On the second day of the New Year holiday, Hunan received 8,466,300 tourists.

On the second day of New Year’s Day holiday, the province’s cultural and tourism markets are abundant, and residents’ enthusiasm for traveling is high. According to the modeling analysis of mobile phone signaling big data, the province received 8,466,300 tourists, including 1,446,800 tourists from outside the province, accounting for 17.09%. The analysis of UnionPay big data modeling shows that the per capita spending of tourists in the province is 1179.49 yuan. The 385 accommodation units included in the statistical monitoring received 62,700 tourists, up 46.75% year-on-year, and realized an operating income of 26,511,300 yuan, up 54.27% year-on-year. The room occupancy rate of the accommodation units included in the monitoring was 80.06%.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council talks about the mainland’s new Taiwan-related measures and Taiwan’s restrictions on cross-strait exchanges

  BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) The Taiwan Province Affairs Office of the State Council held a press conference today. Spokesperson An Fengshan responded to 31 measures taken by the mainland to promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, Taiwan Province authorities may further restrict cross-strait exchanges, Taiwan’s Hualien earthquake assistance to the mainland, and trends between the United States and Taiwan.

  Mainland launches 31 measures to promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation.

  An Fengshan introduced that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission led a multi-sectoral study and promulgated the "Several Measures on Promoting Cross-Strait Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation", and introduced 31 related measures to actively promote the equal treatment of Taiwan-funded enterprises and mainland enterprises in the fields of investment and economic cooperation, and gradually provide Taiwan Province compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots in studying, starting businesses, employment and life. The introduction of these measures will bring great opportunities and a real sense of gain to Taiwan-funded enterprises and Taiwan Province compatriots.

  Is the Taiwan authorities’ cross-strait policy shrinking? Taiwan Affairs Office responded

  After the Hualien earthquake, Tsai Ing-Wen expressed his gratitude to all parties in the mainland for their condolences and donations. At the Taiwanese Spring Festival Friendship Association, Tsai Ing-Wen mentioned that the cross-strait policy attitude showed signs of "turning from hard to soft". Public opinion believes that the Taiwan authorities are releasing goodwill to the mainland, but a few days ago, teams from Taiwan Affairs Offices in mainland provinces and cities were not approved by Taiwan Province. Does this mean that the Taiwan Province authorities are further restricting cross-strait exchanges?

  An Fengshan said that the Taiwan authorities’ practice of obstructing and restricting cross-strait exchanges and cooperation runs counter to their so-called goodwill to promote the development of cross-strait relations. Whether cross-strait relations can really be improved depends not on verbal goodwill, but on taking concrete actions.

  Will the mainland pass the Law on the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Province Compatriots this year? Taiwan Affairs Office responded

  Some Taiwan Province media said that the mainland may pass the Law on the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Province Compatriots this year. An Fengshan said that he did not know the specific situation. However, it is what we have been doing to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan Province compatriots, especially Taiwanese businessmen, in the mainland, including through the use of laws.

  Never allow a few people to make money on the mainland but support "Taiwan independence."

  The Honorary President of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Business Association was interviewed in Taiwan and said that he would try his best to support the decision of the Taiwan Province authorities. Some mainland netizens pointed out that this person is a "two-faced Taiwanese businessman". The current president of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Business Association publicly stated that as long as the DPP authorities do not recognize the "1992 Consensus", mainland Taiwanese businessmen will not support it.

  An Fengshan pointed out that our position and attitude on this issue are very clear. We welcome the vast number of Taiwanese businessmen to invest and develop in the mainland, but at the same time, we will never allow a few people to make money in the mainland while supporting "Taiwan independence" to undermine cross-strait relations.

  According to the survey, more than 50% of young people in Taiwan Province want to come to the mainland to develop the Taiwan Affairs Office.

  The 2018 Taiwan Province popular sentiment survey released by Taiwanese media recently shows that more than 50% of young people want to develop in the mainland, an increase of 10% over last year. An Fengshan said that the mainland’s achievements in reform and opening up over the past 40 years are obvious to all, and the various Taiwan policies promoted by the mainland in recent years that are conducive to the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots have long been popular among the people. Compared with the current social situation in Taiwan Province and what the Taiwan authorities are doing now, more people in Taiwan Province can make such a judgment and choice.

  Refuting that "Taiwanese actors participating in CCTV Spring Festival Evening sketch is ‘ United front ’ "

  This year’s CCTV Spring Festival Evening sketch "Going Home" starred three people from Taiwan Province, which triggered public discussion in Taiwan Province. An Fengshan said in this regard that if this kind of literary work reflecting the homesickness of wanderers is interpreted as "United front" or discrimination, it can only be said that if you wear colored glasses, the whole world will be "green".

  Some shameless people in Taiwan Province act as chess pieces for outsiders to curb China.

  An expert from a think tank in the United States claimed to make President Trump swear the Taiwan Strait as an "international high sea", and some media on the island followed suit and speculated that this move could further counter the mainland threat. An Fengshan responded that some shameless people in Taiwan Province acted as pawns for outsiders to curb the rise of China, even at the expense of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, betting on the interests and well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait. Isn’t this painful for relatives and quick for enemies?

  Advise Taiwan not to blackmail the foreign self-respect, or it will pay for itself.

