Twenty-four solar terms | beginning of autumn: The heat is unbearable, and the autumn in the meteorological sense has not yet arrived.

August 7th is the beginning of autumn in the 24 solar terms. Although the solar terms have the word "autumn", this year’s beginning of autumn has not brought the coolness of autumn. In most parts of the country, the high temperature is still scorching the earth. In the Yangtze River basin, Huaihe River basin and Yellow River basin controlled by subtropical high, the temperature can be called hot summer. The highest temperature in Shanghai will remain above 37 degrees in the coming week, and Nanjing, Wuhan and Chongqing, which are located inland, are pointing to 40 degrees.
"beginning of autumn is only an astronomical autumn, not a meteorological one." Cheng Peng, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said, "The fashion in beginning of autumn is in dog days, so it’s still a little hot. There is a folk saying that it is an autumn tiger. However, China has a vast territory. In many places in the north, it has been a little cold in the morning and evening after beginning of autumn, and most of the south is still in the heat. "
On August 6th, 2022, beginning of autumn is coming in Huai ‘an, Jiangsu, and the pomegranate trees in Lotus Park are covered with red fruits. Vision china diagram"It’s chilly in beginning of autumn early, and it’s hot in beginning of autumn late."The so-called "autumn in astronomical sense" was established by the ancients according to the observation of the law of the sun’s operation. The Almanac says, "The southwest dimension refers to beginning of autumn". When the Big Dipper refers to the southwest and the sun reaches 135 degrees, it is the time when the beginning of autumn solar term comes.
According to this astronomical standard, accurately speaking, this year’s beginning of autumn will officially arrive at 20: 29 on August 7th, Beijing time, which is already after dark.
"There is a proverb that says,’ It’s chilly in beginning of autumn in the morning, and it’s hot in beginning of autumn at night.’ This year in beginning of autumn, it’s after eight o’clock in the evening, so the summer heat will continue, and it will probably end before and after it comes out. Bi Xuling, director of the Folk Custom and Intangible Heritage Research Office of the Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, has studied the 24 solar terms proverbs. She found that the ancient solar terms agricultural proverbs can still fit and predict the temperature, which is very scientific. "Because solar terms reflect the operation of the sun, the temperature is determined by the sun in the final analysis. After long-term observation, the ancients summed up this law, which proved to be very effective. If you analyze it with the knowledge of modern meteorology, you will find that the reasons are very complicated, such as the influence of subtropical high. "
The ancients called the hottest period of the year "dog days". "In fact, it is not hot after beginning of autumn, which is related to whether it is out." Bi Xuling mentioned that the time of "three volts" is also not fixed, ranging from 30 days to 40 days. "The initial and final volts are 10 days, and the time of two volts is not necessarily, sometimes 10 days, sometimes 20 days." The length of the second day depends on the date of the third Geng day after the summer solstice every year, and the third Geng day after the summer solstice falls into the sky. "So the solar terms are closely related to the dog days. By observing the weather of the solar terms in the dog days, the ancients summed up the law of predicting the length of the dog days." This year’s dog days will last for 40 days from July 16th to August 24th.
In fact, among the 24 solar terms, the solar term after beginning of autumn is the summer, and the summer, the light summer and the big summer are all solar terms representing high temperature. After the summer, the summer heat gradually subsided and the temperature began to fall.
What we usually call autumn is the autumn in the meteorological sense. There are strict meteorological standards: the average daily temperature is below 22℃ for five consecutive days, and the subsequent weather conditions are stable, then we will count the first day as autumn. By this standard, it will take time for the real autumn to come.
The ancient agricultural custom "basking in autumn" has entered the public’s field of vision.
Autumn is the harvest season, at the same time, the hot temperature has come to an end, and the customs in beginning of autumn are mostly around these two points.
"Corresponding to beginning of spring biting spring, beginning of autumn also has the custom of biting and gnawing autumn, which not only welcomes the arrival of autumn, but also has the effect of keeping healthy and preventing autumn dryness." Cheng Peng mentioned that beginning of autumn is the time limit for tasting some foods, and fruits and vegetables have a bumper harvest. People pay attention to "tasting autumn fresh".
In northern China, beginning of autumn’s "biting autumn" food is watermelon, commonly known as "biting melon". It is believed that eating watermelons in beginning of autumn can clear the gastrointestinal impurities in summer and avoid diarrhea in winter and next spring. This custom has a long history. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Tao’s "Tianjin Miscellanies Customs at the Age of Years" recorded: "When beginning of autumn eats melons, he bites autumn to avoid diarrhea."
Children are eating watermelon "gnawing autumn" to welcome the arrival of beginning of autumn. Vision china map corresponds to long summer, and beginning of autumn people also have the habit of weighing. If the weight is lighter than that of long summer, it is called "bitter summer". If you lose weight, you need to make up for it. Therefore, beginning of autumn has the custom of "sticking on autumn fat". In the northern region, beginning of autumn "sticks to autumn fat" to eat meat, while ordinary people eat stewed meat, while those who pay attention to it eat boiled meat, braised pork, jiaozi with minced meat, stewed chicken, stewed duck and so on.Fang Yun, a lecturer at the School of International Education of Shanghai University and a doctor of folklore, mentioned a beginning of autumn custom of "basking in the autumn" that has entered the public’s field of vision in recent years.
"Sunbathing in autumn is a typical agricultural custom phenomenon in beginning of autumn with strong regional characteristics. Villagers living in mountainous areas such as Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan, Guangxi, etc., because of the complex terrain, there are very few flat areas in the village, so they have to use the roofs in front of the house and behind their own windowsills to rack and hang crops, which has evolved into a traditional agricultural custom phenomenon over time. "
Sunbathing in autumn in Wuyuan, Shangrao, Jiangxi. Vision china map is different from many disappearing solar terms customs. "Sunbathing in autumn" was only a common agricultural custom phenomenon in ancient times, but in recent years, the agricultural custom scene of "sunbathing in autumn" in mountain villages has become an autumn landscape that tourists deliberately chase and watch. In this way, Wuling, Wuyuan, Jiangxi, created the "Earthy Autumn Festival", which opened in Liqiu. This festival strengthens the protection and display of folk culture represented by sun-drying autumn through celebrations. It was selected into the list of typical cases of domestic tourism promotion in 2020, and it is also the top ten outstanding cases of "non-legacy and tourism integration" in 2019."The folk custom of sunbathing in autumn has the dual marks of landscape narrative and ritual narrative. In rural areas, the visible landscape of festival ceremony is relatively immobile, which can solidify the folk tradition and form a stable narrative identity, which is the premise of folk tourism. The famous’ Huangling Sunbathing in Autumn’ takes the local custom of Huangling as a ritual narrative way, and turns the static crop landscape into a performance of customs. When performers and tourists interact in the behavioral ceremony, tourists can experience and participate in the construction of rural landscape. " Fang Yun thinks. "Sunbathing in the Autumn Festival" comes into public view, which is a typical case of the folk custom of the twenty-four solar terms regaining its brilliance in the contemporary era. The ancient solar terms still have their unique charm and can connect with modern life.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Economic Daily and JD.COM released data: seasonal fruits are more popular.

