18.90 billion yuan to 19.52 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% to 50.1% year-on-year, the highest revenue guidance in history. From the guidance, NIO hopes to achieve a "bottoming out" in the third quarter.

NIO CFO Feng Wei said during the earnings call that NIOThe third quarter cash flow will be significantly improved, achieving double-digit gross margins, and the fourth quarter gross margin is expected to reach 15%.

It is worth mentioning that the NIO brand will not deliver new products next year, but there will be regular modifications. Alps will release the first product in the second half of next year. The test car has been rolled off the production line, and the second car of the brand is also under development.

In addition, the NIO phone will be released in late September this year. Li Bin believes that,The launch of NIO mobile phones will help increase the competitiveness of NIO models and better match the demand for mobile devices.

In terms of external cooperation, Li Bin revealed that he is initially discussing the cooperation of next-generation power stations and battery packs with external automobile companies. "Entering the power exchange network requires the re-development and transformation of the car, which is a major decision for the car company and requires time (consideration). "

(This article has been updated.)

Huawei Mate 7/G7/Sapphire Edition Ascend P7 National Bank Edition Domestic Price Announced

  The aftershocks of the Berlin conference have not yet dissipated, and Huawei held a domestic new product launch conference in Shanghai. In addition to the well-known protagonist Mate 7, the AscendG7 and the sapphire version of the AscendP7 were launched simultaneously. Although Shanghai has been rainy recently, the atmosphere at the conference site is hot and dry. Although the products are the same, this domestic conference will undoubtedly allow users to have a deeper and closer understanding of the three models of Mate 7/G7/Sapphire version AscendP7 due to the help of many pollen and many highlights detailed in Chinese throughout the process. Of course, more importantly, the domestic listing prices of the three machines were also announced at the end.

HuaweiAscendMate7Shanghai press conference site

  AscendMate7It is the focus of Huawei’s products this year. It has reduced the thickness of the 6-inch screen to less than 8mm for the first time, and has become the thinnest model of the current 6-inch screen product. In addition, the addition of the new HiSilicon Kirin K925 octa-core processor, the operating platform of EmotionUI 3.0, the LTE network advantages of Cat6 technology, and the press-type fingerprint sensor adopted by Huawei for the first time give the AscendMate 7 itself more competitive advantages. Another strategy was also announced at the meeting. In November this year, a dual-system public beta will be held. In the future, everyone can quickly switch on the AscendP7 with one click to experience two different operating pleasures.

Gold high-end version Huawei AscendMate 7

HuaweiAscendMate7 two versions domestic price

  As for the price, unlike the foreign prices of 499 euros and 599 euros announced in Berlin, the domestic price is more realistic. The standard version of Huawei AscendMate 7 (2GBRAM + 16GBROM) is priced at 2999 yuan; the high-end version (3GBRAM + 32GBROM) is priced at 3699 yuan. According to the on-site staff, the high-end version of Huawei AscendMate 7 color scheme is the gold version, while black and white belong to the standard version, which may need to be considered when purchasing in the future.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

[China Network, Industry]

On the other hand, after experiencing a wave of Internet car building, many technology companies have chosen a more rational cooperation situation. At this point, Avita Technology Co., Ltd. was born, aggregating the resource advantages of Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, and becoming the most talked-about new brand.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

On November 5, Avita Technology, a subsidiary of Changan Automobile, completed the first round of strategic financing and introduced three new strategic investors in the form of a consortium, with a total amount of 2.42 billion yuan. It is currently awaiting the final approval of the relevant departments of the state market supervision. If it goes well, the Ningde Times Consortium will hold 28.99% of the shares and become the second largest shareholder of Avita Technology.

 Compared with Dongfeng’s Landmap and BAIC’s Extreme Fox, despite the successful exploration of the UNI series, Changan’s high-end brand seems to have come a little late. In fact, Avita’s predecessor was Changan NIO, which was jointly established as early as 2018. The joint venture project has not made significant progress since its birth. On May 20 this year, Changan Automobile announced that Changan NIO New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. was renamed Avita Technology Co., Ltd.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

According to the plan, Changan Automobile will focus on building the technology ecosystem of technology companies in the future, and accelerate the construction of software and intelligent capabilities. And Avita Technology will become its important carrier. It is not difficult to see the importance attached to it through the new partners re-selected by Changan Automobile.

As the main body of the company, Changan Automobile has rich experience in vehicle manufacturing, and Huawei’s intelligent solutions and CATL’s advantages in the field of energy management ecology will serve as a driving force for Avita Technology to accelerate its catch-up.

Changan high-end brand Avita has a strong background, can latecomers come to the top?