  A few days ago, a delegation composed of members of the US House of Representatives and Senate committees visited Taiwan Province and held talks with Tsai Ing-Wen, who expressed the hope that the "US-Taiwan" relationship would be established in by going up one flight of stairs. An Fengshan said that we have made it clear many times that we are firmly opposed to any form of official exchanges and military ties between the United States and Taiwan, and we are also firmly opposed to the United States selling weapons to Taiwan Province under any pretext. This position and attitude is very clear. We also advise Taiwan Province not to coerce foreign self-respect, otherwise it will reap the consequences.

  After the Hualien earthquake, mainland parties have donated 23.075 million yuan.

  An Fengshan said that after the "2.6" earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, relevant parties in the mainland and all walks of life were highly concerned. Zhang Zhijun, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, immediately expressed condolences to the affected people and expressed his willingness to provide necessary assistance in all aspects. ARATS, the Red Cross Society of China, the Earthquake Association of China and other relevant parties and many provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions quickly expressed their condolences and condolences to the compatriots in the disaster area and those on both sides of the strait who died in different ways, and expressed their willingness to provide all necessary assistance and donations, including disaster relief equipment. According to incomplete statistics, relevant mainland authorities, institutions and enterprises in Taiwan, some provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and Taiwan-funded enterprises have donated a total of 23.075 million yuan.

  The mainland has taken many measures to ensure that Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan compatriots return home for the holidays.

  During the Spring Festival this year, because the Taiwan Province authorities did not approve the overtime flights of two mainland airlines, the air tickets to Taiwan were tight. An Fengshan pointed out that the mainland authorities have taken various measures to fully ensure that Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan compatriots in the mainland can return home for the holidays. During the seven days of the Spring Festival, 42,300 passengers were transported through the "mini three links" and other maritime passenger routes, an increase of 17.32% over the same period last year.