Data source: JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development.
"Fresh home" is a big business opportunity.
With the increase of per capita consumption expenditure and the upgrading of diet consumption, consumers’ demand for high-quality fruits is increasing. At the same time, the fruit retail business model tends to be diversified, consumers have more choices, and the fruit consumption market is becoming broader. But no matter how the market changes, freshness is still a big business opportunity.
From the sales trend, the fruits of origin continue to realize the vertical expansion of the region and the horizontal innovation of the species. In early summer, loquat, blueberry, cherry, litchi and other fruits come in droves, and seasonality and freshness become the most important labels. Taking cherries as an example, Dalian Meizao cherries continue to sell well all over the country, and the proportion of consumption in Guangdong, Beijing, Sichuan and other places continues to increase. In terms of species, in addition to Feizixiao litchi, white sugar poppy, glutinous rice paste and other litchi varieties have also received high attention from consumers.
From the perspective of channel development, online and offline sales of fruits are constantly integrating with each other. Consumers can choose offline supermarkets to buy, or they can choose online orders to buy. They can also receive goods faster through the instant consumption platform, link online and offline, and open up an omni-channel model to continuously enrich shopping scenes. On the whole, the scale of instant consumption in the fruit consumption market has grown steadily, which has become an important driving force for consumers to upgrade their fruit plates in China.
It is worth noting that the main consumer groups of online fruits are mainly young people, who pay more attention to physical health and nutritional collocation. High-quality fruits represented by cherries, durians and lychees are more likely to be favored by this consumer group.
From the perspective of quality assurance, the continuous extension and deepening of the supply chain of fruit industry is very important. At present, consumers are demanding higher and higher fruit quality. When buying fruit, the primary concern is whether the fruit is fresh, followed by the sweetness and maturity of the fruit, and whether the water is sufficient. Enterprises should try their best to let high-quality fresh fruits enter the consumer market at a faster speed and lower price. Therefore, from the quality control of direct harvesting of origin, to the professional cold chain logistics and distribution, and then to the omni-channel sales model, enterprises need to constantly improve all aspects of the industrial supply chain, and strive to make every fruit "fresh".
(Author: Dong Fei, Senior Research Fellow, JD.COM Institute of Consumption and Industrial Development)