According to Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, Avita Technology will soon start a round of financing, and there will be independent listing plans in the future. And this month, the specific development strategy of the brand will be released this month, and its first high-end smart electric vehicle will also be unveiled simultaneously. In the face of today’s high-end smart new energy field melee, whether Avita can come later or talk about the product and the market.

Ask the world’s new M7 Ultra listing 20 days to break through 30,000 units, selling from 289,800 yuan

On June 21, we learned from the official that the new M7 Ultra has been listed for 20 days and will break through 30,000 units. As of June 30, it will be able to enjoy up to 35,000 yuan in car purchase rights. According to another set of data released by the official recently, the delivery of the new M7 Ultra in 18 days has broken through 10,000 units, creating a new power model delivery record in China. At the same time, the new M7 has become the first new power model with a delivery volume of 100,000 in 2024.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a power system composed of a 1.5T four-cylinder turbocharger and a Huawei drive motor, and provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive power options. Among them, the maximum power of the range extender is 112 kilowatts, and the maximum power of the rear axle drive motor is 200 kilowatts; the four-wheel drive model adds a drive motor with a maximum power of 130 kilowatts to the front axle. The new car has a comprehensive battery life of 1300km under full oil and full power under CLTC conditions, and a pure electric battery life of 240km. Under the feeding condition, the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is 5.6L. The four-wheel drive version of the model is accelerated by 4.8s.

BAK Battery Deeply Layout Four Product Lines, Fully Empowering a Better Smart Life

Lithium batteries have the advantages of high energy density, smaller and lighter size, and long cycle life. They have been widely used in 3C electronic products, new energy vehicles, energy storage, smart home appliances and other fields. According to the data released by the market research agency EVTank, the total global shipment of lithium-ion batteries in 2023 was 1202.6 GWh, an increase of 25.6% year-on-year. Among them, the shipment of lithium-ion batteries in China reached 887.4 GWh in 2023, an increase of 34.3% year-on-year, and the development momentum is very rapid.

Shenzhen Bike Power Battery Co., Ltd., as one of the pioneers in the lithium battery industry, has always been at the forefront of the industry, and has carried out a multi-layered layout for different market needs and application scenarios, forming a highly competitive new generation of product matrix. At present, Bike Power has strongly opened up four product lines: large cylinder, small power, polymer, and energy storage. Lithium battery technology and product performance have both broken through, and comprehensively helped to upgrade the "core" of smart life.

BAK large cylindrical battery, promising

The large cylindrical battery has become the new favorite of the industry due to its comprehensive performance, outstanding safety and adaptability to different chemical systems, and is regarded as the breaking point of the second curve of electric vehicle development.

Since the release of the full-pole ear large cylindrical battery in early 2021, BAK Battery has continued to lead in the research and development and marketization of large cylindrical battery technology, gaining high attention from the industry. In terms of product layout, BAK Battery has adopted a two-line strategy, with two core large cylindrical battery product lines, focusing on high-performance high-nickel + high-efficiency silicon products and high-cost-effective lithium iron phosphate + silicon and sodium-ion battery products. The energy density of the representative first-generation product will be above 280Wh/kg, while supporting 4C fast charging. It has not only seized new opportunities in the industry, but also made full preparations for challenges.

BAK Small Power, Performance "Core" Upgrade

Under the development trend of miniaturization and convenience of intelligent end points, the penetration rate of cordless intelligent end points is getting higher and higher. On the basis of the application characteristics of small power scenarios and the higher requirements for batteries, BAK Power continues to promote the optimization and adjustment of small power batteries at four levels: material selection, battery design, safety assurance and customer application. It has six advantages: high energy density, long cycle life, high magnification, fast charging, strong temperature adaptability and high safety.

At present, BAK’s small power cylindrical battery products cover two series of 18650 and 21700. The capacity has not only increased from 2.5Ah of 18650 to 5.8Ah of 21700, but also the volume specific energy density has been greatly improved. Now it has been widely adopted by well-known customers such as Philips, Meituan, Hello Travel, Midea, and Xiaomi. In the beginning of 2024, BAK Power once again announced the mass production of N21700CH-58E high-capacity batteries. This blockbuster new product adopts high nickel + silicon anode system, and the capacity of single cells has "soared" to 5.8Ah, once again refreshing the performance ceiling of small power cylindrical batteries.

BAK Polymer, Open Smart "Core" Life

The 5G era makes life more and more intelligent. BAK battery polymer lithium-ion batteries provide long-lasting and reliable power for smart homes and smart lives.