Xia Yan: Simple and Pure Personality and Style of Writing

Since the 1930s, when people evaluate and discuss Xia Yan’s literary and artistic creation and its individual characteristics, they tend to be associated with key words such as realism, refinement, dilution and significance. Just as in July 1943, Ye Shengtao wrote a poem for Xia Yan’s play "Fascist Bacteria", which was well received by all walks of life in Chengdu: "Xia Yan’s style is simple and clear, and Chinese drama art is well-known. I am glad to hear that today’s two difficulties are combined, and I will see the glory moving to Jincheng. " It has to be said that simplicity and elegance are not only the artistic style of Xia Yan’s masterpiece Fascist Bacteria, but also the consistent and beautiful experience brought to readers and audiences by a large number of well-known chapters left by Xia Yan’s various creative practices for more than 60 years.
Xia Yan
Beyond written expression, stage performance, screen projection and other media forms.
The historical situation of the modern world and modern China, especially the development trend of "left-wing" culture and revolutionary literature and art since the May 4th New Culture Movement, together with the integration of China and foreign countries, the intellectual literacy and the literary talent with pure nature and flourishing heart, not only prompted Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and other outstanding ideological enlighteners to give up their own "scientific" ambitions and embark on the road of soul salvation, but also "abandoned their jobs and joined the literature" for young Xia Yan and became China.
According to incomplete statistics, in the whole 20th century, during his revolutionary career and writing practice of more than 60 years, Xia Yan occasionally dabbled in or intensively worked on investigation reports, translated works, current affairs reviews, movie scripts (original or adapted), drama scripts (original or adapted), reportage, short stories, poems, radio plays, news interviews, close-up editorials, newspaper supplements, essays and essays. He has also published or published far-reaching works in the fields of film, drama and literature theory and criticism, wandering freely between creation and theory and criticism, and galloping between originality and translation and adaptation. His carrier spans many different media forms such as written expression, stage performance, broadcast transmission and screen projection. Although in the history of modern culture, many intellectuals have intentionally or unintentionally devoted themselves to this rich and diverse cross-media writing, it is rare to see such extensive, in-depth writing practice as Xia Yan’s, which has made great achievements.
It is particularly noteworthy that Xia Yan’s cross-media writing always meets the needs of the times and reality, and has been developed and gradually completed in his social activities and revolutionary practice. In this process, Xia Yan always turned to many teachers, worked diligently and quietly, and integrated his unique social experience, personality characteristics and spiritual temperament into different genres, themes and media, forming a simple and elegant personality and style of writing. During the "Left-wing League" period, Xia Yan was deeply influenced by Qu Qiubai, and changed and rewritten the seemingly ordinary news report in the newspaper to make it a literary work with ideological significance, artistic appeal and stronger "accusation", so as to freely switch between news style and literary style. Tian Han also made it clear in the preface to "A Story of Sorrow for the City" that Xia Yan’s accomplishment as a journalist is also very helpful to the playwright. In his view, without the sensitivity of the times and familiarity with and insight into social events, Xia Yan might not have written such excellent modern dramas as One Year, Heart Prevention, and A Story of Sorrow for the City. At the same time, Xia Yan’s theory of time or plays made people feel "consistent and sincere thoughts of worrying about the time".
Because of this, Xia Yan will constantly change his professional identity and try to write across the media according to the situation and needs, at least in the fields of reportage (Bonded Worker), drama script (Under the Roof of Shanghai), film script (Spring Silkworm, Blessing, Lin Jiapu) and film theory criticism (Several Problems in Writing Film Script).
Xia Yan (middle) is with Ba Jin (left) and Bing Xin. Information picture
Explore the different characteristics of reportage, stage performance and screen projection
Xia Yan’s great achievements in the field of cross-media writing not only depend on his extraordinary diligence and talent, but also benefit from his mastery of unique media characteristics.
In fact, although the writing of reportage, drama script, film script and even film theory criticism is ostensibly a literal grasp or literary expression, he knows better than anyone that the real audience of these different genres of writing is not "readers" in the general sense, but readers, listeners and audiences who want to gain different insights and inspirations through various media.
Due to specific historical reasons and his important position in modern literature and drama film movement, when Xia Yan entered reportage, drama script and film script creation, he basically had a relatively direct dialogue with the corresponding social groups, stages and cinemas. Therefore, the literariness of writing is always intertwined with the publicity of social concern, the drama of stage performance and the cinematic nature of screen projection. Because of this, this unique cross-media writing must be based on accurately grasping the media characteristics of reportage, stage performance and screen projection, that is, "writing for society", "writing for stage" and "writing for screen".
As far as writing for the screen is concerned. Film is an imported art form. When the "Party’s Film Group" led by Xia Yan was ordered to work as a screenwriter and write film reviews in Shanghai Star Film Company, he should have no personal experience of film as a media characteristic different from literature. However, the great achievements of China’s "Left-wing" film movement can’t be separated from Xia Yan and others’ recognition of the media characteristics of film as a new audio-visual carrier, and their extraordinary efforts in watching one film after another, learning over and over again, and analyzing one frame at a time. Only by truly understanding the characteristics of the narrative, picture, editing, rhythm and genre of movies that are different from those of literature and drama, can Xia Yan win the trust of film directors and production companies more smoothly, and lead the times with a number of excellent plays such as Wild Flow and Spring Silkworm, and create classics in film history. Until 1958, Xia Yan still regarded film plays as a special "business" and a special "learning" with its own special laws and similarities and differences with drama and literature.
It is precisely because we always attach importance to the special laws and media characteristics of film plays that Xia Yan’s "Blessing" and "Lin Jiapu" adapted from Lu Xun’s and Mao Dun’s novels will conquer audiences at home and abroad with their cinematic viewing experience and screen charm, and become simple, elegant and meaningful model works in film history.
The picture of the film "Lin Jiapu" written by Xia Yan.
Expect creators and actors to "have more real life in the play and less drama in the real life"
From beginning to end, Xia Yan kept his dual mission of revolution and literature and art in his heart and shouldered it. What is even more commendable is that Xia Yan did not easily devalue the aesthetic function of literary and artistic creation because of his revolutionary cause, or put aside his spiritual appeal of directly attacking the human soul. On the contrary, a revolutionary’s affinity and intellectual’s bookish spirit always lingered between Xia Yan’s lines, showing a clear track of increasingly profound realism and charming charm in his simple and elegant style of writing.
Xia Yan’s pursuit of realism is not only related to his "engineering" experience in his youth, but also related to his social mission as a professional revolutionary. Similarly, the pursuit of realism is not only a broad road for the May 4th Movement to forge ahead for modern literature, but also inseparable from Xia Yan’s personal temperament of being good at facing reality, always caring for the people and loving the world.
In an article, Wu Zuguang once pointed out that reading Xia Yan’s works, whether scripts, essays or political sketches, will make people think of Chekhov’s "conciseness" and "significance"; Even in appearance, Xia Yan and Chekhov, holding a cane and holding a pipe, look like "quietly observing the world", which is the realistic feature of Xia Yan’s creation. In the screenplay Spring Silkworm, the silkworm breeding nest and rural life are almost recorded, and the colorful metropolis features and all kinds of people in the screenplay Spring Silkworm, the drama screenplay A Corner of the City and Under the Roof of Shanghai, as well as the "realistic description of the characters as much as possible" in the large historical drama Sai Jinhua, have all made important contributions to the development of China’s realistic movies and dramas. The drama One Year is also called "calm and promising realism" by literary historians.
Of course, in the "quiet observation" of the world, Xia Yan showed his calmness in facing the reality and his kindness in caring for the common people. However, he also emphasized more enthusiasm and abundance in going deep into life and discussing the "inner revelation" and "spiritual world" of the characters, and asked the creators and actors to "have more real life in the play and less drama in the real life". From the inside out, we should respect the inevitability and rationality of facts, environment and characters’ words and deeds, and master the accurate proper limit based on reality and the original appearance of human nature, without making useless cries or malicious concealment. This creative practice and literary concept saturated with Marxist humanitarianism can not only appreciate its elegance in Blessing and Lin Jiapu, but also give endless influence and inspiration to later generations.
Indeed, Xia Yan’s simple and elegant writing style, his successful cross-media writing, his unique grasp of media characteristics and his profound pursuit of realism complement each other, making outstanding contributions to China’s culture and art in the 20th century, and leaving a valuable cultural and artistic heritage for future generations. (Li Daoxin, Vice President of Peking University Art Institute, "Changjiang Scholar" distinguished professor)

Cross-Strait Neighborhood Fuzhou Community Celebrates Life, Fujian-Taiwan Integration, Revival and Revitalization

  Zhongxin. com, Fuzhou, December 19 (Ye Qiuyun) "Lifelong education is related to the old and the young. It is more meaningful for compatriots on both sides of the strait who live in Jianhua community to promote the construction of a cross-strait integrated lifelong education model demonstration community." On the 19th, Chen Xiurong, honorary president of Fuzhou Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association and chairman of Fuzhou Xianshi Enterprise Co., Ltd., said in Fuzhou.