Does a pace of 7-8 minutes per kilometer count as running?

A running friend asked Lao Wang a question: "If it takes me 15 minutes to run for 2 kilometers, is this speed too slow? Can I still be considered running?"

Generally speaking, the definition of running is that the human body’s center of gravity is constantly improving, falling and moving horizontally as a cycle, and through continuous alternating movement of legs, it pushes on the ground to make the body move forward quickly.

Therefore, according to this definition, even a speed of 7-8 minutes can be considered as running.

When it comes to the pace of 7-8 minutes per kilometer, different people will have different reactions. Some people think it is too slow, while others think it is just right. This degree of difficulty depends entirely on the individual’s physical fitness level and training plan and other factors.

From another point of view, the closing time of a 10-kilometer official running race is 90 minutes, which means that the average pace per kilometer is 9 minutes. Although this speed is not fast, it can still be considered qualified.

If you want to improve your running speed, don’t worry!As long as you keep running, your running speed will gradually increase!

Running is a healthy and physical exercise. In the process of running, it is equally important to achieve the goal and experience the fun of sports, not just for the pursuit of speed or competition results.

Running is not only a healthy exercise, but also a social activity that can be shared with others. Runners of different degrees can exchange their experiences, share their opinions, encourage and support each other to achieve higher goals.

Therefore, the significance of running involves not only speed and competition, but also more.Health, happiness and socialityAnd many other aspects. Running can not only improve physical endurance and flexibility, but also give people psychological satisfaction and social connection with others.

For ordinary runners, the initial motivation for running is almost always to stay healthy. In the pursuit of healthy running, the speed of running is actually not the most important factor.

Lao Wang is also a long-term runner directly. I insist on "healthy running" rather than "speed running". There are runners who have been running for more than ten or twenty years around me, and we all have a common view: with the extension of running time, we realize more and more deeply-Jogging is the essence of health..

Moderate jogging can help improve heart and lung function, improve metabolic rate, consume body fat, and even help prevent and improve some diseases. Compared with high-intensity running, jogging has less stress on bones and joints, which effectively reduces the risk of injury. Therefore, if you just want to get healthy, it is more appropriate to run slowly.

However, many people in the running world take "speed is everything" as a motto. They think that only the faster they run can they be called a real runner.

Excessive pursuit of speed can lead to overconfidence and arrogance.At the same time, other important factors may be ignored. Therefore, while pursuing speed, we should also be careful not to ignore other important factors.

Some runners think it is an honor to run at a fast speed, as if they are the best, but they are dismissive of joggers. But in fact, whether running fast or jogging, they can make runners healthy and happy, and this is the most important thing.

Therefore, runners should respect each other and enjoy the fun of running together, instead of comparing and belittling each other. Encourage each other with a friendly attitude in order to gain greater happiness and sense of accomplishment.

By encouraging each other, they can get more happiness in running and have more motivation to achieve their goals.

Running is a sport that requires perseverance and continuous efforts.Any runner will go through a long process from slow to fast and from short to long. Only by perseverance can we achieve our goals and reach the best state.

With the development of the times, the number of runners is increasing, but not many people can really persist. This phenomenon shows the difficulty of persisting in running.

In fact, as long as you master the correct posture, training methods, and have a good mentality and perseverance, anyone can slowly improve their running speed and endurance.

As a runner, it is very important to master the proper rhythm. Sometimes, slowing down can help you protect yourself better and reduce the possibility of injury, and running without injury is the destination of runners. Therefore, at an appropriate time, runners should control their own pace and slow themselves down as much as possible.

Therefore, many mature runners know that,Slow is the premise of fast.Only in this way can we make our running career more dynamic and lasting.

Now, we are exposed to a lot of information every day, which comes from the internet, media, colleagues, friends and so on. Sometimes, we will be confused by this information and even have an impact on our own judgment.