From 20mAh products to 10000mAh products, all support fast charging and high-rate discharge, and the application scenarios cover sports bracelets, Bluetooth headphones, handheld printers, drones, power tools and portable vacuum cleaners, making a better life within reach with reliable power.

BAK Energy Storage for Efficient Clean Energy

In recent years, many governments in China have successively issued energy storage industry support policies, ushering in a new upsurge in the market. In order to promote the wide application of efficient and clean energy, BAK Power Energy Storage Battery adopts a modular design and is equipped with an intelligent battery management system (BMS). It has the advantages of small size, light weight, long life, high temperature resistance, and support for high current discharge. It is widely used in household energy storage, industrial and commercial energy storage, UPS energy storage, energy storage power stations on all sides of the power grid, communication energy storage and various customized power supplies.

The four major product lines of BAK Battery not only meet the needs of applications in many fields, but also inject surging impetus into the high-quality development of customer enterprises. On the hot lithium battery track, BAK Battery has fully deployed four product lines, deeply explored the "new path" of development, and created a "new highland" for the lithium battery industry.

The original price is very sincere, and Hengchi 5 starts pre-sale. Can it become a life-saving straw for Evergrande?

Wen Lan Zhan

After a long time, it began to come out!

After several bounces and twists and turns, Hengchi 5, the first model of Hengchi Automobile, finally opened the pre-sale on July 6, with a pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan. It can be said that this price is very sincere compared with the same class of cars.

It’s just that the new energy automobile circle seems to be particularly popular to compare, the former Yu Chengdong asked the world M7 is comparable to a million luxury cars, Li Xiang’s ideal L9 is the best home flagship SUV in 5 million, Xiaopeng G9 500,000 the best SUV, Hengda President Liu Yongzhuo also said that Hengchi 5 is the best pure electric SUV in 300,000 yuan.

From the product performance point of view, the performance of the Hengchi 5 is quite satisfactory. The new car is positioned in a compact SUV, and the closed air intake front grille is combined with the popular tear-eyed headlights to achieve a sense of strength on the side of the body.

The interior is available, and the new car is equipped with three screens, including a 10.25-inch instrument display, a 14.6-inch central control touchscreen, and a 10.25-inch passenger screen. The screen size and number also belong to the mainstream configuration of the same level.

As for the body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4725/1925/1688mm, and the wheelbase is 2780mm. Although it is a compact SUV, the body length is longer than that of the average compact SUV.

From the perspective of the product strength currently leaked, the overall performance of Hengchi 5 is fair, especially the pre-sale price of 179,000 is still relatively lower than consumer expectations, so if the reputation of Hengchi Auto can be guaranteed and Hengda does not have a thunderstorm, there is basically no suspense in the "big sale" of the new car.

At present, in order to ensure that Hengchi 5 can be mass-produced and delivered while restoring consumer confidence, Hengchi 5’s sales method is also more interesting. The new car adopts the unique reservation method in the current car circle. Hengchi Automobile said that the first 10,000 buyers of Xiaoding can pay for the car at the time of delivery. At the same time, you can enjoy the return and refund within 15 days after picking up the car, and the 60% discount can be repurchased within three years after picking up the car. Dading 10,000 can be worth 15,000. Free to send H-Pilot intelligent auxiliary driving bag, lifetime free quality assurance and a series of benefits for the whole vehicle.

If all these can be realized, then it is undoubtedly very sincere for the first batch of car owners. Compared with the products of the same level of new car makers, it can be said to be cost-effective. In addition, Hengchi Automobile also said that all car purchase payments and returns are returned from the notary office’s special account to show that the special funds are dedicated.

The current problem is that Hengchi Automobile still lacks confidence in the consumer side. After all, whether it is Hengda’s thunderstorm in the real estate circle or Hengchi Automobile’s mass production has been delayed several times, it can be described as twists and turns. Therefore, despite Hengchi’s launch of very sincere products, pricing, and vehicles, it is difficult to say whether it will ultimately succeed.

If Hengda didn’t have a thunderstorm, under the blessing of Boss Xu’s "buy buy buy", Hengchi Automobile would develop steadily, and it would definitely become a typical representative of the new forces in the head of car manufacturing. But things are changing, and whether the belated Hengchi 5 can still gain market recognition remains to be seen.

Of course, on the other hand, since Hengchi 5 has been pre-sold, it also shows that Hengchi Automobile has taken another substantive step in the construction of cars, and with a very sincere price and policy, if the new car can be listed normally, it will also have a certain impact on the new forces of domestic car manufacturing. It is not impossible for Hengchi Automobile to become popular with Hengchi 5.