The picture shows young people in Taiwan Province performing guzheng in Jianhua Community. Ye Qiuyun

  On the same day, a cross-strait community celebration was held in Jianhua Community, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. On the stage, performers from both sides of the strait gave wonderful performances; Under the stage, the old "birthday stars" applauded constantly.

  In recent years, with the deepening of social aging in China, the demand for aging education and lifelong education has increased rapidly. In September, 2017, Fujian Provincial Department of Education established Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center based on Fujian Open University, and carried out lifelong education research, management and service for the whole province of Fujian.

  "We found that the elderly have a strong willingness to accept new things, and their enthusiasm for learning is also very high." Chen Cheng, the teaching affairs department of Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center, said that from February to November, 2023, the project of "Helping the Elderly into Communities with Wisdom" had entered 31 communities in Fuzhou, delivered 108 classes and served more than 3,000 elderly students offline.

  Cross-strait lifelong education exchanges and cooperation began with adult education, and now it has extended to continuing education, lifelong education, learning city, community education, education for the elderly (old age, old age) and so on. At present, the sub-district office of the Ministry of Water Affairs, Jianhua Community and Fujian Lifelong Education Center are jointly building a cross-strait integrated lifelong education model.

  "In the future, we will send seven teachers from Taiwan Province to teach in Jianhua Community, including handicrafts, psychological counseling, family education, guzheng and pipa." Tan Jiaming, director of the Cross-Strait Youth Research Center of the Committee for the Care of the Next Generation in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, one of the organizers of the event, said.

  At present, the cross-strait integration lifelong education center is under construction. As the head of the Preparatory Committee of the Cross-Strait Integration Lifelong Education Center, Yu Jianfeng said that under the guidance of Fujian Lifelong Education Service Center, in the first three months, they had carried out normalized cross-strait integration style training and exchange in Jianhua Community, and students from both sides of the strait studied calligraphy, Ba Duan Jin, yoga and other courses together. "Today’s activity is just one of the links. It has organized cross-strait community residents to celebrate their birthdays together, bringing closer ties between the neighbors on both sides of the strait."

  Chen Xiurong also believes that sending young people from Taiwan Province to the community can make cross-strait integration more active, closer to people’s daily life, and more acceptable to compatriots on both sides of the strait for cross-strait exchanges and integration. (End)

At the end of the year, the auto market started to cut prices again? Multi-policy plus code to promote automobile consumption

Near the end of the year, the sales of car companies entered a "sprint" stage. In order to attract consumers who had been waiting to see before, some car brands introduced measures such as car purchase subsidies and limited time concessions. How about car companies promoting consumption benefit?

At the end of the year, the auto market started to cut prices.

Store new car delivery is busy

In a car 4S shop in Shanghai, the reporter saw that many consumers were consulting about buying a car. The person in charge told the reporter that since December, in order to increase the market share, the brand has launched many promotional activities. The preferential strength of a pure electric vehicle has reached 20,000 yuan, and now the average daily delivery of the store is nearly 20 units.

Zhu Aimeng, sales director of a 4S shop in Shanghai: At present, the sales volume has an upward trend, and some models (sales volume) have reached 60% growth. Near the end of the year, the delivery volume will be relatively large, and there may be more on weekends.

In addition, at the end of the year, major car companies also launched preferential activities on the replacement of "oil to electricity". In a 4S shop of a new energy vehicle in Suzhou, Mr. Bao, the owner, is preparing to replace a new energy vehicle with a fuel vehicle that he has been driving for 6 years, and he can enjoy a subsidy of 5,000 yuan.

The person in charge told the reporter that since the second half of this year, customers have great demand for vehicle replacement, and 70% of store sales are fuel vehicles replacing new energy vehicles. At present, in addition to cash subsidies, stores have also launched some replacement offers.

Ma Yun, general manager of an automobile 4S shop in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province: There are some models with free color options, and some with wheel hub sizes. In fact, some configurations have been added to reduce the price. Now the amount of goods entering the store is obviously more than last month.

Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association: In order to maintain the sales level, some car companies have made great efforts in price promotion at the end of the year. Using profits to flush sales is to ensure the effective operation of all links in the industrial chain.

Consumer vouchers plus subsidies

Multi-policy plus code to promote automobile consumption

In addition to the promotion activities of car companies and dealers, many governments have also introduced subsidy policies such as car purchase coupons.

Since the end of November, Suzhou has launched a digital RMB red envelope subsidy without threshold for car purchase. If the car price is between 200,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan, you can get a red envelope of 4,000 yuan, and if the car price is above 300,000 yuan, you can get a red envelope subsidy of 6,000 yuan. The person in charge of a 4S shop told reporters that government subsidies and brand concessions have attracted many consumers to book cars.