Therefore, while receiving information, we should cultivate our independent thinking ability and form our own opinions, instead of being influenced by some short videos, some remarks or blindly following others.

Always stick to your original intention of running.Know where your physical limit is, recognize your own shortcomings and run with thinking. Only in this way can you see the truth and understand how to run is the most suitable for you.

Take running as a pleasure, not as a burden.

If we regard running as a way to communicate with nature and others, we can keep healthy and have fun at leisure, then we can enjoy the benefits of running more.

Recently, more and more people begin to pay attention to the process of running, rather than simply pursuing the speed and distance of running, so as to achieve both psychological and physical gains. Don’t let speed, distance and other indicators become a kind of pressure, but use them as our own source of motivation, which can help us enjoy the fun brought by running better and reduce the physical and psychological burden of running.

We can integrate running into our life in many ways to improve our physical and mental health:

First of all, in order to make running more effective, you shouldEstablish a running plan and timetable that suits you.. According to your work, living habits and physical condition, combined with reasonable running intensity and running time, make an effective running plan.

Secondly, in order to make running more interesting, in addition to choosing a beautiful running route, you can also run with your family and friends.Increase the fun and interactivity of running..

Finally, you can record your running status and development by using running applications or watches.Provide evaluation and feedback for your running process.In order to adjust your running plan and goals.

In short, integrating running into our life can help us improve our physical health, mental state, work efficiency, relax our body and mind, release our energy, and let us have a healthier and more active life.

If you want to make greater achievements in running, you should find the speed that suits you best, instead of rushing for success. shouldPut health first.Only by accumulating slowly can we make greater progress!

Do you have any requirements for your pace? Welcome to discuss!

Tatum: I also told a joke in the third quarter. Mazula’s joke is not funny.

Live on February 10 th, today’s NBA regular season, the Celtics beat the Wizards 133-129 at home. After the game, Tatum was interviewed by reporters.

Talking about the jokes told by coach Mazula in the third quarter, Tatum said: "I told a joke in the third quarter, and Mazula also told a joke, but his joke was not funny, but it made us relax a little at that time."

Tatum made a comprehensive performance in this game. He played for 38 minutes, made 12 of 22 shots, made 3 of 10 of 3 points, made 8 of 9 free throws, scored 35 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists, plus 1 steal and 2 blocks. In the third quarter, the Celtics led 36-16.


@ "After 00": Remember these points to enrich your college life!

   With the coming of the school season, the first batch of "post-00" freshmen began to enter the university and officially started their college life. How to plan their college life? Remember that these points will enrich your college life.

   Do you know the time of these textual research?

   College English Band 4 and Band 6

   CET-4 and CET-6 are held twice a year in June and December. The perfect score of CET-4 and CET-6 is 710, and the score of 425 or above is passed.

   Computer rank examination

   The national computer grade examination is divided into four levels, and general majors are required to pass the first level examination, master the basic knowledge of computers and use common office software. Some units will also require to pass the computer level 2 exam when recruiting. Generally speaking, the examination of computer level 3 and 4 is only required for students majoring in computer science. The computer grade examination takes the form of computer test, with a perfect score of 100 and a score of 60 being qualified, among which the first and second grade examinations are held in December every year.

   Putonghua proficiency test

   The level of Putonghua is divided into three levels and six levels, that is, one, two and three levels, and each level is divided into two grades: A and B; The first grade is the highest, and the third grade is the lowest. The examination time of Putonghua test varies from place to place, and the registration time and examination time announced in that year shall prevail.

   There are many types of certificates that can be obtained during college. You can choose according to your own professional requirements and career development direction, and you can also choose according to your own hobbies, such as teacher qualification certificate, psychological consultant certificate, human resources qualification certificate, and minority language examination.

   Life | Have you ever used these dormitory "artifacts"?

   Bedside shelf

   Students who like reading and studying in bed often find it troublesome to take things, but with the bedside shelf, mobile phones and books can be placed directly in the shelf, which is convenient and beautiful.

   Folding desk on bed

   The folding desk can not only adjust the angle at will to meet your sitting or leaning posture, but also be folded back to the bed directly after use.

   Shading bed curtain

   In university dormitories, roommates have different work and rest habits. Sometimes they want to sleep, but they still have the lights on. At this time, the shading bed curtain can meet your needs well. When the bed curtain is closed, you can have your own privacy.