Write at the end:

Previously, Hengda Xu Jiayin said that the sales target of Hengchi Automobile in 2025 is 1 million vehicles, and the sales target in 2035 is 5 million vehicles, making it the largest and most powerful new energy vehicle group in the world. Now in just a few years, Hengchi wants to achieve this goal. I am afraid it will take more time, but fortunately, Hengchi 5 has come, and it has given a very sincere price and policy. It can be said that Hengda Group has poured all its efforts. We will continue to pay attention to the future performance of the new car.

(This article is originally produced by the New Media Editorial Department of [Car Industry], the author of this article is Jin Ling, and the source should be indicated when reprinting)

A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China’s automotive industry

International Online Auto Channel News (Huang): Although the popularity of the domestic SUV market has subsided since May this year, and even there has been a year-on-year decline for several consecutive months, at the 16th Guangzhou Auto Show, new SUVs still account for half of the country. Among the many new SUV models, China FAW Hongqi’s first high-end C-class SUV – HS7, with its detached product positioning and unparalleled brand influence, has become the star of this auto show.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

In recent years, independent brands have developed rapidly, and various brands have frequently launched products with higher positioning, and even high-end sub-brands have gradually emerged. However, the "infighting" of independent brands in the A-class and B-class markets is a norm that cannot be changed in a short period of time. There are both technical limitations and objective problems of relatively limited brand influence. In contrast, Hongqi HS7 is like a master who has completed "closed-door cultivation", and has the potential to "ascend to immortality" in the face of the more severe C-class luxury SUV market. The irreplaceable position of Hongqi brand in people’s hearts makes people look forward to Hongqi HS7 and helps China’s auto industry climb to a new peak.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The debut of Hongqi HS7 not only means the launch of the brand’s new strategic models, but also a concentrated display of the results of the new Hongqi brand strategy announced nearly a year later. Competitive products directly target many high-end imported cars, and Hongqi HS7 has also become the beginning of the struggle of Chinese auto brands in higher-level markets. In January this year, the brand strategy of Xinhongqi was released in the Great Hall of the People. As the eldest son of the Republic and a symbolic brand of China’s automobile industry, the new concept and new positioning conveyed by Xinhongqi instantly ignited the hopes of many viewers. From the release of the brand strategy in January to the launch of Hongqi H5 in April, and then to the debut of Hongqi HS7 in November, the pace of Xinhongqi’s progress was extremely brisk.

From a product perspective, the advent of Hongqi HS7 first enriched the product matrix of the New Hongqi brand, expanding the scale of product production and sales. At the same time, compared with the first model Hongqi H5 launched after the brand transformation, Hongqi HS7’s product positioning and technical level are more in line with the essence of the New Hongqi brand’s Chinese neo-noble refinement. There is no doubt that Hongqi HS7 is the best "spokesperson" of the New Hongqi brand at this stage, and the significance of the new car is also more profound.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

On the basis of adhering to the concept of "Chinese New Noble Exquisite" of the New Hongqi brand, the Hongqi HS7 integrates the design concept of "Shang · Zhi · Yi". The straight waterfall air intake grille is larger than the Hongqi H5 in size, echoing the new interpretation of the Hongqi vertical standard, showing the noble temperament, and also showing the symmetrical beauty of Chinese aesthetics. In addition to the majestic shape, the core of the Hongqi HS7 is also ready to impact the C-class SUV market.

The 3.0L V6TD engine independently developed by China FAW with the highest level in China will become the "heart" of Hongqi HS7, with a maximum power of 248kW and a peak torque of 445Nm. It matches the Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission. Hongqi HS7 already has the foundation of not losing to international brands in terms of core power technology. At the same time, in terms of vehicle interconnection performance, Hongqi HS7 is also worth looking forward to. Although no specific information has been disclosed at the auto show, on November 6, Xu Liuping, chairperson of China FAW, said in Wuzhen: "Hongqi has begun to layout in the fields of electrification, intelligent networking, and mobile travel, and has made substantial progress." For the family’s flagship SUV products at this stage, Hongqi HS7 will naturally become the best carrier of the new Hongqi brand’s intelligent technology.

Auto Channel [Home Focus Map] A small step for Hongqi HS7, a big step for China's automotive industry

The "leapfrog" Hongqi HS7 has become a well-deserved masterpiece of Chinese SUV products in one fell swoop, and will also become a milestone worth remembering in China’s automotive industry at every node of exploring the higher-end market. With the ultimate quality, strong product force, deep brand connotation and intelligent "brain", Hongqi HS7 will surely become a breakthrough SUV product. Every step Hongqi HS7 takes in the market will powerfully drive the wheels of China’s automotive industry development. (Image source: FAW Hongqi)