Lu Ying, sales manager of a 4S shop in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province: Like last weekend, the average sales volume in a single day was more than 30 units, and the daily turnover reached 13 million yuan.

Nanjing has introduced different car purchase subsidies for fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles. Among them, 4,000 yuan will be subsidized for fuel vehicles with a price of more than 200,000 yuan, and 5,000 yuan will be subsidized for new energy vehicles.

Shenzhen, Jinan, Changsha, Jiaxing and other places have also introduced car subsidy policies in the near future. The issuance of automobile coupons has promoted the centralized release of consumers’ "just need", and car buyers with family travel and business needs have considered placing orders at the end of the year.

Since the beginning of this year, China’s automobile market has maintained a rapid growth trend. Data show that from January to October this year, China’s automobile sales reached 23.967 million, up 9.1% year-on-year. Among them, new energy vehicles performed particularly well, with sales of 7.28 million vehicles, up 37.8% year-on-year, and the market share reached 30.4%. According to industry insiders, at the end of the year, car companies will concentrate on promoting profits and overlapping local subsidy policies, and car sales are expected to achieve new breakthroughs.

Wang Chao, Vice President of Suzhou Automobile Circulation Industry Association, Jiangsu Province: This kind of subsidy can best benefit the general public. As the traditional festival in China is coming, automobile consumption, as a mass consumption product, is also a product that many families prefer to purchase centrally at the end of the year.

Source: CCTV Finance WeChat public account

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

BEIJING, Beijing, March 25 (Reporter Yan Xiaohong) The reporter learned on the 25th that the opening ceremony of China International Fashion Week 2023 autumn and winter and the world premiere festival of 2023 were held in Beijing 751D·PARK, thus opening the curtain of China International Fashion Week.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

This season, China International Fashion Week is guided by the Beijing Municipal People’s Government, China Textile Industry Federation and sponsored by China Fashion Designers Association. AW23 China International Fashion Week, with the theme of "extreme creation and roaming", will stage nearly 100 heavy fashion activities, focusing on China’s aesthetics, intangible innovation, trends, sustainable fashion, fashion meta-universe, cross-border commerce and trade, and intellectual property rights, and strive to promote the overall recovery of China’s fashion industry.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

Chen Dapeng, vice president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, said that China International Fashion Week has always been adhering to the mission and vision of helping China design and promoting industrial development, focusing on the cultivation of "masters, big names and big events" in the fashion industry, creating a mainstream authoritative platform for local fashion release in China, showing fashion creativity, advocating design innovation, promoting brand image, and holding high the banner of "China Aesthetics" with a compatible mind, which has played an important role in the progress of original design in China, the promotion of fashion discourse power and international exchanges and cooperation.

2023 is a crucial year for the construction of Beijing as an international consumption center city. China International Fashion Week, as one of the landmark key activities of Beijing’s consumption season in 2023, is also a pre-heating activity of the world premiere festival in 2023. This season, China International Fashion Week continues to build the first landmark of China’s fashion business, and realizes consumption linkage by designing new products, new works and new talents for the global "first launch".

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

At the opening ceremony, the launching ceremony of Yunshang Town 2023 China Fashion Technology Award and Hongxing Erke Youth Co-creation Design Competition was held, aiming at excavating and commending outstanding technical talents in the fields of fashion modeling and technology, creating China fashion artists and promoting the high-quality development of China’s fashion industry.

The China Fashion Designers Association, China Textile Information Center, National Textile Product Development Center, sponsored the release of China textile fabric fashion trends in autumn and winter of 2023/24. Guided by the core concept of "harmony", it made a dynamic release of seven categories of fashion trends, providing a clear idea for the fashion upgrade of China textile industry, from technical innovation, design innovation to fabric innovation.

China International Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2023 drives the recovery of China’s fashion industry. Photo by China International Fashion Week Organizing Committee

China International Fashion Week’s "China Aesthetics" has refreshed its creativity this season. Many brands have turned their attention to ancient myths, Shan Hai Jing, Sanxingdui Culture, Romance of Gods, Dunhuang Art, China Color, Five Elements Culture, Oriental Philosophy, Historical Heroes, Literary Allusions, Ink Painting and Calligraphy, China Gardens, Classical Architecture, Classical Opera, Song Dynasty Aesthetics, Ceramic Culture, Zhuang Brocade Art, Chinese Danxia, Mongolian Culture, etc., and have compared China Aesthetics with. (End)

The price has soared and some of them have been sold out! Those who want to travel quickly prepare.

Near New Year’s Day, Spring Festival and Winter Holiday.

Is the desire of many friends to travel far away more and more intense?

However, those who want to go out should pay attention!

During the Spring Festival of 2024, the number of air ticket bookings has begun.

Economy class air tickets for some popular domestic destinations have been

Spring Festival travel rush in 2024

From January 26th to March 5th.

A total of 40 days

The price situation inquired by a travel client on December 12 th. The reporter of News Square inquired about the travel APP and found that in December and January,

The price inquired by a travel client on December 12 will last until February 7 and 8, that is,

The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.

The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.

The price inquired by a travel client on December 12th.


If there are citizens who plan to travel during the Spring Festival holiday,

Is it appropriate to start buying air tickets now?