   Non-slip mat

   If you live in the upper bunk, then you need this anti-skid pad. Climbing up and down every day, if you put anti-slip mats on the ladder, you will not only feel at ease when you get on and off the bed, but also don’t have to worry that your feet will be frozen in winter.

   Creative storage box

   Stationery, accessories, and various gadgets are placed directly on the table, which not only looks a little messy, but also tends to be forgotten. At this time, a creative storage box can help you, easily tidy up and have a neat desk.

   Student mini electric cooker

   There are too many people in the canteen? Is the takeaway unsanitary? Then why not do it yourself in the dormitory? The mini electric cooker can cook porridge to meet daily needs. When you are interested, you can also have a small hot pot in the dormitory, but you must pay attention to the wattage of the electric cooker not to exceed the dormitory limit.

   egg cooker

   It takes a few minutes to get up every morning to cook delicious boiled eggs, which are nutritious and hygienic, so you don’t have to rush to the cafeteria to grab breakfast every day! But pay attention to the fresh preservation of eggs in the bedroom.

   Do you know these rules of interpersonal communication?

   Improve initiative

   In a strange environment, we will have a certain sense of distance to strangers. In terms of personality, introverts don’t like dealing with people very much, but extroverts are different. He will take the initiative to deal with anyone and become a leader in interpersonal communication. In dealing with people, we should keep open-minded, which will help you make more friends.

   Consider the feelings of others

   In daily communication, if everything requires others to do according to their own ideas, regardless of other people’s opinions, others will certainly not like it. If you don’t care about other people’s thoughts and feelings and don’t give others face, then others will definitely not be willing to associate with you. Therefore, in the process of communication, we should grasp a degree and consider the feelings of others.

   Don’t force your temper on others.

   Everyone has a bad mood. When we have a temper, we should learn to control our temper, learn self-control, learn self-guidance, and control our temper.

   Improve self-confidence

   Social phobia is a psychological disorder. Many people will have a kind of lonely bad mood because of their inner fear of socializing or self-distrust. In fact, people’s social skills are not innate, but need to be nurtured by the acquired environment and consciously cultivated. Therefore, we should improve our self-confidence and strive to overcome social fears.

   Upgrade | Freshmen Promotion Raiders

   Learn to "break up"

   Just entering the university, many students are easy to fall into ‘ Multi-line operation ’ I am busy every day, but I feel that my life is not full after I calm down. In the end, a person can only choose a life path, follow his heart and live the life he wants, in order to have a full life. In college, do ‘ Addition ’ It is not an endless increase, but it will be done eventually ‘ Subtraction ’ .

   Learn to turn knowledge into wisdom.

   The great difference between universities and high schools is that the evaluation system of universities is diversified. Outstanding contributions in sports, literature and art will be recognized. Many freshmen score well in the college entrance examination, but their goals are not clear. As soon as they enter the school, they will be particularly confused and don’t know where their long-term goals are. Freshmen can no longer stay at the knowledge level as before, but also keep learning to turn knowledge into wisdom and adjust themselves appropriately.

   foster a lofty ideal

   Nowadays, there is a phenomenon of "hollow disease" among college students, which means that some college students feel that life is meaningless, they are very confused about life, they don’t know what they want, they often feel tired, lonely and depressed, they feel that learning and life are meaningless, they have no hope for the future, and they are hollowed out physically and mentally. Rejecting "hollowness", students should learn to govern themselves, shoulder social responsibilities bravely, have lofty ideals, long-term planning and short-term goals, dare to dream, dare to pursue dreams and be diligent in interpreting dreams.

   Accept imperfection

   Some people say that "the post-00 generation" is a "strawberry youth holding a mobile phone", so you can’t press it or touch it, so you should take care of it. There are two main stages for college students, namely, acceptance and establishment. First of all, learn to accept, accept imperfections, accept differences, and accept constant changes. Only by accepting and acknowledging others’ differences can our differences be accepted. This is a process of growth.

   (Comprehensive China Network, People’s Network, China Youth Daily)

How does love affect our lives?

Original title: How does love affect our lives?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, which has a far-reaching impact on our lives.