Insiders say this is also necessary.

With the recovery of outbound demand

Passengers’ willingness to travel internationally has improved significantly.

Recently, international flights are also continuing to "get new"

China Southern Airlines plans to

From December 12th.

Resume the Zhengzhou-London direct flight route

A new Guangzhou-Zhengzhou-Luxembourg route will be opened on December 21st.

December to January next year

China Eastern Airlines plans to add recovery.

Shanghai flies directly to Cairo, Fukuoka and Dubai.

Brisbane and many other routes.

International and regional routes are expected before the end of the year.

Reach 80% in 2019

According to the data of many online travel booking platforms in China, with

The increase in demand will also speed up the resumption of flights. At present, many cities in China have opened direct flights to Malaysia and other places. In response to the growth of travel demand, airlines have also begun to make capacity adjustment and deployment.

New Year’s Day and Spring Festival holidays

Do you have any travel plans?

Have you bought the plane ticket?

If the time has been arranged,

We must seize the last chance to find out!

Life is about culture, and people with culture can laugh at the end.

When it comes to culture, some people say that I went to college and studied as a graduate student, so I am a literate person. In fact, this is just a person’s education and diploma, not a real culture.

So, what is culture? Broadly speaking, culture refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings. Nowadays, there are many interpretations of the definition of culture, but in any case, culture can not be separated from literacy, and culture can not be separated from consciousness. A literate person is a person who can strive for goodness, progress and progress, a person who pursues personality charm, and a person who can be strictly self-disciplined. Such a person is a literate person with connotation.

Culture, culture, is to educate people. Wen is a civilization, and Wen is a literary spirit! Human society, from ignorance to civilization, this is the progress of society and the development of the times. A person with quality is a person who can arm his mind with culture. Such a person is a literate person and a civilized person.

Literature needs literature, but also needs culture. We should "create" people with literature and inspire people with literature, so as to keep pace with the times, keep pace with civilization, keep moving forward and strengthen ourselves. The Chinese nation has a long and splendid history and culture of 5,000 years, which makes us proud and glorious. The ancient sages have left us countless famous sayings that inspire people’s minds. These are the great wisdom of life, from which we can absorb spiritual nutrition, implant culture in our hearts, infiltrate into people’s bone marrow, and become a powerful spiritual driving force for life growth.

Culture and culture are precious in a word "Hua", and culture can be imperceptibly influenced; Culture can be passed down; Culture needs the unity of knowing and doing, being a man should talk less and do more, keep a low profile and do things with a high profile, which is the charm of culture. People live in reality, the commodity economy is a pluralistic society, colorful, singing and dancing, and all kinds of temptations come to us. Many people can’t stand the temptation of feasting, forget their initial heart, lose their kindness, empty spirit, impetuous mood, money first and self first; Some people make a lot of money, but they have no spiritual support, and eventually they fall down on the road of life.

There was a network anchor named Viya. In two years, she evaded taxes by 643 million yuan, and finally the tax authorities fined her a total of 1.341 billion yuan. She earns hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Some people don’t understand why she should do such a thing as tax evasion when she earns so much money a day. To put it bluntly, it is greed, which is the lack of culture. The lack of greed has been verified in her. People, if they leave morality and kindness, they will be greedy and will eventually be harmed by greed. Such examples are heard from time to time in reality.

A person can make money without money. Modern society provides everyone with a platform for self-development. As long as a person can work hard and strive for self-improvement, he can find his own life stage. If a person has no morality and culture, even if he earns a lot of money, he will eventually "spit it out". This is called settling accounts after the autumn, which is also called what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around comes around. This is the causal relationship of life, and it is also a cultural embodiment of being a man.

To be a cultured person, this culture is to be a self-disciplined person, a person who can control his own behavior, a person who can control his own mouth, and a person who can control his own behavior. Perhaps some people will say that it is really too difficult and too bitter to be a man like this. In fact, suffering is also a kind of culture. If you eat bitter, you can be a master. If you don’t be a master, you have to consciously look for bitterness. This is a self-disciplined life. If you don’t suffer hardships in life, you won’t get rewards. Take pleasure in suffering, take pleasure in suffering, and strive for a life. This is the culture of being a man and a man with literacy.

China beauty cosmetics market is full of vitality.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe

"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.

At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.

According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.

In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.

China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.

The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.

First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.

Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.

Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.

Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.

Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.

With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.

If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.

(Interview with Zhou Ying)

Is the beauty and skin care rolled up like this? These China ingredients are really amazing.

# Headline Creation Challenge #

China good ingredients, cured my skin care internal friction.

If you are a beauty lover or a skincare expert, you must have studied the popular "ingredients".

Are beauty and skin care ingredients safe? Is it effective? Is it suitable for your skin? Can products with the same ingredients be "leveled"? These are also topics of concern to everyone.

In fact, more and more people have become interest-oriented and research-oriented consumer groups, changing from "identifying brands" to "identifying ingredients".

A huge amount of statistical data shows that from the first quarter of 2021 to the second quarter of 2022, the number of short videos of beauty and the number of searches for beauty content in Tik Tok continued to rise. Content such as "ingredient upgrade", "efficacy skin care", "compound ingredients" and "pure beauty" have all increased in different proportions.