First of all, love can bring happiness and happiness. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, which makes us feel happy and happy. These chemicals can make us feel more relaxed and happy, so that we are full of enthusiasm and vitality for life. Secondly, love can also bring growth and change. When we fall in love with someone, we will work hard to better meet each other’s expectations, so as to promote our continuous progress and growth. At the same time, we will be inspired and influenced by each other’s advantages, so as to change our own shortcomings and deficiencies. Finally, love can also bring pain and trouble. When we lose love, we will feel heartache and loss, and even lose confidence and hope in life. In addition, love will also make us face various challenges and difficulties, such as communication, trust, mutual support and so on.

Love is a double-edged sword, with both good side and painful side. Let’s learn to face the challenges and difficulties in love while enjoying the happiness and happiness brought by love.

Editor in charge:

The sexiest beauty in the world has 162 goddesses waiting for you to enjoy.

Original title: 162 goddesses are waiting for you to enjoy the sexiest beauty in the world.

& & Title &&The sexiest beauty in the world! 162 goddesses are waiting for you to enjoy. In this article, we will take you to enjoy a visual feast and enjoy 162 most attractive women from all over the world. Their beautiful styles vary from sweet and lovely girls to mature and attractive goddesses. Let’s explore the feast of the sexiest beauty in the world and find your favorite!

The strongest AI beauty artifact on the surface, Xiaobai can also get started immediately, free for a limited time, click on the experience →

Editor in charge:

Financial institutions pay close attention to "electric fraud" and stop losses in time to warm people’s hearts.

Zhongxin. com Shanxi News, January 10th Recently, China Bank Yuncheng Ruicheng Sub-branch received a special customer, Ms. Liu. In the process of handling business, Ms. Liu told the lobby manager that she had received a phone call from "customer service of a certain platform", saying that she had launched the service of "e-commerce live member of a certain platform". If she did not cancel the service, she would be charged 500 yuan every month for 12 consecutive months, totaling 6,000 yuan. Ms. Liu asked to cancel this service, and the other party guided her to download a new APP. After the download was completed, the other party instructed her to open credit cards, debit cards, etc. through this software, and asked the customer to transfer money to the designated bank account. At the same time, Ms. Liu also received a strange phone call from abroad. After analysis and judgment, the lobby manager helped Ms. Liu print out the recent bank card transaction flow and found that there was indeed a sum of money transferred to a strange account.
In order to reduce Ms. Liu’s economic loss, the lobby manager immediately chose to call the police and explained to the police the story of Ms. Liu’s fraud. At the same time, Ms. Liu was guided to handle the daily bank card limit business, and told that Ms. Liu must go to the relevant bank to handle credit card cancellation and other businesses to ensure the safety of her own funds. Finally, the customer thanked the lobby manager after finishing the business.
At present, telecom fraud and fraud are increasingly rampant. As the protector of customers’ property, Bank of China Yuncheng Branch will continue to devote itself to enhancing citizens’ awareness of anti-telecom network fraud through extensive publicity and in-depth education, and at the same time actively take measures to protect customers’ funds and information security, become customers’ financial partners, ensure their financial interests are fully protected, and protect their wealth and dreams! (End)

The weather is new to the future! Various places have launched colorful New Year’s Eve activities to welcome New Year’s Day.

CCTV News: On the first day of the New Year holiday, colorful lanterns and folk performances in many places will fill the atmosphere of welcoming the New Year. Citizens and tourists enjoy lanterns and special food in the garden and enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Nanchang, Jiangxi: New Year’s atmosphere of picking new year’s goods and hanging lanterns

Near the New Year, the festive atmosphere in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province is strong, and the red lanterns decorate the neighborhood. In the new year’s goods market next to Wanshou Palace, calendars, window grilles, Chinese knots and other new year’s goods have been put on the shelves, filled with festive atmosphere everywhere, attracting many citizens to come and buy.

Citizen Yuan Wei: The new year has a new atmosphere, just having time to buy new year’s goods with my sisters, such as desk calendars and window grilles, to dress up the family and add a festive atmosphere to the family.

Shaoxing, Zhejiang: The temple fair is lively and has rich folk activities.

Buy new year’s goods and visit temple fairs. At the site of the first Shanyin traditional temple fair in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the people in Fuheng Street, with a total length of more than 300 meters, were surging, and various booths were dizzying. There are more than 50 kinds of Shaoxing specialty foods, non-legacy products, etc., as well as a variety of Shaoxing local folk cultural activities.

Tourist Wu Lulu: It’s my first time to travel to Shaoxing, and I experienced the taste of old Shaoxing, which was very interesting.

Nanchong, Sichuan: Bright lights along Jialing River welcome the New Year.

On the banks of Jialing River in Nanchong, Sichuan, the Shangzhongba Bridge and landmark buildings are lit by bright lights, creating a strong festive atmosphere to welcome the arrival of 2024.

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia: The urban landscape is full of brilliance.

Various lanterns are also hung in the streets and alleys of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The city under the night is colorful, and the main streets, squares and traffic nodes in the city have set up different lighting landscapes.

Wang Zhandong, squadron leader of the Mobile Squadron of Huimin District Urban Management Bureau, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia: In Tongdao Street, we mainly use red and yellow lotus leaf lights and flexible light strips, which mainly reflects the theme of "lights for thousands of families".

Xiangyang, Hubei Province: Walking through the ancient streets and feeling the characteristic folk culture.

Visit ancient streets and enjoy folk customs. On the morning of the 30th, Guanjiaxiang Cultural Leisure Street in Xiangyang, Hubei officially opened. The Millennium Old Street is located in the ancient city wall of Xiangyang, and it reappears the fireworks of the city after repair. The block covers different types of formats, such as the display of intangible cultural heritage with local characteristics, cultural and creative shopping, the exhibition of special agricultural products, homestay hotels, etc. The lingering charm of ancient style is integrated with modern commerce, allowing citizens and tourists to truly enter history and feel folk customs.

Citizen Huang Jun: In 2024, with the carp lamp behind us, I wish our life prosperous, carp yue longmen.

Editor: Jassamyn Liu Editor: Liu Liang


China-Central and Eastern European SMEs’ Video Information Exchange and Fair Held in Beijing

  Cctv news(Reporter Li Yinan) On June 16th, China with the theme of "Smooth information exchange and activating enterprise cooperation" — The video information exchange and fair for SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe to resume their work and production were held at the main venue in Beijing and Cangzhou Branch. China was officially launched at the meeting — An online service platform for SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe, and a list of information and activities of SMEs from China and Central and Eastern European countries.

Speech by lu shan, Deputy Director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Speech by lu shan, Deputy Director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Lu shan, deputy director of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in his speech that with the improvement of epidemic situation in various countries, both China and Central and Eastern European countries are facing new challenges in restoring their economies and ensuring people’s livelihood, and accelerating the resumption of work and production and restoring economic and social order has become the common goal of all governments. For China and Central and Eastern European countries, small and medium-sized enterprises are not only an important source for countries to maintain economic vitality, but also a "main force" to absorb employment, shouldering the livelihood needs of thousands of families in Qian Qian. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the China Municipal Government has actively taken measures to provide strong support for boosting the development momentum of small and medium-sized enterprises in China from the aspects of expanding total demand and increasing financial support to market players. At the same time, China is also willing to strengthen information exchange with Central and Eastern European countries, build more platforms for SMEs of both sides to resume work and cooperation, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on the development of SMEs in various countries. Lu shan expressed the hope that all parties will focus on strengthening cooperation in resuming work and production, cultivating new growth momentum, making good use of platforms and expanding cooperation, and actively set up a "fast track" for business people from relevant countries to resume work and production in China.

Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech by video.

Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech by video.

  Mario Antuoni, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Economic Affairs, delivered a speech on the cooperation between the two sides. He said that the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Croatia is under great pressure due to the epidemic situation, and the cooperation platform between 17 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and China can play an important role, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win through complementary advantages. He believes that this exchange and dialogue is an important manifestation of cooperation and exchanges between the two sides, and hopes to further strengthen China — The economic cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Central and Eastern European countries ensures that small and medium-sized enterprises can rely on stable economic policies and a strong business environment to alleviate the economic pressure caused by the epidemic.

On-site check-in of the participating guests

On-site check-in of the participating guests

  The meeting was hosted by China — Secretariat for Cooperation of Central and Eastern European Countries, China — Sponsored by the Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism for SMEs in Central and Eastern European Countries (led by Croatia), SME Development Promotion Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cangzhou Municipal People’s Government, China — Organized by the Central and Eastern Europe (Cangzhou) SME Cooperation Zone, a total of 157 SMEs from China and 135 SMEs and institutions from Central and Eastern Europe participated in the online meeting, and conducted economic and trade negotiations in accordance with the four sections of "Industry, Industrial Manufacturing", "Trade and Investment, Agriculture", "Tourism, People-to-People Exchange" and "Health Care", and signed 29 memorandums of cooperation and reached 19 cooperation intentions.