In order to promote the development of domestic brands and local beauty and skin care ingredients, so that domestic brands can have a reliable technical core and style construction, Bazaar Fashion and ByteDance Marketing Service Brand Huge Engine launched the second season project of "Great China Ingredients".

In the last season, Bazaar and Huge Engine joined forces with six domestic brands and thousands of talented people Tik Tok to plant grass. The second season’s "Great China Composition" will bring the public a deeper understanding of the hard work behind the composition.

In the second season, we will gain insight into the market trend with the 2022 Beauty White Paper with a huge number of engines, with many platform leaders such as Zhu Zixiao, Cui Jianan, Zhu Xiaohan and Rika_ Huahua as the endorsements of China, and communicate with the public through interactive challenges, e-commerce live broadcasts and other multidimensional activities to help the public see more great China brands.

What exactly is the great China component? Let’s follow the people to find out.

Peer Zhu

Functional skin care ingredients can solve skin problems. When a domestic brand can create an exclusive "core ingredient", this brand can really make China skin care to a higher level in the world.

Cui jianan

If our brand can absorb the essence from the traditional skin care culture and combine modern scientific research technology to meet the needs of segmented consumers and provide good products that everyone really needs, it will be great.

Zhu xiaohan

Despite the fierce competition in the beauty industry, there are still domestic brands that insist on pursuing the details of ingredient research and development and constantly innovate and upgrade in the field of skin care. Their ingredients are excellent, safe and reliable, and their prices are close to the people. They have explained what is the "great China ingredient" with practical actions.

Rika_ huahua

A title with "great China ingredients" must be able to understand and study the needs of local people, research and develop ingredients and technologies, and then constantly research, upgrade and interact, and can accept and be willing to accept the public feedback after the innovation. This is the attitude that brands should maintain in making products.

In the past, people’s understanding of ingredients mostly came from advertisements of international brands and endorsements of foreign raw materials companies.

Now, the rising domestic products are driving the development of China’s characteristic ingredients in their own way.


China scientific research system innovation × raw material and formula technology innovation.

Explore and draw inspiration from global raw materials, transform China’s cutting-edge scientific research achievements, and drive technological innovation of raw materials and formulas with China’s scientific research innovation.

mentionPMPMMany people will think of exploring the Piedmont forest white truffle series. This series contains two core components: PMPM and Ashland, a global TOP10 raw material supplier, jointly developed.TruDiamond? white truffle precise positioning extract, can promote skin metabolism; Co-developed with Cosmetic Innovation Center of Jiangnan University.EquilYeast? yeast lysate extractIt can effectively resist sugar and suppress black. The research and development of the two exclusive ingredients is PMPM.Raw material innovationA solid step forward.

In 2022,PMPMWelcome three authoritative scientists in the industry with more than 70 years of scientific research experience.The scientific research system has been comprehensively upgraded., driveProduct innovation. PMPM focuses on the pain points of essence products and adopts water-oil dual-phase formula to innovate."Supramolecular self-osmosis technology"Control the separation speed of water and oil, and form a stable water-in-oil (micro-water droplets) state by shaking the product, so that the product can reachBetter penetrationandStronger efficacy.

Eventually bornPMPM white truffle oil essenceIt is an innovative creation based on the needs of consumers in China, which is deeply reflected."Multi-dimensional efficacy", "streamlining skin care" and "nourishing skin with oil"Three major trends, while at the same timeMeet the needs of various skin types.

Doing difficult and correct things is a brave exploration and breakthrough innovation of China’s original skin care brand.

Lifelong research

Quantitative efficacy nursing scheme × accurate repair sensitivity

Divide sensitive types into different categories, and research products for different sensitive types to achieve precise repair.

There is no best product, only the product that suits you best. The lifelong research on skin problems holds that sensitivity is a complex skin problem with multiple mechanisms and manifestations, and different users have different mechanisms of sensitivity. To this end, the lifelong research has developed a problem skin test to help users care more scientifically and rationally. Users can learn about their skin condition from here, find a suitable solution to their skin problems, and then choose targeted products.

Among them, designed forOil sensitive muscleDevelopedFive rings essence 2.0, but also achieved a leap forward. It is also a popular ingredient olive leaf extract, and the five-ring essence 2.0 is based onSupramolecular oliveInstead of the traditional olive leaf extract, the original reddish soothing raw material group was upgraded to saffron and citrus fruit extract.Bilishu plusThe addition concentration is further improved. However, the overall concept of the product remains unchanged: the five links are coordinated, and the problem oil-sensitive muscles are carried out at the same time.Root cause improvement. No matter whether it is ingredient upgrading or synergistic compounding, the lifelong research never goes with the flow and constantly explores more possibilities of innovation.

In addition, the lifelong research also takes into account the problem of dry and sensitive skin, and creates a brand-new five-ring oil, which focuses on barrier repair and moisturizing and anti-wrinkle, so that sensitive skin in different States can achieve a more comprehensive repair with five rings.

Go straight to the root of the problem and get it all around.This is the precise repair answer given by China.

Letter from spring

China Original × Three-body Double-position Double-throw VC

Challenge international technical problems and find original solutions across borders.

In 2006, the founder of Chunri Letter, Mr. Bian Qianjin, graduated from Jiangnan University with a major in fine chemical engineering, and began to practice in the skin care industry. After discovering that VC is easy to be oxidized and inactivated, it tries to challenge the internationally recognized technical problem of "VC stability".

The common way to solve the stability of VC in the world is to sacrifice efficacy and choose vitamin C derivatives with poor efficacy. Either sacrifice the price advantage and adopt the high-cost "gouache" separation method. It is necessary to achieve VC stability and high efficiency, but also to make the price affordable to the public. In spring, I wrote to create three major schemes of "water, oil and powder" with three bodies and two warehouses, ensuring thatHigh activity and stability of vitamin C.. This method requires not only the ability of the formulator, but also special VC powder.

The beauty industry could not find a solution, so it went to the medical industry to find it. In cooperation with the global VC supplier (Unacon, China), Chunri wrote to customize micron-sized ultrafine VC powder, and developed the world’s first water-oil powder separation.Three-body and two-bin throwing VC essence. While ensuring the stability and high efficiency of each prototype VC, the refreshing skin feeling and high cost performance also make more people choose the spring letter. The founder of the brand said that he enjoyed it, because the mission of technicians to start a business is to challenge technical problems.

This is China’s element transcending imitation and pursuing originality.

Ou shiman

China Pearl ×SCI International Recognition

Specializing in pearl research for 55 years, self-developed innovative whitening ingredient Zhenbaiyin ?Pro.

There has always been a controversy about the whitening of pearls.

Ou shimanMr. Shen Lao, the founder of the company, has been cultivating pearls since the 1960s. He has always believed that pearl whitening will be recognized. 55 years of pearl research, letOu shimanFrom small pearls, 1437 species were successfully identified.Pearl active polypeptide component. Therefore, pearl whitening is no longer an "ancient" and "false white" component in the "legend".

Ou shimanPublished a paper in the international SCI journal, which verified the extraction from pearls.Zhenbaiyin ?ProMechanism of whitening. The verification method is completely in accordance with internationally recognized standards. The paper proves that: Zhenbaiyin ?ProThe mechanism of action is different from the common whitening component of focused tyrosinase, but it directly acts on the upstream of tyrosinase-endothelin-1, cutting off the melanin signal, thus inhibiting the formation of melanin earlier.

Ou shimanIn order to better improve.Zhenbaiyin ?ProThe purity of raw materials and preserved whitening activity were further purified by vacuum freeze-drying method, which was successfully improved.Zhenbaiyin ?ProComposition purity and raw material utilization rate.

Ou shiman55 years of specialized research on pearls, through four core technologies, self-research and innovation of whitening ingredients.Zhenbaiyin(zhenbaiyin refers to pearl extract), which can inhibit tyrosinase activity up to.58.64%2(Data from Osman Pearl Research Institute, based on the experiment of inhibiting tyrosinase activity in vitro by raw materials), upgraded version.Zhenbaiyin ?Pro(Zhenbaiyin ?Pro means: hydrolyzed conchiolin), and the source can be suppressed by black.99.37%3(The data comes from the third-party Boxi Bio "Active substance whitening detection based on ET-1 stimulated melanin model"). Suitable for Chinese skin,Efficient whitening is not irritating.

This is China’s component proving itself by international standards.

On the Significance of "Great China Composition"

Peer Zhu"Great China Ingredients" popularizes the excellent domestic skin care ingredients to more consumers, so that consumers can know their choices more clearly, not blindly buying, and the growing strength of our domestic products. At the same time, it also saves a lot of publicity costs for merchants and brands, so that some high-quality domestic brands can quickly get out of the circle.

Cui Jianan:Paying attention to ingredients is actually the embodiment of rational consumption. A huge number of engines find trends, make wind-makers, brands study good ingredients, content creators publish good content, and try to make the research results of brands interesting so that everyone can be interested and love to watch and use them. I hope we can work together to make our domestic products go steadily and further. Maybe in the future, people all over the world can see the China brand on their dressing tables; China can be found in skin care products all over the world.

Zhu Xiaotong:Domestic products are not only sentimental, cost-effective, but also have many original leading ingredients. I hope more people can understand the core competitiveness of domestic products and the ingredients of China! It is also the "Great China Component" that gives these down-to-earth domestic brands a chance to be recognized and loved by the public, and makes domestic products go global.

Rika_ huahua:The "Great China Component" enables consumers to make rational judgments on products. In fact, it is a good thing that the ingredients are open and popular. After consumers judge and choose domestic brands and really experience the use, they can build a trust in products and brands, so that domestic brands can be further truly passed on from mouth to mouth.

Integrate the rapid development of domestic and foreign resources, tailor-made for Chinese people, go beyond imitation and pursue originality, and prove yourself by international standards … More and more China ingredients are being born. More and more national brands began to invest in the development of exclusive ingredients. Whether it’s customizing to the cutting-edge raw material companies, cooperating with universities, or more actively breaking down the barriers of food, medicine and cosmetics, and taking greater steps by combining the industrial chain advantages of various industries …

Great China brands are no longer substitutes for foreign brands, but are on the road of rising.

The great China ingredients will not be imitators of imported ingredients, but will surely be a key step in the brand building of domestic products.